@@ -0,0 +1,2700 @@
+ * Copyright © 2003-2010, The ESUP-Portail consortium & the JA-SIG Collaborative.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the ESUP-Portail consortium & the JA-SIG
+ * Collaborative nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
+ * promote products derived from this software without specific prior
+ * written permission.
+ */
+ * @file CAS/client.php
+ * Main class of the phpCAS library
+ */
+// include internationalization stuff
+// include PGT storage classes
+ * @class CASClient
+ * The CASClient class is a client interface that provides CAS authentication
+ * to PHP applications.
+ *
+ * @author Pascal Aubry <pascal.aubry at univ-rennes1.fr>
+ */
+class CASClient
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalOutput
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * This method filters a string by replacing special tokens by appropriate values
+ * and prints it. The corresponding tokens are taken into account:
+ * - __CAS_VERSION__
+ *
+ * Used by CASClient::PrintHTMLHeader() and CASClient::printHTMLFooter().
+ *
+ * @param $str the string to filter and output
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function HTMLFilterOutput($str)
+ {
+ $str = str_replace('__CAS_VERSION__',$this->getServerVersion(),$str);
+ $str = str_replace('__PHPCAS_VERSION__',phpCAS::getVersion(),$str);
+ $str = str_replace('__SERVER_BASE_URL__',$this->getServerBaseURL(),$str);
+ echo $str;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A string used to print the header of HTML pages. Written by CASClient::setHTMLHeader(),
+ * read by CASClient::printHTMLHeader().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ * @see CASClient::setHTMLHeader, CASClient::printHTMLHeader()
+ */
+ var $_output_header = '';
+ /**
+ * This method prints the header of the HTML output (after filtering). If
+ * CASClient::setHTMLHeader() was not used, a default header is output.
+ *
+ * @param $title the title of the page
+ *
+ * @see HTMLFilterOutput()
+ * @private
+ */
+ function printHTMLHeader($title)
+ {
+ $this->HTMLFilterOutput(str_replace('__TITLE__',
+ $title,
+ (empty($this->_output_header)
+ ? '<html><head><title>__TITLE__</title></head><body><h1>__TITLE__</h1>'
+ : $this->_output_header)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * A string used to print the footer of HTML pages. Written by CASClient::setHTMLFooter(),
+ * read by printHTMLFooter().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ * @see CASClient::setHTMLFooter, CASClient::printHTMLFooter()
+ */
+ var $_output_footer = '';
+ /**
+ * This method prints the footer of the HTML output (after filtering). If
+ * CASClient::setHTMLFooter() was not used, a default footer is output.
+ *
+ * @see HTMLFilterOutput()
+ * @private
+ */
+ function printHTMLFooter()
+ {
+ $this->HTMLFilterOutput(empty($this->_output_footer)
+ ?('<hr><address>phpCAS __PHPCAS_VERSION__ '.$this->getString(CAS_STR_USING_SERVER).' <a href="__SERVER_BASE_URL__">__SERVER_BASE_URL__</a> (CAS __CAS_VERSION__)</a></address></body></html>')
+ :$this->_output_footer);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method set the HTML header used for all outputs.
+ *
+ * @param $header the HTML header.
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setHTMLHeader($header)
+ {
+ $this->_output_header = $header;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method set the HTML footer used for all outputs.
+ *
+ * @param $footer the HTML footer.
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setHTMLFooter($footer)
+ {
+ $this->_output_footer = $footer;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalLang
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * A string corresponding to the language used by phpCAS. Written by
+ * CASClient::setLang(), read by CASClient::getLang().
+ * @note debugging information is always in english (debug purposes only).
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ * @sa CASClient::_strings, CASClient::getString()
+ */
+ var $_lang = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the language used by phpCAS.
+ *
+ * @return a string representing the language
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getLang()
+ {
+ if ( empty($this->_lang) )
+ $this->setLang(PHPCAS_LANG_DEFAULT);
+ return $this->_lang;
+ }
+ /**
+ * array containing the strings used by phpCAS. Written by CASClient::setLang(), read by
+ * CASClient::getString() and used by CASClient::setLang().
+ *
+ * @note This array is filled by instructions in CAS/languages/<$this->_lang>.php
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @see CASClient::_lang, CASClient::getString(), CASClient::setLang(), CASClient::getLang()
+ */
+ var $_strings;
+ /**
+ * This method returns a string depending on the language.
+ *
+ * @param $str the index of the string in $_string.
+ *
+ * @return the string corresponding to $index in $string.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getString($str)
+ {
+ // call CASclient::getLang() to be sure the language is initialized
+ $this->getLang();
+ if ( !isset($this->_strings[$str]) ) {
+ trigger_error('string `'.$str.'\' not defined for language `'.$this->getLang().'\'',E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ return $this->_strings[$str];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to set the language used by phpCAS.
+ * @note Can be called only once.
+ *
+ * @param $lang a string representing the language.
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setLang($lang)
+ {
+ // include the corresponding language file
+ include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/languages/'.$lang.'.php');
+ if ( !is_array($this->_strings) ) {
+ trigger_error('language `'.$lang.'\' is not implemented',E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ $this->_lang = $lang;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalConfig
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * a record to store information about the CAS server.
+ * - $_server["version"]: the version of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["hostname"]: the hostname of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["port"]: the port the CAS server is running on
+ * - $_server["uri"]: the base URI the CAS server is responding on
+ * - $_server["base_url"]: the base URL of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["login_url"]: the login URL of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["service_validate_url"]: the service validating URL of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["proxy_url"]: the proxy URL of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["proxy_validate_url"]: the proxy validating URL of the CAS server
+ * - $_server["logout_url"]: the logout URL of the CAS server
+ *
+ * $_server["version"], $_server["hostname"], $_server["port"] and $_server["uri"]
+ * are written by CASClient::CASClient(), read by CASClient::getServerVersion(),
+ * CASClient::getServerHostname(), CASClient::getServerPort() and CASClient::getServerURI().
+ *
+ * The other fields are written and read by CASClient::getServerBaseURL(),
+ * CASClient::getServerLoginURL(), CASClient::getServerServiceValidateURL(),
+ * CASClient::getServerProxyValidateURL() and CASClient::getServerLogoutURL().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_server = array(
+ 'version' => -1,
+ 'hostname' => 'none',
+ 'port' => -1,
+ 'uri' => 'none'
+ );
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the version of the CAS server.
+ * @return the version of the CAS server.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerVersion()
+ {
+ return $this->_server['version'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the hostname of the CAS server.
+ * @return the hostname of the CAS server.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerHostname()
+ { return $this->_server['hostname']; }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the port of the CAS server.
