Browse Source

[svn r14637] Use “Today”, “Yesterday” and “Two days ago” to specify the date for recent files. (See FS#2349)

Julio Montoya 17 years ago

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1366,6 +1366,13 @@ a.specialLink:hover,a.specialLink:focus {
 	margin: 0 .8em;
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1306,6 +1306,13 @@ th span {
 	margin: 0 .8em;
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1269,6 +1269,13 @@ a.specialLink:hover,a.specialLink:focus {
 	margin: 0 .8em;
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1045,8 +1045,10 @@ dl.upload_option {
 	font-style: italic
-.dropbox_person {
-	font-weight: bold
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	
 .dropbox_listTitle {

+ 5 - 1

@@ -746,7 +746,11 @@ dl.upload_option {margin: 1em 0; padding: 0;}
 /* styles from dropbox.php file */
 .dropbox_detail {font-size: small}
-.dropbox_date {font-style: italic}
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	
 .dropbox_person {font-weight: bold}
 .dropbox_listTitle { color: #000000;}
 .dropbox_feedback {font-size: x-small; height: 50px; width: 200px; overflow: auto}

+ 6 - 1

@@ -721,7 +721,12 @@ dl.upload_option {margin: 1em 0; padding: 0;}
 /* styles from dropbox.php file */
 .dropbox_detail {font-size: small}
-.dropbox_date {font-style: italic}
+.dropbox_date {
+	color: #737780;	
+	font-style: italic ;
+	font-weight: normal;	
 .dropbox_person {font-weight: bold}
 .dropbox_listTitle { color: #000000;}
 .dropbox_feedback {font-size: x-small; height: 50px; width: 200px; overflow: auto}

+ 4 - 5

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2006 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) 2006 Ghent University (UGent)
 	Copyright (c) various contributors
@@ -1047,10 +1047,9 @@ function feedback($array)
 function format_feedback($feedback)
-	$output.='<strong>'.get_lang('Date').'</strong>: '.$feedback['feedback_date'].'<br />';
-	$output.='<strong>'.get_lang('Author').'</strong>: '.display_user_link($feedback['author_user_id']).'<br />';
-	$output.='<strong>'.get_lang('Text').'</strong>: '.nl2br($feedback['feedback']).'<hr size="1" noshade/>';
+	$output.=display_user_link($feedback['author_user_id']);
+	$output.='&nbsp;&nbsp;['.$feedback['feedback_date'].']<br>';
+	$output.='<div style="padding-top:6px">'.nl2br($feedback['feedback']).'</div><hr size="1" noshade/><br>';
 	return $output;

