Browse Source

Add c-pchart from vendor as downloaded by composer

Yannick Warnier 10 years ago
46 changed files with 22676 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 24 0
  2. 16 0
  3. 675 0
  4. 21 0
  5. 121 0
  6. 0 0
  7. 0 0
  8. 17 0
  9. BIN
  10. 264 0
  11. 247 0
  12. 463 0
  13. 367 0
  14. 1230 0
  15. 10715 0
  16. 764 0
  17. 264 0
  18. 2049 0
  19. 887 0
  20. 2013 0
  21. 143 0
  22. 1051 0
  23. 405 0
  24. 392 0
  25. 107 0
  26. 44 0
  27. 208 0
  28. BIN
  29. BIN
  30. BIN
  31. BIN
  32. BIN
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. 6 0
  38. 6 0
  39. 6 0
  40. 6 0
  41. 7 0
  42. 6 0
  43. 6 0
  44. 6 0
  45. 6 0
  46. 134 0

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Created by
+### NetBeans ###
+### vendor / web ###
+### Composer ###

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+language: php
+  directories:
+    - vendor
+  - 5.4
+  - composer self-update -n
+  - composer install -n --prefer-dist -v
+  - cat app/logs/dev.log
+  - cat app/logs/test.log

+ 675 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 szymach
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+What is CpChart?
+A project bringing Composer support and some basic PHP 5 standards to pChart 2.0 library.
+The aim is to allow pChart integration into modern frameworks like Symfony2.
+What was done:
+- Made a full port of the library's functionality.
+- Defined and added namespaces to all classes.
+- Replaced all 'exit()' / 'die()' commands with 'throw' statements to allow a degree of error control.
+- Reorganized files a bit and refactored code for better readability. Also, basic annotations were added
+to functions.
+- Added a factory service for loading the classes.
+- Moved all constants to a single file 'src/Resources/data/constants.php'. This file is *required*
+for the library to function. It is now loaded via Composer.
+For composer installation, add:
+>"require": {
+> "szymach/c-pchart": "1.*"
+> },
+to your composer.json file and update your dependencies. After that, all
+classes are available under "CpChart\Classes" namespace or "CpChart\Services"
+for the factory.
+The main difference is that you can either load the class via the 'use' statement
+or use the provided factory. An example below. 
+require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
+use CpChart\Services\pChartFactory;
+try {
+    // create a factory class - it will load necessary files automatically,
+    // otherwise you will need to add them on your own
+    $factory = new pChartFactory();
+    // create and populate the pData class
+    $myData = $factory->newData(array(VOID, 3, 4, 3, 5), "Serie1");
+    // create the image and set the data
+    $myPicture = $factory->newImage(700, 230, $myData);
+    $myPicture->setGraphArea(60, 40, 670, 190);
+    $myPicture->setFontProperties(
+        array(
+            "FontName" => "Forgotte.ttf",
+            "FontSize" => 11
+        )
+    );
+    // creating a pie chart - notice that you specify the type of chart, not class name.
+    // not all charts need to be created through this method (ex. the bar chart),
+    // some are created via the pImage class (check the documentation before drawing).
+    $pieChart = $factory->newChart("pie", $myPicture, $myData);
+    // do the drawing
+    $myPicture->drawScale();
+    $myPicture->drawSplineChart();   
+    $myPicture->Stroke();
+} catch (\Exception $ex) {
+    echo 'There was an error: '.$ex->getMessage();
+Basically, it should work as defined in the pChart 2.0 documentation with added
+support for try/catch functionality. The factory class has methods to load all types of 
+classes present in the pChart library.
+IMPORTANT! If you want to use any of the fonts or palletes files, provide only
+the name of the actual file, do not add the 'fonts' or 'palettes' folder to the
+string given into the function. If you want to load them from a different directory
+than the default, you need to add the full path to the file (ex. __DIR__.'/folder/to/my/palletes).
+1.0 Stable version with basic functionality.
+1.1 Added factory service.
+1.1.1 Changed chart loading via factory a bit (see class annotations).
+1.1.2 Updated service class with Exception handling regarding missing / wrong class name.
+1.1.3 The file with classes' constants is now loaded via Composer (thanks to ThaDafinser).
+[The original pChart website](
+PHP Framework Interoperability Group at GitHub on PHP coding standards:

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    "name": "szymach/c-pchart",
+    "license": "MIT",
+    "type": "project",
+    "description": "Port of \"pChart\" library into PHP 5.3.",
+    "keywords": ["pchart", "pChart","composer","statistics","charts", "c-pChart", "c-pchart"],
+    "homepage": "",
+    "autoload": {
+        "psr-4": { "CpChart\\": "src/" },
+        "files": ["src/Resources/data/constants.php"]
+    },
+    "require": {
+        "php": ">=5.3.3",
+        "ext-gd": "*"
+    },
+    "version": "1.1.5"


+ 264 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+ /*
+     pBarcode128 - class to create barcodes (128B)
+     Version     : 2.1.4
+     Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+     Last Update : 19/01/2014
+     This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+     You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+ */
+ class pBarcode128
+    public $Codes;
+    public $Reverse;
+    public $Result;
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $CRC;
+    /**
+     * Class constructor
+     * 
+     * @param string $BasePath
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function __construct($BasePath = "")
+    {
+        $this->Codes   = "";
+        $this->Reverse = "";
+        if (file_exists($BasePath."data/128B.db", "r")) {
+            $FileHandle = @fopen($BasePath."data/128B.db", "r");
+            $filePath = $BasePath."data/128B.db";
+        } else {
+            $FileHandle = @fopen(__DIR__.'/../Resources/data/128B.db', "r");
+            $filePath = "/../Resources/data/128B.db";            
+        }
+        if (!$FileHandle) { 
+            throw new \Exception(
+                "Cannot find barcode database (".$filePath.")."
+            );
+        }
+        while (!feof($FileHandle)) {
+            $Buffer = fgets($FileHandle,4096);
+            $Buffer = str_replace(chr(10),"",$Buffer);
+            $Buffer = str_replace(chr(13),"",$Buffer);
+            $Values = preg_split("/;/",$Buffer);
+            $this->Codes[$Values[1]]["ID"]     = $Values[0];
+            $this->Codes[$Values[1]]["Code"]   = $Values[2];
+            $this->Reverse[$Values[0]]["Code"] = $Values[2];
+            $this->Reverse[$Values[0]]["Asc"]  = $Values[1];
+        }
+        fclose($FileHandle);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the projected size of a barcode
+     * 
+     * @param type $TextString
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function getSize($TextString, $Format = "")
+    {
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $ShowLegend	= isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) 
+                          ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : false;
+        $LegendOffset	= isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) 
+                          ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
+        $DrawArea	= isset($Format["DrawArea"]) 
+                          ? $Format["DrawArea"] : false;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) 
+                          ? $Format["FontSize"] : 12;
+        $Height		= isset($Format["Height"]) 
+                          ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
+        $TextString    = $this->encode128($TextString);
+        $BarcodeLength = strlen($this->Result);
+        $WOffset = $DrawArea ? 20 : 0; 
+        $HOffset = $ShowLegend ? $FontSize + $LegendOffset + $WOffset : 0;
+        $X1 = cos($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset+$BarcodeLength);
+        $Y1 = sin($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset+$BarcodeLength);
+        $X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
+        $Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
+        $AreaWidth  = max(abs($X1), abs($X2));
+        $AreaHeight = max(abs($Y1), abs($Y2));
+        return(array("Width" => $AreaWidth, "Height" => $AreaHeight));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function encode128($Value, $Format = "")
+    {
+        $this->Result  = "11010010000";
+        $this->CRC     = 104;
+        $TextString    = "";
+        for ($i=1; $i <= strlen($Value); $i++) {
+            $CharCode = ord($this->mid($Value,$i,1));
+            if ( isset($this->Codes[$CharCode]) ) {
+                $this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Codes[$CharCode]["Code"];
+                $this->CRC = $this->CRC + $i*$this->Codes[$CharCode]["ID"];
+                $TextString = $TextString.chr($CharCode);
+             }
+         }
+        $this->CRC = $this->CRC - floor($this->CRC/103)*103;
+        $this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Reverse[$this->CRC]["Code"];
+        $this->Result = $this->Result."1100011101011";
+        return($TextString);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create the encoded string
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function draw($Object, $Value, $X, $Y, $Format = "")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Height		= isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $ShowLegend	= isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) 
+                          ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : false;
+        $LegendOffset	= isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) 
+                          ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
+        $DrawArea		= isset($Format["DrawArea"]) 
+                          ? $Format["DrawArea"] : false;
+        $AreaR		= isset($Format["AreaR"]) ? $Format["AreaR"] : 255;
+        $AreaG		= isset($Format["AreaG"]) ? $Format["AreaG"] : 255;
+        $AreaB		= isset($Format["AreaB"]) ? $Format["AreaB"] : 255;
+        $AreaBorderR	= isset($Format["AreaBorderR"]) 
+                          ? $Format["AreaBorderR"] : $AreaR;
+        $AreaBorderG	= isset($Format["AreaBorderG"]) 
+                          ? $Format["AreaBorderG"] : $AreaG;
+        $AreaBorderB	= isset($Format["AreaBorderB"]) 
+                          ? $Format["AreaBorderB"] : $AreaB;
+        $TextString = $this->encode128($Value);
+        if ($DrawArea) {
+            $X1 = $X + cos(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
+            $Y1 = $Y + sin(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
+            $X2 = $X1 + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            $Y2 = $Y1 + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            if ($ShowLegend) {
+                $X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) 
+                    * ($Height + $LegendOffset + $this->pChartObject->FontSize + 10);
+                $Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) 
+                    * ($Height + $LegendOffset + $this->pChartObject->FontSize  +10);
+            } else {
+                $X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
+                $Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
+            }
+            $X4 = $X3 + cos(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result) + 20);
+            $Y4 = $Y3 + sin(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result) + 20);
+            $Polygon  = array($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $X3, $Y3, $X4, $Y4);
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R" => $AreaR,
+                "G" => $AreaG,
+                "B" => $AreaB,
+                "BorderR" => $AreaBorderR,
+                "BorderG" => $AreaBorderG,
+                "BorderB" => $AreaBorderB
+            );
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Polygon,$Settings);
+        }
+        for ($i=1; $i<=strlen($this->Result); $i++) {
+            if ($this->mid($this->Result, $i, 1) == 1) {
+                $X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
+                $Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
+                $X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
+                $Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
+                $Settings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B,"Alpha" => $Alpha);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Settings);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($ShowLegend) {
+            $X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
+            $Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
+            $LegendX = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
+            $LegendY = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R" => $R,
+                "G" => $G,
+                "B" => $B,
+                "Alpha" => $Alpha,
+                "Angle" => -$Angle,
+                "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE
+            );
+            $this->pChartObject->drawText($LegendX,$LegendY,$TextString,$Settings);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function left($value, $NbChar)
+    {
+        return substr($value, 0, $NbChar);         
+    }  
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function right($value, $NbChar) 
+    {
+        return substr($value, strlen($value) - $NbChar, $NbChar);         
+    } 
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $Depart
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function mid($value, $Depart, $NbChar) 
+    { 
+        return substr($value, $Depart - 1, $NbChar);         
+    }  

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pBarcode39 - class to create barcodes (39B)
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pBarcode39
+    public $Codes;
+    public $Reverse;
+    public $Result;
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $CRC;
+    public $MOD43;
+    /**
+     * Class constructor
+     * @param type $BasePath
+     * @param type $EnableMOD43
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    function __construct($BasePath = "", $EnableMOD43 = false)
+    {
+        $this->MOD43   = $EnableMOD43;
+        $this->Codes   = "";
+        $this->Reverse = "";
+        if (file_exists($BasePath."data/39.db", "r")) {
+            $FileHandle = @fopen($BasePath."data/39.db", "r");
+            $filePath = $BasePath."data/39.db";
+        } else {
+            $FileHandle = @fopen(__DIR__.'/../Resources/data/39.db', "r");
+            $filePath = "/../Resources/data/39.db";            
+        }
+        if (!$FileHandle) { 
+            throw new \Exception(
+                "Cannot find barcode database (".$filePath.")."
+            );
+        }
+        while (!feof($FileHandle)) {
+            $Buffer = fgets($FileHandle, 4096);
+            $Buffer = str_replace(chr(10), "", $Buffer);
+            $Buffer = str_replace(chr(13), "", $Buffer);
+            $Values = preg_split("/;/", $Buffer);
+            $this->Codes[$Values[0]] = $Values[1];
+        }
+        fclose($FileHandle);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the projected size of a barcode
+     * @param type $TextString
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    function getSize($TextString, $Format = "")
+    {
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $ShowLegend	= isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : false;
+        $LegendOffset	= isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
+        $DrawArea	= isset($Format["DrawArea"]) ? $Format["DrawArea"] : false;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : 12;
+        $Height		= isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
+        $TextString    = $this->encode39($TextString);
+        $BarcodeLength = strlen($this->Result);
+        $WOffset = $DrawArea ? 20 : 0 ;
+        $HOffset = $ShowLegend ? $FontSize + $LegendOffset + $WOffset : 0;
+        $X1 = cos($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset + $BarcodeLength);
+        $Y1 = sin($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset + $BarcodeLength);
+        $X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
+        $Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
+        $AreaWidth  = max(abs($X1),abs($X2));
+        $AreaHeight = max(abs($Y1),abs($Y2));
+        return(array("Width" => $AreaWidth, "Height" => $AreaHeight));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create the encoded string
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @return string
+     */
+    function encode39($Value)
+    {
+        $this->Result = "100101101101"."0";
+        $TextString   = "";
+        for ($i=1; $i <= strlen($Value); $i++) {
+            $CharCode = ord($this->mid($Value,$i,1));
+            if ($CharCode >= 97 && $CharCode <= 122) { 
+                $CharCode = $CharCode - 32;                 
+            }
+            if (isset($this->Codes[chr($CharCode)])) {
+                $this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Codes[chr($CharCode)]."0";
+                $TextString = $TextString.chr($CharCode);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($this->MOD43) {
+            $Checksum = $this->checksum($TextString);
+            $this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Codes[$Checksum]."0";
+        }
+        $this->Result = $this->Result."100101101101";
+        $TextString   = "*".$TextString."*";
+        return $TextString;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create the encoded string
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    function draw($Object,$Value,$X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Height		= isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $ShowLegend	= isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : false;
+        $LegendOffset	= isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
+        $DrawArea	= isset($Format["DrawArea"]) ? $Format["DrawArea"] : false;
+        $AreaR		= isset($Format["AreaR"]) ? $Format["AreaR"] : 255;
+        $AreaG		= isset($Format["AreaG"]) ? $Format["AreaG"] : 255;
+        $AreaB		= isset($Format["AreaB"]) ? $Format["AreaB"] : 255;
+        $AreaBorderR	= isset($Format["AreaBorderR"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderR"] : $AreaR;
+        $AreaBorderG	= isset($Format["AreaBorderG"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderG"] : $AreaG;
+        $AreaBorderB	= isset($Format["AreaBorderB"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderB"] : $AreaB;
+        $TextString   = $this->encode39($Value);
+        if ($DrawArea) {
+            $X1 = $X + cos(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
+            $Y1 = $Y + sin(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
+            $X2 = $X1 + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            $Y2 = $Y1 + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            if ($ShowLegend) {
+                $X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) 
+                    * ($Height+$LegendOffset+$this->pChartObject->FontSize+10);
+                $Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) 
+                    * ($Height+$LegendOffset+$this->pChartObject->FontSize+10);
+            } else {
+                $X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
+                $Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
+            }
+            $X4 = $X3 + cos(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            $Y4 = $Y3 + sin(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
+            $Polygon  = array($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $X3, $Y3, $X4, $Y4);
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R" => $AreaR,
+                "G" => $AreaG,
+                "B" =>$AreaB,
+                "BorderR" => $AreaBorderR,
+                "BorderG" => $AreaBorderG,
+                "BorderB" => $AreaBorderB
+            );
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Polygon,$Settings);
+        }
+        for ($i=1; $i <= strlen($this->Result); $i++) {
+            if ($this->mid($this->Result,$i,1) == 1) {
+                $X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
+                $Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
+                $X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
+                $Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
+                $Settings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Settings);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($ShowLegend) {
+            $X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
+            $Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
+            $LegendX = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
+            $LegendY = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R" => $R,
+                "G" => $G,
+                "B" => $B,
+                "Alpha" => $Alpha,
+                "Angle" => -$Angle,
+                "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE
+            );
+            $this->pChartObject->drawText($LegendX, $LegendY, $TextString, $Settings);
+        }
+    }
+    function checksum($string)
+    {
+        $checksum = 0;
+        $length   = strlen($string);
+        $charset  = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%';
+        for( $i=0; $i < $length; ++$i ) {
+            $checksum += strpos( $charset, $string[$i] );
+        }
+        return substr( $charset, ($checksum % 43), 1 );
+    }
+    function left($value, $NbChar)
+    { 
+        return substr($value, 0, $NbChar);         
+    }  
+    function right($value, $NbChar) 
+    { 
+        return substr($value, strlen($value) - $NbChar, $NbChar);
+    }  
+    function mid($value, $Depart, $NbChar)
+    { 
+        return substr($value, $Depart-1, $NbChar);         
+    }  

+ 463 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pBubble - class to draw bubble charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pBubble
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $pDataObject;
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject)
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+        $this->pDataObject  = $pDataObject;
+    }
+    /* Prepare the scale */
+    public function bubbleScale($DataSeries,$WeightSeries)
+    {
+        if (!is_array($DataSeries)) { 
+            $DataSeries = array($DataSeries);         
+        }
+        if (!is_array($WeightSeries)) { 
+            $WeightSeries = array($WeightSeries);         
+        }
+        /* Parse each data series to find the new min & max boundaries to scale */
+        $NewPositiveSerie = ""; 
+        $NewNegativeSerie = ""; 
+        $MaxValues = 0; 
+        $LastPositive = 0; 
+        $LastNegative = 0;
+        foreach($DataSeries as $Key => $SerieName) {
+            $SerieWeightName = $WeightSeries[$Key];
+            $this->pDataObject->setSerieDrawable($SerieWeightName,false);
+            if (count(
+                    $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]
+                ) > $MaxValues
+            ) { 
+                $MaxValues = count($this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]);         
+            }
+            foreach($this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] 
+                    as $Key => $Value
+            ) {
+                if ($Value >= 0) {
+                    $BubbleBounds = $Value + $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieWeightName]["Data"][$Key];
+                    if ( !isset($NewPositiveSerie[$Key]) ) { 
+                        $NewPositiveSerie[$Key] = $BubbleBounds;                     
+                    } elseif ($NewPositiveSerie[$Key] < $BubbleBounds) { 
+                        $NewPositiveSerie[$Key] = $BubbleBounds;                     
+                    }
+                    $LastPositive = $BubbleBounds;
+                } else {
+                    $BubbleBounds = $Value - $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieWeightName]["Data"][$Key];
+                    if (!isset($NewNegativeSerie[$Key])) { 
+                        $NewNegativeSerie[$Key] = $BubbleBounds;                     
+                    } elseif ($NewNegativeSerie[$Key] > $BubbleBounds) { 
+                        $NewNegativeSerie[$Key] = $BubbleBounds;                     
+                    }
+                    $LastNegative = $BubbleBounds;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check for missing values and all the fake positive serie */
+        if ( $NewPositiveSerie != "" ) {
+            for ($i=0; $i<$MaxValues; $i++) { 
+                if (!isset($NewPositiveSerie[$i])) { 
+                    $NewPositiveSerie[$i] = $LastPositive;             
+                }             
+            }
+            $this->pDataObject->addPoints($NewPositiveSerie,"BubbleFakePositiveSerie");
+        }
+        /* Check for missing values and all the fake negative serie */
+        if ( $NewNegativeSerie != "" ) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $MaxValues; $i++) {
+                if (!isset($NewNegativeSerie[$i])) { 
+                    $NewNegativeSerie[$i] = $LastNegative;             
+                }
+            }
+            $this->pDataObject->addPoints($NewNegativeSerie,"BubbleFakeNegativeSerie");
+        }
+    }
+    public function resetSeriesColors()
+    {
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        $ID = 0;
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SeriesParameters) {
+            if ( $SeriesParameters["isDrawable"] ) {
+                $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"]     = $Palette[$ID]["R"];
+                $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"]     = $Palette[$ID]["G"];
+                $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"]     = $Palette[$ID]["B"];
+                $this->pDataObject->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"] = $Palette[$ID]["Alpha"];
+                $ID++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Prepare the scale */
+    public function drawBubbleChart($DataSeries, $WeightSeries, $Format="")
+    {
+        $ForceAlpha	= isset($Format["ForceAlpha"]) ? $Format["ForceAlpha"] : VOID;
+        $DrawBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBorder"] : TRUE;
+        $BorderWidth	= isset($Format["BorderWidth"]) ? $Format["BorderWidth"] : 1;
+        $Shape		= isset($Format["Shape"]) ? $Format["Shape"] : BUBBLE_SHAPE_ROUND;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : NULL;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 0;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 0;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 0;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 30;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        if (!is_array($DataSeries)) {
+            $DataSeries = array($DataSeries);             
+        }
+        if (!is_array($WeightSeries)) { 
+            $WeightSeries = array($WeightSeries);
+        }
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        if (isset($Data["Series"]["BubbleFakePositiveSerie"])) { 
+            $this->pDataObject->setSerieDrawable("BubbleFakePositiveSerie",false);
+        }
+        if (isset($Data["Series"]["BubbleFakeNegativeSerie"])) { 
+            $this->pDataObject->setSerieDrawable("BubbleFakeNegativeSerie",false);         
+        }
+        $this->resetSeriesColors();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->pChartObject->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($DataSeries as $Key => $SerieName) {
+            $AxisID	= $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
+            $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+            $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+            $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+            if (isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"])) {
+                $SerieDescription = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"];             
+            } else { 
+                $SerieDescription = $SerieName;             
+            }
+            $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 - $XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+            $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+            $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+            $Color = array(
+                "R" => $Palette[$Key]["R"],
+                "G" => $Palette[$Key]["G"],
+                "B" => $Palette[$Key]["B"],
+                "Alpha" => $Palette[$Key]["Alpha"]
+            );
+            if ( $ForceAlpha != VOID ) {
+                $Color["Alpha"] = $ForceAlpha;                 
+            }
+            if ($DrawBorder) {
+                if ( $BorderWidth != 1 ) {
+                    if ( $Surrounding != NULL ) { 
+                        $BorderR = $Palette[$Key]["R"]+$Surrounding; 
+                        $BorderG = $Palette[$Key]["G"]+$Surrounding; 
+                        $BorderB = $Palette[$Key]["B"]+$Surrounding;
+                    } else { 
+                        $BorderR = $BorderR; 
+                        $BorderG = $BorderG; 
+                        $BorderB = $BorderB;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $ForceAlpha != VOID ) { 
+                        $BorderAlpha = $ForceAlpha/2;                         
+                    }
+                    $BorderColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$BorderR,
+                        "G"=>$BorderG,
+                        "B"=>$BorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $Color["BorderAlpha"] = $BorderAlpha;
+                    if ( $Surrounding != NULL ) { 
+                        $Color["BorderR"] = $Palette[$Key]["R"]+$Surrounding; 
+                        $Color["BorderG"] = $Palette[$Key]["G"]+$Surrounding; 
+                        $Color["BorderB"] = $Palette[$Key]["B"]+$Surrounding;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $Color["BorderR"] = $BorderR; 
+                        $Color["BorderG"] = $BorderG; 
+                        $Color["BorderB"] = $BorderB;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $ForceAlpha != VOID ) {
+                        $Color["BorderAlpha"] = $ForceAlpha/2;                         
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            foreach($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] as $iKey => $Point) {
+                $Weight = $Point + $Data["Series"][$WeightSeries[$Key]]["Data"][$iKey];
+                $PosArray = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Point,
+                    array("AxisID"=>$AxisID)
+                );
+                $WeightArray = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Weight,
+                    array("AxisID"=>$AxisID)
+                );
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = 0;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $Y = floor($PosArray); $CircleRadius = floor(abs($PosArray - $WeightArray)/2);
+                    if ( $Shape == BUBBLE_SHAPE_SQUARE ) {
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "RECT",
+                                (
+                                    floor($X-$CircleRadius)
+                                    .",".floor($Y-$CircleRadius)
+                                    .",".floor($X+$CircleRadius)
+                                    .",".floor($Y+$CircleRadius)
+                                ),
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$Key]["R"],
+                                $Palette[$Key]["G"],$Palette[$Key]["B"]),
+                                $SerieDescription,$Data["Series"][$WeightSeries[$Key]]["Data"][$iKey]
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $BorderWidth != 1 ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $X-$CircleRadius-$BorderWidth,
+                                $Y-$CircleRadius-$BorderWidth,
+                                $X+$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,
+                                $Y+$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,
+                                $BorderColor
+                            );
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $X-$CircleRadius,
+                                $Y-$CircleRadius,
+                                $X+$CircleRadius,
+                                $Y+$CircleRadius,
+                                $Color
+                            );
+                        } else {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $X-$CircleRadius,
+                                $Y-$CircleRadius,
+                                $X+$CircleRadius,
+                                $Y+$CircleRadius,
+                                $Color
+                            );
+                        }
+                    } elseif ( $Shape == BUBBLE_SHAPE_ROUND ) {
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".floor($CircleRadius),
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$Key]["R"],
+                                $Palette[$Key]["G"],
+                                $Palette[$Key]["B"]),
+                                $SerieDescription,$Data["Series"][$WeightSeries[$Key]]["Data"][$iKey]
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $BorderWidth != 1 ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,$BorderColor);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        } else {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $X = $X + $XStep;
+                } elseif ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = 0;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = floor($PosArray); $CircleRadius = floor(abs($PosArray - $WeightArray)/2);
+                    if ( $Shape == BUBBLE_SHAPE_SQUARE ) {
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "RECT",
+                                floor($X-$CircleRadius).",".floor($Y-$CircleRadius).",".floor($X+$CircleRadius).",".floor($Y+$CircleRadius),
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$Key]["R"],$Palette[$Key]["G"],$Palette[$Key]["B"]),
+                                $SerieDescription,$Data["Series"][$WeightSeries[$Key]]["Data"][$iKey]
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $BorderWidth != 1 ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X-$CircleRadius-$BorderWidth,$Y-$CircleRadius-$BorderWidth,$X+$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,$Y+$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,$BorderColor);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X-$CircleRadius,$Y-$CircleRadius,$X+$CircleRadius,$Y+$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        } else {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X-$CircleRadius,$Y-$CircleRadius,$X+$CircleRadius,$Y+$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        }
+                    } elseif ( $Shape == BUBBLE_SHAPE_ROUND ) {
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".floor($CircleRadius),
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$Key]["R"],$Palette[$Key]["G"],$Palette[$Key]["B"]),
+                                $SerieDescription,$Data["Series"][$WeightSeries[$Key]]["Data"][$iKey]
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $BorderWidth != 1 ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius+$BorderWidth,$BorderColor);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        } else {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$CircleRadius,$Color);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $Y = $Y + $XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public function writeBubbleLabel($SerieName,$SerieWeightName,$Points,$Format="")
+    {
+        $OverrideTitle	= isset($Format["OverrideTitle"]) ? $Format["OverrideTitle"] : NULL;
+        $DrawPoint      = isset($Format["DrawPoint"]) ? $Format["DrawPoint"] : LABEL_POINT_BOX;
+        if ( !is_array($Points) ) { 
+            $Point = $Points; 
+            $Points = ""; 
+            $Points[] = $Point;             
+        }
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        if (!isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]) 
+            || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieWeightName]) 
+        ) {
+            return(0);
+        }
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->pChartObject->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $AxisID	    = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
+        $AxisMode   = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+        $AxisFormat = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+        $AxisUnit   = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+        $XStep      = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+        $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+        $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+        $Color = array(
+            "R"=>$Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"],
+            "G"=>$Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"],
+            "B"=>$Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"],
+            "Alpha"=>$Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"]
+        );
+        foreach($Points as $Key => $Point) {
+            $Value    = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Point];
+            $PosArray = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            if ( isset($Data["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Point]) ) {
+                $Abscissa = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Point]." : ";
+            } else {
+                $Abscissa = "";
+            }
+            $Value   = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat($Value,$AxisMode,$AxisFormat,$AxisUnit);
+            $Weight  = $Data["Series"][$SerieWeightName]["Data"][$Point];
+            $Caption = $Abscissa.$Value." / ".$Weight;
+            if ( isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"]) ) {
+                $Description = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"];
+            } else {
+                $Description = "No description";
+            }
+            $Series = "";
+            $Series[] = array("Format" => $Color, "Caption" => $Caption);
+            if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                    $XStep = 0;                 
+                } else { 
+                    $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                 
+                }
+                $X = floor($X + $Point * $XStep);
+                $Y = floor($PosArray);
+            } else {
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                    $YStep = 0;                 
+                } else {
+                    $YStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                }
+                $X = floor($PosArray);
+                $Y = floor($Y + $Point * $YStep);
+            }
+            if ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                    $X,
+                    $Y,
+                    3,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>255,
+                        "G"=>255,
+                        "B"=>255,
+                        "BorderR"=>0,
+                        "BorderG"=>0,
+                        "BorderB"=>0
+                    )
+                );
+            } elseif ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                    $X-2,
+                    $Y-2,
+                    $X+2,
+                    $Y+2,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>255,
+                        "G"=>255,
+                        "B"=>255,
+                        "BorderR"=>0,
+                        "BorderG"=>0,
+                        "BorderB"=>0
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLabelBox($X,$Y-3,$Description,$Series,$Format);
+        }
+    }

+ 367 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+pCache - speed up the rendering by caching up the pictures
+Version     : 2.1.4
+Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+Last Update : 19/01/2014
+This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pCache
+    public $CacheFolder;
+    public $CacheIndex;
+    public $CacheDB;
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * @param string $Settings
+     */
+    public function __construct($Settings = array())
+    {
+        $CacheFolder	= isset($Settings["CacheFolder"]) ? $Settings["CacheFolder"] : __DIR__."/../../app/cache";
+        $CacheIndex	= isset($Settings["CacheIndex"]) ? $Settings["CacheIndex"] : "index.db";
+        $CacheDB	= isset($Settings["CacheDB"]) ? $Settings["CacheDB"] : "cache.db";
+        $this->CacheFolder = $CacheFolder;
+        $this->CacheIndex  = $CacheIndex;
+        $this->CacheDB     = $CacheDB;
+        if (!file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex)) { 
+            touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex);             
+        }
+        if (!file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB)) { 
+            touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB);             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Flush the cache contents
+     */
+    public function flush()
+    {
+        if (file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex)) { 
+            unlink($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex); 
+            touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex);             
+        }
+        if (file_exists($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB)) { 
+            unlink($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB);
+            touch($this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB);             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the MD5 of the data array to clearly identify the chart
+     * @param type $Data
+     * @param type $Marker
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getHash($Data,$Marker="")
+    { 
+        return(md5($Marker.serialize($Data->Data)));         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Write the generated picture to the cache
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $pChartObject
+     */
+    public function writeToCache($ID,$pChartObject)
+    {
+        /* Compute the paths */
+        $TemporaryFile = $this->CacheFolder."/tmp_".rand(0,1000).".png";
+        $Database      = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+        $Index         = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+        /* Flush the picture to a temporary file */
+        imagepng($pChartObject->Picture ,$TemporaryFile);
+        /* Retrieve the files size */
+        $PictureSize = filesize($TemporaryFile);
+        $DBSize      = filesize($Database);
+        /* Save the index */
+        $Handle = fopen($Index,"a");
+        fwrite($Handle, $ID.",".$DBSize.",".$PictureSize.",".time().",0\r\n");
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* Get the picture raw contents */
+        $Handle = fopen($TemporaryFile,"r");
+        $Raw    = fread($Handle,$PictureSize);
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* Save the picture in the solid database file */
+        $Handle = fopen($Database,"a");
+        fwrite($Handle, $Raw);
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* Remove temporary file */
+        unlink($TemporaryFile);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove object older than the specified TS
+     * @param type $Expiry
+     */
+    public function removeOlderThan($Expiry)
+    { 
+        $this->dbRemoval(array("Expiry"=>$Expiry));         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove an object from the cache
+     * @param type $ID
+     */
+    public function remove($ID)
+    { 
+        $this->dbRemoval(array("Name"=>$ID));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove with specified criterias
+     * @param type $Settings
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function dbRemoval($Settings)
+    {
+        $ID     = isset($Settings["Name"]) ? $Settings["Name"] : null;
+        $Expiry = isset($Settings["Expiry"]) ? $Settings["Expiry"] : -(24*60*60);
+        $TS     = time()-$Expiry;
+        /* Compute the paths */
+        $Database     = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+        $Index        = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+        $DatabaseTemp = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB.".tmp";
+        $IndexTemp    = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex.".tmp";
+        /* Single file removal */
+        if ( $ID != null ) {
+            /* Retrieve object informations */
+            $Object = $this->isInCache($ID,true);
+            /* If it's not in the cache DB, go away */
+            if ( !$Object ) { 
+                return(0);                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Create the temporary files */
+        if (!file_exists($DatabaseTemp)) { 
+            touch($DatabaseTemp);             
+        }
+        if (!file_exists($IndexTemp)) { 
+            touch($IndexTemp);            
+        }
+        /* Open the file handles */
+        $IndexHandle     = @fopen($Index, "r");
+        $IndexTempHandle = @fopen($IndexTemp, "w");
+        $DBHandle        = @fopen($Database, "r");
+        $DBTempHandle    = @fopen($DatabaseTemp, "w");
+        /* Remove the selected ID from the database */
+        while (!feof($IndexHandle)) {
+            $Entry    = fgets($IndexHandle, 4096);
+            $Entry    = str_replace("\r","",$Entry);
+            $Entry    = str_replace("\n","",$Entry);
+            $Settings = preg_split("/,/",$Entry);
+            if ( $Entry != "" ) {
+                $PicID       = $Settings[0];
+                $DBPos       = $Settings[1];
+                $PicSize     = $Settings[2];
+                $GeneratedTS = $Settings[3];
+                $Hits        = $Settings[4];
+                if ( $Settings[0] != $ID && $GeneratedTS > $TS) {
+                    $CurrentPos  = ftell($DBTempHandle);
+                    fwrite(
+                        $IndexTempHandle, 
+                        $PicID.",".$CurrentPos.",".$PicSize.","
+                        .$GeneratedTS.",".$Hits."\r\n"
+                    );
+                  fseek($DBHandle,$DBPos);
+                  $Picture = fread($DBHandle,$PicSize);
+                  fwrite($DBTempHandle,$Picture);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Close the handles */
+        fclose($IndexHandle);
+        fclose($IndexTempHandle);
+        fclose($DBHandle);
+        fclose($DBTempHandle);
+        /* Remove the prod files */
+        unlink($Database);
+        unlink($Index);
+        /* Swap the temp & prod DB */
+        rename($DatabaseTemp,$Database);
+        rename($IndexTemp,$Index);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Is the file in cache?
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Verbose
+     * @param type $UpdateHitsCount
+     * @return boolean
+     */
+    public function isInCache($ID,$Verbose=false,$UpdateHitsCount=false)
+    {
+        /* Compute the paths */
+        $Index = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheIndex;
+        /* Search the picture in the index file */
+        $Handle = @fopen($Index, "r");
+        while (!feof($Handle)) {
+            $IndexPos = ftell($Handle);
+            $Entry = fgets($Handle, 4096);
+            if ( $Entry != "" ) {
+                $Settings = preg_split("/,/",$Entry);
+                $PicID    = $Settings[0];
+                if ( $PicID == $ID ) {
+                    fclose($Handle);
+                    $DBPos       = $Settings[1];
+                    $PicSize     = $Settings[2];
+                    $GeneratedTS = $Settings[3];
+                    $Hits        = intval($Settings[4]);
+                    if ( $UpdateHitsCount ) {
+                        $Hits++;
+                        if ( strlen($Hits) < 7 ) { 
+                            $Hits = $Hits.str_repeat(" ",7-strlen($Hits));                             
+                        }
+                        $Handle = @fopen($Index, "r+");
+                        fseek($Handle,$IndexPos);
+                        fwrite(
+                            $Handle, 
+                            $PicID.",".$DBPos.",".$PicSize.","
+                            .$GeneratedTS.",".$Hits."\r\n"
+                        );
+                        fclose($Handle);
+                    }
+                    if ($Verbose) { 
+                        return(
+                            array(
+                                "DBPos" => $DBPos,
+                                "PicSize" => $PicSize,
+                                "GeneratedTS" => $GeneratedTS,
+                                "Hits" => $Hits
+                            )
+                        );                         
+                    } else { 
+                        return true;                         
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* Picture isn't in the cache */
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Automatic output method based on the calling interface
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Destination
+     */
+    public function autoOutput($ID,$Destination="output.png")
+    {
+        if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
+            $this->saveFromCache($ID,$Destination);
+        } else {
+            $this->strokeFromCache($ID);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Show image from cache
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @return boolean
+     */
+    public function strokeFromCache($ID)
+    {
+        /* Get the raw picture from the cache */
+        $Picture = $this->getFromCache($ID);
+        /* Do we have a hit? */
+        if ( $Picture == null ) { 
+            return false;
+        }
+        header('Content-type: image/png');
+        echo $Picture;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save file from cache.
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Destination
+     * @return boolean
+     */
+    public function saveFromCache($ID,$Destination)
+    {
+        /* Get the raw picture from the cache */
+        $Picture = $this->getFromCache($ID);
+        /* Do we have a hit? */
+        if ( $Picture == null ) { 
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* Flush the picture to a file */
+        $Handle = fopen($Destination,"w");
+        fwrite($Handle,$Picture);
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* All went fine */
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get file from cache
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function getFromCache($ID)
+    {
+        /* Compute the path */
+        $Database = $this->CacheFolder."/".$this->CacheDB;
+        /* Lookup for the picture in the cache */
+        $CacheInfo = $this->isInCache($ID,true,true);
+        /* Not in the cache */
+        if (!$CacheInfo) { 
+            return null;
+        }
+        /* Get the database extended information */     
+        $DBPos   = $CacheInfo["DBPos"];
+        $PicSize = $CacheInfo["PicSize"];
+        /* Extract the picture from the solid cache file */
+        $Handle = @fopen($Database, "r");
+        fseek($Handle,$DBPos);
+        $Picture = fread($Handle,$PicSize);
+        fclose($Handle);
+        /* Return back the raw picture data */
+        return $Picture;
+    }

