Julio Montoya %!s(int64=15) %!d(string=hai) anos

+ 6 - 0

@@ -50,4 +50,10 @@ $NoAnnouncements = "لا يوجد أي إعلان";
 $SelectEverybody = "حدد الجميع";
 $SelectedUsersGroups = "مجموعات المستخدمين المحددة";
 $LearnerMessage = "رسالة من المتعلم";
+$TitleIsRequired = "العنوان مطلوب";
+$AnnounceSentByEmail = "الإعلانات أرسلت بالبريد الإلكتروني";
+$AnnounceSentToUserSelection = "الإعلانات أرسلت للمستخدمين المختارين";
+$SendAnnouncement = "إرسال إعلان";
+$ModifyAnnouncement = "تعديل إعلان";
+$ButtonPublishAnnouncement = "إرسال إعلان";

+ 13 - 1

@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ $TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Това изображение представ
 $TemplateAdded = "Шаблонът е добавен.";
 $TemplateDeleted = "Шаблонът е изтрит.";
 $EditTemplate = "Редактиране на шаблона";
-$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Трябва да импортирате файл с избрания формат.";
+$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Трябва да импортирате файл с подходящ формат.";
 $Created = "Курсът е създаден.";
 $AddSystemAnnouncement = "Добавяне на съобщение в системата";
 $EditSystemAnnouncement = "Редактиране на съобщение в системата";
@@ -923,6 +923,7 @@ $Load = "Зареждане";
 $AllVersions = "Всички версии";
 $EditTermsAndConditions = "Редактиране на условията за ползване";
 $Changes = "Промени";
+$ExplainChanges = "Обяснение на промените";
 $TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Условията за ползване не са записани.";
 $AddTermsAndConditions = "Добавяне на условия за ползване";
 $TermAndConditionSaved = "Условията за ползване са записани.";
@@ -999,6 +1000,10 @@ $FieldTypeTimezone = "Времева зона";
 $Timezones = "Времеви зони";
 $GraphicNotAvailable = "Няма графика.";
 $SystemStatus = "Състояние на системата";
+$IsWritable = "Разрешено е да се записва";
+$DirectoryExists = "Директорията съществува";
+$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "Web-сървъвът трябва да може да записва в директорията.";
+$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "Директорията трябва да бъде премахната, вече не е необходима.";
 $Section = "Секция";
 $Expected = "Очаквана стойност";
 $Setting = "Настройка";
@@ -1012,7 +1017,14 @@ $MysqlServerInfo = "MySQL, версия на сървъра.";
 $MysqlClientInfo = "MySQL, версия на клиента.";
 $ServerAddessInfo = "Адрес на сървъра";
 $ServerPortInfo = "Порт на сървъра";
+$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Web-сървър, информация за софтуера.";
 $UnameInfo = "Информация за операционната система на сървъра";
 $EvaluationsGraph = "Графика на оценките";
 $Action = "Действие";
+$ISOCode = "ISO код";
+$ReturnToLanguagesList = "Обратно към списъка с езиците";
+$CategoriesNumber = "Категории";
+$CourseProgress = "Напредък в курса";
+$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "Няма създадени курсове.";
+$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Вертикален изглед";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -116,4 +116,5 @@ $NewUserEmailAlertDisable = "Изключване на уведомяванет
 $AllowUserViewUserList = "Разрешанаве на курситите да виждат списъка с потребителите";
 $AllowUserViewUserListActivate = "Разрешаване";
 $AllowUserViewUserListDeactivate = "Забрана";
+$DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance = "Да не се показва напредъка";

+ 0 - 2

@@ -216,6 +216,4 @@ $HelpSharedFolder = "Тази директория съдържа файлове
 $TemplateImage = "Изображение на шаблона";
 $MoveElement = "Преместване";
 $CertificateName = "Име на сертификата";
-$CreateCertificate = "Създаване на сертификат";
-$CertificateOverview = "списъка със сертификатите";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -364,6 +364,8 @@ $XResultsCleaned = "%d резултата са изтрити.";
 $CopyExercise = "Копиране на теста в нов";
 $CleanStudentResults = "Изтриване на всички резултати на курсистите за теста";
 $ImportQtiQuiz = "Qti2 импорт на тестове.";
+$ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Използване на ново копие в теста";
 $Copy = "Копиране";
 $DefaultContent = "Създаване на примерно съдържание";
+$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Среден резултат от всички опити";