+ 97 - 48

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2006 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) 2006 Ghent University (UGent)
 	Copyright (c) various contributors
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ if ($_GET['action']=="add")
 if ($_POST['submitWork'])
 	$check = Security::check_token();
@@ -251,7 +252,8 @@ if (isset($_GET['error']) AND !empty($_GET['error']))
+if ($_GET['action']!="add")
 // getting all the categories in the dropbox for the given user
 // creating the arrays with the categories for the received files and for the sent files
@@ -290,7 +292,6 @@ if ($dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs'])
 if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 	//echo '<h3>'.get_lang('ReceivedFiles').'</h3>';
@@ -305,13 +306,14 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
 	/* *** Menu Received *** */
 	if ($view_dropbox_category_received<>0)
 		echo get_lang('CurrentlySeeing').': <strong>'.$dropbox_categories[$view_dropbox_category_received]['cat_name'].'</strong><br />';
 		echo '<img src="../img/folder_up.gif" alt="'.get_lang('up').'" align="absmiddle" /><a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category=0&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'">'.get_lang('Root')."</a>\n";
-	echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&action=addreceivedcategory\"><img src=\"../img/folder_new.gif\" alt=\"".get_lang('NewFolder')."\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> ".get_lang('AddNewCategory')."</a>\n";
+	echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=addreceivedcategory"><img src="../img/folder_new.gif" align=\"absmiddle\"/> '.get_lang('AddNewCategory').'</a>';
 	// object initialisation
@@ -329,12 +331,38 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
 	$column_header[] = array('',false,'');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('ReceivedTitle'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Description'), TRUE, '');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Size'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('LastResent'), TRUE, '');
+	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'), TRUE, '');	
+	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('LastResent'), true);
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'), FALSE, '', 'nowrap style="text-align: right"');
+	$column_header[] = array('RealDate', true);
+	// An array with the setting of the columns -> 1: columns that we will show, 0:columns that will be hide 
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=0;
+	// Here we change the way how the colums are going to be sort
+	// in this case the the column of LastResent ( 4th element in $column_header) we will be order like the column RealDate 
+	// because in the column RealDate we have the days in a correct format "2008-03-12 10:35:48"
+	$column_order[]=1;
+	$column_order[]=2;
+	$column_order[]=3;
+	$column_order[]=4;
+	$column_order[]=7;   	
+	$column_order[]=6;
+	$column_order[]=7;
+	$column_order[]=8;
 	// the content of the sortable table = the received files
 	foreach ( $dropbox_person -> receivedWork as $dropbox_file)
@@ -342,6 +370,7 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
 		if ($view_dropbox_category_received==$dropbox_file->category) // we only display the files that are in the category that we are in.
 			// new icon
 			if ($dropbox_file->last_upload_date > $last_access AND !in_array($dropbox_file->id,$_SESSION['_seen'][$_course['id']][TOOL_DROPBOX]))
@@ -352,11 +381,13 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
-			$dropbox_file_data[]='<a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'&amp;action=download"><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'"/></a><a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'">'.$dropbox_file->title.'</a>'.$new_icon;
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author;
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->description;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]='<a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'&amp;action=download"><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'"/></a><a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'">'.$dropbox_file->title.'</a>'.$new_icon.'<br>'.$dropbox_file->description;
 			$dropbox_file_data[]=ceil(($dropbox_file->filesize)/1024).' '.get_lang('kB');
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author;
+			//$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->description;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=date_to_str_ago($dropbox_file->last_upload_date).'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$dropbox_file->last_upload_date.'</span>';
 			$action_icons=check_number_feedback($dropbox_file->id, $number_feedback).' '.get_lang('Feedback').'
 									<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=viewfeedback&amp;id='.$dropbox_file->id.'"><img src="../img/comment_bubble.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Comment').'" align="absmiddle" /></a>
 									<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=movereceived&amp;move_id='.$dropbox_file->id.'"><img src="../img/deplacer_fichier.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Move').'" align="absmiddle"/></a>
@@ -364,18 +395,22 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