+ * @return the port of the CAS server.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerPort()
+ { return $this->_server['port']; }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the URI of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URI.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerURI()
+ { return $this->_server['uri']; }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the base URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerBaseURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['base_url']) ) {
+ $this->_server['base_url'] = 'https://'
+ .$this->getServerHostname()
+ .':'
+ .$this->getServerPort()
+ .$this->getServerURI();
+ }
+ return $this->_server['base_url'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the login URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $gateway true to check authentication, false to force it
+ * @param $renew true to force the authentication with the CAS server
+ * NOTE : It is recommended that CAS implementations ignore the
+ "gateway" parameter if "renew" is set
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerLoginURL($gateway=false,$renew=false) {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['login_url']) ) {
+ $this->_server['login_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL();
+ $this->_server['login_url'] .= 'login?service=';
+ // $this->_server['login_url'] .= preg_replace('/&/','%26',$this->getURL());
+ $this->_server['login_url'] .= urlencode($this->getURL());
+ if($renew) {
+ // It is recommended that when the "renew" parameter is set, its value be "true"
+ $this->_server['login_url'] .= '&renew=true';
+ } elseif ($gateway) {
+ // It is recommended that when the "gateway" parameter is set, its value be "true"
+ $this->_server['login_url'] .= '&gateway=true';
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($this->_server['login_url']);
+ return $this->_server['login_url'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the login URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $url the login URL
+ * @private
+ * @since 0.4.21 by Wyman Chan
+ */
+ function setServerLoginURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_server['login_url'] = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the serviceValidate URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $url the serviceValidate URL
+ * @private
+ * @since 1.1.0 by Joachim Fritschi
+ */
+ function setServerServiceValidateURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_server['service_validate_url'] = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the proxyValidate URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $url the proxyValidate URL
+ * @private
+ * @since 1.1.0 by Joachim Fritschi
+ */
+ function setServerProxyValidateURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_server['proxy_validate_url'] = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the samlValidate URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $url the samlValidate URL
+ * @private
+ * @since 1.1.0 by Joachim Fritschi
+ */
+ function setServerSamlValidateURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_server['saml_validate_url'] = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the service validating URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerServiceValidateURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['service_validate_url']) ) {
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ $this->_server['service_validate_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'validate';
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ $this->_server['service_validate_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'serviceValidate';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // return $this->_server['service_validate_url'].'?service='.preg_replace('/&/','%26',$this->getURL());
+ return $this->_server['service_validate_url'].'?service='.urlencode($this->getURL());
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the SAML validating URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerSamlValidateURL()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['saml_validate_url']) ) {
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case SAML_VERSION_1_1:
+ $this->_server['saml_validate_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'samlValidate';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($this->_server['saml_validate_url'].'?TARGET='.urlencode($this->getURL()));
+ return $this->_server['saml_validate_url'].'?TARGET='.urlencode($this->getURL());
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the proxy validating URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerProxyValidateURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['proxy_validate_url']) ) {
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ $this->_server['proxy_validate_url'] = '';
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ $this->_server['proxy_validate_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'proxyValidate';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // return $this->_server['proxy_validate_url'].'?service='.preg_replace('/&/','%26',$this->getURL());
+ return $this->_server['proxy_validate_url'].'?service='.urlencode($this->getURL());
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the proxy URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerProxyURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['proxy_url']) ) {
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ $this->_server['proxy_url'] = '';
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ $this->_server['proxy_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'proxy';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->_server['proxy_url'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve the logout URL of the CAS server.
+ * @return a URL.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getServerLogoutURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is build only when needed
+ if ( empty($this->_server['logout_url']) ) {
+ $this->_server['logout_url'] = $this->getServerBaseURL().'logout';
+ }
+ return $this->_server['logout_url'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the logout URL of the CAS server.
+ * @param $url the logout URL
+ * @private
+ * @since 0.4.21 by Wyman Chan
+ */
+ function setServerLogoutURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_server['logout_url'] = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * An array to store extra curl options.
+ */
+ var $_curl_options = array();
+ /**
+ * This method is used to set additional user curl options.
+ */
+ function setExtraCurlOption($key, $value)
+ {
+ $this->_curl_options[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method checks to see if the request is secured via HTTPS
+ * @return true if https, false otherwise
+ * @private
+ */
+ function isHttps() {
+ //if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) {
+ //0.4.24 by Hinnack
+ if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * CASClient constructor.
+ *
+ * @param $server_version the version of the CAS server
+ * @param $proxy TRUE if the CAS client is a CAS proxy, FALSE otherwise
+ * @param $server_hostname the hostname of the CAS server
+ * @param $server_port the port the CAS server is running on
+ * @param $server_uri the URI the CAS server is responding on
+ * @param $start_session Have phpCAS start PHP sessions (default true)
+ *
+ * @return a newly created CASClient object
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function CASClient(
+ $server_version,
+ $proxy,
+ $server_hostname,
+ $server_port,
+ $server_uri,
+ $start_session = true) {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // the redirect header() call and DOM parsing code from domxml-php4-php5.php won't work in PHP4 compatibility mode
+ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5','>=') && ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode')) {
+ phpCAS::error('phpCAS cannot support zend.ze1_compatibility_mode. Sorry.');
+ }
+ // skip Session Handling for logout requests and if don't want it'
+ if ($start_session && !$this->isLogoutRequest()) {
+ phpCAS::trace("Starting session handling");
+ // Check for Tickets from the CAS server
+ if (empty($_GET['ticket'])){
+ phpCAS::trace("No ticket found");
+ // only create a session if necessary
+ if (!session_id()) {
+ phpCAS::trace("No session found, creating new session");
+ session_start();
+ }
+ }else{
+ phpCAS::trace("Ticket found");
+ // We have to copy any old data before renaming the session
+ if (session_id()) {
+ phpCAS::trace("Old active session found, saving old data and destroying session");
+ $old_session = $_SESSION;
+ session_destroy();
+ }else{
+ session_start();
+ phpCAS::trace("Starting possible old session to copy variables");
+ $old_session = $_SESSION;
+ session_destroy();
+ }
+ // set up a new session, of name based on the ticket
+ $session_id = preg_replace('/[^\w]/','',$_GET['ticket']);
+ phpCAS::LOG("Session ID: " . $session_id);
+ session_id($session_id);
+ session_start();
+ // restore old session vars
+ if(isset($old_session)){
+ phpCAS::trace("Restoring old session vars");
+ $_SESSION = $old_session;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ phpCAS::trace("Skipping session creation");
+ }
+ // are we in proxy mode ?
+ $this->_proxy = $proxy;
+ //check version
+ switch ($server_version) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ if ( $this->isProxy() )
+ phpCAS::error('CAS proxies are not supported in CAS '
+ .$server_version);
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ break;
+ case SAML_VERSION_1_1:
+ break;
+ default:
+ phpCAS::error('this version of CAS (`'
+ .$server_version
+ .'\') is not supported by phpCAS '
+ .phpCAS::getVersion());
+ }
+ $this->_server['version'] = $server_version;
+ // check hostname
+ if ( empty($server_hostname)
+ || !preg_match('/[\.\d\-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]*/',$server_hostname) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('bad CAS server hostname (`'.$server_hostname.'\')');
+ }
+ $this->_server['hostname'] = $server_hostname;
+ // check port
+ if ( $server_port == 0
+ || !is_int($server_port) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('bad CAS server port (`'.$server_hostname.'\')');
+ }
+ $this->_server['port'] = $server_port;
+ // check URI
+ if ( !preg_match('/[\.\d\-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\/]*/',$server_uri) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('bad CAS server URI (`'.$server_uri.'\')');
+ }
+ // add leading and trailing `/' and remove doubles
+ $server_uri = preg_replace('/\/\//','/','/'.$server_uri.'/');
+ $this->_server['uri'] = $server_uri;
+ // set to callback mode if PgtIou and PgtId CGI GET parameters are provided
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ $this->setCallbackMode(!empty($_GET['pgtIou'])&&!empty($_GET['pgtId']));
+ }
+ if ( $this->isCallbackMode() ) {
+ //callback mode: check that phpCAS is secured
+ if ( !$this->isHttps() ) {
+ phpCAS::error('CAS proxies must be secured to use phpCAS; PGT\'s will not be received from the CAS server');
+ }
+ } else {
+ //normal mode: get ticket and remove it from CGI parameters for developpers
+ $ticket = (isset($_GET['ticket']) ? $_GET['ticket'] : null);
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0: // check for a Service Ticket
+ if( preg_match('/^ST-/',$ticket) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('ST \''.$ticket.'\' found');
+ //ST present
+ $this->setST($ticket);
+ //ticket has been taken into account, unset it to hide it to applications
+ unset($_GET['ticket']);
+ } else if ( !empty($ticket) ) {
+ //ill-formed ticket, halt
+ phpCAS::error('ill-formed ticket found in the URL (ticket=`'.htmlentities($ticket).'\')');
+ }
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0: // check for a Service or Proxy Ticket
+ if( preg_match('/^[SP]T-/',$ticket) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('ST or PT \''.$ticket.'\' found');
+ $this->setPT($ticket);
+ unset($_GET['ticket']);
+ } else if ( !empty($ticket) ) {
+ //ill-formed ticket, halt
+ phpCAS::error('ill-formed ticket found in the URL (ticket=`'.htmlentities($ticket).'\')');
+ }
+ break;
+ case SAML_VERSION_1_1: // SAML just does Service Tickets
+ if( preg_match('/^[SP]T-/',$ticket) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('SA \''.$ticket.'\' found');
+ $this->setSA($ticket);
+ unset($_GET['ticket']);
+ } else if ( !empty($ticket) ) {
+ //ill-formed ticket, halt
+ phpCAS::error('ill-formed ticket found in the URL (ticket=`'.htmlentities($ticket).'\')');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd();
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalAuthentication
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * The Authenticated user. Written by CASClient::setUser(), read by CASClient::getUser().
