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Updated English and Spanish language files

Yannick Warnier 11 years ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$GlobalLinkUseDoubleColumnPrivateToShowPrivately = "Use ::private at the end of the link to show it only to logged-in users";
 $CourseVisibilityHidden = "Hidden - Completely hidden to all users except the administrators";
 $ApplyAllLanguages = "Apply this change to all available languages";
 $CareerUpdated = "Career updated successfully";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$ThereWasAProblemWithYourFile = "There was an unknown issue with your file. Please review its format and try again.";
+$YouMustUploadAZipOrTxtFile = "You must upload a .txt or .zip file";
+$NoTxtFileFoundInTheZip = "No .txt file found in zip";
+$ImportAikenQuiz = "Import Aiken quiz";
 $ExerciseWasActivatedFromXToY = "Exercise was activated from %s to %s";
 $SelectAnAnswerToContinue = "Select an answer to continue";
 $IfYouContinueYourAnswerWillBeSavedAnyChangeWillBeNotAllowed = "If you continue your answers will be saved, any change will be not allowed later. Are you sure you want to continue?";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$DateTimezoneSettingNotSet = "We have detected that your PHP installation does not define the date.timezone setting. This is a requirement of Chamilo. Please make sure it is configured by checking your php.ini configuration, otherwise you will run into problems. We warned you!";
 $langStatDB = "Tracking DB.";
 $langEnableTracking = "Enable Tracking";
 $langInstituteShortName = "Your company short name";

+ 22 - 4

@@ -2,6 +2,28 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$NumberOfGroupsToCreate = "Number of groups to create";
+$CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Coaches subscribed as teachers in course %s";
+$EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Enroll students from existing sessions";
+$EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions = "Enroll trainers from existing sessions";
+$AddingStudentsFromSessionXToSessionY = "Adding students from session <b>%s</b> to session <b>%s</b>";
+$AddUserGroupToThatURL = "Add user group to this URL";
+$FirstLetter = "First letter";
+$UserGroupList = "User groups list";
+$AddUserGroupToURL = "Add group to URL";
+$UserGroupListInX = "Groups in %s";
+$UserGroupListInPlatform = "Platform groups list";
+$EditUserGroupToURL = "Edit groups for one URL";
+$ManageUserGroup = "Manage user groups";
+$RegistrationDisabled = "Sorry, you are trying to access the registration page for this portal, but registration is currently disabled. Please contact the administrator (see contact information in the footer). If you already have an account on this site.";
+$CasDirectCourseAccess = "Enter course with CAS authentication";
+$TeachersWillBeAddedAsCoachInAllCourseSessions = "Teachers will be added as a coach in all course sessions.";
+$YesImSure = "Yes, I'm sure";
+$NoIWantToTurnBack = "No, I want to return";
+$IfYouContinueYourAnswerWillBeSavedAnyChangeWillBeNotAllowed = "If you continue your answer will be saved. Any change will be not allowed.";
+$SpecialCourses = "Special courses";
+$Roles = "Roles";
+$ToolCurriculum = "Curriculum";
 $ToReviewXYZ = "%s to review (%s)";
 $UnansweredXYZ = "%s unanswered (%s)";
 $AnsweredXYZ = "%s answered (%s)+(%s)";
@@ -1463,8 +1485,4 @@ $DataTableSearch = "Search";
 $HideColumn = "Hide column";
 $DisplayColumn = "Show column";
 $LegalAgreementAccepted = "Legal agreement accepted";
-$AddingStudentsFromSessionXToSessionY = "Adding students from session <b>%s</b> to session <b>%s </b>";
-$EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions = "Enroll trainers from existing sessions";
-$EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Enroll students from existing sessions";
-$CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Coaches will be subcribed as a teacher in the course %s";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$FolderDoesntExistsInFileSystem = "Target folder doesn't exist on the server.";
 $HandedOutDate = "Time of reception";
 $HandedOut = "Handed out";
 $HandOutDateLimit = "Deadline";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$GlobalLinkUseDoubleColumnPrivateToShowPrivately = "Use ::private pegado al fin del enlace si quiere mostrarlo solo a los usuarios identificados";
 $CourseVisibilityHidden = "Invisible - Totalmente invisible para todos los usuarios a parte de los administradores";
 $ApplyAllLanguages = "Aplicar cambio a todos los lenguajes habilitados";
 $CareerUpdated = "Carrera actualizada satisfactoriamente";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$ThereWasAProblemWithYourFile = "Hubo un error desconocido en su archivo. Por favor revise su formato e intente nuevamente.";
+$YouMustUploadAZipOrTxtFile = "Tiene que subir un archivo .txt o .zip";
+$NoTxtFileFoundInTheZip = "No se encontró ningun archivo .txt en el zip";
+$ImportAikenQuiz = "Importar quiz en formato Aiken";
 $ExerciseWasActivatedFromXToY = "El ejercicio estuvo disponible desde %s hasta %s";
 $SelectAnAnswerToContinue = "Tiene que seleccionar una respuesta para poder continuar";
 $IfYouContinueYourAnswerWillBeSavedAnyChangeWillBeNotAllowed = "Si continua, sus respuestas serán guardadas, y no podrá más modificarlas. Está seguro que desea terminar?";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$DateTimezoneSettingNotSet = "Hemos detectado que su instalación de PHP no tiene el parámetro date.timezone configurado. Este es un requerimiento para instalar Chamilo. Asegúrese que esté configurado verificando su archivo de configuración php.ini, sino tendrá problemas al usar Chamilo. Ahora ya lo sabe!";
 $langStatDB = "Base de datos de seguimiento. Úsela sólo si hay varias bases de datos.";
 $langEnableTracking = "Permitir seguimiento";
 $langInstituteShortName = "Acrónimo de la organización";

