@@ -77,57 +77,59 @@ class scorm extends learnpath {
if (empty($file)) {
// Get the path of the imsmanifest file.
- if (is_file($file) and is_readable($file)) {
- $v = substr(phpversion(), 0, 1);
- if ($v == 4) {
- if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest() - Parsing using PHP4 method', 0); }
- $var = file_get_contents($file);
- // Quick ugly hack to remove xml:id attributes from the file (break the system if xslt not installed).
- $var = preg_replace('/xml:id=["\']id_\d{1,4}["\']/i', '', $var);
- $doc = xmldoc($var);
- //error_reporting(E_ALL);
- //$doc = xmldocfile($file);
- if (!empty($doc->encoding)) {
- $this->manifest_encoding = strtoupper($doc->encoding);
- }
- if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Called xmldoc() (encoding:'.strtoupper($doc->encoding).' - saved: '.$this->manifest_encoding.')', 0); }
- if (!$doc) {
- if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - File '.$file.' is not an XML file', 0); }
- //$this->set_error_msg("File $file is not an XML file");
- return null;
- } else {
- if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - File '.$file.' is XML', 0); }
- $root = $doc->root();
- $attributes = $root->attributes();
- for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($attributes); $a++) {
+ if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file)) {
+ // Parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods.
+ if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest() - Parsing using PHP5 method', 0); }
+ $doc = new DOMDocument();
+ $res = $doc->load($file);
+ if ($res === false) {
+ if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('New LP - In scorm::parse_manifest() - Exception thrown when loading '.$file.' in DOMDocument', 0); }
+ // Throw exception?
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!empty($doc->xmlEncoding)) {
+ $this->manifest_encoding = strtoupper($doc->xmlEncoding);
+ }
+ if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Called (encoding:'.$doc->xmlEncoding.' - saved: '.$this->manifest_encoding.')', 0); }
+ $root = $doc->documentElement;
+ if ($root->hasAttributes()) {
+ $attributes = $root->attributes;
+ if ($attributes->length !== 0) {
+ foreach ($attributes as $attrib) {
// <manifest> element attributes
- if ($attributes[$a]->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- $this->manifest[$attributes[$a]->name] = $attributes[$a]->value;
- }
+ $this->manifest[$attrib->name] = $attrib->value;
- $this->manifest['name'] = $root->name;
- $children = $root->children();
- for($b = 0; $b < sizeof($children); $b++) {
+ }
+ }
+ $this->manifest['name'] = $root->tagName;
+ if ($root->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $children = $root->childNodes;
+ if ($children->length !== 0) {
+ foreach ($children as $child) {
// <manifest> element children (can be <metadata>, <organizations> or <resources> )
- if ($children[$b]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
- switch($children[$b]->tagname) {
+ if ($child->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ switch($child->tagName) {
case 'metadata':
// Parse items from inside the <metadata> element.
- $this->metadata = new scormMetadata('manifest',$children[$b]);
+ $this->metadata = new scormMetadata('manifest',$child);
case 'organizations':
// Contains the course structure - this element appears 1 and only 1 time in a package imsmanifest. It contains at least one 'organization' sub-element.
- $orgs_attribs = $children[$b]->attributes();
- for($c = 0; $c < sizeof($orgs_attribs); $c++) {
+ $orgs_attribs = $child->attributes;
+ foreach ($orgs_attribs as $orgs_attrib) {
// Attributes of the <organizations> element.
- if ($orgs_attribs[$c]->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- $this->manifest['organizations'][$orgs_attribs[$c]->name] = $orgs_attribs[$c]->value;
+ if ($orgs_attrib->nodeType == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
+ $this->manifest['organizations'][$orgs_attrib->name] = $orgs_attrib->value;
- $orgs_nodes = $children[$b]->children();
+ $orgs_nodes = $child->childNodes;
$i = 0;
$found_an_org = false;
- foreach ($orgs_nodes as $c => $dummy) {
+ foreach ($orgs_nodes as $orgnode) {
// <organization> elements - can contain <item>, <metadata> and <title>
// Here we are at the 'organization' level. There might be several organization tags but
// there is generally only one.
