@@ -366,39 +366,7 @@ if ($show_results) {
// construction of the Answer object
- /* $choice=array();
- $objAnswerTmp=new Answer($questionId);
- $nbrAnswers=$objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
- $questionScore=0;
- for ($answerId=1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
- $answer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
- $answerComment=$objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId);
- $answerCorrect=$objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
- $answerWeighting=$objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting($answerId);
- $queryans = "select * from ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." where exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' and question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resultans = Database::query($queryans);
- while ($row = Database::fetch_array($resultans)) {
- $ind = $row['answer'];
- $choice[$ind] = 1;
- }
- $numAnswer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
- $studentChoice=$choice[$numAnswer];
- if ($studentChoice) {
- $questionScore+=$answerWeighting;
- $totalScore+=$answerWeighting;
- }
- echo '<tr><td>';
- if ($answerId==1) {
- //ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,$answerId);
- } else {
- //ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,"");
- }
- echo '</td></tr>';
- $i++;
- }*/
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
@@ -421,66 +389,8 @@ if ($show_results) {
<td> </td>
- // construction of the Answer object
- /*$objAnswerTmp=new Answer($questionId);
- $nbrAnswers=$objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
- $questionScore=0;
- $real_answers = array();
- for ($answerId=1;$answerId <= $nbrAnswers;$answerId++) {
- $answer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
- $answerComment=$objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId);
- $answerCorrect=$objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
- $answerWeighting=$objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting($answerId);
- $queryans = "select * from ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." where exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' and question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resultans = Database::query($queryans);
- while ($row = Database::fetch_array($resultans)) {
- $ind = $row['answer'];
- $choice[$ind] = 1;
- }
- $numAnswer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
- $studentChoice=$choice[$numAnswer];
- if ($answerCorrect == 1) {
- if ($studentChoice) {
- $real_answers[$answerId] = true;
- } else {
- $real_answers[$answerId] = false;
- }
- } else {
- if ($studentChoice) {
- $real_answers[$answerId] = false;
- } else {
- $real_answers[$answerId] = true;
- }
- }
- echo '<tr><td>';
- if ($answerId==1) {
- ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,$answerId);
- } else {
- ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,"");
- }
- echo '</td></tr>';
- $i++;
- }
- $final_answer = true;
- foreach($real_answers as $my_answer) {
- if (!$my_answer) {
- $final_answer = false;
- }
- }
- if ($final_answer) {
- //getting only the first score where we save the weight of all the question
- $answerWeighting=$objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting(1);
- $questionScore+=$answerWeighting;
- $totalScore+=$answerWeighting;
- }*/
- $question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
+ $question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
$totalScore += $question_result['score'];
@@ -504,35 +414,7 @@ if ($show_results) {
<td> </td>
- <?php
- /*$objAnswerTmp=new Answer($questionId);
- $nbrAnswers=$objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
- $questionScore=0;
- for ($answerId=1;$answerId <= $nbrAnswers;$answerId++) {
- $answer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
- $answerComment=$objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId);
- $answerCorrect=$objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
- $answerWeighting=$objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting($answerId);
- $queryans = "select answer from ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." where exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' and question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resultans = Database::query($queryans);
- $choice = Database::result($resultans,0,"answer");
- $numAnswer=$objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
- $studentChoice=($choice == $numAnswer)?1:0;
- if ($studentChoice) {
- $questionScore+=$answerWeighting;
- $totalScore+=$answerWeighting;
- }
- echo '<tr><td>';
- if ($answerId==1) {
- ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,$answerId);
- } else {
- ExerciseShowFunctions::display_unique_or_multiple_answer($answerType, $studentChoice, $answer, $answerComment, $answerCorrect,$id,$questionId,"");
- }
- echo '</td></tr>';
- $i++;
- }*/
+ <?php
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
@@ -552,153 +434,7 @@ if ($show_results) {
<td> </td>
- /*
- $objAnswerTmp=new Answer($questionId);
- $nbrAnswers=$objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
- $questionScore=0;
- for ($answerId=1;$answerId <= $nbrAnswers;$answerId++) {
- $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
- $answerComment = $objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId);
- $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
- $answerWeighting = $objAnswerTmp->selectWeighting($answerId);