+ * @attention client applications should use phpCAS::getUser().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_user = '';
+ /**
+ * This method sets the CAS user's login name.
+ *
+ * @param $user the login name of the authenticated user.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setUser($user)
+ {
+ $this->_user = $user;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the CAS user's login name.
+ * @warning should be called only after CASClient::forceAuthentication() or
+ * CASClient::isAuthenticated(), otherwise halt with an error.
+ *
+ * @return the login name of the authenticated user
+ */
+ function getUser()
+ {
+ if ( empty($this->_user) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('this method should be used only after '.__CLASS__.'::forceAuthentication() or '.__CLASS__.'::isAuthenticated()');
+ }
+ return $this->_user;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************************************************************
+ * Atrributes section
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Crauwels <matthias.crauwels@ugent.be>, Ghent University, Belgium
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************************************************************/
+ /**
+ * The Authenticated users attributes. Written by CASClient::setAttributes(), read by CASClient::getAttributes().
+ * @attention client applications should use phpCAS::getAttributes().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_attributes = array();
+ function setAttributes($attributes)
+ { $this->_attributes = $attributes; }
+ function getAttributes() {
+ if ( empty($this->_user) ) { // if no user is set, there shouldn't be any attributes also...
+ phpCAS::error('this method should be used only after '.__CLASS__.'::forceAuthentication() or '.__CLASS__.'::isAuthenticated()');
+ }
+ return $this->_attributes;
+ }
+ function hasAttributes()
+ { return !empty($this->_attributes); }
+ function hasAttribute($key)
+ { return (is_array($this->_attributes) && array_key_exists($key, $this->_attributes)); }
+ function getAttribute($key) {
+ if($this->hasAttribute($key)) {
+ return $this->_attributes[$key];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called to renew the authentication of the user
+ * If the user is authenticated, renew the connection
+ * If not, redirect to CAS
+ * @public
+ */
+ function renewAuthentication(){
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // Either way, the user is authenticated by CAS
+ if( isset( $_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked'] ) )
+ unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked']);
+ if ( $this->isAuthenticated() ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('user already authenticated; renew');
+ $this->redirectToCas(false,true);
+ } else {
+ $this->redirectToCas();
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd();
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called to be sure that the user is authenticated. When not
+ * authenticated, halt by redirecting to the CAS server; otherwise return TRUE.
+ * @return TRUE when the user is authenticated; otherwise halt.
+ * @public
+ */
+ function forceAuthentication()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ if ( $this->isAuthenticated() ) {
+ // the user is authenticated, nothing to be done.
+ phpCAS::trace('no need to authenticate');
+ $res = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ // the user is not authenticated, redirect to the CAS server
+ if (isset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked'])) {
+ unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked']);
+ }
+ $this->redirectToCas(FALSE/* no gateway */);
+ // never reached
+ $res = FALSE;
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * An integer that gives the number of times authentication will be cached before rechecked.
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_cache_times_for_auth_recheck = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the number of times authentication will be cached before rechecked.
+ *
+ * @param $n an integer.
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setCacheTimesForAuthRecheck($n)
+ {
+ $this->_cache_times_for_auth_recheck = $n;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called to check whether the user is authenticated or not.
+ * @return TRUE when the user is authenticated, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @public
+ */
+ function checkAuthentication()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ if ( $this->isAuthenticated() ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('user is authenticated');
+ $res = TRUE;
+ } else if (isset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked'])) {
+ // the previous request has redirected the client to the CAS server with gateway=true
+ unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked']);
+ $res = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // $_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked'] = true;
+ // $this->redirectToCas(TRUE/* gateway */);
+ // // never reached
+ // $res = FALSE;
+ // avoid a check against CAS on every request
+ if (! isset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count']) )
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] = -2; // uninitialized
+ if (($_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] != -2 && $this->_cache_times_for_auth_recheck == -1)
+ || ($_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] >= 0 && $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] < $this->_cache_times_for_auth_recheck))
+ {
+ $res = FALSE;
+ if ($this->_cache_times_for_auth_recheck != -1)
+ {
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count']++;
+ phpCAS::trace('user is not authenticated (cached for '.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'].' times of '.$this->_cache_times_for_auth_recheck.')');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ phpCAS::trace('user is not authenticated (cached for until login pressed)');
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['unauth_count'] = 0;
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked'] = true;
+ phpCAS::trace('user is not authenticated (cache reset)');
+ $this->redirectToCas(TRUE/* gateway */);
+ // never reached
+ $res = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called to check if the user is authenticated (previously or by
+ * tickets given in the URL).
+ *
+ * @return TRUE when the user is authenticated. Also may redirect to the same URL without the ticket.
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function isAuthenticated()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $res = FALSE;
+ $validate_url = '';
+ if ( $this->wasPreviouslyAuthenticated() ) {
+ // the user has already (previously during the session) been
+ // authenticated, nothing to be done.
+ phpCAS::trace('user was already authenticated, no need to look for tickets');
+ $res = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $this->hasST() ) {
+ // if a Service Ticket was given, validate it
+ phpCAS::trace('ST `'.$this->getST().'\' is present');
+ $this->validateST($validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response); // if it fails, it halts
+ phpCAS::trace('ST `'.$this->getST().'\' was validated');
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ $this->validatePGT($validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response); // idem
+ phpCAS::trace('PGT `'.$this->getPGT().'\' was validated');
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt'] = $this->getPGT();
+ }
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'] = $this->getUser();
+ $res = TRUE;
+ }
+ elseif ( $this->hasPT() ) {
+ // if a Proxy Ticket was given, validate it
+ phpCAS::trace('PT `'.$this->getPT().'\' is present');
+ $this->validatePT($validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response); // note: if it fails, it halts
+ phpCAS::trace('PT `'.$this->getPT().'\' was validated');
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ $this->validatePGT($validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response); // idem
+ phpCAS::trace('PGT `'.$this->getPGT().'\' was validated');
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt'] = $this->getPGT();
+ }
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'] = $this->getUser();
+ $res = TRUE;
+ }
+ elseif ( $this->hasSA() ) {
+ // if we have a SAML ticket, validate it.
+ phpCAS::trace('SA `'.$this->getSA().'\' is present');
+ $this->validateSA($validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response); // if it fails, it halts
+ phpCAS::trace('SA `'.$this->getSA().'\' was validated');
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'] = $this->getUser();
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['attributes'] = $this->getAttributes();
+ $res = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ // no ticket given, not authenticated
+ phpCAS::trace('no ticket found');
+ }
+ if ($res) {
+ // if called with a ticket parameter, we need to redirect to the app without the ticket so that CAS-ification is transparent to the browser (for later POSTS)
+ // most of the checks and errors should have been made now, so we're safe for redirect without masking error messages.
+ header('Location: '.$this->getURL());
+ phpCAS::log( "Prepare redirect to : ".$this->getURL() );
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if the current session is authenticated.
+ * @return true if authenticated based soley on $_SESSION variable
+ * @since 0.4.22 by Brendan Arnold
+ */
+ function isSessionAuthenticated ()
+ {
+ return !empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if the user has already been (previously) authenticated
+ * by looking into the session variables.
