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Adding "dist" files in config

Julio Montoya 11 anos atrás

+ 114 - 0

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+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ * Configuration file for all authentication methods. Uncomment and configure only the section(s) you need.
+ * @package chamilo.conf.auth
+ */
+ * Facebook
+ */
+ * Decomment those lines and put your facebook app parameters here
+ * Find them here :
+$facebook_config = array(   'appId'         => 'APPID',
+                            'secret'        => 'secret app',
+                            'return_url'    => api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'?action=fbconnect'
+ * Shibboleth
+ */
+// $shibb_login = ...;
+ * LDAP
+ */
+ * Array of connection parameters
+ **/
+$extldap_config = array(
+  //base dommain string
+  'base_dn' => 'DC=cblue,DC=be',
+  //admin distinguished name
+  'admin_dn' => 'CN=admin,dc=cblue,dc=be',
+  //admin password
+  'admin_password' => 'pass',
+  //ldap host
+  'host' => array('', '', ''),
+  // filter
+//  'filter' => '', // no () arround the string
+  //'port' => , default on 389
+  //protocl version (2 or 3)
+  'protocol_version' => 3,
+  // set this to 0 to connect to AD server
+  'referrals' => 0,
+  //String used to search the user in ldap. %username will ber replaced by the username.
+  //See extldap_get_user_search_string() function below
+//  'user_search' => 'sAMAccountName=%username%',  // no () arround the string
+  'user_search' => 'uid=%username%',  // no () arround the string
+  //encoding used in ldap (most common are UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1
+  'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
+  //Set to true if user info have to be update at each login
+  'update_userinfo' => true
+ * Correspondance array between chamilo user info and ldap user info
+ * This array is of this form : 
+ *  '<chamilo_field> => <ldap_field>
+ *
+ * If <ldap_field> is "func", then the value of <chamilo_field> will be the return value of the function
+ * extldap_get_<chamilo_field>($ldap_array)
+ * In this cas you will have to declare the extldap_get_<chamilo_field> function
+ *
+ * If <ldap_field> is a string beginning with "!", then the value will be this string without "!"
+ * 
+ * If <ldap_field> is any other string then the value of <chamilo_field> will be 
+ * $ldap_array[<ldap_field>][0]
+ *
+ * If <ldap_field> is an array then its value will be an array of values with the same rules as above
+ * 
+ **/
+$extldap_user_correspondance = array(
+    'firstname' => 'givenName',
+    'lastname' => 'sn',
+    'status' => 'func',
+    'admin' => 'func',
+    'email' => 'mail',
+    'auth_source' => '!extldap',
+    //'username' => ,
+    'language' => '!english',
+    'password' => '!PLACEHOLDER',
+    'extra' => array(
+    'title' => 'title',
+    'globalid' => 'employeeID',
+    'department' => 'department',
+    'country' => 'co',
+    'bu' => 'Company')
+ * OpenID
+ */
+$langMainInfo = 'You may login to this site using an OpenID. You may add your OpenId URLs below, and also see a list of any OpenIDs which have already been added.';
+$langMainInfoDetail = '<p>OpenID is a secure way to use one user ID and password to log in to many web sites without special software, giving the same password to each site, or losing control over which information is shared with each site that you visit.</p>';
+$langMainInfoDetail .= '<p>Users can create accounts using their OpenID, assign one or more OpenIDs to an existing account, and log in using an OpenID. This lowers the barrier to registration, which is good for the site, and offers convenience and security to the users. Logging in via OpenID is far more secure than cross-site logins using drupal.module.</p>';
+$langMainInfoDetail .= '<p>More information on OpenID is available at <a href=""></a></p>';
+ * CAS
+ */
+//$cas = ...;