- // the question is encoded like this
- // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@1
- // number 1 before the "@" means that is a switchable fill in blank question
- // [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10@ or [A] B [C] D [E] F::10,10,10
- // means that is a normal fill blank question
- $pre_array = explode('::', $answer);
- // is switchable fill blank or not
- $is_set_switchable = explode('@', $pre_array[1]);
- $switchable_answer_set=false;
- if ($is_set_switchable[1]==1) {
- $switchable_answer_set=true;
- }
- $answer = $pre_array[0];
- // splits weightings that are joined with a comma
- $answerWeighting = explode(',',$is_set_switchable[0]);
- //list($answer,$answerWeighting)=explode('::',$multiple[0]);
- //$answerWeighting=explode(',',$answerWeighting);
- // we save the answer because it will be modified
- //$temp=$answer;
- $temp = text_filter($answer);
- $j=0;
- // the loop will stop at the end of the text
- $i=0;
- //normal fill in blank
- if (!$switchable_answer_set) {
- while (1) {
- // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
- if (($pos = api_strpos($temp,'[')) === false) {
- // adds the end of the text
- $answer.=$temp;
- break;
- }
- $temp=api_substr($temp,$pos+1);
- // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
- if (($pos = api_strpos($temp,']')) === false) {
- break;
- }
- $queryfill = "SELECT answer FROM ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." WHERE exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' AND question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resfill = Database::query($queryfill);
- $str = Database::result($resfill,0,'answer');
- preg_match_all('#\[([^[]*)\]#', $str, $arr);
- $str = str_replace('\r\n', '', $str);
- $choice = $arr[1];
- $tmp=strrpos($choice[$j],' / ');
- $choice[$j]=api_substr($choice[$j],0,$tmp);
- $choice[$j]=trim($choice[$j]);
- //Needed to let characters ' and " to work as part of an answer
- $choice[$j] = stripslashes($choice[$j]);
- // if the word entered by the student IS the same as the one defined by the professor
- if (api_strtolower(api_substr($temp,0,$pos)) == api_strtolower($choice[$j])) {
- //if ((api_substr($temp,0,$pos)) == ($choice[$j])) {
- // gives the related weighting to the student
- $questionScore+=$answerWeighting[$j];
- // increments total score
- $totalScore+=$answerWeighting[$j];
- }
- // else if the word entered by the student IS NOT the same as the one defined by the professor
- $j++;
- $temp=api_substr($temp,$pos+1);
- $i=$i+1;
- }
- $answer = stripslashes($str);
- } else {
- //multiple fill in blank
- while (1) {
- // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
- if (($pos = api_strpos($temp,'[')) === false) {
- // adds the end of the text
- $answer.=$temp;
- break;
- }
- // adds the piece of text that is before the blank and ended by [
- $real_text[]=api_substr($temp,0,$pos+1);
- $answer.=api_substr($temp,0,$pos+1);
- $temp=api_substr($temp,$pos+1);
- // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
- if (($pos = api_strpos($temp,']')) === false) {
- // adds the end of the text
- //$answer.=$temp;
- break;
- }
- $queryfill = "SELECT answer FROM ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." WHERE exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' and question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resfill = Database::query($queryfill);
- $str=Database::result($resfill,0,"answer");
- preg_match_all ('#\[([^[/]*)/#', $str, $arr);
- $choice = $arr[1];
- $choice[$j]=trim($choice[$j]);
- $user_tags[]=api_strtolower($choice[$j]);
- $correct_tags[]=api_strtolower(api_substr($temp,0,$pos));
- $j++;
- $temp=api_substr($temp,$pos+1);
- $i=$i+1;
- }
- $answer='';
- for ($i=0;$i<count($correct_tags);$i++) {
- if (in_array($user_tags[$i],$correct_tags)) {
- // gives the related weighting to the student
- $questionScore+=$answerWeighting[$i];
- // increments total score
- $totalScore+=$answerWeighting[$i];
- }
- }
- $answer = stripslashes($str);
- $answer = str_replace('rn', '', $answer);
- }
- //echo $questionScore."-".$totalScore;
- echo '<tr><td>';
- ExerciseShowFunctions::display_fill_in_blanks_answer($answer,$id,$questionId);
- echo '</td></tr>';
- $i++;
- }*/
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
$totalScore += $question_result['score'];
@@ -720,32 +456,9 @@ if ($show_results) {
- /* $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId);
- $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
- $questionScore = 0;
- $query = "SELECT answer, marks FROM ".$TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT." WHERE exe_id = '".Database::escape_string($id)."' AND question_id= '".Database::escape_string($questionId)."'";
- $resq = Database::query($query);
- $choice = Database::result($resq,0,'answer');
- $choice = str_replace('\r\n', '', $choice);
- $choice = stripslashes($choice);
- $questionScore = Database::result($resq,0,"marks");
- if ($questionScore==-1) {
- $totalScore+=0;
- } else {
- $totalScore+=$questionScore;
- }
- $arrques[] = $questionName;
- $arrans[] = $choice;*/
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);
$questionScore = $question_result['score'];
$totalScore += $question_result['score'];
- /*echo '<tr>
- <td valign="top">'.ExerciseShowFunctions::display_free_answer($choice, $id, $questionId).'</td>
- </tr>
- </table>';*/
} elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
$question_result = $objExercise->manage_answer($id, $questionId, $choice,'exercise_show', false, true);