+ *
+ * @note This function switches to callback mode when needed.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE when the user has already been authenticated; FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function wasPreviouslyAuthenticated()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ if ( $this->isCallbackMode() ) {
+ $this->callback();
+ }
+ $auth = FALSE;
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ // CAS proxy: username and PGT must be present
+ if ( $this->isSessionAuthenticated() && !empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt']) ) {
+ // authentication already done
+ $this->setUser($_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']);
+ $this->setPGT($_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt']);
+ phpCAS::trace('user = `'.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'].'\', PGT = `'.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt'].'\'');
+ $auth = TRUE;
+ } elseif ( $this->isSessionAuthenticated() && empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt']) ) {
+ // these two variables should be empty or not empty at the same time
+ phpCAS::trace('username found (`'.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'].'\') but PGT is empty');
+ // unset all tickets to enforce authentication
+ unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']);
+ $this->setST('');
+ $this->setPT('');
+ } elseif ( !$this->isSessionAuthenticated() && !empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt']) ) {
+ // these two variables should be empty or not empty at the same time
+ phpCAS::trace('PGT found (`'.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['pgt'].'\') but username is empty');
+ // unset all tickets to enforce authentication
+ unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']);
+ $this->setST('');
+ $this->setPT('');
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('neither user not PGT found');
+ }
+ } else {
+ // `simple' CAS client (not a proxy): username must be present
+ if ( $this->isSessionAuthenticated() ) {
+ // authentication already done
+ $this->setUser($_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']);
+ if(isset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['attributes'])){
+ $this->setAttributes($_SESSION['phpCAS']['attributes']);
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace('user = `'.$_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'].'\'');
+ $auth = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('no user found');
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($auth);
+ return $auth;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to redirect the client to the CAS server.
+ * It is used by CASClient::forceAuthentication() and CASClient::checkAuthentication().
+ * @param $gateway true to check authentication, false to force it
+ * @param $renew true to force the authentication with the CAS server
+ * @public
+ */
+ function redirectToCas($gateway=false,$renew=false){
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $cas_url = $this->getServerLoginURL($gateway,$renew);
+ header('Location: '.$cas_url);
+ phpCAS::log( "Redirect to : ".$cas_url );
+ $this->printHTMLHeader($this->getString(CAS_STR_AUTHENTICATION_WANTED));
+ printf('<p>'.$this->getString(CAS_STR_SHOULD_HAVE_BEEN_REDIRECTED).'</p>',$cas_url);
+ $this->printHTMLFooter();
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to logout from CAS.
+ * @params $params an array that contains the optional url and service parameters that will be passed to the CAS server
+ * @public
+ */
+ function logout($params) {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $cas_url = $this->getServerLogoutURL();
+ $paramSeparator = '?';
+ if (isset($params['url'])) {
+ $cas_url = $cas_url . $paramSeparator . "url=" . urlencode($params['url']);
+ $paramSeparator = '&';
+ }
+ if (isset($params['service'])) {
+ $cas_url = $cas_url . $paramSeparator . "service=" . urlencode($params['service']);
+ }
+ header('Location: '.$cas_url);
+ phpCAS::log( "Prepare redirect to : ".$cas_url );
+ session_unset();
+ session_destroy();
+ $this->printHTMLHeader($this->getString(CAS_STR_LOGOUT));
+ printf('<p>'.$this->getString(CAS_STR_SHOULD_HAVE_BEEN_REDIRECTED).'</p>',$cas_url);
+ $this->printHTMLFooter();
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if the current request is a logout request.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function isLogoutRequest() {
+ return !empty($_POST['logoutRequest']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if a logout request is allowed.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function isLogoutRequestAllowed() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method handles logout requests.
+ * @param $check_client true to check the client bofore handling the request,
+ * false not to perform any access control. True by default.
+ * @param $allowed_clients an array of host names allowed to send logout requests.
+ * By default, only the CAs server (declared in the constructor) will be allowed.
+ * @public
+ */
+ function handleLogoutRequests($check_client=true, $allowed_clients=false) {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ if (!$this->isLogoutRequest()) {
+ phpCAS::log("Not a logout request");
+ phpCAS::traceEnd();
+ return;
+ }
+ phpCAS::log("Logout requested");
+ phpCAS::log("SAML REQUEST: ".$_POST['logoutRequest']);
+ if ($check_client) {
+ if (!$allowed_clients) {
+ $allowed_clients = array( $this->getServerHostname() );
+ }
+ $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ $client = gethostbyaddr($client_ip);
+ phpCAS::log("Client: ".$client."/".$client_ip);
+ $allowed = false;
+ foreach ($allowed_clients as $allowed_client) {
+ if (($client == $allowed_client) or ($client_ip == $allowed_client)) {
+ phpCAS::log("Allowed client '".$allowed_client."' matches, logout request is allowed");
+ $allowed = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::log("Allowed client '".$allowed_client."' does not match");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$allowed) {
+ phpCAS::error("Unauthorized logout request from client '".$client."'");
+ printf("Unauthorized!");
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::log("No access control set");
+ }
+ // Extract the ticket from the SAML Request
+ preg_match("|<samlp:SessionIndex>(.*)</samlp:SessionIndex>|", $_POST['logoutRequest'], $tick, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3);
+ $wrappedSamlSessionIndex = preg_replace('|<samlp:SessionIndex>|','',$tick[0][0]);
+ $ticket2logout = preg_replace('|</samlp:SessionIndex>|','',$wrappedSamlSessionIndex);
+ phpCAS::log("Ticket to logout: ".$ticket2logout);
+ $session_id = preg_replace('/[^\w]/','',$ticket2logout);
+ phpCAS::log("Session id: ".$session_id);
+ // destroy a possible application session created before phpcas
+ if(session_id()){
+ session_unset();
+ session_destroy();
+ }
+ // fix session ID
+ session_id($session_id);
+ $_COOKIE[session_name()]=$session_id;
+ $_GET[session_name()]=$session_id;
+ // Overwrite session
+ session_start();
+ session_unset();
+ session_destroy();
+ printf("Disconnected!");
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ST
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalBasic
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * the Service Ticket provided in the URL of the request if present
+ * (empty otherwise). Written by CASClient::CASClient(), read by
+ * CASClient::getST() and CASClient::hasPGT().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_st = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the Service Ticket provided in the URL of the request.
+ * @return The service ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getST()
+ { return $this->_st; }
+ /**
+ * This method stores the Service Ticket.
+ * @param $st The Service Ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setST($st)
+ { $this->_st = $st; }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if a Service Ticket was stored.
+ * @return TRUE if a Service Ticket has been stored.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function hasST()
+ { return !empty($this->_st); }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalBasic
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * the certificate of the CAS server.
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_cas_server_cert = '';
+ /**
+ * the certificate of the CAS server CA.
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_cas_server_ca_cert = '';
+ /**
+ * Set to true not to validate the CAS server.
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_no_cas_server_validation = false;
+ /**
+ * Set the certificate of the CAS server.
+ *
+ * @param $cert the PEM certificate
+ */
+ function setCasServerCert($cert)
+ {
+ $this->_cas_server_cert = $cert;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the CA certificate of the CAS server.
+ *
+ * @param $cert the PEM certificate of the CA that emited the cert of the server
+ */
+ function setCasServerCACert($cert)
+ {
+ $this->_cas_server_ca_cert = $cert;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set no SSL validation for the CAS server.
+ */
+ function setNoCasServerValidation()
+ {
+ $this->_no_cas_server_validation = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to validate a ST; halt on failure, and sets $validate_url,
+ * $text_reponse and $tree_response on success. These parameters are used later
+ * by CASClient::validatePGT() for CAS proxies.
+ * Used for all CAS 1.0 validations
+ * @param $validate_url the URL of the request to the CAS server.
+ * @param $text_response the response of the CAS server, as is (XML text).
+ * @param $tree_response the response of the CAS server, as a DOM XML tree.
