@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- * This script allows installing Dokeos from the command line, using a list of
- * parameters (launch the command alone to see a list of parameters).
- * This script uses the classical web-based files as a base and prepares the
- * parameters correspndingly
- */
- * Environment initialization - prepare the environment to execute this script
- */
-if (PHP_SAPI!='cli') {
- die('This script has to be launched from the command line!');
-// Some constants
-define('INSTALL_TYPE_UPDATE', 'update');
-define('MAX_FORM_FIELD_LENGTH', 80);
-define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'english');
-// Character set during installation: ISO-8859-15 for Latin 1 languages, UTF-8 for other languages.
-$charset = 'UTF-8';
-if (isset($install_language))
- // TODO: This is for backward compatibility. Actually, all the languages may use UTF-8.
- $charset = 'ISO-8859-15';
-header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='. $charset);
-//api_set_default_encoding($charset); // Initialization of the default encoding that will be used by the string routines.
-require_once 'install_upgrade.lib.php'; //also defines constants
-require_once 'install_functions.inc.php';
- * Inclusion initialization - includes necessary Dokeos libs
- */
-require dirname(__FILE__).'/../inc/lib/main_api.lib.php';
- * Check parameters
- */
-if ($argc <= 10) {
- echo "\nWARNING: This script will install the Dokeos portal from the\n".
- "command line. As such, it is considered dangerous and should be\n" .
- "used with caution, providing the following parameters in order.\n\n" .
- "USAGE: php5 cli_install.php -l username -p userpass\n" .
- " -U dbuser -P dbpass -u 'http://new.dokeos.com/'\n" .
- " [-L 'portal_language_name'] [-H 'db_host'] [-X 'db_prefix']\n".
- " [-M 'main_db'] [-S 'stats_db'] [-R 'user_db'] [-t enable_tracking_true_false]\n".
- " [-m single_db_true_false] [-r allow_self_registration_true_false]\n".
- " [-q allow_self_registration_teacher_true_false]\n [-n sys_abs_path_to_dokeos_root]".
- " [-e encrypt_pass_md5_sha1_none] [-z 'admin_mail'] [-f 'admin_fname']\n".
- " [-g 'admin_lname'] [-t 'admin_phone'] [-c 'campus_name']\n".
- " [-y 'My company'] [-w 'http://www.dokeos.com']\n\n";
-$opts = 'l:p:U:P:u:L:H:X:M:S:R:t:m:r:q:e:z:f:g:t:c:y:w:';
-$params = getopt($opts);
-$error = false;
-if (empty($params['l'])) {
- echo " -l param must be defined.\n";
- $error = true;
-if (empty($params['p'])) {
- echo " -p param must be defined.\n";
- $error = true;
-if (empty($params['U'])) {
- echo " -U param must be defined.\n";
- $error = true;
-if (empty($params['P'])) {
- echo " -P param must be defined.\n";
- $error = true;
-if (empty($params['u'])) {
- echo " -u param must be defined.\n";
- $error = true;
-if ($error === true) { die('Please ensure you type the command correctly.'."\n\n"); }
-$config = array();
- * Init default values
- */
-// Values without default (mandatory)
-$loginForm = $loginForm = $params['l'];
-$passForm = $params['p'];
-$dbUsernameForm = $params['U'];
-$dbPassForm = $params['P'];
-$urlForm = $params['u'];
-$installType = 'new';
-// Values with defaults
-$languageForm = 'english';
-if (!empty($params['L'])) { $languageForm = $params['L']; }
-$dbHostForm = 'localhost';
-if (!empty($params['H'])) { $dbHostForm = $params['H']; }
-$dbPrefixForm = 'dokeos_';
-if (!empty($params['X'])) { $dbPrefixForm = $params['X']; }
-$dbNameForm = 'main';
-if (!empty($params['M'])) { $dbNameForm = $params['M']; }
-$dbStatsForm = 'stats';
-if (!empty($params['S'])) { $dbStatsForm = $params['S']; }
-$dbUserForm = 'user';
-if (!empty($params['R'])) { $dbUserForm = $params['R']; }
-$enableTrackingForm = true;
-if (!empty($params['t'])) { $enableTrackingForm = getBoolFromString($params['t']); }
-$singleDbForm = false;
-if (!empty($params['m'])) { $singleDbForm = getBoolFromString($params['m']); }
-$allowSelfReg = 'false';
-if (!empty($params['r'])) { $allowSelfReg = $params['r']; }
-$allowSelfRegProf = 'false';
-if (!empty($params['q'])) { $allowSelfRegProf = $params['q']; }
-$encryptPassForm = 'md5';
-if (!empty($params['e'])) { $encryptPassForm = $params['e']; }
-$emailForm = 'admin@localhost';
-if (!empty($params['z'])) { $emailForm = $params['z']; }
-$adminFirstName = 'John';
-if (!empty($params['f'])) { $adminFirstName = $params['f']; }
-$adminLastName = 'Doe';
-if (!empty($params['g'])) { $adminLastName = $params['g']; }
-$adminPhoneForm = '';
-if (!empty($params['t'])) { $adminPhoneForm = $params['t']; }
-$campusForm = 'My Campus';
-if (!empty($params['c'])) { $campusForm = $params['c']; }
-$institutionForm = 'My company';
-if (!empty($params['y'])) { $institutionForm = $params['y']; }
-$institutionUrlForm = 'http://www.dokeos.com/';
-if (!empty($params['w'])) { $institutionUrlForm = $params['w']; }
-$pathForm = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../..');
-if (!empty($params['n'])) { $pathForm = $params['n']; }
-echo "All params collected, now starting install...\n\n";
-echo "Installation completed! Please browse $urlForm \nwith login $loginForm/$passForm to ensure the installation is OK...\n\n";
- * Convert string to bool
- * @param string 'true' or 'false'
- * @param bool true or false
- */
-function getBoolFromString($b) {
- return ($b=='true'?true:false);