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+// Chamilo version {NEW_VERSION}
+// File generated by /install/index.php script - {DATE_GENERATED}
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ *		Chamilo configuration
+ *
+ * This file contains a list of variables that can be modified by the campus
+ * site's server administrator. Pay attention when changing these variables,
+ * some changes may cause Chamilo to stop working.
+ * If you changed some settings and want to restore them, please have a look at
+ * configuration.dist.php. That file is an exact copy of the config file at
+ * install time.
+ */
+ * $_configuration define only the bare essential variables
+ * for configuring the platform (paths, database connections, ...).
+ * Changing a $_configuration variable CAN generally break the installation.
+ * Besides the $_configuration, a $_settings array also exists, that
+ * contains variables that can be changed and will not break the platform.
+ * These optional settings are defined in the database, now (table settings_current).
+ */
+ * Database settings
+ */
+// Host
+$_configuration['db_host']     = '{DATABASE_HOST}';
+// username
+$_configuration['db_user']     = '{DATABASE_USER}';
+// password
+$_configuration['db_password'] = '{DATABASE_PASSWORD}';
+$_configuration['db_driver']   = '{DATABASE_DRIVER}';
+// chamilo database
+$_configuration['main_database'] = '{DATABASE_MAIN}';
+/** Directory settings */
+// URL to the root of your Chamilo installation, e.g.:
+$_configuration['root_web']    = '{ROOT_WEB}';
+/** Chamilo will automatically manage all this paths */
+// Path to the webroot of system, example: /var/www/chamilo
+//$_configuration['root_sys'] = '{ROOT_SYS}';
+// Path to the data folder, example /var/www/chamilo/data
+//$_configuration['sys_data_path'] = null;
+// Path to the config folder, example /var/www/chamilo/config
+//$_configuration['sys_config_path'] = null;
+// Path to the temp folder, example /var/www/chamilo/temp
+//$_configuration['sys_temp_path'] = null;
+// Path to the logs folder, example /var/www/chamilo/logs
+//$_configuration['sys_log_path'] = null;
+// URL to your phpMyAdmin installation.
+// If not empty, a link will be available in the Platform Administration
+$_configuration['db_admin_path']  = '';
+/** Login modules settings */
+// -> Go to your portal Chamilo > Administration > CAS to activate CAS
+// You can leave these lines uncommented even if you don't use CAS authentification
+//$extAuthSource["cas"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/cas/login.php";
+//$extAuthSource["cas"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/cas/newUser.php";
+// NEW LDAP IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON external_login info
+// -> Uncomment the two lines bellow to activate LDAP AND edit main/auth/external_login/ldap.conf.php for configuration
+// $extAuthSource["extldap"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/login.ldap.php";
+// $extAuthSource["extldap"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php";
+// -> Uncomment the line bellow to activate Facebook Auth AND edit main/auth/external_login/ldap.conf.php for configuration
+// $_configuration['facebook_auth'] = 1;
+// To fetch external login information, uncomment those 2 lines and modify  files auth/external_login/newUser.php and auth/external_login/updateUser.php files
+// $extAuthSource["external_login"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/newUser.php";
+// $extAuthSource["external_login"]["updateUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['code_append']."auth/external_login/updateUser.php";
+ *
+ * Hosting settings - Allows you to set limits to the Chamilo portal when
+ * hosting it for a third party. These settings can be overwritten by an
+ * optionally-loaded extension file with only the settings (no comments).
+ * The settings use an index at the first level to represent the ID of the
+ * URL in case you use multi-url (otherwise it will always use 1, which is
+ * the ID of the only URL inside the access_url table).
+ */
+// Set a maximum number of users. Default (0) = no limit
+$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_users'] = 0;
+// Set a maximum number of teachers. Default (0) = no limit
+$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_teachers'] = 0;
+// Set a maximum number of courses. Default (0) = no limit
+$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_courses'] = 0;
+// Set a maximum number of sessions. Default (0) = no limit
+$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_sessions'] = 0;
+// Set a maximum disk space used, in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB).
+// Default (0) = no limit
+$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_disk_space'] = 0;
+ * Content Delivery Network (CDN) settings. Only use if you need a separate
+ * server to serve your static data. If you don't know what a CDN is, you
+ * don't need it. These settings are for simple Origin Pull CDNs and are
+ * experimental. Enable only if you really know what you're doing.
+ * This might conflict with multiple-access urls.
+ */
+// Set the following setting to true to start using the CDN
+$_configuration['cdn_enable'] = false;
+// The following setting will be ignored if the previous one is set to false
+$_configuration['cdn'] = array(
+  //You can define several CDNs and split them by extensions
+  //Replace the following by your full CDN URL, which should point to
+  // your Chamilo's root directory. DO NOT INCLUDE a final slash! (won't work)
+  '' => array('.css','.js','.jpg','.jpeg','.png','.gif','.avi','.flv'),
+  // copy the line above and modify following your needs
+ * Session settings
+ */
+// You may have to restart your web server if you change this
+$_configuration['session_stored_in_db'] = false;
+// Session lifetime
+$_configuration['session_lifetime'] = SESSION_LIFETIME;
+/** Security */
+// Security word for password recovery
+$_configuration['security_key'] = '{SECURITY_KEY}';
+// Hash function method
+$_configuration['password_encryption'] = '{ENCRYPT_PASSWORD}';
+//Deny the elimination of users
+$_configuration['deny_delete_users'] = false;
+//Prevent all admins from using the "login_as" feature
+$_configuration['login_as_forbidden_globally'] = false;
+/** Multiple URL */
+// Activation for multi-url access
+//$_configuration['multiple_access_urls'] = true;
+/** Chamilo version settings */
+$_configuration['software_name']     = 'Chamilo';
+$_configuration['software_url']	     = '';
+$_configuration['debug']             = false;
+// Version settings
+$_configuration['system_version']    = '{NEW_VERSION}';
+$_configuration['system_stable']     = NEW_VERSION_STABLE;

