@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class MigrationCustom {
//Fixes wrong wanted codes
$data['wanted_code'] = str_replace(array('-', '_'), '000', $data['wanted_code']);
- //Specific to ICPNA, set the default language to English
+ //Specific to customer, set the default language to English
$data['language'] = 'english';
@@ -1364,4 +1364,300 @@ class MigrationCustom {
static function transaction_27($data, $web_service_details) {
return self::transaction_extra_field_editar_generic('intensidad', $data, $web_service_details);
+ //custom class moved here
+ static function transacciones($data) {
+ if ($data) {
+ $xml = $data->transaccionesResult->any;
+ // Cut the invalid XML and extract the valid chunk with the data
+ $stripped_xml = strstr($xml, '<diffgr:diffgram');
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($stripped_xml);
+ if (!empty($xml->NewDataSet)) {
+ $transaction_list = array();
+ foreach ($xml->NewDataSet->Table as $item) { //this is a "Table" object
+ $item = (array) $item;
+ $transaction_list[] = $item;
+ }
+ return $transaction_list;
+ } else {
+ error_log('No transactions found');
+ }
+ } else {
+ error_log('Data is not valid');
+ }
+ }
+ /* object(SimpleXMLElement)#11 (5) {
+ ["idt"]=>
+ string(6) "354913"
+ ["idsede"]=>
+ string(1) "2"
+ ["ida"]=>
+ string(2) "10"
+ ["id"]=>
+ string(36) "cf0f2c9b-3e79-4960-8dec-b1a02b367921"
+ ["timestamp"]=>
+ string(12) "AAAAATbYxkg="
+ }
+ */
+ static function process_transactions($web_service_params, $params) {
+ $transactions = Migration::soap_call($web_service_params, 'transacciones', $params);
+ if (!empty($transactions)) {
+ foreach ($transactions as $transaction_info) {
+ /*
+ id transaccion
+ id sede
+ id accion
+ id
+ origen
+ destino
+ timestamp
+ */
+ //Add transactions here
+ if ($transaction_info) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'action' => $transaction_info['idt'],
+ 'item_id' => $transaction_info['idt'],
+ 'orig_id' => $transaction_info['idt'],
+ 'branch_id' => $transaction_info['idsede'],
+ 'dest_id' => $transaction_info['idt'],
+ 'status_id' => 0
+ );
+ Migration::add_transaction($params);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function genericDetalles($data, $result_name, $params = array()) {
+ error_log("Calling $result_name ");
+ $result_name = $result_name.'Result';
+ $xml = $data->$result_name->any;
+ // Cut the invalid XML and extract the valid chunk with the data
+ $stripped_xml = strstr($xml, '<diffgr:diffgram');
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($stripped_xml);
+ if (!empty($xml->NewDataSet)) {
+ $item = (array)$xml->NewDataSet->Table;
+ var_dump($item);
+ $item['error'] = false;
+ return $item;
+ } else {
+ return array(
+ 'error' => true,
+ 'message' => "No data when calling $result_name",
+ 'status_id' => MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Returns an obj with this params
+ object(SimpleXMLElement)#11 (7) {
+ ["rol"]=>
+ string(8) "profesor"
+ ["username"]=>
+ string(4) "3525"
+ ["lastname"]=>
+ string(15) "Zegarra Acevedo"
+ ["firstname"]=>
+ string(10) "Allen Juan"
+ ["phone"]=>
+ object(SimpleXMLElement)#13 (0) {
+ }
+ ["email"]=>
+ string(17) "3525@aaa.com"
+ ["password"]=>
+ string(6) "xxx"
+ }
+ **/
+ static function usuarioDetalles($result, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($result, __FUNCTION__, $params);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result['status'] = $result['rol'] == 'profesor' ? COURSEMANAGER : STUDENT;
+ $result['phone'] = (string)$result['phone'];
+ $result['extra_uidIdPersona'] = $params['uididpersona'];
+ unset($result['rol']);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*
+ ["uididsede"]=>
+ string(36) "7379a7d3-6dc5-42ca-9ed4-97367519f1d9"
+ ["uididhorario"]=>
+ string(36) "cdce484b-a564-4499-b587-bc32b3f82810"
+ ["chrperiodo"]=>
+ string(6) "200910"
+ ["display_start_date"]=>