 			//$action_icons='		<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;action=movereceived&amp;move_id='.$dropbox_file->id.'"><img src="../img/deplacer.gif"  alt="'.get_lang('Move').'"/></a>
 			//						<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;action=deletereceivedfile&amp;id='.$dropbox_file->id.'" onclick="return confirmation(\''.$dropbox_file->title.'\');"><img src="../img/delete.gif"  alt="'.get_lang('Delete').'"/></a>';
 			// this is a hack to have an additional row in a sortable table
 			if($_GET['action']=='viewfeedback' AND isset($_GET['id']) and is_numeric($_GET['id']) AND $dropbox_file->id==$_GET['id'])
 				$action_icons.="</td></tr>\n"; // ending the normal row of the sortable table
-				$action_icons.="<tr>\n\t<td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"index.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&view_received_category=".$_GET['view_received_category']."&amp;view_sent_category=".$_GET['view_sent_category']."&amp;view=".$_GET['view']."\">".get_lang('CloseFeedback')."</a></td><td colspan=\"7\">".feedback($dropbox_file->feedback2)."</td>\n</tr>\n";
+				$action_icons.='<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="index.php?"'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category']."&amp;view_sent_category=".$_GET['view_sent_category']."&amp;view=".$_GET['view']."\">".get_lang('CloseFeedback')."</a></td><td colspan=\"7\">".feedback($dropbox_file->feedback2)."</td>\n</tr>\n";
-			$dropbox_data_recieved[]=$dropbox_file_data;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date;//date
+			$dropbox_data_recieved[]=$dropbox_file_data;		
 	// the content of the sortable table = the categories (if we are not in the root)
 	if ($view_dropbox_category_received==0)
@@ -392,7 +427,6 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
-				$dropbox_category_data[]='';
 				$dropbox_category_data[]='<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=editcategory&amp;id='.$category['cat_id'].'"><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Edit').'" /></a>
 										  <a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=deletereceivedcategory&amp;id='.$category['cat_id'].'" onclick="return confirmation(\''.$category['cat_name'].'\');"><img src="../img/delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Delete').'" /></a>';
@@ -401,19 +435,14 @@ if (!$_GET['view'] OR $_GET['view']=='received' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_t
 	// Displaying the table
-	$additional_get_parameters=array('view'=>$_GET['view'], 'view_received_category'=>$_GET['view_received_category'],'view_sent_category'=>$_GET['view_sent_category']);
-	Display::display_sortable_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_recieved, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters, array ('delete_received' => get_lang('Delete'),'download_received'=>get_lang('Download')));
+	$additional_get_parameters=array('view'=>$_GET['view'], 'view_received_category'=>$_GET['view_received_category'],'view_sent_category'=>$_GET['view_sent_category']);	
+	Display::display_sortable_config_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_recieved, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters,$column_show,$column_order, array ('delete_received' => get_lang('Delete'),'download_received'=>get_lang('Download')));
@@ -439,8 +468,8 @@ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 		echo get_lang('CurrentlySeeing').': <strong>'.$dropbox_categories[$view_dropbox_category_sent]['cat_name'].'</strong><br />';
 		echo '<img src="../img/folder_up.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Up').'" align="absmiddle" /><a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category=0&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'">'.get_lang('Root')."</a>\n";
-	echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&view=".$_GET['view']."&amp;action=add\"><img src=\"../img/submit_file.gif\" alt=\"".get_lang('Upload')."\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> ".get_lang('UploadNewFile')."</a>&nbsp;\n";
-	echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&view=".$_GET['view']."&amp;action=addsentcategory\"><img src=\"../img/folder_new.gif\" alt=\"".get_lang('NewFolder')."\" align=\"absmiddle\" /> ".get_lang('AddNewCategory')."</a>\n";
+	echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&view=".$_GET['view']."&amp;action=add\"><img src=\"../img/submit_file.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\"/> ".get_lang('UploadNewFile')."</a>&nbsp;\n";
+	echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&view=".$_GET['view']."&amp;action=addsentcategory\"><img src=\"../img/folder_new.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" /> ".get_lang('AddNewCategory')."</a>\n";
 	//echo '<form name="sent_files" method="post" action="'.api_get_self().'?view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'">';
@@ -454,39 +483,63 @@ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 	$sorting_options = array();
 	$paging_options = array();
 	// the headers of the sortable tables
 	$column_header[] = array('',false,'');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"','style="text-align:center"');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('SentTitle'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Description'), TRUE, '');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Size'), TRUE, '');
+	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('SentTo'), TRUE, '');		
