Browse Source

[svn r21642] lengthens the list of extensions that are not allowed in the advanced editor

Juan Carlos Raña 15 years ago
1 changed files with 248 additions and 248 deletions
  1. 248 248

+ 248 - 248

@@ -1,248 +1,248 @@
-	/**
-	 * sysem base config setting
-	 * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
-	 * @link
-	 * @since 1/August/2007
-	 *
-	 *
-	 * Modify system config setting for Dokeos
-	 * @author Juan Carlos Raña
-	 * @since 31/December/2008
-	 */
-//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);	
-	//Access Control Setting
-	/**
-	 * turn off => false
-	 * by session => true
-	 */
-	define('CONFIG_ACCESS_CONTROL_MODE', false); 	
-	define("CONFIG_LOGIN_USERNAME", 'ajax');
-	define('CONFIG_LOGIN_PASSWORD', '123456');
-	define('CONFIG_LOGIN_PAGE', 'ajax_login.php'); //the url to the login page
-		/**
-		 * turn it on when you have this system for demo purpose
-		*  that means changes made to each image is not physically applied to it 
-		*  and all uploaded files/created folders will be removed automatically
-		*/
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_DEMO_ENABLE', false); 
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_VIEW_ONLY', false); //diabled the system, view only
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_ENABLE', true);//REMOVE THE thumbnail view if false
-	//User Permissions
-	//Hack by Juan Carlos Raña Trabado
-	if(empty($_course['path']))
-	{
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', true);
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', true);
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', true);
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
-		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor	
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(api_is_allowed_to_edit())
-		{	
-		//api_is_allowed_to_edit() from Dokeos
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor
-		}
-		else
-		{		
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', false);
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
-			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor
-		}
-	}
-		/*
-		* CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH is the default folder where the files would be uploaded to
-			and it must be a folder under the CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH or the same folder
-			these two paths accept relative path only, don't use absolute path
-		*/
-			//define('CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH', '../uploaded/'); //accept relative path only
-			//define('CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH', '../uploaded/');	//accept relative path only
-	/////////////// Integration for Dokeos
-	if(!empty($_course['path']))
-	{
-		if(!empty($group_properties['directory']))
-		{		 
-			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';		   
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(api_is_allowed_to_edit())
-			{
-				$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';			   
-			}
-			else
-			{					
-				$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/shared_folder/sf_user_'.api_get_user_id().'/';					
-			}		   
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{	
-		if (api_is_platform_admin() && $_SESSION['this_section']=='platform_admin')
-		{
-			//home page portal
-			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../home/default_platform_document/';
-		}
-		else
-		{		
-			//my profile
-			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';	
-		}
-	}
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH', $PathDokeosAjaxFileManager);
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH', $PathDokeosAjaxFileManager);		
-	////////////// end dokeos
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_FOLDER_SHOWN_ON_TOP', true); //show your folders on the top of list if true or order by name	
-	define("CONFIG_SYS_DIR_SESSION_PATH", session_save_path()); // Hack by Juan Carlos Raña 
-	define("CONFIG_SYS_PATTERN_FORMAT", 'list'); //three options: reg ,csv, list, this option define the parttern format for the following patterns
-		/**
-		 * reg => regulare expression
-		 * csv => a list of comma separated file/folder name, (exactly match the specified file/folders)
-		 * list => a list of comma spearated vague file/folder name (partially match the specified file/folders)
-		 *
-		 */
-	//more details about regular expression please visit
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN', ''); //force listing of folders with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN', ''); //will prevent listing of folders with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN', ''); //force listing of fiels with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN', ''); //will prevent listing of files with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
-	define('CONFIG_SYS_DELETE_RECURSIVE', 1); //delete all contents within a specific folder if set to be 1
-	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_MAXSIZE', 50000 * 1024 ); //by bytes For Dokeos upgrade from 50 to 50000 (50MB)
-	define('CONFIG_EDITABLE_VALID_EXTS', 'txt,htm,html'); //make you include all these extension in CONFIG_UPLOAD_VALID_EXTS if you want all valid. For Dokeos exclude original xml, js and css
-	define('CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN', false); //overwirte when processing paste
-	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_VALID_EXTS', 'gif,jpg,png,bmp,tif,psd,zip,sit,rar,gz,tar,htm,html,mov,mpg,avi,asf,mpeg,wmv,aif,aiff,wav,mp3,swf, flv, mp4, aac, ppt,rtf,doc, pdf,xls,txt,flv,odt,ods,odp,odg,odc,odf,odb,odi,pps,docx,pptx,xlsx,accdb,xml');//For Dokeos updated
-	define("CONFIG_VIEWABLE_VALID_EXTS", 'gif,bmp,txt,jpg,png,tif,html,htm,mp3, wav,wmv,wma,rm,rmvb,mov,swf,flv,mp4,aac,avi,mpg,mpeg,asf');//For Dokeos updated
-	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_INVALID_EXTS', 'php,jar,sh,cgi,js,exe,com,bat,pif,scr,msi,ws,wsc,wsf,vb,vbe,vbs,reg,dll'); //For Dokeos added.