+ 9 - 0

@@ -242,4 +242,13 @@ $TrainingTime = "Време действие на курса";
 $CourseProgress = "Напредък";
 $ViewMinus = "Скриване";
 $ResourcesTracking = "Справка за учебната дейност";
+$SelectFieldToAdd = "Изберете поле за добавяне в потребителския профил";
+$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Добавяне на поле в потребителския профил";
+$ConfigureExtensions = "Настройване на разширенията";
+$AttendanceSheetReport = "Справка за присъствията";
+$YouDoNotHaveDoneAttendances = "Нямате присъствия.";
+$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Към календара за присъствията";
+$AddADateTime = "Добавяне на час и дата";
+$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Сигерни ли сте, че искате да изтриете всички дати?";
+$TimeSpentLastWeek = "Прекарано време през последната седмица";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ $ModifyDirectory = "Добре (OK)";
 $DeleteAllFiles = "Изтриване на всички документи";
 $BackToWorksList = "Обратно към списъка със задачи";
 $EditMedia = "Редактиране и оценяване на работата";
-$AllFilesInvisible = "Всички работи са скрити";
+$AllFilesInvisible = "Всички работи са скрити.";
 $FileInvisible = "Файлът е скрит.";
-$AllFilesVisible = "Всички работи са видими";
+$AllFilesVisible = "Всички работи са видими.";
 $FileVisible = "Файлът е видим.";
 $ButtonCreateAssignment = "Създаване на задача";
 $AssignmentName = "Име на задачата";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1223,4 +1223,6 @@ $AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Users assigned to the platform admi
 $AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Courses assigned to the HR manager";
 $ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "There are no courses to select";
 $HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vertical activity view";
+$CoursesInformation = "Courses information";
+$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "The special exports feature is meant to help an instructional controller to export all courses documents in one unique step. Another option lets you choose the courses you want to export, and will export documents present in these courses' sessions as well. This is a very heavy operation, and we recommend you do not start it during normal usage hours of your portal. Do it in a quieter period. If you don't need all the contents at once, try to export courses documents directly from the course maintenance tool inside the course itself.";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -215,4 +215,5 @@ $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "This directory contains the default archives. You ca
 $HelpSharedFolder = "This directory contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn't do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any trainer, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they access the files directly). If you make one user directory visible, other users will see all its content.";
 $TemplateImage = "Template's icon";
 $MoveElement = "Move element";
+$CertificateName = "Name";

+ 6 - 0

@@ -263,4 +263,10 @@ $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers = "There is no available information abou
 $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents = "There is no available information about your students";
 $TimeSpentLastWeek = "Time spent last week";
 $DateLock = "Date lock";
+$FolderCreated = "New folder created";
+$LearnpathVisible = "Learning path made visible";
+$LinkInvisible = "Link made invisible";
+$LinkAdded = "Link added";
+$Minutes = "Minutes";
+$BackupCreated = "Backup created";

+ 21 - 0

@@ -888,4 +888,25 @@ $ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "Results hidden by the exercise setting";
 $ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "Thematic section has been created success full";
 $NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "Now you should add thematic plan %s and thematic advance %s";
 $QualificationNumeric = "Numeric score  under";
+$Literal0 = "zero";
+$Literal1 = "one";
+$Literal2 = "two";
+$Literal3 = "three";
+$Literal4 = "four";
+$Literal5 = "five";
+$Literal6 = "six";
+$Literal7 = "seven";
+$Literal8 = "eight";
+$Literal9 = "nine";
+$Literal10 = "ten";
+$Literal11 = "eleven";
+$Literal12 = "twelve";
+$Literal13 = "thirteen";
+$Literal14 = "fourteen";
+$Literal15 = "fifteen";
+$Literal16 = "sixteen";
+$Literal17 = "seventeen";
+$Literal18 = "eighteen";
+$Literal19 = "nineteen";
+$Literal20 = "twenty";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1224,4 +1224,6 @@ $AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Liste d'utilisateurs assignés à l
 $AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Cours assignés au directeur des ressources humaines";
 $ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "Aucun cours créé";
 $HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vue activité verticale";
+$CoursesInformation = "Rapport des cours";
+$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "La fonctionnalité d'export spécial a été dessinée dans l'intention de venir en aide au contrôleur académique/instructionnel, pour lui permettre d'exporter tous les documents de cours en une seule opération. Une seconde option permet de choisir les cours que vous voulez exporter, et exportera également les documents présents dans ces documents directement depuis l'outil de maintenance du cours lui-même.";