+ 1230 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+ /*
+     pDraw - class to manipulate data arrays
+     Version     : 2.1.4
+     Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+     Last Update : 19/01/2014
+     This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+     You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+ */
+class pData
+    public $Data;
+    public $Palette = array(
+        "0"=>array("R"=>188,"G"=>224,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "1"=>array("R"=>224,"G"=>100,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "2"=>array("R"=>224,"G"=>214,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "3"=>array("R"=>46,"G"=>151,"B"=>224,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "4"=>array("R"=>176,"G"=>46,"B"=>224,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "5"=>array("R"=>224,"G"=>46,"B"=>117,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "6"=>array("R"=>92,"G"=>224,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100),
+        "7"=>array("R"=>224,"G"=>176,"B"=>46,"Alpha"=>100)
+    );
+    /**
+     * Class creator
+     */
+    public function __construct()
+    {
+        $this->Data = "";
+        $this->Data["XAxisDisplay"]	= AXIS_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
+        $this->Data["XAxisFormat"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["XAxisName"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["XAxisUnit"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["Abscissa"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["AbsicssaPosition"]	= AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM;
+        $this->Data["Axis"][0]["Display"]  = AXIS_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
+        $this->Data["Axis"][0]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT;
+        $this->Data["Axis"][0]["Identity"] = AXIS_Y;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a single point or an array to the given serie
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $SerieName
+     * @return int
+     */
+    public function addPoints($Values,$SerieName="Serie1")
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName])) {
+            $this->initialise($SerieName);
+        }
+        if ( is_array($Values) ) {
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][] = $Value;                 
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][] = $Values;
+        }
+        if ( $Values != VOID ) {
+            $StrippedData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]);
+            if ( empty($StrippedData) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Max"] = 0; 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Min"] =0; 
+                return 0;                 
+            }
+            $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Max"] = max($StrippedData);
+            $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Min"] = min($StrippedData);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Strip VOID values
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function stripVOID($Values)
+    { 
+        if (!is_array($Values)) { 
+            return array();
+        } 
+        $Result = array(); 
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ( $Value != VOID ) { 
+                $Result[] = $Value;                 
+            }             
+        } 
+        return $Result;             
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the number of values contained in a given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return int
+     */
+    public function getSerieCount($Serie)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"])) { 
+            return(sizeof($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]));             
+        } else { 
+            return 0;             
+        }         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove a serie from the pData object
+     * @param type $Series
+     */
+    public function removeSerie($Series)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie])) { 
+                unset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]);
+            }                 
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a value from given serie & index
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @param type $Index
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getValueAt($Serie,$Index=0)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"][$Index])) { 
+            return($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"][$Index]);             
+        } else { 
+            return null;             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the values array
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getValues($Serie)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"])) { 
+            return($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reverse the values in the given serie
+     * @param type $Series
+     */
+    public function reverseSerie($Series)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) {
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"])) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"] = array_reverse(
+                    $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]
+                );                 
+            }             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the sum of the serie values
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getSum($Serie)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie])) { 
+            return(array_sum($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]));             
+        } else { 
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the max value of a given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getMax($Serie)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Max"])) { 
+            return($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Max"]);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }                 
+    }
+    /* Return the min value of a given serie */
+    public function getMin($Serie)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Min"])) { 
+            return($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Min"]);
+        } else { 
+            return null;
+        }                 
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the description of a given serie
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Shape
+     */
+    public function setSerieShape($Series,$Shape=SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDCIRCLE)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);
+        }
+        foreach ($Series as $Key => $Serie) {
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Shape"] = $Shape;                 
+            }             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the description of a given serie
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Description
+     */
+    public function setSerieDescription($Series,$Description="My serie")
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Description"] = $Description;                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set a serie as "drawable" while calling a rendering public function
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Drawable
+     */
+    public function setSerieDrawable($Series,$Drawable=true)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["isDrawable"] = $Drawable;                 
+            }             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the icon associated to a given serie
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Picture
+     */
+    public function setSeriePicture($Series,$Picture=null)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Picture"] = $Picture;
+            }                 
+        } 
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the name of the X Axis
+     * @param type $Name
+     */
+    public function setXAxisName($Name)
+    { $this->Data["XAxisName"] = $Name; }
+    /**
+     * Set the display mode of the  X Axis
+     * @param type $Mode
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setXAxisDisplay($Mode,$Format=null)
+    { $this->Data["XAxisDisplay"] = $Mode; $this->Data["XAxisFormat"]  = $Format; }
+    /**
+     * Set the unit that will be displayed on the X axis
+     * @param type $Unit
+     */
+    public function setXAxisUnit($Unit)
+    { $this->Data["XAxisUnit"] = $Unit; }
+    /**
+     * Set the serie that will be used as abscissa
+     * @param type $Serie
+     */
+    public function setAbscissa($Serie)
+    { if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie])) { $this->Data["Abscissa"] = $Serie; } }
+    /**
+     * Set the position of the abscissa axis
+     * @param type $Position
+     */
+    public function setAbsicssaPosition($Position = AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM)
+    { $this->Data["AbsicssaPosition"] = $Position; }
+    /**
+     * Set the name of the abscissa axis
+     * @param type $Name
+     */
+    public function setAbscissaName($Name)
+    { $this->Data["AbscissaName"] = $Name; }
+    /**
+     * Create a scatter group specifyin X and Y data series
+     * @param type $SerieX
+     * @param type $SerieY
+     * @param type $ID
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerie($SerieX,$SerieY,$ID=0)
+    { 
+        if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$SerieX]) && isset($this->Data["Series"][$SerieY]) ) { 
+            $this->initScatterSerie($ID); 
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["X"] = $SerieX; 
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Y"] = $SerieY;
+        }         
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Set the shape of a given sctatter serie
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Shape
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieShape($ID,$Shape=SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDCIRCLE)
+    { if (isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Shape"] = $Shape; } }
+    /**
+     * Set the description of a given scatter serie
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Description
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieDescription($ID,$Description="My serie")
+    { if (isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Description"] = $Description; } }
+    /**
+     * Set the icon associated to a given scatter serie
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Picture
+     */
+    public function setScatterSeriePicture($ID,$Picture=null)
+    { if (isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Picture"] = $Picture; } }
+    /**
+     * Set a scatter serie as "drawable" while calling a rendering public function
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Drawable
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieDrawable($ID ,$Drawable=true)
+    { if (isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["isDrawable"] = $Drawable; } }
+    /**
+     * Define if a scatter serie should be draw with ticks
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Width
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieTicks($ID,$Width=0)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Ticks"] = $Width; } }
+    /**
+     * Define if a scatter serie should be draw with a special weight
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Weight
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieWeight($ID,$Weight=0)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Weight"] = $Weight; } }
+    /**
+     * Associate a color to a scatter serie
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setScatterSerieColor($ID,$Format)
+    {
+        $R	    = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	    = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	    = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        if ( isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) {
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["R"] = $R;
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["G"] = $G;
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["B"] = $B;
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the series limits for an individual and global point of view
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function limits()
+    {
+        $GlobalMin = ABSOLUTE_MAX;
+        $GlobalMax = ABSOLUTE_MIN;
+        foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $Key => $Value)
+        {
+            if ( $this->Data["Abscissa"] != $Key 
+                && $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["isDrawable"] == true
+            ) {
+                if ( $GlobalMin > $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Min"] ) { 
+                    $GlobalMin = $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Min"];
+                }
+                if ( $GlobalMax < $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Max"] ) { 
+                    $GlobalMax = $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Max"];                  
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Data["Min"] = $GlobalMin;
+        $this->Data["Max"] = $GlobalMax;
+        return(array($GlobalMin,$GlobalMax));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Mark all series as drawable
+     */
+    public function drawAll()
+    { 
+        foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ( $this->Data["Abscissa"] != $Key ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["isDrawable"]=true;                 
+            }
+        }             
+    }    
+    /* Return the average value of the given serie */
+    public function getSerieAverage($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) {
+            $SerieData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+            return(array_sum($SerieData)/sizeof($SerieData));
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the geometric mean of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getGeometricMean($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) )
+        {
+            $SerieData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+            $Seriesum  = 1; foreach($SerieData as $Key => $Value) { $Seriesum = $Seriesum * $Value; }
+            return(pow($Seriesum,1/sizeof($SerieData)));
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the harmonic mean of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getHarmonicMean($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) {
+            $SerieData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+            $Seriesum  = 0; 
+            foreach($SerieData as $Key => $Value) { 
+                $Seriesum = $Seriesum + 1/$Value;                 
+            }
+            return(sizeof($SerieData)/$Seriesum);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the standard deviation of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getStandardDeviation($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) {
+            $Average   = $this->getSerieAverage($Serie);
+            $SerieData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+            $DeviationSum = 0;
+            foreach($SerieData as $Key => $Value) {
+                $DeviationSum = $DeviationSum + ($Value-$Average)*($Value-$Average);
+            }
+            $Deviation = sqrt($DeviationSum/count($SerieData));
+            return($Deviation);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the Coefficient of variation of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getCoefficientOfVariation($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) {
+            $Average           = $this->getSerieAverage($Serie);
+            $StandardDeviation = $this->getStandardDeviation($Serie);
+            if ( $StandardDeviation != 0 ) {
+                return($StandardDeviation/$Average);
+            } else {
+                return null;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the median value of the given serie 
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getSerieMedian($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) )
+        {
+            $SerieData = $this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"]);
+            sort($SerieData);
+            $SerieCenter = floor(sizeof($SerieData)/2);
+            if ( isset($SerieData[$SerieCenter]) ) {
+                return($SerieData[$SerieCenter]);
+            } else {
+                return null;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the x th percentil of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @param type $Percentil
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getSeriePercentile($Serie="Serie1",$Percentil=95)
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"])) { 
+            return null;             
+        }
+        $Values = count($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"])-1;
+        if ( $Values < 0 ) { 
+            $Values = 0;             
+        }
+        $PercentilID  = floor(($Values/100)*$Percentil+.5);
+        $SortedValues = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Data"];
+        sort($SortedValues);
+        if ( is_numeric($SortedValues[$PercentilID]) ) {
+            return($SortedValues[$PercentilID]);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add random values to a given serie
+     * @param type $SerieName
+     * @param type $Options
+     */
+    public function addRandomValues($SerieName="Serie1",$Options="")
+    {
+        $Values    = isset($Options["Values"]) ? $Options["Values"] : 20;
+        $Min       = isset($Options["Min"]) ? $Options["Min"] : 0;
+        $Max       = isset($Options["Max"]) ? $Options["Max"] : 100;
+        $withFloat = isset($Options["withFloat"]) ? $Options["withFloat"] : false;
+        for ($i=0; $i <= $Values; $i++) {
+            if ( $withFloat ) { 
+                $Value = rand($Min*100,$Max*100)/100;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Value = rand($Min,$Max);                 
+            }
+            $this->addPoints($Value,$SerieName);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test if we have valid data
+     * @return boolean
+     */
+    public function containsData()
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->Data["Series"])) { 
+            return false;             
+        }
+        $Result = false;
+        foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($this->Data["Abscissa"] != $Key 
+                && $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["isDrawable"] == true
+            ) { 
+                $Result = true;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        return $Result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the display mode of an Axis
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Mode
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setAxisDisplay($AxisID,$Mode=AXIS_FORMAT_DEFAULT,$Format=null)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) {
+            $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = $Mode;
+            if ( $Format != null ) { 
+                $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = $Format;                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the position of an Axis
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Position
+     */
+    public function setAxisPosition($AxisID,$Position=AXIS_POSITION_LEFT)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) { $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = $Position; } }
+    /**
+     * Associate an unit to an axis
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Unit
+     */
+    public function setAxisUnit($AxisID,$Unit)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) { $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = $Unit; } }
+    /**
+     * Associate a name to an axis 
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Name
+     */
+    public function setAxisName($AxisID,$Name)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) { $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Name"] = $Name; } }
+    /**
+     * Associate a color to an axis
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setAxisColor($AxisID,$Format)
+    {
+        $R	    = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	    = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	    = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha      = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) {
+            $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Color"]["R"] = $R;
+            $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Color"]["G"] = $G;
+            $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Color"]["B"] = $B;
+            $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Color"]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Design an axis as X or Y member
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @param type $Identity
+     */
+    public function setAxisXY($AxisID,$Identity=AXIS_Y)
+    { if ( isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) { $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] = $Identity; } }
+    /**
+     * Associate one data serie with one axis
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     */
+    public function setSerieOnAxis($Series,$AxisID)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) {
+            $PreviousAxis = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Axis"];
+            /* Create missing axis */
+            if ( !isset($this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID] ) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT; 
+                $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] = AXIS_Y;                
+            }
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Axis"] = $AxisID;
+            /* Cleanup unused axis */
+            $Found = false;
+            foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Values) { 
+                if ( $Values["Axis"] == $PreviousAxis ) { 
+                    $Found = true;                     
+                }                 
+            }
+            if (!$Found) { 
+                unset($this->Data["Axis"][$PreviousAxis]);                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Define if a serie should be draw with ticks
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Width
+     */
+    public function setSerieTicks($Series,$Width=0)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Ticks"] = $Width;                 
+            }             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Define if a serie should be draw with a special weight
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Weight
+     */
+    public function setSerieWeight($Series,$Weight=0)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) { 
+            if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Weight"] = $Weight;                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the palette of the given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     * @return null
+     */
+    public function getSeriePalette($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( !isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) { 
+            return null;             
+        }
+        $Result = "";
+        $Result["R"] = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["R"];
+        $Result["G"] = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["G"];
+        $Result["B"] = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["B"];
+        $Result["Alpha"] = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["Alpha"];
+        return $Result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the color of one serie
+     * @param type $Series
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setPalette($Series,$Format=null)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $Serie) {
+            $R	    = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+            $G	    = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+            $B	    = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+            $Alpha  = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+            if ( isset($this->Data["Series"][$Serie]) ) {
+                $OldR = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $OldG = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $OldB = $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["B"];
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["R"] = $R;
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["G"] = $G;
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["B"] = $B;
+                $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+                /* Do reverse processing on the internal palette array */
+                foreach ($this->Palette as $Key => $Value) { 
+                   if ($Value["R"] == $OldR && $Value["G"] == $OldG && $Value["B"] == $OldB) { 
+                        $this->Palette[$Key]["R"] = $R; 
+                        $this->Palette[$Key]["G"] = $G; 
+                        $this->Palette[$Key]["B"] = $B; 
+                        $this->Palette[$Key]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+                   } 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Load a palette file 
+     * @param type $FileName
+     * @param type $Overwrite
+     * @return type
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function loadPalette($FileName,$Overwrite=false)
+    {
+        if (file_exists($FileName)) {
+            $fileHandle = @fopen($FileName, "r");
+        } else {
+            $fileHandle = @fopen(__DIR__.'/../Resources/palettes/'.$FileName, "r");     
+        }
+        if (!($fileHandle) ) { 
+            throw new \Exception('The requested palette '.$FileName.' was not found!');
+        }
+        if ( $Overwrite ) { 
+            $this->Palette = "";             
+        }
+        if (!$fileHandle) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        while (!feof($fileHandle)) {
+            $buffer = fgets($fileHandle, 4096);
+            if ( preg_match("/,/",$buffer) ) {
+                list($R,$G,$B,$Alpha) = preg_split("/,/",$buffer);
+                if ( $this->Palette == "" ) { $ID = 0; } else { $ID = count($this->Palette); }
+                $this->Palette[$ID] = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+            }
+        }
+        fclose($fileHandle);
+        /* Apply changes to current series */
+        $ID = 0;
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"])) {
+            foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $Key => $Value) {
+                if ( !isset($this->Palette[$ID]) ) {
+                    $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Color"] = array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>0);
+                } else {
+                    $this->Data["Series"][$Key]["Color"] = $this->Palette[$ID];
+                }
+                $ID++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialise a given scatter serie
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @return int
+     */
+    public function initScatterSerie($ID)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]) ) { 
+            return 0;             
+        }
+        $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Description"] = "Scatter ".$ID;
+        $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["isDrawable"]	 = true;
+        $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Picture"]	 = null;
+        $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Ticks"]	 = 0;
+        $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Weight"]	 = 0;
+        if ( isset($this->Palette[$ID]) ) {
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"] = $this->Palette[$ID];
+        } else {
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["R"]     = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["G"]     = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["B"]     = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["ScatterSeries"][$ID]["Color"]["Alpha"] = 100;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialise a given serie
+     * @param type $Serie
+     */
+    public function initialise($Serie)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data["Series"]) ) { 
+            $ID = count($this->Data["Series"]);             
+        } else { 
+            $ID = 0;             
+        }
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Description"]	= $Serie;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["isDrawable"]	= true;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Picture"]	= null;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Max"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Min"]		= null;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Axis"]		= 0;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Ticks"]		= 0;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Weight"]		= 0;
+        $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Shape"]		= SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDCIRCLE;
+        if ( isset($this->Palette[$ID]) ) {
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"] = $this->Palette[$ID];
+        } else {
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["R"] = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["G"] = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["B"] = rand(0,255);
+            $this->Data["Series"][$Serie]["Color"]["Alpha"] = 100;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $NormalizationFactor
+     * @param type $UnitChange
+     * @param type $Round
+     */
+    public function normalize($NormalizationFactor=100,$UnitChange=null,$Round=1)
+    {
+        $Abscissa = $this->Data["Abscissa"];
+        $SelectedSeries = "";
+        $MaxVal         = 0;
+        foreach($this->Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Axis) {
+            if ( $UnitChange != null ) { 
+                $this->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = $UnitChange;                 
+            }
+            foreach($this->Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+                if ($Serie["Axis"] == $AxisID 
+                    && $Serie["isDrawable"] == true 
+                    && $SerieName != $Abscissa
+                ) {
+                    $SelectedSeries[$SerieName] = $SerieName;
+                    if ( count($Serie["Data"] ) > $MaxVal ) { 
+                        $MaxVal = count($Serie["Data"]);                         
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for($i=0;$i<=$MaxVal-1;$i++) {
+            $Factor = 0;
+            foreach ($SelectedSeries as $Key => $SerieName ) {
+                $Value = $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$i];
+                if ( $Value != VOID ) {
+                 $Factor = $Factor + abs($Value);
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $Factor != 0 ) {
+                $Factor = $NormalizationFactor / $Factor;
+                foreach ($SelectedSeries as $Key => $SerieName ) {
+                    $Value = $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$i];
+                    if ( $Value != VOID && $Factor != $NormalizationFactor ) {
+                        $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$i] = round(abs($Value)*$Factor,$Round);
+                    } elseif ( $Value == VOID || $Value == 0 ) {
+                        $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$i] = VOID;
+                    } elseif ( $Factor == $NormalizationFactor ) {
+                        $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$i] = $NormalizationFactor;
+                    }
+                }
+           }
+        }
+        foreach ($SelectedSeries as $Key => $SerieName ) {
+            $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Max"] = max($this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]));
+            $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Min"] = min($this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Load data from a CSV (or similar) data source
+     * @param type $FileName
+     * @param type $Options
+     */
+    public function importFromCSV($FileName,$Options="")
+    {
+        $Delimiter          = isset($Options["Delimiter"]) ? $Options["Delimiter"] : ",";
+        $GotHeader          = isset($Options["GotHeader"]) ? $Options["GotHeader"] : false;
+        $SkipColumns        = isset($Options["SkipColumns"]) ? $Options["SkipColumns"] : array(-1);
+        $DefaultSerieName   = isset($Options["DefaultSerieName"]) ? $Options["DefaultSerieName"] : "Serie";
+        $Handle = @fopen($FileName,"r");
+        if ($Handle) {
+            $HeaderParsed = false; 
+            $SerieNames = "";
+            while (!feof($Handle)) {
+                $Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096);
+                $Buffer = str_replace(chr(10),"",$Buffer);
+                $Buffer = str_replace(chr(13),"",$Buffer);
+                $Values = preg_split("/".$Delimiter."/",$Buffer);
+                if ( $Buffer != "" ) {
+                    if ( $GotHeader && !$HeaderParsed ) {
+                        foreach($Values as $Key => $Name) { if ( !in_array($Key,$SkipColumns) ) { $SerieNames[$Key] = $Name; } }
+                        $HeaderParsed = true;
+                    } else {
+                        if ($SerieNames == "" ) { 
+                            foreach ($Values as $Key => $Name) {  
+                                if ( !in_array($Key,$SkipColumns) ) { 
+                                    $SerieNames[$Key] = $DefaultSerieName.$Key;                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {  
+                            if ( !in_array($Key,$SkipColumns) ) { 
+                                $this->addPoints($Value,$SerieNames[$Key]);                                 
+                            }                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            fclose($Handle);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a dataset based on a formula
+     * @param type $SerieName
+     * @param type $Formula
+     * @param type $Options
+     * @return int
+     */
+    public function createFunctionSerie($SerieName,$Formula="",$Options="")
+    {
+        $MinX               = isset($Options["MinX"]) ? $Options["MinX"] : -10;
+        $MaxX               = isset($Options["MaxX"]) ? $Options["MaxX"] : 10;
+        $XStep              = isset($Options["XStep"]) ? $Options["XStep"] : 1;
+        $AutoDescription    = isset($Options["AutoDescription"]) ? $Options["AutoDescription"] : false;
+        $RecordAbscissa     = isset($Options["RecordAbscissa"]) ? $Options["RecordAbscissa"] : false;
+        $AbscissaSerie      = isset($Options["AbscissaSerie"]) ? $Options["AbscissaSerie"] : "Abscissa";
+        if ( $Formula == "" ) { 
+            return 0;             
+        }
+        $Result = ""; $Abscissa = "";
+        for($i=$MinX; $i<=$MaxX; $i=$i+$XStep) {
+            $Expression = "\$return = '!'.(".str_replace("z",$i,$Formula).");";
+            if ( @eval($Expression) === false ) { $return = VOID; }
+            if ( $return == "!" ) { $return = VOID; } else { $return = $this->right($return,strlen($return)-1); }
+            if ( $return == "NAN" ) { $return = VOID; }
+            if ( $return == "INF" ) { $return = VOID; }
+            if ( $return == "-INF" ) { $return = VOID; }
+            $Abscissa[] = $i;
+            $Result[]   = $return;
+        }
+        $this->addPoints($Result,$SerieName);
+        if ( $AutoDescription ) { $this->setSerieDescription($SerieName,$Formula); }
+        if ( $RecordAbscissa ) { $this->addPoints($Abscissa,$AbscissaSerie); }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param array $Series
+     */
+    public function negateValues($Series)
+    {
+        if ( !is_array($Series) ) { 
+            $Series = $this->convertToArray($Series);             
+        }
+        foreach($Series as $Key => $SerieName) {
+            if (isset($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName])) {
+                $Data = "";
+                foreach($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Data[] = VOID;                     
+                    } else { 
+                        $Data[] = -$Value;                     
+                    }                     
+                }
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] = $Data;
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Max"] = max($this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]));
+                $this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Min"] = min($this->stripVOID($this->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"]));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the data & configuration of the series
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getData()
+    { 
+        return($this->Data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save a palette element
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $Color
+     */
+    public function savePalette($ID,$Color)
+    { 
+        $this->Palette[$ID] = $Color;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the palette of the series
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getPalette()
+    {
+        return($this->Palette);     
+    }
+    /**
+     * Called by the scaling algorithm to save the config
+     * @param type $Axis
+     */
+    public function saveAxisConfig($Axis)
+    { 
+        $this->Data["Axis"]=$Axis;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save the Y Margin if set
+     * @param type $Value
+     */
+    public function saveYMargin($Value)
+    { 
+        $this->Data["YMargin"]=$Value;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save extended configuration to the pData object
+     * @param type $Tag
+     * @param type $Values
+     */
+    public function saveExtendedData($Tag,$Values)
+    {
+        $this->Data["Extended"][$Tag]=$Values;         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Called by the scaling algorithm to save the orientation of the scale
+     * @param type $Orientation
+     */
+    public function saveOrientation($Orientation) 
+    { 
+        $this->Data["Orientation"]=$Orientation;         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert a string to a single elements array
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function convertToArray($Value)
+    {
+        $Values = ""; 
+        $Values[] = $Value; 
+        return($Values);         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Class string wrapper
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function __toString()
+    { 
+        return("pData object.");         
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function left($value,$NbChar)
+    { 
+        return substr($value,0,$NbChar);         
+    }  
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function right($value,$NbChar)	
+    {
+        return substr($value,strlen($value)-$NbChar,$NbChar);
+    }  
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $value
+     * @param type $Depart
+     * @param type $NbChar
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function mid($value,$Depart,$NbChar)	
+    {
+        return substr($value,$Depart-1,$NbChar);         
+    }  