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('LastResent'), TRUE, '');
-	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('SentTo'), TRUE, '');
 	$column_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'), FALSE, '', 'nowrap style="text-align: right"');
+	$column_header[] = array('RealDate', FALSE);
+	$column_show=array();
+	$column_order=array();
+	// An array with the setting of the columns -> 1: columns that we will show, 0:columns that will be hide 
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=1;
+	$column_show[]=0;
+	// Here we change the way how the colums are going to be sort
+	// in this case the the column of LastResent ( 4th element in $column_header) we will be order like the column RealDate 
+	// because in the column RealDate we have the days in a correct format "2008-03-12 10:35:48"
+	$column_order[]=1;
+	$column_order[]=2;
+	$column_order[]=3;
+	$column_order[]=4;
+	$column_order[]=7;   	
+	$column_order[]=6;
+	$column_order[]=7;
+	$column_order[]=8;
 	// the content of the sortable table = the received files
 	foreach ( $dropbox_person -> sentWork as $dropbox_file)
 		if ($view_dropbox_category_sent==$dropbox_file->category)
-			$dropbox_file_data[]='<a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'&amp;action=download"><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'" /></a><a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'">'.$dropbox_file->title.'</a>';
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author;
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->description;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]='<a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'&amp;action=download"><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'" /></a><a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$dropbox_file->id.'">'.$dropbox_file->title.'</a><br>'.$dropbox_file->description;
 			$dropbox_file_data[]=ceil(($dropbox_file->filesize)/1024).' '.get_lang('kB');
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date;
 			foreach ($dropbox_file->recipients as $recipient)
 				$receivers_celldata=display_user_link($recipient['user_id'], $recipient['name']).', '.$receivers_celldata;
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$receivers_celldata;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=$receivers_celldata;					
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=date_to_str_ago($dropbox_file->last_upload_date).'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$dropbox_file->last_upload_date.'</span>';
+			//$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->author;			
 			$action_icons=check_number_feedback($dropbox_file->id, $number_feedback).' '.get_lang('Feedback').'
 									<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=viewfeedback&amp;id='.$dropbox_file->id.'"><img src="../img/comment_bubble.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Comment').'" align="absmiddle" /></a>
@@ -499,7 +552,8 @@ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 				$action_icons.="<tr>\n\t<td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"index.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&view_received_category=".$_GET['view_received_category']."&amp;view_sent_category=".$_GET['view_sent_category']."&amp;view=".$_GET['view']."\">".get_lang('CloseFeedback')."</a></td><td colspan=\"7\">".feedback($dropbox_file->feedback2)."</td>\n</tr>\n";
-			$dropbox_file_data[]=$action_icons;
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=$action_icons;			
+			$dropbox_file_data[]=$dropbox_file->last_upload_date;			
@@ -517,9 +571,9 @@ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 				$dropbox_category_data[]=''; // this is where the checkbox icon for the files appear
 				$dropbox_category_data[]='<a href="dropbox_download.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&cat_id='.$category['cat_id'].'&amp;action=downloadcategory&amp;sent_received=sent"><img width="16" height="16" src="../img/folder_zip.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'" /></a><a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$category['cat_id'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'">'.$category['cat_name'].'</a>';
+				//$dropbox_category_data[]=''; 
-				$dropbox_category_data[]='';
-				$dropbox_category_data[]='';
+				//$dropbox_category_data[]='';
 				$dropbox_category_data[]='<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&view_received_category='.$_GET['view_received_category'].'&amp;view_sent_category='.$_GET['view_sent_category'].'&amp;view='.$_GET['view'].'&amp;action=editcategory&id='.$category['cat_id'].'"><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Edit').'"/></a>
@@ -530,16 +584,11 @@ if ($_GET['view']=='sent' OR $dropbox_cnf['sent_received_tabs']==false)
 	// Displaying the table
 	$additional_get_parameters=array('view'=>$_GET['view'], 'view_received_category'=>$_GET['view_received_category'],'view_sent_category'=>$_GET['view_sent_category']);
-	Display::display_sortable_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_sent, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters, array ('delete_received' => get_lang('Delete'),'download_received'=>get_lang('Download')));
+	Display::display_sortable_config_table($column_header, $dropbox_data_sent, $sorting_options, $paging_options, $additional_get_parameters,$column_show,$column_order, array ('delete_received' => get_lang('Delete'),'download_received'=>get_lang('Download')));