+ 6 - 0

@@ -264,4 +264,10 @@ $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers = "Aucune information disponible à propo
 $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents = "Aucune information disponible à propos de vos apprenants";
 $TimeSpentLastWeek = "Temps passé la semaine dernière";
 $DateLock = "Bloquage de date";
+$FolderCreated = "Nouveau répertoire";
+$LearnpathVisible = "Parcours d'apprentissage rendu visible";
+$LinkInvisible = "Lien rendu invisible";
+$LinkAdded = "Lien ajouté";
+$Minutes = "Minutes";
+$BackupCreated = "Backup généré";

+ 21 - 0

@@ -888,4 +888,25 @@ $ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "Résultats cachés selon les paramètres de l
 $ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "La section thématique a été créée";
 $NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "Vous devriez maintenant ajouter un plan thématique %s et un avancement thématique %s";
 $QualificationNumeric = "Qualification numérique sur";
+$Literal0 = "zéro";
+$Literal1 = "un";
+$Literal2 = "deux";
+$Literal3 = "trois";
+$Literal4 = "quatre";
+$Literal5 = "cinq";
+$Literal6 = "six";
+$Literal7 = "sept";
+$Literal8 = "huit";
+$Literal9 = "neuf";
+$Literal10 = "dix";
+$Literal11 = "onze";
+$Literal12 = "douze";
+$Literal13 = "treize";
+$Literal14 = "quatorze";
+$Literal15 = "quinze";
+$Literal16 = "seize";
+$Literal17 = "dix-sept";
+$Literal18 = "dix-huit";
+$Literal19 = "dix-neuf";
+$Literal20 = "vingt";

+ 10 - 0

@@ -1213,4 +1213,14 @@ $TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "A sub-linguaxe deste idioma foi en
 $ReturnToLanguagesList = "Volver á lista de idiomas";
 $ActivityCoach = "O titor da sesión terá todos os dereitos e permisos en todos os cursos que pertencen á sesión";
 $CategoriesNumber = "Categorías";
+$CourseProgress = "Avance temático";
+$ExportAllCoursesList = "Exportar toda a lista de cursos";
+$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Exportar só algúns cursos da lista";
+$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "A lista de cursos foi exportada";
+$WhichCoursesToExport = "Seleccione os cursos que desexa exportar";
+$AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar usuarios ao administrador da plataforma";
+$AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de usuarios asignados ao administrador da plataforma";
+$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados ao administrador de recursos humanos";
+$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "Non hai cursos creados";
+$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Ver a adtividade en forma vertical";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -215,4 +215,5 @@ $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "Este directorio contén os arquivos fornecidos por d
 $HelpSharedFolder = "Este directorio contén os arquivos que os estudantes (e Vd.) envían a un curso a través do editor se non o fan desde a ferramenta grupos. Por defecto serán visibles por calquera profesor, pero estarán ocultos para outros estudantes salvo que accedan a eles mediante un acceso directo. Se fai visible o directorio dun estudante outros estudantes poderán ver todo o que conteña.";
 $TemplateImage = "Imaxe da plantilla";
 $MoveElement = "Mover";
+$CertificateName = "Nome do certificado";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -366,4 +366,6 @@ $CleanStudentResults = "Borrar todos os resultados dos estudantes neste exercici
 $ImportQtiQuiz = "Importar exercicios de Qti2";
 $ReUseACopyInCurrentTest = "Realizar unha copia desta pregunta no exercicio actual";
 $Copy = "Copia";
+$DefaultContent = "Xerar contido por defecto";
+$ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts = "Promedio de todos os intentos en exercicios";

