@@ -188,4 +188,47 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
new Given('the "language" field should contain "' . $argument . '"')
new Given('the "language" field should contain "' . $argument . '"')
+ /**
+ * @Given /^I am logged as "([^"]*)"$/
+ */
+ public function iAmLoggedAs($username)
+ {
+ return [
+ new Given('I am on "/index.php?logout=logout"'),
+ new Given('I am on homepage'),
+ new Given('I fill in "login" with "' . $username . '"'),
+ new Given('I fill in "password" with "' . $username . '"'),
+ new Given('I press "submitAuth"')
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @Given /^I have a friend$/
+ */
+ public function iHaveAFriend()
+ {
+ $adminId = 1;
+ $friendId = 11;
+ $friendUsername = 'fbaggins';
+ $sendInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/message.ajax.php?' . http_build_query([
+ 'a' => 'send_invitation',
+ 'user_id' => $friendId,
+ 'content' => 'Add me'
+ ]);
+ $acceptInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/social.ajax.php?' . http_build_query([
+ 'a' => 'add_friend',
+ 'friend_id' => $adminId,
+ 'is_my_friend' => 'friend'
+ ]);
+ return array(
+ new Given('I am a platform administrator'),
+ new Given('I am on "' . $sendInvitationURL . '"'),
+ new Given('I am logged as "' . $friendUsername . '"'),
+ new Given('I am on "' . $acceptInvitationURL . '"'),
+ new Given('I am a platform administrator')
+ );
+ }