+ *
+ * @return bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function validateST($validate_url,&$text_response,&$tree_response)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // build the URL to validate the ticket
+ $validate_url = $this->getServerServiceValidateURL().'&ticket='.$this->getST();
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ // pass the callback url for CAS proxies
+ $validate_url .= '&pgtUrl='.$this->getCallbackURL();
+ }
+ // open and read the URL
+ if ( !$this->readURL($validate_url,''/*cookies*/,$headers,$text_response,$err_msg) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not open URL \''.$validate_url.'\' to validate ('.$err_msg.')');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ TRUE/*$no_response*/);
+ }
+ // analyze the result depending on the version
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ if (preg_match('/^no\n/',$text_response)) {
+ phpCAS::trace('ST has not been validated');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ FALSE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ if (!preg_match('/^yes\n/',$text_response)) {
+ phpCAS::trace('ill-formed response');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // ST has been validated, extract the user name
+ $arr = preg_split('/\n/',$text_response);
+ $this->setUser(trim($arr[1]));
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ // read the response of the CAS server into a DOM object
+ if ( !($dom = domxml_open_mem($text_response))) {
+ phpCAS::trace('domxml_open_mem() failed');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // read the root node of the XML tree
+ if ( !($tree_response = $dom->document_element()) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('document_element() failed');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // insure that tag name is 'serviceResponse'
+ if ( $tree_response->node_name() != 'serviceResponse' ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('bad XML root node (should be `serviceResponse\' instead of `'.$tree_response->node_name().'\'');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ if ( sizeof($success_elements = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("authenticationSuccess")) != 0) {
+ // authentication succeded, extract the user name
+ if ( sizeof($user_elements = $success_elements[0]->get_elements_by_tagname("user")) == 0) {
+ phpCAS::trace('<authenticationSuccess> found, but no <user>');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ $user = trim($user_elements[0]->get_content());
+ phpCAS::trace('user = `'.$user);
+ $this->setUser($user);
+ } else if ( sizeof($failure_elements = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("authenticationFailure")) != 0) {
+ phpCAS::trace('<authenticationFailure> found');
+ // authentication failed, extract the error code and message
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ FALSE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response,
+ $failure_elements[0]->get_attribute('code')/*$err_code*/,
+ trim($failure_elements[0]->get_content())/*$err_msg*/);
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('neither <authenticationSuccess> nor <authenticationFailure> found');
+ $this->authError('ST not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // at this step, ST has been validated and $this->_user has been set,
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalBasic
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * This method is used to validate a SAML TICKET; halt on failure, and sets $validate_url,
+ * $text_reponse and $tree_response on success. These parameters are used later
+ * by CASClient::validatePGT() for CAS proxies.
+ *
+ * @param $validate_url the URL of the request to the CAS server.
+ * @param $text_response the response of the CAS server, as is (XML text).
+ * @param $tree_response the response of the CAS server, as a DOM XML tree.
+ *
+ * @return bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function validateSA($validate_url,&$text_response,&$tree_response)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // build the URL to validate the ticket
+ $validate_url = $this->getServerSamlValidateURL();
+ // open and read the URL
+ if ( !$this->readURL($validate_url,''/*cookies*/,$headers,$text_response,$err_msg) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not open URL \''.$validate_url.'\' to validate ('.$err_msg.')');
+ $this->authError('SA not validated', $validate_url, TRUE/*$no_response*/);
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace('server version: '.$this->getServerVersion());
+ // analyze the result depending on the version
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case SAML_VERSION_1_1:
+ // read the response of the CAS server into a DOM object
+ if ( !($dom = domxml_open_mem($text_response))) {
+ phpCAS::trace('domxml_open_mem() failed');
+ $this->authError('SA not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // read the root node of the XML tree
+ if ( !($tree_response = $dom->document_element()) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('document_element() failed');
+ $this->authError('SA not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // insure that tag name is 'Envelope'
+ if ( $tree_response->node_name() != 'Envelope' ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('bad XML root node (should be `Envelope\' instead of `'.$tree_response->node_name().'\'');
+ $this->authError('SA not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // check for the NameIdentifier tag in the SAML response
+ if ( sizeof($success_elements = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("NameIdentifier")) != 0) {
+ phpCAS::trace('NameIdentifier found');
+ $user = trim($success_elements[0]->get_content());
+ phpCAS::trace('user = `'.$user.'`');
+ $this->setUser($user);
+ $this->setSessionAttributes($text_response);
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('no <NameIdentifier> tag found in SAML payload');
+ $this->authError('SA not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // at this step, ST has been validated and $this->_user has been set,
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will parse the DOM and pull out the attributes from the SAML
+ * payload and put them into an array, then put the array into the session.
+ *
+ * @param $text_response the SAML payload.
+ * @return bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setSessionAttributes($text_response)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $result = FALSE;
+ if (isset($_SESSION[SAML_ATTRIBUTES])) {
+ phpCAS::trace("session attrs already set."); //testbml - do we care?
+ }
+ $attr_array = array();
+ if (($dom = domxml_open_mem($text_response))) {
+ $xPath = $dom->xpath_new_context();
+ $xPath->xpath_register_ns('samlp', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol');
+ $xPath->xpath_register_ns('saml', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion');
+ $nodelist = $xPath->xpath_eval("//saml:Attribute");
+ $attrs = $nodelist->nodeset;
+ phpCAS::trace($text_response);
+ foreach($attrs as $attr){
+ $xres = $xPath->xpath_eval("saml:AttributeValue", $attr);
+ $name = $attr->get_attribute("AttributeName");
+ $value_array = array();
+ foreach($xres->nodeset as $node){
+ $value_array[] = $node->get_content();
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace("* " . $name . "=" . $value_array);
+ $attr_array[$name] = $value_array;
+ }
+ $_SESSION[SAML_ATTRIBUTES] = $attr_array;
+ // UGent addition...
+ foreach($attr_array as $attr_key => $attr_value) {
+ if(count($attr_value) > 1) {
+ $this->_attributes[$attr_key] = $attr_value;
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->_attributes[$attr_key] = $attr_value[0];
+ }
+ }
+ $result = TRUE;
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($result);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalProxy
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * A boolean telling if the client is a CAS proxy or not. Written by CASClient::CASClient(),
+ * read by CASClient::isProxy().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_proxy;
+ /**
+ * Tells if a CAS client is a CAS proxy or not
+ *
+ * @return TRUE when the CAS client is a CAs proxy, FALSE otherwise
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function isProxy()
+ {
+ return $this->_proxy;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // PGT
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalProxy
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * the Proxy Grnting Ticket given by the CAS server (empty otherwise).
+ * Written by CASClient::setPGT(), read by CASClient::getPGT() and CASClient::hasPGT().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_pgt = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the Proxy Granting Ticket given by the CAS server.
+ * @return The Proxy Granting Ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getPGT()
+ { return $this->_pgt; }
+ /**
+ * This method stores the Proxy Granting Ticket.
+ * @param $pgt The Proxy Granting Ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setPGT($pgt)
+ { $this->_pgt = $pgt; }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if a Proxy Granting Ticket was stored.
+ * @return TRUE if a Proxy Granting Ticket has been stored.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function hasPGT()
+ { return !empty($this->_pgt); }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalCallback
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * each PHP script using phpCAS in proxy mode is its own callback to get the
+ * PGT back from the CAS server. callback_mode is detected by the constructor
+ * thanks to the GET parameters.
+ */
+ /**
+ * a boolean to know if the CAS client is running in callback mode. Written by
+ * CASClient::setCallBackMode(), read by CASClient::isCallbackMode().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_callback_mode = FALSE;
+ /**
+ * This method sets/unsets callback mode.
+ *
+ * @param $callback_mode TRUE to set callback mode, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setCallbackMode($callback_mode)
+ {
+ $this->_callback_mode = $callback_mode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns TRUE when the CAs client is running i callback mode,
+ * FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @return A boolean.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function isCallbackMode()
+ {
+ return $this->_callback_mode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * the URL that should be used for the PGT callback (in fact the URL of the
+ * current request without any CGI parameter). Written and read by
+ * CASClient::getCallbackURL().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_callback_url = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the URL that should be used for the PGT callback (in
+ * fact the URL of the current request without any CGI parameter, except if
+ * phpCAS::setFixedCallbackURL() was used).