+ 60 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) Roan Embrechts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
 	Copyright (c) Wolfgang Schneider
 	Copyright (c) Bert Vanderkimpen, Ghent University
@@ -281,17 +281,75 @@ class Display {
 		global $origin;
 		$column = isset ($sorting_options['column']) ? $sorting_options['column'] : 0;
 		$default_items_per_page = isset ($paging_options['per_page']) ? $paging_options['per_page'] : 20;
 		$table = new SortableTableFromArray($content, $column, $default_items_per_page);
 		if (is_array($query_vars)) {
 		foreach ($header as $index => $header_item)
-		{
+		{			
 			$table->set_header($index, $header_item[0], $header_item[1], $header_item[2], $header_item[3]);
+	/**
+	 * Display a table with a special configuration
+	 * @param array $header Titles for the table header
+	 * 						each item in this array can contain 3 values
+	 * 						- 1st element: the column title
+	 * 						- 2nd element: true or false (column sortable?)
+	 * 						- 3th element: additional attributes for
+	 *  						th-tag (eg for column-width)
+	 * 						- 4the element: additional attributes for the td-tags
+	 * @param array $content 2D-array with the tables content
+	 * @param array $sorting_options Keys are:
+	 * 					'column' = The column to use as sort-key
+	 * 					'direction' = SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
+	 * @param array $paging_options Keys are:
+	 * 					'per_page_default' = items per page when switching from
+	 * 										 full-	list to per-page-view
+	 * 					'per_page' = number of items to show per page
+	 * 					'page_nr' = The page to display
+	 * @param array $query_vars Additional variables to add in the query-string
+	 * @param array $column_show Array of binaries 1= show columns 0. hide a column
+	 * @param array $column_order An array of integers that let us decide how the columns are going to be sort. 
+	 * 						      i.e:  $column_order=array('1''4','3','4'); The 2nd column will be order like the 4th column 
+	 * @param array $form_actions Set optional forms actions
+	 * 
+	 * @author Julio Montoya
+	 */
+	function display_sortable_config_table($header, $content, $sorting_options = array (), $paging_options = array (), $query_vars = null, $column_show=array(),$column_order=array(),$form_actions=array())
+	{
+		global $origin;
+		$column = isset ($sorting_options['column']) ? $sorting_options['column'] : 0;
+		$default_items_per_page = isset ($paging_options['per_page']) ? $paging_options['per_page'] : 20;
+		$table = new SortableTableFromArrayConfig($content, $column, $default_items_per_page,'tablename',$column_show,$column_order);
+		if (is_array($query_vars)) {
+			$table->set_additional_parameters($query_vars);
+		}
+		// show or hide the columns header
+		if (is_array($column_show) ) 
+		{
+			for ($i=0;$i<count($column_show);$i++)
+			{
+				if ($column_show[$i])
+				{
+					$table->set_header($i, $header[$i][0], $header[$i][1], $header[$i][2], $header[$i][3]);
+				}			
+			}
+		}		
+		$table->set_form_actions($form_actions);
+		$table->display();
+	}	
 	* Displays a normal message. It is recommended to use this function
 	* to display any normal information messages.

