@@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@ $LearnpathNoNext = "This is the last learning object.";
$LearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first learning object.";
$LearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first learning object.";
$LearnpathAddLearnpath = "Create new learning path";
$LearnpathAddLearnpath = "Create new learning path";
$LearnpathEditLearnpath = "Edit learnpath";
$LearnpathEditLearnpath = "Edit learnpath";
-$LearnpathDeleteLearnpath = "Delete course";
+$LearnpathDeleteLearnpath = "Delete";
$LearnpathDoNotPublish = "do not publish";
$LearnpathDoNotPublish = "do not publish";
$LearnpathPublish = "Publish on course homepage";
$LearnpathPublish = "Publish on course homepage";
$LearnpathNotPublished = "not published";
$LearnpathNotPublished = "not published";
@@ -8389,4 +8389,5 @@ $GenerateStats = "Generate statistics";
$BasicCourseDocuments = "Basic course documents";
$BasicCourseDocuments = "Basic course documents";
$WeekX = "Week %s";
$WeekX = "Week %s";
$QuizWrongAnswerHereIsTheCorrectOne = "Wrong answer. The correct one was:";
$QuizWrongAnswerHereIsTheCorrectOne = "Wrong answer. The correct one was:";
+$ThisQuizCanBeEmbeddable = "This quiz can be embeddable on videos or mobile content";