@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ In the following credits, when possible, we tried to put the latest contributors
<a name="core-developers"></a>
<h1>Core contributors</h1>
<p>The core contributors are the people who contributed most to the Chamilo software. We are eternally thankful to them for having demonstrated a very high level of commitment, contributing their time and ideas to the project. Since version 1.9, we also include non-developer contributors as we consider their help is essential to our project.</p>
-<h2>Chamilo 1.9</h2>
+<h2>Chamilo LMS 1.9.*</h2>
- <li>Yannick Warnier (yannick.warnier@beeznest.com) - Technical coordinator - BeezNest, Peru</li>
<li>Julio Allen Montoya Armas (gugli100@gmail.com) - Lead developer - BeezNest, France</li>
+ <li>Yannick Warnier (yannick.warnier@beeznest.com) - Technical coordinator, Project Leader - BeezNest, Peru</li>
+ <li>Coursenligne45 - Anonymous reporter and contributor to many bugfixes - France</li>
+ <li>Hubert Borderiou - Developer responsible for exercises categories and many other practical fixes - Université de Grenoble, France</li>
<li>Juan Carlos Raña Trabado - Independent developer and mastermind for documents, wiki and other pedagogical tools - Spain</li>
<li>Laurent Opprecht - Developer responsible for rewriting/restructuring the application core and plugins - Université de Genève, Switzerland</li>
- <li>Hubert Borderiou - Developer responsible for exercises categories and many other practical fixes - Université de Grenoble, France</li>
<li>Noa Orizales - Tireless coordinator of everything non-related to coding, which enabled developers to do a better job - Contidos Dixitais, Spain</li>
- <li>Coursenligne45 - Anonymous reporter and contributor to many bugfixes - France</li>
<li>Marko Kastelic - Reporter and contributor to many bugfixes - Slovenia</li>
<li>Special thanks go to <a href="#special-thanks">many other people</a>, less involved in the project directly but who's support was greatly appreciated</li>
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ In the following credits, when possible, we tried to put the latest contributors
<h1>System performance</h1>
<li>Yannick Warnier - implementation of CDN, SQL improvements, memcached and documentation in the optimization guide</li>
- <li>Ivan Tcholakov - language loading performances improvements in 1.8</li>
<li>Julio Montoya</li>
+ <li>Ivan Tcholakov - language loading performances improvements in 1.8</li>
<li>Arnaud Ligot</li>
<li>Jérôme Warnier</li>
<li>Ludwig Chauvin</li>
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ First versions by
<li>Roan Embrechts (roan.embrechts@vub.ac.be)</li>
-rewritten by
+Rewritten by
<li>Patrick Cool (patrick.cool@ugent.be)</li>
<li>Frederik Vermeire</li>
@@ -564,12 +564,15 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<li>René Haentjens</li>
<li>Yannick Warnier</li>
<li>Arthur Portugal</li>
- <li>Sergio Infante Montero, for technical documentation translation to Spanish</li>
+ <li>Sergio Infante Montero, for (humble) technical documentation translation to Spanish</li>
+ <li>Steve Miller</li>
<a name="special-thanks"></a>
<h1>Our special thanks also go to</h1>
-(in no particular order)
+(in no particular order - bug reporters are only listed when having contributed 4 reports or more)
+Note that we are infinitely grateful to our translators, having made the spread of Chamilo to other cultures possible. Sadly, we aren't quite as organized as we would like, and we haven't been able to sort the real translators out from people having just registered on our translation portal. This is on our TO DO list, so please be just a little more patient. We know we can count on you! Thank you. Your efforts mean a lot to us!