@@ -136,24 +138,21 @@ class scorm extends learnpath {
// -item (may contain other item tags or may appear several times inside organization)
// -metadata (relative to the organization)
$found_an_org = false;
- $orgnode =& $orgs_nodes[$c];
- switch ($orgnode->type) {
+ switch ($orgnode->nodeType) {
// Ignore here.
- // just in case ther would be interesting attributes inside the organization tag. There shouldn't
+ // Just in case there would be interesting attributes inside the organization tag. There shouldn't
// as this is a node-level, not a data level.
//$manifest['organizations'][$i][$orgnode->name] = $orgnode->value;
//$found_an_org = true;
// <item>, <metadata> or <title> (or attributes)
- $organizations_attributes = $orgnode->attributes();
- foreach($organizations_attributes as $d1 => $dummy) {
- //$manifest['organizations'][$i]['attributes'][$organizations_attributes[$d1]->name] = $organizations_attributes[$d1]->value;
- //$found_an_org = true;
- $this->organizations_att[$organizations_attributes[$d1]->name] = $organizations_attributes[$d1]->value;
+ $organizations_attributes = $orgnode->attributes;
+ foreach ($organizations_attributes as $orgs_attr) {
+ $this->organizations_att[$orgs_attr->name] = $orgs_attr->value;
$oOrganization = new scormOrganization('manifest', $orgnode, $this->manifest_encoding);
if ($oOrganization->identifier != '') {
@@ -174,26 +173,23 @@ class scorm extends learnpath {
case 'resources':
- $resources_attribs = $children[$b]->attributes();
- for ($c = 0; $c < sizeof($resources_attribs); $c++) {
- if ($resources_attribs[$c]->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- $this->manifest['resources'][$resources_attribs[$c]->name] = $resources_attribs[$c]->value;
+ if ($child->hasAttributes()) {
+ $resources_attribs = $child->attributes;
+ foreach ($resources_attribs as $res_attr) {
+ if ($res_attr->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
+ $this->manifest['resources'][$res_attr->name] = $res_attr->value;
+ }
- $resources_nodes = $children[$b]->children();
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($resources_nodes as $c => $dummy) {
- /*
- $my_res = scorm::parse_items($resources_nodes[$c]);
- scorm::parse_items_get_refurls($resources_nodes[$c], $refurls);
- if (count($my_res) > 0) {
- $manifest['resources'][$i] = $my_res;
- }
- */
- $oResource = new scormResource('manifest', $resources_nodes[$c]);
- if ($oResource->identifier != '') {
- $this->resources[$oResource->identifier] = $oResource;
- $i++;
+ if ($child->hasChildNodes()) {
+ $resources_nodes = $child->childNodes;
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($resources_nodes as $res_node) {
+ $oResource = new scormResource('manifest', $res_node);
+ if ($oResource->identifier != '') {
+ $this->resources[$oResource->identifier] = $oResource;
+ $i++;
+ }
// Contains links to physical resources.
@@ -205,141 +201,17 @@ class scorm extends learnpath {
- unset($doc);
- } elseif ($v==5) {
- if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest() - Parsing using PHP5 method', 0); }
- $doc = new DOMDocument();
- $res = $doc->load($file);
- if ($res === false) {
- if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('New LP - In scorm::parse_manifest() - Exception thrown when loading '.$file.' in DOMDocument', 0); }
- // Throw exception?