-	//Preview
-	define('CONFIG_IMG_THUMBNAIL_MAX_X', 100);
-	define('CONFIG_IMG_THUMBNAIL_MAX_Y', 100);
-		/**
-		 * Normally, you don't need to bother with CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT
-		 * Howerver, some Web Hosts do not have standard php.ini setting 
-		 * which you will find the file manager can not locate your files correctly
-		 * if you do have such issue, please change it to fit your system.
-		 * so what should you to do get it
-		 *   1. create a php script file (let's call it document_root.php)
-		 *   2. add the following codes in in 
-		 * 			<?php
-		 * 				echo dirname(__FILE__);
-		 * 			?>
-		 *   3. upload document_root.php to you website root folder which will only be reached when you visit or http://localhost/ at localhost computer
-		 *   4. run it via or http://localhost/docuent_root.php if localhost computer, the url has to be exactly like that 
-		 *   5. the value shown on the screen is CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT should be
-		 *   6. enjoy it
-		 * 		
-		 */
-	// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, JUN-2009.
-	define('CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT', rtrim(api_get_path(SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH), '/'));
-	//theme related setting
-			/*
-			*	options avaialbe for CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME are:
-					stand_alone
-					tinymce
-					fckeditor
-			*/
-	//CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME replaced CONFIG_THEME_MODE since @version 0.8			
-	define('CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['editor'])?secureFileName($_GET['editor']):'fckeditor')); // run mode fckeditor (Dokeos editor)
-	define('CONFIG_THEME_NAME', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['theme'])?secureFileName($_GET['theme']):'default'));  //change the theme to your custom theme rather than default
-	define('CONFIG_DEFAULT_VIEW', (CONFIG_SYS_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_ENABLE?'detail':'detail')); //thumnail or detail
-	define('CONFIG_LOAD_DOC_LATTER', false); //all documents will be loaded up after the template has been loaded to the client 
-	//General Option Declarations
-	/*
-	$langdoktoajaxfile= api_get_language_isocode(); //from dokeos. return, en, es... 
-	if ($langdoktoajaxfile=='en' || $langdoktoajaxfile=='zh' || $langdoktoajaxfile=='es') // ajaxfilemanager full translations (only with all variables translated).
-	{
-	   $langajaxfilemanager=$langdoktoajaxfile;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		$langajaxfilemanager='en';//default
-	}	
-	*/
-	@ $langajaxfilemanager = Database :: get_language_isocode($language_interface);
-	// Some code translations are needed.
-	$langajaxfilemanager = strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $langajaxfilemanager));
-	if (empty ($langajaxfilemanager))
-	{
-		$langajaxfilemanager = 'en';
-	}
-	switch ($langajaxfilemanager)
-	{
-		case 'uk':
-			$langajaxfilemanager = 'ukr';
-			break;
-		case 'pt':
-			$langajaxfilemanager = 'pt_pt';
-			break;
-		case 'pt-br':
-			$langajaxfilemanager = 'pt_br';
-			break;
-		// Code here other noticed exceptions.
-	}
-	// Checking for availability of a corresponding language file.
-	if (!file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/langs/'.$langajaxfilemanager.'.php'))
-	{
-		// If there was no language file, use the english one.
