@@ -1908,27 +1908,20 @@ class Tracking {
$rs = Database::query($sql);
while($row = Database :: fetch_array($rs)) {
$course_in_session[$row['session_id']][$row['course_code']] = CourseManager::get_course_information($row['course_code']);
- }
+ }
$html = '';
- if ($show_courses) {
- /*echo '<div class="actions-title" >';
- echo $nameTools;
- echo '</div>';*/
+ if ($show_courses) {
if (!empty($courses)) {
- $html = '<table class="data_table" width="100%">';
+ $html .= '<table class="data_table" width="100%">';
$html .= '<tr class="tableName">
<td colspan="6">
- <h1>'.get_lang('MyCourses').'</h1>
+ '.Display::tag('h1', get_lang('MyCourses')).'
$html .= '
- <tr>
- <th width="300px">'.get_lang('Course').'</th>
+ <tr>
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Course'), array('width'=>'300px')).'
'.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Time'), array('class'=>'head')).'
'.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Progress'), array('class'=>'head')).'
'.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Score').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')),array('class'=>'head')).'
@@ -1982,6 +1975,7 @@ class Tracking {
+ //Session
if (!empty($course_in_session)) {
$html .= '<br />';
$html .= Display::tag('h1',get_lang('Sessions'));
@@ -1993,22 +1987,62 @@ class Tracking {
$html .= Display::tag('h2',api_get_session_name($key));
+ $html .= '<table class="data_table" width="100%">';
+ $html .= '
+ <tr>
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('PublishedExercises'), array('width'=>'300px')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('DoneExercises'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('AverageExerciseResult'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ </tr>';
+ $all_exercises = 0;
+ $all_done_exercise = 0;
+ $all_average = 0;
+ $stats_array = array();
+ foreach ($session as $enreg) {
+ //All exercises in the course
+ $exercises = count(get_all_exercises($enreg, $key));
+ //Count of user results
+ $done_exercises = get_all_exercise_results_by_course($enreg['code'], $key);
+ //Average
+ $average = get_average_score_by_course($enreg['code'], $key);
+ $all_exercises +=$exercises;
+ $all_done_exercise +=$done_exercises;
+ $all_average +=$average;
+ $stats_array[$enreg['code']] = array('exercises'=>$exercises, 'done_exercises'=>$done_exercises, 'average'=>$average);
+ }
+ $all_average = $all_average / count($session);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $all_exercises);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $all_done_exercise);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', convert_to_percentage($all_average));
+ $html .='</table><br />';
+ $html .= Display::tag('h2',get_lang('CourseList'));
$html .= '
<table class="data_table" width="100%">';
$html .= '
<th width="300px">'.get_lang('Course').'</th>
- '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Time') , array('class'=>'head')).'
- '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Progress') , array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('PublishedExercises'),array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('DoneExercises'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('AverageExerciseResult'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Time') , array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('LPProgress') , array('class'=>'head')).'
'.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Score').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage'), array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')), array('class'=>'head')).'
- '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('LastConnexion'), array('class'=>'head')).'
- '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Details'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('LastConnexion'), array('class'=>'head')).'
+ '.Display::tag('th', get_lang('Details'), array('class'=>'head')).'