+ 10715 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10715 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pDraw - class extension with drawing methods
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pDraw
+    private $fontPath;
+    /**
+     * Set the path to the folder containing library resources (fonts, data, 
+     * palletes). Must not end with '/'. If not specified, it defaults to
+     * __DIR_.'/../Resources/'.
+     * @param string $fontPath
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function setFontPath($fontPath = null)
+    {
+        if ($fontPath === null) {
+            $this->fontPath = __DIR__.'/../Resources';
+            return;
+        } elseif (file_exists($fontPath)) {
+            $this->fontPath = $fontPath;
+            return;
+        }
+        throw new \Exception('The specified resources folder is not defined!');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Check if requested resource exists and return the path to it if yes.
+     * @param type $name
+     * @param type $type
+     * @return type
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    protected function loadFont($name, $type)
+    {
+        if (empty($this->fontPath)) {
+            $this->setFontPath();
+        } 
+        if (file_exists($name)) {
+            return $name;
+        } elseif (file_exists($this->fontPath.'/'.$type.'/'.$name)) {
+            return $this->fontPath.'/'.$type.'/'.$name;
+        }
+        throw new \Exception(
+            'The requested resource '.$name.'('.$type.') has not been found!'
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of drawable series
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function countDrawableSeries()
+    {
+        $Results = 0;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie)
+        { if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] ) { $Results++; } }
+        return($Results);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fix box coordinates
+     * @param type $Xa
+     * @param type $Ya
+     * @param type $Xb
+     * @param type $Yb
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function fixBoxCoordinates($Xa,$Ya,$Xb,$Yb)
+    {
+        $X1 = min($Xa,$Xb); $Y1 = min($Ya,$Yb);
+        $X2 = max($Xa,$Xb); $Y2 = max($Ya,$Yb);
+        return(array($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2));
+    }
+   /**
+    * Draw a polygon
+    * @param type $Points
+    * @param type $Format
+    */
+    public function drawPolygon($Points,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $NoFill		= isset($Format["NoFill"]) ? $Format["NoFill"] : false;
+        $NoBorder	= isset($Format["NoBorder"]) ? $Format["NoBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BorderAlpha 	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : $Alpha / 2;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $SkipX		= isset($Format["SkipX"]) ? $Format["SkipX"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+        $SkipY		= isset($Format["SkipY"]) ? $Format["SkipY"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+        /* Calling the ImageFilledPolygon() public function over the $Points array will round it */ 	
+        $Backup = $Points;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;            
+        }
+        if ( $SkipX != OUT_OF_SIGHT ) { 
+            $SkipX = floor($SkipX);             
+        }
+        if ( $SkipY != OUT_OF_SIGHT ) { 
+            $SkipY = floor($SkipY);            
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( !$NoFill ) {
+            if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+                $this->Shadow = false;
+                for ($i=0;$i<=count($Points)-1;$i=$i+2) { 
+                    $Shadow[] = $Points[$i] + $this->ShadowX; 
+                    $Shadow[] = $Points[$i+1] + $this->ShadowY;
+                }
+                $this->drawPolygon(
+                    $Shadow,
+                    array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa,"NoBorder"=>true)
+                );
+            }
+            $FillColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+            if ( count($Points) >= 6 ) { 
+                ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture,$Points,count($Points)/2,$FillColor);                 
+            }
+        }
+        if ( !$NoBorder ) {
+            $Points = $Backup;
+            if ( $NoFill ) {
+                $BorderSettings = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+            } else {
+                $BorderSettings = array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha);
+            }
+            for($i=0;$i<=count($Points)-1;$i=$i+2) {
+                if ( isset($Points[$i+2]) ) {
+                  if ( !($Points[$i] == $Points[$i+2] && $Points[$i] == $SkipX ) && !($Points[$i+1] == $Points[$i+3] && $Points[$i+1] == $SkipY ) )
+                   $this->drawLine($Points[$i],$Points[$i+1],$Points[$i+2],$Points[$i+3],$BorderSettings);
+                } else {
+                    if (!($Points[$i] == $Points[0] && $Points[$i] == $SkipX ) 
+                        && !($Points[$i+1] == $Points[1] && $Points[$i+1] == $SkipY ) 
+                    ) {
+                        $this->drawLine($Points[$i],$Points[$i+1],$Points[0],$Points[1],$BorderSettings);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /* Apply AALias correction to the rounded box boundaries */
+    public function offsetCorrection($Value,$Mode)
+    {
+     $Value = round($Value,1);
+        if ( $Value == 0 && $Mode == 1 ) { 
+            return(.9);
+        }
+        if ( $Value == 0 ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == 1) { 
+            if ( $Value == 1 ) { return(.9); }; if ( $Value == .1 ) { return(.9); }; if ( $Value == .2 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .3 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .4 ) { return(.7); }; if ( $Value == .5 ) { return(.5); }; if ( $Value == .6 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .7 ) { return(.7); }; if ( $Value == .8 ) { return(.6); }; if ( $Value == .9 ) { return(.9); }; }
+        if ( $Mode == 2) 
+         { if ( $Value == 1 ) { return(.9); }; if ( $Value == .1 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .2 ) { return(.2); }; if ( $Value == .3 ) { return(.3); }; if ( $Value == .4 ) { return(.4); }; if ( $Value == .5 ) { return(.5); }; if ( $Value == .6 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .7 ) { return(.7); }; if ( $Value == .8 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .9 ) { return(.9); }; }
+        if ( $Mode == 3) 
+         { if ( $Value == 1 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .1 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .2 ) { return(.2); }; if ( $Value == .3 ) { return(.3); }; if ( $Value == .4 ) { return(.4); }; if ( $Value == .5 ) { return(.9); }; if ( $Value == .6 ) { return(.6); }; if ( $Value == .7 ) { return(.7); }; if ( $Value == .8 ) { return(.4); }; if ( $Value == .9 ) { return(.5); }; }
+        if ( $Mode == 4) 
+         { if ( $Value == 1 ) { return(-1); }; if ( $Value == .1 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .2 ) { return(.2); }; if ( $Value == .3 ) { return(.3); }; if ( $Value == .4 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .5 ) { return(-.1); }; if ( $Value == .6 ) { return(.8); }; if ( $Value == .7 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .8 ) { return(.1); }; if ( $Value == .9 ) { return(.1); }; }
+    }
+    /* Draw a rectangle with rounded corners */
+    public function drawRoundedRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Radius,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	    = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	    = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	    = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha      = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        list($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+        if ( $X2 - $X1 < $Radius ) { $Radius = floor((($X2-$X1))/2); }
+        if ( $Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius ) { $Radius = floor((($Y2-$Y1))/2); }
+        $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"NoBorder"=>true);
+        if ( $Radius <= 0 ) { $this->drawRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color); return(0); }
+        if ( $this->Antialias ) {
+            $this->drawLine($X1+$Radius,$Y1,$X2-$Radius,$Y1,$Color);
+            $this->drawLine($X2,$Y1+$Radius,$X2,$Y2-$Radius,$Color);
+            $this->drawLine($X2-$Radius,$Y2,$X1+$Radius,$Y2,$Color);
+            $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1+$Radius,$X1,$Y2-$Radius,$Color);
+        } else {
+            $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X1+$Radius,$Y1,$X2-$Radius,$Y1,$Color);
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X2,$Y1+$Radius,$X2,$Y2-$Radius,$Color);
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X2-$Radius,$Y2,$X1+$Radius,$Y2,$Color);
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X1,$Y1+$Radius,$X1,$Y2-$Radius,$Color);
+        }
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+        for($i=0;$i<=90;$i=$i+$Step) {
+            $X = cos(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Y = sin(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y1 + $Radius;
+            $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $X = cos(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Y = sin(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y2 - $Radius;
+            $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $X = cos($i*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Y = sin($i*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y2 - $Radius;
+            $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $X = cos(($i+270)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Y = sin(($i+270)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y1 + $Radius;
+            $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        }
+    }
+    /* Draw a rectangle with rounded corners */
+    public function drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Radius,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        /* Temporary fix for AA issue */
+        $Y1 = floor($Y1); $Y2 = floor($Y2); $X1 = floor($X1); $X2 = floor($X2);
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding; }
+        if ( $BorderR == -1 ) { $BorderR = $R; $BorderG = $G; $BorderB = $B; }
+        list($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+        if ( $X2 - $X1 < $Radius*2 ) { $Radius = floor((($X2-$X1))/4); }
+        if ( $Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius*2 ) { $Radius = floor((($Y2-$Y1))/4); }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                $X1+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y1+$this->ShadowY,
+                $X2+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y2+$this->ShadowY,
+                $Radius,
+                array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa)
+            );
+        }
+        $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"NoBorder"=>true);
+        if ( $Radius <= 0 ) { 
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color); 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        $YTop    = $Y1+$Radius;
+        $YBottom = $Y2-$Radius;
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+        $Positions = ""; 
+        $Radius--; 
+        $MinY = ""; 
+        $MaxY = "";
+        for ($i=0;$i<=90;$i=$i+$Step) {
+            $Xp1 = cos(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Xp2 = cos(((90-$i)+270)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Yp  = floor(sin(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $YTop);
+            if ( $MinY == "" || $Yp > $MinY ) { 
+                $MinY = $Yp;                 
+            }
+            if ( $Xp1 <= floor($X1) )  { 
+                $Xp1++;                 
+            }
+            if ( $Xp2 >= floor($X2) )  { 
+                $Xp2--;                 
+            }
+            $Xp1++;
+            if ( !isset($Positions[$Yp]) ) { 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X1"] = $Xp1;
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X2"] = $Xp2;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X1"] = ($Positions[$Yp]["X1"]+$Xp1)/2; 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X2"] = ($Positions[$Yp]["X2"]+$Xp2)/2;                 
+            }
+            $Xp1 = cos(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Xp2 = cos((90-$i)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Yp  = floor(sin(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $YBottom);
+            if ( $MaxY == "" || $Yp < $MaxY ) { 
+                $MaxY = $Yp;                 
+            }
+            if ( $Xp1 <= floor($X1) ) { 
+                $Xp1++;
+            }
+            if ( $Xp2 >= floor($X2) ) { 
+                $Xp2--;                 
+            }
+            $Xp1++;
+            if ( !isset($Positions[$Yp]) ) { 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X1"] = $Xp1; 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X2"] = $Xp2;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X1"] = ($Positions[$Yp]["X1"]+$Xp1)/2; 
+                $Positions[$Yp]["X2"] = ($Positions[$Yp]["X2"]+$Xp2)/2;                 
+            }
+        }
+        $ManualColor  = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        foreach($Positions as $Yp => $Bounds) {
+            $X1 = $Bounds["X1"]; 
+            $X1Dec = $this->getFirstDecimal($X1); 
+            if ( $X1Dec != 0 ) { $X1 = floor($X1)+1; }
+            $X2 = $Bounds["X2"]; 
+            $X2Dec = $this->getFirstDecimal($X2); 
+            if ( $X2Dec != 0 ) { $X2 = floor($X2)-1; }
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X1,$Yp,$X2,$Yp,$ManualColor);
+        }
+        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$MinY+1,floor($X2),$MaxY-1,$Color);
+        $Radius++;
+        $this->drawRoundedRectangle(
+            $X1,
+            $Y1,
+            $X2+1,
+            $Y2-1,
+            $Radius,
+            array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+        );
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Radius
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawRoundedFilledRectangle_deprecated($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Radius,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R			= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G			= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B			= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $BorderR		= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG		= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB		= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;             
+        }
+        if ( $BorderR == -1 ) { $BorderR = $R; $BorderG = $G; $BorderB = $B; }
+        list($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+        if ( $X2 - $X1 < $Radius ) { $Radius = floor((($X2-$X1)+2)/2); }
+        if ( $Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius ) { $Radius = floor((($Y2-$Y1)+2)/2); }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                $X1+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y1+$this->ShadowY,
+                $X2+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y2+$this->ShadowY,
+                $Radius,
+                array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa)
+            );
+        }
+        if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($X2) >= 5 )  { $XOffset2 = 1; } else { $XOffset2 = 0; }
+        if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($X1) <= 5 )  { $XOffset1 = 1; } else { $XOffset1 = 0; }
+        if ( !$this->Antialias ) { $XOffset1 = 1; $XOffset2 = 1; }
+        $YTop    = floor($Y1+$Radius);
+        $YBottom = floor($Y2-$Radius);
+        $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+            $X1-$XOffset1,
+            $YTop,
+            $X2+$XOffset2,
+            $YBottom,
+            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"NoBorder"=>true)
+        );
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+        $Color  = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        $Color2 = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,255,0,0,$Alpha);
+        $Drawn = "";
+        if ( $Alpha < 100 )  { $Drawn[$YTop] = false; }
+        if ( $Alpha < 100 )  { $Drawn[$YBottom] = true; }
+        for($i=0;$i<=90;$i=$i+$Step) {
+            $Xp1 = cos(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Xp2 = cos(((90-$i)+270)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Yp  = sin(($i+180)*PI/180) * $Radius + $YTop;
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Xp1) > 5 )  { $XOffset1 = 1; } else { $XOffset1 = 0; }
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Xp2) > 5 )  { $XOffset2 = 1; } else { $XOffset2 = 0; }
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Yp) > 5 )  { $YOffset = 1; } else { $YOffset = 0; }
+            if ( !isset($Drawn[$Yp+$YOffset]) || $Alpha == 100 ) {
+                imageline($this->Picture,$Xp1+$XOffset1,$Yp+$YOffset,$Xp2+$XOffset2,$Yp+$YOffset,$Color);
+            }
+            $Drawn[$Yp+$YOffset] = $Xp2;
+            $Xp1 = cos(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
+            $Xp2 = cos((90-$i)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
+            $Yp  = sin(($i+90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $YBottom;
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Xp1) > 7 )  { $XOffset1 = 1; } else { $XOffset1 = 0; }
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Xp2) > 7 )  { $XOffset2 = 1; } else { $XOffset2 = 0; }
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Yp) > 5 )  { $YOffset = 1; } else { $YOffset = 0; }
+            if ( !isset($Drawn[$Yp+$YOffset]) || $Alpha == 100 ) {
+                imageline($this->Picture,$Xp1+$XOffset1,$Yp+$YOffset,$Xp2+$XOffset2,$Yp+$YOffset,$Color);
+            }
+            $Drawn[$Yp+$YOffset] = $Xp2;
+        }
+        $this->drawRoundedRectangle(
+            $X1,
+            $Y1,
+            $X2,
+            $Y2,
+            $Radius,
+            array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+        );
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a rectangle
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $NoAngle = isset($Format["NoAngle"]) ? $Format["NoAngle"] : false;
+        if ($X1 > $X2) { list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1); }
+        if ($Y1 > $Y2) { list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1); }
+        if ( $this->Antialias ) {
+            if ( $NoAngle ) {
+                $this->drawLine($X1+1,$Y1,$X2-1,$Y1,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X2,$Y1+1,$X2,$Y2-1,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X2-1,$Y2,$X1+1,$Y2,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1+1,$X1,$Y2-1,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+             } else {
+                $this->drawLine($X1+1,$Y1,$X2-1,$Y1,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X2,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X2-1,$Y2,$X1+1,$Y2,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+                $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X1,$Y2,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+             }
+        } else {
+            $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+            imagerectangle($this->Picture,$X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a filled rectangle
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Ticks		= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $NoAngle	= isset($Format["NoAngle"]) ? $Format["NoAngle"] : null;
+        $Dash		= isset($Format["Dash"]) ? $Format["Dash"] : false;
+        $DashStep	= isset($Format["DashStep"]) ? $Format["DashStep"] : 4;
+        $DashR		= isset($Format["DashR"]) ? $Format["DashR"] : 0;
+        $DashG		= isset($Format["DashG"]) ? $Format["DashG"] : 0;
+        $DashB		= isset($Format["DashB"]) ? $Format["DashB"] : 0;
+        $NoBorder	= isset($Format["NoBorder"]) ? $Format["NoBorder"] : false;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;             
+        }
+        if ($X1 > $X2) { list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1); }
+        if ($Y1 > $Y2) { list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1); }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $X1+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y1+$this->ShadowY,
+                $X2+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y2+$this->ShadowY,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$this->ShadowR,
+                    "G"=>$this->ShadowG,
+                    "B"=>$this->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa,
+                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                    "NoAngle"=>$NoAngle
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        if ( $NoAngle ) {
+            imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture,ceil($X1)+1,ceil($Y1),floor($X2)-1,floor($Y2),$Color);
+            imageline($this->Picture,ceil($X1),ceil($Y1)+1,ceil($X1),floor($Y2)-1,$Color);
+            imageline($this->Picture,floor($X2),ceil($Y1)+1,floor($X2),floor($Y2)-1,$Color);
+        } else {
+            imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture,ceil($X1),ceil($Y1),floor($X2),floor($Y2),$Color);
+        }
+        if ( $Dash ) {
+            if ( $BorderR != -1 ) { 
+                $iX1=$X1+1; 
+                $iY1=$Y1+1; 
+                $iX2=$X2-1; 
+                $iY2=$Y2-1;               
+            } else { 
+                $iX1=$X1; 
+                $iY1=$Y1; 
+                $iX2=$X2; 
+                $iY2=$Y2;               
+            }
+            $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$DashR,$DashG,$DashB,$Alpha);
+            $Y=$iY1-$DashStep;
+            for($X=$iX1; $X<=$iX2+($iY2-$iY1); $X=$X+$DashStep) {
+                $Y=$Y+$DashStep;
+                if ( $X > $iX2 ) { $Xa = $X-($X-$iX2); $Ya = $iY1+($X-$iX2); } else { $Xa = $X; $Ya = $iY1; }
+                if ( $Y > $iY2 ) { $Xb = $iX1+($Y-$iY2); $Yb = $Y-($Y-$iY2); } else { $Xb = $iX1; $Yb = $Y; }
+                imageline($this->Picture,$Xa,$Ya,$Xb,$Yb,$Color);
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $this->Antialias && !$NoBorder ) {
+            if ( $X1 < ceil($X1) ) {
+                $AlphaA = $Alpha * (ceil($X1) - $X1);
+                $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$AlphaA);
+                imageline($this->Picture,ceil($X1)-1,ceil($Y1),ceil($X1)-1,floor($Y2),$Color);
+            }
+            if ( $Y1 < ceil($Y1) ) {
+                $AlphaA = $Alpha * (ceil($Y1) - $Y1);
+                $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$AlphaA);
+                imageline($this->Picture,ceil($X1),ceil($Y1)-1,floor($X2),ceil($Y1)-1,$Color);
+            }
+            if ( $X2 > floor($X2) ) {
+                $AlphaA = $Alpha * (.5-($X2 - floor($X2)));
+                $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$AlphaA);
+                imageline($this->Picture,floor($X2)+1,ceil($Y1),floor($X2)+1,floor($Y2),$Color);
+            } 
+            if ( $Y2 > floor($Y2) ) {
+                $AlphaA = $Alpha * (.5-($Y2 - floor($Y2)));
+                $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$AlphaA);
+                imageline($this->Picture,ceil($X1),floor($Y2)+1,floor($X2),floor($Y2)+1,$Color);
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $BorderR != -1 ) {
+            $this->drawRectangle(
+                $X1,
+                $Y1,
+                $X2,
+                $Y2,
+                array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"NoAngle"=>$NoAngle)
+            );
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a rectangular marker of the specified size
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawRectangleMarker($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $Size = isset($Format["Size"]) ? $Format["Size"] : 4;
+        $HalfSize = floor($Size/2);
+        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X-$HalfSize,$Y-$HalfSize,$X+$HalfSize,$Y+$HalfSize,$Format);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Drawn a spline based on the bezier public function
+     * @param type $Coordinates
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawSpline($Coordinates,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Force	= isset($Format["Force"]) ? $Format["Force"] : 30;
+        $Forces	= isset($Format["Forces"]) ? $Format["Forces"] : null;
+        $ShowC	= isset($Format["ShowControl"]) ? $Format["ShowControl"] : false;
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $PathOnly = isset($Format["PathOnly"]) ? $Format["PathOnly"] : false;
+        $Weight	= isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $Cpt = null; $Mode = null; $Result = "";
+        for ($i=1;$i<=count($Coordinates)-1;$i++) {
+            $X1 = $Coordinates[$i-1][0]; $Y1 = $Coordinates[$i-1][1];
+            $X2 = $Coordinates[$i][0];   $Y2 = $Coordinates[$i][1];
+            if ( $Forces != null ) { $Force = $Forces[$i]; }
+            /* First segment */
+            if ( $i == 1 ) {
+                $Xv1 = $X1; 
+                $Yv1 = $Y1;             
+            } else {
+                $Angle1 = $this->getAngle($XLast,$YLast,$X1,$Y1);
+                $Angle2 = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+                $XOff = cos($Angle2 * PI / 180) * $Force + $X1;
+                $YOff = sin($Angle2 * PI / 180) * $Force + $Y1;
+                $Xv1 = cos($Angle1 * PI / 180) * $Force + $XOff;
+                $Yv1 = sin($Angle1 * PI / 180) * $Force + $YOff;
+            }
+            /* Last segment */
+            if ( $i == count($Coordinates)-1 ) { 
+                $Xv2 = $X2; 
+                $Yv2 = $Y2;             
+            } else {
+                $Angle1 = $this->getAngle($X2,$Y2,$Coordinates[$i+1][0],$Coordinates[$i+1][1]);
+                $Angle2 = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+                $XOff = cos(($Angle2+180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $X2;
+                $YOff = sin(($Angle2+180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $Y2;
+                $Xv2 = cos(($Angle1+180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $XOff;
+                $Yv2 = sin(($Angle1+180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $YOff;
+            }
+            $Path = $this->drawBezier($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Xv1,$Yv1,$Xv2,$Yv2,$Format);
+            if ($PathOnly) { 
+                $Result[] = $Path;                 
+            }
+            $XLast = $X1; $YLast = $Y1;
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+   /**
+    * Draw a bezier curve with two controls points
+    * @param type $X1
+    * @param type $Y1
+    * @param type $X2
+    * @param type $Y2
+    * @param type $Xv1
+    * @param type $Yv1
+    * @param type $Xv2
+    * @param type $Yv2
+    * @param type $Format
+    * @return type
+    */
+    public function drawBezier($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Xv1,$Yv1,$Xv2,$Yv2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $ShowC	= isset($Format["ShowControl"]) ? $Format["ShowControl"] : false;
+        $Segments = isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : null;
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $NoDraw    = isset($Format["NoDraw"]) ? $Format["NoDraw"] : false;
+        $PathOnly  = isset($Format["PathOnly"]) ? $Format["PathOnly"] : false;
+        $Weight    = isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $DrawArrow = isset($Format["DrawArrow"]) ? $Format["DrawArrow"] : false;
+        $ArrowSize = isset($Format["ArrowSize"]) ? $Format["ArrowSize"] : 10;
+        $ArrowRatio	= isset($Format["ArrowRatio"]) ? $Format["ArrowRatio"] : .5;
+        $ArrowTwoHeads	= isset($Format["ArrowTwoHeads"]) ? $Format["ArrowTwoHeads"] : false;
+        if ( $Segments == null ) {
+            $Length    = $this->getLength($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+            $Precision = ($Length*125)/1000;
+        } else {
+            $Precision = $Segments;
+        }
+        $P[0]["X"] = $X1;  
+        $P[0]["Y"] = $Y1;
+        $P[1]["X"] = $Xv1; 
+        $P[1]["Y"] = $Yv1;
+        $P[2]["X"] = $Xv2; 
+        $P[2]["Y"] = $Yv2;
+        $P[3]["X"] = $X2;  
+        $P[3]["Y"] = $Y2;
+        /* Compute the bezier points */
+        $Q = ""; $ID = 0; $Path = "";
+        for ($i=0;$i<=$Precision;$i=$i+1) {
+            $u = $i / $Precision;
+            $C    = "";
+            $C[0] = (1 - $u) * (1 - $u) * (1 - $u);
+            $C[1] = ($u * 3) * (1 - $u) * (1 - $u);
+            $C[2] = 3 * $u * $u * (1 - $u);
+            $C[3] = $u * $u * $u;
+            for($j=0;$j<=3;$j++) {
+                if ( !isset($Q[$ID]) ) { $Q[$ID] = ""; }
+                if ( !isset($Q[$ID]["X"]) ) { $Q[$ID]["X"] = 0; }
+                if ( !isset($Q[$ID]["Y"]) ) { $Q[$ID]["Y"] = 0; }
+                $Q[$ID]["X"] = $Q[$ID]["X"] + $P[$j]["X"] * $C[$j];
+                $Q[$ID]["Y"] = $Q[$ID]["Y"] + $P[$j]["Y"] * $C[$j];
+            }
+            $ID++;
+        }        
+        $Q[$ID]["X"] = $X2; $Q[$ID]["Y"] = $Y2;
+        if ( !$NoDraw ) {
+            /* Display the control points */
+            if ( $ShowC && !$PathOnly ) {
+                $Xv1 = floor($Xv1); $Yv1 = floor($Yv1); $Xv2 = floor($Xv2); $Yv2 = floor($Yv2);
+                $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>30));
+                $MyMarkerSettings = array("R"=>255,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"BorderR"=>255,"BorderB"=>255,"BorderG"=>255,"Size"=>4);
+                $this->drawRectangleMarker($Xv1,$Yv1,$MyMarkerSettings);
+                $this->drawText($Xv1+4,$Yv1,"v1");
+                $MyMarkerSettings = array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>255,"BorderR"=>255,"BorderB"=>255,"BorderG"=>255,"Size"=>4);
+                $this->drawRectangleMarker($Xv2,$Yv2,$MyMarkerSettings);
+                $this->drawText($Xv2+4,$Yv2,"v2");
+            }
+            /* Draw the bezier */
+            $LastX = null; 
+            $LastY = null;
+            $Cpt = null; 
+            $Mode = null; 
+            $ArrowS = null;
+            foreach ($Q as $Key => $Point) {
+                $X = $Point["X"]; 
+                $Y = $Point["Y"];
+                /* Get the first segment */
+                if ( $ArrowS == null && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                    $ArrowS["X2"] = $LastX; 
+                    $ArrowS["Y2"] = $LastY; 
+                    $ArrowS["X1"] = $X; 
+                    $ArrowS["Y1"] = $Y;                     
+                }
+                if ( $LastX != null && $LastY != null && !$PathOnly) {
+                    list($Cpt,$Mode) = $this->drawLine(
+                        $LastX,
+                        $LastY,
+                        $X,
+                        $Y,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Cpt"=>$Cpt,"Mode"=>$Mode,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                    );
+                }
+                /* Get the last segment */
+                $ArrowE["X1"] = $LastX; 
+                $ArrowE["Y1"] = $LastY; 
+                $ArrowE["X2"] = $X; 
+                $ArrowE["Y2"] = $Y;
+                $LastX = $X; 
+                $LastY = $Y;
+            }
+            if ( $DrawArrow && !$PathOnly ) {
+                $ArrowSettings = array("FillR"=>$R,"FillG"=>$G,"FillB"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Size"=>$ArrowSize,"Ratio"=>$ArrowRatio);
+                if ( $ArrowTwoHeads ) {
+                    $this->drawArrow($ArrowS["X1"],$ArrowS["Y1"],$ArrowS["X2"],$ArrowS["Y2"],$ArrowSettings);
+                }
+                $this->drawArrow($ArrowE["X1"],$ArrowE["Y1"],$ArrowE["X2"],$ArrowE["Y2"],$ArrowSettings);
+            }
+        }
+        return($Q);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a line between two points
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $Cpt	= isset($Format["Cpt"]) ? $Format["Cpt"] : 1;
+        $Mode	= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : 1;
+        $Weight	= isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $Threshold = isset($Format["Threshold"]) ? $Format["Threshold"] : null;
+        if ( $this->Antialias == false && $Ticks == null ) {
+            if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+                $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor(
+                    $this->Picture,
+                    $this->ShadowR,
+                    $this->ShadowG,
+                    $this->ShadowB,
+                    $this->Shadowa
+                );
+                imageline(
+                    $this->Picture,
+                    $X1+$this->ShadowX,
+                    $Y1+$this->ShadowY,
+                    $X2+$this->ShadowX,
+                    $Y2+$this->ShadowY,
+                    $ShadowColor
+                );
+            }
+            $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $Distance = sqrt(($X2-$X1)*($X2-$X1)+($Y2-$Y1)*($Y2-$Y1));  
+        if ( $Distance == 0 ) { return(-1); }
+        /* Derivative algorithm for overweighted lines, re-route to polygons primitives */
+        if ( $Weight != null ) {
+            $Angle        = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+            $PolySettings = array ("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"BorderAlpha"=>$Alpha);
+            if ( $Ticks == null ) {
+                $Points   = ""; 
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $X1; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $Y1;
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $X1; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Y1;
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $X2; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Y2;
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $X2; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $Y2;
+                $this->drawPolygon($Points,$PolySettings);
+            } else {
+                for($i=0;$i<=$Distance;$i=$i+$Ticks*2) {
+                    $Xa = (($X2-$X1)/$Distance) * $i + $X1; $Ya = (($Y2-$Y1)/$Distance) * $i + $Y1;
+                    $Xb = (($X2-$X1)/$Distance) * ($i+$Ticks) + $X1; $Yb = (($Y2-$Y1)/$Distance) * ($i+$Ticks) + $Y1;
+                    $Points   = ""; 
+                    $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $Xa; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $Ya;
+                    $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Xa; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Ya;
+                    $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Xb; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Weight + $Yb;
+                    $Points[] = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight + $Xb; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Weight 	+ $Yb;
+                    $this->drawPolygon($Points,$PolySettings);
+                }
+            }
+            return(1);
+        }
+        $XStep = ($X2-$X1) / $Distance;
+        $YStep = ($Y2-$Y1) / $Distance;
+        for($i=0;$i<=$Distance;$i++) {
+            $X = $i * $XStep + $X1;
+            $Y = $i * $YStep + $Y1;
+            $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+            if ( $Threshold != null ) {
+                foreach($Threshold as $Key => $Parameters) {
+                    if ( $Y <= $Parameters["MinX"] && $Y >= $Parameters["MaxX"]) {
+                      if ( isset($Parameters["R"]) ) { $RT = $Parameters["R"]; } else { $RT = 0; }
+                      if ( isset($Parameters["G"]) ) { $GT = $Parameters["G"]; } else { $GT = 0; }
+                      if ( isset($Parameters["B"]) ) { $BT = $Parameters["B"]; } else { $BT = 0; }
+                      if ( isset($Parameters["Alpha"]) ) { $AlphaT = $Parameters["Alpha"]; } else { $AlphaT = 0; }
+                      $Color = array("R"=>$RT,"G"=>$GT,"B"=>$BT,"Alpha"=>$AlphaT);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $Ticks != null ) {
+                if ( $Cpt % $Ticks == 0 ) { 
+                    $Cpt = 0; 
+                    if ( $Mode == 1 ) {
+                        $Mode = 0;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Mode = 1;                         
+                    }                         
+                }
+                if ( $Mode == 1 ) {
+                    $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color);
+                }
+                $Cpt++;
+            } else {
+                $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color);
+            }
+        }
+        return(array($Cpt,$Mode));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a circle 
+     * @param type $Xc
+     * @param type $Yc
+     * @param type $Height
+     * @param type $Width
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawCircle($Xc,$Yc,$Height,$Width,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R      = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G      = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B      = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Ticks = isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $Height	= abs($Height);
+        $Width	= abs($Width);
+        if ( $Height == 0 ) { $Height = 1; }
+        if ( $Width == 0 )  { $Width = 1; }
+        $Xc = floor($Xc); $Yc = floor($Yc);
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawCircle(
+                $Xc+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Yc+$this->ShadowY,
+                $Height,
+                $Width,
+                array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+          );
+        }
+        if ( $Width == 0 ) { $Width = $Height; }
+        if ( $R < 0 ) { $R = 0; } if ( $R > 255 ) { $R = 255; }
+        if ( $G < 0 ) { $G = 0; } if ( $G > 255 ) { $G = 255; }
+        if ( $B < 0 ) { $B = 0; } if ( $B > 255 ) { $B = 255; }
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * max($Width,$Height));
+        $Mode = 1;
+        $Cpt = 1;
+        for ($i=0;$i<=360;$i=$i+$Step) {
+            $X = cos($i*PI/180) * $Height + $Xc;
+            $Y = sin($i*PI/180) * $Width + $Yc;
+            if ( $Ticks != null ) {
+                if ( $Cpt % $Ticks == 0 ) { 
+                    $Cpt = 0; 
+                    if ( $Mode == 1 ) { $Mode = 0; } else { $Mode = 1; }                     
+                }
+                if ( $Mode == 1 ) {
+                    $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+                }
+                $Cpt++;
+            } else {
+                $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a filled circle
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Radius
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$Radius,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha;
+        $Ticks     	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $Surrounding 	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        if ( $Radius == 0 ) { $Radius = 1; }
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;             
+        }
+        $X = floor($X); $Y = floor($Y);
+        $Radius = abs($Radius);
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                $X+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y+$this->ShadowY,
+                $Radius,
+                array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+            );
+        }
+        $this->Mask  = "";
+        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        for ($i=0; $i<=$Radius*2; $i++) {
+            $Slice  = sqrt($Radius * $Radius - ($Radius - $i) * ($Radius - $i));
+            $XPos   = floor($Slice);
+            $YPos   = $Y + $i - $Radius;
+            $AAlias = $Slice - floor($Slice);
+            $this->Mask[$X-$XPos][$YPos] = true;
+            $this->Mask[$X+$XPos][$YPos] = true;
+            imageline($this->Picture,$X-$XPos,$YPos,$X+$XPos,$YPos,$Color);
+        }
+        if ( $this->Antialias ) {
+            $this->drawCircle($X,$Y,$Radius,$Radius,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+        }
+        $this->Mask = "";
+        if ( $BorderR != -1 ) {
+            $this->drawCircle($X,$Y,$Radius,$Radius,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+        }
+        $this->Shadow	= $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Write text
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Text
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawText($X,$Y,$Text,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : $this->FontColorR;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : $this->FontColorG;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : $this->FontColorB;
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $Align		= isset($Format["Align"]) ? $Format["Align"] : TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : $this->FontColorA;
+        $FontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) 
+                        ? $this->loadFont($Format["FontName"], 'fonts') 
+                        : $this->FontName;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $ShowOrigine	= isset($Format["ShowOrigine"]) ? $Format["ShowOrigine"] : false;
+        $TOffset	= isset($Format["TOffset"]) ? $Format["TOffset"] : 2;
+        $DrawBox	= isset($Format["DrawBox"]) ? $Format["DrawBox"] : false;
+        $DrawBoxBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBoxBorder"] : true;
+        $BorderOffset	= isset($Format["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format["BorderOffset"] : 6;
+        $BoxRounded	= isset($Format["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format["BoxRounded"] : false;
+        $RoundedRadius	= isset($Format["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundedRadius"] : 6;
+        $BoxR		= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 255;
+        $BoxG		= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 255;
+        $BoxB		= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 255;
+        $BoxAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 50;
+        $BoxSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
+        $BoxBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 0;
+        $BoxBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 0;
+        $BoxBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 0;
+        $BoxBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 50;
+        $NoShadow	= isset($Format["NoShadow"]) ? $Format["NoShadow"] : false;       
+        $Shadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $NoShadow ) { $this->Shadow = false; }
+        if ( $BoxSurrounding != "" ) { 
+            $BoxBorderR = $BoxR - $BoxSurrounding; 
+            $BoxBorderG = $BoxG - $BoxSurrounding; 
+            $BoxBorderB = $BoxB - $BoxSurrounding; 
+            $BoxBorderAlpha = $BoxAlpha;             
+        }
+        if ( $ShowOrigine ) {
+            $MyMarkerSettings = array(
+                "R"=>255,
+                "G"=>0,
+                "B"=>0,
+                "BorderR"=>255,
+                "BorderB"=>255,
+                "BorderG"=>255,
+                "Size"=>4
+            );
+            $this->drawRectangleMarker($X,$Y,$MyMarkerSettings);
+        }
+        $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,$Angle,$Text);
+        if ($DrawBox && ($Angle == 0 || $Angle == 90 || $Angle == 180 || $Angle == 270)) {
+            $T[0]["X"]=0;
+            $T[0]["Y"]=0;
+            $T[1]["X"]=0;
+            $T[1]["Y"]=0;
+            $T[2]["X"]=0;
+            $T[2]["Y"]=0;
+            $T[3]["X"]=0;
+            $T[3]["Y"]=0;
+            if ( $Angle == 0 ) { 
+                $T[0]["X"]=-$TOffset;
+                $T[0]["Y"]=$TOffset;
+                $T[1]["X"]=$TOffset;
+                $T[1]["Y"]=$TOffset;
+                $T[2]["X"]=$TOffset;
+                $T[2]["Y"]=-$TOffset;
+                $T[3]["X"]=-$TOffset;
+                $T[3]["Y"]=-$TOffset;                 
+            }
+            $X1 = min($TxtPos[0]["X"],$TxtPos[1]["X"],$TxtPos[2]["X"],$TxtPos[3]["X"]) - $BorderOffset + 3;
+            $Y1 = min($TxtPos[0]["Y"],$TxtPos[1]["Y"],$TxtPos[2]["Y"],$TxtPos[3]["Y"]) - $BorderOffset;
+            $X2 = max($TxtPos[0]["X"],$TxtPos[1]["X"],$TxtPos[2]["X"],$TxtPos[3]["X"]) + $BorderOffset + 3;
+            $Y2 = max($TxtPos[0]["Y"],$TxtPos[1]["Y"],$TxtPos[2]["Y"],$TxtPos[3]["Y"]) + $BorderOffset - 3;
+            $X1 = $X1 - $TxtPos[$Align]["X"] + $X + $T[0]["X"];
+            $Y1 = $Y1 - $TxtPos[$Align]["Y"] + $Y + $T[0]["Y"];
+            $X2 = $X2 - $TxtPos[$Align]["X"] + $X + $T[0]["X"];
+            $Y2 = $Y2 - $TxtPos[$Align]["Y"] + $Y + $T[0]["Y"];
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R"=>$BoxR,
+                "G"=>$BoxG,
+                "B"=>$BoxB,
+                "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+                "BorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+                "BorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+                "BorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+                "BorderAlpha"=>$BoxBorderAlpha
+            );
+            if ( $BoxRounded ) { 
+                $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$RoundedRadius,$Settings);                 
+            } else { 
+                $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Settings);              
+            }
+        }
+        $X = $X - $TxtPos[$Align]["X"] + $X;
+        $Y = $Y - $TxtPos[$Align]["Y"] + $Y;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $C_ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor(
+                $this->Picture,
+                $this->ShadowR,
+                $this->ShadowG,
+                $this->ShadowB,
+                $this->Shadowa
+            );
+            imagettftext(
+                $this->Picture,
+                $FontSize,
+                $Angle,
+                $X+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y+$this->ShadowY,
+                $C_ShadowColor,
+                $FontName,
+                $Text
+            );
+        }
+        $C_TextColor = $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        imagettftext($this->Picture,$FontSize,$Angle,$X,$Y,$C_TextColor,$FontName,$Text);
+        $this->Shadow = $Shadow;
+        return($TxtPos);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a gradient within a defined area
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Direction
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawGradientArea($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Direction,$Format="")
+    {
+        $StartR	= isset($Format["StartR"]) ? $Format["StartR"] : 90;
+        $StartG	= isset($Format["StartG"]) ? $Format["StartG"] : 90;
+        $StartB	= isset($Format["StartB"]) ? $Format["StartB"] : 90;
+        $EndR	= isset($Format["EndR"]) ? $Format["EndR"] : 0;
+        $EndG	= isset($Format["EndG"]) ? $Format["EndG"] : 0;
+        $EndB	= isset($Format["EndB"]) ? $Format["EndB"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Levels	= isset($Format["Levels"]) ? $Format["Levels"] : null;
+        $Shadow = $this->Shadow;
+        $this->Shadow = false;
+        if ( $StartR == $EndR && $StartG == $EndG && $StartB == $EndB ) {
+          $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,array("R"=>$StartR,"G"=>$StartG,"B"=>$StartB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+          return(0);
+        }
+        if ( $Levels != null ) { 
+            $EndR=$StartR+$Levels; $EndG=$StartG+$Levels; $EndB=$StartB+$Levels;             
+        }
+        if ($X1 > $X2) { list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1); }
+        if ($Y1 > $Y2) { list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1); }
+        if ( $Direction == DIRECTION_VERTICAL )   { $Width = abs($Y2-$Y1); }
+        if ( $Direction == DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ) { $Width = abs($X2-$X1); }
+        $Step     = max(abs($EndR-$StartR),abs($EndG-$StartG),abs($EndB-$StartB));
+        $StepSize = $Width/$Step;
+        $RStep    = ($EndR-$StartR)/$Step;
+        $GStep    = ($EndG-$StartG)/$Step;
+        $BStep    = ($EndB-$StartB)/$Step;
+        $R=$StartR;
+        $G=$StartG;
+        $B=$StartB;
+        switch($Direction) {
+            case DIRECTION_VERTICAL:
+                $StartY = $Y1; 
+                $EndY = floor($Y2)+1; 
+                $LastY2 = $StartY;
+                for ($i=0;$i<=$Step;$i++) {
+                    $Y2 = floor($StartY + ($i * $StepSize));
+                    if ($Y2 > $EndY) { $Y2 = $EndY; }
+                    if (($Y1 != $Y2 && $Y1 < $Y2) || $Y2 == $EndY) {
+                        $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                        $LastY2 = max($LastY2,$Y2);
+                        $Y1 = $Y2+1;
+                    }
+                    $R = $R + $RStep; 
+                    $G = $G + $GStep; 
+                    $B = $B + $BStep;
+                }
+                if ( $LastY2 < $EndY && isset($Color)) { 
+                    for ($i=$LastY2+1;$i<=$EndY;$i++) { 
+                        $this->drawLine($X1,$i,$X2,$i,$Color);                      
+                    }                  
+                }
+                break;
+                case DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL:
+                    $StartX = $X1; $EndX = $X2;
+                    for ($i=0;$i<=$Step;$i++) {
+                        $X2 = floor($StartX + ($i * $StepSize));
+                        if ($X2 > $EndX) { 
+                            $X2 = $EndX;                             
+                        }
+                        if (($X1 != $X2 && $X1 < $X2) || $X2 == $EndX) {
+                            $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+                            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                            $X1 = $X2+1;
+                        }
+                        $R = $R + $RStep; $G = $G + $GStep; $B = $B + $BStep; 
+                    }
+                    if ( $X2 < $EndX && isset($Color)) { 
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X2,$Y1,$EndX,$Y2,$Color);                         
+                    }
+                break;
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $Shadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an aliased pixel
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R     = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G     = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B     = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        if ( $X < 0 || $Y < 0 || $X >= $this->XSize || $Y >= $this->YSize )
+         return(-1);
+        if ( $R < 0 ) { $R = 0; } if ( $R > 255 ) { $R = 255; }
+        if ( $G < 0 ) { $G = 0; } if ( $G > 255 ) { $G = 255; }
+        if ( $B < 0 ) { $B = 0; } if ( $B > 255 ) { $B = 255; }
+        if ( !$this->Antialias ) {
+            if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+                $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor(
+                    $this->Picture,
+                    $this->ShadowR,
+                    $this->ShadowG,
+                    $this->ShadowB,
+                    $this->Shadowa
+                );
+                imagesetpixel($this->Picture,$X+$this->ShadowX,$Y+$this->ShadowY,$ShadowColor);
+            }
+            $PlotColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+            imagesetpixel($this->Picture,$X,$Y,$PlotColor);
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $Plot = "";
+        $Xi   = floor($X);
+        $Yi   = floor($Y);
+        if ( $Xi == $X && $Yi == $Y) {
+            if ( $Alpha == 100 ) {
+                $this->drawAlphaPixel($X,$Y,100,$R,$G,$B);
+            } else {
+                $this->drawAlphaPixel($X,$Y,$Alpha,$R,$G,$B);
+            }
+        } else {
+            $Alpha1 = (((1 - ($X - floor($X))) * (1 - ($Y - floor($Y))) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
+            if ( $Alpha1 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi,$Yi,$Alpha1,$R,$G,$B); }
+            $Alpha2 = ((($X - floor($X)) * (1 - ($Y - floor($Y))) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
+            if ( $Alpha2 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi+1,$Yi,$Alpha2,$R,$G,$B); }
+            $Alpha3 = (((1 - ($X - floor($X))) * ($Y - floor($Y)) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
+            if ( $Alpha3 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi,$Yi+1,$Alpha3,$R,$G,$B); }
+            $Alpha4 = ((($X - floor($X)) * ($Y - floor($Y)) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
+            if ( $Alpha4 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi+1,$Yi+1,$Alpha4,$R,$G,$B); }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a semi-transparent pixel
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Alpha
+     * @param type $R
+     * @param type $G
+     * @param type $B
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawAlphaPixel($X,$Y,$Alpha,$R,$G,$B)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Mask[$X])) { 
+            if ( isset($this->Mask[$X][$Y]) ) { 
+                return(0);                 
+            }             
+        }
+        if ( $X < 0 || $Y < 0 || $X >= $this->XSize || $Y >= $this->YSize ) {
+            return(-1);
+        }
+        if ( $R < 0 ) { $R = 0; } if ( $R > 255 ) { $R = 255; }
+        if ( $G < 0 ) { $G = 0; } if ( $G > 255 ) { $G = 255; }
+        if ( $B < 0 ) { $B = 0; } if ( $B > 255 ) { $B = 255; }
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $AlphaFactor = floor(($Alpha / 100) * $this->Shadowa);
+            $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor(
+                $this->Picture,
+                $this->ShadowR,
+                $this->ShadowG,
+                $this->ShadowB,
+                $AlphaFactor
+            );
+            imagesetpixel($this->Picture,$X+$this->ShadowX,$Y+$this->ShadowY,$ShadowColor);
+        }
+        $C_Aliased = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        imagesetpixel($this->Picture,$X,$Y,$C_Aliased);
+    }
+   /**
+    * Convert apha to base 10
+    * @param type $AlphaValue
+    * @return type
+    */
+    public function convertAlpha($AlphaValue)
+    { return((127/100)*(100-$AlphaValue)); }
+    /**
+     * Allocate a color with transparency
+     * @param type $Picture
+     * @param type $R
+     * @param type $G
+     * @param type $B
+     * @param type $Alpha
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function allocateColor($Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha=100)
+    {
+        if ( $R < 0 ) { $R = 0; } if ( $R > 255 ) { $R = 255; }
+        if ( $G < 0 ) { $G = 0; } if ( $G > 255 ) { $G = 255; }
+        if ( $B < 0 ) { $B = 0; } if ( $B > 255 ) { $B = 255; }
+        if ( $Alpha < 0 )  { $Alpha = 0; }
+        if ( $Alpha > 100) { $Alpha = 100; }
+        $Alpha = $this->convertAlpha($Alpha);
+        return(imagecolorallocatealpha($Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Load a PNG file and draw it over the chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $FileName
+     */
+    public function drawFromPNG($X,$Y,$FileName)
+    { $this->drawFromPicture(1,$FileName,$X,$Y); }
+    /**
+     * Load a GIF file and draw it over the chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $FileName
+     */
+    public function drawFromGIF($X,$Y,$FileName)
+    { $this->drawFromPicture(2,$FileName,$X,$Y); }
+    /**
+     * Load a JPEG file and draw it over the chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $FileName
+     */
+    public function drawFromJPG($X,$Y,$FileName)
+    { $this->drawFromPicture(3,$FileName,$X,$Y); }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $FileName
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getPicInfo($FileName)
+    {
+        $Infos  = getimagesize($FileName);
+        $Width  = $Infos[0];
+        $Height = $Infos[1];
+        $Type   = $Infos["mime"];
+        if ( $Type == "image/png") { $Type = 1; }
+        if ( $Type == "image/gif") { $Type = 2; }
+        if ( $Type == "image/jpeg ") { $Type = 3; }
+        return(array($Width,$Height,$Type));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Generic loader public function for external pictures
+     * @param type $PicType
+     * @param type $FileName
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawFromPicture($PicType,$FileName,$X,$Y)
+    {
+        if ( file_exists($FileName)) {
+            list($Width,$Height) = $this->getPicInfo($FileName);
+            if ( $PicType == 1 ) { 
+                $Raster = imagecreatefrompng($FileName);                 
+            } elseif ( $PicType == 2 ) { 
+                $Raster = imagecreatefromgif($FileName);
+            } elseif ( $PicType == 3 ) { 
+                $Raster = imagecreatefromjpeg($FileName);
+            } else { 
+                return(0);                         
+            }
+            $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+            if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+                $this->Shadow = false;
+                if ( $PicType == 3 ) {
+                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X+$this->ShadowX,
+                        $Y+$this->ShadowY,
+                        $X+$Width+$this->ShadowX,
+                        $Y+$Height+$this->ShadowY,
+                        array("R"=>$this->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa)
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $TranparentID = imagecolortransparent($Raster);
+                    for ($Xc=0;$Xc<=$Width-1;$Xc++) {
+                        for ($Yc=0;$Yc<=$Height-1;$Yc++) {
+                            $RGBa   = imagecolorat($Raster,$Xc,$Yc);
+                            $Values = imagecolorsforindex($Raster,$RGBa);
+                            if ( $Values["alpha"] < 120 ) {
+                                $AlphaFactor = floor(($this->Shadowa / 100) * ((100 / 127) * (127-$Values["alpha"])));
+                                $this->drawAlphaPixel(
+                                    $X+$Xc+$this->ShadowX,
+                                    $Y+$Yc+$this->ShadowY,
+                                    $AlphaFactor,
+                                    $this->ShadowR,
+                                    $this->ShadowG,
+                                    $this->ShadowB
+                                );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            imagecopy($this->Picture,$Raster,$X,$Y,0,0,$Width,$Height);
+            imagedestroy($Raster);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an arrow
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawArrow($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $FillR	= isset($Format["FillR"]) ? $Format["FillR"] : 0;
+        $FillG	= isset($Format["FillG"]) ? $Format["FillG"] : 0;
+        $FillB	= isset($Format["FillB"]) ? $Format["FillB"] : 0;
+        $BorderR = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $FillR;
+        $BorderG = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $FillG;
+        $BorderB = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $FillB;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Size	= isset($Format["Size"]) ? $Format["Size"] : 10;
+        $Ratio	= isset($Format["Ratio"]) ? $Format["Ratio"] : .5;
+        $TwoHeads = isset($Format["TwoHeads"]) ? $Format["TwoHeads"] : false;
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : false;
+        /* Calculate the line angle */
+        $Angle = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+        /* Override Shadow support, this will be managed internally */
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0 ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $this->drawArrow(
+                $X1+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y1+$this->ShadowY,
+                $X2+$this->ShadowX,
+                $Y2+$this->ShadowY,
+                array(
+                    "FillR"=>$this->ShadowR,
+                    "FillG"=>$this->ShadowG,
+                    "FillB"=>$this->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa,
+                    "Size"=>$Size,
+                    "Ratio"=>$Ratio,
+                    "TwoHeads"=>$TwoHeads,
+                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        /* Draw the 1st Head */
+        $TailX = cos(($Angle-180)*PI/180)*$Size+$X2;
+        $TailY = sin(($Angle-180)*PI/180)*$Size+$Y2;
+        $Points	= "";
+        $Points[]   = $X2; $Points[]  = $Y2;
+        $Points[]   = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailX; $Points[] = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailY;
+        $Points[]   = cos(($Angle-270)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailX; $Points[] = sin(($Angle-270)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailY;
+         $Points[]  = $X2; $Points[]  = $Y2;
+        /* Visual correction */
+        if ($Angle == 180 || $Angle == 360 ) { 
+            $Points[4] = $Points[2];             
+        }
+        if ($Angle == 90 || $Angle == 270 ) {
+            $Points[5] = $Points[3];             
+        }
+        $ArrowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$FillR,$FillG,$FillB,$Alpha);
+        ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture,$Points,4,$ArrowColor);
+        $this->drawLine($Points[0],$Points[1],$Points[2],$Points[3],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        $this->drawLine($Points[2],$Points[3],$Points[4],$Points[5],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        $this->drawLine($Points[0],$Points[1],$Points[4],$Points[5],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        /* Draw the second head */
+        if ( $TwoHeads ) {
+            $Angle = $this->getAngle($X2,$Y2,$X1,$Y1);
+            $TailX2 = cos(($Angle-180)*PI/180)*$Size+$X1;
+            $TailY2 = sin(($Angle-180)*PI/180)*$Size+$Y1;
+            $Points   = "";
+            $Points[] = $X1; $Points[]  = $Y1;
+            $Points[] = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailX2; $Points[] = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailY2;
+            $Points[] = cos(($Angle-270)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailX2; $Points[] = sin(($Angle-270)*PI/180)*$Size*$Ratio+$TailY2;
+            $Points[] = $X1; $Points[]  = $Y1;
+            /* Visual correction */
+            if ($Angle == 180 || $Angle == 360 ) { $Points[4] = $Points[2]; }
+            if ($Angle == 90 || $Angle == 270 ) { $Points[5] = $Points[3]; }
+            $ArrowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$FillR,$FillG,$FillB,$Alpha);
+            ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture,$Points,4,$ArrowColor);
+            $this->drawLine($Points[0],$Points[1],$Points[2],$Points[3],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $this->drawLine($Points[2],$Points[3],$Points[4],$Points[5],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $this->drawLine($Points[0],$Points[1],$Points[4],$Points[5],array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $this->drawLine($TailX,$TailY,$TailX2,$TailY2,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+        } else {
+            $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$TailX,$TailY,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+        }
+        /* Re-enable shadows */
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a label with associated arrow
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $Text
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawArrowLabel($X1,$Y1,$Text,$Format="")
+    {
+        $FillR    = isset($Format["FillR"]) ? $Format["FillR"] : 0;
+        $FillG    = isset($Format["FillG"]) ? $Format["FillG"] : 0;
+        $FillB    = isset($Format["FillB"]) ? $Format["FillB"] : 0;
+        $BorderR  = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $FillR;
+        $BorderG  = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $FillG;
+        $BorderB  = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $FillB;
+        $FontName = isset($Format["FontName"]) 
+                    ? $this->loadFont($Format["FontName"], 'fonts') 
+                    : $this->FontName;
+        $FontSize = isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $Alpha    = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Length   = isset($Format["Length"]) ? $Format["Length"] : 50;
+        $Angle    = isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 315;
+        $Size     = isset($Format["Size"]) ? $Format["Size"] : 10;
+        $Position = isset($Format["Position"]) ? $Format["Position"] : POSITION_TOP;
+        $RoundPos = isset($Format["RoundPos"]) ? $Format["RoundPos"] : false;
+        $Ticks    = isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $Angle = $Angle % 360;
+        $X2 = sin(($Angle+180)*PI/180)*$Length+$X1;
+        $Y2 = cos(($Angle+180)*PI/180)*$Length+$Y1;
+        if ( $RoundPos && $Angle > 0 && $Angle < 180 ) { $Y2 = ceil($Y2); }
+        if ( $RoundPos && $Angle > 180 ) { $Y2 = floor($Y2); }
+        $this->drawArrow($X2,$Y2,$X1,$Y1,$Format);
+        $Size	= imagettfbbox($FontSize,0,$FontName,$Text);
+        $TxtWidth	= max(abs($Size[2]-$Size[0]),abs($Size[0]-$Size[6]));
+        $TxtHeight	= max(abs($Size[1]-$Size[7]),abs($Size[3]-$Size[1]));
+        if ( $Angle > 0 && $Angle < 180 ) {
+            $this->drawLine(
+                $X2,
+                $Y2,
+                $X2-$TxtWidth,
+                $Y2,
+                array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+            );
+            if ( $Position == POSITION_TOP ) {
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y2-2,
+                    $Text,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT)
+                );
+            } else {
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y2+4,
+                    $Text
+                    ,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT)
+                );
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->drawLine($X2,$Y2,$X2+$TxtWidth,$Y2,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks));
+            if ( $Position == POSITION_TOP ) {
+                $this->drawText($X2,$Y2-2,$Text,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            } else {
+                $this->drawText($X2,$Y2+4,$Text,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a progress bar filled with specified %
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Percent
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawProgress($X,$Y,$Percent,$Format="")
+    {
+        if ( $Percent > 100 ) { $Percent = 100; }
+        if ( $Percent < 0 ) { $Percent = 0; }
+        $Width	= isset($Format["Width"]) ? $Format["Width"] : 200;
+        $Height	= isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 20;
+        $Orientation = isset($Format["Orientation"]) ? $Format["Orientation"] : ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
+        $ShowLabel  = isset($Format["ShowLabel"]) ? $Format["ShowLabel"] : false;
+        $LabelPos   = isset($Format["LabelPos"]) ? $Format["LabelPos"] : LABEL_POS_INSIDE;
+        $Margin     = isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 10;
+        $R          = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 130;
+        $G          = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 130;
+        $B          = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 130;
+        $RFade	= isset($Format["RFade"]) ? $Format["RFade"] : -1;
+        $GFade	= isset($Format["GFade"]) ? $Format["GFade"] : -1;
+        $BFade	= isset($Format["BFade"]) ? $Format["BFade"] : -1;
+        $BorderR    = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG    = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB    = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BoxBorderR = isset($Format["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderR"] : 0;
+        $BoxBorderG = isset($Format["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderG"] : 0;
+        $BoxBorderB = isset($Format["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderB"] : 0;
+        $BoxBackR   = isset($Format["BoxBackR"]) ? $Format["BoxBackR"] : 255;
+        $BoxBackG   = isset($Format["BoxBackG"]) ? $Format["BoxBackG"] : 255;
+        $BoxBackB   = isset($Format["BoxBackB"]) ? $Format["BoxBackB"] : 255;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Surrounding = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : null;
+        $NoAngle    = isset($Format["NoAngle"]) ? $Format["NoAngle"] : false;
+        if ( $RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1 ) {
+            $RFade = (($RFade-$R)/100)*$Percent+$R;
+            $GFade = (($GFade-$G)/100)*$Percent+$G;
+            $BFade = (($BFade-$B)/100)*$Percent+$B;
+        }
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
+            $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;             
+        }
+        if ( $BoxSurrounding != null ) { 
+            $BoxBorderR = $BoxBackR + $Surrounding; 
+            $BoxBorderG = $BoxBackG + $Surrounding; 
+            $BoxBorderB = $BoxBackB + $Surrounding;
+        }
+        if ( $Orientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ) {
+            $InnerHeight = (($Height-2)/100)*$Percent;
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $X,
+                $Y,
+                $X+$Width,
+                $Y-$Height,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$BoxBackR,
+                    "G"=>$BoxBackG,
+                    "B"=>$BoxBackB,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+                    "NoAngle"=>$NoAngle
+                )
+            );
+            $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; $this->Shadow  = false;
+            if ( $RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1 ) {
+                $GradientOptions = array(
+                    "StartR"=>$RFade,
+                    "StartG"=>$GFade,
+                    "StartB"=>$BFade,
+                    "EndR"=>$R,
+                    "EndG"=>$G,
+                    "EndB"=>$B
+                );
+                $this->drawGradientArea($X+1,$Y-1,$X+$Width-1,$Y-$InnerHeight,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,$GradientOptions);
+                if ( $Surrounding ) {
+                    $this->drawRectangle(
+                        $X+1,
+                        $Y-1,
+                        $X+$Width-1,
+                        $Y-$InnerHeight,
+                        array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255,"Alpha"=>$Surrounding)
+                    );
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                    $X+1,
+                    $Y-1,
+                    $X+$Width-1,
+                    $Y-$InnerHeight,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+                );
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_BOTTOM ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+($Width/2),$Y+$Margin,$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_TOP ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+($Width/2),$Y-$Height-$Margin,$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+($Width/2),$Y-$InnerHeight-$Margin,$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,"Angle"=>90));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_CENTER ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+($Width/2),$Y-($Height/2),$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,"Angle"=>90));
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ( $Percent == 100 ) {
+                $InnerWidth = $Width-1;
+            } else {
+                $InnerWidth = (($Width-2)/100)*$Percent;
+            }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $X,
+                $Y,
+                $X+$Width,
+                $Y+$Height,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$BoxBackR,
+                    "G"=>$BoxBackG,
+                    "B"=>$BoxBackB,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+                    "NoAngle"=>$NoAngle
+                )
+            );
+            $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; 
+            $this->Shadow  = false;
+            if ( $RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1 ) {
+                $GradientOptions = array(
+                    "StartR"=>$R,
+                    "StartG"=>$G,
+                    "StartB"=>$B,
+                    "EndR"=>$RFade,
+                    "EndG"=>$GFade,
+                    "EndB"=>$BFade
+                );
+                $this->drawGradientArea($X+1,$Y+1,$X+$InnerWidth,$Y+$Height-1,DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,$GradientOptions);
+                if ( $Surrounding ) {
+                    $this->drawRectangle($X+1,$Y+1,$X+$InnerWidth,$Y+$Height-1,array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255,"Alpha"=>$Surrounding));
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                    $X+1,
+                    $Y+1,
+                    $X+$InnerWidth,
+                    $Y+$Height-1,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+                );
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_LEFT ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X-$Margin,$Y+($Height/2),$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_RIGHT ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+$Width+$Margin,$Y+($Height/2),$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_CENTER ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+($Width/2),$Y+($Height/2),$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));                 
+            }
+            if ( $ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE ) { 
+                $this->drawText($X+$InnerWidth+$Margin,$Y+($Height/2),$Percent."%",array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the legend box size
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getLegendSize($Format="")
+    {
+        $FontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) 
+                        ? $this->loadFont($Format["FontName"], 'fonts') 
+                        : $this->FontName;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $BoxSize	= isset($Format["BoxSize"]) ? $Format["BoxSize"] : 5;
+        $Margin		= isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
+        $Style		= isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
+        $Mode		= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
+        $BoxWidth	= isset($Format["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format["BoxWidth"] : 5;
+        $BoxHeight	= isset($Format["BoxHeight"]) ? $Format["BoxHeight"] : 5;
+        $IconAreaWidth	= isset($Format["IconAreaWidth"]) ? $Format["IconAreaWidth"] : $BoxWidth;
+        $IconAreaHeight	= isset($Format["IconAreaHeight"]) ? $Format["IconAreaHeight"] : $BoxHeight;
+        $XSpacing	= isset($Format["XSpacing"]) ? $Format["XSpacing"] : 5;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true 
+                && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] 
+                && isset($Serie["Picture"])
+            ) {
+                list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Serie["Picture"]);
+                if ( $IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth ) { $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth; }
+                if ( $IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight ) { $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight; }
+            }
+        }
+        $YStep = max($this->FontSize,$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+        $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
+        $XStep = $XSpacing;
+        $X=100;
+        $Y=100;
+        $Boundaries = ""; 
+        $Boundaries["L"] = $X; 
+        $Boundaries["T"] = $Y;
+        $Boundaries["R"] = 0; 
+        $Boundaries["B"] = 0;
+        $vY = $Y; 
+        $vX = $X;
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] ) {
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox(
+                        $vX+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                        $vY+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                        $FontName,
+                        $FontSize,0,
+                        $Serie["Description"]
+                    );
+                    if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    $vY = $vY + max($this->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox(
+                            $vX+$IconAreaWidth+6,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $FontName,
+                            $FontSize,
+                            0,
+                            $Value
+                        );
+                        if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                             
+                        }
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $vX=max($Width)+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $vY=$vY-$YStep; 
+        $vX=$vX-$XStep;
+        $TopOffset  = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
+        if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$IconAreaHeight) < $TopOffset ) { 
+            $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$IconAreaHeight+$TopOffset;             
+        }
+        $Width  = ($Boundaries["R"]+$Margin) - ($Boundaries["L"]-$Margin);
+        $Height = ($Boundaries["B"]+$Margin) - ($Boundaries["T"]-$Margin);
+        return(array("Width"=>$Width,"Height"=>$Height));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the legend of the active series
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawLegend($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $Family	= isset($Format["Family"]) ? $Format["Family"] : LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX;
+        $FontName = isset($Format["FontName"]) 
+                    ? $this->loadFont($Format["FontName"], 'fonts') 
+                    : $this->FontName;
+        $FontSize = isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $FontR	= isset($Format["FontR"]) ? $Format["FontR"] : $this->FontColorR;
+        $FontG	= isset($Format["FontG"]) ? $Format["FontG"] : $this->FontColorG;
+        $FontB	= isset($Format["FontB"]) ? $Format["FontB"] : $this->FontColorB;
+        $BoxWidth	= isset($Format["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format["BoxWidth"] : 5;
+        $BoxHeight	= isset($Format["BoxHeight"]) ? $Format["BoxHeight"] : 5;
+        $IconAreaWidth	= isset($Format["IconAreaWidth"]) ? $Format["IconAreaWidth"] : $BoxWidth;
+        $IconAreaHeight	= isset($Format["IconAreaHeight"]) ? $Format["IconAreaHeight"] : $BoxHeight;
+        $XSpacing	= isset($Format["XSpacing"]) ? $Format["XSpacing"] : 5;
+        $Margin	= isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
+        $R      = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 200;
+        $G      = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 200;
+        $B      = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 200;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $BorderR = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
+        $BorderG = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
+        $BorderB = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
+        $Surrounding = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Style	= isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
+        $Mode	= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;          
+        }
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true 
+                && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] 
+                && isset($Serie["Picture"])
+            ) {
+                list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Serie["Picture"]);
+                if ( $IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth ) { $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth; }
+                if ( $IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight ) { $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight; }
+            }
+        }
+        $YStep = max($this->FontSize,$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+        $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
+        $XStep = $XSpacing;
+        $Boundaries = ""; 
+        $Boundaries["L"] = $X; 
+        $Boundaries["T"] = $Y; 
+        $Boundaries["R"] = 0; 
+        $Boundaries["B"] = 0; 
+        $vY = $Y; 
+        $vX = $X;
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox(
+                        $vX+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                        $vY+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                        $FontName,
+                        $FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $Serie["Description"]
+                    );
+                    if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    $vY = $vY + max($this->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox(
+                            $vX+$IconAreaWidth+6,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $FontName,
+                            $FontSize,
+                            0,
+                            $Value
+                        );
+                        if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                           
+                        }
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $vX=max($Width)+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $vY=$vY-$YStep; 
+        $vX=$vX-$XStep;
+        $TopOffset  = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
+        if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$IconAreaHeight) < $TopOffset ) { 
+            $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$IconAreaHeight+$TopOffset;             
+        }
+        if ( $Style == LEGEND_ROUND ) {
+            $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,$Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,$Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,$Margin,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+            );
+        } elseif ( $Style == LEGEND_BOX ) {
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+            );
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; 
+        $this->Shadow = false;
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"];
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                if ( isset($Serie["Picture"]) ) {
+                    $Picture = $Serie["Picture"];
+                    list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Picture);
+                    $PicX = $X+$IconAreaWidth/2; $PicY = $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2; 
+                    $this->drawFromPNG($PicX-$PicWidth/2,$PicY-$PicHeight/2,$Picture);
+                } else {
+                    if ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX ) {
+                        if ( $BoxWidth != $IconAreaWidth ) {
+                            $XOffset = floor(($IconAreaWidth-$BoxWidth)/2);                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $XOffset = 0;
+                        }
+                        if ( $BoxHeight != $IconAreaHeight ) { 
+                            $YOffset = floor(($IconAreaHeight-$BoxHeight)/2);                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $YOffset = 0;                             
+                        }
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $X+1+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+1+$YOffset,
+                            $X+$BoxWidth+$XOffset+1,
+                            $Y+$BoxHeight+1+$YOffset,
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20)
+                        );
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $X+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+$YOffset,
+                            $X+$BoxWidth+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+$BoxHeight+$YOffset,
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Surrounding"=>20)
+                        );
+                    } elseif ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_CIRCLE ) {
+                        $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                            $X+1+$IconAreaWidth/2,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            min($IconAreaHeight/2,$IconAreaWidth/2),
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20)
+                        );
+                        $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth/2,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            min($IconAreaHeight/2,$IconAreaWidth/2),
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Surrounding"=>20)
+                        );
+                    } elseif ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE ) {
+                        $this->drawLine(
+                            $X+1,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            $X+1+$IconAreaWidth,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                        );
+                        $this->drawLine(
+                            $X,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $this->drawText(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $Value,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$FontR,
+                                "G"=>$FontG,
+                                "B"=>$FontB,
+                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,
+                                "FontSize"=>$FontSize,
+                                "FontName"=>$FontName
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                    $Y=$Y+max($this->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Serie["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->drawText(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $Value,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$FontR,
+                                "G"=>$FontG,
+                                "B"=>$FontB,
+                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,
+                                "FontSize"=>$FontSize,
+                                "FontName"=>$FontName
+                            )
+                        );
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $X=max($Width)+2+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    public function drawScale($Format="")
+    {
+        $Pos		= isset($Format["Pos"]) ? $Format["Pos"] : SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT;
+        $Floating	= isset($Format["Floating"]) ? $Format["Floating"] : false;
+        $Mode		= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : SCALE_MODE_FLOATING;
+        $RemoveXAxis	= isset($Format["RemoveXAxis"]) ? $Format["RemoveXAxis"] : false;
+        $RemoveYAxis	= isset($Format["RemoveYAxis"]) ? $Format["RemoveYAxis"] : false;
+        $RemoveYAxiValues = isset($Format["RemoveYAxisValues"]) ? $Format["RemoveYAxisValues"] : false;
+        $MinDivHeight	= isset($Format["MinDivHeight"]) ? $Format["MinDivHeight"] : 20;
+        $Factors	= isset($Format["Factors"]) ? $Format["Factors"] : array(1,2,5);
+        $ManualScale	= isset($Format["ManualScale"]) ? $Format["ManualScale"] : array("0"=>array("Min"=>-100,"Max"=>100));
+        $XMargin	= isset($Format["XMargin"]) ? $Format["XMargin"] : AUTO;
+        $YMargin	= isset($Format["YMargin"]) ? $Format["YMargin"] : 0;
+        $ScaleSpacing	= isset($Format["ScaleSpacing"]) ? $Format["ScaleSpacing"] : 15;
+        $InnerTickWidth	= isset($Format["InnerTickWidth"]) ? $Format["InnerTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $OuterTickWidth	= isset($Format["OuterTickWidth"]) ? $Format["OuterTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $DrawXLines	= isset($Format["DrawXLines"]) ? $Format["DrawXLines"] : true;
+        $DrawYLines	= isset($Format["DrawYLines"]) ? $Format["DrawYLines"] : ALL;
+        $GridTicks	= isset($Format["GridTicks"]) ? $Format["GridTicks"] : 4;
+        $GridR		= isset($Format["GridR"]) ? $Format["GridR"] : 255;
+        $GridG		= isset($Format["GridG"]) ? $Format["GridG"] : 255;
+        $GridB		= isset($Format["GridB"]) ? $Format["GridB"] : 255;
+        $GridAlpha	= isset($Format["GridAlpha"]) ? $Format["GridAlpha"] : 40;
+        $AxisRo		= isset($Format["AxisR"]) ? $Format["AxisR"] : 0;
+        $AxisGo		= isset($Format["AxisG"]) ? $Format["AxisG"] : 0;
+        $AxisBo		= isset($Format["AxisB"]) ? $Format["AxisB"] : 0;
+        $AxisAlpha	= isset($Format["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["AxisAlpha"] : 100;
+        $TickRo		= isset($Format["TickR"]) ? $Format["TickR"] : 0;
+        $TickGo		= isset($Format["TickG"]) ? $Format["TickG"] : 0;
+        $TickBo		= isset($Format["TickB"]) ? $Format["TickB"] : 0;
+        $TickAlpha	= isset($Format["TickAlpha"]) ? $Format["TickAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawSubTicks	= isset($Format["DrawSubTicks"]) ? $Format["DrawSubTicks"] : false;
+        $InnerSubTickWidth = isset($Format["InnerSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format["InnerSubTickWidth"] : 0;
+        $OuterSubTickWidth = isset($Format["OuterSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format["OuterSubTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $SubTickR	= isset($Format["SubTickR"]) ? $Format["SubTickR"] : 255;
+        $SubTickG	= isset($Format["SubTickG"]) ? $Format["SubTickG"] : 0;
+        $SubTickB	= isset($Format["SubTickB"]) ? $Format["SubTickB"] : 0;
+        $SubTickAlpha	= isset($Format["SubTickAlpha"]) ? $Format["SubTickAlpha"] : 100;
+        $AutoAxisLabels	= isset($Format["AutoAxisLabels"]) ? $Format["AutoAxisLabels"] : true;
+        $XReleasePercent	= isset($Format["XReleasePercent"]) ? $Format["XReleasePercent"] : 1;
+        $DrawArrows	= isset($Format["DrawArrows"]) ? $Format["DrawArrows"] : false;
+        $ArrowSize      = isset($Format["ArrowSize"]) ? $Format["ArrowSize"] : 8;
+        $CycleBackground = isset($Format["CycleBackground"]) ? $Format["CycleBackground"] : false;
+        $BackgroundR1	= isset($Format["BackgroundR1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundG1	= isset($Format["BackgroundG1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundB1	= isset($Format["BackgroundB1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundAlpha1 = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha1"] : 20;
+        $BackgroundR2	= isset($Format["BackgroundR2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundG2	= isset($Format["BackgroundG2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundB2	= isset($Format["BackgroundB2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundAlpha2 = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha2"] : 20;
+        $LabelingMethod	= isset($Format["LabelingMethod"]) ? $Format["LabelingMethod"] : LABELING_ALL;
+        $LabelSkip      = isset($Format["LabelSkip"]) ? $Format["LabelSkip"] : 0;
+        $LabelRotation	= isset($Format["LabelRotation"]) ? $Format["LabelRotation"] : 0;
+        $RemoveSkippedAxis = isset($Format["RemoveSkippedAxis"]) ? $Format["RemoveSkippedAxis"] : false;
+        $SkippedAxisTicks = isset($Format["SkippedAxisTicks"]) ? $Format["SkippedAxisTicks"] : $GridTicks+2;
+        $SkippedAxisR	= isset($Format["SkippedAxisR"]) ? $Format["SkippedAxisR"] : $GridR;
+        $SkippedAxisG	= isset($Format["SkippedAxisG"]) ? $Format["SkippedAxisG"] : $GridG;
+        $SkippedAxisB	= isset($Format["SkippedAxisB"]) ? $Format["SkippedAxisB"] : $GridB;
+        $SkippedAxisAlpha = isset($Format["SkippedAxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["SkippedAxisAlpha"] : $GridAlpha-30;
+        $SkippedTickR	= isset($Format["SkippedTickR"]) ? $Format["SkippedTickR"] : $TickRo;
+        $SkippedTickG	= isset($Format["SkippedTickG"]) ? $Format["SkippedTickG"] : $TickGo;
+        $SkippedTickB	= isset($Format["SkippedTicksB"]) ? $Format["SkippedTickB"] : $TickBo;
+        $SkippedTickAlpha	= isset($Format["SkippedTickAlpha"]) ? $Format["SkippedTickAlpha"] : $TickAlpha-80;
+        $SkippedInnerTickWidth	= isset($Format["SkippedInnerTickWidth"]) ? $Format["SkippedInnerTickWidth"] : 0;
+        $SkippedOuterTickWidth	= isset($Format["SkippedOuterTickWidth"]) ? $Format["SkippedOuterTickWidth"] : 2;
+        /* Floating scale require X & Y margins to be set manually */
+        if ( $Floating && ( $XMargin == AUTO || $YMargin == 0 ) ) {
+            $Floating = false;             
+        }
+        /* Skip a NOTICE event in case of an empty array */
+        if ( $DrawYLines == NONE || $DrawYLines == false ) {
+            $DrawYLines = array("zarma"=>"31");             
+        }
+        /* Define the color for the skipped elements */
+        $SkippedAxisColor = array(
+            "R"=>$SkippedAxisR,
+            "G"=>$SkippedAxisG,
+            "B"=>$SkippedAxisB,
+            "Alpha"=>$SkippedAxisAlpha,
+            "Ticks"=>$SkippedAxisTicks
+        );
+        $SkippedTickColor = array(
+            "R"=>$SkippedTickR,
+            "G"=>$SkippedTickG,
+            "B"=>$SkippedTickB,
+            "Alpha"=>$SkippedTickAlpha
+        );
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        if ( isset($Data["Abscissa"]) ) { 
+            $Abscissa = $Data["Abscissa"];             
+        } else { 
+            $Abscissa = null;             
+        }
+        /* Unset the abscissa axis, needed if we display multiple charts on the same picture */
+        if ( $Abscissa != null ) {
+            foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Parameters) { 
+                if ($Parameters["Identity"] == AXIS_X) { 
+                    unset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]);                   
+                }               
+            }
+        }
+        /* Build the scale settings */
+        $GotXAxis = false;
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $AxisParameter) {
+            if ( $AxisParameter["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) { $GotXAxis = true; }
+            if ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT && $AxisParameter["Identity"] == AXIS_Y) { 
+                $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1 - $YMargin*2;
+            } elseif ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT && $AxisParameter["Identity"] == AXIS_X) { 
+                $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1;              
+            } elseif ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM && $AxisParameter["Identity"] == AXIS_Y) { 
+                $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1 - $YMargin*2;;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1;                 
+            }
+            $AxisMin = ABSOLUTE_MAX; $AxisMax = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+            if ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_FLOATING || $Mode == SCALE_MODE_START0 ) {
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) {
+                    if ($SerieParameter["Axis"] == $AxisID 
+                        && $Data["Series"][$SerieID]["isDrawable"] 
+                        && $Data["Abscissa"] != $SerieID
+                    ) {
+                        $AxisMax = max($AxisMax,$Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Max"]);
+                        $AxisMin = min($AxisMin,$Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Min"]);
+                    }
+                }
+                $AutoMargin = (($AxisMax-$AxisMin)/100)*$XReleasePercent;
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $AxisMin-$AutoMargin; 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $AxisMax+$AutoMargin;
+                if ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_START0 ) { 
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = 0;                     
+                }
+            } elseif ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_MANUAL ) {
+                if ( isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["Min"]) && isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["Max"]) ) {
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $ManualScale[$AxisID]["Min"];
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $ManualScale[$AxisID]["Max"];
+                } else { 
+                    throw new \Exception("Manual scale boundaries not set.");            
+                }
+            } elseif ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL || $Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0 ) {
+                $Series = "";
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) { 
+                    if ($SerieParameter["Axis"] == $AxisID 
+                        && $SerieParameter["isDrawable"] 
+                        && $Data["Abscissa"] != $SerieID 
+                    ) { 
+                        $Series[$SerieID] = count($Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"]);
+                    }
+                }
+                for ($ID=0;$ID<=max($Series)-1;$ID++) {
+                    $PointMin = 0; 
+                    $PointMax = 0;
+                    foreach($Series as $SerieID => $ValuesCount ) {
+                        if (isset($Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID]) 
+                            && $Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID] != null 
+                        ) {
+                            $Value = $Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID];
+                            if ( $Value > 0 ) { 
+                                $PointMax = $PointMax + $Value;                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $PointMin = $PointMin + $Value;                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $AxisMax = max($AxisMax,$PointMax);
+                    $AxisMin = min($AxisMin,$PointMin);
+                }
+                $AutoMargin = (($AxisMax-$AxisMin)/100)*$XReleasePercent;
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $AxisMin-$AutoMargin; 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $AxisMax+$AutoMargin;
+            }
+            $MaxDivs = floor($Height/$MinDivHeight);
+            if ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0 ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = 0;
+            }
+            $Scale = $this->computeScale(
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"],
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"],
+                $MaxDivs,$Factors,$AxisID
+            );
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]    = $AxisParameter["Identity"] == AXIS_X ? $XMargin : $YMargin;
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]  = $Scale["XMin"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"]  = $Scale["XMax"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Rows"]      = $Scale["Rows"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["RowHeight"] = $Scale["RowHeight"];
+            if ( isset($Scale["Format"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = $Scale["Format"];
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = null;                 
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"]) )  { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = null;                 
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"]) )    { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = null;                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Still no X axis */
+        if ( $GotXAxis == false ) {
+            if ( $Abscissa != null ) {
+                $Points = count($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"]);
+                if ( $AutoAxisLabels ) {
+                    $AxisName = isset($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Description"]) ? $Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Description"] : null;
+                } else {
+                    $AxisName = null;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $Points = 0;
+                $AxisName = isset($Data["XAxisName"]) ? $Data["XAxisName"] : null;
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) { 
+                    if ( $SerieParameter["isDrawable"] ) { 
+                        $Points = max($Points,count($SerieParameter["Data"]));                         
+                    }                     
+                }
+            }
+            $AxisID = count($Data["Axis"]);
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] = AXIS_X;
+            if ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT;
+            }
+            if ( isset($Data["AbscissaName"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Name"] = $Data["AbscissaName"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XMargin == AUTO ) {
+                if ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) { 
+                    $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1; 
+                } else { 
+                    $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Points == 1 ) {
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = $Height / 2;
+                } else {
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = ($Height/$Points) / 2;
+                }
+            } else { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = $XMargin;                 
+            }
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Rows"] = $Points-1;
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"]) ) { $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = null; }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"]) )  { $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = null; }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"]) )    { $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = null; }
+        }
+        /* Do we need to reverse the abscissa position? */
+        if ( $Pos != SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            if ( $Data["AbsicssaPosition"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM ) { 
+                $Data["AbsicssaPosition"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT;                 
+            } else {
+                $Data["AbsicssaPosition"] = AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT;                 
+            }
+        }
+        $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = $Data["AbsicssaPosition"];
+        $this->DataSet->saveOrientation($Pos);
+        $this->DataSet->saveAxisConfig($Data["Axis"]);
+        $this->DataSet->saveYMargin($YMargin);
+        $FontColorRo = $this->FontColorR; 
+        $FontColorGo = $this->FontColorG; 
+        $FontColorBo = $this->FontColorB;
+        $AxisPos["L"] = $this->GraphAreaX1; 
+        $AxisPos["R"] = $this->GraphAreaX2; 
+        $AxisPos["T"] = $this->GraphAreaY1; 
+        $AxisPos["B"] = $this->GraphAreaY2;
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Parameters) {
+            if ( isset($Parameters["Color"]) ) {
+                $AxisR = $Parameters["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $AxisG = $Parameters["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $AxisB = $Parameters["Color"]["B"];
+                $TickR = $Parameters["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $TickG = $Parameters["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $TickB = $Parameters["Color"]["B"];
+                $this->setFontProperties(
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$Parameters["Color"]["R"],
+                        "G"=>$Parameters["Color"]["G"],
+                        "B"=>$Parameters["Color"]["B"]
+                    )
+                );
+            } else {
+                $AxisR = $AxisRo; 
+                $AxisG = $AxisGo; 
+                $AxisB = $AxisBo;
+                $TickR = $TickRo; 
+                $TickG = $TickGo; 
+                $TickB = $TickBo;
+                $this->setFontProperties(array("R"=>$FontColorRo,"G"=>$FontColorGo,"B"=>$FontColorBo));
+            }
+            $LastValue = "w00t"; 
+            $ID = 1;
+            if ( $Parameters["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+                if ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM ) {
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 0 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                            $YLabelOffset = 2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 5;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 180 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                            $YLabelOffset = 5;
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            if ( $Floating ) { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            else { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1,
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2,
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                                $this->drawArrow(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        if ($Parameters["Rows"] == 0 ) { 
+                            $Step  = $Width;                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $Step  = $Width / ($Parameters["Rows"]);
+                        }
+                        $MaxBottom = $AxisPos["B"];
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $YPos  = $AxisPos["B"];
+                            if ( $Abscissa != null ) { 
+                                if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i]) ) { 
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i],
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );                                     
+                                } else { 
+                                    $Value = "";                                     
+                                }                                 
+                            } else {
+                                if (isset($Parameters["ScaleMin"]) && isset ($Parameters["RowHeight"])) {
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = $i;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $ID++; 
+                            $Skipped = true;
+                            if ($this->isValidLabel($Value,$LastValue,$LabelingMethod,$ID,$LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                                $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $YPos+$OuterTickWidth+$YLabelOffset,
+                                    $Value,
+                                    array("Angle"=>$LabelRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                                );
+                                $TxtBottom = $YPos+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[0]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                                $MaxBottom = max($MaxBottom,$TxtBottom);
+                                $LastValue = $Value;
+                                $Skipped   = false;
+                            }
+                            if ( $RemoveXAxis ) { 
+                                $Skipped = false;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $Skipped ) {
+                                if ( $DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $SkippedAxisColor
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth !=0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) 
+                                    && !$RemoveXAxis 
+                                    && !$RemoveSkippedAxis
+                                ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos-$SkippedInnerTickWidth,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos+$SkippedOuterTickWidth,
+                                        $SkippedTickColor
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if ($DrawXLines 
+                                    && ($XPos != $this->GraphAreaX1 && $XPos != $this->GraphAreaX2) 
+                                ) {
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if (($InnerTickWidth !=0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos-$InnerTickWidth,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos+$OuterTickWidth,
+                                        array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Parameters["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                            $YPos   = $MaxBottom+2;
+                            $XPos   = $this->GraphAreaX1+($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                            $MaxBottom = $Bounds[0]["Y"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $MaxBottom + $this->FontSize;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["B"] = $MaxBottom + $ScaleSpacing;
+                    } elseif ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_TOP ) {
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 0 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 180 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 5;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                            $YLabelOffset = 5;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            if ( $Floating ) { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                               
+                            } else { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1,
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2,
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                               
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                                $this->drawArrow(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                    $AxisPos["T"],
+                                    array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                                 );
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        if ($Parameters["Rows"] == 0 ) { 
+                            $Step  = $Width;                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $Step  = $Width / $Parameters["Rows"];                             
+                        }
+                        $MinTop = $AxisPos["T"];
+                        for($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $YPos  = $AxisPos["T"];
+                            if ( $Abscissa != null ) { 
+                                if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i]) ) { 
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i],
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );                                     
+                                } else { 
+                                    $Value = "";
+                                }                                     
+                            } else {
+                                if ( isset($Parameters["ScaleMin"]) && isset ($Parameters["RowHeight"])) {
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = $i;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $ID++; 
+                            $Skipped = true;
+                            if ($this->isValidLabel($Value,$LastValue,$LabelingMethod,$ID,$LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                                $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-$YLabelOffset,
+                                    $Value,
+                                    array("Angle"=>$LabelRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                                );
+                                $TxtBox = $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-2-($Bounds[0]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                                $MinTop = min($MinTop,$TxtBox);
+                                $LastValue = $Value;
+                                $Skipped   = false;
+                            }
+                            if ( $RemoveXAxis ) { 
+                                $Skipped   = false;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $Skipped ) {
+                                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $SkippedAxisColor
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth !=0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) 
+                                    && !$RemoveXAxis 
+                                    && !$RemoveSkippedAxis
+                                ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos+$SkippedInnerTickWidth,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos-$SkippedOuterTickWidth,
+                                        $SkippedTickColor
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if ( $DrawXLines ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if (($InnerTickWidth !=0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos+$InnerTickWidth,
+                                        $XPos,
+                                        $YPos-$OuterTickWidth,
+                                        array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (isset($Parameters["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            $YPos   = $MinTop-2;
+                            $XPos   = $this->GraphAreaX1+($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos,$YPos,$Parameters["Name"],array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
+                            $MinTop = $Bounds[2]["Y"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $MinTop;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["T"] = $MinTop - $ScaleSpacing;
+                    }
+                } elseif ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM ) {
+                    if ($Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_LEFT) {
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 0 ) { $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; $XLabelOffset = -2; }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190 ) { $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; $XLabelOffset = -6; }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 180 ) { $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; $XLabelOffset = -2; }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360 ) { $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; $XLabelOffset = -5; }
+                        if ( !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            if ( $Floating ) { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1,
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2,
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                                $this->drawArrow(
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                    array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        if ($Parameters["Rows"] == 0 ) { 
+                            $Step  = $Height;                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $Step   = $Height / $Parameters["Rows"];
+                        }
+                        $MinLeft = $AxisPos["L"];
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $YPos  = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $XPos  = $AxisPos["L"];
+                            if ( $Abscissa != null ) { 
+                                if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i]) ) { 
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i],
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );                                     
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = "";                                     
+                                }                                     
+                            } else {
+                                if (isset($Parameters["ScaleMin"]) && isset ($Parameters["RowHeight"])) {
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = $i;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $ID++; 
+                            $Skipped = true;
+                            if ( $this->isValidLabel($Value,$LastValue,$LabelingMethod,$ID,$LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                                $Bounds  = $this->drawText(
+                                    $XPos-$OuterTickWidth+$XLabelOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $Value,
+                                    array("Angle"=>$LabelRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                                );
+                                $TxtBox  = $XPos-$OuterTickWidth-2-($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                                $MinLeft = min($MinLeft,$TxtBox);
+                                $LastValue = $Value;
+                                $Skipped   = false;
+                            }
+                            if ($RemoveXAxis) { 
+                                $Skipped = false;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ($Skipped) {
+                                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,$SkippedAxisColor
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth !=0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) 
+                                    && !$RemoveXAxis 
+                                    && !$RemoveSkippedAxis 
+                                ) {
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos-$SkippedOuterTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $XPos+$SkippedInnerTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,$SkippedTickColor
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if ( $DrawXLines && ($YPos != $this->GraphAreaY1 && $YPos != $this->GraphAreaY2) ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$GridR,
+                                            "G"=>$GridG,
+                                            "B"=>$GridB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,
+                                            "Ticks"=>$GridTicks
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                if (($InnerTickWidth !=0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos-$OuterTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $XPos+$InnerTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Parameters["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            $XPos   = $MinLeft-2;
+                            $YPos   = $this->GraphAreaY1+($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE,"Angle"=>90)
+                            );
+                            $MinLeft = $Bounds[0]["X"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $MinLeft;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["L"] = $MinLeft - $ScaleSpacing;
+                    } elseif ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT ) {
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 0 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                            $XLabelOffset = 2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                            $XLabelOffset = 6;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation == 180 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                            $XLabelOffset = 5;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360 ) { 
+                            $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                            $XLabelOffset = 7;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( !$RemoveXAxis ) {
+                            if ( $Floating ) { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                        $AxisPos["R"],
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                        $AxisPos["R"],
+                                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                        array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );                             
+                            } else { 
+                                $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $AxisPos["R"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1,
+                                    $AxisPos["R"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2,
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                );
+                                }
+                            if ($DrawArrows) {
+                                $this->drawArrow(
+                                    $AxisPos["R"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                    $AxisPos["R"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                    array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        if ($Parameters["Rows"] == 0 ) { 
+                            $Step  = $Height;                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $Step   = $Height / $Parameters["Rows"];                             
+                        }
+                        $MaxRight = $AxisPos["R"];
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $YPos  = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $XPos  = $AxisPos["R"];
+                            if ($Abscissa != null ) { 
+                                if (isset($Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i]) ) { 
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Data["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i],
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = "";                                         
+                                }                                         
+                            } else {
+                                if ( isset($Parameters["ScaleMin"]) && isset($Parameters["RowHeight"])) {
+                                    $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                        $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                        $Data["XAxisDisplay"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisFormat"],
+                                        $Data["XAxisUnit"]
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $Value = $i;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $ID++; 
+                            $Skipped = true;
+                            if ($this->isValidLabel($Value,$LastValue,$LabelingMethod,$ID,$LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                                $Bounds   = $this->drawText(
+                                    $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+$XLabelOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $Value,
+                                    array("Angle"=>$LabelRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                                );
+                                $TxtBox   = $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                                $MaxRight = max($MaxRight,$TxtBox);
+                                $LastValue = $Value;
+                                $Skipped   = false;
+                            }
+                            if ($RemoveXAxis) { 
+                                $Skipped   = false;
+                            }
+                            if ($Skipped) {
+                                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $SkippedAxisColor
+                                    );                                   
+                              }
+                              if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth != 0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) 
+                                  && !$RemoveXAxis && !$RemoveSkippedAxis
+                              ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos+$SkippedOuterTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $XPos-$SkippedInnerTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $SkippedTickColor
+                                    );
+                              }
+                            } else {
+                                if ($DrawXLines ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                    );                                   
+                                } 
+                                if (($InnerTickWidth != 0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis ) { 
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $XPos+$OuterTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        $XPos-$InnerTickWidth,
+                                        $YPos,
+                                        array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Parameters["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
+                            $XPos   = $MaxRight+4;
+                            $YPos   = $this->GraphAreaY1+($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE,"Angle"=>270)
+                            );
+                            $MaxRight = $Bounds[1]["X"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $MaxRight + $this->FontSize;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["R"] = $MaxRight + $ScaleSpacing;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $Parameters["Identity"] == AXIS_Y  && !$RemoveYAxis) {
+                if ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_LEFT ) {
+                        if ( $Floating ) { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $AxisPos["L"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["L"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            ); 
+                        } else { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1,
+                                    $AxisPos["L"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2,
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                                    ); 
+                        }
+                        if ($DrawArrows) { 
+                            $this->drawArrow(
+                                $AxisPos["L"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["L"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1-($ArrowSize*2),
+                                array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        $Step   = $Height / $Parameters["Rows"]; 
+                        $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; 
+                        $MinLeft = $AxisPos["L"];
+                        $LastY  = null;
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $YPos  = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Parameters["Margin"] - $Step*$i;
+                            $XPos  = $AxisPos["L"];
+                            $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                $Parameters["Display"],
+                                $Parameters["Format"],
+                                $Parameters["Unit"]
+                            );
+                            if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ($LastY != null 
+                                && $CycleBackground 
+                                && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) )
+                            ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $LastY,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $BGColor
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines)) { 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters["Rows"] ) {
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                    $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $XPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                    $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                    array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if (!$RemoveYAxiValues) {
+                                $this->drawLine($XPos-$OuterTickWidth,$YPos,$XPos+$InnerTickWidth,$YPos,array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha));
+                                $Bounds  = $this->drawText($XPos-$OuterTickWidth-2,$YPos,$Value,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));
+                                $TxtLeft = $XPos-$OuterTickWidth-2-($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                                $MinLeft = min($MinLeft,$TxtLeft);
+                            }
+                            $LastY = $YPos;
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Parameters["Name"]) ) {
+                            $XPos    = $MinLeft-2;
+                            $YPos    = $this->GraphAreaY1+($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                            $Bounds  = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE,"Angle"=>90)
+                            );
+                            $MinLeft = $Bounds[2]["X"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $MinLeft;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["L"] = $MinLeft - $ScaleSpacing;
+                    } elseif ($Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT) {
+                        if ( $Floating ) { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1,
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY2,
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ($DrawArrows) { 
+                            $this->drawArrow(
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["R"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaY1-($ArrowSize*2),
+                                array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        $Step   = $Height / $Parameters["Rows"]; 
+                        $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; 
+                        $MaxLeft = $AxisPos["R"];
+                        $LastY  = null;
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $YPos  = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Parameters["Margin"] - $Step*$i;
+                            $XPos  = $AxisPos["R"];
+                            $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                $Parameters["Display"],
+                                $Parameters["Format"],
+                                $Parameters["Unit"]
+                            );
+                            if ($i%2 == 1) { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                                );
+                            } else { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                                );                                     
+                            }
+                            if ($LastY != null 
+                                && $CycleBackground  
+                                && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines))
