Procházet zdrojové kódy

Minor - flint fixes

Julio Montoya před 6 roky

+ 0 - 2

@@ -720,7 +720,6 @@ $form->addPanelOption(
 // ********** EXERCISE ********************* //
 if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_exercise_auto_launch')) {
     $globalGroup = [];
     // Auto launch exercise
@@ -762,7 +761,6 @@ if (api_get_configuration_value('allow_exercise_auto_launch')) {
 // *************** START THEMATIC  *************/

+ 1 - 1

@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ switch ($action) {
         $list = [];
         $tmp = [];
-        foreach ($toolList as $tool){
+        foreach ($toolList as $tool) {
             $tmp['id'] = $tool['id'];
             $tmp['name'] = Security::remove_XSS(stripslashes($tool['name']));

+ 7 - 7

@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ if ((api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) && (($finish == 0) || ($finish == 2)))
                 $fld = GenerateHpFolder($document_sys_path.$uploadPath.'/');
                 @mkdir($document_sys_path.$uploadPath.'/'.$fld, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
                 $doc_id = DocumentManager::addDocument($_course, '/HotPotatoes_files/'.$fld, 'folder', 0, $fld);
-                /*api_item_property_update(
-                    $_course,
-                    TOOL_DOCUMENT,
-                    $doc_id,
-                    'FolderCreated',
-                    api_get_user_id()
-                );*/
+            /*api_item_property_update(
+                $_course,
+                TOOL_DOCUMENT,
+                $doc_id,
+                'FolderCreated',
+                api_get_user_id()
+            );*/
             } else {
                 // It is not the first step... get the filename directly from the system params.
                 $filename = $_FILES['userFile']['name'];