foreach ($session as $enreg) {
$weighting = 0;
$last_connection = Tracking :: get_last_connection_date_on_the_course($user_id, $enreg['code'], $key);
- $progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($user_id, $enreg['code'],array(), $key);
+ $progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($user_id, $enreg['code'],array(), $key);
$total_time_login = Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_course($user_id, $enreg['code'], $key);
$time = api_time_to_hms($total_time_login);
$percentage_score = Tracking :: get_avg_student_score($user_id, $enreg['code'], array(), $key);
@@ -2019,35 +2053,44 @@ class Tracking {
$html .= '<tr class="row_even">';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $enreg['title']);/*
+ //All exercises in the course
+ $exercises = get_all_exercises($enreg, $key);
+ //Count of user results
+ $done_exercises = get_all_exercise_results_by_course($enreg['code'], $key);
+ //Average
+ $average = get_average_score_by_course($enreg['code'], $key);*/
- $html .= '<td>'.$enreg['title'].' </td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">'.$time.'</td>';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $stats_array[$enreg['code']]['exercises']);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $stats_array[$enreg['code']]['done_exercises']);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', convert_to_percentage($stats_array[$enreg['code']]['average']));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $time, array('align'=>'center'));
if (is_numeric($progress)) {
$progress = $progress.'%';
} else {
$progress = '0%';
- $html .= '<td align="center">'.$progress.'</td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $progress, array('align'=>'center'));
if (is_numeric($percentage_score)) {
- $html .= $percentage_score.'%';
+ $percentage_score = $percentage_score.'%';
} else {
- $html .= '0%';
+ $percentage_score = '0%';
- $html .= '</td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">'.$last_connection.'</td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $percentage_score, array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $last_connection, array('align'=>'center'));
if ($enreg['code'] == $_GET['course'] && $_GET['session_id'] == $key) {
- $html .= '<a href="#">';
- $html .=Display::return_icon('2rightarrow_na.gif', get_lang('Details'));
+ $details = '<a href="#">';
+ $details .=Display::return_icon('2rightarrow_na.gif', get_lang('Details'));
} else {
- $html .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?course='.$enreg['code'].'&session_id='.$key.$extra_params.'">';
- $html .=Display::return_icon('2rightarrow.gif', get_lang('Details'));
+ $details = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?course='.$enreg['code'].'&session_id='.$key.$extra_params.'">';
+ $details .=Display::return_icon('2rightarrow.gif', get_lang('Details'));
- $html .= '</a>';
- $html .= '</td>';
+ $details .= '</a>';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $details, array('align'=>'center'));
$i = $i ? 0 : 1;
$html .= '</tr>';
@@ -2068,19 +2111,21 @@ class Tracking {
function show_course_detail($user_id, $course_code, $session_id) {
$html = '';
if (isset($course_code)) {
- $session_id = intval($session_id);
- $user_id = intval($user_id);
- $course = Database::escape_string($course_code);
+ require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'exercice/exercise.lib.php';
+ $user_id = intval($user_id);
+ $session_id = intval($session_id);
+ $course = Database::escape_string($course_code);
$course_info = CourseManager::get_course_information($course);
$tbl_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
$tbl_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
$tbl_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
$tbl_session_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
- $tbl_course_lp_view = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW, $course_info['db_name']);
+ $tbl_course_lp_view = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW, $course_info['db_name']);
$tbl_course_lp_view_item = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW, $course_info['db_name']);
- $tbl_course_lp = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN, $course_info['db_name']);
- $tbl_course_lp_item = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM, $course_info['db_name']);
+ $tbl_course_lp = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN, $course_info['db_name']);
+ $tbl_course_lp_item = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM, $course_info['db_name']);
$tbl_course_quiz = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST, $course_info['db_name']);