+                            ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $LastY,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $BGColor
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) ) { 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters["Rows"] ) {
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                    $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $XPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                    $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                    array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $XPos-$InnerTickWidth,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $XPos+$OuterTickWidth,
+                                $YPos,
+                                array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                            );
+                            $Bounds  = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+2,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Value,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT)
+                            );
+                            $TxtLeft = $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                            $MaxLeft = max($MaxLeft,$TxtLeft);
+                            $LastY = $YPos;
+                        }
+                        if (isset($Parameters["Name"])) {
+                            $XPos    = $MaxLeft+6;
+                            $YPos    = $this->GraphAreaY1+($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                            $Bounds  = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE,"Angle"=>270)
+                            );
+                            $MaxLeft = $Bounds[2]["X"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $MaxLeft + $this->FontSize;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["R"] = $MaxLeft + $ScaleSpacing;
+                    }
+                } elseif ( $Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM ) {
+                    if ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_TOP ) {
+                        if ($Floating) { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );
+                        } else { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX1,
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2,
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );                                 
+                        }
+                        if ($DrawArrows) { 
+                            $this->drawArrow(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                $AxisPos["T"],
+                                array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        $Step   = $Width / $Parameters["Rows"]; 
+                        $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; 
+                        $MinTop = $AxisPos["T"];
+                        $LastX  = null;
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $YPos  = $AxisPos["T"];
+                            $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                $Parameters["Display"],
+                                $Parameters["Format"],
+                                $Parameters["Unit"]
+                            );
+                            if ($i%2 == 1) { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ($LastX != null 
+                                && $CycleBackground  
+                                && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines))
+                            ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $LastX,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $BGColor
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines)) { 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters["Rows"] ) {
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $YPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                    $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $YPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                    array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos-$OuterTickWidth,
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos+$InnerTickWidth,
+                                array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                            );
+                            $Bounds    = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-2,
+                                $Value,
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                            $TxtHeight = $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-2-($Bounds[1]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                            $MinTop    = min($MinTop,$TxtHeight);
+                            $LastX = $XPos;
+                        }
+                        if (isset($Parameters["Name"])) {
+                            $YPos   = $MinTop-2;
+                            $XPos   = $this->GraphAreaX1+($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                            $MinTop = $Bounds[2]["Y"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $MinTop;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["T"] = $MinTop - $ScaleSpacing;
+                    } elseif ( $Parameters["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM ) {
+                        if ( $Floating ) { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX1+$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["B"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["B"],
+                                array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX1,
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    $this->GraphAreaX2,
+                                    $AxisPos["B"],
+                                    array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawArrows ) {
+                            $this->drawArrow(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2-$Parameters["Margin"],
+                                $AxisPos["B"],
+                                $this->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                                $AxisPos["B"],
+                                array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters["Margin"]*2;
+                        $Step   = $Width / $Parameters["Rows"]; 
+                        $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; 
+                        $MaxBottom = $AxisPos["B"];
+                        $LastX  = null;
+                        for($i=0;$i<=$Parameters["Rows"];$i++) {
+                            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                            $YPos  = $AxisPos["B"];
+                            $Value = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Parameters["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                                $Parameters["Display"],
+                                $Parameters["Format"],
+                                $Parameters["Unit"]
+                            );
+                            if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $BGColor = array(
+                                    "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                    "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                    "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ($LastX != null 
+                                && $CycleBackground  
+                                && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines))
+                            ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $LastX,$this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $XPos,$this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $BGColor
+                                ); 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) ) { 
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $this->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                    array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters["Rows"] ) {
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $YPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                    $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                    $YPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                    array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos-$OuterTickWidth,
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos+$InnerTickWidth,
+                                array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                            );
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos+$OuterTickWidth+2,
+                                $Value,
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                            $TxtHeight = $YPos+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[1]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                            $MaxBottom = max($MaxBottom,$TxtHeight);
+                            $LastX = $XPos;
+                        }
+                        if (isset($Parameters["Name"])) {
+                            $YPos   = $MaxBottom+2;
+                            $XPos   = $this->GraphAreaX1+($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                            $Bounds = $this->drawText(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $Parameters["Name"],
+                                array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                            $MaxBottom = $Bounds[0]["Y"];
+                            $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $MaxBottom + $this->FontSize;
+                        }
+                        $AxisPos["B"] = $MaxBottom + $ScaleSpacing;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $LastValue
+     * @param type $LabelingMethod
+     * @param type $ID
+     * @param type $LabelSkip
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function isValidLabel($Value,$LastValue,$LabelingMethod,$ID,$LabelSkip)
+    {
+        if ( $LabelingMethod == LABELING_DIFFERENT && $Value != $LastValue ) { 
+            return(true);
+        }
+        if ( $LabelingMethod == LABELING_DIFFERENT && $Value == $LastValue ) { 
+            return(false);
+        }
+        if ( $LabelingMethod == LABELING_ALL && $LabelSkip == 0 ) { 
+            return(true);             
+        }
+        if ( $LabelingMethod == LABELING_ALL && ($ID+$LabelSkip) % ($LabelSkip+1) != 1 ) { 
+            return(false);             
+        }
+        return(true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the scale, check for the best visual factors
+     * @param type $XMin
+     * @param type $XMax
+     * @param type $MaxDivs
+     * @param type $Factors
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function computeScale($XMin,$XMax,$MaxDivs,$Factors,$AxisID=0)
+    {
+        /* Compute each factors */
+        $Results = "";
+        foreach ($Factors as $Key => $Factor) {
+            $Results[$Factor] = $this->processScale($XMin,$XMax,$MaxDivs,array($Factor),$AxisID);
+        }
+        /* Remove scales that are creating to much decimals */
+        $GoodScaleFactors = "";
+        foreach ($Results as $Key => $Result) {
+            $Decimals = preg_split("/\./",$Result["RowHeight"]);
+            if ( (!isset($Decimals[1])) || (strlen($Decimals[1]) < 6) ) { $GoodScaleFactors[] = $Key; }
+        }
+        /* Found no correct scale, shame,... returns the 1st one as default */
+        if ( $GoodScaleFactors == "" ) { 
+            return($Results[$Factors[0]]);
+        }
+        /* Find the factor that cause the maximum number of Rows */
+        $MaxRows = 0; 
+        $BestFactor = 0;
+        foreach($GoodScaleFactors as $Key => $Factor) { 
+            if ( $Results[$Factor]["Rows"] > $MaxRows ) { 
+                $MaxRows = $Results[$Factor]["Rows"]; 
+                $BestFactor = $Factor;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Return the best visual scale */
+        return($Results[$BestFactor]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the best matching scale based on size & factors
+     * @param type $XMin
+     * @param type $XMax
+     * @param type $MaxDivs
+     * @param type $Factors
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function processScale($XMin,$XMax,$MaxDivs,$Factors,$AxisID)
+    {
+        $ScaleHeight = abs(ceil($XMax)-floor($XMin));
+        if (isset($this->DataSet->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"])) {
+            $Format = $this->DataSet->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+        } else {
+            $Format = null;
+        }
+        if (isset($this->DataSet->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"])) {
+            $Mode = $this->DataSet->Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+        } else {
+            $Mode = AXIS_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
+        }
+        $Scale = "";
+        if ($XMin != $XMax) {
+            $Found = false; 
+            $Rescaled = false; 
+            $Scaled10Factor = .0001; 
+            $Result = 0;
+            while(!$Found) {
+                foreach($Factors as $Key => $Factor) {
+                    if ( !$Found ) {
+                        if (!($this->modulo($XMin,$Factor*$Scaled10Factor) == 0) 
+                            || ($XMin != floor($XMin))
+                        ) { 
+                            $XMinRescaled = floor($XMin/($Factor*$Scaled10Factor))
+                                          * $Factor*$Scaled10Factor;                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $XMinRescaled = $XMin;                             
+                        }
+                        if (!($this->modulo($XMax,$Factor*$Scaled10Factor) == 0) 
+                            || ($XMax != floor($XMax))
+                        ) { 
+                            $XMaxRescaled = floor($XMax/($Factor*$Scaled10Factor))
+                                          * $Factor*$Scaled10Factor+($Factor*$Scaled10Factor);
+                        } else { 
+                            $XMaxRescaled = $XMax;                             
+                        }
+                        $ScaleHeightRescaled = abs($XMaxRescaled-$XMinRescaled);
+                        if (!$Found 
+                            && floor($ScaleHeightRescaled/($Factor*$Scaled10Factor)) <= $MaxDivs
+                        ) { 
+                            $Found = true; 
+                            $Rescaled = true; 
+                            $Result = $Factor * $Scaled10Factor;                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                $Scaled10Factor = $Scaled10Factor * 10;
+            }
+            /* ReCall Min / Max / Height */
+            if ($Rescaled) { 
+                $XMin = $XMinRescaled; 
+                $XMax = $XMaxRescaled; 
+                $ScaleHeight = $ScaleHeightRescaled;                 
+            }
+            /* Compute rows size */
+            $Rows      = floor($ScaleHeight / $Result); 
+            if ($Rows == 0) {
+                $Rows = 1;                 
+            }
+            $RowHeight = $ScaleHeight / $Rows;
+            /* Return the results */
+            $Scale["Rows"] = $Rows; 
+            $Scale["RowHeight"] = $RowHeight; 
+            $Scale["XMin"] = $XMin;  
+            $Scale["XMax"] = $XMax;
+            /* Compute the needed decimals for the metric view to avoid repetition of the same X Axis labels */
+            if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC && $Format == null ) {
+                $Done = false; 
+                $GoodDecimals = 0;
+                for($Decimals=0; $Decimals<=10; $Decimals++) {
+                    if (!$Done) {
+                        $LastLabel = "zob"; $ScaleOK = true;
+                        for ($i=0;$i<=$Rows;$i++) {
+                            $Value = $XMin + $i*$RowHeight;
+                            $Label = $this->scaleFormat($Value,AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC,$Decimals);
+                            if ( $LastLabel == $Label ) { 
+                                $ScaleOK = false;                                 
+                            }
+                            $LastLabel = $Label;
+                        }
+                        if ($ScaleOK) { 
+                            $Done = true; 
+                            $GoodDecimals = $Decimals;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                $Scale["Format"] = $GoodDecimals;
+            }
+        } else {
+            /* If all values are the same we keep a +1/-1 scale */
+            $Rows = 2; 
+            $XMin = $XMax-1; 
+            $XMax = $XMax+1; 
+            $RowHeight = 1;
+            /* Return the results */
+            $Scale["Rows"] = $Rows; 
+            $Scale["RowHeight"] = $RowHeight; 
+            $Scale["XMin"] = $XMin;  
+            $Scale["XMax"] = $XMax;
+        }
+        return($Scale);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Value1
+     * @param type $Value2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function modulo($Value1,$Value2)
+    {
+        if (floor($Value2) == 0) { 
+            return(0);
+        }
+        if (floor($Value2) != 0) { 
+            return($Value1 % $Value2);             
+        }
+        $MinValue = min($Value1,$Value2); 
+        $Factor = 10;
+        while ( floor($MinValue*$Factor) == 0 ) { 
+            $Factor = $Factor * 10;             
+        }
+        return(($Value1*$Factor) % ($Value2*$Factor));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an X threshold
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param boolean $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawXThreshold($Value,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 50;
+        $Weight		= isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $Ticks		= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : 6;
+        $Wide		= isset($Format["Wide"]) ? $Format["Wide"] : false;
+        $WideFactor	= isset($Format["WideFactor"]) ? $Format["WideFactor"] : 5;
+        $WriteCaption	= isset($Format["WriteCaption"]) ? $Format["WriteCaption"] : false;
+        $Caption	= isset($Format["Caption"]) ? $Format["Caption"] : null;
+        $CaptionAlign	= isset($Format["CaptionAlign"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlign"] : CAPTION_LEFT_TOP;
+        $CaptionOffset  = isset($Format["CaptionOffset"]) ? $Format["CaptionOffset"] : 5;
+        $CaptionR	= isset($Format["CaptionR"]) ? $Format["CaptionR"] : 255;
+        $CaptionG	= isset($Format["CaptionG"]) ? $Format["CaptionG"] : 255;
+        $CaptionB	= isset($Format["CaptionB"]) ? $Format["CaptionB"] : 255;
+        $CaptionAlpha	= isset($Format["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawBox	= isset($Format["DrawBox"]) ? $Format["DrawBox"] : true;
+        $DrawBoxBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBoxBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderOffset	= isset($Format["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format["BorderOffset"] : 3;
+        $BoxRounded	= isset($Format["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format["BoxRounded"] : true;
+        $RoundedRadius	= isset($Format["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
+        $BoxR		= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 0;
+        $BoxG		= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 0;
+        $BoxB		= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 0;
+        $BoxAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 30;
+        $BoxSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
+        $BoxBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $ValueIsLabel	= isset($Format["ValueIsLabel"]) ? $Format["ValueIsLabel"] : false;
+        $Data           = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);
+        $XScale         = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        if ( is_array($Value) ) { 
+            foreach ($Value as $Key => $ID) { 
+                $this->drawXThreshold($ID,$Format);                 
+            } 
+            return(0);
+        }
+        if ( $ValueIsLabel ) {
+            $Format["ValueIsLabel"] = false;
+            foreach($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $SerieValue) { 
+                if ( $SerieValue == $Value ) { 
+                    $this->drawXThreshold($Key,$Format);                     
+                }                 
+            }
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $CaptionSettings = array(
+            "DrawBox"=>$DrawBox,
+            "DrawBoxBorder"=>$DrawBoxBorder,
+            "BorderOffset"=>$BorderOffset,
+            "BoxRounded"=>$BoxRounded,
+            "RoundedRadius"=>$RoundedRadius,
+            "BoxR"=>$BoxR,
+            "BoxG"=>$BoxG,
+            "BoxB"=>$BoxB,
+            "BoxAlpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+            "BoxSurrounding"=>$BoxSurrounding,
+            "BoxBorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+            "BoxBorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+            "BoxBorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+            "BoxBorderAlpha"=>$BoxBorderAlpha,
+            "R"=>$CaptionR,
+            "G"=>$CaptionG,
+            "B"=>$CaptionB,
+            "Alpha"=>$CaptionAlpha
+        );
+        if ( $Caption == null ) {
+            if (isset($Data["Abscissa"])) {
+                if (isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Value])) {
+                    $Caption = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Value];
+                } else {
+                    $Caption = $Value;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $Caption = $Value;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) {
+            $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $XScale[0] *2 ) / $XScale[1];
+            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value;
+            $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data["YMargin"];
+            $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["YMargin"];
+            if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin 
+                && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin
+            ) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                );
+                if ( $Wide ) {
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        $YPos1,
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        $YPos2,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        $YPos1,
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        $YPos2,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $WriteCaption ) {
+                    if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                        $Y = $YPos1 + $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $Y = $YPos2 - $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                    }
+                    $this->drawText($XPos,$Y,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+                }
+                return(array("X"=>$XPos));
+            }
+        } elseif($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) {
+            $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $XScale[0] *2 ) / $XScale[1];
+            $XPos  = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value;
+            $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["YMargin"];
+            $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $Data["YMargin"];
+            if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin 
+                && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin
+            ) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    $XPos,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                );
+                if ( $Wide ) {
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $YPos1,
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        $YPos2,
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $YPos1,
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        $YPos2,
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $WriteCaption ) {
+                    if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                        $Y = $YPos1 + $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $Y = $YPos2 - $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->drawText($Y,$XPos,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+                }
+                return(array("X"=>$XPos));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an X threshold area
+     * @param type $Value1
+     * @param type $Value2
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawXThresholdArea($Value1,$Value2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 20;
+        $Border    = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : true;
+        $BorderR   = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG   = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB   = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BorderAlpha = isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha + 20;
+        $BorderTicks = isset($Format["BorderTicks"]) ? $Format["BorderTicks"] : 2;
+        $AreaName = isset($Format["AreaName"]) ? $Format["AreaName"] : null;
+        $NameAngle = isset($Format["NameAngle"]) ? $Format["NameAngle"] : ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO;
+        $NameR	= isset($Format["NameR"]) ? $Format["NameR"] : 255;
+        $NameG	= isset($Format["NameG"]) ? $Format["NameG"] : 255;
+        $NameB	= isset($Format["NameB"]) ? $Format["NameB"] : 255;
+        $NameAlpha = isset($Format["NameAlpha"]) ? $Format["NameAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DisableShadowOnArea = isset($Format["DisableShadowOnArea"]) ? $Format["DisableShadowOnArea"] : true;
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ($DisableShadowOnArea && $this->Shadow) { 
+            $this->Shadow = false;             
+        }
+        if ($BorderAlpha >100) { 
+            $BorderAlpha = 100;            
+        }
+        $Data           = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        $XScale         = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $XScale[0] *2 ) / $XScale[1];
+            $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value1;
+            $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value2;
+            $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data["YMargin"];
+            $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["YMargin"];
+            if ( $XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0];
+            }
+            if ( $XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale[0];
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0] ) {
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale[0];
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale[0];                 
+            }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $XPos1,
+                $YPos1,
+                $XPos2,
+                $YPos2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ( $Border ) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($XPos2-$XPos1)/2 + $XPos1;
+                $YPos = ($YPos2-$YPos1)/2 + $YPos1;
+                if ( $NameAngle == ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO ) {
+                    $TxtPos   = $this->getTextBox(
+                        $XPos,
+                        $YPos,
+                        $this->FontName,
+                        $this->FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $AreaName
+                    );
+                    $TxtWidth = $TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"];
+                    if (abs($XPos2 - $XPos1) > $TxtWidth) { 
+                        $NameAngle = 0;                         
+                    } else {
+                        $NameAngle = 90;                         
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$NameR,
+                        "G"=>$NameG,
+                        "B"=>$NameB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,
+                        "Angle"=>$NameAngle,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE
+                    )
+                );
+                if ( $DisableShadowOnArea ) { 
+                    $this->Shadow = false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("X1"=>$XPos1,"X2"=>$XPos2));
+        } elseif ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) {
+            $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $XScale[0] *2 ) / $XScale[1];
+            $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value1;
+            $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0] + $XStep * $Value2;
+            $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["YMargin"];
+            $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $Data["YMargin"];
+            if ( $XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale[0];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale[0];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale[0] ) { 
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale[0];                 
+            }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $YPos1,
+                $XPos1,
+                $YPos2,
+                $XPos2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ( $Border ) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    $XPos1,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($XPos2-$XPos1)/2 + $XPos1;
+                $YPos = ($YPos2-$YPos1)/2 + $YPos1;
+                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $YPos,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$NameR,
+                        "G"=>$NameG,
+                        "B"=>$NameB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,
+                        "Angle"=>0,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE
+                    )
+                );
+                if ($DisableShadowOnArea) { 
+                    $this->Shadow = false;                     
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("X1"=>$XPos1,"X2"=>$XPos2));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an Y threshold with the computed scale
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawThreshold($Value,$Format="")
+    {
+        $AxisID		= isset($Format["AxisID"]) ? $Format["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 50;
+        $Weight		= isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $Ticks		= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : 6;
+        $Wide		= isset($Format["Wide"]) ? $Format["Wide"] : false;
+        $WideFactor	= isset($Format["WideFactor"]) ? $Format["WideFactor"] : 5;
+        $WriteCaption	= isset($Format["WriteCaption"]) ? $Format["WriteCaption"] : false;
+        $Caption	= isset($Format["Caption"]) ? $Format["Caption"] : null;
+        $CaptionAlign	= isset($Format["CaptionAlign"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlign"] : CAPTION_LEFT_TOP;
+        $CaptionOffset  = isset($Format["CaptionOffset"]) ? $Format["CaptionOffset"] : 10;
+        $CaptionR	= isset($Format["CaptionR"]) ? $Format["CaptionR"] : 255;
+        $CaptionG	= isset($Format["CaptionG"]) ? $Format["CaptionG"] : 255;
+        $CaptionB	= isset($Format["CaptionB"]) ? $Format["CaptionB"] : 255;
+        $CaptionAlpha	= isset($Format["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawBox	= isset($Format["DrawBox"]) ? $Format["DrawBox"] : true;
+        $DrawBoxBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBoxBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderOffset	= isset($Format["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format["BorderOffset"] : 5;
+        $BoxRounded	= isset($Format["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format["BoxRounded"] : true;
+        $RoundedRadius	= isset($Format["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
+        $BoxR		= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 0;
+        $BoxG		= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 0;
+        $BoxB		= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 0;
+        $BoxAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 20;
+        $BoxSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
+        $BoxBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $NoMargin	= isset($Format["NoMargin"]) ? $Format["NoMargin"] : false;
+        if ( is_array($Value) ) { 
+            foreach ($Value as $Key => $ID) { 
+                $this->drawThreshold($ID,$Format);                 
+            } 
+            return(0);                 
+        }
+        $CaptionSettings = array(
+            "DrawBox"=>$DrawBox,
+            "DrawBoxBorder"=>$DrawBoxBorder,
+            "BorderOffset"=>$BorderOffset,
+            "BoxRounded"=>$BoxRounded,
+            "RoundedRadius"=>$RoundedRadius,
+            "BoxR"=>$BoxR,
+            "BoxG"=>$BoxG,
+            "BoxB"=>$BoxB,
+            "BoxAlpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+            "BoxSurrounding"=>$BoxSurrounding,
+            "BoxBorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+            "BoxBorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+            "BoxBorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+            "BoxBorderAlpha"=>$BoxBorderAlpha,
+            "R"=>$CaptionR,
+            "G"=>$CaptionG,
+            "B"=>$CaptionB,
+            "Alpha"=>$CaptionAlpha
+        );
+        $Data           = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);
+        if ($NoMargin) { 
+            $AbscissaMargin = 0;
+        }
+        if (!isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID])) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        if ($Caption == null) { 
+            $Caption = $Value;             
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            $YPos = $this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            if ($YPos >= $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                && $YPos <= $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]
+            ) {
+                $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin;
+                $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin;
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $YPos,
+                    $X2,
+                    $YPos,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                );
+                if ($Wide) {
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $X1,
+                        $YPos-1,
+                        $X2,
+                        $YPos-1,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $X1,
+                        $YPos+1,
+                        $X2,
+                        $YPos+1,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                }
+                if ($WriteCaption) {
+                    if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                        $X = $X1 + $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;                         
+                    } else  { 
+                        $X = $X2 - $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->drawText($X,$YPos,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+                }
+            }
+            return(array("Y"=>$YPos));
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM ) {
+            $XPos = $this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]
+            ) {
+                $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin;
+                $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin;
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                );
+                if ( $Wide ) {
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        $Y1,
+                        $XPos-1,
+                        $Y2,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        $Y1,
+                        $XPos+1,
+                        $Y2,
+                        array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $WriteCaption ) {
+                    if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                        $Y = $Y1 + $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                    } else  { 
+                        $Y = $Y2 - $CaptionOffset; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;                         
+                    }
+                    $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                    $this->drawText($XPos,$Y,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+                }
+            }
+            return(array("Y"=>$XPos));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a threshold with the computed scale
+     * @param type $Value1
+     * @param type $Value2
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawThresholdArea($Value1,$Value2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $AxisID	= isset($Format["AxisID"]) ? $Format["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 20;
+        $Border    = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : true;
+        $BorderR   = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG   = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB   = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BorderAlpha = isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha + 20;
+        $BorderTicks = isset($Format["BorderTicks"]) ? $Format["BorderTicks"] : 2;
+        $AreaName = isset($Format["AreaName"]) ? $Format["AreaName"] : null;
+        $NameAngle = isset($Format["NameAngle"]) ? $Format["NameAngle"] : ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO;
+        $NameR	= isset($Format["NameR"]) ? $Format["NameR"] : 255;
+        $NameG	= isset($Format["NameG"]) ? $Format["NameG"] : 255;
+        $NameB	= isset($Format["NameB"]) ? $Format["NameB"] : 255;
+        $NameAlpha = isset($Format["NameAlpha"]) ? $Format["NameAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DisableShadowOnArea = isset($Format["DisableShadowOnArea"]) ? $Format["DisableShadowOnArea"] : true;
+        $NoMargin = isset($Format["NoMargin"]) ? $Format["NoMargin"] : false;
+        if ($Value1 > $Value2) { 
+            list($Value1, $Value2) = array($Value2, $Value1);             
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ($DisableShadowOnArea && $this->Shadow) { 
+            $this->Shadow = false;             
+        }
+        if ($BorderAlpha >100) {
+            $BorderAlpha = 100;            
+        }
+        $Data           = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);
+        if ( $NoMargin ) { 
+            $AbscissaMargin = 0;
+        }
+        if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]) ) {
+            return(-1);
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin;
+            $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin;
+            $YPos1 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value1,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            $YPos2 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value2,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            if ( $YPos1 < $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $YPos1 > $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $YPos2 < $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $YPos2 > $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $XPos1,
+                $YPos1,
+                $XPos2,
+                $YPos2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ( $Border ) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($XPos2-$XPos1)/2 + $XPos1;
+                $YPos = ($YPos2-$YPos1)/2 + $YPos1;
+                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$NameR,
+                        "G"=>$NameG,
+                        "B"=>$NameB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,
+                        "Angle"=>0,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE
+                    )
+                );
+                if ($DisableShadowOnArea) { 
+                    $this->Shadow = false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("Y1"=>$YPos1,"Y2"=>$YPos2));
+        } elseif ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) {
+            $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin;
+            $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin;
+            $XPos1 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value1,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            $XPos2 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value2,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            if ( $XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) {
+                $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] ) { 
+                $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $XPos1,
+                $YPos1,
+                $XPos2,
+                $YPos2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ($Border) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos1,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$BorderR,
+                        "G"=>$BorderG,
+                        "B"=>$BorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$BorderTicks
+                    )
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos1,
+                    $XPos2,
+                    $YPos2,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$BorderR,
+                        "G"=>$BorderG,
+                        "B"=>$BorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$BorderTicks
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($YPos2-$YPos1)/2 + $YPos1;
+                $YPos = ($XPos2-$XPos1)/2 + $XPos1;
+                if ( $NameAngle == ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO ) {
+                    $TxtPos   = $this->getTextBox(
+                        $XPos,
+                        $YPos,
+                        $this->FontName,
+                        $this->FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $AreaName
+                    );
+                    $TxtWidth = $TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"];
+                    if ( abs($XPos2 - $XPos1) > $TxtWidth ) { 
+                        $NameAngle = 0;
+                    } else { 
+                        $NameAngle = 90;
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->drawText(
+                    $YPos,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$NameR,
+                        "G"=>$NameG,
+                        "B"=>$NameB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,
+                        "Angle"=>$NameAngle,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE
+                    )
+                );
+                if ( $DisableShadowOnArea ) { 
+                    $this->Shadow = false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("Y1"=>$XPos1,"Y2"=>$XPos2));
+       }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function scaleGetXSettings()
+    {
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Settings) {
+            if ( $Settings["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+                $Rows = $Settings["Rows"];
+                return(array($Settings["Margin"],$Rows));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $Option
+     * @param type $ReturnOnly0Height
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function scaleComputeY($Values,$Option="",$ReturnOnly0Height=false)
+    {
+        $AxisID	= isset($Option["AxisID"]) ? $Option["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $SerieName = isset($Option["SerieName"]) ? $Option["SerieName"] : null;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        if (!isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID])) {
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        if ( $SerieName != null ) { 
+            $AxisID = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
+        }
+        if ( !is_array($Values) ) { 
+            $tmp = $Values; 
+            $Values = ""; 
+            $Values[0] = $tmp;             
+        }
+        $Result = "";
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            $Height      = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]*2;
+            $ScaleHeight = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
+            $Step        = $Height / $ScaleHeight;
+            if ( $ReturnOnly0Height ) { 
+                foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { 
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Result[] = VOID;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Result[] = $Step * $Value;                             
+                    }
+                } 
+            } else { 
+                foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Result[] = VOID; 
+                    } else { 
+                        $Result[] = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                                  - ($Step * ($Value-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));
+                    }
+                }                         
+            }
+        } else {
+            $Width      = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]*2;
+            $ScaleWidth = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
+            $Step       = $Width / $ScaleWidth;
+            if ( $ReturnOnly0Height ) { 
+                foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { 
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Result[] = VOID;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Result[] = $Step * $Value;                             
+                    }                         
+                } 
+            } else { 
+                foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { 
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Result[] = VOID;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $Result[] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                                  + ($Step * ($Value-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));                         
+                    }
+                }                     
+            }
+        }
+        if ( count($Result) == 1 ) {
+            return($Result[0]);
+        } else {
+            return($Result);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Format the axis values
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $Mode
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @param type $Unit
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function scaleFormat($Value,$Mode=null,$Format=null,$Unit=null)
+    {
+        if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+            return("");             
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_TRAFFIC ) {
+            if ( $Value == 0 ) { 
+                return("0B");                 
+            }
+            $Units = array("B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB");
+            $Sign = ""; 
+            if ($Value < 0) {
+                $Value = abs($Value); 
+                $Sign = "-";
+            }
+            $Value = number_format($Value/pow(1024,($Scale=floor(log($Value,1024)))),2,",",".");
+            return($Sign.$Value." ".$Units[$Scale]);
+         }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_CUSTOM ) { 
+            if ( function_exists($Format) ) { 
+                return(call_user_func($Format,$Value));                 
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_DATE ) { 
+            if ( $Format == null ) {
+                $Pattern = "d/m/Y";                 
+            } else { 
+                $Pattern = $Format;
+            } 
+            return(gmdate($Pattern,$Value));                 
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_TIME ) { 
+            if ( $Format == null ) { 
+                $Pattern = "H:i:s";                 
+            } else { 
+                $Pattern = $Format;                 
+            } 
+            return(gmdate($Pattern,$Value));
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY ) { 
+            return($Format.number_format($Value,2));
+        }
+        if ( $Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC ) {
+            if (abs($Value) > 1000000000) {
+                return(round($Value/1000000000,$Format)."g".$Unit);
+            }
+            if (abs($Value) > 1000000) {
+                return(round($Value/1000000,$Format)."m".$Unit);
+            } elseif (abs($Value) >= 1000) {
+                return(round($Value/1000,$Format)."k".$Unit);
+            }
+        }
+        return($Value.$Unit);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Write Max value on a chart
+     * @param type $Type
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function writeBounds($Type=BOUND_BOTH,$Format=null)
+    {
+        $MaxLabelTxt	= isset($Format["MaxLabelTxt"]) ? $Format["MaxLabelTxt"] : "max=";
+        $MinLabelTxt	= isset($Format["MinLabelTxt"]) ? $Format["MinLabelTxt"] : "min=";
+        $Decimals	= isset($Format["Decimals"]) ? $Format["Decimals"] : 1;
+        $ExcludedSeries	= isset($Format["ExcludedSeries"]) ? $Format["ExcludedSeries"] : "";
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 4;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $MaxDisplayR	= isset($Format["MaxDisplayR"]) ? $Format["MaxDisplayR"] : 0;
+        $MaxDisplayG	= isset($Format["MaxDisplayG"]) ? $Format["MaxDisplayG"] : 0;
+        $MaxDisplayB	= isset($Format["MaxDisplayB"]) ? $Format["MaxDisplayB"] : 0;
+        $MinDisplayR	= isset($Format["MinDisplayR"]) ? $Format["MinDisplayR"] : 255;
+        $MinDisplayG	= isset($Format["MinDisplayG"]) ? $Format["MinDisplayG"] : 255;
+        $MinDisplayB	= isset($Format["MinDisplayB"]) ? $Format["MinDisplayB"] : 255;
+        $MinLabelPos	= isset($Format["MinLabelPos"]) ? $Format["MinLabelPos"] : BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO;
+        $MaxLabelPos	= isset($Format["MaxLabelPos"]) ? $Format["MaxLabelPos"] : BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO;
+        $DrawBox	= isset($Format["DrawBox"]) ? $Format["DrawBox"] : true;
+        $DrawBoxBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBoxBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderOffset	= isset($Format["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format["BorderOffset"] : 5;
+        $BoxRounded	= isset($Format["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format["BoxRounded"] : true;
+        $RoundedRadius	= isset($Format["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
+        $BoxR		= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 0;
+        $BoxG		= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 0;
+        $BoxB		= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 0;
+        $BoxAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 20;
+        $BoxSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
+        $BoxBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $CaptionSettings = array(
+            "DrawBox"=>$DrawBox,
+            "DrawBoxBorder"=>$DrawBoxBorder,
+            "BorderOffset"=>$BorderOffset,
+            "BoxRounded"=>$BoxRounded,
+            "RoundedRadius"=>$RoundedRadius,
+            "BoxR"=>$BoxR,
+            "BoxG"=>$BoxG,
+            "BoxB"=>$BoxB,
+            "BoxAlpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+            "BoxSurrounding"=>$BoxSurrounding,
+            "BoxBorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+            "BoxBorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+            "BoxBorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+            "BoxBorderAlpha"=>$BoxBorderAlpha
+        );
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true 
+                && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] 
+                && !isset($ExcludedSeries[$SerieName])
+            ) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $MinValue = $this->DataSet->getMin($SerieName);
+                $MaxValue = $this->DataSet->getMax($SerieName);
+                $MinPos = VOID; 
+                $MaxPos = VOID;
+                foreach($Serie["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+                    if ( $Value == $MinValue && $MinPos == VOID ) { 
+                        $MinPos = $Key;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Value == $MaxValue ) {
+                        $MaxPos = $Key;                             
+                    }
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    $XStep       = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    $X           = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    $SerieOffset = isset($Serie["XOffset"]) ? $Serie["XOffset"] : 0;
+                    if ( $Type == BOUND_MAX || $Type == BOUND_BOTH ) {
+                        if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP 
+                            || ( $MaxLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue >= 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MaxPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                        }
+                        if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM 
+                            || ( $MaxLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue < 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MaxPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2;
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;                             
+                        }
+                        $XPos  = $X + $MaxPos*$XStep + $SerieOffset;
+                        $Label = $MaxLabelTxt
+                               . $this->scaleFormat(round($MaxValue,$Decimals),$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                        $TxtPos  = $this->getTextBox($XPos,$YPos,$this->FontName,$this->FontSize,0,$Label);
+                        $XOffset = 0; $YOffset = 0;
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = (($this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos[0]["X"])/2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = -(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2)/2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos[2]["Y"];                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = -($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2);
+                        }
+                        $CaptionSettings["R"] = $MaxDisplayR; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["G"] = $MaxDisplayG;
+                        $CaptionSettings["B"] = $MaxDisplayB; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = $Align;
+                        $this->drawText($XPos+$XOffset,$YPos+$YOffset,$Label,$CaptionSettings);
+                    }
+                    if ( $Type == BOUND_MIN || $Type == BOUND_BOTH ) {
+                        if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP
+                            || ( $MinLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue >= 0) 
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MinPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                        }
+                        if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM 
+                            || ($MinLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue < 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MinPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;                             
+                        }
+                        $XPos  = $X + $MinPos*$XStep + $SerieOffset;
+                        $Label = $MinLabelTxt.$this->scaleFormat(round($MinValue,$Decimals),$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                        $TxtPos  = $this->getTextBox($XPos,$YPos,$this->FontName,$this->FontSize,0,$Label);
+                        $XOffset = 0; $YOffset = 0;
+                        if ($TxtPos[0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = (($this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos[0]["X"])/2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ($TxtPos[1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = -(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2)/2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ($TxtPos[2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos[2]["Y"];                             
+                        }
+                        if ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = -($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2);                             
+                        }
+                        $CaptionSettings["R"] = $MinDisplayR; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["G"] = $MinDisplayG;
+                        $CaptionSettings["B"] = $MinDisplayB; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = $Align;
+                        $this->drawText(
+                            $XPos+$XOffset,
+                            $YPos-$DisplayOffset+$YOffset,
+                            $Label,
+                            $CaptionSettings
+                        );
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $XStep       = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    $X           = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    $SerieOffset = isset($Serie["XOffset"]) ? $Serie["XOffset"] : 0;
+                    if ( $Type == BOUND_MAX || $Type == BOUND_BOTH ) {
+                        if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP
+                            || ( $MaxLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue >= 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MaxPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;                           
+                        }
+                        if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM 
+                            || ( $MaxLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue < 0) 
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MaxPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
+                        }
+                        $XPos  = $X + $MaxPos*$XStep + $SerieOffset;
+                        $Label = $MaxLabelTxt.$this->scaleFormat($MaxValue,$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                        $TxtPos  = $this->getTextBox($YPos,$XPos,$this->FontName,$this->FontSize,0,$Label);
+                        $XOffset = 0; $YOffset = 0;
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos[0]["X"];
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = -($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = ($this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos[2]["Y"])/2;
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = -(($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2)/2);                            
+                        }
+                        $CaptionSettings["R"] = $MaxDisplayR; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["G"] = $MaxDisplayG;
+                        $CaptionSettings["B"] = $MaxDisplayB; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = $Align;
+                        $this->drawText($YPos+$XOffset,$XPos+$YOffset,$Label,$CaptionSettings);
+                    }
+                    if ( $Type == BOUND_MIN || $Type == BOUND_BOTH ) {
+                        if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP
+                            || ( $MinLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue >= 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MinPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;                             
+                        }
+                        if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM 
+                            || ( $MinLabelPos ==  BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue < 0)
+                        ) { 
+                            $YPos  = $PosArray[$MinPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2; 
+                            $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
+                        }
+                        $XPos  = $X + $MinPos*$XStep + $SerieOffset;
+                        $Label = $MinLabelTxt.$this->scaleFormat($MinValue,$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                        $TxtPos  = $this->getTextBox($YPos,$XPos,$this->FontName,$this->FontSize,0,$Label);
+                        $XOffset = 0; $YOffset = 0;
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos[0]["X"];                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                            $XOffset = -($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2);                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = ($this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos[2]["Y"])/2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $TxtPos[0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                            $YOffset = -(($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2)/2);                            
+                        }
+                        $CaptionSettings["R"] = $MinDisplayR; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["G"] = $MinDisplayG;
+                        $CaptionSettings["B"] = $MinDisplayB; 
+                        $CaptionSettings["Align"] = $Align;
+                        $this->drawText($YPos+$XOffset,$XPos+$YOffset,$Label,$CaptionSettings);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a plot chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawPlotChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $PlotSize	= isset($Format["PlotSize"]) ? $Format["PlotSize"] : null;
+        $PlotBorder	= isset($Format["PlotBorder"]) ? $Format["PlotBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 50;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 50;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 50;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 30;
+        $BorderSize	= isset($Format["BorderSize"]) ? $Format["BorderSize"] : 2;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 4;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] ) {
+                if ( isset($Serie["Weight"]) ) {
+                    $SerieWeight = $Serie["Weight"] + 2;
+                } else {
+                    $SerieWeight = 2;                         
+                }
+                if ( $PlotSize != null ) { 
+                    $SerieWeight = $PlotSize;                     
+                }
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+                    $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; 
+                    $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; 
+                    $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;                     
+                }
+                if ( isset($Serie["Picture"]) ) { 
+                    $Picture = $Serie["Picture"]; 
+                    list($PicWidth,$PicHeight,$PicType) = $this->getPicInfo($Picture);                     
+                } else { 
+                    $Picture = null; 
+                    $PicOffset = 0;                     
+                }
+                if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Shape	= $Serie["Shape"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];                     
+                } else {
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;                     
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie["Data"],array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Picture != null ) { 
+                        $PicOffset = $PicHeight / 2;
+                        $SerieWeight = 0;                         
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$DisplayOffset-$SerieWeight-$BorderSize-$PicOffset,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "CIRCLE",
+                                    floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$SerieWeight,
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $Picture != null ) {
+                                $this->drawFromPicture($PicType,$Picture,$X-$PicWidth/2,$Y-$PicHeight/2);                                 
+                            }
+                            else { 
+                                $this->drawShape(
+                                    $X,
+                                    $Y,
+                                    $Shape,
+                                    $SerieWeight,
+                                    $PlotBorder,
+                                    $BorderSize,
+                                    $R,
+                                    $G,
+                                    $B,
+                                    $Alpha,
+                                    $BorderR,
+                                    $BorderG,
+                                    $BorderB,
+                                    $BorderAlpha
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Picture != null ) { 
+                        $PicOffset = $PicWidth / 2;
+                        $SerieWeight = 0;                         
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$DisplayOffset+$SerieWeight+$BorderSize+$PicOffset,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array(
+                                    "Angle"=>270,
+                                    "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                    "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                    "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "CIRCLE",
+                                    floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$SerieWeight,
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ( $Picture != null ) { 
+                                $this->drawFromPicture($PicType,$Picture,$X-$PicWidth/2,$Y-$PicHeight/2);
+                            } else { 
+                                $this->drawShape(
+                                        $X,
+                                        $Y,
+                                        $Shape,
+                                        $SerieWeight,
+                                        $PlotBorder,
+                                        $BorderSize,
+                                        $R,
+                                        $G,
+                                        $B,
+                                        $Alpha,
+                                        $BorderR,
+                                        $BorderG,
+                                        $BorderB,
+                                        $BorderAlpha
+                                );                           
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a spline chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawSplineChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $BreakVoid	= isset($Format["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format["BreakVoid"] : true;
+        $VoidTicks	= isset($Format["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format["VoidTicks"] : 4;
+        $BreakR		= isset($Format["BreakR"]) ? $Format["BreakR"] : null; // 234
+        $BreakG		= isset($Format["BreakG"]) ? $Format["BreakG"] : null; // 55
+        $BreakB		= isset($Format["BreakB"]) ? $Format["BreakB"] : null; // 26
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapPlotSize  = isset($Format["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"];
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"];
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                if ($BreakR == null) {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$R,
+                        "G"=>$G,
+                        "B"=>$B,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$BreakR,
+                        "G"=>$BreakG,
+                        "B"=>$BreakB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks,
+                        "Weight"=>$Weight
+                    );
+                }
+                if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R;
+                    $DisplayG = $G;
+                    $DisplayB = $B;
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) {
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];              
+                } else {
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;              
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) {
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $X     = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; $WayPoints = "";
+                    $Force = $XStep / 5;
+                    if (!is_array($PosArray)) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $LastX = 1; 
+                    $LastY = 1;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$DisplayOffset,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap && $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID && $LastY != null ) { 
+                            $this->drawSpline(
+                                $WayPoints,
+                                array(
+                                    "Force"=>$Force,
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                    "Weight"=>$Weight
+                                )
+                            ); 
+                            $WayPoints = "";                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastY == null && $LastGoodY != null && !$BreakVoid ) { 
+                            $this->drawLine($LastGoodX,$LastGoodY,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) {
+                            $WayPoints[] = array($X,$Y);
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $Y = null;
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; $LastY = $Y;
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $this->drawSpline(
+                        $WayPoints,
+                        array(
+                            "Force"=>$Force,
+                            "R"=>$R,
+                            "G"=>$G,
+                            "B"=>$B,
+                            "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                            "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                            "Weight"=>$Weight
+                        )
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) {
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $Y          = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $WayPoints  = "";
+                    $Force      = $YStep / 5;
+                    if (!is_array($PosArray)) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $LastX = 1; $LastY = 1;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$DisplayOffset,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat(
+                                    $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                    $Mode,
+                                    $Format,
+                                    $Unit
+                                ),
+                                array(
+                                    "Angle"=>270,
+                                    "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                    "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                    "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE
+                                    )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ($RecordImageMap && $X != VOID) {
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID && $LastX != null ) { 
+                            $this->drawSpline(
+                                 $WayPoints,
+                                 array(
+                                     "Force"=>$Force,
+                                     "R"=>$R,
+                                     "G"=>$G,
+                                     "B"=>$B,
+                                     "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                     "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                     "Weight"=>$Weight
+                                )
+                            ); 
+                            $WayPoints = "";                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX == null && $LastGoodX != null && !$BreakVoid ) { 
+                            $this->drawLine($LastGoodX,$LastGoodY,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) {
+                            $WayPoints[] = array($X,$Y);
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X; 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) { 
+                            $X = null;
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    $this->drawSpline(
+                        $WayPoints,
+                        array(
+                            "Force"=>$Force,
+                            "R"=>$R,
+                            "G"=>$G,
+                            "B"=>$B,
+                            "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                            "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                            "Weight"=>$Weight
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a filled spline chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawFilledSplineChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $AroundZero	= isset($Format["AroundZero"]) ? $Format["AroundZero"] : true;
+        $Threshold	= isset($Format["Threshold"]) ? $Format["Threshold"] : null;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"];
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                    $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));                     
+                }
+                if ( $Threshold != null ) {
+                    foreach($Threshold as $Key => $Params) {
+                        $Threshold[$Key]["MinX"] = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                            $Params["Min"],
+                            array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                        );
+                        $Threshold[$Key]["MaxX"] = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                            $Params["Max"],
+                            array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                     
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X     = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $WayPoints = "";
+                    $Force = $XStep / 5;
+                    if ( !$AroundZero ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1+1 ) {
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1+1;
+                    }
+                    $LastX = ""; 
+                    $LastY = "";
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$DisplayOffset,
+                                $this->scaleFormat(
+                                    $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                    $Mode,
+                                    $Format,
+                                    $Unit
+                                ),
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                    "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                    "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) {
+                            $Area = $this->drawSpline(
+                                $WayPoints,
+                                array("Force"=>$Force,"PathOnly"=>true)
+                            );
+                            if ( $Area != "" ) {
+                                foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) {
+                                    $Corners = ""; 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Area[$key][0]["X"]; 
+                                    $Corners[] = $YZero;
+                                    foreach($Points as $subKey => $Point) {
+                                        if ( $subKey == count($Points)-1) { 
+                                            $Corners[] = $Point["X"]-1; 
+                                        } else {
+                                            $Corners[] = $Point["X"];                                         
+                                        }
+                                        $Corners[] = $Point["Y"]+1;
+                                    }
+                                    $Corners[] = $Points[$subKey]["X"]-1; $Corners[] = $YZero;
+                                    $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                        $Corners,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$R,
+                                            "G"=>$G,
+                                            "B"=>$B,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$Alpha/2,
+                                            "NoBorder"=>true,
+                                            "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                $this->drawSpline(
+                                    $WayPoints,
+                                    array(
+                                        "Force"=>$Force,
+                                        "R"=>$R,
+                                        "G"=>$G,
+                                        "B"=>$B,
+                                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                        "Ticks"=>$Ticks
+                                    )
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $WayPoints = "";
+                        } else {
+                            $WayPoints[] = array($X,$Y-.5); /* -.5 for AA visual fix */
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $Area = $this->drawSpline($WayPoints,array("Force"=>$Force,"PathOnly"=>true));
+                    if ( $Area != "" ) {
+                        foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) {
+                            $Corners = ""; 
+                            $Corners[] = $Area[$key][0]["X"]; 
+                            $Corners[] = $YZero;
+                            foreach($Points as $subKey => $Point) {
+                                if ( $subKey == count($Points)-1) { 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Point["X"]-1;
+                                } else { 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Point["X"];
+                                }
+                                $Corners[] = $Point["Y"]+1;
+                            }
+                            $Corners[] = $Points[$subKey]["X"]-1; 
+                            $Corners[] = $YZero;
+                            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                $Corners,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha/2,
+                                    "NoBorder"=>true,
+                                    "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $this->drawSpline(
+                            $WayPoints,
+                            array(
+                                "Force"=>$Force,
+                                "R"=>$R,
+                                "G"=>$G,
+                                "B"=>$B,
+                                "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                "Ticks"=>$Ticks
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $WayPoints = "";
+                    $Force = $YStep / 5;
+                    if ( !$AroundZero ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) {
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) {
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$DisplayOffset,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("Angle"=>270,"R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) {
+                            $Area = $this->drawSpline(
+                                $WayPoints,
+                                array("Force"=>$Force,"PathOnly"=>true)
+                            );
+                            if ( $Area != "" ) {
+                                foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) {
+                                    $Corners = ""; 
+                                    $Corners[] = $YZero;
+                                    $Corners[] = $Area[$key][0]["Y"];
+                                    foreach($Points as $subKey => $Point) {
+                                        if ( $subKey == count($Points)-1) { 
+                                            $Corners[] = $Point["X"]-1;
+                                        } else { 
+                                            $Corners[] = $Point["X"];
+                                        }
+                                        $Corners[] = $Point["Y"];
+                                    }
+                                    $Corners[] = $YZero; 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Points[$subKey]["Y"]-1;
+                                    $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                        $Corners,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$R,
+                                            "G"=>$G,
+                                            "B"=>$B,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$Alpha/2,
+                                            "NoBorder"=>true,
+                                            "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                $this->drawSpline(
+                                    $WayPoints,
+                                    array(
+                                        "Force"=>$Force,
+                                        "R"=>$R,
+                                        "G"=>$G,
+                                        "B"=>$B,
+                                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                        "Ticks"=>$Ticks
+                                    )
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $WayPoints = "";
+                        } else {
+                            $WayPoints[] = array($X,$Y);
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    $Area = $this->drawSpline(
+                        $WayPoints,
+                        array("Force"=>$Force,"PathOnly"=>true)
+                    );
+                    if ( $Area != "" ) {
+                        foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) {
+                            $Corners = ""; 
+                            $Corners[] = $YZero; 
+                            $Corners[] = $Area[$key][0]["Y"];
+                            foreach($Points as $subKey => $Point) {
+                                if ( $subKey == count($Points)-1) { 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Point["X"]-1;                                     
+                                } else { 
+                                    $Corners[] = $Point["X"];
+                                }
+                                $Corners[] = $Point["Y"];
+                            }
+                            $Corners[] = $YZero; 
+                            $Corners[] = $Points[$subKey]["Y"]-1;
+                            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                $Corners,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha/2,
+                                    "NoBorder"=>true,
+                                    "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $this->drawSpline(
+                            $WayPoints,
+                            array(
+                                "Force"=>$Force,
+                                "R"=>$R,
+                                "G"=>$G,
+                                "B"=>$B,
+                                "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                "Ticks"=>$Ticks
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a line chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawLineChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $BreakVoid	= isset($Format["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format["BreakVoid"] : true;
+        $VoidTicks	= isset($Format["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format["VoidTicks"] : 4;
+        $BreakR		= isset($Format["BreakR"]) ? $Format["BreakR"] : null;
+        $BreakG		= isset($Format["BreakG"]) ? $Format["BreakG"] : null;
+        $BreakB		= isset($Format["BreakB"]) ? $Format["BreakB"] : null;
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;
+        $ForceColor	= isset($Format["ForceColor"]) ? $Format["ForceColor"] : false;
+        $ForceR		= isset($Format["ForceR"]) ? $Format["ForceR"] : 0;
+        $ForceG		= isset($Format["ForceG"]) ? $Format["ForceG"] : 0;
+        $ForceB		= isset($Format["ForceB"]) ? $Format["ForceB"] : 0;
+        $ForceAlpha	= isset($Format["ForceAlpha"]) ? $Format["ForceAlpha"] : 100;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] ) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                if ( $ForceColor ) { 
+                    $R = $ForceR; 
+                    $G = $ForceG;
+                    $B = $ForceB; 
+                    $Alpha = $ForceAlpha;                     
+                }
+                if ( $BreakR == null ) {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$R,
+                        "G"=>$G,
+                        "B"=>$B,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks,
+                        "Weight"=>$Weight
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$BreakR,
+                        "G"=>$BreakG,
+                        "B"=>$BreakB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks,
+                        "Weight"=>$Weight
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];
+                } else { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;                     
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] > 0 ) { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            } else {
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
+                            }
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$Offset-$Weight,
+                                $this->scaleFormat(
+                                    $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                    $Mode,
+                                    $Format,
+                                    $Unit
+                                ),
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                    "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                    "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                    "Align"=>$Align
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap && $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastX,
+                                $LastY,
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                    "Weight"=>$Weight
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastY == null && $LastGoodY != null && !$BreakVoid ) { 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $LastGoodY,
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                $BreakSettings
+                            ); 
+                            $LastGoodY = null;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X; }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $Y = null;                             
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray;
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) { 
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$DisplayOffset+$Weight,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat(
+                                    $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                    $Mode,
+                                    $Format,
+                                    $Unit
+                                ),
+                                array(
+                                    "Angle"=>270,
+                                    "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                    "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                    "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE
+                                )
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap && $X != VOID ) { 
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastX,
+                                $LastY,
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                    "Weight"=>$Weight
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX == null && $LastGoodY != null && !$BreakVoid ) { 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $LastGoodY,
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                $BreakSettings
+                            ); 
+                            $LastGoodY = null;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) { 
+                            $X = null;                             
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                } 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a line chart
+     * @param type $SerieA
+     * @param type $SerieB
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawZoneChart($SerieA,$SerieB,$Format=null)
+    {
+        $AxisID	= isset($Format["AxisID"]) ? $Format["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $LineR	= isset($Format["LineR"]) ? $Format["LineR"] : 150;
+        $LineG	= isset($Format["LineG"]) ? $Format["LineG"] : 150;
+        $LineB	= isset($Format["LineB"]) ? $Format["LineB"] : 150;
+        $LineAlpha = isset($Format["LineAlpha"]) ? $Format["LineAlpha"] : 50;
+        $LineTicks = isset($Format["LineTicks"]) ? $Format["LineTicks"] : 1;
+        $AreaR	= isset($Format["AreaR"]) ? $Format["AreaR"] : 150;
+        $AreaG	= isset($Format["AreaG"]) ? $Format["AreaG"] : 150;
+        $AreaB	= isset($Format["AreaB"]) ? $Format["AreaB"] : 150;
+        $AreaAlpha = isset($Format["AreaAlpha"]) ? $Format["AreaAlpha"] : 5;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data	 = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        if (!isset($Data["Series"][$SerieA]["Data"]) 
+            || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieB]["Data"])
+        ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        $SerieAData = $Data["Series"][$SerieA]["Data"];
+        $SerieBData = $Data["Series"][$SerieB]["Data"];
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+        $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+        $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+        $PosArrayA = $this->scaleComputeY($SerieAData,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+        $PosArrayB = $this->scaleComputeY($SerieBData,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+        if ( count($PosArrayA) != count($PosArrayB) ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                 
+            } else { 
+                $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                 
+            }
+            $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+            $LastX = null; 
+            $LastY = null;
+            $LastX = null; 
+            $LastY1 = null; 
+            $LastY2 = null;
+            $BoundsA = ""; 
+            $BoundsB = "";
+            foreach($PosArrayA as $Key => $Y1) {
+                $Y2 = $PosArrayB[$Key];
+                $BoundsA[] = $X; 
+                $BoundsA[] = $Y1;
+                $BoundsB[] = $X; 
+                $BoundsB[] = $Y2;
+                $LastX = $X;
+                $LastY1 = $Y1; 
+                $LastY2 = $Y2;
+                $X = $X + $XStep;
+            }
+            $Bounds = array_merge($BoundsA,$this->reversePlots($BoundsB));
+            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                $Bounds,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$AreaR,
+                    "G"=>$AreaG,
+                    "B"=>$AreaB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$AreaAlpha
+                )
+            );
+            for ($i=0;$i<=count($BoundsA)-4;$i=$i+2) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $BoundsA[$i],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+1],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+2],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+3],
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$LineR,
+                        "G"=>$LineG,
+                        "B"=>$LineB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LineAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$LineTicks
+                    )
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $BoundsB[$i],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+1],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+2],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+3],
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$LineR,
+                        "G"=>$LineG,
+                        "B"=>$LineB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LineAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$LineTicks
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                 
+            } else { 
+                $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+            }
+            $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+            $LastX = null; 
+            $LastY = null;
+            $LastY = null; 
+            $LastX1 = null; 
+            $LastX2 = null;
+            $BoundsA = ""; 
+            $BoundsB = "";
+            foreach($PosArrayA as $Key => $X1) {
+                $X2 = $PosArrayB[$Key];
+                $BoundsA[] = $X1; 
+                $BoundsA[] = $Y;
+                $BoundsB[] = $X2; 
+                $BoundsB[] = $Y;
+                $LastY = $Y;
+                $LastX1 = $X1; 
+                $LastX2 = $X2;
+                $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+            }
+            $Bounds = array_merge($BoundsA,$this->reversePlots($BoundsB));
+            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                $Bounds,
+                array("R"=>$AreaR,"G"=>$AreaG,"B"=>$AreaB,"Alpha"=>$AreaAlpha)
+            );
+            for ($i=0;$i<=count($BoundsA)-4;$i=$i+2) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $BoundsA[$i],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+1],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+2],
+                    $BoundsA[$i+3],
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$LineR,
+                        "G"=>$LineG,
+                        "B"=>$LineB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LineAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$LineTicks
+                    )
+                );
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $BoundsB[$i],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+1],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+2],
+                    $BoundsB[$i+3],
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$LineR,
+                        "G"=>$LineG,
+                        "B"=>$LineB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LineAlpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$LineTicks
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a step chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawStepChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $BreakVoid	= isset($Format["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format["BreakVoid"] : false;
+        $ReCenter	= isset($Format["ReCenter"]) ? $Format["ReCenter"] : true;
+        $VoidTicks	= isset($Format["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format["VoidTicks"] : 4;
+        $BreakR		= isset($Format["BreakR"]) ? $Format["BreakR"] : null;
+        $BreakG		= isset($Format["BreakG"]) ? $Format["BreakG"] : null;
+        $BreakB		= isset($Format["BreakB"]) ? $Format["BreakB"] : null;
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] :false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapPlotSize  = isset($Format["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];                     
+                } else { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;                     
+                }
+                if ( $BreakR == null ) {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$R,
+                        "G"=>$G,
+                        "B"=>$B,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks,
+                        "Weight"=>$Weight
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $BreakSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$BreakR,
+                        "G"=>$BreakG,
+                        "B"=>$BreakB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Ticks"=>$VoidTicks,
+                        "Weight"=>$Weight
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $Color	= array(
+                    "R"=>$R,
+                    "G"=>$G,
+                    "B"=>$B,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                    "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                    "Weight"=>$Weight
+                );
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $Init = false;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $Y <= $LastY ) { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$Offset-$Weight,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>$Align)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                            $this->drawLine($LastX,$LastY,$X,$LastY,$Color);
+                            $this->drawLine($X,$LastY,$X,$Y,$Color);
+                            if ( $ReCenter && $X+$XStep < $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin ) {
+                                $this->drawLine($X,$Y,$X+$XStep,$Y,$Color);
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($X-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($Y-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($X+$XStep+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($Y+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            } else { 
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($LastX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($LastY-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($X+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                        .floor($LastY+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastY == null && $LastGoodY != null && !$BreakVoid ) { 
+                            if ( $ReCenter ) {
+                                $this->drawLine($LastGoodX+$XStep,$LastGoodY,$X,$LastGoodY,$BreakSettings);
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($LastGoodX+$XStep-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($LastGoodY-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($X+$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($LastGoodY+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                $this->drawLine($LastGoodX,$LastGoodY,$X,$LastGoodY,$BreakSettings);
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($LastGoodX-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($LastGoodY-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($X+$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                        .",".floor($LastGoodY+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine($X,$LastGoodY,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);
+                            $LastGoodY = null;
+                        } elseif( !$BreakVoid && $LastGoodY == null && $Y != VOID ) {
+                            $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin,$Y,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($this->GraphAreaX1+$XMargin-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                    .",".floor($Y-$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                    .",".floor($X+$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                    .",".floor($Y+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $Y = null;
+                        }
+                        if ( !$Init && $ReCenter ) { 
+                            $X = $X - $XStep/2; 
+                            $Init = true;
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        if ( $LastX < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin ) {
+                            $LastX = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    if ( $ReCenter ) {
+                        $this->drawLine($LastX,$LastY,$this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin,$LastY,$Color);
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "RECT",
+                                floor($LastX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                .floor($LastY-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                .floor($this->GraphAreaX2-$XMargin+$ImageMapPlotSize)
+                                .",".floor($LastY+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $Init = false;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $X >= $LastX ) { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            } else {
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$Offset+$Weight,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>$Align)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                            $this->drawLine($LastX,$LastY,$LastX,$Y,$Color);
+                            $this->drawLine($LastX,$Y,$X,$Y,$Color);
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($LastX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastY-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastX+$XStep+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($Y+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX == null && $LastGoodY != null && !$BreakVoid ) {
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $LastGoodY,
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $LastGoodY+$YStep,
+                                $Color
+                            );
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($LastGoodX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastGoodY-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastGoodX+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastGoodY+$YStep+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $LastGoodY+$YStep,
+                                $LastGoodX,
+                                $Y,
+                                $BreakSettings
+                            );
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($LastGoodX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastGoodY+$YStep-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($LastGoodX+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($YStep+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine($LastGoodX,$Y,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);
+                            $LastGoodY = null;
+                        } elseif ( $X != VOID && $LastGoodY == null && !$BreakVoid ) {
+                            $this->drawLine($X,$this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin,$X,$Y,$BreakSettings);
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($X-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($this->GraphAreaY1+$XMargin-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($X+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                    .floor($Y+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) { $LastGoodY = $Y; $LastGoodX = $X; }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) { $X = null; }
+                        if ( !$Init && $ReCenter ) { $Y = $Y - $YStep/2; $Init = true; }
+                        $LastX = $X; $LastY = $Y;
+                        if ( $LastY < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin ) { $LastY = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    if ( $ReCenter ) {
+                        $this->drawLine($LastX,$LastY,$LastX,$this->GraphAreaY2 - $XMargin,$Color);
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "RECT",
+                                floor($LastX-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                .floor($LastY-$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                .floor($LastX+$ImageMapPlotSize).","
+                                .floor($this->GraphAreaY2-$XMargin+$ImageMapPlotSize),
+                                $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                $SerieDescription,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a step chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawFilledStepChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $ReCenter	= isset($Format["ReCenter"]) ? $Format["ReCenter"] : true;
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] :false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $ForceTransparency = isset($Format["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format["ForceTransparency"] : null;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $AroundZero	= isset($Format["AroundZero"]) ? $Format["AroundZero"] : true;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ( $Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"] ) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $Color	= array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B);
+                if ( $ForceTransparency != null ) { 
+                    $Color["Alpha"] = $ForceTransparency;
+                } else {
+                    $Color["Alpha"] = $Alpha;                     
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie["Data"],array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $YZero    = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !$AroundZero ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $Points = ""; 
+                    $Init = false;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $Y == VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null && $Points !="" ) {
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $X; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $X; 
+                            $Points[] = $YZero;
+                            $this->drawPolygon($Points,$Color);
+                            $Points = "";
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null ) {
+                            if ( $Points == "") { 
+                                $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                                $Points[] = $YZero;                               
+                            }
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $X; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $X; 
+                            $Points[] = $Y;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $Y = null;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( !$Init && $ReCenter ) { 
+                            $X = $X - $XStep/2; 
+                            $Init = true;                             
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        if ( $LastX < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin ) { 
+                            $LastX = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;                             
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    if ( $ReCenter ) {
+                        $Points[] = $LastX+$XStep/2; 
+                        $Points[] = $LastY;
+                        $Points[] = $LastX+$XStep/2; 
+                        $Points[] = $YZero;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                        $Points[] = $YZero;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->drawPolygon($Points,$Color);
+                } else {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;
+                    } else {
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs; 
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $LastGoodY = null; 
+                    $LastGoodX = null; 
+                    $Points = "";
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ($X == VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null && $Points !="") {
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $Y;
+                            $Points[] = $YZero; 
+                            $Points[] = $Y;
+                            $this->drawPolygon($Points,$Color);
+                            $Points = "";
+                        }
+                        if ($X != VOID && $LastX != null && $LastY != null) {
+                            if ( $Points == "") { 
+                                $Points[] = $YZero;
+                                $Points[] = $LastY;                                 
+                            }
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $LastY;
+                            $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                            $Points[] = $Y;
+                            $Points[] = $X; 
+                            $Points[] = $Y;
+                        }
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) { 
+                            $LastGoodY = $Y; 
+                            $LastGoodX = $X;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) {
+                            $X = null;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $LastX == null && $ReCenter ) { 
+                            $Y = $Y - $YStep/2;                             
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; 
+                        $LastY = $Y;
+                        if ( $LastY < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin ) {
+                            $LastY = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;                             
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    if ( $ReCenter ) {
+                      $Points[] = $LastX; 
+                      $Points[] = $LastY+$YStep/2;
+                      $Points[] = $YZero;
+                      $Points[] = $LastY+$YStep/2;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Points[] = $YZero; 
+                        $Points[] = $LastY;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->drawPolygon($Points,$Color);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw an area chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawAreaChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $ForceTransparency = isset($Format["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format["ForceTransparency"] : 25;
+        $AroundZero	= isset($Format["AroundZero"]) ? $Format["AroundZero"] : true;
+        $Threshold	= isset($Format["Threshold"]) ? $Format["Threshold"] : null;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data  = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie["Data"],array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $YZero    = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                if ( $Threshold != null ) {
+                    foreach($Threshold as $Key => $Params) {
+                        $Threshold[$Key]["MinX"] = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                            $Params["Min"],
+                            array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                        );
+                        $Threshold[$Key]["MaxX"] = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                            $Params["Max"],
+                            array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    $Areas = ""; 
+                    $AreaID = 0; 
+                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                             
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray;
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] > 0 ) { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;                               
+                            } else { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                               
+                            }
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y-$Offset,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>$Align)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID && isset($Areas[$AreaID]) ) {
+                            if($LastX == null) { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $X;
+                            } else { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $LastX;
+                            }
+                            if ( $AroundZero ) {
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                                 
+                            }
+                            $AreaID++;
+                        } elseif ($Y != VOID) {
+                            if ( !isset($Areas[$AreaID]) ) {
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $X;
+                                if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;                                     
+                                } else { 
+                                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                                     
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $Areas[$AreaID][] = $X;
+                            $Areas[$AreaID][] = $Y;
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X;
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $LastX;
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;
+                    }
+                    /* Handle shadows in the areas */
+                    if ( $this->Shadow ) {
+                        $ShadowArea = "";
+                        foreach($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
+                            $ShadowArea[$Key] = "";
+                            foreach($Points as $Key2 => $Value) {
+                                if ( $Key2 % 2 == 0 ) { 
+                                    $ShadowArea[$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowX;                                   
+                                } else { 
+                                    $ShadowArea[$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowY;                                   
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }              
+                        foreach($ShadowArea as $Key => $Points) {
+                            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                $Points,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$this->ShadowR,
+                                    "G"=>$this->ShadowG,
+                                    "B"=>$this->ShadowB,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $Alpha = $ForceTransparency != null ? $ForceTransparency : $Alpha;
+                    $Color = array(
+                        "R"=>$R,
+                        "G"=>$G,
+                        "B"=>$B,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                        "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                    );
+                    foreach ($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
+                        $this->drawPolygonChart($Points,$Color);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    $Areas = "";
+                    $AreaID = 0; 
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                    }
+                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin; 
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] > 0 ) { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawText(
+                                $X+$Offset,
+                                $Y,
+                                $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                array("Angle"=>270,"R"=>$DisplayR,"G"=>$DisplayG,"B"=>$DisplayB,"Align"=>$Align)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID && isset($Areas[$AreaID]) ) {
+                            if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;                                 
+                            } else {
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                            }
+                            if($LastY == null) { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $Y;
+                            } else { 
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $LastY;
+                            }
+                            $AreaID++;
+                        } elseif ($X != VOID) {
+                            if ( !isset($Areas[$AreaID]) ) {
+                                if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;
+                                } else {
+                                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                                         
+                                }
+                                $Areas[$AreaID][] = $Y;
+                            }
+                            $Areas[$AreaID][] = $X;
+                            $Areas[$AreaID][] = $Y;
+                        }
+                        $LastX = $X; $LastY = $Y;
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $YZero;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Areas[$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                    }
+                    $Areas[$AreaID][] = $LastY;
+                    /* Handle shadows in the areas */
+                    if ( $this->Shadow ) {
+                        $ShadowArea = "";
+                        foreach($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
+                            $ShadowArea[$Key] = "";
+                            foreach($Points as $Key2 => $Value) {
+                                if ( $Key2 % 2 == 0 ) { 
+                                    $ShadowArea[$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowX;
+                                } else { 
+                                    $ShadowArea[$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowY;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }              
+                        foreach($ShadowArea as $Key => $Points) {
+                            $this->drawPolygonChart(
+                                $Points,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$this->ShadowR,
+                                    "G"=>$this->ShadowG,
+                                    "B"=>$this->ShadowB,
+                                    "Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $Alpha = $ForceTransparency != null ? $ForceTransparency : $Alpha;
+                    $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Threshold"=>$Threshold);
+                    foreach($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
+                        $this->drawPolygonChart($Points,$Color);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a bar chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawBarChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $Floating0Serie	= isset($Format["Floating0Serie"]) ? $Format["Floating0Serie"] : null;
+        $Floating0Value	= isset($Format["Floating0Value"]) ? $Format["Floating0Value"] : null;
+        $Draw0Line	= isset($Format["Draw0Line"]) ? $Format["Draw0Line"] : false;
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOrientation = isset($Format["DisplayOrientation"]) ? $Format["DisplayOrientation"] : ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
+        $DisplayOffset	= isset($Format["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayFont	= isset($Format["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontName;
+        $DisplaySize	= isset($Format["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $DisplayPos	= isset($Format["DisplayPos"]) ? $Format["DisplayPos"] : LABEL_POS_OUTSIDE;
+        $DisplayShadow	= isset($Format["DisplayShadow"]) ? $Format["DisplayShadow"] : true;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $AroundZero	= isset($Format["AroundZero"]) ? $Format["AroundZero"] : true;
+        $Interleave	= isset($Format["Interleave"]) ? $Format["Interleave"] : .5;
+        $Rounded	= isset($Format["Rounded"]) ? $Format["Rounded"] : false;
+        $RoundRadius	= isset($Format["RoundRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundRadius"] : 4;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $Gradient	= isset($Format["Gradient"]) ? $Format["Gradient"] : false;
+        $GradientMode	= isset($Format["GradientMode"]) ? $Format["GradientMode"] : GRADIENT_SIMPLE;
+        $GradientAlpha	= isset($Format["GradientAlpha"]) ? $Format["GradientAlpha"] : 20;
+        $GradientStartR	= isset($Format["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format["GradientStartR"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartG	= isset($Format["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format["GradientStartG"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartB	= isset($Format["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format["GradientStartB"] : 255;
+        $GradientEndR	= isset($Format["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format["GradientEndR"] : 0;
+        $GradientEndG	= isset($Format["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format["GradientEndG"] : 0;
+        $GradientEndB	= isset($Format["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format["GradientEndB"] : 0;
+        $TxtMargin	= isset($Format["TxtMargin"]) ? $Format["TxtMargin"] : 6;
+        $OverrideColors	= isset($Format["OverrideColors"]) ? $Format["OverrideColors"] : null;
+        $OverrideSurrounding = isset($Format["OverrideSurrounding"]) ? $Format["OverrideSurrounding"] : 30;
+        $InnerSurrounding = isset($Format["InnerSurrounding"]) ? $Format["InnerSurrounding"] : null;
+        $InnerBorderR	= isset($Format["InnerBorderR"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderR"] : -1;
+        $InnerBorderG	= isset($Format["InnerBorderG"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderG"] : -1;
+        $InnerBorderB	= isset($Format["InnerBorderB"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderB"] : -1;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        if ( $OverrideColors != null ) {
+            $OverrideColors = $this->validatePalette($OverrideColors,$OverrideSurrounding);
+            $this->DataSet->saveExtendedData("Palette",$OverrideColors);
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        $SeriesCount  = $this->countDrawableSeries();
+        $CurrentSerie = 0;
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"];
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"];
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"];
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = $R; 
+                    $DisplayG = $G; 
+                    $DisplayB = $B;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+                    $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+                    $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding;
+                    $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;
+                }
+                if ( $InnerSurrounding != null ) { 
+                    $InnerBorderR = $R+$InnerSurrounding; 
+                    $InnerBorderG = $G+$InnerSurrounding; 
+                    $InnerBorderB = $B+$InnerSurrounding;                     
+                }
+                if ( $InnerBorderR == -1 ) { 
+                    $InnerColor = null;
+                } else { 
+                    $InnerColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$InnerBorderR,
+                        "G"=>$InnerBorderG,
+                        "B"=>$InnerBorderB
+                    );
+                }
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$R,
+                    "G"=>$G,
+                    "B"=>$B,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BorderB
+                );
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) {
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];                     
+                } else { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;                     
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                if ( $Floating0Value != null ) { 
+                    $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                        $Floating0Value,
+                        array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                    );                     
+                } else { 
+                    $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                }
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = 0;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $Y1 = $YZero;
+                    } else { 
+                        $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                             
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XSize = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/($SeriesCount+$Interleave);
+                    } else { 
+                        $XSize   = ($XStep / ($SeriesCount+$Interleave) );
+                    }
+                    $XOffset = -($XSize*$SeriesCount)/2 + $CurrentSerie * $XSize;
+                    if ( $X + $XOffset <= $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                        $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $X + 1 ;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = $XOffset + $XSize / 2;
+                    if ( $Rounded || $BorderR != -1) { 
+                        $XSpace = 1;                         
+                    } else {
+                        $XSpace = 0;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) {
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $ID = 0;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y2) {
+                        if ( $Floating0Serie != null ) {
+                            if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key]) ) { 
+                                $Value = $Data["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key];                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Value = 0;
+                            }
+                            $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                            if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1+1 ) { 
+                                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1+1;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $AroundZero ) {
+                                $Y1 = $YZero;                                 
+                            } else {
+                                $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $OverrideColors != null ) { 
+                            if ( isset($OverrideColors[$ID]) ) { 
+                                $Color = array(
+                                    "R"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["R"],
+                                    "G"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["G"],
+                                    "B"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["B"],
+                                    "Alpha"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                                    "BorderR"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderR"],
+                                    "BorderG"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderG"],
+                                    "BorderB"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderB"]
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Color = $this->getRandomColor();                                 
+                            }                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y2 != VOID ) {
+                            $BarHeight = $Y1 - $Y2;
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] == 0 ) {
+                                $this->drawLine(
+                                    $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                    $Y1,
+                                    $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                    $Y1,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($X+$XOffset+$XSpace).",".floor($Y1-1)
+                                        .",".floor($X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace).","
+                                        .floor($Y1+1),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($X+$XOffset+$XSpace).",".floor($Y1)
+                                        .",".floor($X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace).","
+                                        .floor($Y2),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if ( $Rounded ) {
+                                    $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                        $Y1,
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                        $Y2,
+                                        $RoundRadius,
+                                        $Color
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                        $Y1,
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                        $Y2,
+                                        $Color
+                                    );
+                                    if ( $InnerColor != null ) { 
+                                        $this->drawRectangle(
+                                            $X+$XOffset+$XSpace+1,
+                                            min($Y1,$Y2)+1,
+                                            $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace-1,
+                                            max($Y1,$Y2)-1,
+                                            $InnerColor
+                                        );
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $Gradient ) {
+                                        $this->Shadow  = false;
+                                        if ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE ) {
+                                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] >= 0 ) {
+                                                $GradienColor = array(
+                                                    "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                    "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                    "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                    "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                    "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                    "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                    "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                                );
+                                            } else {