+ 27 - 0

@@ -48,5 +48,32 @@ $langHGroups = "Grupos";
 $langGroupsContent = "Contido dos grupos";
 $langGuide = "Manual";
 $HSurvey = "Axuda: Enquisas";
+$SurveyContent = "A ferramenta Enquisas permitiralle obter a opinión dos usuarios sobre determinados temas; por exemplo, sempre será importante saber a opinión dos alumnos sobre o curso.
+Creación dunha Nova Enquisa
+Faga clic en Crear \"unha enquisa\" e reencha os campos \"Código da enquisa\" e \"Título da enquisa\". Coa axuda do calendario pode controlar a duración da súa enquisa. Non é necesario mantela durante todo o ano, pode ser suficiente que se vexa tan só durante algúns días do curso. Completar os campos \"Introdución da enquisa\" e \"Agradecementos\" isto é unha boa practica, pois fará que a súa Enquisa sexa máis clara e afectiva. 
+Engadindo preguntas a unha enquisa
+Unha vez creada a enquisa, deberá crear as preguntas. A ferramenta \"Enquisas\" ten predefinidos diferentes tipos de preguntas: Si/Non, Elección múltiple, Resposta múltiple, Resposta aberta, Porcentaxe.... Entre estes tipos poderá seleccionar os que máis se axusten ás súas necesidades.
+Previsualizando a enquisa
+Unha vez creadas as preguntas, Vde. ten a opción de previsualizar a enquisa e vela tal como a verán os alumnos. Para iso, faga clic en Vista \"preliminar\" (icona dun documento cunha lupa).
+Publicando a enquisa
+Se está satisfeito coa súa enquisa e non necesita realizar ningún outro cambio; faga clic en Publicar \"enquisa\" (icona dun sobre cunha frecha verde) para poder enviar a súa enquisa a un grupo de usuarios. Mostraranse dúas listas unha (a da esquerda) cos usuarios do curso e a outra coa lista de usuarios aos que se lles enviará a enquisa. Seleccione os usuarios que desexe que aparezan na nova lista co botón \">>\". Logo, complete os campos \"Asunto do correo\" e \"Texto do correo\".
+Os usuarios seleccionados recibirán un correo electrónico co asunto e texto que introduciu, así como un enlace que terán que pulsar para completar a enquisa. Se desexa introducir esta ligazón nalgún lugar do texto do correo, debe introducir o seguinte: ** ligazón ** (asterisco asterisco  ligazón asterisco asterisco). Esta etiqueta será substituída automaticamente pola ligazón. Se non engade esta ** ligazón **, este será incorporado automaticamente ao final do correo.
+Para rematar, a ferramenta de Enquisas permite enviar un correo-e a todos os usuarios seleccionados se habilita a opción \"Enviar correo\" se non o habilita os usuarios poderán ver a enquisa ao entrar ao sistema na ferramenta \"Enquisas\" a condición de que se atope accesible.
+Informes da enquisa
+Analizar as enquisas é un proceso tedioso. Os \"Informes\" das enquisas axudaranlle a ver a información por pregunta e por usuario, así como comparar dúas preguntas ou un completo informe de toda a enquisa. Na \"Lista de Enquisas\" faga clic en Informes \"\" (icona dun gráfico circular). 
+Administrando as enquisas
+Existen as opcións de Editar \"\" e \"Eliminar\" na columna \"Modificar\" da \"Lista de enquisas\"";
 $HBlogs = "Axuda: Blogs";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -71,4 +71,8 @@ $GlobalEvent = "世界性的事件";
 $ModifyEvent = "修改事件";
 $EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheStartDate = "结束日期不能早于开始日期";
 $AgendaSortChronologicallyUp = "顺序排列";
+$AgendaSortChronologicallyDown = "降序";
+$ItemForUserSelection = "用户列表";
+$IsNotiCalFormatFile = "此文件不符合iCal格式";
+$RepeatEvent = "重复事件";

