@@ -12,32 +12,35 @@ $language_file = array('exercice', 'coursebackup', 'admin');
// Including the global initialization file
require '../inc/global.inc.php';
-$current_course_tool = TOOL_COURSE_MAINTENANCE;
+$current_course_tool = TOOL_COURSE_MAINTENANCE;
// Check access rights (only teachers are allowed here)
if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
- api_not_allowed(true);
+ api_not_allowed(true);
// Remove memory and time limits as much as possible as this might be a long process...
if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
- api_set_memory_limit('256M');
- ini_set('max_execution_time', 1800);
+ api_set_memory_limit('256M');
+ ini_set('max_execution_time', 1800);
// Section for the tabs
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
// Breadcrumbs
-$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '../course_info/maintenance.php', 'name' => get_lang('Maintenance'));
+$interbreadcrumb[] = array(
+ 'url' => '../course_info/maintenance.php',
+ 'name' => get_lang('Maintenance')
// Displaying the header
$nameTools = get_lang('ImportBackup');
// Include additional libraries
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'fileManage.lib.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileManage.lib.php';
require_once 'classes/CourseBuilder.class.php';
require_once 'classes/CourseArchiver.class.php';
require_once 'classes/CourseRestorer.class.php';
@@ -46,139 +49,230 @@ require_once 'classes/CourseSelectForm.class.php';
// Display the tool title
echo Display::page_header($nameTools);
-/* MAIN CODE */
+/* MAIN CODE */
-if ((isset($_POST['action']) &&
- $_POST['action'] == 'course_select_form') ||
- (isset($_POST['import_option']) &&
- $_POST['import_option'] == 'full_backup')
+if (Security::check_token('post') && (
+ (
+ isset($_POST['action']) &&
+ $_POST['action'] == 'course_select_form'
+ ) || (
+ isset($_POST['import_option']) &&
+ $_POST['import_option'] == 'full_backup'
+ )
+ )
) {
- $error = false;
- if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'course_select_form') {
- // Partial backup here we recover the documents posted
- $course = CourseSelectForm::get_posted_course();
- } else {
- if ($_POST['backup_type'] == 'server') {
- $filename = $_POST['backup_server'];
- $delete_file = false;
- } else {
- if ($_FILES['backup']['error'] == 0) {
- $filename = CourseArchiver::import_uploaded_file($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']);
- if ($filename === false) {
- $error = true;
- } else {
+ // Clear token
+ Security::clear_token();
+ $error = false;
+ if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'course_select_form') {
+ // Partial backup here we recover the documents posted
+ $course = CourseSelectForm::get_posted_course();
+ } else {
+ if ($_POST['backup_type'] == 'server') {
+ $filename = $_POST['backup_server'];
+ $delete_file = false;
+ } else {
+ if ($_FILES['backup']['error'] == 0) {
+ $filename = CourseArchiver::import_uploaded_file($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']);
+ if ($filename === false) {
+ $error = true;
+ } else {
$delete_file = true;
- } else {
- $error = true;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ $error = true;
+ }
+ }
if (!$error) {
- // Full backup
- $course = CourseArchiver::read_course($filename, $delete_file);
+ // Full backup
+ $course = CourseArchiver::read_course($filename, $delete_file);
- }
- if (!$error && $course->has_resources()) {
- $cr = new CourseRestorer($course);
- $cr->set_file_option($_POST['same_file_name_option']);
- $cr->restore();
- Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('ImportFinished'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="'.api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/index.php">'.get_lang('CourseHomepage').'</a>';
- } else {
- if (!$error) {
- Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('NoResourcesInBackupFile'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
- } elseif ($filename === false) {
+ }
+ if (!$error && $course->has_resources()) {
+ $cr = new CourseRestorer($course);
+ $cr->set_file_option($_POST['same_file_name_option']);
+ $cr->restore();
+ Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('ImportFinished'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="' . api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . api_get_course_path() . '/index.php">' . get_lang('CourseHomepage') . '</a>';
+ } else {
+ if (!$error) {
+ Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('NoResourcesInBackupFile'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
+ } elseif ($filename === false) {
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
} else {
if ($filename == '') {
- Display::display_error_message(get_lang('SelectBackupFile'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
+ Display::display_error_message(get_lang('SelectBackupFile'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
} else {
- Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UploadError'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
+ Display::display_error_message(get_lang('UploadError'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
- }
- }
- CourseArchiver::clean_backup_dir();
