@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ class manager
array(array("txt"), "fileText", SEARCH_TYPE_TEXT, 1),
array(array("xml", "xsl", "dtd"), "fileXml", SEARCH_TYPE_XML, 1),
array(array("svg","svgz"), "fileSVG", SEARCH_TYPE_SVG, 1),
- array(array("odt"), "fileODT", SEARCH_TYPE_ODT, 1),
- array(array("odp"), "fileODP", SEARCH_TYPE_ODP, 1),
- array(array("ods"), "fileODS", SEARCH_TYPE_ODS, 1),
- array(array("odg"), "fileODG", SEARCH_TYPE_ODG, 1)
- );// Added svg, svgz, pps, docx, pptx, xlsx, midi, ogg, ogv, oga,odt,ods,odp,odg types to Chamilo, and change flv from flash to video
+ array(array("odt", "ott", "sxw", "stw"), "fileODT", SEARCH_TYPE_ODT, 1),
+ array(array("odp", "otp", "sxi", "sti"), "fileODP", SEARCH_TYPE_ODP, 1),
+ array(array("ods", "ots", "sxc", "stc"), "fileODS", SEARCH_TYPE_ODS, 1),
+ array(array("odg", "otg", "sxd", "std"), "fileODG", SEARCH_TYPE_ODG, 1)
+ );// Added svg, svgz, pps, docx, pptx, xlsx, midi, ogg, ogv, oga,(odt,ods,odp,odg and extra) types to Chamilo, and change flv from flash to video
* constructor