<li> Hubert Borderiou for various bugfixes</li>
<li> Philippe Béranger</li>
@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<li> Michela Karina Mosquera Guardamino, for helping improve the visibility of Chamilo (and Dokeos before that) in the Latin American area, patiently answering crazy amounts of information requests and organizing great community events (Chamilo P@rty, Chamilo Users Day Perú, ...), and usability suggestions for LMS 1.9</li>
<li> Jhon Rhoos Hinojosa Portuguez, for various bugfixes in 1.8.6</li>
<li> Carlos Vargas (litox84@hotmail.com), for a huge amount of bugfixes in 1.8.6 and a few bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li> Jan Derriks- various bugfixes in 1.8.7 and very accurate bug reporting contributions from 1.8.7 to 1.9</li>
+ <li> Jan Derriks- various bugfixes in 1.8.7 and very accurate bug reporting contributions from 1.8.7 to 1.9.4</li>
<li> Ronny Velasquez, for a series of bugfixes and improvements in 1.8.6</li>
<li> Ricardo Rodriguez, for implementing the first set of unit tests in 1.8.6, and manual testing and reporting</li>
<li> Franco Cedillo, for minor bugfixes in 1.8.6</li>
@@ -611,25 +614,25 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<li> Claire Thibault (claire.thibault _at__ ac-orleans-tours.fr) - bugfix in</li>
<li> Jean Robert Opgenort (jeanrobert __a_t_ opgenort dot nl) - very accurate score tracking bug reports in</li>
<li> Anaël Boulier (intern at http://www.2i2l.fr), for his excelent work of writing user documentation in French for 1.8.7</li>
- <li> Alberto Torreblanca for help fixing bugs during code sprint 2011-01-16 and learning path mini-panel implementation, and bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li> Alberto Torreblanca for help fixing bugs during code sprint 2011-01-16 and learning path mini-panel implementation, and bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li> Joel Porras for help fixing bugs during code sprint 2011-01-16</li>
<li> Simon Legner for improvements suggestions (first one being #1538)</li>
<li> Jean Karim Bockstael, for patch to avoid hardcoded db_glue (commit 13878)</li>
<li> Marco Sousa, for additional reports elements (and translation to Brazilian) for 1.8.8 and webservices for Android app in</li>
- <li> Olivier Corre, Lily Ni and Thorsten Giertz for translation to Simplified Chinese and several bug reports to 1.8.8 and and bug reports for LMS 1.9</li>
- <li> Alain Deschênes, for numerous bug reports to 1.8.8 and LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li> Olivier Corre, Lily Ni and Thorsten Giertz for translation to Simplified Chinese and several bug reports to 1.8.8 and and bug reports for LMS 1.9.*</li>
+ <li> Alain Deschênes, for numerous bug reports to 1.8.8 and LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li> Peter Van den Broek, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li> Dominique Colombani, for bug report to 1.8.8</li>
<li> Hubert Borderiou, for bug reports to 1.8.8, reports for and social marketing, and important contributions to 1.9 (now considered core contributor)</li>
<li> Jose Ramos Garces, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
- <li> André Boivin, for considerable number of bug reports and patches to HotPotatoes system and more bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li> André Boivin, for considerable number of bug reports and patches to HotPotatoes system and more bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li> Stéphane Lofreda, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li> Marko Kastelic, for bug reports to 1.8.8 & 1.9</li>
<li> Jorge Frisancho, USIL, for several small improvements to usability in 1.8.8 </li>
<li> Jonas Fangstrom, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li> Jeroen Brussich, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li> Antonio Salinas, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
- <li>Jose Abuin Mosquera, for bug reports to 1.8.8 and LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li>Jose Abuin Mosquera, for bug reports to 1.8.8 and LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li>Tony Taylor, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li>Omar Arino, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
<li>Cécile Deruy, for bug reports to 1.8.8</li>
@@ -644,23 +647,25 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<li>Codesprint Lima 2012<ul><li>Sheyla Balandra</li><li>Michela Mosquera</li><li>Fernando P. García</li><li>Alberto Torreblanca</li></ul></li>