+ *
+ * @return The callback URL
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getCallbackURL()
+ {
+ // the URL is built when needed only
+ if ( empty($this->_callback_url) ) {
+ $final_uri = '';
+ // remove the ticket if present in the URL
+ $final_uri = 'https://';
+ /* replaced by Julien Marchal - v0.4.6
+ * $this->uri .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ */
+ /* replaced by teedog - v0.4.12
+ * $final_uri .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ */
+ if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
+ $final_uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
+ } else {
+ $final_uri .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $final_uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'];
+ }
+ if ( ($this->isHttps() && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!=443)
+ || (!$this->isHttps() && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!=80) ) {
+ $final_uri .= ':';
+ $final_uri .= $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
+ }
+ $request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
+ $request_uri = preg_replace('/\?.*$/','',$request_uri);
+ $final_uri .= $request_uri;
+ $this->setCallbackURL($final_uri);
+ }
+ return $this->_callback_url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the callback url.
+ *
+ * @param $callback_url url to set callback
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setCallbackURL($url)
+ {
+ return $this->_callback_url = $url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is called by CASClient::CASClient() when running in callback
+ * mode. It stores the PGT and its PGT Iou, prints its output and halts.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function callback()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $this->printHTMLHeader('phpCAS callback');
+ $pgt_iou = $_GET['pgtIou'];
+ $pgt = $_GET['pgtId'];
+ phpCAS::trace('Storing PGT `'.$pgt.'\' (id=`'.$pgt_iou.'\')');
+ echo '<p>Storing PGT `'.$pgt.'\' (id=`'.$pgt_iou.'\').</p>';
+ $this->storePGT($pgt,$pgt_iou);
+ $this->printHTMLFooter();
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalPGTStorage
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * an instance of a class inheriting of PGTStorage, used to deal with PGT
+ * storage. Created by CASClient::setPGTStorageFile() or CASClient::setPGTStorageDB(), used
+ * by CASClient::setPGTStorageFile(), CASClient::setPGTStorageDB() and CASClient::initPGTStorage().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_pgt_storage = null;
+ /**
+ * This method is used to initialize the storage of PGT's.
+ * Halts on error.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function initPGTStorage()
+ {
+ // if no SetPGTStorageXxx() has been used, default to file
+ if ( !is_object($this->_pgt_storage) ) {
+ $this->setPGTStorageFile();
+ }
+ // initializes the storage
+ $this->_pgt_storage->init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method stores a PGT. Halts on error.
+ *
+ * @param $pgt the PGT to store
+ * @param $pgt_iou its corresponding Iou
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function storePGT($pgt,$pgt_iou)
+ {
+ // ensure that storage is initialized
+ $this->initPGTStorage();
+ // writes the PGT
+ $this->_pgt_storage->write($pgt,$pgt_iou);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method reads a PGT from its Iou and deletes the corresponding storage entry.
+ *
+ * @param $pgt_iou the PGT Iou
+ *
+ * @return The PGT corresponding to the Iou, FALSE when not found.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function loadPGT($pgt_iou)
+ {
+ // ensure that storage is initialized
+ $this->initPGTStorage();
+ // read the PGT
+ return $this->_pgt_storage->read($pgt_iou);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the
+ * CAS server to PGT requests onto the filesystem.
+ *
+ * @param $format the format used to store the PGT's (`plain' and `xml' allowed)
+ * @param $path the path where the PGT's should be stored
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setPGTStorageFile($format='',
+ $path='')
+ {
+ // check that the storage has not already been set
+ if ( is_object($this->_pgt_storage) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('PGT storage already defined');
+ }
+ // create the storage object
+ $this->_pgt_storage = new PGTStorageFile($this,$format,$path);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to tell phpCAS to store the response of the
+ * CAS server to PGT requests into a database.
+ * @note The connection to the database is done only when needed.
+ * As a consequence, bad parameters are detected only when
+ * initializing PGT storage.
+ *
+ * @param $user the user to access the data with
+ * @param $password the user's password
+ * @param $database_type the type of the database hosting the data
+ * @param $hostname the server hosting the database
+ * @param $port the port the server is listening on
+ * @param $database the name of the database
+ * @param $table the name of the table storing the data
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function setPGTStorageDB($user,
+ $password,
+ $database_type,
+ $hostname,
+ $port,
+ $database,
+ $table)
+ {
+ // check that the storage has not already been set
+ if ( is_object($this->_pgt_storage) ) {
+ phpCAS::error('PGT storage already defined');
+ }
+ // warn the user that he should use file storage...
+ trigger_error('PGT storage into database is an experimental feature, use at your own risk',E_USER_WARNING);
+ // create the storage object
+ $this->_pgt_storage = new PGTStorageDB($this,$user,$password,$database_type,$hostname,$port,$database,$table);
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * This method is used to validate a PGT; halt on failure.
+ *
+ * @param $validate_url the URL of the request to the CAS server.
+ * @param $text_response the response of the CAS server, as is (XML text); result
+ * of CASClient::validateST() or CASClient::validatePT().
+ * @param $tree_response the response of the CAS server, as a DOM XML tree; result
+ * of CASClient::validateST() or CASClient::validatePT().
+ *
+ * @return bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function validatePGT(&$validate_url,$text_response,$tree_response)
+ {
+ // here cannot use phpCAS::traceBegin(); alongside domxml-php4-to-php5.php
+ phpCAS::log('start validatePGT()');
+ if ( sizeof($arr = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("proxyGrantingTicket")) == 0) {
+ phpCAS::trace('<proxyGrantingTicket> not found');
+ // authentication succeded, but no PGT Iou was transmitted
+ $this->authError('Ticket validated but no PGT Iou transmitted',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ FALSE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ } else {
+ // PGT Iou transmitted, extract it
+ $pgt_iou = trim($arr[0]->get_content());
+ $pgt = $this->loadPGT($pgt_iou);
+ if ( $pgt == FALSE ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not load PGT');
+ $this->authError('PGT Iou was transmitted but PGT could not be retrieved',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ FALSE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ $this->setPGT($pgt);
+ }
+ // here, cannot use phpCAS::traceEnd(TRUE); alongside domxml-php4-to-php5.php
+ phpCAS::log('end validatePGT()');
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * This method is used to retrieve PT's from the CAS server thanks to a PGT.
+ *
+ * @param $target_service the service to ask for with the PT.
+ * @param $err_code an error code (PHPCAS_SERVICE_OK on success).
+ * @param $err_msg an error message (empty on success).
+ *
+ * @return a Proxy Ticket, or FALSE on error.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function retrievePT($target_service,&$err_code,&$err_msg)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // by default, $err_msg is set empty and $pt to TRUE. On error, $pt is
+ // set to false and $err_msg to an error message. At the end, if $pt is FALSE
+ // and $error_msg is still empty, it is set to 'invalid response' (the most
+ // commonly encountered error).
+ $err_msg = '';
+ // build the URL to retrieve the PT
+ // $cas_url = $this->getServerProxyURL().'?targetService='.preg_replace('/&/','%26',$target_service).'&pgt='.$this->getPGT();
+ $cas_url = $this->getServerProxyURL().'?targetService='.urlencode($target_service).'&pgt='.$this->getPGT();
+ // open and read the URL
+ if ( !$this->readURL($cas_url,''/*cookies*/,$headers,$cas_response,$err_msg) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not open URL \''.$cas_url.'\' to validate ('.$err_msg.')');
+ $err_msg = 'could not retrieve PT (no response from the CAS server)';
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $bad_response = FALSE;
+ if ( !$bad_response ) {
+ // read the response of the CAS server into a DOM object
+ if ( !($dom = @domxml_open_mem($cas_response))) {
+ phpCAS::trace('domxml_open_mem() failed');
+ // read failed
+ $bad_response = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$bad_response ) {
+ // read the root node of the XML tree
+ if ( !($root = $dom->document_element()) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('document_element() failed');
+ // read failed
+ $bad_response = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$bad_response ) {
+ // insure that tag name is 'serviceResponse'
+ if ( $root->node_name() != 'serviceResponse' ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('node_name() failed');
+ // bad root node
+ $bad_response = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$bad_response ) {
+ // look for a proxySuccess tag
+ if ( sizeof($arr = $root->get_elements_by_tagname("proxySuccess")) != 0) {
+ // authentication succeded, look for a proxyTicket tag
+ if ( sizeof($arr = $root->get_elements_by_tagname("proxyTicket")) != 0) {
+ $err_code = PHPCAS_SERVICE_OK;
+ $err_msg = '';
+ phpCAS::trace('original PT: '.trim($arr[0]->get_content()));
+ $pt = trim($arr[0]->get_content());
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($pt);
+ return $pt;
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('<proxySuccess> was found, but not <proxyTicket>');
+ }
+ }
+ // look for a proxyFailure tag
+ else if ( sizeof($arr = $root->get_elements_by_tagname("proxyFailure")) != 0) {
+ // authentication failed, extract the error
+ $err_msg = 'PT retrieving failed (code=`'
+ .$arr[0]->get_attribute('code')
+ .'\', message=`'
+ .trim($arr[0]->get_content())
+ .'\')';
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('neither <proxySuccess> nor <proxyFailure> found');
+ }
+ }
+ // at this step, we are sure that the response of the CAS server was ill-formed
+ $err_msg = 'Invalid response from the CAS server (response=`'.$cas_response.'\')';
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * This method is used to acces a remote URL.