-} elseif (isset($_POST['import_option']) && $_POST['import_option'] == 'select_items') {
- if ($_POST['backup_type'] == 'server') {
- $filename = $_POST['backup_server'];
- $delete_file = false;
- } else {
- $filename = CourseArchiver::import_uploaded_file($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']);
- $delete_file = true;
- }
- $course = CourseArchiver::read_course($filename, $delete_file);
- if ($course->has_resources() && ($filename !== false)) {
- CourseSelectForm::display_form($course, array('same_file_name_option' => $_POST['same_file_name_option']));
- } elseif ($filename === false) {
- Display::display_error_message(get_lang('ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ CourseArchiver::clean_backup_dir();
+} elseif (Security::check_token('post') && (
+ isset($_POST['import_option']) &&
+ $_POST['import_option'] == 'select_items'
+ )
+) {
+ // Clear token
+ Security::clear_token();
+ if ($_POST['backup_type'] == 'server') {
+ $filename = $_POST['backup_server'];
+ $delete_file = false;
} else {
- Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('NoResourcesInBackupFile'));
- echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.get_lang('TryAgain').'</a>';
- }
+ $filename = CourseArchiver::import_uploaded_file($_FILES['backup']['tmp_name']);
+ $delete_file = true;
+ }
+ $course = CourseArchiver::read_course($filename, $delete_file);
+ if ($course->has_resources() && ($filename !== false)) {
+ CourseSelectForm::display_form($course, array('same_file_name_option' => $_POST['same_file_name_option']));
+ } elseif ($filename === false) {
+ Display::display_error_message(get_lang('ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
+ } else {
+ Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('NoResourcesInBackupFile'));
+ echo '<a class="btn" href="import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' . get_lang('TryAgain') . '</a>';
+ }
} else {
- $user = api_get_user_info();
- $backups = CourseArchiver::get_available_backups(
+ $user = api_get_user_info();
+ $backups = CourseArchiver::get_available_backups(
$is_platformAdmin ? null : $user['user_id']
- $backups_available = count($backups) > 0;
+ $backups_available = count($backups) > 0;
- $form = new FormValidator('import_backup_form', 'post', api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'coursecopy/import_backup.php?'.api_get_cidreq(), '', 'multipart/form-data');
+ $form = new FormValidator(
+ 'import_backup_form',
+ 'post',
+ api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'coursecopy/import_backup.php?' . api_get_cidreq(),
+ '',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ );
$form->addElement('header', get_lang('SelectBackupFile'));
- $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer();
- $renderer->setElementTemplate('<div>{element}</div> ');
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'restore_backup');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'backup_type', '', get_lang('LocalFile'), 'local', 'id="bt_local" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=true;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=false;"');
- $form->addElement('file', 'backup', '', 'style="margin-left: 50px;"');
- $form->addElement('html', '<br />');
- if ($backups_available) {
- $form->addElement('radio', 'backup_type', '', get_lang('ServerFile'), 'server', 'id="bt_server" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=false;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=true;"');
- $options['null'] = '-';
- foreach ($backups as $index => $backup) {
- $options[$backup['file']] = $backup['course_code'].' ('.$backup['date'].')';
- }
- $form->addElement('select', 'backup_server', '', $options, 'style="margin-left: 50px;"');
- $form->addElement('html', '<script type="text/javascript">document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=true;</script>');
- } else {
- $form->addElement('radio', '', '', '<i>'.get_lang('NoBackupsAvailable').'</i>', '', 'disabled="true"');
- }
- $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'import_option', '', get_lang('ImportFullBackup'), 'full_backup', 'id="import_option_1" class="checkbox"');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'import_option', '', get_lang('LetMeSelectItems'), 'select_items', 'id="import_option_2" class="checkbox"');
- $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
- $form->addElement('html', get_lang('SameFilename'));
- $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('SameFilenameSkip'), FILE_SKIP, 'id="same_file_name_option_1" class="checkbox"');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('SameFilenameRename'), FILE_RENAME, 'id="same_file_name_option_2" class="checkbox"');
- $form->addElement('radio', 'same_file_name_option', '', get_lang('SameFilenameOverwrite'), FILE_OVERWRITE, 'id="same_file_name_option_3" class="checkbox"');
- $form->addElement('html', '<br />');
- $form->addElement('style_submit_button', null, get_lang('ImportBackup'), 'class="save"');
- $values['backup_type'] = 'local';
- $values['import_option'] = 'full_backup';
- $values['same_file_name_option'] = FILE_OVERWRITE;
- $form->setDefaults($values);
- $form->add_progress_bar();
- // When progress bar appears we have to hide the title "Select backup file".