+ 22 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ $ExecuteThisTask = "执行任务";
 $WrittenBy = "作者是";
 $InBlog = "在此博客";
 $ViewPostsOfThisDay = "查看今日发表文章";
+$PostsOf = "分配任务到";
+$NoArticleMatches = "找不到相关的任务,请检查拼写或尝试新的搜索";
+$SaveProject = "保存工程";
 $langTask1 = "任务 1";
 $langTask2 = "任务 2";
 $langTask3 = "任务3";
@@ -80,4 +83,23 @@ $AddBlog = "创建新博客";
 $EditBlog = "编辑标题和子标题";
 $DeleteBlog = "删除博客";
 $Shared = "共享";
+$PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole = "通过组别或角色授权";
+$Reader = "读者";
+$SeeBlog = "博客可见";
+$BlogDeleted = "工程已被删除";
+$BlogEdited = "工程已被修改";
+$BlogStored = "已添加工程";
+$CommentCreated = "已保存评论";
+$BlogAdded = "已添加文章";
+$TaskCreated = "已添加任务";
+$TaskEdited = "任务已修改";
+$TaskAssigned = "已分配任务";
+$AssignedTaskEdited = "已修改分配的任务";
+$UserRegistered = "用户已注册";
+$TaskDeleted = "任务已删除";
+$TaskAssignmentDeleted = "分配的任务已删除";
+$CommentDeleted = "评论已删除";
+$RatingAdded = "评分已添加";
+$BlogPosts = "博客发布";
+$BlogComments = "博客评论";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -36,4 +36,8 @@ $langCallSent = "聊天请求已经发送,等待对方同意。";
 $langChatDenied = "你的聊天请求已经被对方拒绝。";
 $Send = "发送";
 $Connected = "已连接";
+$Think = "思考";
+$BigGrin = "大笑";
+$Amazing = "惊讶";
+$Confused = "迷惑";

+ 14 - 0

@@ -95,4 +95,18 @@ $OrInTime = "或在";
 $CourseRegistrationPassword = "课程注册密码";
 $langDescriptionDeleteCourse = "点击链接后将会提示永久删除该课程。<br /><br />请谨慎使用该功能!";
 $langDescriptionCopyCourse = "系统允许您将课程整个或部分的复制到另一个空的课程,<br /><br />复制的前提是必需有一门课程包含内容,同时另一门课程是空的!";
+$DescriptionRecycleCourse = "此工具将清除文档,论坛,链接, 你可以选择其中某些部分或者全部的内容.";
+$QuizEmailAlert = "已提交新考试通知电子邮件提醒";
+$QuizEmailAlertActivate = "当用户提交新的测试答案时,激活邮件发送功能";
+$QuizEmailAlertDeactivate = "禁用新测试答案提交的邮件提醒功能";
+$AllowUserImageForum = "允许论坛自定义图片";
+$AllowUserImageForumActivate = "论坛中显示用户图片";
+$AllowUserImageForumDeactivate = "隐藏用户图片";
+$AllowLearningPathTheme = "允许培训主题";
+$AllowLearningPathThemeAllow = "允许";
+$AllowLearningPathThemeDisallow = "禁止";
+$ConfigChat = "聊天设置";
+$AllowOpenchatWindow = "在新窗口聊天";
+$AllowOpenChatWindowActivate = "打开并跳转到新聊天窗口";
+$AllowOpenChatWindowDeactivate = "取消打开新聊天窗口的功能";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -94,4 +94,9 @@ $langRecycle = "循环利用课程";
 $AnnouncementExampleTitle = "����һ��֪ͨ����";
 $Wikipedia = "免费的在线百科全书";
 $DefaultGroupCategory = "默认小组";
+$DefaultCourseImages = "相册";
+$ExampleForumCategory = "论坛分类样例";
+$ExampleForum = "论坛样例";
+$ExampleThread = "话题样例";
+$ExampleThreadContent = "内容样例";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -57,4 +57,5 @@ $langTeach = "他/她能教什么";
 $langProductions = "作品";
 $langSendChatRequest = "发送回复给这个人";
 $langRequestDenied = "已拒绝请求.";
+$UsageDatacreated = "已创建数据";