+ 219 - 220

@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\Resource\ResourceRight;
 use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Framework\Container;
 use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Security\Authorization\Voter\ResourceNodeVoter;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CDocument;
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
 use Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity\User;
 use ChamiloSession as Session;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
  *  Class DocumentManager
@@ -6407,6 +6407,224 @@ class DocumentManager
         return $list;
+    /**
+     * Adds a new document to the database.
+     *
+     * @param array  $courseInfo
+     * @param string $path
+     * @param string $fileType
+     * @param int    $fileSize
+     * @param string $title
+     * @param string $comment
+     * @param int    $readonly
+     * @param int    $visibility       see ResourceLink constants
+     * @param int    $group_id
+     * @param int    $sessionId        Session ID, if any
+     * @param int    $userId           creator user id
+     * @param bool   $sendNotification
+     * @param string $content
+     * @param int    $parentId
+     *
+     * @return CDocument|false
+     */
+    public static function addDocument(
+        $courseInfo,
+        $path,
+        $fileType,
+        $fileSize,
+        $title,
+        $comment = null,
+        $readonly = 0,
+        $visibility = null,
+        $group_id = 0,
+        $sessionId = 0,
+        $userId = 0,
+        $sendNotification = true,
+        $content = '',
+        $parentId = 0
+    ) {
+        $userId = empty($userId) ? api_get_user_id() : $userId;
+        if (empty($userId)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $userEntity = api_get_user_entity($userId);
+        if (empty($userEntity)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $courseEntity = api_get_course_entity($courseInfo['real_id']);
+        if (empty($courseEntity)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $sessionId = empty($sessionId) ? api_get_session_id() : $sessionId;
+        $session = api_get_session_entity($sessionId);
+        $group = api_get_group_entity($group_id);
+        $readonly = (int) $readonly;
+        $em = Database::getManager();
+        $documentRepo = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CDocument');
+        $parentNode = null;
+        if (!empty($parentId)) {
+            $parent = $documentRepo->find($parentId);
+            if ($parent) {
+                $parentNode = $parent->getResourceNode();
+            }
+        }
+        $document = new CDocument();
+        $document
+            ->setCourse($courseEntity)
+            ->setPath($path)
+            ->setFiletype($fileType)
+            ->setSize($fileSize)
+            ->setTitle($title)
+            ->setComment($comment)
+            ->setReadonly($readonly)
+            ->setSession($session)
+        ;
+        $em->persist($document);
+        $em->flush();
+        $resourceNode = $documentRepo->addResourceNode($document, $userEntity);
+        $resourceNode->setParent($parentNode);
+        $document->setResourceNode($resourceNode);
+        // Only create a ResourseFile and Media if there's a file involved
+        if ($fileType === 'file') {
+            $mediaManager = Container::$container->get('');
+            /** @var \Chamilo\MediaBundle\Entity\Media $media */
+            $media = $mediaManager->create();
+            $media->setName($title);
+            $fileName = basename($path);
+            $extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+            $media->setContext('default');
+            $provider = '';
+            if (!in_array($extension, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'])) {
+                $provider = '';
+            }
+            $media->setProviderName($provider);
+            $media->setEnabled(true);
+            if ($content instanceof UploadedFile) {
+                $file = $content;
+                $media->setSize($file->getSize());
+            } else {
+                $handle = tmpfile();
+                fwrite($handle, $content);
+                $file = new \Sonata\MediaBundle\Extra\ApiMediaFile($handle);
+                $file->setMimetype($media->getContentType());
+            }
+            $media->setBinaryContent($file);
+            $mediaManager->save($media, true);
+            $resourceFile = new ResourceFile();
+            $resourceFile->setMedia($media);
+            $resourceFile->setName($title);
+            $em->persist($resourceFile);
+            $resourceNode->setResourceFile($resourceFile);
+            $em->persist($resourceNode);
+        }
+        // By default visibility is published
+        // @todo change visibility
+        //$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED;
+        if (is_null($visibility)) {
+            $visibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED;
+        }
+        $link = new ResourceLink();
+        $link
+            ->setCourse($courseEntity)
+            ->setSession($session)
+            ->setGroup($group)
+            //->setUser($toUser)
+            ->setResourceNode($resourceNode)