+                                                $GradienColor = array(
+                                                    "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                    "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                    "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                    "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                    "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                    "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                    "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                                );
+                                            }
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                                $Y1,
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                                $Y2,
+                                                DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                                $GradienColor
+                                            );
+                                        } elseif ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN ) {
+                                            $GradienColor1 = array(
+                                                "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                            );
+                                            $GradienColor2 = array(
+                                                "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                            );
+                                            $XSpan = floor($XSize / 3);
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                                $Y1,
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSpan-$XSpace,
+                                                $Y2,
+                                                DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                                $GradienColor1
+                                            );
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSpan+$XSpace,
+                                                $Y1,
+                                                $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                                $Y2,
+                                                DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                                $GradienColor2
+                                            );
+                                        }
+                                        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( $Draw0Line ) {
+                                    $Line0Color = array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20);
+                                    if ( abs($Y1 - $Y2) > 3 ) { 
+                                        $Line0Width = 3;                                         
+                                    } else { 
+                                        $Line0Width = 1;
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $Y1 - $Y2 < 0 ) {
+                                        $Line0Width = -$Line0Width;
+                                    }
+                                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                        floor($Y1),
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                        floor($Y1)-$Line0Width,
+                                        $Line0Color
+                                    );
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSpace,
+                                        floor($Y1),
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace,
+                                        floor($Y1),
+                                        $Line0Color
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID ) {
+                                if ( $DisplayShadow ) { 
+                                    $this->Shadow = true;                                     
+                                }
+                                $Caption    = $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                                $TxtPos     = $this->getTextBox(0,0,$DisplayFont,$DisplaySize,90,$Caption);
+                                $TxtHeight  = $TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[1]["Y"] + $TxtMargin;
+                                if ( $DisplayPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE && abs($TxtHeight) < abs($BarHeight) ) {
+                                    $CenterX = (($X+$XOffset+$XSize-$XSpace)-($X+$XOffset+$XSpace))/2 + $X+$XOffset+$XSpace;
+                                    $CenterY = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;
+                                    $this->drawText(
+                                        $CenterX,
+                                        $CenterY,
+                                        $Caption,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                            "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                            "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                            "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                            "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize,
+                                            "Angle"=>90
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] >= 0 ) { 
+                                        $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                                        $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
+                                    } else {
+                                        $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                                        $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                                             
+                                    }
+                                    $this->drawText(
+                                        $X+$XOffset+$XSize/2,
+                                        $Y2-$Offset,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit),
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                            "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                            "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                            "Align"=>$Align,
+                                            "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                        $ID++;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = 0;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                        $X1 = $YZero;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YSize = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/($SeriesCount+$Interleave);                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YSize   = ($YStep / ($SeriesCount+$Interleave) );
+                    }
+                    $YOffset = -($YSize*$SeriesCount)/2 + $CurrentSerie * $YSize;
+                    if ( $Y + $YOffset <= $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                        $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $Y + 1 ;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = $YOffset + $YSize / 2;
+                    if ( $Rounded || $BorderR != -1 ) { 
+                        $YSpace = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        $YSpace = 0;
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $ID = 0 ;
+                    foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X2) {
+                        if ( $Floating0Serie != null ) {
+                            if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key]) ) {
+                                $Value = $Data["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key];
+                            } else { 
+                                $Value = 0;                                 
+                            }
+                            $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                            if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) { 
+                                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                            }
+                            if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $AroundZero ) { 
+                                $X1 = $YZero;
+                            } else {
+                                $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $OverrideColors != null ) { 
+                            if ( isset($OverrideColors[$ID]) ) { 
+                                $Color = array(
+                                    "R"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["R"],
+                                    "G"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["G"],
+                                    "B"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["B"],
+                                    "Alpha"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                                    "BorderR"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderR"],
+                                    "BorderG"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderG"],
+                                    "BorderB"=>$OverrideColors[$ID]["BorderB"]
+                                );                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Color = $this->getRandomColor();
+                            }                                 
+                        }
+                        if ( $X2 != VOID ) {
+                            $BarWidth = $X2 - $X1;
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] == 0 ) {
+                                $this->drawLine($X1,$Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,$X1,$Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,$Color);
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($X1-1).",".floor($Y+$YOffset+$YSpace)   
+                                        .",".floor($X1+1).",".floor($Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                    $this->addToImageMap(
+                                        "RECT",
+                                        floor($X1).",".floor($Y+$YOffset+$YSpace)
+                                        .",".floor($X2).",".floor($Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace),
+                                        $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                        $SerieDescription,
+                                        $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                    );                                     
+                                }
+                                if ( $Rounded ) {
+                                    $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                                        $X1+1,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                        $X2,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                        $RoundRadius,
+                                        $Color
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                        $X1,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                        $X2,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                        $Color
+                                    );
+                                    if ( $InnerColor != null ) { 
+                                        $this->drawRectangle(
+                                            min($X1,$X2)+1,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace+1,
+                                            max($X1,$X2)-1,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace-1,
+                                            $InnerColor
+                                        );                                         
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $Gradient ) {
+                                        $this->Shadow  = false;
+                                        if ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE ) {
+                                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] >= 0 ) {
+                                                $GradienColor = array(
+                                                    "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                    "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                    "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                    "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                    "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                    "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                    "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                                );
+                                            } else {
+                                                $GradienColor = array(
+                                                    "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                    "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                    "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                    "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                    "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                    "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                    "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                                );
+                                            }
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X1,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                                $X2,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                                DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                                $GradienColor
+                                            );
+                                        } elseif ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN ) {
+                                            $GradienColor1 = array(
+                                                "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                            );
+                                            $GradienColor2 = array(
+                                                "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                                "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                                "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                                "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                                "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                                "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                                "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                            );
+                                            $YSpan = floor($YSize / 3);
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X1,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                                $X2,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSpan-$YSpace,
+                                                DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                                $GradienColor1
+                                            );
+                                            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                                $X1,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSpan,
+                                                $X2,
+                                                $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                                DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                                $GradienColor2
+                                            );
+                                        }
+                                        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( $Draw0Line ) {
+                                    $Line0Color = array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20);
+                                    if ( abs($X1 - $X2) > 3 ) { 
+                                        $Line0Width = 3;                                        
+                                    } else { 
+                                        $Line0Width = 1;
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $X2 - $X1 < 0 ) { 
+                                        $Line0Width = -$Line0Width;
+                                    }
+                                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                        floor($X1),
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                        floor($X1)+$Line0Width,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                        $Line0Color
+                                    );
+                                    $this->drawLine(
+                                        floor($X1),
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSpace,
+                                        floor($X1),
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace,
+                                        $Line0Color
+                                    );
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != VOID) {
+                                if ( $DisplayShadow ) { 
+                                    $this->Shadow = true;                                     
+                                }
+                                $Caption   = $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                                $TxtPos    = $this->getTextBox(0,0,$DisplayFont,$DisplaySize,0,$Caption);
+                                $TxtWidth  = $TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"] + $TxtMargin;
+                                if ($DisplayPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE && abs($TxtWidth) < abs($BarWidth)) {
+                                    $CenterX = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+                                    $CenterY = (($Y+$YOffset+$YSize-$YSpace)
+                                             -($Y+$YOffset+$YSpace))/2 + ($Y+$YOffset+$YSpace);
+                                    $this->drawText(
+                                        $CenterX,
+                                        $CenterY,
+                                        $Caption,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                            "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                            "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                            "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                            "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                } else {
+                                    if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] >= 0 ) { 
+                                        $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                                        $Offset = $DisplayOffset; 
+                                    } else { 
+                                        $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                                        $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;                                         
+                                    }
+                                    $this->drawText(
+                                        $X2+$Offset,
+                                        $Y+$YOffset+$YSize/2,
+                                        $Caption,
+                                        array(
+                                            "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                            "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                            "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                            "Align"=>$Align,
+                                            "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize
+                                        )
+                                    );
+                                }
+                                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                        $ID++;
+                    }
+                }
+                $CurrentSerie++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+   /**
+    * Draw a bar chart
+    * @param type $Format
+    */
+    public function drawStackedBarChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $DisplayValues	= isset($Format["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format["DisplayValues"] : false;
+        $DisplayOrientation = isset($Format["DisplayOrientation"]) ? $Format["DisplayOrientation"] : ORIENTATION_AUTO;
+        $DisplayRound      = isset($Format["DisplayRound"]) ? $Format["DisplayRound"] : 0;
+        $DisplayColor	= isset($Format["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
+        $DisplayFont	= isset($Format["DisplayFont"]) ? $Format["DisplayFont"] : $this->FontName;
+        $DisplaySize	= isset($Format["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $DisplayR	= isset($Format["DisplayR"]) ? $Format["DisplayR"] : 0;
+        $DisplayG	= isset($Format["DisplayG"]) ? $Format["DisplayG"] : 0;
+        $DisplayB	= isset($Format["DisplayB"]) ? $Format["DisplayB"] : 0;
+        $Interleave	= isset($Format["Interleave"]) ? $Format["Interleave"] : .5;
+        $Rounded	= isset($Format["Rounded"]) ? $Format["Rounded"] : false;
+        $RoundRadius	= isset($Format["RoundRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundRadius"] : 4;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : -1;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : -1;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : -1;
+        $Gradient	= isset($Format["Gradient"]) ? $Format["Gradient"] : false;
+        $GradientMode	= isset($Format["GradientMode"]) ? $Format["GradientMode"] : GRADIENT_SIMPLE;
+        $GradientAlpha	= isset($Format["GradientAlpha"]) ? $Format["GradientAlpha"] : 20;
+        $GradientStartR	= isset($Format["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format["GradientStartR"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartG	= isset($Format["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format["GradientStartG"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartB	= isset($Format["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format["GradientStartB"] : 255;
+        $GradientEndR	= isset($Format["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format["GradientEndR"] : 0;
+        $GradientEndG	= isset($Format["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format["GradientEndG"] : 0;
+        $GradientEndB	= isset($Format["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format["GradientEndB"] : 0;
+        $InnerSurrounding = isset($Format["InnerSurrounding"]) ? $Format["InnerSurrounding"] : null;
+        $InnerBorderR	= isset($Format["InnerBorderR"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderR"] : -1;
+        $InnerBorderG	= isset($Format["InnerBorderG"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderG"] : -1;
+        $InnerBorderB	= isset($Format["InnerBorderB"]) ? $Format["InnerBorderB"] : -1;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $FontFactor	= isset($Format["FontFactor"]) ? $Format["FontFactor"] : 8;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        $LastX = ""; 
+        $LastY = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie)
+        {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO ) { 
+                    $DisplayR = 255; 
+                    $DisplayG = 255; 
+                    $DisplayB = 255;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+                    $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+                    $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+                    $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;
+                }
+                if ( $InnerSurrounding != null ) { 
+                    $InnerBorderR = $R+$InnerSurrounding; 
+                    $InnerBorderG = $G+$InnerSurrounding;
+                    $InnerBorderB = $B+$InnerSurrounding;                     
+                }
+                if ( $InnerBorderR == -1 ) { 
+                    $InnerColor = null;                     
+                } else { 
+                    $InnerColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$InnerBorderR,
+                        "G"=>$InnerBorderG,
+                        "B"=>$InnerBorderB
+                    );
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                if (isset($Serie["Description"])) { 
+                    $SerieDescription = $Serie["Description"];
+                } else {
+                    $SerieDescription = $SerieName;                         
+                }
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]),
+                    true
+                );
+                $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                $Color = array(
+                    "TransCorner"=>true,
+                    "R"=>$R,
+                    "G"=>$G,
+                    "B"=>$B,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BorderB
+                );
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else {
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    $XSize   = ($XStep / (1+$Interleave) );
+                    $XOffset = -($XSize/2);
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Height) {
+                        if ( $Height != VOID && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != 0 ) {
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] > 0 ) { 
+                                $Pos = "+";
+                            } else { 
+                                $Pos = "-";
+                            }
+                            if ( !isset($LastY[$Key] ) ) { 
+                                $LastY[$Key] = "";                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( !isset($LastY[$Key][$Pos] ) ) { 
+                                $LastY[$Key][$Pos] = $YZero;
+                            }
+                            $Y1 = $LastY[$Key][$Pos];
+                            $Y2 = $Y1 - $Height;
+                            if ( ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "+" && $Y1 != $YZero) ) { 
+                                $YSpaceUp = 1;
+                            } else {
+                                $YSpaceUp = 0;
+                                }
+                            if ( ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "-" && $Y1 != $YZero) ) { 
+                                $YSpaceDown = 1;
+                            } else {
+                                $YSpaceDown = 0;
+                            }
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                    "RECT",
+                                    floor($X+$XOffset).","
+                                    .floor($Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown).","
+                                    .floor($X+$XOffset+$XSize).",".floor($Y2),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $Rounded ) {
+                                $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                                    $X+$XOffset,
+                                    $Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,
+                                    $X+$XOffset+$XSize,
+                                    $Y2,
+                                    $RoundRadius,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                            } else {
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $X+$XOffset,
+                                    $Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,
+                                    $X+$XOffset+$XSize,
+                                    $Y2,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                                if ( $InnerColor != null ) { 
+                                    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; 
+                                    $this->Shadow = false; 
+                                    $this->drawRectangle(
+                                        min($X+$XOffset+1,$X+$XOffset+$XSize),
+                                        min($Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,$Y2)+1,
+                                        max($X+$XOffset+1,$X+$XOffset+$XSize)-1,
+                                        max($Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,$Y2)-1,
+                                        $InnerColor
+                                    ); 
+                                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;                                    
+                                }
+                                if ( $Gradient ) {
+                                    $this->Shadow  = false;
+                                    if ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE ) {
+                                        $GradientColor = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X+$XOffset,
+                                            $Y1-1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,
+                                            $X+$XOffset+$XSize,
+                                            $Y2+1,
+                                            DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                            $GradientColor
+                                        );
+                                    } elseif ( $GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN ) {
+                                        $GradientColor1 = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $GradientColor2 = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $XSpan = floor($XSize / 3);
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X+$XOffset-.5,
+                                            $Y1-.5-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,
+                                            $X+$XOffset+$XSpan,
+                                            $Y2+.5,
+                                            DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                            $GradientColor1
+                                        );
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X+$XSpan+$XOffset-.5,
+                                            $Y1-.5-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown,
+                                            $X+$XOffset+$XSize,
+                                            $Y2+.5,
+                                            DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                            $GradientColor2
+                                        );
+                                    }
+                                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                                $BarHeight = abs($Y2-$Y1)-2;
+                                $BarWidth  = $XSize+($XOffset/2)-$FontFactor;
+                                $Caption   = $this->scaleFormat(round($Serie["Data"][$Key],$DisplayRound),$Mode,$Format,$Unit);
+                                $TxtPos    = $this->getTextBox(0,0,$DisplayFont,$DisplaySize,0,$Caption);
+                                $TxtHeight = abs($TxtPos[2]["Y"] - $TxtPos[0]["Y"]);
+                                $TxtWidth  = abs($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"]);
+                                $XCenter = ( ($X+$XOffset+$XSize) - ($X+$XOffset) ) / 2 + $X+$XOffset;
+                                $YCenter = ( ($Y2) - ($Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown) ) / 2 + $Y1-$YSpaceUp+$YSpaceDown;
+                                $Done = false;
+                                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL 
+                                    || $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO
+                                ) {
+                                    if ($TxtHeight < $BarHeight && $TxtWidth < $BarWidth) {
+                                        $this->drawText(
+                                            $XCenter,
+                                            $YCenter,
+                                            $this->scaleFormat(
+                                                $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                                $Mode,
+                                                $Format,
+                                                $Unit
+                                            ),
+                                            array(
+                                                "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                                "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                                "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                                "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize,
+                                                "FontName"=>$DisplayFont
+                                            )
+                                        );
+                                        $Done = true;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL 
+                                    || ( $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO 
+                                    && !$Done)
+                                ) {
+                                    if ( $TxtHeight < $BarWidth && $TxtWidth < $BarHeight  ) {
+                                        $this->drawText(
+                                            $XCenter,
+                                            $YCenter,
+                                            $this->scaleFormat(
+                                                $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                                $Mode,
+                                                $Format,
+                                                $Unit
+                                            ),
+                                            array(
+                                                "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                                "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                                "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                                "Angle"=>90,
+                                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                                "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize,
+                                                "FontName"=>$DisplayFont
+                                            )
+                                        );
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $LastY[$Key][$Pos] = $Y2;
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) {
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    $YSize   = $YStep / (1+$Interleave);
+                    $YOffset = -($YSize/2);
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Width) {
+                        if ( $Width != VOID && $Serie["Data"][$Key] != 0 ) {
+                            if ( $Serie["Data"][$Key] > 0 ) { 
+                                $Pos = "+";                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $Pos = "-";
+                            }
+                            if (!isset($LastX[$Key])) { 
+                                $LastX[$Key] = "";
+                            }
+                            if (!isset($LastX[$Key][$Pos])) { 
+                                $LastX[$Key][$Pos] = $YZero;                                
+                            }
+                            $X1 = $LastX[$Key][$Pos];
+                            $X2 = $X1 + $Width;
+                            if ( ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "+" && $X1 != $YZero) ) { 
+                                $XSpaceLeft = 2;                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $XSpaceLeft = 0;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "-" && $X1 != $YZero) ) { 
+                                $XSpaceRight = 2;
+                            } else { 
+                                $XSpaceRight = 0;
+                            }
+                            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                                $this->addToImageMap(
+                                "RECT",
+                                floor($X1+$XSpaceLeft).",".floor($Y+$YOffset)
+                                    .",".floor($X2-$XSpaceRight)
+                                    .",".floor($Y+$YOffset+$YSize),
+                                    $this->toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B),
+                                    $SerieDescription,
+                                    $this->scaleFormat($Serie["Data"][$Key],$Mode,$Format,$Unit)
+                                );
+                            }
+                            if ( $Rounded ) {
+                                $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                                    $X1+$XSpaceLeft,
+                                    $Y+$YOffset,
+                                    $X2-$XSpaceRight,
+                                    $Y+$YOffset+$YSize,
+                                    $RoundRadius,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                            } else {
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $X1+$XSpaceLeft,
+                                    $Y+$YOffset,
+                                    $X2-$XSpaceRight,
+                                    $Y+$YOffset+$YSize,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                                if ( $InnerColor != null ) { 
+                                    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; 
+                                    $this->Shadow = false; 
+                                    $this->drawRectangle(
+                                        min($X1+$XSpaceLeft,$X2-$XSpaceRight)+1,
+                                        min($Y+$YOffset,$Y+$YOffset+$YSize)+1,
+                                        max($X1+$XSpaceLeft,$X2-$XSpaceRight)-1,
+                                        max($Y+$YOffset,$Y+$YOffset+$YSize)-1,
+                                        $InnerColor
+                                    ); 
+                                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;                                  
+                                }
+                                if ( $Gradient ) {
+                                    $this->Shadow  = false;
+                                    if ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE) {
+                                        $GradientColor = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X1+$XSpaceLeft,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset,
+                                            $X2-$XSpaceRight,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSize,
+                                            DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                            $GradientColor
+                                        );
+                                    } elseif ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN) {
+                                        $GradientColor1 = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $GradientColor2 = array(
+                                            "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+                                            "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+                                            "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+                                            "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+                                            "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+                                            "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+                                            "Alpha"=>$GradientAlpha
+                                        );
+                                        $YSpan = floor($YSize / 3);
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X1+$XSpaceLeft,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset,
+                                            $X2-$XSpaceRight,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSpan,
+                                            DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                            $GradientColor1
+                                        );
+                                        $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                            $X1+$XSpaceLeft,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSpan,
+                                            $X2-$XSpaceRight,
+                                            $Y+$YOffset+$YSize,
+                                            DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                            $GradientColor2
+                                        );
+                                    }
+                                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $DisplayValues ) {
+                                $BarWidth = abs($X2-$X1)-$FontFactor;
+                                $BarHeight = $YSize+($YOffset/2)-$FontFactor/2;
+                                $Caption   = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                    round($Serie["Data"][$Key],$DisplayRound),
+                                    $Mode,
+                                    $Format,
+                                    $Unit
+                                );
+                                $TxtPos    = $this->getTextBox(0,0,$DisplayFont,$DisplaySize,0,$Caption);
+                                $TxtHeight = abs($TxtPos[2]["Y"] - $TxtPos[0]["Y"]);
+                                $TxtWidth  = abs($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"]);
+                                $XCenter  = ( $X2 - $X1 ) / 2 + $X1;
+                                $YCenter  = ( ($Y+$YOffset+$YSize) - ($Y+$YOffset) ) / 2 + $Y+$YOffset;
+                                $Done = false;
+                                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL 
+                                    || $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO
+                                ) {
+                                    if ($TxtHeight < $BarHeight && $TxtWidth < $BarWidth) {
+                                        $this->drawText(
+                                            $XCenter,
+                                            $YCenter,
+                                            $this->scaleFormat(
+                                                $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                                $Mode,
+                                                $Format,
+                                                $Unit
+                                            ),
+                                            array(
+                                                "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                                "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                                "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                                "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize,
+                                                "FontName"=>$DisplayFont
+                                            )
+                                        );
+                                        $Done = true;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL 
+                                    || ( $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO && !$Done)
+                                ) {
+                                    if ($TxtHeight < $BarWidth && $TxtWidth < $BarHeight) {
+                                        $this->drawText(
+                                            $XCenter,
+                                            $YCenter,
+                                            $this->scaleFormat(
+                                                $Serie["Data"][$Key],
+                                                $Mode,
+                                                $Format,
+                                                $Unit
+                                            ),
+                                            array(
+                                                "R"=>$DisplayR,
+                                                "G"=>$DisplayG,
+                                                "B"=>$DisplayB,
+                                                "Angle"=>90,
+                                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                                                "FontSize"=>$DisplaySize,
+                                                "FontName"=>$DisplayFont
+                                            )
+                                        );
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $LastX[$Key][$Pos] = $X2;
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a stacked area chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawStackedAreaChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $DrawLine	= isset($Format["DrawLine"]) ? $Format["DrawLine"] : false;
+        $LineSurrounding = isset($Format["LineSurrounding"]) ? $Format["LineSurrounding"] : null;
+        $LineR		= isset($Format["LineR"]) ? $Format["LineR"] : VOID;
+        $LineG		= isset($Format["LineG"]) ? $Format["LineG"] : VOID;
+        $LineB		= isset($Format["LineB"]) ? $Format["LineB"] : VOID;
+        $LineAlpha	= isset($Format["LineAlpha"]) ? $Format["LineAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawPlot	= isset($Format["DrawPlot"]) ? $Format["DrawPlot"] : false;
+        $PlotRadius	= isset($Format["PlotRadius"]) ? $Format["PlotRadius"] : 2;
+        $PlotBorder	= isset($Format["PlotBorder"]) ? $Format["PlotBorder"] : 1;
+        $PlotBorderSurrounding = isset($Format["PlotBorderSurrounding"]) ? $Format["PlotBorderSurrounding"] : null;
+        $PlotBorderR	= isset($Format["PlotBorderR"]) ? $Format["PlotBorderR"] : 0;
+        $PlotBorderG	= isset($Format["PlotBorderG"]) ? $Format["PlotBorderG"] : 0;
+        $PlotBorderB	= isset($Format["PlotBorderB"]) ? $Format["PlotBorderB"] : 0;
+        $PlotBorderAlpha = isset($Format["PlotBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["PlotBorderAlpha"] : 50;
+        $ForceTransparency = isset($Format["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format["ForceTransparency"] : null;
+        $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        $this->Shadow  = false;
+        /* Build the offset data series */
+        $OffsetData    = "";
+        $OverallOffset = "";
+        $SerieOrder    = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $SerieOrder[] = $SerieName;
+                foreach($Serie["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+                    if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                        $Value = 0;
+                    }
+                    if ($Value >= 0) { 
+                        $Sign = "+";                       
+                    } else { 
+                        $Sign = "-";                       
+                    }
+                    if ( !isset($OverallOffset[$Key]) 
+                        || !isset($OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign])
+                    ) { 
+                        $OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign] = 0;                       
+                    }
+                    if ( $Sign == "+" ) { 
+                        $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Key] = $Value + $OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign];
+                    } else { 
+                        $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Key] = $Value - $OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign];                             
+                    }
+                  $OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign] = $OverallOffset[$Key][$Sign] + abs($Value);
+                }
+            } 
+        }
+        $SerieOrder = array_reverse($SerieOrder);
+        $LastX = ""; 
+        $LastY = "";
+        foreach($SerieOrder as $Key => $SerieName) {
+            $Serie = $Data["Series"][$SerieName];
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                if ( $ForceTransparency != null ) { 
+                    $Alpha = $ForceTransparency;                     
+                }
+                $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+                if ( $LineSurrounding != null ) {
+                    $LineColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$R+$LineSurrounding,
+                        "G"=>$G+$LineSurrounding,
+                        "B"=>$B+$LineSurrounding,
+                        "Alpha"=>$Alpha
+                    );
+                } elseif ( $LineR != VOID ) {
+                    $LineColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$LineR,
+                        "G"=>$LineG,
+                        "B"=>$LineB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LineAlpha
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $LineColor = $Color;
+                }
+                if ( $PlotBorderSurrounding != null ) {
+                    $PlotBorderColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$R+$PlotBorderSurrounding,
+                        "G"=>$G+$PlotBorderSurrounding,
+                        "B"=>$B+$PlotBorderSurrounding,
+                        "Alpha"=>$PlotBorderAlpha
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $PlotBorderColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$PlotBorderR,
+                        "G"=>$PlotBorderG,
+                        "B"=>$PlotBorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$PlotBorderAlpha
+                    );
+                }
+                $AxisID	= $Serie["Axis"];
+                $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]),
+                    true
+                );
+                $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"]));
+                $this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1+1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2-1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $Plots = ""; 
+                    $Plots[] = $X; 
+                    $Plots[] = $YZero;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Height) {
+                        if ( $Height != VOID ) { 
+                            $Plots[] = $X; 
+                            $Plots[] = $YZero-$Height;                             
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $Plots[] = $X-$XStep; 
+                    $Plots[] = $YZero;
+                    $this->drawPolygon($Plots,$Color);
+                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                    if ( $DrawLine ) { 
+                        for ($i=2; $i<=count($Plots)-6; $i=$i+2) { 
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $Plots[$i],
+                                $Plots[$i+1],
+                                $Plots[$i+2],
+                                $Plots[$i+3],
+                                $LineColor
+                            );
+                        }                             
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawPlot ) {
+                        for($i=2; $i<=count($Plots)-4; $i=$i+2) {
+                            if ( $PlotBorder != 0 ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                                    $Plots[$i],
+                                    $Plots[$i+1],
+                                    $PlotRadius+$PlotBorder,
+                                    $PlotBorderColor
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots[$i],$Plots[$i+1],$PlotRadius,$Color);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $this->Shadow = false;
+                } elseif ($Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) {
+                    if ( $YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1+1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                        $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2-1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;
+                    } else {
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $Plots = ""; 
+                    $Plots[] = $YZero;
+                    $Plots[] = $Y;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Height) {
+                        if ( $Height != VOID ) { 
+                            $Plots[] = $YZero+$Height; 
+                            $Plots[] = $Y;                             
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    $Plots[] = $YZero; 
+                    $Plots[] = $Y-$YStep;
+                    $this->drawPolygon($Plots,$Color);
+                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                    if ( $DrawLine ) { 
+                        for ($i=2; $i<=count($Plots)-6; $i=$i+2) { 
+                            $this->drawLine($Plots[$i],$Plots[$i+1],$Plots[$i+2],$Plots[$i+3],$LineColor);                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawPlot ) {
+                        for($i=2; $i<=count($Plots)-4; $i=$i+2) {
+                            if ( $PlotBorder != 0 ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                                    $Plots[$i],
+                                    $Plots[$i+1],
+                                    $PlotRadius+$PlotBorder,
+                                    $PlotBorderColor
+                                );
+                            }
+                          $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots[$i],$Plots[$i+1],$PlotRadius,$Color);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $this->Shadow = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a random color
+     * @param type $Alpha
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getRandomColor($Alpha=100)
+    { 
+        return(
+            array(
+                "R"=>rand(0,255),
+                "G"=>rand(0,255),
+                "B"=>rand(0,255),
+                "Alpha"=>$Alpha
+            )
+        );         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Validate a palette 
+     * @param type $Colors
+     * @param type $Surrounding
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function validatePalette($Colors,$Surrounding=null)
+    {
+        $Result = "";
+        if ( !is_array($Colors) ) { 
+            return($this->getRandomColor());             
+        }
+        foreach($Colors as $Key => $Values) {
+            if ( isset($Values["R"]) ) { 
+                $Result[$Key]["R"] = $Values["R"];                 
+            } else { 
+                $Result[$Key]["R"] = rand(0,255);
+            }
+            if ( isset($Values["G"]) ) { 
+                $Result[$Key]["G"] = $Values["G"];                 
+            } else { 
+                $Result[$Key]["G"] = rand(0,255);
+            }
+            if ( isset($Values["B"]) ) { 
+                $Result[$Key]["B"] = $Values["B"];                 
+            } else { 
+                $Result[$Key]["B"] = rand(0,255);
+            }
+            if ( isset($Values["Alpha"]) ) { 
+                $Result[$Key]["Alpha"] = $Values["Alpha"];                 
+            } else {
+                $Result[$Key]["Alpha"] = 100;
+            }
+            if ( $Surrounding != null ) {
+                $Result[$Key]["BorderR"] = $Result[$Key]["R"] + $Surrounding;
+                $Result[$Key]["BorderG"] = $Result[$Key]["G"] + $Surrounding;
+                $Result[$Key]["BorderB"] = $Result[$Key]["B"] + $Surrounding;
+            } else {
+                if ( isset($Values["BorderR"])) { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderR"] = $Values["BorderR"];                     
+                } else { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderR"] = $Result[$Key]["R"];                     
+                }
+                if ( isset($Values["BorderG"])) { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderG"] = $Values["BorderG"];                     
+                } else { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderG"] = $Result[$Key]["G"];                     
+                }
+                if ( isset($Values["BorderB"])) { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderB"] = $Values["BorderB"];
+                } else { 
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderB"] = $Result[$Key]["B"];
+                }
+                if ( isset($Values["BorderAlpha"])) { 
+                $Result[$Key]["BorderAlpha"] = $Values["BorderAlpha"];
+                } else {
+                    $Result[$Key]["BorderAlpha"] = $Result[$Key]["Alpha"];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the derivative chart associated to the data series
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawDerivative($Format=null)
+    {
+        $Offset		= isset($Format["Offset"]) ? $Format["Offset"] : 10;
+        $SerieSpacing	= isset($Format["SerieSpacing"]) ? $Format["SerieSpacing"] : 3;
+        $DerivativeHeight = isset($Format["DerivativeHeight"]) ? $Format["DerivativeHeight"] : 4;
+        $ShadedSlopeBox	= isset($Format["ShadedSlopeBox"]) ? $Format["ShadedSlopeBox"] : false;
+        $DrawBackground	= isset($Format["DrawBackground"]) ? $Format["DrawBackground"] : true;
+        $BackgroundR	= isset($Format["BackgroundR"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundG	= isset($Format["BackgroundG"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundB	= isset($Format["BackgroundB"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundAlpha= isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha"] : 20;
+        $DrawBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBorder"] : true;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 0;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 0;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 0;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $Caption	= isset($Format["Caption"]) ? $Format["Caption"] : true;
+        $CaptionHeight	= isset($Format["CaptionHeight"]) ? $Format["CaptionHeight"] : 10;
+        $CaptionWidth	= isset($Format["CaptionWidth"]) ? $Format["CaptionWidth"] : 20;
+        $CaptionMargin	= isset($Format["CaptionMargin"]) ? $Format["CaptionMargin"] : 4;
+        $CaptionLine	= isset($Format["CaptionLine"]) ? $Format["CaptionLine"] : false;
+        $CaptionBox	= isset($Format["CaptionBox"]) ? $Format["CaptionBox"] : false;
+        $CaptionBorderR	= isset($Format["CaptionBorderR"]) ? $Format["CaptionBorderR"] : 0;
+        $CaptionBorderG	= isset($Format["CaptionBorderG"]) ? $Format["CaptionBorderG"] : 0;
+        $CaptionBorderB	= isset($Format["CaptionBorderB"]) ? $Format["CaptionBorderB"] : 0;
+        $CaptionFillR	= isset($Format["CaptionFillR"]) ? $Format["CaptionFillR"] : 255;
+        $CaptionFillG	= isset($Format["CaptionFillG"]) ? $Format["CaptionFillG"] : 255;
+        $CaptionFillB	= isset($Format["CaptionFillB"]) ? $Format["CaptionFillB"] : 255;
+        $CaptionFillAlpha	= isset($Format["CaptionFillAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionFillAlpha"] : 80;
+        $PositiveSlopeStartR	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartR"] : 184;
+        $PositiveSlopeStartG	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartG"] : 234;
+        $PositiveSlopeStartB	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartB"] : 88;
+        $PositiveSlopeEndR	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartR"] : 239;
+        $PositiveSlopeEndG	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartG"] : 31;
+        $PositiveSlopeEndB	= isset($Format["PositiveSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format["PositiveSlopeStartB"] : 36;
+        $NegativeSlopeStartR	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartR"] : 184;
+        $NegativeSlopeStartG	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartG"] : 234;
+        $NegativeSlopeStartB	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartB"] : 88;
+        $NegativeSlopeEndR	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartR"] : 67;
+        $NegativeSlopeEndG	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartG"] : 124;
+        $NegativeSlopeEndB	= isset($Format["NegativeSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format["NegativeSlopeStartB"] : 227;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+            $YPos = $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] + $Offset;
+        } else {
+            $XPos = $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] + $Offset;
+        }
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"]; 
+                $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Serie["Weight"];
+                $AxisID   = $Serie["Axis"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $Caption ) {
+                        if ( $CaptionLine )  {
+                            $StartX = floor($this->GraphAreaX1-$CaptionWidth+$XMargin-$CaptionMargin);
+                            $EndX   = floor($this->GraphAreaX1-$CaptionMargin+$XMargin);
+                            $CaptionSettings = array(
+                                "R"=>$R,
+                                "G"=>$G,
+                                "B"=>$B,
+                                "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                "Weight"=>$Weight
+                            );
+                            if ( $CaptionBox ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $StartX,
+                                    $YPos,
+                                    $EndX,
+                                    $YPos+$CaptionHeight,
+                                    array(
+                                        "R"=>$CaptionFillR,
+                                        "G"=>$CaptionFillG,
+                                        "B"=>$CaptionFillB,
+                                        "BorderR"=>$CaptionBorderR,
+                                        "BorderG"=>$CaptionBorderG,
+                                        "BorderB"=>$CaptionBorderB,
+                                        "Alpha"=>$CaptionFillAlpha
+                                    )
+                                );                                 
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $StartX+2,
+                                $YPos+($CaptionHeight/2),
+                                $EndX-2,
+                                $YPos+($CaptionHeight/2),
+                                $CaptionSettings
+                            );
+                        } else {
+                            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $this->GraphAreaX1-$CaptionWidth+$XMargin-$CaptionMargin,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $this->GraphAreaX1-$CaptionMargin+$XMargin,
+                                $YPos+$CaptionHeight,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "BorderR"=>$CaptionBorderR,
+                                    "BorderG"=>$CaptionBorderG,
+                                    "BorderB"=>$CaptionBorderB
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    $TopY    = $YPos + ($CaptionHeight/2) - ($DerivativeHeight/2);
+                    $BottomY = $YPos + ($CaptionHeight/2) + ($DerivativeHeight/2);
+                    $StartX  = floor($this->GraphAreaX1+$XMargin);
+                    $EndX    = floor($this->GraphAreaX2-$XMargin);
+                    if ( $DrawBackground ) { 
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $StartX-1,
+                            $TopY-1,
+                            $EndX+1,
+                            $BottomY+1,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha
+                            )
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawBorder ) {
+                        $this->drawRectangle(
+                            $StartX-1,
+                            $TopY-1,
+                            $EndX+1,
+                            $BottomY+1,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$BorderR,
+                                "G"=>$BorderG,
+                                "B"=>$BorderB,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha
+                            )
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+                    $this->Shadow  = false;
+                    /* Determine the Max slope index */
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null; 
+                    $MinSlope = 0; 
+                    $MaxSlope = 1;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastX != null ) { 
+                            $Slope = ($LastY - $Y); 
+                            if ( $Slope > $MaxSlope ) { 
+                                $MaxSlope = $Slope;                                 
+                            } if ( $Slope < $MinSlope ) { 
+                                $MinSlope = $Slope;                                 
+                            }                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $LastX = null; 
+                            $LastY = null;
+                        } else { 
+                            $LastX = $X; 
+                            $LastY = $Y;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null; 
+                    $LastColor = null;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $Y != VOID && $LastY != null ) {
+                            $Slope = ($LastY - $Y);
+                            if ( $Slope >= 0 ) {
+                                $SlopeIndex = (100 / $MaxSlope) * $Slope;
+                                $R = (($PositiveSlopeEndR - $PositiveSlopeStartR)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartR;
+                                $G = (($PositiveSlopeEndG - $PositiveSlopeStartG)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartG;
+                                $B = (($PositiveSlopeEndB - $PositiveSlopeStartB)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartB;
+                            } elseif ( $Slope < 0 ) {
+                                $SlopeIndex = (100 / abs($MinSlope)) * abs($Slope);
+                                $R = (($NegativeSlopeEndR - $NegativeSlopeStartR)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartR;
+                                $G = (($NegativeSlopeEndG - $NegativeSlopeStartG)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartG;
+                                $B = (($NegativeSlopeEndB - $NegativeSlopeStartB)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartB;
+                            }
+                            $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B);
+                            if ( $ShadedSlopeBox && $LastColor != null ) {// && $Slope != 0                             
+                                $GradientSettings = array(
+                                    "StartR"=>$LastColor["R"],
+                                    "StartG"=>$LastColor["G"],
+                                    "StartB"=>$LastColor["B"],
+                                    "EndR"=>$R,
+                                    "EndG"=>$G,
+                                    "EndB"=>$B
+                                );
+                                $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                    $LastX,
+                                    $TopY,
+                                    $X,
+                                    $BottomY,
+                                    DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL,
+                                    $GradientSettings
+                                );
+                            } elseif ( !$ShadedSlopeBox || $LastColor == null ) { // || $Slope == 0
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    floor($LastX),
+                                    $TopY,
+                                    floor($X),
+                                    $BottomY,
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $LastColor = $Color;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Y == VOID ) { 
+                            $LastY = null; 
+                        } else { 
+                            $LastX = $X; 
+                            $LastY = $Y;                             
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $YPos = $YPos + $CaptionHeight + $SerieSpacing;
+                } else {
+                    if ( $Caption ) {
+                        $StartY = floor($this->GraphAreaY1-$CaptionWidth+$XMargin-$CaptionMargin);
+                        $EndY   = floor($this->GraphAreaY1-$CaptionMargin+$XMargin);
+                        if ( $CaptionLine ) {
+                            $CaptionSettings = array(
+                                "R"=>$R,
+                                "G"=>$G,
+                                "B"=>$B,
+                                "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                                "Ticks"=>$Ticks,
+                                "Weight"=>$Weight
+                            );
+                            if ( $CaptionBox ) { 
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $XPos,
+                                    $StartY,
+                                    $XPos+$CaptionHeight,
+                                    $EndY,
+                                    array(
+                                        "R"=>$CaptionFillR,
+                                        "G"=>$CaptionFillG,
+                                        "B"=>$CaptionFillB,
+                                        "BorderR"=>$CaptionBorderR,
+                                        "BorderG"=>$CaptionBorderG,
+                                        "BorderB"=>$CaptionBorderB,
+                                        "Alpha"=>$CaptionFillAlpha
+                                    )
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $this->drawLine(
+                                $XPos+($CaptionHeight/2),
+                                $StartY+2,
+                                $XPos+($CaptionHeight/2),
+                                $EndY-2,
+                                $CaptionSettings
+                            );
+                        } else {
+                            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $StartY,
+                                $XPos+$CaptionHeight,
+                                $EndY,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>$R,
+                                    "G"=>$G,
+                                    "B"=>$B,
+                                    "BorderR"=>$CaptionBorderR,
+                                    "BorderG"=>$CaptionBorderG,
+                                    "BorderB"=>$CaptionBorderB
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    $TopX    = $XPos + ($CaptionHeight/2) - ($DerivativeHeight/2);
+                    $BottomX = $XPos + ($CaptionHeight/2) + ($DerivativeHeight/2);
+                    $StartY  = floor($this->GraphAreaY1+$XMargin);
+                    $EndY    = floor($this->GraphAreaY2-$XMargin);
+                    if ( $DrawBackground ) { 
+                        $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $TopX-1,
+                            $StartY-1,
+                            $BottomX+1,
+                            $EndY+1,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha
+                            )
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawBorder ) { 
+                        $this->drawRectangle(
+                            $TopX-1,
+                            $StartY-1,
+                            $BottomX+1,
+                            $EndY+1,
+                            array(
+                                "R"=>$BorderR,
+                                "G"=>$BorderG,
+                                "B"=>$BorderB,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+                    $this->Shadow  = false;
+                    /* Determine the Max slope index */
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null; 
+                    $MinSlope = 0; 
+                    $MaxSlope = 1;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX != null ) { 
+                            $Slope = ($X - $LastX); 
+                            if ( $Slope > $MaxSlope ) { 
+                                $MaxSlope = $Slope;
+                            } 
+                            if ( $Slope < $MinSlope ) { 
+                                $MinSlope = $Slope;                                     
+                            }                                 
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) { 
+                            $LastX = null;
+                        } else { 
+                            $LastX = $X;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $LastX = null; 
+                    $LastY = null; 
+                    $LastColor = null;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $X != VOID && $LastX != null ) {
+                            $Slope = ($X - $LastX);
+                            if ( $Slope >= 0 ) {
+                                $SlopeIndex = (100 / $MaxSlope) * $Slope;
+                                $R = (($PositiveSlopeEndR - $PositiveSlopeStartR)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartR;
+                                $G = (($PositiveSlopeEndG - $PositiveSlopeStartG)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartG;
+                                $B = (($PositiveSlopeEndB - $PositiveSlopeStartB)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$PositiveSlopeStartB;
+                            } elseif ( $Slope < 0 ) {
+                                $SlopeIndex = (100 / abs($MinSlope)) * abs($Slope);
+                                $R = (($NegativeSlopeEndR - $NegativeSlopeStartR)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartR;
+                                $G = (($NegativeSlopeEndG - $NegativeSlopeStartG)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartG;
+                                $B = (($NegativeSlopeEndB - $NegativeSlopeStartB)/100)*$SlopeIndex+$NegativeSlopeStartB;
+                            }
+                            $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B);
+                            if ( $ShadedSlopeBox && $LastColor != null ) {
+                                $GradientSettings = array(
+                                    "StartR"=>$LastColor["R"],
+                                    "StartG"=>$LastColor["G"],
+                                    "StartB"=>$LastColor["B"],
+                                    "EndR"=>$R,
+                                    "EndG"=>$G,
+                                    "EndB"=>$B
+                                );
+                                $this->drawGradientArea(
+                                    $TopX,
+                                    $LastY,
+                                    $BottomX,
+                                    $Y,
+                                    DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                                    $GradientSettings
+                                );
+                            } elseif ( !$ShadedSlopeBox || $LastColor == null ) {
+                                $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                    $TopX,
+                                    floor($LastY),
+                                    $BottomX,
+                                    floor($Y),
+                                    $Color
+                                );
+                            }
+                            $LastColor = $Color;
+                        }
+                        if ( $X == VOID ) {
+                            $LastX = null; 
+                        } else { 
+                            $LastX = $X; 
+                            $LastY = $Y;
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $XPos = $XPos + $CaptionHeight + $SerieSpacing;
+                }
+                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the line of best fit
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawBestFit($Format="")
+    {
+        $OverrideTicks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : null;
+        $OverrideR	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : VOID;
+        $OverrideG	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : VOID;
+        $OverrideB	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : VOID;
+        $OverrideAlpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : VOID;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) {
+            if ($Serie["isDrawable"] == true && $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) {
+                if ( $OverrideR != VOID && $OverrideG != VOID && $OverrideB != VOID ) { 
+                    $R = $OverrideR; 
+                    $G = $OverrideG; 
+                    $B = $OverrideB; 
+                } else { 
+                    $R = $Serie["Color"]["R"]; 
+                    $G = $Serie["Color"]["G"]; 
+                    $B = $Serie["Color"]["B"]; 
+                }
+                if ( $OverrideTicks == null ) { 
+                    $Ticks = $Serie["Ticks"];
+                } else {
+                    $Ticks = $OverrideTicks;
+                }
+                if ( $OverrideAlpha == VOID ) { 
+                    $Alpha = $Serie["Color"]["Alpha"];
+                } else { 
+                    $Alpha = $OverrideAlpha;                         
+                }
+                $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks);
+                $AxisID   = $Serie["Axis"];
+                $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY(
+                    $Serie["Data"],
+                    array("AxisID"=>$Serie["Axis"])
+                );
+                if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;                     
+                    } else { 
+                        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;                         
+                    }
+                    $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray;
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;
+                    }
+                    $Sxy = 0;
+                    $Sx = 0; 
+                    $Sy = 0; 
+                    $Sxx = 0;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $Y) {
+                        if ( $Y != VOID ) {
+                            $Sxy = $Sxy + $X*$Y;
+                            $Sx  = $Sx + $X;
+                            $Sy  = $Sy + $Y;
+                            $Sxx = $Sxx + $X*$X;
+                        }
+                        $X = $X + $XStep;
+                    }
+                    $n = count($this->DataSet->stripVOID($PosArray)); //$n = count($PosArray);
+                    $M = (($n*$Sxy)-($Sx*$Sy)) / (($n*$Sxx)-($Sx*$Sx));
+                    $B = (($Sy)-($M*$Sx))/($n);
+                    $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+                    $Y1 = $M * $X1 + $B;
+                    $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin;
+                    $Y2 = $M * $X2 + $B;
+                    if ( $Y1 < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                        $X1 = $X1 + ($this->GraphAreaY1-$Y1); 
+                        $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y1 > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) {
+                        $X1 = $X1 + ($Y1-$this->GraphAreaY2);
+                        $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y2 < $this->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                        $X2 = $X2 - ($this->GraphAreaY1-$Y2); 
+                        $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y2 > $this->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                        $X2 = $X2 - ($Y2-$this->GraphAreaY2); 
+                        $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2;
+                    }
+                    $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                } else {
+                    if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                         
+                    } else { 
+                        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                    }
+                    $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    if ( !is_array($PosArray) ) { 
+                        $Value = $PosArray; 
+                        $PosArray = ""; 
+                        $PosArray[0] = $Value;                         
+                    }
+                    $Sxy = 0; 
+                    $Sx = 0; 
+                    $Sy = 0; 
+                    $Sxx = 0;
+                    foreach($PosArray as $Key => $X) {
+                        if ( $X != VOID ) {
+                            $Sxy = $Sxy + $X*$Y;
+                            $Sx  = $Sx + $Y;
+                            $Sy  = $Sy + $X;
+                            $Sxx = $Sxx + $Y*$Y;
+                        }
+                        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
+                    }
+                    $n = count($this->DataSet->stripVOID($PosArray)); //$n = count($PosArray);
+                    $M = (($n*$Sxy)-($Sx*$Sy)) / (($n*$Sxx)-($Sx*$Sx));
+                    $B = (($Sy)-($M*$Sx))/($n);
+                    $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+                    $X1 = $M * $Y1 + $B;
+                    $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XMargin;
+                    $X2 = $M * $Y2 + $B;
+                    if ( $X1 < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                        $Y1 = $Y1 + ($this->GraphAreaX1-$X1); $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $X1 > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                        $Y1 = $Y1 + ($X1-$this->GraphAreaX2); $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $X2 < $this->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                        $Y2 = $Y2 - ($this->GraphAreaY1-$X2); $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $X2 > $this->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                        $Y2 = $Y2 - ($X2-$this->GraphAreaX2); $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Write labels
+     * @param type $SeriesName
+     * @param type $Indexes
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function writeLabel($SeriesName,$Indexes,$Format="")
+    {
+        $OverrideTitle	= isset($Format["OverrideTitle"]) ? $Format["OverrideTitle"] : null;
+        $ForceLabels	= isset($Format["ForceLabels"]) ? $Format["ForceLabels"] : null;
+        $DrawPoint	= isset($Format["DrawPoint"]) ? $Format["DrawPoint"] : LABEL_POINT_BOX;
+        $DrawVerticalLine = isset($Format["DrawVerticalLine"]) ? $Format["DrawVerticalLine"] : false;
+        $VerticalLineR	= isset($Format["VerticalLineR"]) ? $Format["VerticalLineR"] : 0;
+        $VerticalLineG	= isset($Format["VerticalLineG"]) ? $Format["VerticalLineG"] : 0;
+        $VerticalLineB	= isset($Format["VerticalLineB"]) ? $Format["VerticalLineB"] : 0;
+        $VerticalLineAlpha = isset($Format["VerticalLineAlpha"]) ? $Format["VerticalLineAlpha"] : 40;
+        $VerticalLineTicks = isset($Format["VerticalLineTicks"]) ? $Format["VerticalLineTicks"] : 2;
+        $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
+        if ( !is_array($Indexes) )    { $Index = $Indexes; $Indexes = ""; $Indexes[] = $Index; }
+        if ( !is_array($SeriesName) ) { $SerieName = $SeriesName; $SeriesName = ""; $SeriesName[] = $SerieName; }
+        if ( $ForceLabels != null && !is_array($ForceLabels) ) { $ForceLabel = $ForceLabels; $ForceLabels = ""; $ForceLabels[] = $ForceLabel; }
+        foreach ($Indexes as $Key => $Index) {
+            $Series = "";
+            if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                    $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1)/4;
+                } else {
+                    $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2-$this->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                }
+                $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep;
+                if ( $DrawVerticalLine ) { 
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $X,
+                        $this->GraphAreaY1+$Data["YMargin"],
+                        $X,
+                        $this->GraphAreaY2-$Data["YMargin"],
+                        array(
+                            "R"=>$VerticalLineR,
+                            "G"=>$VerticalLineG,
+                            "B"=>$VerticalLineB,
+                            "Alpha"=>$VerticalLineAlpha,
+                            "Ticks"=>$VerticalLineTicks
+                        )
+                    );                     
+                }
+                $MinY = $this->GraphAreaY2;
+                foreach ($SeriesName as $iKey => $SerieName) {
+                    if ( isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index]) ) {
+                        $AxisID       = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
+                        $XAxisMode    = $Data["XAxisDisplay"];
+                        $XAxisFormat  = $Data["XAxisFormat"];
+                        $XAxisUnit    = $Data["XAxisUnit"];
+                        $AxisMode     = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                        $AxisFormat   = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                        $AxisUnit     = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                        if (isset($Data["Abscissa"]) 
+                            && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])
+                        ) {
+                            $XLabel = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index],
+                                $XAxisMode,
+                                $XAxisFormat,
+                                $XAxisUnit
+                            );
+                        } else {
+                            $XLabel = "";
+                        }
+                        if ( $OverrideTitle != null) {
+                            $Description = $OverrideTitle;
+                        } elseif ( count($SeriesName) == 1 ) {
+                            $Description = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"]." - ".$XLabel;
+                        } elseif (isset($Data["Abscissa"]) 
+                                 && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])
+                        ) {
+                            $Description = $XLabel;
+                        }
+                        $Serie = "";
+                        $Serie["R"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"];
+                        $Serie["G"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"];
+                        $Serie["B"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"];
+                        $Serie["Alpha"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"];
+                        if (count($SeriesName) == 1 
+                            && isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"])
+                        ) {
+                            $SerieOffset = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"];
+                        } else {
+                            $SerieOffset = 0;
+                        }
+                        $Value = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index];
+                        if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                            $Value = "NaN";                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $ForceLabels != null ) {
+                            $Caption = isset($ForceLabels[$Key]) ? $ForceLabels[$Key] : "Not set";
+                        } else {
+                            $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Value,$AxisMode,$AxisFormat,$AxisUnit);
+                        }
+                        if ( $this->LastChartLayout == CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED ) {
+                            if ( $Value >=0 ) { 
+                                $LookFor = "+";                                 
+                            } else { 
+                                $LookFor = "-";
+                            }
+                            $Value = 0; 
+                            $Done = false;
+                            foreach($Data["Series"] as $Name => $SerieLookup) {
+                                if ( $SerieLookup["isDrawable"] == true 
+                                    && $Name != $Data["Abscissa"] 
+                                    && !$Done
+                                ) {
+                                    if (isset($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index]) 
+                                        && $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] != VOID
+                                    ) {
+                                        if ($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] >= 0 && $LookFor == "+" ) { 
+                                            $Value = $Value + $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
+                                        }
+                                        if ($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] < 0 && $LookFor == "-" )  {
+                                            $Value = $Value - $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
+                                        }
+                                        if ($Name == $SerieName ) { 
+                                            $Done = true;                                     
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $X = floor($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep + $SerieOffset);
+                        $Y = floor($this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID)));
+                        if ($Y < $MinY) { $MinY = $Y; }
+                        if ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE ) {
+                            $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                3,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>255,
+                                    "G"=>255,
+                                    "B"=>255,
+                                    "BorderR"=>0,
+                                    "BorderG"=>0,
+                                    "BorderB"=>0
+                                )
+                            );
+                        } elseif ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX ) {
+                            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $X-2,
+                                $Y-2,
+                                $X+2,
+                                $Y+2,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>255,
+                                    "G"=>255,
+                                    "B"=>255,
+                                    "BorderR"=>0,
+                                    "BorderG"=>0,
+                                    "BorderB"=>0
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $Series[] = array("Format"=>$Serie,"Caption"=>$Caption);
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->drawLabelBox($X,$MinY-3,$Description,$Series,$Format);
+            } else {
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) {
+                    $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1)/4;                     
+                } else { 
+                    $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2-$this->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                }
+                $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep;
+                if ( $DrawVerticalLine ) { 
+                    $this->drawLine(
+                        $this->GraphAreaX1+$Data["YMargin"],
+                        $Y,
+                        $this->GraphAreaX2-$Data["YMargin"],
+                        $Y,
+                        array(
+                            "R"=>$VerticalLineR,
+                            "G"=>$VerticalLineG,
+                            "B"=>$VerticalLineB,
+                            "Alpha"=>$VerticalLineAlpha,
+                            "Ticks"=>$VerticalLineTicks
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+                $MinX = $this->GraphAreaX2;
+                foreach ($SeriesName as $Key => $SerieName) {
+                    if (isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index])) {
+                        $AxisID      = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
+                        $XAxisMode   = $Data["XAxisDisplay"];
+                        $XAxisFormat = $Data["XAxisFormat"];
+                        $XAxisUnit   = $Data["XAxisUnit"];
+                        $AxisMode    = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+                        $AxisFormat  = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+                        $AxisUnit    = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+                        if (isset($Data["Abscissa"]) 
+                            && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])
+                        ) {
+                            $XLabel = $this->scaleFormat(
+                                $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index],
+                                $XAxisMode,
+                                $XAxisFormat,
+                                $XAxisUnit
+                            );
+                        } else {
+                            $XLabel = "";
+                        }
+                        if ( $OverrideTitle != null) {
+                            $Description = $OverrideTitle;
+                        } elseif (count($SeriesName) == 1 ) {
+                            if (isset($Data["Abscissa"]) 
+                                && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])
+                            ) {
+                                $Description = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"]." - ".$XLabel;
+                            }
+                        } elseif (isset($Data["Abscissa"]) 
+                                  && isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])
+                        ) {
+                            $Description = $XLabel;
+                        }
+                        $Serie = "";
+                        if ( isset($Data["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index] ) ) {
+                            $Serie["R"] = $Data["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["R"];
+                            $Serie["G"] = $Data["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["G"];
+                            $Serie["B"] = $Data["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["B"];
+                            $Serie["Alpha"] = $Data["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["Alpha"];
+                        } else {
+                            $Serie["R"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"];
+                            $Serie["G"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"];
+                            $Serie["B"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"];
+                            $Serie["Alpha"] = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"];
+                        }
+                        if (count($SeriesName) == 1 
+                            && isset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"])) {
+                            $SerieOffset = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"];
+                        } else {
+                            $SerieOffset = 0;
+                        }
+                        $Value = $Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index];
+                        if ( $ForceLabels != null ) {
+                            $Caption = isset($ForceLabels[$Key]) ? $ForceLabels[$Key] : "Not set";
+                        } else {
+                            $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Value,$AxisMode,$AxisFormat,$AxisUnit);
+                        }
+                        if ( $Value == VOID ) { 
+                            $Value = "NaN";
+                        }
+                        if ( $this->LastChartLayout == CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED ) {
+                            if ( $Value >=0 ) { 
+                                $LookFor = "+";
+                            } else { 
+                                $LookFor = "-";
+                            }
+                            $Value = 0; 
+                            $Done = false;
+                            foreach($Data["Series"] as $Name => $SerieLookup) {
+                                if ( $SerieLookup["isDrawable"] == true && $Name != $Data["Abscissa"] && !$Done ) {
+                                    if (isset($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index]) 
+                                        && $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] != VOID
+                                    ) {
+                                        if ($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] >= 0 && $LookFor == "+" ) { 
+                                            $Value = $Value + $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];                                           
+                                        }
+                                        if ($Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] < 0 && $LookFor == "-" )  { 
+                                            $Value = $Value - $Data["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
+                                        }
+                                        if ($Name == $SerieName ) {
+                                            $Done = true;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $X = floor($this->scaleComputeY($Value,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID)));
+                        $Y = floor($this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep + $SerieOffset);
+                        if ($X < $MinX) { 
+                            $MinX = $X;
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE ) {
+                            $this->drawFilledCircle(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                3,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>255,
+                                    "G"=>255,
+                                    "B"=>255,
+                                    "BorderR"=>0,
+                                    "BorderG"=>0,
+                                    "BorderB"=>0
+                                )
+                            );
+                        } elseif ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX ) {
+                            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $X-2,
+                                $Y-2,
+                                $X+2,
+                                $Y+2,
+                                array(
+                                    "R"=>255,
+                                    "G"=>255,
+                                    "B"=>255,
+                                    "BorderR"=>0,
+                                    "BorderG"=>0,
+                                    "BorderB"=>0
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $Series[] = array("Format"=>$Serie,"Caption"=>$Caption);
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->drawLabelBox($MinX,$Y-3,$Description,$Series,$Format);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a label box
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Title
+     * @param type $Captions
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawLabelBox($X,$Y,$Title,$Captions,$Format="")
+    {
+        $NoTitle		= isset($Format["NoTitle"]) ? $Format["NoTitle"] : null;
+        $BoxWidth		= isset($Format["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format["BoxWidth"] : 50;
+        $DrawSerieColor		= isset($Format["DrawSerieColor"]) ? $Format["DrawSerieColor"] : true;
+        $SerieR			= isset($Format["SerieR"]) ? $Format["SerieR"] : null;
+        $SerieG			= isset($Format["SerieG"]) ? $Format["SerieG"] : null;
+        $SerieB			= isset($Format["SerieB"]) ? $Format["SerieB"] : null;
+        $SerieAlpha		= isset($Format["SerieAlpha"]) ? $Format["SerieAlpha"] : null;
+        $SerieBoxSize		= isset($Format["SerieBoxSize"]) ? $Format["SerieBoxSize"] : 6;
+        $SerieBoxSpacing	= isset($Format["SerieBoxSpacing"]) ? $Format["SerieBoxSpacing"] : 4;
+        $VerticalMargin		= isset($Format["VerticalMargin"]) ? $Format["VerticalMargin"] : 10;
+        $HorizontalMargin	= isset($Format["HorizontalMargin"]) ? $Format["HorizontalMargin"] : 8;
+        $R			= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : $this->FontColorR;
+        $G			= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : $this->FontColorG;
+        $B			= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : $this->FontColorB;
+        $Alpha			= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : $this->FontColorA;
+        $FontName		= isset($Format["FontName"]) 
+                                ? $this->loadFont($Format["FontName"], 'fonts') 
+                                : $this->FontName;
+        $FontSize		= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
+        $TitleMode		= isset($Format["TitleMode"]) ? $Format["TitleMode"] : LABEL_TITLE_NOBACKGROUND;
+        $TitleR			= isset($Format["TitleR"]) ? $Format["TitleR"] : $R;
+        $TitleG			= isset($Format["TitleG"]) ? $Format["TitleG"] : $G;
+        $TitleB			= isset($Format["TitleB"]) ? $Format["TitleB"] : $B;
+        $TitleAlpha		= isset($Format["TitleAlpha"]) ? $Format["TitleAlpha"] : 100;
+        $TitleBackgroundR	= isset($Format["TitleBackgroundR"]) ? $Format["TitleBackgroundR"] : 0;
+        $TitleBackgroundG	= isset($Format["TitleBackgroundG"]) ? $Format["TitleBackgroundG"] : 0;
+        $TitleBackgroundB	= isset($Format["TitleBackgroundB"]) ? $Format["TitleBackgroundB"] : 0;
+        $TitleBackgroundAlpha	= isset($Format["TitleBackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format["TitleBackgroundAlpha"] : 100;
+        $GradientStartR		= isset($Format["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format["GradientStartR"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartG		= isset($Format["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format["GradientStartG"] : 255;
+        $GradientStartB		= isset($Format["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format["GradientStartB"] : 255;
+        $GradientEndR		= isset($Format["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format["GradientEndR"] : 220;
+        $GradientEndG		= isset($Format["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format["GradientEndG"] : 220;
+        $GradientEndB		= isset($Format["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format["GradientEndB"] : 220;
+        $BoxAlpha		= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 100;
+        if ( !$DrawSerieColor ) { 
+            $SerieBoxSize = 0; 
+            $SerieBoxSpacing = 0;             
+        }
+        $TxtPos      = $this->getTextBox($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$Title);
+        $TitleWidth  = ($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"])+$VerticalMargin*2;
+        $TitleHeight = ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]);
+        if ( $NoTitle ) { 
+            $TitleWidth = 0;
+            $TitleHeight = 0;
+        }
+        $CaptionWidth = 0; 
+        $CaptionHeight = -$HorizontalMargin;
+        foreach($Captions as $Key =>$Caption) {
+            $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox(
+                $X,
+                $Y,
+                $FontName,
+                $FontSize,
+                0,
+                $Caption["Caption"]
+            );
+            $CaptionWidth  = max(
+                $CaptionWidth,
+                ($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"])+$VerticalMargin*2
+            );
+            $CaptionHeight = $CaptionHeight 
+                            + max(
+                                ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]),
+                                ($SerieBoxSize+2)
+                            ) 
+                            + $HorizontalMargin;
+        }
+        if ( $CaptionHeight <= 5 ) { 
+            $CaptionHeight = $CaptionHeight + $HorizontalMargin/2;
+        }
+        if ( $DrawSerieColor ) { 
+            $CaptionWidth = $CaptionWidth + $SerieBoxSize + $SerieBoxSpacing;
+        }
+        $BoxWidth = max($BoxWidth,$TitleWidth,$CaptionWidth);
+        $XMin = $X - 5 - floor(($BoxWidth-10) / 2);
+        $XMax = $X + 5 + floor(($BoxWidth-10) / 2);
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->Shadow == true ) {
+            $this->Shadow = false;
+            $Poly = "";
+            $Poly[] = $X+$this->ShadowX; 
+            $Poly[] = $Y+$this->ShadowX;
+            $Poly[] = $X+5+$this->ShadowX; 
+            $Poly[] = $Y-5+$this->ShadowX;
+            $Poly[] = $XMax+$this->ShadowX; 
+            $Poly[] = $Y-5+$this->ShadowX;
+            if ( $NoTitle ) {
+                $Poly[] = $XMax+$this->ShadowX; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2+$this->ShadowX;
+                $Poly[] = $XMin+$this->ShadowX; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2+$this->ShadowX;
+            } else {
+                $Poly[] = $XMax+$this->ShadowX; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3+$this->ShadowX;
+                $Poly[] = $XMin+$this->ShadowX; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3+$this->ShadowX;
+            }
+            $Poly[] = $XMin+$this->ShadowX; 
+            $Poly[] = $Y-5+$this->ShadowX;
+            $Poly[] = $X-5+$this->ShadowX; 
+            $Poly[] = $Y-5+$this->ShadowX;
+            $this->drawPolygon(
+                $Poly,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$this->ShadowR,
+                    "G"=>$this->ShadowG,
+                    "B"=>$this->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->Shadowa
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        /* Draw the background */
+        $GradientSettings = array(
+            "StartR"=>$GradientStartR,
+            "StartG"=>$GradientStartG,
+            "StartB"=>$GradientStartB,
+            "EndR"=>$GradientEndR,
+            "EndG"=>$GradientEndG,
+            "EndB"=>$GradientEndB,
+            "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha
+        );
+        if ( $NoTitle ) {
+            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                $XMin,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,
+                $XMax,
+                $Y-6,
+                DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                $GradientSettings
+            );
+        } else {
+            $this->drawGradientArea(
+                $XMin,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,
+                $XMax,
+                $Y-6,
+                DIRECTION_VERTICAL,
+                $GradientSettings
+            );
+        }
+        $Poly = ""; 
+        $Poly[] = $X; 
+        $Poly[] = $Y;
+        $Poly[] = $X-5;
+        $Poly[] = $Y-5; 
+        $Poly[] = $X+5;
+        $Poly[] = $Y-5;
+        $this->drawPolygon(
+            $Poly,
+            array(
+                "R"=>$GradientEndR,
+                "G"=>$GradientEndG,
+                "B"=>$GradientEndB,
+                "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+                "NoBorder"=>true
+            )
+        );
+        /* Outer border */
+        $OuterBorderColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,100,100,100,$BoxAlpha);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$XMin,$Y-5,$X-5,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X,$Y,$X-5,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X,$Y,$X+5,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X+5,$Y-5,$XMax,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+        if ( $NoTitle ) {
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMin,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMin,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMax,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMax,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMin,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMax,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$OuterBorderColor);
+        } else {
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMin,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMin,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMax,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMax,$Y-5,$OuterBorderColor);
+          imageline($this->Picture,$XMin,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMax,$Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$OuterBorderColor);
+        }
+        /* Inner border */
+        $InnerBorderColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,255,255,255,$BoxAlpha);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$XMin+1,$Y-6,$X-5,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X,$Y-1,$X-5,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X,$Y-1,$X+5,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+        imageline($this->Picture,$X+5,$Y-6,$XMax-1,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+        if ( $NoTitle ) {
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMin+1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMin+1,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMax-1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMax-1,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMin+1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$XMax-1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,$InnerBorderColor);
+         } else {
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMin+1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMin+1,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMax-1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMax-1,$Y-6,$InnerBorderColor);
+           imageline($this->Picture,$XMin+1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$XMax-1,$Y-4-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,$InnerBorderColor);
+         }
+        /* Draw the separator line */
+        if ( $TitleMode == LABEL_TITLE_NOBACKGROUND && !$NoTitle ) {
+            $YPos    = $Y-7-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin-$HorizontalMargin/2;
+            $XMargin = $VerticalMargin / 2;
+            $this->drawLine(
+                $XMin+$XMargin,
+                $YPos+1,
+                $XMax-$XMargin,
+                $YPos+1,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$GradientEndR,
+                    "G"=>$GradientEndG,
+                    "B"=>$GradientEndB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha
+                )
+            );
+            $this->drawLine(
+                $XMin+$XMargin,
+                $YPos,
+                $XMax-$XMargin,
+                $YPos,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$GradientStartR,
+                    "G"=>$GradientStartG,
+                    "B"=>$GradientStartB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha
+                )
+            );
+        } elseif ( $TitleMode == LABEL_TITLE_BACKGROUND ) {
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $XMin,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*3,
+                $XMax,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin+$HorizontalMargin/2,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$TitleBackgroundR,
+                    "G"=>$TitleBackgroundG,
+                    "B"=>$TitleBackgroundB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$BoxAlpha
+                )
+            );
+            imageline(
+                $this->Picture,
+                $XMin+1,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin+$HorizontalMargin/2+1,
+                $XMax-1,
+                $Y-5-$TitleHeight-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin+$HorizontalMargin/2+1,
+                $InnerBorderColor
+            );
+        }
+        /* Write the description */
+        if ( !$NoTitle )
+            $this->drawText(
+                $XMin+$VerticalMargin,
+                $Y-7-$CaptionHeight-$HorizontalMargin*2,
+                $Title,
+                array(
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT,
+                    "R"=>$TitleR,
+                    "G"=>$TitleG,
+                    "B"=>$TitleB
+                )
+            );
+            /* Write the value */
+            $YPos = $Y-5-$HorizontalMargin; 
+            $XPos = $XMin+$VerticalMargin+$SerieBoxSize+$SerieBoxSpacing;
+            foreach($Captions as $Key => $Caption) {
+                $CaptionTxt    = $Caption["Caption"];
+                $TxtPos        = $this->getTextBox($XPos,$YPos,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$CaptionTxt);
+                $CaptionHeight = ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]);
+                /* Write the serie color if needed */
+                if ( $DrawSerieColor ) {
+                    $BoxSettings = array(
+                        "R"=>$Caption["Format"]["R"],
+                        "G"=>$Caption["Format"]["G"],
+                        "B"=>$Caption["Format"]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$Caption["Format"]["Alpha"],
+                        "BorderR"=>0,
+                        "BorderG"=>0,
+                        "BorderB"=>0
+                    );
+                    $this->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $XMin+$VerticalMargin,
+                        $YPos-$SerieBoxSize,
+                        $XMin+$VerticalMargin+$SerieBoxSize,
+                        $YPos,
+                        $BoxSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                $this->drawText($XPos,$YPos,$CaptionTxt,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));
+                $YPos = $YPos - $CaptionHeight - $HorizontalMargin;
+            }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a basic shape
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Shape
+     * @param type $PlotSize
+     * @param type $PlotBorder
+     * @param type $BorderSize
+     * @param type $R
+     * @param type $G
+     * @param type $B
+     * @param type $Alpha
+     * @param type $BorderR
+     * @param type $BorderG
+     * @param type $BorderB
+     * @param type $BorderAlpha
+     */
+    public function drawShape(
+            $X,
+            $Y,
+            $Shape,
+            $PlotSize,
+            $PlotBorder,
+            $BorderSize,
+            $R,
+            $G,
+            $B,
+            $Alpha,
+            $BorderR,
+            $BorderG,
+            $BorderB,
+            $BorderAlpha
+    ) {
+        if ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDCIRCLE ) {
+            if ( $PlotBorder ) { $this->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$PlotSize+$BorderSize,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha)); }
+            $this->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDSQUARE ) {
+            if ( $PlotBorder ) { $this->drawFilledRectangle($X-$PlotSize-$BorderSize,$Y-$PlotSize-$BorderSize,$X+$PlotSize+$BorderSize,$Y+$PlotSize+$BorderSize,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha)); }
+            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X-$PlotSize,$Y-$PlotSize,$X+$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDTRIANGLE ) {
+            if ( $PlotBorder ) {
+                $Pos = ""; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y-$PlotSize-$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$X-$PlotSize-$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize+$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$X+$PlotSize+$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize+$BorderSize;
+                $this->drawPolygon($Pos,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha));
+            }
+            $Pos = ""; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$X-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$X+$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize;
+            $this->drawPolygon($Pos,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_TRIANGLE ) {
+            $this->drawLine($X,$Y-$PlotSize,$X-$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $this->drawLine($X-$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,$X+$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+            $this->drawLine($X+$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,$X,$Y-$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_SQUARE ) {
+            $this->drawRectangle($X-$PlotSize,$Y-$PlotSize,$X+$PlotSize,$Y+$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_CIRCLE ) {
+         $this->drawCircle($X,$Y,$PlotSize,$PlotSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_DIAMOND ) {
+            $Pos = ""; $Pos[]=$X-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$X+$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize;
+            $this->drawPolygon($Pos,array("NoFill"=>true,"BorderR"=>$R,"BorderG"=>$G,"BorderB"=>$B,"BorderAlpha"=>$Alpha));
+        } elseif ( $Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDDIAMOND ) {
+            if ( $PlotBorder ) {
+                $Pos = ""; $Pos[]=$X-$PlotSize-$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y-$PlotSize-$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$X+$PlotSize+$BorderSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize+$BorderSize;
+                $this->drawPolygon($Pos,array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha));
+            }
+            $Pos = ""; $Pos[]=$X-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y-$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$X+$PlotSize; $Pos[]=$Y; $Pos[]=$X; $Pos[]=$Y+$PlotSize;
+            $this->drawPolygon($Pos,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha));
+        }      
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Points
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawPolygonChart($Points,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $NoFill		= isset($Format["NoFill"]) ? $Format["NoFill"] : false;
+        $NoBorder	= isset($Format["NoBorder"]) ? $Format["NoBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BorderAlpha 	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha / 2;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Threshold        = isset($Format["Threshold"]) ? $Format["Threshold"] : null;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G+$Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B+$Surrounding;          
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
+        $this->Shadow = false;
+        $AllIntegers = true;
+        for($i=0;$i<=count($Points)-2;$i=$i+2) { 
+            if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($Points[$i+1]) != 0 ) { 
+                $AllIntegers = false;                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Convert polygon to segments */
+        $Segments = "";
+        for ($i=2;$i<=count($Points)-2;$i=$i+2) { 
+            $Segments[] = array(
+                "X1"=>$Points[$i-2],
+                "Y1"=>$Points[$i-1],
+                "X2"=>$Points[$i],
+                "Y2"=>$Points[$i+1]
+            );             
+        }
+        $Segments[] = array(
+            "X1"=>$Points[$i-2],
+            "Y1"=>$Points[$i-1],
+            "X2"=>$Points[0],
+            "Y2"=>$Points[1]
+        );
+        /* Simplify straight lines */
+        $Result = ""; 
+        $inHorizon = false; 
+        $LastX = VOID;
+        foreach($Segments as $Key => $Pos) {
+            if ( $Pos["Y1"] != $Pos["Y2"] ) {
+                if ( $inHorizon ) { 
+                    $inHorizon = false; 
+                    $Result[] = array(
+                        "X1"=>$LastX,
+                        "Y1"=>$Pos["Y1"],
+                        "X2"=>$Pos["X1"],
+                        "Y2"=>$Pos["Y1"]
+                    );                     
+                }
+                $Result[] = array(
+                    "X1"=>$Pos["X1"],
+                    "Y1"=>$Pos["Y1"],
+                    "X2"=>$Pos["X2"],
+                    "Y2"=>$Pos["Y2"]
+                );
+            } else { 
+                if ( !$inHorizon ) { 
+                    $inHorizon = true; 
+                    $LastX = $Pos["X1"];                    
+                }                 
+            }
+        }
+        $Segments = $Result;
+        /* Do we have something to draw */
+        if ( $Segments == "" ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        /* For segments debugging purpose */
+        //foreach($Segments as $Key => $Pos)
+        // echo $Pos["X1"].",".$Pos["Y1"].",".$Pos["X2"].",".$Pos["Y2"]."\r\n";
+        /* Find out the min & max Y boundaries */
+        $MinY = OUT_OF_SIGHT; $MaxY = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+        foreach($Segments as $Key => $Coords) {
+            if ($MinY == OUT_OF_SIGHT || $MinY > min($Coords["Y1"],$Coords["Y2"])) { 
+                $MinY = min($Coords["Y1"],$Coords["Y2"]);
+            }
+            if ($MaxY == OUT_OF_SIGHT || $MaxY < max($Coords["Y1"],$Coords["Y2"])) { 
+                $MaxY = max($Coords["Y1"],$Coords["Y2"]);                
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $AllIntegers ) { 
+            $YStep = 1;             
+        } else {
+            $YStep = .5;
+        }
+        $MinY = floor($MinY); 
+        $MaxY = floor($MaxY);
+        /* Scan each Y lines */
+        $DefaultColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha);
+        $DebugLine = 0; 
+        $DebugColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture,255,0,0,100);
+        $MinY = floor($MinY); 
+        $MaxY = floor($MaxY); 
+        $YStep = 1; 
+        if ( !$NoFill ) {
+            //if ( $DebugLine ) { $MinY = $DebugLine; $MaxY = $DebugLine; }
+            for ($Y=$MinY;$Y<=$MaxY;$Y=$Y+$YStep) {
+                $Intersections = ""; 
+                $LastSlope = null; 
+                $RestoreLast = "-";
+                foreach($Segments as $Key => $Coords) {
+                    $X1 = $Coords["X1"]; 
+                    $X2 = $Coords["X2"]; 
+                    $Y1 = $Coords["Y1"]; 
+                    $Y2 = $Coords["Y2"];
+                    if (min($Y1,$Y2) <= $Y && max($Y1,$Y2) >= $Y) {
+                        if ( $Y1 == $Y2 ) { 
+                            $X = $X1;
+                        } else { 
+                            $X = $X1 + ( ($Y-$Y1)*$X2 - ($Y-$Y1)*$X1 ) / ($Y2-$Y1);
+                        }
+                        $X = floor($X);
+                        if ( $X2 == $X1 ) { 
+                            $Slope = "!";                         
+                        } else {
+                            $SlopeC = ($Y2 - $Y1) / ($X2 - $X1);
+                            if( $SlopeC == 0 ) { 
+                                $Slope = "=";                                 
+                            } elseif( $SlopeC > 0 ) { 
+                                $Slope = "+";                                 
+                            } elseif ( $SlopeC < 0 ) { 
+                                $Slope = "-";                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( !is_array($Intersections) ) { 
+                            $Intersections[] = $X;
+                        } elseif( !in_array($X,$Intersections) ) { 
+                            $Intersections[] = $X;
+                        } elseif( in_array($X,$Intersections) ) {
+                            if ($Y == $DebugLine) { 
+                                echo $Slope."/".$LastSlope."(".$X.") ";
+                            }
+                            if ( $Slope == "=" && $LastSlope == "-"  ) { 
+                                $Intersections[] = $X;
+                            }
+                            if ( $Slope != $LastSlope && $LastSlope != "!" && $LastSlope != "=" ) {
+                                $Intersections[] = $X;                                 
+                            }
+                            if ( $Slope != $LastSlope && $LastSlope == "!" && $Slope == "+" ) {
+                                $Intersections[] = $X;                                 
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (is_array($Intersections) 
+                            && in_array($X,$Intersections) 
+                            && $LastSlope == "=" 
+                            && ($Slope == "-" )
+                        ) { 
+                            $Intersections[] = $X; 
+                        }
+                        $LastSlope = $Slope;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $RestoreLast != "-" ) { 
+                    $Intersections[] = $RestoreLast; 
+                    echo "@".$Y."\r\n";
+                }
+                if ( is_array($Intersections) ) {
+                    sort($Intersections);
+                    if ($Y == $DebugLine) { 
+                        print_r($Intersections);
+                    }
+                    /* Remove null plots */
+                    $Result = "";
+                    for($i=0;$i<=count($Intersections)-1;$i=$i+2) {
+                        if (isset($Intersections[$i+1])) { 
+                            if ( $Intersections[$i] != $Intersections[$i+1] ) { 
+                                $Result[] = $Intersections[$i]; 
+                                $Result[] = $Intersections[$i+1];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( is_array($Result) ) {
+                        $Intersections = $Result;
+                        $LastX = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+                        foreach($Intersections as $Key => $X) {
+                            if ( $LastX == OUT_OF_SIGHT ) {
+                                $LastX = $X;
+                            } elseif ( $LastX != OUT_OF_SIGHT ) {
+                                if ( $this->getFirstDecimal($LastX) > 1 ) { 
+                                    $LastX++;                                     
+                                }
+                                $Color = $DefaultColor;
+                                if ( $Threshold != null ) {
+                                    foreach($Threshold as $Key => $Parameters) {
+                                        if ($Y <= $Parameters["MinX"] 
+                                            && $Y >= $Parameters["MaxX"]
+                                        ) {
+                                            if ( isset($Parameters["R"]) ) { 
+                                                $R = $Parameters["R"];
+                                            } else {
+                                                $R = 0;
+                                            }
+                                            if ( isset($Parameters["G"]) ) { 
+                                                $G = $Parameters["G"];
+                                            } else { 
+                                                $G = 0;
+                                            }
+                                            if ( isset($Parameters["B"]) ) { 
+                                                $B = $Parameters["B"];
+                                            } else { 
+                                                $B = 0;                                                 
+                                            }
+                                            if ( isset($Parameters["Alpha"]) ) { 
+                                                $Alpha = $Parameters["Alpha"];
+                                            } else { 
+                                                $Alpha = 100;                                                   
+                                            }
+                                            $Color = $this->allocateColor(
+                                                $this->Picture,$R,$G,$B,$Alpha
+                                            );
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                imageline($this->Picture,$LastX,$Y,$X,$Y,$Color);
+                                if ( $Y == $DebugLine) { 
+                                    imageline($this->Picture,$LastX,$Y,$X,$Y,$DebugColor);
+                                }
+                                $LastX = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the polygon border, if required */
+        if ( !$NoBorder) {
+            foreach($Segments as $Key => $Coords) {
+                $this->drawLine(
+                    $Coords["X1"],
+                    $Coords["Y1"],
+                    $Coords["X2"],
+                    $Coords["Y2"],
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$BorderR,
+                        "G"=>$BorderG,
+                        "B"=>$BorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,
+                        "Threshold"=>$Threshold
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the abscissa margin
+     * @param type $Data
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getAbscissaMargin($Data)
+    {
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Values) { 
+            if ( $Values["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+                return($Values["Margin"]);
+            }                 
+        }
+        return(0);
+    }

