@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* One question can be in several exercises
* @package dokeos.exercise
* @author Olivier Brouckaert
-* @version $Id: question_pool.php 11110 2007-02-14 13:48:08Z elixir_julian $
+* @version $Id: question_pool.php 12070 2007-04-20 09:43:41Z elixir_julian $
// name of the language file that needs to be included
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ if ( empty ( $recup ) ) {
if ( empty ( $fromExercise ) ) {
$fromExercise = $_GET['fromExercise'];
+ $exerciseId = $_GET['exerciseId'];
// maximum number of questions on a same page
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ if($is_allowedToEdit)
- header("Location: admin.php");
+ header("Location: admin.php?exerciseId=$fromExercise");
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ if($is_allowedToEdit)
<option value="-1" <?php if($exerciseId == -1) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>-- <?php echo get_lang('OrphanQuestions'); ?> --</option>
- $sql="SELECT id,title FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE id<>'$fromExercise' ORDER BY id";
+ $sql="SELECT id,title FROM $TBL_EXERCICES WHERE id<>'$fromExercise' AND active<>'-1' ORDER BY id";
// shows a list-box allowing to filter questions
@@ -153,24 +156,22 @@ if($is_allowedToEdit)
// if we have selected an exercise in the list-box 'Filter'
if($exerciseId > 0)
- $sql="SELECT id,question,type FROM $TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION,$TBL_QUESTIONS WHERE question_id=id AND exercice_id='$exerciseId' ORDER BY position LIMIT $from,".($limitQuestPage+1);
- $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql="SELECT id,question,type FROM $TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION,$TBL_QUESTIONS WHERE question_id=id AND exercice_id='$exerciseId' ORDER BY position";
// if we have selected the option 'Orphan questions' in the list-box 'Filter'
elseif($exerciseId == -1)
- $sql="SELECT id,question,type FROM $TBL_QUESTIONS LEFT JOIN $TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION ON question_id=id WHERE exercice_id IS NULL ORDER BY question LIMIT $from,".($limitQuestPage+1);
- $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql='SELECT id, question, type, exercice_id FROM '.$TBL_QUESTIONS.' as questions LEFT JOIN '.$TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION.' as quizz_questions ON questions.id=quizz_questions.question_id AND exercice_id IS NULL';
// if we have not selected any option in the list-box 'Filter'
- $sql="SELECT id,question,type FROM $TBL_QUESTIONS LEFT JOIN $TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION ON question_id=id WHERE exercice_id IS NULL OR exercice_id<>'$fromExercise' GROUP BY id ORDER BY question LIMIT $from,".($limitQuestPage+1);
- $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql="SELECT id,question,type FROM $TBL_QUESTIONS";
// forces the value to 0
+ $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ if($is_allowedToEdit)
- <a href="admin.php"><< <?php echo get_lang('GoBackToEx'); ?></a>
+ <a href="admin.php?exerciseId=<?php echo $fromExercise; ?>"><< <?php echo get_lang('GoBackToEx'); ?></a>