+ *
+ * @param $url the URL to access.
+ * @param $cookies an array containing cookies strings such as 'name=val'
+ * @param $headers an array containing the HTTP header lines of the response
+ * (an empty array on failure).
+ * @param $body the body of the response, as a string (empty on failure).
+ * @param $err_msg an error message, filled on failure.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in this later case, $err_msg
+ * contains an error message).
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function readURL($url,$cookies,&$headers,&$body,&$err_msg)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $headers = '';
+ $body = '';
+ $err_msg = '';
+ $res = TRUE;
+ // initialize the CURL session
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1.3','>=')) {
+ //only avaible in php5
+ curl_setopt_array($ch, $this->_curl_options);
+ } else {
+ foreach ($this->_curl_options as $key => $value) {
+ curl_setopt($ch, $key, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->_cas_server_cert == '' && $this->_cas_server_ca_cert == '' && !$this->_no_cas_server_validation) {
+ phpCAS::error('one of the methods phpCAS::setCasServerCert(), phpCAS::setCasServerCACert() or phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation() must be called.');
+ }
+ if ($this->_cas_server_cert != '' && $this->_cas_server_ca_cert != '') {
+ // This branch added by IDMS. Seems phpCAS implementor got a bit confused about the curl options CURLOPT_SSLCERT and CURLOPT_CAINFO
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->_cas_server_cert);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->_cas_server_ca_cert);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, '1');
+ phpCAS::trace('CURL: Set all required opts for mutual authentication ------');
+ } else if ($this->_cas_server_cert != '' ) {
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->_cas_server_cert);
+ } else if ($this->_cas_server_ca_cert != '') {
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->_cas_server_ca_cert);
+ } else {
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
+ }
+ // return the CURL output into a variable
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+ // get the HTTP header with a callback
+ $this->_curl_headers = array(); // empty the headers array
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this, '_curl_read_headers'));
+ // add cookies headers
+ if ( is_array($cookies) ) {
+ curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_COOKIE,implode(';',$cookies));
+ }
+ // add extra stuff if SAML
+ if ($this->hasSA()) {
+ $more_headers = array ("soapaction: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security",
+ "cache-control: no-cache",
+ "pragma: no-cache",
+ "accept: text/xml",
+ "connection: keep-alive",
+ "content-type: text/xml");
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $more_headers);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
+ $data = $this->buildSAMLPayload();
+ //phpCAS::trace('SAML Payload: '.print_r($data, TRUE));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
+ }
+ // perform the query
+ $buf = curl_exec ($ch);
+ //phpCAS::trace('CURL: Call completed. Response body is: \''.$buf.'\'');
+ if ( $buf === FALSE ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('curl_exec() failed');
+ $err_msg = 'CURL error #'.curl_errno($ch).': '.curl_error($ch);
+ //phpCAS::trace('curl error: '.$err_msg);
+ // close the CURL session
+ curl_close ($ch);
+ $res = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // close the CURL session
+ curl_close ($ch);
+ $headers = $this->_curl_headers;
+ $body = $buf;
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to build the SAML POST body sent to /samlValidate URL.
+ *
+ * @return the SOAP-encased SAMLP artifact (the ticket).
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function buildSAMLPayload()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ //get the ticket
+ $sa = $this->getSA();
+ //phpCAS::trace("SA: ".$sa);
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($body);
+ return ($body);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is the callback used by readURL method to request HTTP headers.
+ */
+ var $_curl_headers = array();
+ function _curl_read_headers($ch, $header)
+ {
+ $this->_curl_headers[] = $header;
+ return strlen($header);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to access an HTTP[S] service.
+ *
+ * @param $url the service to access.
+ * @param $err_code an error code Possible values are PHPCAS_SERVICE_OK (on
+ * @param $output the output of the service (also used to give an error
+ * message on failure).
+ *
+ * @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in this later case, $err_code
+ * gives the reason why it failed and $output contains an error message).
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function serviceWeb($url,&$err_code,&$output)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // at first retrieve a PT
+ $pt = $this->retrievePT($url,$err_code,$output);
+ $res = TRUE;
+ // test if PT was retrieved correctly
+ if ( !$pt ) {
+ // note: $err_code and $err_msg are filled by CASClient::retrievePT()
+ phpCAS::trace('PT was not retrieved correctly');
+ $res = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // add cookies if necessary
+ if ( is_array($_SESSION['phpCAS']['services'][$url]['cookies']) ) {
+ foreach ( $_SESSION['phpCAS']['services'][$url]['cookies'] as $name => $val ) {
+ $cookies[] = $name.'='.$val;
+ }
+ }
+ // build the URL including the PT
+ if ( strstr($url,'?') === FALSE ) {
+ $service_url = $url.'?ticket='.$pt;
+ } else {
+ $service_url = $url.'&ticket='.$pt;
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace('reading URL`'.$service_url.'\'');
+ if ( !$this->readURL($service_url,$cookies,$headers,$output,$err_msg) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not read URL`'.$service_url.'\'');
+ // give an error message
+ $output = sprintf($this->getString(CAS_STR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE),
+ $service_url,
+ $err_msg);
+ $res = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ // URL has been fetched, extract the cookies
+ phpCAS::trace('URL`'.$service_url.'\' has been read, storing cookies:');
+ foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
+ // test if the header is a cookie
+ if ( preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:/',$header) ) {
+ // the header is a cookie, remove the beginning
+ $header_val = preg_replace('/^Set-Cookie: */','',$header);
+ // extract interesting information
+ $name_val = strtok($header_val,'; ');
+ // extract the name and the value of the cookie
+ $cookie_name = strtok($name_val,'=');
+ $cookie_val = strtok('=');
+ // store the cookie
+ $_SESSION['phpCAS']['services'][$url]['cookies'][$cookie_name] = $cookie_val;
+ phpCAS::trace($cookie_name.' -> '.$cookie_val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is used to access an IMAP/POP3/NNTP service.
+ *
+ * @param $url a string giving the URL of the service, including the mailing box
+ * for IMAP URLs, as accepted by imap_open().
+ * @param $service a string giving for CAS retrieve Proxy ticket
+ * @param $flags options given to imap_open().
+ * @param $err_code an error code Possible values are PHPCAS_SERVICE_OK (on
+ * @param $err_msg an error message on failure
+ * @param $pt the Proxy Ticket (PT) retrieved from the CAS server to access the URL
+ * on success, FALSE on error).
+ *
+ * @return an IMAP stream on success, FALSE otherwise (in this later case, $err_code
+ * gives the reason why it failed and $err_msg contains an error message).