//get coach and session_name if there is one and if session_mode is activated
@@ -2140,7 +2185,7 @@ class Tracking {
//$tableTitle = $course_info['title'].' | '.get_lang('Coach').' : '.$course_info['tutor_name'].((!empty($session_name)) ? ' | '.get_lang('Session').' : '.$session_name : '');
$session_name = api_get_session_name($session_id);
- $tableTitle = ((!empty($session_name)) ? ' '.get_lang('Session').' : '.$session_name.' | ' : '').''.$course_info['title'];
+ $tableTitle = $course_info['title'];
$html .='
<table class="data_table" width="100%">
@@ -2150,9 +2195,9 @@ class Tracking {
- $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Learnpath'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
- $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Time'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
- $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Progress'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Learnpath'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Time'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Progress'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
$html .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('LastConnexion'), array('class'=>'head', 'style'=>'color:#000'));
$html .= '</tr>';
@@ -2164,41 +2209,38 @@ class Tracking {
$result_learnpath = Database::query($sql_learnpath);
if (Database::num_rows($result_learnpath) > 0) {
- while($learnpath = Database::fetch_array($result_learnpath)) {
- //$progress = learnpath :: get_db_progress($learnpath['id'], $user_id, 'abs', $course_info['db_name'], false, $session_id);
+ while($learnpath = Database::fetch_array($result_learnpath)) {
$progress = Tracking::get_avg_student_progress($user_id, $course, array($learnpath['id']), $session_id);
$last_connection_in_lp = Tracking::get_last_connection_time_in_lp($user_id, $course, $learnpath['id'], $session_id);
$time_spent_in_lp = Tracking::get_time_spent_in_lp($user_id, $course, array($learnpath['id']), $session_id);
$time_spent_in_lp = api_time_to_hms($time_spent_in_lp);
- $html .= "<tr><td>";
- $html .= $learnpath['name'];
- $html .= " </td>
- <td align='center'>";
- $html .= $time_spent_in_lp;
- $html .= " </td>
- <td align='center'>";
+ $html .= "<tr>";
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $learnpath['name']);
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $time_spent_in_lp, array('align'=>'center'));
if (is_numeric($progress)) {
$progress = $progress.'%';
- }
- $html .= $progress;
- $html .= " </td>
- <td align='center' width=180px >";
+ }
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $progress, array('align'=>'center'));
+ $last_connection = '-';
if (!empty($last_connection_in_lp)) {
- $html .= api_get_utc_datetime($last_connection_in_lp);
- } else {
- $html .= '-';
+ $last_connection = api_get_utc_datetime($last_connection_in_lp);
- $html .= "</td></tr>";
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $last_connection, array('align'=>'center','width'=>'180px'));
+ $html .= "</tr>";
} else {
- $html .= ' <tr>
- <td colspan="4" align="center">
- '.get_lang('NoLearnpath').'
- </td>
- </tr>';
+ $html .= '<tr>
+ <td colspan="4" align="center">
+ '.get_lang('NoLearnpath').'
+ </td>
+ </tr>';
+ $html .='</table><br />
+ <table class="data_table" width="100%">
+ <tr>';
// This code was commented on purpose see BT#924
@@ -2206,81 +2248,93 @@ class Tracking {
$result_visibility_tests = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::result($result_visibility_tests, 0, 'visibility') == 1) {*/
if (empty($session_id)) {
$sql_exercices = "SELECT quiz.title,id, results_disabled FROM ".$tbl_course_quiz." AS quiz WHERE active='1' AND session_id = 0";
} else {
$sql_exercices = "SELECT quiz.title,id, results_disabled FROM ".$tbl_course_quiz." AS quiz WHERE active='1'";
- }
- $html .= '<tr>
- <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Exercices').'</th>
- <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Score').'</th>
- <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Attempts').'</th>
- <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('LatestAttempt').'</th>
- </tr>';
- $result_exercices = Database::query($sql_exercices);
- if (Database::num_rows($result_exercices) > 0) {
- while ($exercices = Database::fetch_array($result_exercices)) {
- $score = 0;
- $weighting = 0;
- $exercise_stats = get_all_exercise_results($exercices['id'],$course_info['code'], $session_id);
- $attempts = 0;
- foreach($exercise_stats as $exercise_stat) {
+ }
+ $html .= '<tr>
+ <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Exercices').'</th>
+ <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Attempts').'</th>