- $form->updateAttributes(array(
+ $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer();
+ $renderer->setElementTemplate('<div>{element}</div> ');
+ $form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'restore_backup');
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'backup_type',
+ '',
+ get_lang('LocalFile'),
+ 'local',
+ 'id="bt_local" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=true;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=false;"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement('file', 'backup', '', 'style="margin-left: 50px;"');
+ $form->addElement('html', '<br />');
+ if ($backups_available) {
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'backup_type',
+ '',
+ get_lang('ServerFile'),
+ 'server',
+ 'id="bt_server" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript: document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=false;document.import_backup_form.backup.disabled=true;"'
+ );
+ $options['null'] = '-';
+ foreach ($backups as $index => $backup) {
+ $options[$backup['file']] = $backup['course_code'] . ' (' . $backup['date'] . ')';
+ }
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'select',
+ 'backup_server',
+ '',
+ $options,
+ 'style="margin-left: 50px;"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'html',
+ '<script type="text/javascript">document.import_backup_form.backup_server.disabled=true;</script>'
+ );
+ } else {
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '<i>' . get_lang('NoBackupsAvailable') . '</i>',
+ '',
+ 'disabled="true"'
+ );
+ }
+ $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'import_option',
+ '',
+ get_lang('ImportFullBackup'),
+ 'full_backup',
+ 'id="import_option_1" class="checkbox"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'import_option',
+ '',
+ get_lang('LetMeSelectItems'),
+ 'select_items',
+ 'id="import_option_2" class="checkbox"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
+ $form->addElement('html', get_lang('SameFilename'));
+ $form->addElement('html', '<br /><br />');
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'same_file_name_option',
+ '',
+ get_lang('SameFilenameSkip'),
+ 'id="same_file_name_option_1" class="checkbox"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'same_file_name_option',
+ '',
+ get_lang('SameFilenameRename'),
+ 'id="same_file_name_option_2" class="checkbox"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'radio',
+ 'same_file_name_option',
+ '',
+ get_lang('SameFilenameOverwrite'),
+ 'id="same_file_name_option_3" class="checkbox"'
+ );
+ $form->addElement('html', '<br />');
+ $form->addElement(
+ 'style_submit_button',
+ null,
+ get_lang('ImportBackup'),
+ 'class="save"'
+ );
+ $values['backup_type'] = 'local';
+ $values['import_option'] = 'full_backup';
+ $values['same_file_name_option'] = FILE_OVERWRITE;
+ $form->setDefaults($values);
+ $form->add_progress_bar();
+ // When progress bar appears we have to hide the title "Select backup file".
+ $form->updateAttributes(array(
'onsubmit' => str_replace(
'javascript: ',
'javascript: page_title = getElementById(\'page_title\'); if (page_title) { setTimeout(\'page_title.style.display = \\\'none\\\';\', 2000); } ',
@@ -186,7 +280,12 @@ if ((isset($_POST['action']) &&
- $form->display();
+ // Add Security token
+ $token = Security::get_token();
+ $form->addElement('hidden', 'sec_token');
+ $form->setConstants(array('sec_token' => $token));
+ $form->display();