+ string(25) "2009-09-30T00:00:00-05:00"
+ ["display_end_date"]=>
+ string(25) "2009-10-26T00:00:00-05:00"
+ ["access_start_date"]=>
+ string(25) "2009-09-30T00:00:00-05:00"
+ ["access_end_date"]=>
+ string(25) "2009-10-26T00:00:00-05:00"
+ ["course_code"]=>
+ string(36) "5b7e9b5a-5145-4a42-be48-223a70d9ad52"
+ ["id_coach"]=>
+ string(36) "26dbb1c1-32b7-4cf8-a81f-43d1cb231abe"
+ *
+ */
+ static function programaDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result['extra_uidIdPrograma'] = $params['uididprograma'];
+ $result['extra_sede'] = $result['uididsede'];
+ $result['extra_horario'] = $result['uididhorario'];
+ $result['extra_periodo'] = $result['chrperiodo'];
+ $result['display_start_date'] = MigrationCustom::clean_date_time_from_ws($result['display_start_date']);
+ $result['display_end_date'] = MigrationCustom::clean_date_time_from_ws($result['display_end_date']);
+ $result['access_start_date'] = MigrationCustom::clean_date_time_from_ws($result['access_start_date']);
+ $result['access_end_date'] = MigrationCustom::clean_date_time_from_ws($result['access_end_date']);
+ //Searching course code
+ $course_code = MigrationCustom::get_real_course_code($result['course_code']);
+ $result['course_code'] = $course_code;
+ //Searching id_coach
+ $result['id_coach'] = MigrationCustom::get_user_id_by_persona_id($result['id_coach']);
+ unset($result['uididprograma']);
+ unset($result['uididsede']);
+ unset($result['uididhorario']);
+ unset($result['chrperiodo']);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(42) "(A02SA) Pronunciacion Two Sabado Acelerado"
+ ["frecuencia"]=>
+ string(36) "0091cd3b-f042-11d7-b338-0050dab14015"
+ ["intensidad"]=>
+ string(36) "0091cd3d-f042-11d7-b338-0050dab14015"
+ ["fase"]=>
+ string(36) "90854fc9-f748-4e85-a4bd-ace33598417d"
+ ["meses"]=>
+ string(3) "2 "
+ */
+ static function cursoDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result['title'] = $result['name'];
+ $result['extra_frecuencia'] = $result['frecuencia'];
+ $result['extra_intensidad'] = $result['intensidad'];
+ $result['extra_fase'] = $result['fase'];
+ $result['extra_meses'] = $result['meses'];
+ $result['extra_uidIdCurso'] = $params['uididcurso'];
+ unset($result['frecuencia']);
+ unset($result['intensidad']);
+ unset($result['fase']);
+ unset($result['name']);
+ unset($result['meses']);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*Calling frecuenciaDetalles
+ array(1) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(8) "Sabatino"
+ }*/
+ static function faseDetalles($data) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ static function frecuenciaDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*Calling intensidadDetalles
+ array(1) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(6) "Normal"
+ }*/
+ static function intensidadDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ //$result['option_value'] = $params['uididintensidad'];
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*Calling mesesDetalles
+ Calling mesesDetalles
+ array(1) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(3) "4 "
+ }*/
+ static function mesesDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*Calling sedeDetalles
+ array(1) {
+ ["name"]=>
+ string(23) "Sede Miraflores"
+ }*/
+ static function sedeDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /*
+ Calling horarioDetalles
+ array(3) {
+ ["start"]=>
+ string(5) "08:45"
+ ["end"]=>
+ string(5) "10:15"
+ ["id"]=>
+ string(2) "62"
+ }*/
+ static function horarioDetalles($data, $params) {
+ $result = self::genericDetalles($data, __FUNCTION__);
+ if ($result['error'] == true) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result['name'] = $result['id'].' '.$result['start'].' '.$result['end'];
+ //$result['option_value'] = $params['uididhorario'];
+ unset($result['id']);
+ unset($result['start']);
+ unset($result['end']);
+ return $result;
+ }