+ *
+ * @public
+ */
+ function serviceMail($url,$service,$flags,&$err_code,&$err_msg,&$pt)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // at first retrieve a PT
+ $pt = $this->retrievePT($service,$err_code,$output);
+ $stream = FALSE;
+ // test if PT was retrieved correctly
+ if ( !$pt ) {
+ // note: $err_code and $err_msg are filled by CASClient::retrievePT()
+ phpCAS::trace('PT was not retrieved correctly');
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('opening IMAP URL `'.$url.'\'...');
+ $stream = @imap_open($url,$this->getUser(),$pt,$flags);
+ if ( !$stream ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not open URL');
+ // give an error message
+ $err_msg = sprintf($this->getString(CAS_STR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE),
+ $service_url,
+ var_export(imap_errors(),TRUE));
+ $pt = FALSE;
+ $stream = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ phpCAS::trace('ok');
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($stream);
+ return $stream;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ // ########################################################################
+ // PT
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalProxied
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * the Proxy Ticket provided in the URL of the request if present
+ * (empty otherwise). Written by CASClient::CASClient(), read by
+ * CASClient::getPT() and CASClient::hasPGT().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_pt = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the Proxy Ticket provided in the URL of the request.
+ * @return The proxy ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getPT()
+ {
+ // return 'ST'.substr($this->_pt, 2);
+ return $this->_pt;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method stores the Proxy Ticket.
+ * @param $pt The Proxy Ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setPT($pt)
+ { $this->_pt = $pt; }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if a Proxy Ticket was stored.
+ * @return TRUE if a Proxy Ticket has been stored.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function hasPT()
+ { return !empty($this->_pt); }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the SAML Ticket provided in the URL of the request.
+ * @return The SAML ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getSA()
+ { return 'ST'.substr($this->_sa, 2); }
+ /**
+ * This method stores the SAML Ticket.
+ * @param $sa The SAML Ticket.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setSA($sa)
+ { $this->_sa = $sa; }
+ /**
+ * This method tells if a SAML Ticket was stored.
+ * @return TRUE if a SAML Ticket has been stored.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function hasSA()
+ { return !empty($this->_sa); }
+ /** @} */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalProxied
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * This method is used to validate a ST or PT; halt on failure
+ * Used for all CAS 2.0 validations
+ * @return bool TRUE when successfull, halt otherwise by calling CASClient::authError().
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function validatePT(&$validate_url,&$text_response,&$tree_response)
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // build the URL to validate the ticket
+ $validate_url = $this->getServerProxyValidateURL().'&ticket='.$this->getPT();
+ if ( $this->isProxy() ) {
+ // pass the callback url for CAS proxies
+ $validate_url .= '&pgtUrl='.$this->getCallbackURL();
+ }
+ // open and read the URL
+ if ( !$this->readURL($validate_url,''/*cookies*/,$headers,$text_response,$err_msg) ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('could not open URL \''.$validate_url.'\' to validate ('.$err_msg.')');
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ TRUE/*$no_response*/);
+ }
+ // read the response of the CAS server into a DOM object
+ if ( !($dom = domxml_open_mem($text_response))) {
+ // read failed
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // read the root node of the XML tree
+ if ( !($tree_response = $dom->document_element()) ) {
+ // read failed
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // insure that tag name is 'serviceResponse'
+ if ( $tree_response->node_name() != 'serviceResponse' ) {
+ // bad root node
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ if ( sizeof($arr = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("authenticationSuccess")) != 0) {
+ // authentication succeded, extract the user name
+ if ( sizeof($arr = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("user")) == 0) {
+ // no user specified => error
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ $this->setUser(trim($arr[0]->get_content()));
+ } else if ( sizeof($arr = $tree_response->get_elements_by_tagname("authenticationFailure")) != 0) {
+ // authentication succeded, extract the error code and message
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ FALSE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response,
+ $arr[0]->get_attribute('code')/*$err_code*/,
+ trim($arr[0]->get_content())/*$err_msg*/);
+ } else {
+ $this->authError('PT not validated',
+ $validate_url,
+ FALSE/*$no_response*/,
+ TRUE/*$bad_response*/,
+ $text_response);
+ }
+ // at this step, PT has been validated and $this->_user has been set,
+ phpCAS::traceEnd(TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /** @} */
+ // XX XX
+ // XX XX
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup internalMisc
+ * @{
+ */
+ // ########################################################################
+ // URL
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * the URL of the current request (without any ticket CGI parameter). Written
+ * and read by CASClient::getURL().
+ *
+ * @hideinitializer
+ * @private
+ */
+ var $_url = '';
+ /**
+ * This method returns the URL of the current request (without any ticket
+ * CGI parameter).
+ *
+ * @return The URL
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function getURL()
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ // the URL is built when needed only
+ if ( empty($this->_url) ) {
+ $final_uri = '';
+ // remove the ticket if present in the URL
+ $final_uri = ($this->isHttps()) ? 'https' : 'http';
+ $final_uri .= '://';
+ /* replaced by Julien Marchal - v0.4.6
+ * $this->_url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ */
+ /* replaced by teedog - v0.4.12
+ * $this->_url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ */
+ if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
+ $server_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
+ } else {
+ $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $server_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'];
+ }
+ $final_uri .= $server_name;
+ if (!strpos($server_name, ':')) {
+ if ( ($this->isHttps() && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!=443)
+ || (!$this->isHttps() && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!=80) ) {
+ $final_uri .= ':';
+ $final_uri .= $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
+ }
+ }
+ $request_uri = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2);
+ $final_uri .= $request_uri[0];
+ if (isset($request_uri[1]) && $request_uri[1])
+ {
+ $query_string = $this->removeParameterFromQueryString('ticket', $request_uri[1]);
+ // If the query string still has anything left, append it to the final URI
+ if ($query_string !== '')
+ $final_uri .= "?$query_string";
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace("Final URI: $final_uri");
+ $this->setURL($final_uri);
+ }
+ phpCAS::traceEnd($this->_url);
+ return $this->_url;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a parameter from a query string
+ *
+ * @param string $parameterName
+ * @param string $queryString
+ * @return string
+ *
+ * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1842681/regular-expression-to-remove-one-parameter-from-query-string
+ */
+ function removeParameterFromQueryString($parameterName, $queryString)
+ {
+ $parameterName = preg_quote($parameterName);
+ return preg_replace("/&$parameterName(=[^&]*)?|^$parameterName(=[^&]*)?&?/", '', $queryString);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets the URL of the current request
+ *
+ * @param $url url to set for service
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function setURL($url)
+ {
+ $this->_url = $url;
+ }
+ // ########################################################################
+ // ########################################################################
+ /**
+ * This method is used to print the HTML output when the user was not authenticated.
+ *
+ * @param $failure the failure that occured
+ * @param $cas_url the URL the CAS server was asked for
+ * @param $no_response the response from the CAS server (other
+ * parameters are ignored if TRUE)
+ * @param $bad_response bad response from the CAS server ($err_code
+ * and $err_msg ignored if TRUE)
+ * @param $cas_response the response of the CAS server
+ * @param $err_code the error code given by the CAS server
+ * @param $err_msg the error message given by the CAS server
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function authError($failure,$cas_url,$no_response,$bad_response='',$cas_response='',$err_code='',$err_msg='')
+ {
+ phpCAS::traceBegin();
+ $this->printHTMLHeader($this->getString(CAS_STR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED));
+ printf($this->getString(CAS_STR_YOU_WERE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED),htmlentities($this->getURL()),$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']);
+ phpCAS::trace('CAS URL: '.$cas_url);
+ phpCAS::trace('Authentication failure: '.$failure);
+ if ( $no_response ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('Reason: no response from the CAS server');
+ } else {
+ if ( $bad_response ) {
+ phpCAS::trace('Reason: bad response from the CAS server');
+ } else {
+ switch ($this->getServerVersion()) {
+ case CAS_VERSION_1_0:
+ phpCAS::trace('Reason: CAS error');
+ break;
+ case CAS_VERSION_2_0:
+ if ( empty($err_code) )
+ phpCAS::trace('Reason: no CAS error');
+ else
+ phpCAS::trace('Reason: ['.$err_code.'] CAS error: '.$err_msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ phpCAS::trace('CAS response: '.$cas_response);
+ }
+ $this->printHTMLFooter();
+ phpCAS::traceExit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ /** @} */