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Removed test on Accessurleditsessions as it slows down considerably the testing process

Yannick Warnier 12 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 47 deletions
  1. 0 47

+ 0 - 47

@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2013-02-17 at 00:38:50.
- */
-class AccessurleditsessionstourlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
-    /**
-     * @var Accessurleditsessionstourl
-     */
-    protected $object;
-    /**
-     * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
-     * This method is called before a test is executed.
-     */
-    protected function setUp()
-    {
-        ob_start();
-        require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../main/inc/lib/access_url_edit_sessions_to_url_functions.lib.php';
-        require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../main/inc/lib/main_api.lib.php';
-        $this->object = new Accessurleditsessionstourl;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
-     * This method is called after a test is executed.
-     */
-    protected function tearDown()
-    {
-        ob_end_clean();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Generated from @assert () === false.
-     *
-     * @covers Accessurleditsessionstourl::search_sessions
-     */
-    public function testSearch_sessions()
-    {
-        ob_start();
-        $this->assertSame(
-          false,
-          $this->object->search_sessions(null,null)
-        );
-        ob_end_clean();
-    }