+ 113 - 1

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ $langEdit = "编辑";
 $langGroupForum = "小组论坛";
 $Language = "语言";
 $LoginName = "登录名";
+$AutostartMp3 = "MP3文件需要自动播放吗?";
 $Assignments = "学生作业";
 $Forum = "论坛";
 $langDelImage = "移除图片";
@@ -31,8 +32,14 @@ $langCode = "代码";
 $langUp = "向上";
 $Down = "向下";
 $Up = "向上";
+$Theme = "图形主题";
 $TheListIsEmpty = "列表为空.";
 $langUniqueSelect = "单选题";
+$CreateCategory = "创建文件夹";
+$SendFile = "上传文档";
+$SaveChanges = "保存修改";
+$SearchTerm = "搜索词语";
+$TooShort = "太短";
 $langCourseCreate = "创建课程";
 $langTodo = "您的建议";
 $UserName = "用户名";
@@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ $Organisation = "住址机构(单位)";
 $Reporting = "报告";
 $Code = "代码";
 $Update = "更新";
+$SelectQuestionType = "选择问题类型";
 $CurrentCourse = "当前课程";
 $Back = "后退";
 $Info = "信息";
@@ -69,12 +77,14 @@ $Import = "导入";
 $AddAnother = "继续添加";
 $Author = "作者";
 $TrueFalse = "是/否";
+$QuestionType = "问题类型";
 $NoSearchResults = "无搜索结果";
 $SelectQuestion = "选择问题";
 $AddNewQuestionType = "添加新的问题类型";
 $Numbered = "数字化的";
 $iso639_2_code = "zh";
 $iso639_1_code = "zho";
+$charset = "字符编码";
 $text_dir = "ltr";
 $left_font_family = "verdana, helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
 $right_font_family = "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
@@ -136,6 +146,28 @@ $AddedResources = "附件";
 $lang_modify_resource = "修改/添加资源";
 $lang_resource = "资源";
 $lang_resources = "资源";
+$langNameOfLang['arabic'] = "阿拉伯语";
+$langNameOfLang['brazilian'] = "巴西语";
+$langNameOfLang['bulgarian'] = "保加利亚语";
+$langNameOfLang['catalan'] = "加泰罗尼亚语";
+$langNameOfLang['croatian'] = "克罗地亚语";
+$langNameOfLang['danish'] = "丹麦语";
+$langNameOfLang['dutch'] = "荷兰语";
+$langNameOfLang['english'] = "英语";
+$langNameOfLang['finnish'] = "芬兰语";
+$langNameOfLang['french'] = "法语";
+$langNameOfLang['french_corporate'] = "法国企业";
+$langNameOfLang['french_KM'] = "法语KM";
+$langNameOfLang['galician'] = "加利西亚语";
+$langNameOfLang['german'] = "德语";
+$langNameOfLang['greek'] = "希腊语";
+$langNameOfLang['italian'] = "意大利语";
+$langNameOfLang['japanese'] = "日语";
+$langNameOfLang['polish'] = "波兰语";
+$langNameOfLang['portuguese'] = "葡萄牙语";
+$langNameOfLang['russian'] = "俄语";
+$langNameOfLang['simpl_chinese'] = "简体中文";
+$langNameOfLang['spanish'] = "西班牙语";
 $Close = "关闭";
 $langPlatform = "系统";
 $localLangName = "语言";
@@ -158,6 +190,15 @@ $WithSelected = "已选定";
 $langOnLine = "在线";
 $langUsers = "用户";
 $langPlatformAdmin = "系统管理";
+$langNameOfLang['hungarian'] = "匈牙利语";
+$langNameOfLang['indonesian'] = "印尼语群";
+$langNameOfLang['malay'] = "马来语";
+$langNameOfLang['slovenian'] = "斯洛文尼亚语";
+$langNameOfLang['spanish_latin'] = "西班牙_拉丁语系";
+$langNameOfLang['swedish'] = "瑞典语";
+$langNameOfLang['thai'] = "泰国语";
+$langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "土耳其语";
+$langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "越南语";
 $UserInfo = "用户信息";
 $langModifyQuestion = "修改题目";
 $langNameOfLang = "语言名称";
@@ -173,6 +214,7 @@ $All = "所有";
 $None = "没有";
 $langSorry = "请先选择一门课程";
 $langDenied = "拒绝";
+$Today = "今天";
 $langCourseHomepageLink = "课程首页";
 $Attachment = "附件";
 $User = "用户";
@@ -257,7 +299,7 @@ $Calendar_event = "日程";
 $Document = "文档";
 $Learnpath = "学习路径";
 $Link = "链接";
-$Announcement = "֪ͨ";
+$Announcement = "通知";
 $Dropbox = "投递箱";
 $Quiz = "测试";
 $langChat = "聊天";
@@ -291,6 +333,7 @@ $reservation = "保留";
 $StartTimeWindow = "开始";
 $EndTimeWindow = "结束";
 $AccessNotAllowed = "无权访问此页面";
+$InThisCourse = "在这个课程中";
 $ThisFieldIsRequired = "必须栏目";
 $AllowedHTMLTags = "允许 HTML 标注";
 $FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "资料输入错误或不完整. 请重新检查.";
@@ -380,6 +423,8 @@ $Visio_classroom = "虚拟教室";
 $Survey = "调查";
 $More = "更多.....";
 $ClickHere = "单击";
+$Here = "这里";
+$SaveQuestion = "保存题目";
 $ReturnTo = "你现在可以返回";
 $Horizontal = "横";
 $Vertical = "纵";
@@ -396,6 +441,7 @@ $EmailText = "邮件内容";
 $Send = "发送";
 $Comments = "评论";
 $ModifyRecipientList = "编辑收件箱";
+$Line = "行";
 $NoLinkVisited = "无访问过的链接";
 $NoDocumentDownloaded = "无下载的文档";
 $Clicks = "单击";
@@ -406,8 +452,74 @@ $SessionFuture = "开始前";
 $DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
 $InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "非法文件夹:请建立用来存储图片的文件夹";
 $UsersConnectedToMySessions = "查看此会话的所有用户";
+$Category = "类别";
 $DearUser = "亲爱的用户";
 $YourRegistrationData = "你的注册数据";
 $ResetLink = "单击此处恢复你的密码";
 $VisibilityChanged = "可视属性已经修改";
+$MainNavigation = "主导航";
+$SeeDetail = "详情";
+$GroupSingle = "组别";
+$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "请从首页尝试登录";