+ 764 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+pDraw - pChart core class
+Version     : 2.1.4
+Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+Last Update : 19/01/2014
+This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+/* The GD extension is mandatory */
+if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2')) {
+    throw new \Exception("GD extension must be loaded. \r\n");
+class pImage extends pDraw
+    /* Image settings, size, quality, .. */
+    public $XSize                   = null;     // Width of the picture
+    public $YSize                   = null;     // Height of the picture
+    public $Picture                 = null;     // GD picture object
+    public $Antialias               = true;     // Turn antialias on or off
+    public $AntialiasQuality        = 0;        // Quality of the antialiasing implementation (0-1)
+    public $Mask                    = "";       // Already drawn pixels mask (Filled circle implementation)
+    public $TransparentBackground   = false;    // Just to know if we need to flush the alpha channels when rendering
+    /* Graph area settings */
+    public $GraphAreaX1	= null; // Graph area X origin
+    public $GraphAreaY1	= null; // Graph area Y origin
+    public $GraphAreaX2	= null; // Graph area bottom right X position
+    public $GraphAreaY2	= null; // Graph area bottom right Y position
+    /* Scale settings */
+    public $ScaleMinDivHeight = 20; // Minimum height for scame divs
+    /* Font properties */
+    public $FontName	= "GeosansLight.ttf";           // Default font file
+    public $FontSize	= 12;				// Default font size
+    public $FontBox	= null;				// Return the bounding box of the last written string
+    public $FontColorR	= 0;				// Default color settings
+    public $FontColorG	= 0;				// Default color settings
+    public $FontColorB	= 0;				// Default color settings
+    public $FontColorA	= 100;				// Default transparency
+    /* Shadow properties */
+    public $Shadow		= false;		// Turn shadows on or off
+    public $ShadowX		= null;			// X Offset of the shadow
+    public $ShadowY		= null;			// Y Offset of the shadow
+    public $ShadowR		= null;			// R component of the shadow
+    public $ShadowG		= null;			// G component of the shadow
+    public $ShadowB		= null;			// B component of the shadow
+    public $Shadowa		= null;			// Alpha level of the shadow
+    /* Image map */
+    public $ImageMap            = null;			// Aray containing the image map
+    public $ImageMapIndex	= "pChart";		// Name of the session array
+    public $ImageMapStorageMode = null;			// Save the current imagemap storage mode
+    public $ImageMapAutoDelete  = true;			// Automatic deletion of the image map temp files
+    /* Data Set */
+    public $DataSet		= null;                 // Attached dataset
+    /* Last generated chart info */
+    public $LastChartLayout	= CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;	// Last layout : regular or stacked
+    /**
+     * Class constructor
+     * @param type $XSize
+     * @param type $YSize
+     * @param type $DataSet
+     * @param type $TransparentBackground
+     */
+    public function __construct(
+        $XSize,
+        $YSize,
+        $DataSet = null,
+        $TransparentBackground = false
+    ) {
+        // set proper path for resources and the default font name
+        $this->FontName = $this->loadFont($this->FontName, 'fonts');
+        $this->TransparentBackground = $TransparentBackground;
+        if ( $DataSet != null ) { 
+            $this->DataSet = $DataSet;             
+        }
+        $this->XSize   = $XSize;
+        $this->YSize   = $YSize;
+        $this->Picture = imagecreatetruecolor($XSize,$YSize);
+        if ( $this->TransparentBackground ) {
+            imagealphablending($this->Picture,false);
+            imagefilledrectangle(
+                $this->Picture, 
+                0,
+                0,
+                $XSize, 
+                $YSize, 
+                imagecolorallocatealpha($this->Picture, 255, 255, 255, 127)
+            );
+            imagealphablending($this->Picture,true);
+            imagesavealpha($this->Picture,true); 
+        } else {
+            $C_White = $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture,255,255,255);
+            imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture,0,0,$XSize,$YSize,$C_White);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Enable / Disable and set shadow properties
+     * @param type $Enabled
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setShadow($Enabled=true,$Format="")
+    {
+        $X	    = isset($Format["X"]) ? $Format["X"] : 2;
+        $Y	    = isset($Format["Y"]) ? $Format["Y"] : 2;
+        $R	    = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	    = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	    = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha      = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 10;
+        $this->Shadow  = $Enabled;
+        $this->ShadowX = $X;
+        $this->ShadowY = $Y;
+        $this->ShadowR = $R;
+        $this->ShadowG = $G;
+        $this->ShadowB = $B;
+        $this->Shadowa = $Alpha;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the graph area position
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function setGraphArea($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2)
+    {
+        if ( $X2 < $X1 || $X1 == $X2 || $Y2 < $Y1 || $Y1 == $Y2 ) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        $this->GraphAreaX1 = $X1; $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $X1;
+        $this->GraphAreaY1 = $Y1; $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $Y1;
+        $this->GraphAreaX2 = $X2; $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $X2;
+        $this->GraphAreaY2 = $Y2; $this->DataSet->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $Y2;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the width of the picture
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getWidth()
+    { 
+        return($this->XSize);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the heigth of the picture
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getHeight()
+    { 
+        return($this->YSize);         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Render the picture to a file
+     * @param type $FileName
+     */
+    public function render($FileName)
+    {
+        if ( $this->TransparentBackground ) { 
+            imagealphablending($this->Picture,false); 
+            imagesavealpha($this->Picture,true);             
+        }
+        imagepng($this->Picture,$FileName);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Render the picture to a web browser stream
+     * @param type $BrowserExpire
+     */
+    public function stroke($BrowserExpire=false)
+    {
+        if ( $this->TransparentBackground ) { 
+            imagealphablending($this->Picture,false); 
+            imagesavealpha($this->Picture,true);             
+        }
+        if ( $BrowserExpire ) {
+            header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
+            header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
+            header("Pragma: no-cache");
+        }
+        header('Content-type: image/png');
+        imagepng($this->Picture);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Automatic output method based on the calling interface
+     * @param type $FileName
+     */
+    public function autoOutput($FileName="output.png")
+    {
+        if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
+            $this->Render($FileName);
+        } else {
+            $this->Stroke();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the length between two points
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getLength($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2)
+    { 
+        return(sqrt(pow(max($X1,$X2)-min($X1,$X2),2)+pow(max($Y1,$Y2)-min($Y1,$Y2),2)));         
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the orientation of a line
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2)
+    {
+        $Opposite = $Y2 - $Y1; $Adjacent = $X2 - $X1;
+        $Angle = rad2deg(atan2($Opposite,$Adjacent));
+        if ($Angle > 0) { 
+            return($Angle);
+        } else { 
+            return(360-abs($Angle));                 
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the surrounding box of text area
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $FontName
+     * @param type $FontSize
+     * @param type $Angle
+     * @param type $Text
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getTextBox_deprecated($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,$Angle,$Text)
+    {
+        $FontName  = $this->loadFont($FontName, 'fonts');
+        $Size    = imagettfbbox($FontSize,$Angle,$FontName,$Text);
+        $Width   = $this->getLength($Size[0],$Size[1],$Size[2],$Size[3])+1;
+        $Height  = $this->getLength($Size[2],$Size[3],$Size[4],$Size[5])+1;
+        $RealPos[0]["X"] = $X; 
+        $RealPos[0]["Y"] = $Y;
+        $RealPos[1]["X"] = cos((360-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Width + $RealPos[0]["X"]; 
+        $RealPos[1]["Y"] = sin((360-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Width + $RealPos[0]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[2]["X"] = cos((270-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Height + $RealPos[1]["X"]; 
+        $RealPos[2]["Y"] = sin((270-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Height + $RealPos[1]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[3]["X"] = cos((180-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Width + $RealPos[2]["X"]; 
+        $RealPos[3]["Y"] = sin((180-$Angle)*PI/180)*$Width + $RealPos[2]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["X"] = $RealPos[0]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["Y"] = $RealPos[0]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["X"] = $RealPos[1]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["Y"] = $RealPos[1]["Y"];
+        return($RealPos);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the surrounding box of text area
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $FontName
+     * @param type $FontSize
+     * @param type $Angle
+     * @param type $Text
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getTextBox($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,$Angle,$Text)
+    {
+        $FontName  = $this->loadFont($FontName, 'fonts');
+        $coords = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontName, $Text);
+        $a = deg2rad($Angle); 
+        $ca = cos($a); 
+        $sa = sin($a); 
+        $RealPos = array();
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i += 2) {
+            $RealPos[$i/2]["X"] = $X + round($coords[$i] * $ca + $coords[$i+1] * $sa);
+            $RealPos[$i/2]["Y"] = $Y + round($coords[$i+1] * $ca - $coords[$i] * $sa);
+        }
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["X"]	= $RealPos[0]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT]["Y"]	= $RealPos[0]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["X"]	= $RealPos[1]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]["Y"]	= $RealPos[1]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT]["X"]	= $RealPos[3]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT]["Y"]	= $RealPos[3]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT]["X"]	= $RealPos[2]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT]["Y"]	= $RealPos[2]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE]["X"]	= ($RealPos[1]["X"]-$RealPos[0]["X"])/2+$RealPos[0]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE]["Y"]	= ($RealPos[0]["Y"]-$RealPos[1]["Y"])/2+$RealPos[1]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE]["X"]	= ($RealPos[2]["X"]-$RealPos[3]["X"])/2+$RealPos[3]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE]["Y"]	= ($RealPos[3]["Y"]-$RealPos[2]["Y"])/2+$RealPos[2]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT]["X"]	= ($RealPos[0]["X"]-$RealPos[3]["X"])/2+$RealPos[3]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT]["Y"]	= ($RealPos[0]["Y"]-$RealPos[3]["Y"])/2+$RealPos[3]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT]["X"]	= ($RealPos[1]["X"]-$RealPos[2]["X"])/2+$RealPos[2]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT]["Y"]	= ($RealPos[1]["Y"]-$RealPos[2]["Y"])/2+$RealPos[2]["Y"];
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE]["X"]	= ($RealPos[1]["X"]-$RealPos[3]["X"])/2+$RealPos[3]["X"];	
+        $RealPos[TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE]["Y"]	= ($RealPos[0]["Y"]-$RealPos[2]["Y"])/2+$RealPos[2]["Y"];
+        return($RealPos);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set current font properties
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setFontProperties($Format="")
+    {
+        $R          = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : -1;
+        $G          = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : -1;
+        $B          = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : -1;
+        $Alpha      = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $FontName   = isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : null;
+        $FontSize   = isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : null;
+        if ( $R != -1)       { 
+            $this->FontColorR = $R;
+        }
+        if ( $G != -1)       {  
+            $this->FontColorG = $G;             
+        }
+        if ( $B != -1)       {  
+            $this->FontColorB = $B;
+        }
+        if ( $Alpha != null) {  
+            $this->FontColorA = $Alpha;             
+        }
+        if ($FontName != null) {
+            $this->FontName = $this->loadFont($FontName, 'fonts');
+        }
+        if ($FontSize != null) {
+            $this->FontSize = $FontSize;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the 1st decimal values (used to correct AA bugs)
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getFirstDecimal($Value)
+    {
+        $Values = preg_split("/\./",$Value);
+        if ( isset($Values[1]) ) { 
+            return(substr($Values[1],0,1));             
+        } else { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a dataset to your pChart Object
+     * @param type $DataSet
+     */
+    public function setDataSet(&$DataSet)
+    { $this->DataSet = $DataSet; }
+    /**
+     * Print attached dataset contents to STDOUT
+     */
+    public function printDataSet()
+    { print_r($this->DataSet); }
+    /**
+     * Initialise the image map methods
+     * @param type $Name
+     * @param type $StorageMode
+     * @param type $UniqueID
+     * @param type $StorageFolder
+     */
+    public function initialiseImageMap(
+        $Name="pChart",
+        $StorageMode=IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION,
+        $UniqueID="imageMap",
+        $StorageFolder="tmp"
+    ) {
+        $this->ImageMapIndex       = $Name;
+        $this->ImageMapStorageMode = $StorageMode;
+        if ($StorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION) {
+            if(!isset($_SESSION)) { 
+                session_start();                 
+            }
+            $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] = null;
+        } elseif($StorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
+            $this->ImageMapFileName 		= $UniqueID;
+            $this->ImageMapStorageFolder	= $StorageFolder;
+            if (file_exists($StorageFolder."/".$UniqueID.".map")) { 
+                unlink($StorageFolder."/".$UniqueID.".map");                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a zone to the image map 
+     * @param type $Type
+     * @param type $Plots
+     * @param type $Color
+     * @param type $Title
+     * @param type $Message
+     * @param type $HTMLEncode
+     */
+    public function addToImageMap(
+        $Type,
+        $Plots,
+        $Color=null,
+        $Title=null,
+        $Message=null,
+        $HTMLEncode=false
+    ) {
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == null ) { 
+            $this->initialiseImageMap();             
+        }
+        /* Encode the characters in the imagemap in HTML standards */
+        $Title   = str_replace("&#8364;","\u20AC",$Title);
+        $Title   = htmlentities($Title,ENT_QUOTES,"ISO-8859-15");
+        if ( $HTMLEncode ) {
+            $Message = htmlentities($Message,ENT_QUOTES,"ISO-8859-15");
+            $Message = str_replace("&lt;","<",$Message);
+            $Message = str_replace("&gt;",">",$Message);
+        }
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION ) {
+            if (!isset($_SESSION)) { 
+                $this->initialiseImageMap();                 
+            }
+            $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][] = array($Type,$Plots,$Color,$Title,$Message);
+        } elseif($this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE) {
+            $Handle = fopen(
+                $this->ImageMapStorageFolder."/".$this->ImageMapFileName.".map", 
+                'a'
+            );
+            fwrite(
+                $Handle, 
+                $Type.IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Plots.IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Color
+                .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Title.IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Message."\r\n"
+            );
+            fclose($Handle);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove VOID values from an imagemap custom values array
+     * @param type $SerieName
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function removeVOIDFromArray($SerieName, $Values)
+    {
+        if ( !isset($this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]) ) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        $Result = "";
+        foreach ($this->DataSet->Data["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ( $Value != VOID && isset($Values[$Key]) ) { 
+                $Result[] = $Values[$Key];                 
+            }
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replace the title of one image map serie
+     * @param type $OldTitle
+     * @param type $NewTitle
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function replaceImageMapTitle($OldTitle, $NewTitle)
+    {
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == null ) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        if ( is_array($NewTitle) ) { 
+            $NewTitle = $this->removeVOIDFromArray($OldTitle, $NewTitle);             
+        }
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION ) {
+            if (!isset($_SESSION)) { 
+                return(-1);                 
+            }
+            if ( is_array($NewTitle) ) { 
+                $ID = 0; 
+                foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                    if ( $Settings[3] == $OldTitle && isset($NewTitle[$ID])) { 
+                        $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][3] = $NewTitle[$ID]; 
+                        $ID++;                         
+                    }                     
+                }                     
+            } else { 
+                foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                    if ( $Settings[3] == $OldTitle ) { 
+                        $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][3] = $NewTitle;                     
+                    }                     
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE ) {
+            $TempArray = "";
+            $Handle    = @fopen($this->ImageMapStorageFolder."/".$this->ImageMapFileName.".map", "r");
+            if ($Handle) {
+            while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) {
+                $Fields = preg_split(
+                    "/".IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER."/",
+                    str_replace(array(chr(10),chr(13)),"",$Buffer)
+                );
+                $TempArray[] = array($Fields[0],$Fields[1],$Fields[2],$Fields[3],$Fields[4]);
+            }
+            fclose($Handle);
+            if ( is_array($NewTitle) ) { 
+                 $ID = 0; 
+                 foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                     if ( $Settings[3] == $OldTitle && isset($NewTitle[$ID]) ) { 
+                         $TempArray[$Key][3] = $NewTitle[$ID]; $ID++;                         
+                     }                      
+                 }                      
+            } else { 
+                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                    if ( $Settings[3] == $OldTitle ) { 
+                        $TempArray[$Key][3] = $NewTitle;                         
+                    }                     
+                }                     
+            }
+             $Handle = fopen(
+                 $this->ImageMapStorageFolder."/".$this->ImageMapFileName.".map", 
+                 'w'
+             );
+             foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                fwrite(
+                    $Handle, 
+                    $Settings[0].IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[1]
+                        .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[2]
+                        .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[3]
+                        .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[4]."\r\n"
+                );                  
+             }
+             fclose($Handle);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replace the values of the image map contents
+     * @param type $Title
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function replaceImageMapValues($Title, $Values)
+    {
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == null ) { return(-1); }
+        $Values = $this->removeVOIDFromArray($Title, $Values);
+        $ID = 0; 
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION ) {
+            if(!isset($_SESSION)) { return(-1); }
+            foreach($_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex] as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                if ( $Settings[3] == $Title ) { 
+                    if ( isset($Values[$ID]) ) { 
+                        $_SESSION[$this->ImageMapIndex][$Key][4] = $Values[$ID];                         
+                    } 
+                    $ID++;                     
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE ) {
+            $TempArray = "";
+            $Handle    = @fopen(
+                $this->ImageMapStorageFolder."/".$this->ImageMapFileName.".map",
+                "r"
+            );
+            if ($Handle) {
+                while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) {
+                    $Fields = preg_split(
+                            "/".IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER."/",
+                            str_replace(array(chr(10),chr(13)),"",$Buffer)
+                    );
+                    $TempArray[] = array($Fields[0],$Fields[1],$Fields[2],$Fields[3],$Fields[4]);
+                }
+                fclose($Handle);
+                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                    if ( $Settings[3] == $Title ) { 
+                        if ( isset($Values[$ID]) ) { 
+                            $TempArray[$Key][4] = $Values[$ID];                             
+                        } 
+                        $ID++;                         
+                    }                         
+                }
+                $Handle = fopen(
+                    $this->ImageMapStorageFolder."/".$this->ImageMapFileName.".map",
+                    'w'
+                );
+                foreach($TempArray as $Key => $Settings) { 
+                    fwrite(
+                        $Handle, 
+                        $Settings[0].IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[1]
+                            .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[2]
+                            .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[3]
+                            .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Settings[4]."\r\n"
+                    );                 
+                }
+                fclose($Handle);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Dump the image map
+     * @param type $Name
+     * @param type $StorageMode
+     * @param type $UniqueID
+     * @param type $StorageFolder
+     */
+    public function dumpImageMap(
+        $Name="pChart",
+        $StorageMode=IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION,
+        $UniqueID="imageMap",
+        $StorageFolder="tmp"
+    ) {
+        $this->ImageMapIndex 		= $Name;
+        $this->ImageMapStorageMode	= $StorageMode;
+        if ( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION ) {
+            if(!isset($_SESSION)) { 
+                session_start();                 
+            }
+            if ( $_SESSION[$Name] != null ) {
+                foreach($_SESSION[$Name] as $Key => $Params) { 
+                    echo $Params[0].IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Params[1]
+                         .IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Params[2].IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER
+                         .$Params[3].IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER.$Params[4]."\r\n";
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif( $this->ImageMapStorageMode == IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE ) {
+            if (file_exists($StorageFolder."/".$UniqueID.".map")) {
+                $Handle = @fopen($StorageFolder."/".$UniqueID.".map", "r");
+                if ($Handle) { 
+                    while (($Buffer = fgets($Handle, 4096)) !== false) { 
+                        echo $Buffer;                         
+                    }
+                }
+                fclose($Handle);
+                if ( $this->ImageMapAutoDelete ) { 
+                    unlink($StorageFolder."/".$UniqueID.".map");                     
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* When the image map is returned to the client, the script ends */
+        exit();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the HTML converted color from the RGB composite values
+     * @param type $R
+     * @param type $G
+     * @param type $B
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function toHTMLColor($R,$G,$B)
+    {
+        $R=intval($R); 
+        $G=intval($G); 
+        $B=intval($B);
+        $R=dechex($R<0?0:($R>255?255:$R)); 
+        $G=dechex($G<0?0:($G>255?255:$G));
+        $B=dechex($B<0?0:($B>255?255:$B));
+        $Color="#".(strlen($R) < 2?'0':'').$R; 
+        $Color.=(strlen($G) < 2?'0':'').$G; 
+        $Color.= (strlen($B) < 2?'0':'').$B;
+        return($Color);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reverse an array of points
+     * @param type $Plots
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function reversePlots($Plots)
+    {
+        $Result = "";
+        for($i=count($Plots)-2;$i>=0;$i=$i-2) { 
+            $Result[] = $Plots[$i]; $Result[] = $Plots[$i+1];             
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Mirror Effect
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Width
+     * @param type $Height
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawAreaMirror($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,$Format="")
+    {
+        $StartAlpha = isset($Format["StartAlpha"]) ? $Format["StartAlpha"] : 80;
+        $EndAlpha = isset($Format["EndAlpha"]) ? $Format["EndAlpha"] : 0;
+        $AlphaStep = ($StartAlpha-$EndAlpha)/$Height;
+        $Picture = imagecreatetruecolor($this->XSize,$this->YSize);
+        imagecopy($Picture,$this->Picture,0,0,0,0,$this->XSize,$this->YSize);
+        for ($i=1;$i<=$Height;$i++) {
+            if ($Y+($i-1) < $this->YSize && $Y-$i > 0) { 
+                imagecopymerge(
+                    $Picture,
+                    $this->Picture,
+                    $X,
+                    $Y+($i-1),
+                    $X,
+                    $Y-$i,
+                    $Width,
+                    1,
+                    $StartAlpha-$AlphaStep*$i
+                );             
+            }
+        }
+        imagecopy($this->Picture,$Picture,0,0,0,0,$this->XSize,$this->YSize);
+    }