-		$langajaxfilemanager = 'en';
-	}
-	define('CONFIG_LANG_INDEX', 'language'); //the index in the session
-	define('CONFIG_LANG_DEFAULT', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['language']) && file_exists(DIR_LANG . secureFileName($_GET['language']) . '.php')?secureFileName($_GET['language']):$langajaxfilemanager)); //change it to be your language file base name, such en
+	/**
+	 * sysem base config setting
+	 * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
+	 * @link
+	 * @since 1/August/2007
+	 *
+	 *
+	 * Modify system config setting for Dokeos
+	 * @author Juan Carlos Raña
+	 * @since 31/December/2008
+	 */
+//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);	
+	//Access Control Setting
+	/**
+	 * turn off => false
+	 * by session => true
+	 */
+	define('CONFIG_ACCESS_CONTROL_MODE', false); 	
+	define("CONFIG_LOGIN_USERNAME", 'ajax');
+	define('CONFIG_LOGIN_PASSWORD', '123456');
+	define('CONFIG_LOGIN_PAGE', 'ajax_login.php'); //the url to the login page
+		/**
+		 * turn it on when you have this system for demo purpose
+		*  that means changes made to each image is not physically applied to it 
+		*  and all uploaded files/created folders will be removed automatically
+		*/
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_DEMO_ENABLE', false); 
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_VIEW_ONLY', false); //diabled the system, view only
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_ENABLE', true);//REMOVE THE thumbnail view if false
+	//User Permissions
+	//Hack by Juan Carlos Raña Trabado
+	if(empty($_course['path']))
+	{
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', true);
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', true);
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', true);
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
+		define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor	
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(api_is_allowed_to_edit())
+		{	
+		//api_is_allowed_to_edit() from Dokeos
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor
+		}
+		else
+		{		
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_DELETE', true);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_CUT', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER', true);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_RENAME', false);
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_UPLOAD', true); //
+			define('CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITABLE', false); //disable image editor and text editor
+		}
+	}
+		/*
+		* CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH is the default folder where the files would be uploaded to
+			and it must be a folder under the CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH or the same folder
+			these two paths accept relative path only, don't use absolute path
+		*/
+			//define('CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH', '../uploaded/'); //accept relative path only
+			//define('CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH', '../uploaded/');	//accept relative path only
+	/////////////// Integration for Dokeos
+	if(!empty($_course['path']))
+	{
+		if(!empty($group_properties['directory']))
+		{		 
+			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';		   
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(api_is_allowed_to_edit())
+			{
+				$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/';			   
+			}
+			else
+			{					
+				$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/shared_folder/sf_user_'.api_get_user_id().'/';					
+			}		   
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{	
+		if (api_is_platform_admin() && $_SESSION['this_section']=='platform_admin')
+		{
+			//home page portal
+			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../home/default_platform_document/';
+		}
+		else
+		{		
+			//my profile
+			$PathDokeosAjaxFileManager='../../../../../../../main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';	
+		}
+	}
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH', $PathDokeosAjaxFileManager);
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH', $PathDokeosAjaxFileManager);		
+	////////////// end dokeos
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_FOLDER_SHOWN_ON_TOP', true); //show your folders on the top of list if true or order by name	
+	define("CONFIG_SYS_DIR_SESSION_PATH", session_save_path()); // Hack by Juan Carlos Raña 
+	define("CONFIG_SYS_PATTERN_FORMAT", 'list'); //three options: reg ,csv, list, this option define the parttern format for the following patterns
+		/**
+		 * reg => regulare expression
+		 * csv => a list of comma separated file/folder name, (exactly match the specified file/folders)
+		 * list => a list of comma spearated vague file/folder name (partially match the specified file/folders)
+		 *
+		 */
+	//more details about regular expression please visit
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_INC_DIR_PATTERN', ''); //force listing of folders with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_EXC_DIR_PATTERN', ''); //will prevent listing of folders with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_INC_FILE_PATTERN', ''); //force listing of fiels with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_EXC_FILE_PATTERN', ''); //will prevent listing of files with such pattern(s). separated by , if multiple
+	define('CONFIG_SYS_DELETE_RECURSIVE', 1); //delete all contents within a specific folder if set to be 1
+	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_MAXSIZE', 50000 * 1024 ); //by bytes For Dokeos upgrade from 50 to 50000 (50MB)
+	define('CONFIG_EDITABLE_VALID_EXTS', 'txt,htm,html'); //make you include all these extension in CONFIG_UPLOAD_VALID_EXTS if you want all valid. For Dokeos exclude original xml, js and css
+	define('CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN', false); //overwirte when processing paste
+	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_VALID_EXTS', 'gif,jpg,png,bmp,tif,psd,zip,sit,rar,gz,tar,htm,html,mov,mpg,avi,asf,mpeg,wmv,aif,aiff,wav,mp3,swf, flv, mp4, aac, ppt,rtf,doc, pdf,xls,txt,flv,odt,ods,odp,odg,odc,odf,odb,odi,pps,docx,pptx,xlsx,accdb,xml');//For Dokeos updated
+	define("CONFIG_VIEWABLE_VALID_EXTS", 'gif,bmp,txt,jpg,png,tif,html,htm,mp3, wav,wmv,wma,rm,rmvb,mov,swf,flv,mp4,aac,avi,mpg,mpeg,asf');//For Dokeos updated
+	define('CONFIG_UPLOAD_INVALID_EXTS', 'php,php3,php4,php5,php6,phps,phtml,asp,aspx,jsp,cfm,cfc,pl,jar,sh,cgi,js,exe,com,bat,pif,scr,msi,ws,wsc,wsf,vb,vbe,vbs,reg,dll'); //For Dokeos added.