+ 45 - 0

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+/** This script is only use when using the console.php chamilo:install command */
+ * Database settings
+ */
+// Your MySQL server
+$_configuration['db_host']     = 'localhost';
+// Your MySQL username
+$_configuration['db_user']     = 'root';
+// Your MySQL password
+$_configuration['db_password'] = 'root';
+// Prefix for course tables (IF NOT EMPTY, can be replaced by another prefix, else leave empty)
+/*$_configuration['table_prefix']          = '';
+// prefix all created bases (for courses) with this string
+$_configuration['db_prefix']             = '';*/
+// main Chamilo database
+$_configuration['main_database']         = 'chamilo';
+ * Directory settings
+ */
+// URL to the root of your Chamilo installation, e.g.:
+$_configuration['root_web']       = 'http://localhost/chamilo';
+$_configuration['root_sys']       = '/var/www/chamilo';
+ * Misc. settings
+ */
+// Security word for password recovery
+$_configuration['security_key']      = md5(uniqid(rand().time()));
+// Hash function method
+$_configuration['password_encryption']      = 'sha1';
+// You may have to restart your web server if you change this
+$_configuration['session_stored_in_db']     = false;
+// Session lifetime
+$_configuration['session_lifetime']         = 3600;
+// Activation for multi-url access
+//$_configuration['multiple_access_urls']   = true;
+//Deny the elimination of users
+$_configuration['deny_delete_users']        = false;
+//Prevent all admins from using the "login_as" feature
+$_configuration['login_as_forbidden_globally'] = false;
+// Version settings
+$_configuration['system_version']           = '1.10.0';