+ 68 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2005 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) Bart Mollet (
 	For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ class SortableTable extends HTML_Table
 	 * table
 	var $other_tables;
 	 * Create a new SortableTable
 	 * @param string $table_name A name for the table (default = 'table')
@@ -612,4 +614,69 @@ class SortableTableFromArray extends SortableTable
 		return count($this->table_data);
+ * Sortable table which can be used for data available in an array
+ * 
+ * Is a variation of SortableTableFromArray because we add 2 new arrays  $column_show and $column_order
+ * $column_show is an array that lets us decide which are going to be the columns to show
+ * $column_order is an array that lets us decide the ordering of the columns 
+ * i.e: $column_header=array('a','b','c','d','e'); $column_order=array(1,2,5,4,5);
+ * These means that the 3th column (letter "c") will be sort like the order we use in the 5th column 
+ */
+class SortableTableFromArrayConfig extends SortableTable
+	/**
+	 * The array containing the columns that will be show i.e $column_show=array('1','0','0'); we will show only the 1st column
+	 */
+	private $column_show;
+	/**
+	 *The array containing the real sort column $column_order=array('1''4','3','4'); The 2nd column will be order like the 4th column 
+	 */
+	private $column_order;		
+	/**
+	 * The array containing all data for this table
+	 */
+	private $table_data;
+	/**
+	 * Constructor
+	 * @param array $table_data All the information of the table
+	 * @param int $default_column Default column that will be use in the sorts functions 
+	 * @param int $default_items_per_page quantity of pages that we are going to see
+	 * @param int $tablename Name of the table
+	 * @param array $column_show An array with binary values 1: we show the column 2: we don't show it 
+	 * @param array $column_order An array of integers that let us decide how the columns are going to be sort.   
+	 */ 
+	public function SortableTableFromArrayConfig($table_data, $default_column = 1, $default_items_per_page = 20, $tablename = 'tablename',$column_show=null,$column_order=null)
+	{
+		$this->column_show=$column_show;
+		$this->column_order=$column_order;
+		parent :: SortableTable($tablename, null, null, $default_column, $default_items_per_page,'ASC');
+		$this->table_data = $table_data;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get table data to show on current page
+	 * @see SortableTable#get_table_data
+	 */
+	public function get_table_data($from = 1)
+	{			
+		$content = TableSort :: sort_table_config($this->table_data, $this->column, $this->direction == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC ,$this->column_show, $this->column_order);
+		return array_slice($content, $from, $this->per_page);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get total number of items
+	 * @see SortableTable#get_total_number_of_items
+	 */
+	public function get_total_number_of_items()
+	{
+		return count($this->table_data);
+	}	