+	//Preview
+	define('CONFIG_IMG_THUMBNAIL_MAX_X', 100);
+	define('CONFIG_IMG_THUMBNAIL_MAX_Y', 100);
+		/**
+		 * Normally, you don't need to bother with CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT
+		 * Howerver, some Web Hosts do not have standard php.ini setting 
+		 * which you will find the file manager can not locate your files correctly
+		 * if you do have such issue, please change it to fit your system.
+		 * so what should you to do get it
+		 *   1. create a php script file (let's call it document_root.php)
+		 *   2. add the following codes in in 
+		 * 			<?php
+		 * 				echo dirname(__FILE__);
+		 * 			?>
+		 *   3. upload document_root.php to you website root folder which will only be reached when you visit or http://localhost/ at localhost computer
+		 *   4. run it via or http://localhost/docuent_root.php if localhost computer, the url has to be exactly like that 
+		 *   5. the value shown on the screen is CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT should be
+		 *   6. enjoy it
+		 * 		
+		 */
+	// Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, JUN-2009.
+	define('CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT', rtrim(api_get_path(SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH), '/'));
+	//theme related setting
+			/*
+			*	options avaialbe for CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME are:
+					stand_alone
+					tinymce
+					fckeditor
+			*/
+	//CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME replaced CONFIG_THEME_MODE since @version 0.8			
+	define('CONFIG_EDITOR_NAME', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['editor'])?secureFileName($_GET['editor']):'fckeditor')); // run mode fckeditor (Dokeos editor)
+	define('CONFIG_THEME_NAME', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['theme'])?secureFileName($_GET['theme']):'default'));  //change the theme to your custom theme rather than default
+	define('CONFIG_DEFAULT_VIEW', (CONFIG_SYS_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_ENABLE?'detail':'detail')); //thumnail or detail
+	define('CONFIG_LOAD_DOC_LATTER', false); //all documents will be loaded up after the template has been loaded to the client 
+	//General Option Declarations
+	/*
+	$langdoktoajaxfile= api_get_language_isocode(); //from dokeos. return, en, es... 
+	if ($langdoktoajaxfile=='en' || $langdoktoajaxfile=='zh' || $langdoktoajaxfile=='es') // ajaxfilemanager full translations (only with all variables translated).
+	{
+	   $langajaxfilemanager=$langdoktoajaxfile;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$langajaxfilemanager='en';//default
+	}	
+	*/
+	@ $langajaxfilemanager = Database :: get_language_isocode($language_interface);
+	// Some code translations are needed.
+	$langajaxfilemanager = strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $langajaxfilemanager));
+	if (empty ($langajaxfilemanager))
+	{
+		$langajaxfilemanager = 'en';
+	}
+	switch ($langajaxfilemanager)
+	{
+		case 'uk':
+			$langajaxfilemanager = 'ukr';
+			break;
+		case 'pt':
+			$langajaxfilemanager = 'pt_pt';
+			break;
+		case 'pt-br':
+			$langajaxfilemanager = 'pt_br';
+			break;
+		// Code here other noticed exceptions.
+	}
+	// Checking for availability of a corresponding language file.
+	if (!file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/langs/'.$langajaxfilemanager.'.php'))
+	{
+		// If there was no language file, use the english one.
+		$langajaxfilemanager = 'en';
+	}
+	define('CONFIG_LANG_INDEX', 'language'); //the index in the session
+	define('CONFIG_LANG_DEFAULT', (CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_ENABLE && !empty($_GET['language']) && file_exists(DIR_LANG . secureFileName($_GET['language']) . '.php')?secureFileName($_GET['language']):$langajaxfilemanager)); //change it to be your language file base name, such en