+ <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('LatestAttempt').'</th>
+ <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('Position').'</th>
+ <th class="head" style="color:#000">'.get_lang('BestResultInCourse').'</th>
+ </tr>';
+ $result_exercices = Database::query($sql_exercices);
+ if (Database::num_rows($result_exercices) > 0) {
+ while ($exercices = Database::fetch_array($result_exercices)) {
+ $score = $weighting = $attempts = 0;
+ $exercise_stats = get_all_exercise_results($exercices['id'], $course_info['code'], $session_id);
+ //User attempts we assume the latest item in the loop is the latest attempt
+ if (!empty($exercise_stats)) {
+ //$best_score = 0; $best_score_array = array();
+ foreach($exercise_stats as $exercise_stat) {
if ($exercise_stat['exe_user_id'] == $user_id) {
- $score = $score + $exercise_stat['exe_result'];
- $weighting = $weighting + $exercise_stat['exe_weighting'];
+ //Always getting the latest attempt
+ $score = $exercise_stat['exe_result'];
+ $weighting = $exercise_stat['exe_weighting'];
$exe_id = $exercise_stat['exe_id'];
+ //Use this to take the average
+ //$score = $score + $exercise_stat['exe_result'];
+ //$weighting = $weighting + $exercise_stat['exe_weighting'];
+ //Getting my best score
+ /*
+ if ($score > $best_score ) {
+ $best_score = $score;
+ $best_score_array = $exercise_stat;
+ }*/
- }
- if ($weighting > 0) {
- // i.e 10.50%
- $percentage_score = round(($score * 100) / $weighting, 2);
- } else {
- $percentage_score = 0;
- }
- $html .= '<tr>
- <td>';
- $html .= $exercices['title'];
- $html .= '</td>';
- if ($exercices['results_disabled'] == 0) {
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
- if ($attempts > 0) {
- $html .= $percentage_score.'%';
- } else {
- $html .= '/';
- }
- $html .= '</td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
- $html .= $attempts;
- $html .= '</td>
- <td align="center" width="25">';
- if ($attempts > 0) {
- $html .= '<a href="../exercice/exercise_show.php?origin=myprogress&id='.$exe_id.'&cidReq='.$course_info['code'].'&id_session='.$session_id.'"> '.Display::return_icon('quiz.gif', get_lang('Quiz')).' </a>';
+ }
+ }
+ $html .= '<tr>';
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $exercices['title']);
+ //Exercise configuration show results
+ if ($exercices['results_disabled'] == 0) {
+ $latest_attempt_url = '';
+ $percentage_score_result = '-';
+ $position = '-';
+ $best_score = '-';
+ $best_score_data = get_best_score($exercices['id'], $course_info['code'], $session_id);
+ $best_score = show_score($best_score_data['exe_result'], $best_score_data['exe_weighting']);
+ if ($attempts > 0) {
+ $latest_attempt_url .= '<a href="../exercice/exercise_show.php?origin=myprogress&id='.$exe_id.'&cidReq='.$course_info['code'].'&id_session='.$session_id.'"> '.Display::return_icon('quiz.gif', get_lang('Quiz')).' </a>';
+ $percentage_score_result = show_score($score, $weighting).' '.$latest_attempt_url;
+ $my_score = 0;
+ if (!empty($weighting)) {
+ $my_score = $score/$weighting;
- $html .= '</td>';
- } else {
- // we show or not the results if the teacher wants to
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
- $html .= get_lang('CantShowResults');
- $html .= '</td>';
- $html .= '<td align="center">';
- $html .= ' -- ';
- $html .= '</td>
- <td align="center" width="25">';
- $html .= ' -- ';
- $html .= '</td>';
- }
- $html .= '</tr>';
+ $position = get_exercise_result_ranking($my_score, $exe_id, $exercices['id'], $course_info['code'], $session_id);
+ }
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $attempts, array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $percentage_score_result, array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $position, array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', $best_score, array('align'=>'center'));
+ //$html .= Display::tag('td', $latest_attempt_url, array('align'=>'center', 'width'=>'25'));
+ } else {
+ // Exercise configuration NO results
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', get_lang('CantShowResults'), array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', '--', array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', '--', array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', '--', array('align'=>'center'));
+ $html .= Display::tag('td', '--', array('align'=>'center'));
- } else {
- $html .= '<tr><td colspan="4" align="center">'.get_lang('NoEx').'</td></tr>';
+ $html .= '</tr>';
- $html .= '</table>';
+ } else {
+ $html .= '<tr><td colspan="5" align="center">'.get_lang('NoEx').'</td></tr>';
+ }
+ $html .= '</table>';
return $html;
class TrackingCourseLog {