+$PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "请用以下表格尝试登录";
+$AccessToFaq = "前往最常见问题";
+$Faq = "常见问题";
+$RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "提醒学员不活跃状态超过";
+$RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "不活跃";
+$RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "用户您好,
+$OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID认证";
+$UploadMaxSize = "最大上传大小";
+$Unknown = "不明";
+$MoveUp = "上移";
+$MoveDown = "下移";
+$UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "上传文件失败:文件类型不符合要求";
+$OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
+$UplFileTooBig = "文件过大";
+$UplGenericError = "未能成功接收上传文件。请稍后再试或者联系平台管理员";
+$MyGradebook = "我的成绩本";
+$Gradebook = "成绩本";
+$OpenIDWhatIs = "什么是OpenID";
+$OpenIDDescription = "OpenID可以消除在不同网站不同帐户登录的要求,简化了您的在线体验。您可以选择自己的OpenID,并使用可相信的OpenID供应商。最重要的是,OpenID技术并不是私有的,完全免费使用。对于商业方面,这意味着当使用新的网络通信时,使用较低成本就能维护帐户和密码管理。OpenID使得用户能自己控制登录来减少多帐户的烦恼";
+$NoManager = "没有经理";
+$ExportiCal = "导出iCal";
+$ExportiCalPublic = "导出iCal的公共事件";
+$ExportiCalPrivate = "导出iCal的个人事件";
+$ExportiCalConfidential = "作为保密事件导出iCal格式";
+$MoreStats = "更多统计";
+$Drh = "人力资源经理";
+$MinDecade = "十年";
+$MinYear = "年";
+$MinMonth = "月";
+$MinWeek = "周";
+$MinDay = "日";
+$MinHour = "小时";
+$MinMinute = "分钟";
+$MinDecades = "十年";
+$MinYears = "年";
+$MinMonths = "月";
+$MinWeeks = "周";
+$MinDays = "日";
+$MinHours = "时";
+$MinMinutes = "分";
+$HomeDirectory = "主目录";
+$DocumentCreated = "文档已创建";
+$ForumAdded = "已添加论坛";
+$ForumThreadAdded = "已添加子论坛";
+$ForumAttachmentAdded = "已添加论坛附件";
+$directory = "目录";
+$Directories = "目录";
+$UserAge = "年龄";
+$UserBirthday = "生日";
+$Course = "课程";
+$FilesUpload = "文档";
+$ExerciseFinished = "测试完成";
+$UserSex = "性别";
+$UserNativeLanguage = "本地语言";
+$UserResidenceCountry = "居住国家";
+$AddAnAttachment = "添加附件";
+$FileComment = "文件评论";
+$FileName = "文件名";
+$Accept = "同意";
+$DeleteAllAttendances = "删除全部的附件";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ $SendMailBody = "发件人";
 $DirDelete = "删除目录";
 $ValidateChanges = "验证变化";
 $FolderUpdated = "文件夹已更新";
+$EndsAt = "结束于(可完全关闭)";
 $ExpiresAt = "过期于";
 $DirectoryCreated = "文件夹已创建";
 $MoveXTo = "移动 %s 到";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -1075,6 +1075,7 @@ $EditTimeLimit = "Uredi časovne omejitve";
 $ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Prikaži termine besednjaka v dodatnih orodjih";
 $FieldTypeTag = "Oznaka uporabnika";
 $SendEmailToAdminTitle = "E-poštno obvestilo ob kreiranju novega tečaja";
+$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Pošlji e-poštno obvestilo upravitelju platforme vsakič, ko učitelj ustvari nov tečaj";
 $SelectSession = "Izberi sejo";
 $GroupPermissions = "Dovoljenja za skupino";
 $SpecialCourse = "Poseben tečaj";
@@ -1090,5 +1091,7 @@ $Editor = "WYSIWYG urejevalnik";
 $GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Pojdi neposredno na tečaj (po prijavi)";
 $GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "V primeru, da je uproabnik registriran v enem samem tečaju, bo njegova osnovna stran po prijavi stran tečaja";
 $AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Dovoli tečajnikom prenos map";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Dovoli pošiljanje sporočil vsem uporabnikom platforme";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Dovoli pošiljanje sporočil vsem uporabnikom platforme";
 $Username = "Uporabniško ime";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1223,4 +1223,6 @@ $AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de usuarios asignados al admi
 $AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados al administrador de recursos humanos";
 $ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "No hay cursos creados";
 $HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Ver la actividad en forma vertical";
+$CoursesInformation = "Información de cursos";
+$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "La funcionalidad de exportaciones especiales existe para ayudar el revisor instruccional/académico en exportar los documentos de todos los cursos en un solo paso. Otra opción le permite escoger los cursos que desea exportar, y exportará los documentos presentes en las sesiones de estos cursos también. Esto es una operación muy pesada. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos no iniciarla durante las horas de uso normal de su portal. Hagalo en un periodo más tranquilo. Si no necesita todos los contenidos de una vez, prueba exportar documentos de cursos directamente desde la herramienta de mantenimiento del curso, dentro del curso mismo.";

