@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// thewall.php, thewall.common.php, thewall.server.php
-// demonstrate a demonstrates a xajax implementation of a graffiti wall
-// using xajax version 0.2
-// http://xajaxproject.org
-if (!defined ('MAX_SCRIBBLES'))
- define ('MAX_SCRIBBLES', 5);
-if (!defined ('DATA_FILE'))
- define ('DATA_FILE', "thewall.dta");
-class graffiti
- var $html;
- var $isValid = false;
- function graffiti($sHandle, $sWords)
- {
- if (trim($sHandle) == "" || trim($sWords) == "")
- {
- return;
- }
- $this->html = "\n<div style=\"font-weight: bold;text-align:".$this->getRandomAlignment();
- $this->html .= ";color:".$this->getRandomColor().";\">";
- $this->html .= "<span style=\"font-size:".$this->getRandomFontSize()."%;\">";
- $this->html .= strip_tags(stripslashes($sWords));
- $this->html .= "</span><br/><span style=\"font-size: small;\">";
- $this->html .= " ~ ".strip_tags(stripslashes($sHandle))." ".date("m/d/Y H:i:s")."</span></div>";
- $this->isValid = true;
- }
- function getRandomFontSize()
- {
- srand((double)microtime()*1000003);
- return rand(100,300);
- }
- function getRandomColor()
- {
- $sColor = "rgb(";
- srand((double)microtime()*1000003);
- $sColor .= rand(0,255).",";
- srand((double)microtime()*1000003);
- $sColor .= rand(0,255).",";
- $sColor .= rand(0,255).")";
- return $sColor;
- }
- function getRandomAlignment()
- {
- $sAlign = "";
- srand((double)microtime()*1000003);
- $textAlign = rand(0,2);
- switch($textAlign)
- {
- case 0: $sAlign = "left"; break;
- case 1: $sAlign = "right"; break;
- case 2: $sAlign = "center"; break;
- }
- return $sAlign;
- }
- function save()
- {
- if ($this->isValid)
- {
- $rFile = @fopen(DATA_FILE,"a+");
- if (!$rFile) {
- return "ERROR: the graffiti data file could not be written to the " . dirname(realpath(DATA_FILE)) . " folder.";
- }
- fwrite($rFile, $this->html);
- fclose($rFile);
- return null;
- }
- else
- {
- return "Please supply both a handle and some graffiti to scribble on the wall.";
- }
- }
-function scribble($aFormValues)
- $sHandle = $aFormValues['handle'];
- $sWords = $aFormValues['words'];
- $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
- $objGraffiti = new graffiti($sHandle,$sWords);
- $sErrMsg = $objGraffiti->save();
- if (!$sErrMsg)
- {
- $objResponse->addScript("xajax_updateWall();");
- $objResponse->addClear("words","value");
- }
- else
- $objResponse->addAlert($sErrMsg);
- return $objResponse;
-function updateWall()
- $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
- if (file_exists(DATA_FILE)) {
- $aFile = @file(DATA_FILE);
- if (!$aFile) {
- $objResponse->addAlert("ERROR: the graffiti data file could not be written to the " . dirname(realpath(DATA_FILE)) . " folder.");
- return $objResponse;
- }
- $sHtmlSave = implode("\n",array_slice($aFile, -MAX_SCRIBBLES));
- $sHtmlSave=str_replace("\n\n","\n",$sHtmlSave);
- }
- else {
- $sHtmlSave = "";
- $aFile = array();
- }
- $rFile = @fopen(DATA_FILE,"w+");
- if (!$rFile) {
- $objResponse->addAlert("ERROR: the graffiti data file could not be written to the " . dirname(realpath(DATA_FILE)) . " folder.");
- return $objResponse;
- }
- fwrite($rFile, $sHtmlSave);
- fclose($rFile);
- $sHtml = implode("\n",array_reverse(array_slice($aFile, -MAX_SCRIBBLES)));
- $objResponse->addAssign("theWall","innerHTML",$sHtml);
- return $objResponse;