+ 22 - 13

@@ -2,6 +2,28 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$NumberOfGroupsToCreate = "Cantidad de grupos a crear";
+$CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Tutores inscritos como profesores en curso %s";
+$EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Suscribir estudiantes de sesiones existentes";
+$EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions = "Suscribir tutores de sesiones existentes";
+$AddingStudentsFromSessionXToSessionY = "Añadiendo estudiantes de la sesión %s a la sesión %s";
+$AddUserGroupToThatURL = "Agregar clases a una URL";
+$FirstLetter = "Primer letra";
+$UserGroupList = "Lista de clases";
+$AddUserGroupToURL = "Agregar clases a una URL";
+$UserGroupListInX = "Clases de %s";
+$UserGroupListInPlatform = "Lista de clases en la plataforma.";
+$EditUserGroupToURL = "Editar clases de una URL";
+$ManageUserGroup = "Administrar clases";
+$RegistrationDisabled = "Disculpe, está intentando acceder a la página de registro del portal, pero el registro de usuarios está actualmente deshabilitada. Por favor, contacte al administrador(Véase información de contacto). Si usted ya tiene una cuenta en nuestro sitio.";
+$CasDirectCourseAccess = "Ingrese el curso con autentificación CAS";
+$TeachersWillBeAddedAsCoachInAllCourseSessions = "Los profesores serán agregados como tutores en todos los cursos dentre de las sesiones.";
+$YesImSure = "Si, estoy seguro.";
+$NoIWantToTurnBack = "No, deseo regresar.";
+$IfYouContinueYourAnswerWillBeSavedAnyChangeWillBeNotAllowed = "Si continúa se guardará sus respuestas. Cualquier cambio no posterir no será permitido.";
+$SpecialCourses = "Cursos especiales";
+$Roles = "Roles";
+$ToolCurriculum = "Curriculum";
 $ToReviewXYZ = "%s por revisar (%s)";
 $UnansweredXYZ = "%s sin responder (%s)";
 $AnsweredXYZ = "%s respondidas (%s)+(%s)";
@@ -1468,17 +1490,4 @@ $DataTableSearch = "Buscar";
 $HideColumn = "Ocultar columna";
 $DisplayColumn = "Mostrar columna";
 $LegalAgreementAccepted = "Condiciones legales aceptadas";
-$ManageUserGroup = "Administrar clases";
-$EditUserGroupToURL = "Editar clases de una URL";
-$UserGroupListInPlatform = "Lista de clases en la plataforma.";
-$UserGroupListIn  = "Clases de ";
-$AddUserGroupToURL = "Agregar clases a una URL";
-$UserGroupList = "Lista de clases";
-$FirstLetter = "Primer letra";
-$AddUserGroupToThatURL = "Agregar clases a una URL";
-$AddingStudentsFromSessionXToSessionY = "Adding students from session <b>%s</b> to session <b>%s </b>";
-$EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions = "Enroll trainers from existing sessions";
-$EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Enroll students from existing sessions";
-$CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Coaches will be subcribed as a teacher in the course %s";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$FolderDoesntExistsInFileSystem = "La carpeta destino no existe en el servidor";
 $HandedOutDate = "Fecha de recepción";
 $HandedOut = "Entregado";
 $HandOutDateLimit = "Fecha límite de entrega";