@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class Migration {
error_log("\n" . '------------ ['.date('H:i:s').'] Migration->migrate function called ------------' . "\n");
$extra_fields = array();
// Browsing through 1st-level arrays in db_matches.php
- foreach ($matches as $table) {
+ foreach ($matches as $idx => $table) {
+ if ($idx == 'web_service_calls') { continue;}
echo "Starting table ".$table['orig_table']." at ".date('h:i:s')."\n";
error_log('['.date('H:i:s').'] Found table ' . $table['orig_table'] . ' in db_matches');
$build_only = false;
@@ -140,12 +141,15 @@ class Migration {
if ($num_rows) {
error_log('Records found: ' . $num_rows);
$item = 1;
+ $lastpct = 0;
+ //error_log(print_r($table['extra_fields'],1));
while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) {
- //error_log('Loading: ');error_log(print_r($row, 1));
self::execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields);
- $percentage = $item / $num_rows * 100;
- if (round($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
+ $percentage = ($item / $num_rows) * 100;
+ $newpct = intval($percentage);
+ if ($newpct>$lastpct && floor($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
$percentage = round($percentage, 3);
+ $lastpct = $newpct;
error_log("Processing item {$table['orig_table']} #$item $percentage%");
@@ -516,7 +520,7 @@ class Migration {
* @return int The ID of the transaction row in Chamilo's table
static function add_transaction($params) {
-error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
+ error_log('Requested add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
if (isset($params['id'])) {
@@ -599,7 +603,7 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
$row = Database::fetch_array($result);
return $row['id'];
- return 376013; //current first entry
+ return 20;
* Gets a specific transaction using select parameters
@@ -795,21 +799,20 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
$dest_row = array();
$first_field = '';
+ // If a dest table exists, fill $my_extra_fields
$my_extra_fields = isset($table['dest_table']) && isset($extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]) ? $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']] : null;
$extra_field_obj = null;
$extra_field_value_obj = null;
if (!empty($table['dest_table'])) {
$extra_field_obj = new Extrafield($table['dest_table']);
$extra_field_value_obj = new ExtraFieldValue($table['dest_table']);
$extra_fields_to_insert = array();
foreach ($table['fields_match'] as $id_field => $details) {
- if ($id_field == 0) {
- $first_field = $details['dest'];
- }
+ //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Processing field '.$details['orig']);}
+ $params = array();
+ // Remove the table name prefix if any (in the orig field)
if (isset($details['orig'])) {
$field_exploded = explode('.', $details['orig']);
if (isset($field_exploded[1])) {
@@ -819,8 +822,10 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
// process the fields one by one
if ($details['func'] == 'none' || empty($details['func'])) {
+ // if no function is defined to alter the field, take it as is
$dest_data = $row[$details['orig']];
} else {
+ // if an alteration function is defined, run it on the field
//error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.' Preparing to treat field with '.$details['func']);
$dest_data = MigrationCustom::$details['func']($row[$details['orig']], $this->data_list, $row);
@@ -833,14 +838,20 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
//Extra field values
$extra_field = isset($my_extra_fields) && isset($my_extra_fields[$details['dest']]) ? $my_extra_fields[$details['dest']] : null;
- //error_log('-----');
- //error_log(print_r($extra_field, 1));
+ // Check the array is there
+ //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('Fucking Extra field: '.print_r($extra_field,1));
if (!empty($extra_field) && $extra_field_obj) {
- if (isset($extra_field['options'])) {
+ //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('Extra_field no es vacío');
+ // Check the "options" array is defined for this field (checking is_array is crucial here, see BT#5215)
+ if (is_array($extra_field['options']) && count($extra_field['options'])>0) {
+ //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('...y sus opciones son: '.print_r($extra_field['options'],1));
+ //if($details['orig']=='uidIdPrograma') { error_log('Eso era lo inicial, del cual se tomó '.$details['dest'].': '.print_r($my_extra_fields,1));}
$options = $extra_field['options'];
$field_type = $extra_field['field_type'];
+ //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Field orid: '.$details['orig']);}
if (!empty($options)) {
+ //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Options not empty');}
if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array($options); }
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (is_array($option)) {
@@ -872,19 +883,23 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
+ unset($extra_field);
+ //if ($table['dest_table']=='session') { error_log('Params: '.print_r($params,1)); }
+ // If a dest_func entry has been defind, use this entry as the main
+ // operation to execute when inserting the item
if (!empty($table['dest_func'])) {
//error_log('Calling '.$table['dest_func'].' on data recovered: '.print_r($dest_row, 1));
$dest_row['return_item_if_already_exists'] = true;
$item_result = call_user_func_array($table['dest_func'], array($dest_row, $this->data_list));
- if (isset($table['show_in_error_log']) && $table['show_in_error_log'] == false) {
+/* if (isset($table['show_in_error_log']) && $table['show_in_error_log'] == false) {
} else {
//error_log('Result of calling ' . $table['dest_func'] . ': ' . print_r($item_result, 1));
//error_log('Result of calling ' . $table['dest_func'] . ': ' . print_r($item_result, 1));
//After the function was executed fill the $this->data_list array
switch ($table['dest_table']) {
@@ -923,8 +938,10 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
//Saving extra fields of the element
+ //error_log('Checking extra fields for '.$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id.' '.$handler_id);
if (!empty($extra_fields_to_insert)) {
foreach ($extra_fields_to_insert as $params) {
+ //error_log('Trying to save '.print_r($params,1));
$params[$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id] = $handler_id;
@@ -937,16 +954,19 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
- * Helper function to create extra fields in the Chamilo database
+ * Helper function to create extra fields in the Chamilo database. If the
+ * extra field aleady exists, then just return the ID of this field. If
+ * options are provided ('options' sub-array), then options are inserted in
+ * the corresponding x_field_options table.
* @param Array An array containing an 'extra_fields' entry with details about the required extra fields
* @return void
private function _create_extra_fields(&$table) {
$extra_fields = array();
- error_log('Inserting (if exists) extra fields for : ' . $table['dest_table'] . " \n");
+ error_log('Inserting (if not exist) extra fields for : ' . $table['dest_table'] . " \n");
foreach ($table['extra_fields'] as $extra_field) {
- error_log('Preparing for insertion of extra field ' . $extra_field['field_display_text'] . "\n");
+ //error_log('Preparing for insertion of extra field ' . $extra_field['field_display_text'] . "\n");
$options = isset($extra_field['options']) ? $extra_field['options'] : null;
@@ -955,9 +975,11 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
$selected_fields = self::prepare_field_match($options);
- //Adding options
+ //Adding options. This is only processed if the corresponding
+ // extra_field has an 'options' sub-aray defined
if (!empty($options)) {
$extra_field_option_obj = new ExtraFieldOption($table['dest_table']);
+ // use the query defined in the 'query' item as returned in a select by prepare_field_match above
$this->select_all($options['orig_table'], $selected_fields);
$num_rows = $this->num_rows();
@@ -977,6 +999,7 @@ error_log('Request add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
//error_log('$data: ' . print_r($data_to_insert, 1));
} else {
+ // if there are no pre-defined options, then just return the field_id for this variable
$extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']] = $extra_field_id;