+ 112 - 14

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2004 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
 	Copyright (c) 2001 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 	Copyright (c) Bart Mollet (
@@ -36,31 +36,31 @@ class TableSort
 	 * String to lowercase (keep accents).
 	 * @param string $txt The string to convert
-	 * @author René Haentjens
+	 * @author Ren� Haentjens
 	 * This  function is 8859-1 specific and should be adapted when Dokeos is
 	 * used with other charsets. 
 	function strtolower_keepaccents($txt)
-		return strtolower(strtr($txt, "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞ", "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþ"));
+		return strtolower(strtr($txt, "������������������������������", "������������������������������"));
 	 * String to lowercase.
 	 * @param string $txt The string to convert
-	 * @author René Haentjens
+	 * @author Ren� Haentjens
 	 * This  function is 8859-1 specific and should be adapted when Dokeos is
 	 * used with other charsets.
 	function strtolower_eorlatin($txt)
-		return str_replace(array ("æ", "ß"), array ("ae", "ss"), strtr(TableSort::strtolower_keepaccents($txt), "àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ", "aaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuuyy"));
-		// do not replace "þ" by "th", leave it at the end of the alphabet...
-		// do not replace any of "$&¢£¥©ª®µº", though they resemble letters...
+		return str_replace(array ("�", "�"), array ("ae", "ss"), strtr(TableSort::strtolower_keepaccents($txt), "�����������������������������", "aaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuuyy"));
+		// do not replace "�" by "th", leave it at the end of the alphabet...
+		// do not replace any of "$&��������", though they resemble letters...
 	 * Create a string to use in sorting.
 	 * @param string $txt The string to convert
-	 * @author René Haentjens
+	 * @author Ren� Haentjens
 	 * This  function is 8859-1 specific and should be adapted when Dokeos is
 	 * used with other charsets. 
 	 * See 
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class TableSort
 	function orderingstring($txt)
-		return ereg_replace("[^0-9a-zþ]", "", TableSort::strtolower_eorlatin($txt));
+		return ereg_replace("[^0-9a-z�]", "", TableSort::strtolower_eorlatin($txt));
 	 * Sort 2-dimensional table.
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ class TableSort
 					return TableSort::sort_table($data, $column, $direction, SORT_NUMERIC);
 				return TableSort::sort_table($data, $column, $direction, SORT_STRING);
 			case SORT_NUMERIC :
@@ -130,13 +129,13 @@ class TableSort
 	 * @author
 	function is_numeric_column($data, $column)
-	{
+	{	
 		$is_numeric = true;
 		foreach ($data as $index => $row)
 			$is_numeric &= is_numeric(strip_tags($row[$column]));
-		}
-		return $is_numeric;
+		}		
 	 * Checks if a column of a 2D-array contains only dates (GNU date syntax)
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ class TableSort
 	 * @author
 	function is_date_column($data, $column)
-	{
+	{	
 		$is_date = true;
 		foreach ($data as $index => $row)
@@ -182,5 +181,104 @@ class TableSort
 		return $is_image;
+	/**
+	 * Sort 2-dimensional table. It is possile of change the columns that will be show and the way that the columns are sorted.
+	 * @param array $data The data to be sorted.
+	 * @param int $column The column on which the data should be sorted (default = 0)
+	 * @param string $direction The direction to sort (SORT_ASC (default) orSORT_DESC)
+	 * @param array $column_show The columns that we will show in the table i.e: $column_show=array('1','0','1') we will show the 1st and the 3th column. 
+	 * @param array $column_order Changes how the columns will be sorted ie. $column_order=array('1','4','3','4') The 2nd column will be sorted like the 4 column
+	 * @param constant $type How should data be sorted (SORT_REGULAR, SORT_NUMERIC,SORT_STRING,SORT_DATE,SORT_IMAGE)	 * 
+	 * @return array The sorted dataset
+	 * @author
+	 */
+	function sort_table_config($data, $column = 0, $direction = SORT_ASC, $column_show=null, $column_order=null,$type = SORT_REGULAR)
+	{
+		if(!is_array($data) || count($data)==0)
+		{
+			return array();
+		}
+		// Change columns sort 			 
+	 	// Here we say that the real way of how the columns are going to be order is manage by the $column_order array
+	 	if(is_array($column_order)) 
+	 	{
+			for($i=0;$i<count($column_order);$i++)
+			{
+				if ($column== $i+1)
+				{
+					$column=$column_order[$i];
+				}			
+			}
+	 	}
+		switch ($type)
+		{
+			case SORT_REGULAR :
+				if (TableSort::is_image_column($data, $column))
+				{
+					return TableSort::sort_table_config($data, $column, $direction, $column_show, $column_order,SORT_IMAGE);
+				}
+				elseif (TableSort::is_date_column($data, $column))
+				{
+					return TableSort::sort_table_config($data, $column, $direction, $column_show, $column_order,SORT_DATE);
+				}
+				elseif (TableSort::is_numeric_column($data, $column))
+				{
+					return TableSort::sort_table_config($data, $column, $direction, $column_show, $column_order,SORT_NUMERIC);
+				}
+				return TableSort::sort_table_config($data, $column, $direction, $column_show, $column_order,SORT_STRING);
+				break;
+			case SORT_NUMERIC :
+				$compare_function = 'strip_tags($el1) > strip_tags($el2)';
+				break;
+			case SORT_STRING :
+				$compare_function = 'strnatcmp(TableSort::orderingstring(strip_tags($el1)),TableSort::orderingstring(strip_tags($el2))) > 0';
+				break;
+			case SORT_IMAGE :
+				$compare_function = 'strnatcmp(TableSort::orderingstring(strip_tags($el1,"<img>")),TableSort::orderingstring(strip_tags($el2,"<img>"))) > 0';
+				break;
+			case SORT_DATE :
+				$compare_function = 'strtotime(strip_tags($el1)) > strtotime(strip_tags($el2))';
+		}		
+		$function_body = '$el1 = $a['.$column.']; ' .
+						 '$el2 = $b['.$column.']; ' .
+						 'return ('.$direction.' == SORT_ASC ? ('.$compare_function.') : !('.$compare_function.'));';
+		// Sort the content
+		usort($data, create_function('$a,$b', $function_body));
+		// We show only the columns data that were set up on the $column_show array		
+		$new_order_data=array();
+		if(is_array($column_show))
+		{		
+			for ($j=0;$j<count($data);$j++)
+			{
+				$k=0;				
+				for ($i=0;$i<count($column_show);$i++)
+				{
+					if ($column_show[$i])
+					{
+						$new_order_data[$j][$k]=$data[$j][$i];					
+					}
+					$k++;						
+				}			
+			}			
+			//replace the multi-arrays
+			$data=$new_order_data;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return $data;			
+		}		
+		return $data;
+	}