+            ->setVisibility($visibility)
+        ;
+        $rights = [];
+        switch ($visibility) {
+            case ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PENDING:
+            case ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DRAFT:
+                $editorMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getEditorMask();
+                $resourceRight = new ResourceRight();
+                $resourceRight
+                    ->setMask($editorMask)
+                    ->setRole(ResourceNodeVoter::ROLE_CURRENT_COURSE_TEACHER)
+                ;
+                $rights[] = $resourceRight;
+                break;
+        }
+        if (!empty($rights)) {
+            foreach ($rights as $right) {
+                $link->addResourceRight($right);
+            }
+        }
+        $em->persist($link);
+        $em->persist($document);
+        $em->flush();
+        $documentId = $document->getIid();
+        if ($documentId) {
+            $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
+            $sql = "UPDATE $table SET id = iid WHERE iid = $documentId";
+            Database::query($sql);
+            /*if ($saveVisibility) {
+                api_set_default_visibility(
+                    $documentId,
+                    TOOL_DOCUMENT,
+                    $group_id,
+                    $courseInfo,
+                    $sessionId,
+                    $userId
+                );
+            }*/
+            $allowNotification = api_get_configuration_value('send_notification_when_document_added');
+            if ($sendNotification && $allowNotification) {
+                $courseTitle = $courseInfo['title'];
+                if (!empty($sessionId)) {
+                    $sessionInfo = api_get_session_info($sessionId);
+                    $courseTitle .= ' ( '.$sessionInfo['name'].') ';
+                }
+                $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).
+                    'document/showinframes.php?cidReq='.$courseInfo['code'].'&id_session='.$sessionId.'&id='.$documentId;
+                $link = Display::url(basename($title), $url, ['target' => '_blank']);
+                $userInfo = api_get_user_info($userId);
+                $message = sprintf(
+                    get_lang('DocumentXHasBeenAddedToDocumentInYourCourseXByUserX'),
+                    $link,
+                    $courseTitle,
+                    $userInfo['complete_name']
+                );
+                $subject = sprintf(get_lang('NewDocumentAddedToCourseX'), $courseTitle);
+                MessageManager::sendMessageToAllUsersInCourse($subject, $message, $courseInfo, $sessionId);
+            }
+            return $document;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
      * Parse file information into a link.
@@ -6833,223 +7051,4 @@ class DocumentManager
         return $btn;
-    /**
-     * Adds a new document to the database.
-     *
-     * @param array  $courseInfo
-     * @param string $path
-     * @param string $fileType
-     * @param int    $fileSize
-     * @param string $title
-     * @param string $comment
-     * @param int    $readonly
-     * @param int    $visibility       see ResourceLink constants
-     * @param int    $group_id
-     * @param int    $sessionId        Session ID, if any
-     * @param int    $userId           creator user id
-     * @param bool   $sendNotification
-     * @param string $content
-     * @param int    $parentId
-     *
-     * @return CDocument|false
-     */
-    public static function addDocument(
-        $courseInfo,
-        $path,
-        $fileType,
-        $fileSize,
-        $title,
-        $comment = null,
-        $readonly = 0,
-        $visibility = null,
-        $group_id = 0,
-        $sessionId = 0,
-        $userId = 0,
-        $sendNotification = true,
-        $content = '',
-        $parentId = 0
-    ) {
-        $userId = empty($userId) ? api_get_user_id() : $userId;
-        if (empty($userId)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $userEntity = api_get_user_entity($userId);
-        if (empty($userEntity)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $courseEntity = api_get_course_entity($courseInfo['real_id']);
-        if (empty($courseEntity)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $sessionId = empty($sessionId) ? api_get_session_id() : $sessionId;
-        $session = api_get_session_entity($sessionId);
-        $group = api_get_group_entity($group_id);
-        $readonly = (int) $readonly;
-        $em = Database::getManager();
-        $documentRepo = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CDocument');
-        $parentNode = null;
-        if (!empty($parentId)) {
-            $parent = $documentRepo->find($parentId);
-            if ($parent) {
-                $parentNode = $parent->getResourceNode();
-            }
-        }
-        $document = new CDocument();
-        $document
-            ->setCourse($courseEntity)
-            ->setPath($path)
-            ->setFiletype($fileType)
-            ->setSize($fileSize)
-            ->setTitle($title)
-            ->setComment($comment)
-            ->setReadonly($readonly)
-            ->setSession($session)
-        ;
-        $em->persist($document);
