@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Feature: Courses management as admin
Then I should see "Course list"
Then I should see "Course list"
And I should not see "not be deleted"
And I should not see "not be deleted"
- Scenario: Enter to public password-protected course
- Given I have a public password-protected course named "PASSWORDPROTECTED" with password "123456"
- And I am not logged
- And I am on "/courses/PASSWORDPROTECTED/index.php"
- When I fill in "course_password" with "123456"
- And I press "submit"
- Then I should not see "The course password is incorrect"
+# Scenario: Enter to public password-protected course
+# Given I have a public password-protected course named "PASSWORDPROTECTED" with password "123456"
+# And I am not logged
+# And I am on "/courses/PASSWORDPROTECTED/index.php"
+# When I fill in "course_password" with "123456"
+# And I press "submit"
+# Then I should not see "The course password is incorrect"