@@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@ class Exercise
return $id;
- public function show_button($question_id, $questionNum, $questions_in_media = array()) {
+ public function show_button($question_id, $questionNum, $questions_in_media = array(), $currentAnswer = '') {
global $origin, $safe_lp_id, $safe_lp_item_id, $safe_lp_item_view_id;
$nbrQuestions = $this->get_count_question_list();
@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@ class Exercise
$questions_in_media = "['".implode("','",$questions_in_media)."']";
$all_button .= ' <a href="javascript://" class="'.$class.'" onclick="save_question_list('.$questions_in_media.'); ">'.$label.'</a>';
} else {
- $all_button .= ' <a href="javascript://" class="'.$class.'" onclick="save_now('.$question_id.'); ">'.$label.'</a>';
+ $all_button .= ' <a href="javascript://" class="'.$class.'" onclick="save_now('.$question_id.', \'\', \''.$currentAnswer.'\'); ">'.$label.'</a>';
$all_button .= '<span id="save_for_now_'.$question_id.'" class="exercise_save_mini_message"></span> ';
@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ class Exercise
error_log('$answerType: '.$answerType);
- if ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER || $answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION) {
+ if ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER || $answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION || $answerType == CALCULATED_ANSWER) {
$nbrAnswers = 1;
@@ -2521,6 +2521,102 @@ class Exercise
+ // for calculated answer
+ $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($_SESSION['calculatedAnswerId'][$questionId]);
+ $preArray = explode('@@', $answer);
+ $last = count($preArray) - 1;
+ $answer = '';
+ for ($k = 0; $k < $last; $k++) {
+ $answer .= $preArray[$k];
+ }
+ $answerWeighting = array($answerWeighting);
+ // we save the answer because it will be modified
+ $temp = $answer;
+ $answer = '';
+ $j = 0;
+ //initialise answer tags
+ $userTags = $correctTags = $realText = array();
+ // the loop will stop at the end of the text
+ while (1) {
+ // quits the loop if there are no more blanks (detect '[')
+ if (($pos = api_strpos($temp, '[')) === false) {
+ // adds the end of the text
+ $answer = $temp;
+ $realText[] = $answer;
+ break; //no more "blanks", quit the loop
+ }
+ // adds the piece of text that is before the blank
+ //and ends with '[' into a general storage array
+ $realText[] = api_substr($temp, 0, $pos +1);
+ $answer .= api_substr($temp, 0, $pos +1);
+ //take the string remaining (after the last "[" we found)
+ $temp = api_substr($temp, $pos +1);
+ // quit the loop if there are no more blanks, and update $pos to the position of next ']'
+ if (($pos = api_strpos($temp, ']')) === false) {
+ // adds the end of the text
+ $answer .= $temp;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($from_database) {
+ $queryfill = "SELECT answer FROM ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT."
+ exe_id = '".$exeId."' AND
+ question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
+ $resfill = Database::query($queryfill);
+ $str = Database::result($resfill, 0, 'answer');
+ api_preg_match_all('#\[([^[]*)\]#', $str, $arr);
+ $str = str_replace('\r\n', '', $str);
+ $choice = $arr[1];
+ if (isset($choice[$j])) {
+ $tmp = api_strrpos($choice[$j], ' / ');
+ $choice[$j] = api_substr($choice[$j], 0, $tmp);
+ $choice[$j] = trim($choice[$j]);
+ // Needed to let characters ' and " to work as part of an answer
+ $choice[$j] = stripslashes($choice[$j]);
+ } else {
+ $choice[$j] = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This value is the user input, not escaped while correct answer is escaped by fckeditor
+ $choice[$j] = api_htmlentities(trim($choice[$j]));
+ }
+ $userTags[] = $choice[$j];
+ //put the contents of the [] answer tag into correct_tags[]
+ $correctTags[] = api_substr($temp, 0, $pos);
+ $j++;
+ $temp = api_substr($temp, $pos +1);
+ }
+ $answer = '';
+ $realCorrectTags = $correctTags;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($realCorrectTags); $i++) {
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $answer .= $realText[0];
+ }
+ // Needed to parse ' and " characters
+ $userTags[$i] = stripslashes($userTags[$i]);
+ if ($correctTags[$i] == $userTags[$i]) {
+ // gives the related weighting to the student
+ $questionScore += $answerWeighting[$i];
+ // increments total score
+ $totalScore += $answerWeighting[$i];
+ // adds the word in green at the end of the string
+ $answer .= $correctTags[$i];
+ } elseif (!empty($userTags[$i])) {
+ // else if the word entered by the student IS NOT the same as the one defined by the professor
+ // adds the word in red at the end of the string, and strikes it
+ $answer .= '<font color="red"><s>' . $userTags[$i] . '</s></font>';
+ } else {
+ // adds a tabulation if no word has been typed by the student
+ $answer .= ''; // remove that causes issue
+ }
+ // adds the correct word, followed by ] to close the blank
+ $answer .= ' / <font color="green"><b>' . $realCorrectTags[$i] . '</b></font>]';
+ if (isset($realText[$i +1])) {
+ $answer .= $realText[$i +1];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
// for free answer
if ($from_database) {
@@ -2745,32 +2841,36 @@ class Exercise
//if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($feedback_type, $answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect, 0, 0, 0, $results_disabled);
- } elseif($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
//if ($origin!='learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_multiple_answer_true_false($feedback_type, $answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,0,$questionId,0, $results_disabled);
// if ($origin!='learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_multiple_answer_combination_true_false($feedback_type, $answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,0,0,0, $results_disabled);
- } elseif($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
//if ($origin!='learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_fill_in_blanks_answer($feedback_type, $answer,0,0);
// }
- } elseif($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == CALCULATED_ANSWER) {
+ //if ($origin!='learnpath') {
+ ExerciseShowFunctions::display_calculated_answer($feedback_type, $answer,0,0);
+ // }
+ } elseif ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) {
//if($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_free_answer($feedback_type, $choice, $exeId, $questionId, $questionScore);
- } elseif($answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION) {
// to store the details of open questions in an array to be used in mail
//if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_oral_expression_answer($feedback_type, $choice, 0, 0, $nano);
- } elseif($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT) {
//if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_hotspot_answer($feedback_type, $answerId, $answer, $studentChoice, $answerComment, $results_disabled);
// }
- } elseif($answerType == HOT_SPOT_ORDER) {
+ } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_ORDER) {
//if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_hotspot_order_answer($feedback_type, $answerId, $answer, $studentChoice, $answerComment);
@@ -2964,6 +3064,9 @@ class Exercise
ExerciseShowFunctions::display_fill_in_blanks_answer($feedback_type, $answer,$exeId,$questionId);
+ ExerciseShowFunctions::display_calculated_answer($feedback_type, $answer, $exeId, $questionId);
+ break;
echo ExerciseShowFunctions::display_free_answer($feedback_type, $choice, $exeId, $questionId, $questionScore);
@@ -3197,7 +3300,6 @@ class Exercise
'threadhold3'=> $threadhold3,
if ($from == 'exercise_result') {
// if answer is hotspot. To the difference of exercise_show.php, we use the results from the session (from_db=0)
// TODO Change this, because it is wrong to show the user some results that haven't been stored in the database yet