+ 6 - 0

@@ -263,4 +263,10 @@ $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers = "No hay información disponible sobre s
 $ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents = "No hay información disponible sobre sus estudiantes";
 $TimeSpentLastWeek = "Tiempo pasado la última semana";
 $DateLock = "Bloqueo de fecha";
+$FolderCreated = "Nueva carpeta creada";
+$LearnpathVisible = "Lección hecha visible";
+$LinkInvisible = "Enlace hecho invisible";
+$LinkAdded = "Enlace añadido";
+$Minutes = "Minutos";
+$BackupCreated = "Exporte creado";

+ 21 - 0

@@ -888,4 +888,25 @@ $ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "Resultados ocultos por la configuración del
 $ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "Sección temática ha sido creado con éxito";
 $NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "Ahora debes añadir plan temático %s y avance temático %s";
 $QualificationNumeric = "Calificación numérica sobre";
+$Literal0 = "cero";
+$Literal1 = "uno";
+$Literal2 = "dos";
+$Literal3 = "tres";
+$Literal4 = "cuatro";
+$Literal5 = "cinco";
+$Literal6 = "seis";
+$Literal7 = "siete";
+$Literal8 = "ocho";
+$Literal9 = "nueve";
+$Literal10 = "diez";
+$Literal11 = "once";
+$Literal12 = "doce";
+$Literal13 = "trece";
+$Literal14 = "catorce";
+$Literal15 = "quince";
+$Literal16 = "dieciseis";
+$Literal17 = "diecisiete";
+$Literal18 = "dieciocho";
+$Literal19 = "diecinueve";
+$Literal20 = "veinte";