-        $em->flush();
-        $resourceNode = $documentRepo->addResourceNode($document, $userEntity);
-        $resourceNode->setParent($parentNode);
-        $document->setResourceNode($resourceNode);
-        // Only create a ResourseFile and Media if there's a file involved
-        if ($fileType === 'file') {
-            $mediaManager = Container::$container->get('');
-            /** @var \Chamilo\MediaBundle\Entity\Media $media */
-            $media = $mediaManager->create();
-            $media->setName($title);
-            $fileName = basename($path);
-            $extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
-            $media->setContext('default');
-            $provider = '';
-            if (!in_array($extension, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'])) {
-                $provider = '';
-            }
-            $media->setProviderName($provider);
-            $media->setEnabled(true);
-            if ($content instanceof UploadedFile) {
-                $file = $content;
-                $media->setSize($file->getSize());
-            } else {
-                $handle = tmpfile();
-                fwrite($handle, $content);
-                $file = new \Sonata\MediaBundle\Extra\ApiMediaFile($handle);
-                $file->setMimetype($media->getContentType());
-            }
-            $media->setBinaryContent($file);
-            $mediaManager->save($media, true);
-            $resourceFile = new ResourceFile();
-            $resourceFile->setMedia($media);
-            $resourceFile->setName($title);
-            $em->persist($resourceFile);
-            $resourceNode->setResourceFile($resourceFile);
-            $em->persist($resourceNode);
-        }
-        // By default visibility is published
-        // @todo change visibility
-        //$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED;
-        if (is_null($visibility)) {
-            $visibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED;
-        }
-        $link = new ResourceLink();
-        $link
-            ->setCourse($courseEntity)
-            ->setSession($session)
-            ->setGroup($group)
-            //->setUser($toUser)
-            ->setResourceNode($resourceNode)
-            ->setVisibility($visibility)
-        ;
-        $rights = [];
-        switch ($visibility) {
-            case ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PENDING:
-            case ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DRAFT:
-                $editorMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getEditorMask();
-                $resourceRight = new ResourceRight();
-                $resourceRight
-                    ->setMask($editorMask)
-                    ->setRole(ResourceNodeVoter::ROLE_CURRENT_COURSE_TEACHER)
-                ;
-                $rights[] = $resourceRight;
-                break;
-        }
-        if (!empty($rights)) {
-            foreach ($rights as $right) {
-                $link->addResourceRight($right);
-            }
-        }
-        $em->persist($link);
-        $em->persist($document);
-        $em->flush();
-        $documentId = $document->getIid();
-        if ($documentId) {
-            $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
-            $sql = "UPDATE $table SET id = iid WHERE iid = $documentId";
-            Database::query($sql);
-            /*if ($saveVisibility) {
-                api_set_default_visibility(
-                    $documentId,
-                    TOOL_DOCUMENT,
-                    $group_id,
-                    $courseInfo,
-                    $sessionId,
-                    $userId
-                );
-            }*/
-            $allowNotification = api_get_configuration_value('send_notification_when_document_added');
-            if ($sendNotification && $allowNotification) {
-                $courseTitle = $courseInfo['title'];
-                if (!empty($sessionId)) {
-                    $sessionInfo = api_get_session_info($sessionId);
-                    $courseTitle .= ' ( '.$sessionInfo['name'].') ';
-                }
-                $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).
-                    'document/showinframes.php?cidReq='.$courseInfo['code'].'&id_session='.$sessionId.'&id='.$documentId;
-                $link = Display::url(basename($title), $url, ['target' => '_blank']);
-                $userInfo = api_get_user_info($userId);
-                $message = sprintf(
-                    get_lang('DocumentXHasBeenAddedToDocumentInYourCourseXByUserX'),
-                    $link,
-                    $courseTitle,
-                    $userInfo['complete_name']
-                );
-                $subject = sprintf(get_lang('NewDocumentAddedToCourseX'), $courseTitle);
-                MessageManager::sendMessageToAllUsersInCourse($subject, $message, $courseInfo, $sessionId);
-            }
-            return $document;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1502,7 +1502,6 @@ function search_img_from_html($html_file)
  * @param bool   $sendNotification        depends in conf setting "send_notification_when_document_added"
  * @return CDocument|false
- *
 function create_unexisting_directory(