<li>Yoselyn Castillo, BeezNest, Cuba, for a few bugfixes in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Anne-Lise Lambin, CBlue, Belgium, for a few new admin features in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>Bas Wijnen, The Netherlands, for a series of bug reports & contributions in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>José García, NoSoloRed, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>Laura Guirao, NoSoloRed, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>Philippe Nicolas, ESIAJ, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li>Bas Wijnen, The Netherlands, for a series of bug reports & contributions in LMS 1.9.*</li>
+ <li>José García, NoSoloRed, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
+ <li>Laura Guirao, NoSoloRed, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
+ <li>Philippe Nicolas, ESIAJ, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li>Valérie Gérard, ESIAJ, for bug and usability reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Julio Bonifacio Aliaga, BeezNest, for a few fixes in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Mic Yu, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Melissa Cadelina, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Robert Parlett, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Henry Caballero, Peru, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>Stijn Michels, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li>Stijn Michels, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li>Ph A, France, for anonymous bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Henri Hedman, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
<li>Ludovic Gasc, France, for optimization patch in LMS 1.9</li>
- <li>Juho Paranko, Finland, for bug reports in LMS 1.9</li>
+ <li>Juho Paranko, Finland, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.*</li>
<li>Jeremy Saavedra, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.2</li>
<li>Ricel Leite, for bug reports and fixes in LMS 1.9.4</li>
+ <li>Fausto Puppo, for bug reports and testing on exercises and learning paths in LMS 1.9.4</li>
+ <li>Alexander Hu, for bug reports in LMS 1.9.4</li>
<li>All the supporting parents, partners, children, friends, colleagues and sometimes students, of the very special geeks that we are, for their continous support and inspiration</li>
@@ -668,25 +673,32 @@ There are too much translators to list them all. Please check http://translate.c
<h1>Contributing organizations (only recorded since 2010)</h1>
These institutions and companies have either contributed to the Chamilo project directly or through hiring services to contribute to Chamilo from an official provider:
- <li>Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Peru</li>
- <li>Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Lima, Peru</li>
- <li>Universidad de Tocantins, Tocantins, Brazil</li>
- <li>Gobierno Regional del Callao, Callao, Peru</li>
+ <li>Académie d'Aix-Marseilles, France</li>
+ <li>ACTA VZW, Belgium</li>
+ <li>APA e-Learning, Spain</li>
+ <li>BeezNest Belgium, Brussels, Belgium</li>
+ <li>BeezNest Latino, Lima, Peru</li>
+ <li>Commission Scolaire des Hautes-Rivières, project TIC-FP, Canada</li>
+ <li>Contidos Dixitais, Lugo, Spain</li>
<li>EPSU, Genève, Switzerland</li>
+ <li>ESIAJ, Namur, Belgium</li>
<li>Formascience, Strasbourg, France</li>
- <li>IPYS, Lima, Peru</li>
+ <li>Gobierno Regional del Callao, Callao, Peru</li>
+ <li>ICPNA, Peru</li>
<li>Imag'in, Nouméa, New Caledony</li>
- <li>Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain</li>
+ <li>IPYS, Lima, Peru</li>
+ <li>Ministerio de Educación, Peru</li>
+ <li>NoSoloRed, Spain</li>
+ <li>Ricoh, Panama</li>
+ <li>Rimac Seguros, Peru</li>
+ <li>Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima, Peru</li>
+ <li>Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Lima, Peru</li>
+ <li>Universidad de Tocantins, Tocantins, Brazil</li>
<li>Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland</li>
<li>Université de Grenoble, Grenoble, France</li>
- <li>ESIAJ, Namur, Belgium</li>
<li>Unidad Editorial, Spain</li>
- <li>Académie d'Aix-Marseilles, France</li>
- <li>Commission Scolaire des Hautes-Rivières, project TIC-FP, Canada</li>
- <li>ACTA VZW, Belgium</li>
- <li>NoSoloRed, Spain</li>
- <li>ICPNA, Peru</li>
<li>Universidad Autónoma, Chile</li>
+ <li>Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain</li>