@@ -935,6 +935,21 @@ $Literal20 = "twenty";
$DateTime = "Date & time";
$Item = "Item";
$Never = "Never";
+$MissingOneStepToMatch = "Missing <b>one</b> step to match";
+$CompleteMatch = "Complete match";
+$MissingXStepsToMatch = "Missing <b>%s</b> steps";
+$Rank = "Rank";
+$CurrentlyLearning = "Currently learning";
+$SkillsAcquired = "Skills acquired";
+$AddSkillToProfileSearch = "Add skill to profile search";
+$ShortCode = "Short code";
+$CreateChildSkill = "Create child skill";
+$SearchProfileMatches = "Search profile matches";
+$IsThisWhatYouWereLookingFor = "Is this what you were looking for?";
+$WhatSkillsAreYouLookingFor = "What skills are you looking for?";
+$ProfileSearch = "Profile search";
+$here = "here";
+$ImportUsers = "Import users";
$YouWillBeRedirectedInXSeconds = "Just a moment, please. You will be redirected in %s seconds...";
$NumberOfCoursesPublic = "Number of public courses";
$NumberOfCoursesOpen = "Number of open courses";
@@ -958,13 +973,13 @@ $SendInformation = "Send information";
$YouMustAcceptLicence = "You must accept the licence";
$SelectOne = "Select one";
$ContactInformationHasBeenSent = "Contact information has been sent";
-$ContactInformationDescription = "Dear user,<br />
-<br />You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.<br />
-<br />
-By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
-<br />
-By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
-<br />
+$ContactInformationDescription = "Dear user,<br />
+<br />You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.<br />
+<br />
+By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
+<br />
+By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
+<br />
Please note that you are <b>not required</b> to fill this form. If you want to remain anonymous, we will loose the opportunity to offer you all the privileges of being a registered portal administrator, but we will respect your decision. Simply leave this form empty and click \"Next\".<br /><br />";
$CompanyActivity = "Your company's activity";
$DateUnLock = "Unlock date";
@@ -1170,7 +1185,7 @@ $SaveForNow = "Save and continue later";
$NoQuicktime = "Your browser does not have the QuickTime plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but to run a larger number of media file types, we suggest you might want to install it.";
$NoJavaSun = "Your browser doesn't seem to have the Sun Java plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but you will lose a few of its capabilities.";
$NoJava = "Your browser does not support Java";
-$JavaSun24 = "Your browser has a Java version not supported by this tool.
+$JavaSun24 = "Your browser has a Java version not supported by this tool.
To use it you have to install a Java Sun version higher than 24";
$NoMessageAnywere = "If you do not want to see this message again during this session, click here";
$Attempts = "Attempts";
@@ -1334,5 +1349,4 @@ $DataTableSearch = "Search";
$HideColumn = "Hide column";
$DisplayColumn = "Show column";
$LegalAgreementAccepted = "Legal agreement accepted";
-$here = "here";