+ 66 - 0

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+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ * Events' configuration
+ * Used to configure each event and to link them to functions the event'll fire.
+ * The flow is like the following :
+ * 1. somewhere in the application an event is fired
+ * 2. that event is intercepted by the switch EventsDispatcher
+ * 3. that switch will go all over the "actions" in the event_config initialized beneath us according to the event
+ * 4. that switch will see if the function actually exists (if not, we get dont do anything)
+ * 5. then it will see if a filter for that function exists (if it does, the filter is executed)
+ * 6. if the filter says it's ok, the function linked to the event is executed
+ * 7. and that function will actually call the truly interesting function with the good require_once
+ */
+global $event_config;
+$event_config = array(
+    'portal_homepage_edited' => array( // key for "user registration" event
+        'actions' => array( // we link this event to a bunch of functions that will be triggered when the event is fired
+            'event_send_mail' // don't forget to actually write this function in the events.lib.php file
+        ),
+        'self_sent' => false, // this key states that we can't add user to this event through the admin panel
+        'name_lang_var' => 'PortalHomepageEdited',
+        'desc_lang_var' => 'PortalHomepageEdited',
+        'available_keyvars' => array (// keys used for the mail template
+            'url'           => 'portal',
+            'sitename'      => 'sitename',
+            'firstname'     => 'firstname',
+            'lastname'      => 'lastname',
+            'username'      => 'username',
+            'usermail'      => 'usermail',
+            'password'      => 'password',
+            'user_lang'     => 'language',
+            'admin_name'    => 'administrator_name',
+            'admin_surname' => 'administrator_surname',
+            'admin_phone'   => 'administrator_phone',
+            'admin_email'   => 'administrator_email',
+        )
+    ),
+    'user_registration' => array( // key for "user registration" event
+        'actions' => array( // we link this event to a bunch of functions that will be triggered when the event is fired
+            'event_send_mail' // don't forget to actually write this function in the events.lib.php file
+        ),
+        'self_sent' => true, // this key states that we can't add user to this event through the admin panel
+        'name_lang_var' => 'UserRegistrationTitle',
+        'desc_lang_var' => 'UserRegistrationComment',
+        'available_keyvars' => array (// keys used for the mail template
+            'url'           => 'portal',
+            'sitename'      => 'sitename',
+            'firstname'     => 'firstname',
+            'lastname'      => 'lastname',
+            'username'      => 'username',
+            'usermail'      => 'usermail',
+            'password'      => 'password',
+            'user_lang'     => 'language',
+            'admin_name'    => 'administrator_name',
+            'admin_surname' => 'administrator_surname',
+            'admin_phone'   => 'administrator_phone',
+            'admin_email'   => 'administrator_email',
+        )
+    ),
+@include 'events.conf.local.php';

+ 16 - 0

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+ *	This file holds the email configuration settings
+ *	@package chamilo.configuration
+ */
+$platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']   = (isset($administrator['email'])?$administrator['email']:'');
+$platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME']    = (isset($administrator['name'])?$administrator['name']:'Admin');
+$platform_email['SMTP_HOST']         = 'localhost';
+$platform_email['SMTP_PORT']         = 25;
+$platform_email['SMTP_MAILER']       = 'mail'; // mail, sendmail or smtp
+$platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']         = 0;
+$platform_email['SMTP_USER']         = '';
+$platform_email['SMTP_PASS']         = '';
+$platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET']      = 'UTF-8';

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * This file contains the portfolios configuration.
+ * 
+ * Portfolios are external applicatoins used to display and share files. The
+ * portfolio configuration set up where files can be sent.
+ * 
+ * @see \Portfolio
+ */
+$portfolios = array();
+//$_mahara_portfolio = new Portfolio\Mahara('http(s)://...');
+//$portfolios[] = $_mahara_portfolio;
+//$download_portfolio = new Portfolio\Download();
+//$portfolios[] = $download_portfolio;

+ 41 - 0

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+ *	This file holds the configuration constants and variables
+ *	for the user profile tool.
+ *
+ *	@package chamilo.configuration
+ */
+// Autentication, password
+define('CHECK_PASS_EASY_TO_FIND', false);
+$profileIsEditable = true;
+// User photos
+define('PREFIX_IMAGE_FILENAME_WITH_UID', true); // If true, filename of images on server begin with uid of the user.
+define('IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH', 100);
+// Replacing user photos
+	// true  -> the new image have the name of previous.
+	// false -> a new name is build for each upladed image.
+	// true  -> if KEEP_THE_NAME_WHEN_CHANGE_IMAGE is true, the  previous image is rename before.
+	// false -> only the last image still on server.
+// Official code
+// Don't forget to change name of offical code in your organization
+// See $langOfficialCode within the language file 'registration'
+define('CONFVAL_ASK_FOR_OFFICIAL_CODE', true); // not used but name fixed
+/* if CONFVAL_CHECK_OFFICIAL_CODE is true, build here the
+function personal_check_official_code($code, $valueToReturnIfOk, $valueToReturnIfBad) {
+	return $stateOfficialCode = true;
+// For stats
+define('NB_LINE_OF_EVENTS', 15);