+ 3 - 3

@@ -900,9 +900,9 @@ EOT;
      * @param string $name
      * @param string $label
-     * @param array $attributes
+     * @param array  $attributes
-     * @throws Exception if the file doesn't have an id
+     * @throws Exception            if the file doesn't have an id
      * @throws HTML_QuickForm_Error
     public function addFile($name, $label, $attributes = [])
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ EOT;
                 $this->addHidden($id.'_crop_result', '');
                 $this->addHidden($id.'_crop_image_base_64', '');
-        } catch (HTML_Quick|Form_Error $e) {
+        } catch (HTML_Quick | Form_Error $e) {

+ 17 - 17

@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 /* See license terms in /license.txt */
 use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Component\Utils\ChamiloApi;
-use Mpdf\Output\Destination;
-use Mpdf\Mpdf;
 use Masterminds\HTML5;
+use Mpdf\Mpdf;
+use Mpdf\Output\Destination;
  * Class PDF.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class PDF
      * Export the given HTML to PDF, using a global template.
      * @uses \export/table_pdf.tpl
- *
+     *
      * @param string     $content
      * @param bool|false $saveToFile
      * @param bool|false $returnHtml
@@ -188,20 +188,20 @@ class PDF
      * Converts HTML files to PDF.
-     * @param mixed  $htmlFileArray could be an html file path or an array
-     *                                with paths example:
-     *                                /var/www/myfile.html or array('/myfile.html','myotherfile.html') or
-     *                                even an indexed array with both 'title' and 'path' indexes
-     *                                for each element like
-     *                                array(
-     *                                0 => array('title'=>'Hello','path'=>'file.html'),
-     *                                1 => array('title'=>'Bye','path'=>'file2.html')
-     *                                );
+     * @param mixed  $htmlFileArray  could be an html file path or an array
+     *                               with paths example:
+     *                               /var/www/myfile.html or array('/myfile.html','myotherfile.html') or
+     *                               even an indexed array with both 'title' and 'path' indexes
+     *                               for each element like
+     *                               array(
+     *                               0 => array('title'=>'Hello','path'=>'file.html'),
+     *                               1 => array('title'=>'Bye','path'=>'file2.html')
+     *                               );
      * @param string $pdfName        pdf name
      * @param string $courseCode     (if you are using html that are located
-     *                                in the document tool you must provide this)
-     * @param bool   $print_title     add title
-     * @param bool   $complete_style  show header and footer if true
+     *                               in the document tool you must provide this)
+     * @param bool   $print_title    add title
+     * @param bool   $complete_style show header and footer if true
      * @param bool   $addStyle
      * @return false|null
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class PDF
      * @param string $document_html  valid html
      * @param string $css            CSS content of a CSS file
      * @param string $pdf_name       pdf name
-     * @param string $courseCode    course code
+     * @param string $courseCode     course code
      *                               (if you are using html that are located in the document tool you must provide this)
      * @param string $outputMode     the MPDF output mode can be:
      * @param bool   $saveInFile
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ class PDF
      * header, footer and watermark (if any).
      * @param array $courseInfo General course information (to fill headers)
-     * @param bool  $complete    Whether we want headers, footers and watermark or not
+     * @param bool  $complete   Whether we want headers, footers and watermark or not
     public function format_pdf($courseInfo, $complete = true)

+ 9 - 10

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\Repository\ItemPropertyRepository;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Component\CourseCopy\CourseArchiver;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Component\CourseCopy\CourseBuilder;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Component\CourseCopy\CourseRestorer;
-use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CDocument;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CItemProperty;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CLp;
 use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CLpCategory;
@@ -6876,7 +6875,7 @@ class learnpath
         $folder = false;
         //if (!is_dir($filepath.'/'.$dir)) {
-            $folderData = create_unexisting_directory(
+        $folderData = create_unexisting_directory(
@@ -6887,9 +6886,9 @@ class learnpath
-            if (!empty($folderData)) {
-                $folder = true;
-            }
+        if (!empty($folderData)) {
+            $folder = true;
+        }
         /*} else {
             $folder = true;
@@ -6925,7 +6924,7 @@ class learnpath
         if ($folder) {
             $filepath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course['path'].'/document';
             //if (!is_dir($filepath.'/'.$dir)) {
-                $folderData = create_unexisting_directory(
+            $folderData = create_unexisting_directory(
@@ -6935,11 +6934,11 @@ class learnpath
-                if (!empty($folderData)) {
-                    $folder = true;
-                }
+            if (!empty($folderData)) {
+                $folder = true;
+            }
-                $documentId = $folderData->getIid();
+            $documentId = $folderData->getIid();
             /*} else {
                 $folder = true;

+ 1 - 4

@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
 use Gaufrette\Exception\FileNotFound;
 use Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\MediaProviderInterface;
 use Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\Pool;
-use Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\NotFoundResourceException;
  * Class CDocumentRepository.
- *
 class CDocumentRepository
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ class CDocumentRepository
      * @return string
-    public function getDocumentPath($id) :string
+    public function getDocumentPath($id): string
         try {
             $document = $this->find($id);
@@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ class CDocumentRepository
                 $provider->generatePrivateUrl($media, $format)
             return $filename;
         } catch (\Throwable $exception) {
             throw new FileNotFound($id);