Sfoglia il codice sorgente

Fixing SCORM export when using the Exact question

Julio Montoya 15 anni fa

+ 1 - 4

@@ -119,10 +119,7 @@ if (isset($_SESSION['gradebook'])){
 if (!empty($gradebook) && $gradebook=='view') {
-	$interbreadcrumb[]= array (
-			'url' => '../gradebook/'.$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'],
-			'name' => get_lang('Gradebook')
-		);
+	$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => '../gradebook/'.$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'],'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
 $fromlink = '';
 if($origin=='user_course') {

+ 36 - 6

@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ class ScormQuestion extends Question
 			case HOTSPOT:
 				$this->answer = new ScormAnswerHotspot($this->id);
+                $this->answer->questionJSId = $this->js_id;
+				break;
+				$this->answer = new ScormAnswerMultipleChoice($this->id, false);
                 $this->answer->questionJSId = $this->js_id;
 			default :
@@ -170,8 +174,10 @@ class ScormAnswerMultipleChoice extends Answer
 		$type = $this->getQuestionType();
 		$jstmpw = 'questions_answers_ponderation['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array();'."\n";
 		$jstmpw .= 'questions_answers_ponderation['.$this->questionJSId.'][0] = 0;'."\n";
-        if ($type == MCMA)
-        {
+		//not sure if we are going to export also the MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION to SCORM
+        //if ($type == MCMA  || $type == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION ) {
+		if ($type == MCMA ) {
         	//$questionTypeLang = get_lang('MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswers');
         	$id = 1;
         	$jstmp = '';
@@ -198,11 +204,35 @@ class ScormAnswerMultipleChoice extends Answer
 			$js .= 'questions_answers['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array('.substr($jstmp,0,-1).');'."\n";
 	    	$js .= 'questions_answers_correct['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array('.substr($jstmpc,0,-1).');'."\n";
-	    	$js .= 'questions_types['.$this->questionJSId.'] = \'mcma\';'."\n";
+	    	if ($type == MCMA) {
+	    		$js .= 'questions_types['.$this->questionJSId.'] = \'mcma\';'."\n";
+	    	} else {
+	    		$js .= 'questions_types['.$this->questionJSId.'] = \'exact\';'."\n";
+	    	}	    	
 	    	$js .= $jstmpw;
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } elseif ($type == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION) {
+        		//To this items we show the ThisItemIsNotExportable
+        	    $qId = $this->questionJSId;
+		    	$js = '';
+		    	$html = '<tr><td colspan="2"><table width="100%">' . "\n";
+				// some javascript must be added for that kind of questions
+				$html .= '<tr>' . "\n"
+						.	'<td>' . "\n"
+				    	. '<textarea name="question_'.$qId.'_free" id="question_'.$qId.'_free" rows="20" cols="100"></textarea>' . "\n"
+				    	.	'</td>' . "\n"
+				    	.	'</tr>' . "\n";
+				$html .= '</table></td></tr>' . "\n";
+				// currently the free answers cannot be displayed, so ignore the textarea
+				$html = '<tr><td colspan="2">'.get_lang('ThisItemIsNotExportable').'</td></tr>';
+				$js .= 'questions_answers['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array();'."\n";
+		    	$js .= 'questions_answers_correct['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array();'."\n";
+		    	$js .= 'questions_types['.$this->questionJSId.'] = \'free\';'."\n";
+				$jstmpw = 'questions_answers_ponderation['.$this->questionJSId.'] = new Array();'."\n";
+				$jstmpw .= 'questions_answers_ponderation['.$this->questionJSId.'][0] = 0;'."\n";
+		    	$jstmpw .= 'questions_answers_ponderation['.$this->questionJSId.'][1] = 0;'.";\n";
+		    	$js .= $jstmpw;
+		        return array($js,$html);
+        } else {
         	//$questionTypeLang = get_lang('MultipleChoiceUniqueAnswer');
         	$id = 1;
         	$jstmp = '';

+ 1 - 2

@@ -612,8 +612,7 @@ class ScormSection
 function export_exercise($exerciseId, $standalone=true)
     $exercise = new Exercise();
-    if (! $exercise->read($exerciseId))
-    {
+    if (! $exercise->read($exerciseId)) {
         return '';
     $ims = new ScormSection($exercise);

+ 46 - 0

@@ -629,6 +629,52 @@ function checkAnswers(interrupted)
 				//	interactionCorrectResponses += questions_answers_correct[idQuestion][k].toString()+',';
+			} else if(type == 'exact') {
+				// not yet implemented see scorm_classes.php ScormAnswerMultipleChoice::export() function 
+				/*
+				var interactionType = 'exact';
+				var myScore = 0;
+				var real_answers = new Array();
+				for(var j=0; j<questions_answers[idQuestion].length;j++) {
+					var idAnswer = questions_answers[idQuestion][j];
+					var answer   = document.getElementById('question_'+(idQuestion)+'_multiple_'+(idAnswer));
+					if (answer.checked == true) {
+						if(questions_answers_ponderation[idQuestion][idAnswer] != 0 ) {
+							real_answers[j] = true;
+						} else {
+							real_answers[j] = false;
+						}
+					} else {
+						if(questions_answers_ponderation[idQuestion][idAnswer] != 0) {
+							real_answers[j] = false;
+						} else {
+							real_answers[j] = true;
+						}
+					}
+					//alert(real_answers[j] +' ' + answer.checked + ' ' + questions_answers_ponderation[idQuestion][idAnswer]);
+				}
+				var final_answer = true;
+				for(var z=0; z<real_answers.length ;z++) {		
+		 			if (real_answers[z] == false) {
+			 			final_answer = false;
+			 		}		 	
+			 	}
+			 	if (final_answer == true) {
+			 		//getting only the first score where we save the weight of all the question 
+					myScore += questions_answers_ponderation[idQuestion][1];
+				}
+				interactionScore = myScore;
+				//correct responses work by pattern, see SCORM Runtime Env Doc
+				//for(k=0;k<questions_answers_correct[idQuestion].length;k++)
+				//{
+				//	interactionCorrectResponses += questions_answers_correct[idQuestion][k].toString()+',';
+				//}
+				scoreMax += questions_score_max[idQuestion];
+				*/