+ 131 - 3

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-<?php // $Id: text.lib.php 9246 2006-09-25 13:24:53Z bmol $
+<?php // $Id: text.lib.php 14637 2008-03-17 22:44:52Z juliomontoya $
 	Dokeos - elearning and course management software
-	Copyright (c) 2004 Dokeos S.A.
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos S.A.
 	Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
 	Copyright (c) 2001 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 	Copyright (c) various contributors
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ function make_clickable($string)
  * formats the date according to the locale settings
  * @author  Patrick Cool <>, Ghent University
- * @author  Christophe Gesché <>
+ * @author  Christophe Gesch� <>
  *          originally inspired from from PhpMyAdmin
  * @param  string  $formatOfDate date pattern
  * @param  integer $timestamp, default is NOW.
@@ -278,4 +278,132 @@ function latex_gif_renderer($latex_code)
 	$return .= '<img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/temp/'.$latex_filename.'" alt="'.$latex_code.'" border="0" /></a>';
 	return $return; 
+ * This function returns the difference between the current date (date(now)) with the parameter $date in a string format like "2 days, 1 hour" 
+ * Example: $date="2008-03-07 15:44:08"; 
+ * 			date_to_str($date) it will return 3 days, 20 hours 		
+ *  
+ * @param string This string has to be the result of a date function in this format -> date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
+ * @return string The difference between the current date and the parameter in a literal way "3 days, 2 hour" * 
+ * @author Julio Montoya 
+ */
+function date_to_str_ago($date)
+	$dst_date=strtotime($date);
+	//for not call date several times
+	$date_array=date("s/i/G/j/n/Y",$dst_date);
+	$date_split=explode("/",$date_array);
+	$dst_s=$date_split[0];
+	$dst_m=$date_split[1];  
+	$dst_h=$date_split[2];
+	$dst_day=$date_split[3];
+	$dst_mth=$date_split[4];
+	$dst_yr=$date_split[5];	
+	$dst_date = mktime($dst_h,$dst_m,$dst_s,$dst_mth,$dst_day,$dst_yr);	
+	$time=$offset = time()-$dst_date; //seconds between current days and today
+	//------------ Here start the functions sec_to_str
+	$act_day=date('d');
+	$act_mth=date('n');
+	$act_yr = date('Y');
+	if ($dst_day==$act_day && $dst_mth==$act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr )
+	{
+		return ucfirst(get_lang('Today'));
+	}
+	if ($dst_day==$act_day-1 && $dst_mth==$act_mth && $dst_yr == $act_yr )
+	{
+		return ucfirst(get_lang('Yesterday'));
+	}
+	// original 1 
+	//$sec_time=array("century"=>3.1556926*pow(10,9),"decade"=>315569260,"year"=>31556926,"month"=>2629743.83,"week"=>604800,"day"=>86400,"hour"=>3600,"minute"=>60,"second"=>1);	
+	//$sec_time=array(get_lang('MinDecade')=>315569260,get_lang('MinYear')=>31556926,get_lang('MinMonth')=>2629743.83,get_lang('MinWeek')=>604800,get_lang('MinDay')=>86400,get_lang('MinHour')=>3600,get_lang('MinMinute')=>60);
+	$MinDecade=get_lang('MinDecade');
+	$MinYear=get_lang('MinYear');
+	$MinMonth=get_lang('MinMonth');
+	$MinWeek=get_lang('MinWeek');
+	$MinDay=get_lang('MinDay');
+	$MinHour=get_lang('MinHour');
+	$MinMinute=get_lang('MinMinute');
+	$MinDecades=get_lang('MinDecades');
+	$MinYears=get_lang('MinYears');
+	$MinMonths=get_lang('MinMonths');
+	$MinWeeks=get_lang('MinWeeks');
+	$MinDays=get_lang('MinDays');
+	$MinHours=get_lang('MinHours');
+	$MinMinutes=get_lang('MinMinutes');
+	$sec_time_time=array(315569260,31556926,2629743.83,604800,86400,3600,60);		
+	$sec_time_sing=array($MinDecade,$MinYear,$MinMonth,$MinWeek,$MinDay,$MinHour,$MinMinute);
+	$sec_time_plu =array($MinDecades,$MinYears,$MinMonths,$MinWeeks,$MinDays,$MinHours,$MinMinutes);
+	$str_result=array();	
+	$time_result=array();
+	$key_result=array();
+	$str='';
+	$i=0;		
+	for ($i=0;$i<count($sec_time_time);$i++)
+	{
+		$seconds=$sec_time_time[$i];
+		if($seconds > $time) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		$current_value=intval($time/$seconds);
+		if ($current_value!='1') 
+		{			
+			$date_str=	$sec_time_plu[$i];
+		} 
+		else
+		{
+			$date_str=	$sec_time_sing[$i];
+		}			
+		$key_result[]=$sec_time_sing[$i];
+		$str_result[]=$current_value.' '.$date_str;		
+		$time_result[]=	$current_value;				
+		$str.=$current_value.$date_str;				
+		$time%=$seconds;			
+	}	
+	if ($key_result[0]== $MinDay && $key_result[1]== $MinMinute)
+	{
+		$key_result[1]=' 0 '.$MinHours;
+		$str_result[0]=$time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0];
+		$str_result[1]=$key_result[1];		
+	}
+	if ($key_result[0]== $MinYear && ($key_result[1]== $MinDay || $key_result[1]== $MinWeek))
+	{
+		$key_result[1]=' 0 '.$MinMonths;
+		$str_result[0]=$time_result[0].' '.$key_result[0];
+		$str_result[1]=$key_result[1];		
+	}
+	if (!empty($str_result[1])) 
+	{
+		$str=$str_result[0].', '.$str_result[1];
+	}	
+	else 
+	{
+		$str=$str_result[0];
+	}
+	return $str;	