@@ -1,4 +1,34 @@
Skype Plugin
-Create Skype user field
+This pluging was integrated within Chamilo LMS core
+To configure this plugin you need execute this SQL queries:
+* Enable the Skype extra field:
+INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, visible, changeable, created_at)
+(1, 1, 'skype', 'Skype', 1, 1, now());
+* Enable the LinkedInURl extra field:
+INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, visible, changeable, created_at)
+(1, 1, 'linkedin_url', 'LinkedInUrl', 1, 1, now());
+* Enable the configuration settings:
+INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, access_url_changeable)
+('allow_show_skype_account', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'AllowShowSkypeAccountTitle', 'AllowShowSkypeAccountComment', 1),
+('allow_show_linkedin_url', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'AllowShowLinkedInUrlTitle', 'AllowShowLinkedInUrlComment', 1);
+INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text)
+('allow_show_skype_account', 'true', 'Yes'),
+('allow_show_skype_account', 'false', 'No'),
+('allow_show_linkedin_url', 'true', 'Yes'),
+('allow_show_linkedin_url', 'false', 'No');