- return null;
- }
- if (!empty($doc->xmlEncoding)) {
- $this->manifest_encoding = strtoupper($doc->xmlEncoding);
- }
- if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Called (encoding:'.$doc->xmlEncoding.' - saved: '.$this->manifest_encoding.')', 0); }
- $root = $doc->documentElement;
- if ($root->hasAttributes()) {
- $attributes = $root->attributes;
- if ($attributes->length !== 0) {
- foreach($attributes as $attrib) {
- // <manifest> element attributes
- $this->manifest[$attrib->name] = $attrib->value;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->manifest['name'] = $root->tagName;
- if ($root->hasChildNodes()) {
- $children = $root->childNodes;
- if ($children->length !== 0) {
- foreach($children as $child) {
- // <manifest> element children (can be <metadata>, <organizations> or <resources> )
- if ($child->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
- switch($child->tagName) {
- case 'metadata':
- // Parse items from inside the <metadata> element.
- $this->metadata = new scormMetadata('manifest',$child);
- break;
- case 'organizations':
- // Contains the course structure - this element appears 1 and only 1 time in a package imsmanifest. It contains at least one 'organization' sub-element.
- $orgs_attribs = $child->attributes;
- foreach($orgs_attribs as $orgs_attrib) {
- // Attributes of the <organizations> element.
- if ($orgs_attrib->nodeType == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- $this->manifest['organizations'][$orgs_attrib->name] = $orgs_attrib->value;
- }
- }
- $orgs_nodes = $child->childNodes;
- $i = 0;
- $found_an_org = false;
- foreach ($orgs_nodes as $orgnode) {
- // <organization> elements - can contain <item>, <metadata> and <title>
- // Here we are at the 'organization' level. There might be several organization tags but
- // there is generally only one.
- // There are generally three children nodes we are looking for inside and organization:
- // -title
- // -item (may contain other item tags or may appear several times inside organization)
- // -metadata (relative to the organization)
- $found_an_org = false;
- switch($orgnode->nodeType) {
- // Ignore here.
- break;
- // Just in case there would be interesting attributes inside the organization tag. There shouldn't
- // as this is a node-level, not a data level.
- //$manifest['organizations'][$i][$orgnode->name] = $orgnode->value;
- //$found_an_org = true;
- break;
- // <item>, <metadata> or <title> (or attributes)
- $organizations_attributes = $orgnode->attributes;
- foreach ($organizations_attributes as $orgs_attr) {
- $this->organizations_att[$orgs_attr->name] = $orgs_attr->value;
- }
- $oOrganization = new scormOrganization('manifest',$orgnode,$this->manifest_encoding);
- if ($oOrganization->identifier != '') {
- $name = $oOrganization->get_name();
- if (empty($name)) {
- // If the org title is empty, use zip file name.
- $myname = $this->zipname;
- if ($this->lastzipnameindex != 0) {
- $myname = $myname + $this->lastzipnameindex;
- $this->lastzipnameindex++;
- }
- $oOrganization->set_name($this->zipname);
- }
- $this->organizations[$oOrganization->identifier] = $oOrganization;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'resources':
- if ($child->hasAttributes()) {
- $resources_attribs = $child->attributes;
- foreach ($resources_attribs as $res_attr) {
- if ($res_attr->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
- $this->manifest['resources'][$res_attr->name] = $res_attr->value;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($child->hasChildNodes()) {
- $resources_nodes = $child->childNodes;
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($resources_nodes as $res_node) {
- $oResource = new scormResource('manifest', $res_node);
- if ($oResource->identifier != '') {
- $this->resources[$oResource->identifier] = $oResource;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Contains links to physical resources.
- break;
- case 'manifest':
- // Only for sub-manifests.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unset($doc);
- } else {
- if ($this->debug > 0) { error_log('In scorm::parse_manifest() - PHP version is not 4 nor 5, cannot parse', 0); }
- $this->set_error_msg("Parsing impossible because PHP version is not 4 nor 5");
- return null;
+ unset($doc);
+ // End parsing using PHP5 DOMXML methods.
} else {
if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log('New LP - Could not open/read file '.$file, 0); }
$this->set_error_msg("File $file could not be read");
return null;
- // TODO: close the DOM handler
+ // TODO: Close the DOM handler.
return $this->manifest;