+ 264 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pIndicator - class to draw indicators
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pIndicator
+    public $pChartObject;
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     * @param type $pChartObject
+     * @param type $pDataObject - added for compatibility with other classes
+     */
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject = null)
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+    }
+    /* Draw an indicator */
+    public function draw($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,$Format="")
+    {
+        $Values			= isset($Format["Values"]) ? $Format["Values"] : VOID;
+        $IndicatorSections	= isset($Format["IndicatorSections"]) ? $Format["IndicatorSections"] : null;
+        $ValueDisplay		= isset($Format["ValueDisplay"]) ? $Format["ValueDisplay"] : INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE;
+        $SectionsMargin		= isset($Format["SectionsMargin"]) ? $Format["SectionsMargin"] : 4;
+        $DrawLeftHead		= isset($Format["DrawLeftHead"]) ? $Format["DrawLeftHead"] : true;
+        $DrawRightHead		= isset($Format["DrawRightHead"]) ? $Format["DrawRightHead"] : true;
+        $HeadSize		= isset($Format["HeadSize"]) ? $Format["HeadSize"] : floor($Height/4);
+        $TextPadding		= isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 4;
+        $CaptionLayout		= isset($Format["CaptionLayout"]) ? $Format["CaptionLayout"] : INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED;
+        $CaptionPosition	= isset($Format["CaptionPosition"]) ? $Format["CaptionPosition"] : INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE;
+        $CaptionColorFactor	= isset($Format["CaptionColorFactor"]) ? $Format["CaptionColorFactor"] : null;
+        $CaptionR		= isset($Format["CaptionR"]) ? $Format["CaptionR"] : 255;
+        $CaptionG		= isset($Format["CaptionG"]) ? $Format["CaptionG"] : 255;
+        $CaptionB		= isset($Format["CaptionB"]) ? $Format["CaptionB"] : 255;
+        $CaptionAlpha		= isset($Format["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
+        $SubCaptionColorFactor	= isset($Format["SubCaptionColorFactor"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionColorFactor"] : null;
+        $SubCaptionR		= isset($Format["SubCaptionR"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionR"] : 50;
+        $SubCaptionG		= isset($Format["SubCaptionG"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionG"] : 50;
+        $SubCaptionB		= isset($Format["SubCaptionB"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionB"] : 50;
+        $SubCaptionAlpha	= isset($Format["SubCaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionAlpha"] : 100;
+        $ValueFontName		= isset($Format["ValueFontName"]) ? $Format["ValueFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $ValueFontSize		= isset($Format["ValueFontSize"]) ? $Format["ValueFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $CaptionFontName	= isset($Format["CaptionFontName"]) ? $Format["CaptionFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $CaptionFontSize	= isset($Format["CaptionFontSize"]) ? $Format["CaptionFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $Unit			= isset($Format["Unit"]) ? $Format["Unit"] : "";
+        /* Convert the Values to display to an array if needed */
+        if ( !is_array($Values) ) { 
+            $Value = $Values; $Values = ""; 
+            $Values[] = $Value;             
+        }
+        /* No section, let's die */
+        if ( $IndicatorSections == null ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        /* Determine indicator visual configuration */
+        $OverallMin = $IndicatorSections[0]["End"]; $OverallMax = $IndicatorSections[0]["Start"];
+        foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) {
+            if ( $Settings["End"] > $OverallMax )   { $OverallMax = $Settings["End"]; }
+            if ( $Settings["Start"] < $OverallMin ) { $OverallMin = $Settings["Start"]; }
+        }
+        $RealWidth = $Width - (count($IndicatorSections)-1)*$SectionsMargin;
+        $XScale    = $RealWidth / ($OverallMax-$OverallMin);
+        $X1 = $X; $ValuesPos = "";
+        foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $Color      = array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"]);
+            $Caption    = $Settings["Caption"];
+            $SubCaption = $Settings["Start"]." - ".$Settings["End"];
+            $X2 = $X1 + ($Settings["End"] - $Settings["Start"]) * $XScale;
+            if ( $Key == 0 && $DrawLeftHead ) {
+                $Poly = ""; 
+                $Poly[] = $X1-1; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y; 
+                $Poly[] = $X1-1; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; 
+                $Poly[] = $X1-1-$HeadSize; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y+($Height/2);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1-2,$Y,$X1-2-$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1-2,$Y+$Height,$X1-2-$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color);
+            }
+            /* Determine the position of the breaks */
+            $Break = "";
+            foreach($Values as $iKey => $Value) {
+                if ( $Value >= $Settings["Start"] && $Value <= $Settings["End"] ) {
+                    $XBreak  = $X1 + ($Value - $Settings["Start"]) * $XScale;
+                    $ValuesPos[$Value] = $XBreak;
+                    $Break[] = floor($XBreak);
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL )
+            {
+                if ( $Break == "" ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y,$X2,$Y+$Height,$Color);
+                } else {
+                    sort($Break);
+                    $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y; $LastPointWritten = false;
+                    foreach($Break as $iKey => $Value) {
+                        if ( $Value-5 >= $X1 ) { 
+                            $Poly[] = $Value-5; $Poly[] = $Y;                             
+                        } elseif ($X1 - ($Value-5) > 0 ) {
+                            $Offset = $X1 - ($Value-5);
+                            $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y + $Offset;
+                        }
+                        $Poly[] = $Value;   $Poly[] = $Y+5;
+                        if ( $Value+5 <= $X2 ) { 
+                            $Poly[] = $Value+5; $Poly[] = $Y;                            
+                        } elseif (($Value+5) > $X2 ) {
+                            $Offset = ($Value+5) - $X2;
+                            $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y + $Offset;
+                            $LastPointWritten = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( !$LastPointWritten ) { 
+                        $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y;                         
+                    }
+                    $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height;
+                    $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color);
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y,$X2,$Y+$Height,$Color);
+            }
+            if ( $Key == count($IndicatorSections)-1 && $DrawRightHead ) {
+                $Poly = ""; 
+                $Poly[] = $X2+1; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y; 
+                $Poly[] = $X2+1; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; 
+                $Poly[] = $X2+1+$HeadSize; 
+                $Poly[] = $Y+($Height/2);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2+1,$Y,$X2+1+$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2+1,$Y+$Height,$X2+1+$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color);
+            }
+            if ( $CaptionPosition == INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE ) {
+                $TxtPos  = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$Caption);
+                $YOffset = ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]) + $TextPadding;
+                if ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED ) {
+                    $TxtPos  = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$SubCaption);
+                    $YOffset = $YOffset + ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]) + $TextPadding*2;
+                }
+                $XOffset = $TextPadding;
+            } else { 
+                $YOffset = 0; 
+                $XOffset = 0;                 
+            }
+            if ( $CaptionColorFactor == null ) { 
+                $CaptionColor = array(
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,
+                    "FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,
+                    "FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,
+                    "R"=>$CaptionR,
+                    "G"=>$CaptionG,
+                    "B"=>$CaptionB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$CaptionAlpha
+                );
+            } else { 
+                $CaptionColor = array(
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,
+                    "FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,
+                    "FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,
+                    "R"=>$Settings["R"]+$CaptionColorFactor,
+                    "G"=>$Settings["G"]+$CaptionColorFactor,
+                    "B"=>$Settings["B"]+$CaptionColorFactor
+                );                 
+            }
+            if ( $SubCaptionColorFactor == null ) {
+                $SubCaptionColor = array(
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,
+                    "FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,
+                    "FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,
+                    "R"=>$SubCaptionR,
+                    "G"=>$SubCaptionG,
+                    "B"=>$SubCaptionB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$SubCaptionAlpha
+                );
+            } else {
+                $SubCaptionColor = array(
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,
+                    "FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,
+                    "FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,
+                    "R"=>$Settings["R"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor,
+                    "G"=>$Settings["G"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor,
+                    "B"=>$Settings["B"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor
+                );
+            }
+            $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+            if ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_DEFAULT ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$Caption,$CaptionColor);
+            } elseif ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED ) {
+                $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$Caption);
+                $CaptionHeight = $TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"];
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1+$XOffset,$Y+$Height-$YOffset+$TextPadding,$Caption,$CaptionColor);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1+$XOffset,$Y+$Height-$YOffset+$CaptionHeight+$TextPadding*2,$SubCaption,$SubCaptionColor);
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            $X1 = $X2 + $SectionsMargin;
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( $Value >= $OverallMin && $Value <= $OverallMax ) {
+                foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) {
+                    if ( $Value >= $Settings["Start"] && $Value <= $Settings["End"] ) {
+                        $X1 = $ValuesPos[$Value]; //$X + $Key*$SectionsMargin + ($Value - $OverallMin) * $XScale;
+                        if ( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE ) {
+                            $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y,$ValueFontName,$ValueFontSize,0,$Value.$Unit);
+                            $Radius = floor(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"] + $TextPadding*4)/2);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X1,$Y,$Radius+4,array("R"=>$Settings["R"]+20,"G"=>$Settings["G"]+20,"B"=>$Settings["B"]+20));
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X1,$Y,$Radius,array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255));
+                            $TextSettings = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,"FontName"=>$ValueFontName,"FontSize"=>$ValueFontSize);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1-1,$Y-1,$Value.$Unit,$TextSettings);
+                        } elseif( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL ) {
+                            $Caption = "";
+                            $Caption[] = array("Format"=>array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"],"Alpha"=>100),"Caption"=>$Value.$Unit);
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLabelBox(floor($X1),floor($Y)+2,"Value - ".$Settings["Caption"],$Caption);
+                        }
+                    }
+                   $X1 = $X2 + $SectionsMargin;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }

+ 2049 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2049 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pPie - class to draw pie charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pPie
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $pDataObject;
+    public $LabelPos = "" ;
+    /**
+     * Class creator
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $pDataObject
+     */
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject)
+    {
+        /* Cache the pChart object reference */
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+        /* Cache the pData object reference */
+        $this->pDataObject  = $pDataObject;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a pie chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function draw2DPie($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $Radius		= isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 60;
+        $Precision	= isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
+        $DataGapAngle	= isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 0;
+        $DataGapRadius	= isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 0;
+        $SecondPass	= isset($Format["SecondPass"]) ? $Format["SecondPass"] : true;
+        $Border		= isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
+        $Shadow		= isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : false;
+        $DrawLabels	= isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : false;
+        $LabelStacked	= isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : false;
+        $LabelColor	= isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
+        $LabelR		= isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
+        $LabelG		= isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
+        $LabelB		= isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
+        $LabelAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
+        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : null;
+        $ValuePosition	= isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
+        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 15;
+        $ValueSuffix	= isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
+        $ValueR		= isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
+        $ValueG		= isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
+        $ValueB		= isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
+        $ValueAlpha	= isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        /* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
+        if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA);
+        }
+        /* Try to find the data serie */
+        $DataSerie = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { 
+                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Do we have data to compute? */
+        if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE);             
+        }
+        /* Remove unused data */
+        list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
+        /* Compute the pie sum */
+        $SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
+        /* Do we have data to draw? */
+        if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { 
+            return(PIE_SUMISnull);             
+        }
+        /* Dump the real number of data to draw */
+        $Values = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($Value != 0) { 
+                $Values[] = $Value;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
+        if (count($Values)==1) { 
+            $WastedAngular = 0;             
+        } else { 
+            $WastedAngular = count($Values) * $DataGapAngle;
+        }
+        /* Compute the scale */
+        $ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+            $ShadowFormat = $Format; $ShadowFormat["Shadow"] = true;
+            $this->draw2DPie($X+$this->pChartObject->ShadowX,$Y+$this->pChartObject->ShadowY,$ShadowFormat);
+        }
+        /* Draw the polygon pie elements */
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+        $Offset = 0; $ID = 0;
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( $Shadow ) {
+                $Settings = array(
+                    "R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,
+                    "G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,
+                    "B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa
+                );
+            } else {
+                if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { 
+                    $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); 
+                    $Palette[$ID] = $Color; 
+                    $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color);
+                }
+                $Settings = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                );
+             }
+            if ( !$SecondPass && !$Shadow ) {
+                if ( !$Border ) {
+                    $Settings["Surrounding"] = 10;
+                } else { 
+                    $Settings["BorderR"] = $BorderR; 
+                    $Settings["BorderG"] = $BorderG; 
+                    $Settings["BorderB"] = $BorderB;                 
+                }
+            }
+            $Plots = "";
+            $EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+            if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { 
+                $EndAngle = 360;            
+            }
+            $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+            if ($DataGapAngle == 0) { 
+                $X0 = $X; 
+                $Y0 = $Y;            
+            } else {
+                $X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
+                $Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $Y;
+            }
+            $Plots[] = $X0; $Plots[] = $Y0;
+            for($i=$Offset;$i<=$EndAngle;$i=$i+$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
+                if ( $SecondPass && ( $i<90 )) { $Yc++; }
+                if ( $SecondPass && ( $i>180 && $i<270 )) { $Xc++; }
+                if ( $SecondPass && ( $i>=270 )) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
+                $Plots[] = $Xc; $Plots[] = $Yc;
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots,$Settings);
+            if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { 
+                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                    "POLY",
+                    $this->arraySerialize($Plots),
+                    $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                        $Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        $Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        $Palette[$ID]["B"]
+                    ),
+                    $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key],
+                    $Value
+                );             
+            }
+            if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow && !$SecondPass ) {
+                if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO ) { 
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        "FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        "FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                    );                
+                } else { 
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "FillR"=>$LabelR,
+                        "FillG"=>$LabelG,
+                        "FillB"=>$LabelB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha
+                    );                 
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
+                $Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
+                if ( $LabelStacked ) {
+                    $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,true,$X,$Y,$Radius);
+                } else {
+                    $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,false);
+                }
+            }
+            $Offset = $i + $DataGapAngle; $ID++;
+        }
+        /* Second pass to smooth the angles */
+        if ( $SecondPass ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 0; 
+            $ID = 0;
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $FirstPoint = true;
+                if ( $Shadow ) {
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,
+                        "G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,
+                        "B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    if ( $Border ) {
+                        $Settings = array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB);
+                    } else {
+                        $Settings = array(
+                            "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                            "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                            "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                            "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                $EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 360;                     
+                }
+                if ($DataGapAngle == 0) { 
+                    $X0 = $X; 
+                    $Y0 = $Y;                     
+                } else {
+                    $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                    $X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
+                    $Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $Y;
+                }
+                $Plots[] = $X0; $Plots[] = $Y0;
+                for($i=$Offset;$i<=$EndAngle;$i=$i+$Step) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
+                    if ( $FirstPoint ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings);
+                    } 
+                    { // ??????????????????? 
+                        $FirstPoint = false;
+                    }
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings);
+                if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow ) {
+                    if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO ) { 
+                        $Settings = array(
+                            "FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                            "FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                            "FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                            "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                        );                        
+                    } else {
+                        $Settings = array(
+                            "FillR"=>$LabelR,
+                            "FillG"=>$LabelG,
+                            "FillB"=>$LabelB,
+                            "Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha
+                        );
+                    }
+                    $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
+                    $Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
+                    if ( $LabelStacked ) {
+                        $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,true,$X,$Y,$Radius);
+                    } else {
+                        $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,false);
+                    }
+                }
+                $Offset = $i + $DataGapAngle; $ID++;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $WriteValues != null && !$Shadow ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 0; 
+            $ID = count($Values)-1;
+            $Settings = array(
+                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                "R"=>$ValueR,
+                "G"=>$ValueG,
+                "B"=>$ValueB,
+                "Alpha"=>$ValueAlpha
+            );
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $EndAngle = ($Value*$ScaleFactor) + $Offset; 
+                if ( (int)$EndAngle > 360 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;                     
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE ) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $Y;
+                } else {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $Y;
+                }
+                if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE ) {
+                 $Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
+                } elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL ) {
+                    $Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($Xc,$Yc,$Display,$Settings);
+                $Offset = $EndAngle + $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { 
+            $this->writeShiftedLabels();             
+        }
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        return(PIE_RENDERED);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a 3D pie chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function draw3DPie($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        /* Rendering layout */
+        $Radius		= isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 80;
+        $Precision	= isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
+        $SkewFactor	= isset($Format["SkewFactor"]) ? $Format["SkewFactor"] : .5;
+        $SliceHeight	= isset($Format["SliceHeight"]) ? $Format["SliceHeight"] : 20;
+        $DataGapAngle	= isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 0;
+        $DataGapRadius	= isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 0;
+        $SecondPass	= isset($Format["SecondPass"]) ? $Format["SecondPass"] : true;
+        $Border		= isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : false;
+        $Shadow		= isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : false;
+        $DrawLabels	= isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : false;
+        $LabelStacked	= isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : false;
+        $LabelColor	= isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
+        $LabelR		= isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
+        $LabelG		= isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
+        $LabelB		= isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
+        $LabelAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
+        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : null; //PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE
+        $ValuePosition	= isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_INSIDE;
+        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 15;
+        $ValueSuffix	= isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
+        $ValueR		= isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
+        $ValueG		= isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
+        $ValueB		= isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
+        $ValueAlpha	= isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        /* Error correction for overlaying rounded corners */
+        if ( $SkewFactor < .5 ) { 
+            $SkewFactor = .5;
+        }
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        /* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
+        if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA);
+        }
+        /* Try to find the data serie */
+        $DataSerie = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { 
+                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Do we have data to compute? */
+        if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE);             
+        }
+        /* Remove unused data */
+        list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
+        /* Compute the pie sum */
+        $SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
+        /* Do we have data to draw? */
+        if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { 
+            return(PIE_SUMISnull);             
+        }
+        /* Dump the real number of data to draw */
+        $Values = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($Value != 0) { 
+                $Values[] = $Value;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
+        if (count($Values)==1) { 
+            $WastedAngular = 0;             
+        } else { 
+            $WastedAngular = count($Values) * $DataGapAngle;             
+        }
+        /* Compute the scale */
+        $ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) { 
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+        }
+        /* Draw the polygon pie elements */
+        $Step   = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+        $Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
+        $Values = array_reverse($Values);
+        $Slice  = 0; 
+        $Slices = ""; 
+        $SliceColors = ""; 
+        $Visible = ""; 
+        $SliceAngle = "";
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { 
+                $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); 
+                $Palette[$ID] = $Color; 
+                $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color);                 
+            }
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+            );
+            $SliceColors[$Slice] = $Settings;
+            $StartAngle = $Offset;
+            $EndAngle   = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+            if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                $EndAngle = 0;                 
+            }
+            if ( $StartAngle > 180 ) { 
+                $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = true;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = true;                 
+            }
+            if ( $EndAngle < 180 ) { 
+                $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = false;                 
+            } else { 
+                $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = true;                 
+            }
+            if ($DataGapAngle == 0) { 
+                $X0 = $X; 
+                $Y0 = $Y;                 
+            } else {
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                $X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
+                $Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+            }
+            $Slices[$Slice][] = $X0; 
+            $Slices[$Slice][] = $Y0; 
+            $SliceAngle[$Slice][] = 0;
+            for($i=$Offset;$i>=$EndAngle;$i=$i-$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i<90 )) { 
+                    $Yc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>90 && $i<180 )) { 
+                    $Xc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>180 && $i<270 )) { 
+                    $Xc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>=270 )) { 
+                    $Xc++; $Yc++;                     
+                }
+                $Slices[$Slice][] = $Xc; $Slices[$Slice][] = $Yc; 
+                $SliceAngle[$Slice][] = $i;
+            }
+            $Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
+        }
+        /* Draw the bottom shadow if needed */
+        if ( $RestoreShadow && ($this->pChartObject->ShadowX != 0 || $this->pChartObject->ShadowY !=0 )) {
+            foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+                $ShadowPie = "";
+                for($i=0;$i<count($Plots);$i=$i+2) { 
+                    $ShadowPie[] = $Plots[$i]+$this->pChartObject->ShadowX; 
+                    $ShadowPie[] = $Plots[$i+1]+$this->pChartObject->ShadowY;                     
+                }
+                $Settings = array(
+                    "R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,
+                    "G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,
+                    "B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa,
+                    "NoBorder"=>true
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($ShadowPie,$Settings);
+             }
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 360;
+            foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;                     
+                }
+                for ($i = $Offset; $i >= $EndAngle; $i = $i-$Step) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X + $this->pChartObject->ShadowX;
+                    $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y + $this->pChartObject->ShadowY;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                }
+                $Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
+             }
+         }
+        /* Draw the bottom pie splice */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots,$Settings);
+            if ( $SecondPass ) {
+                $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+                if ( $Border ) { 
+                    $Settings["R"]+= 30; 
+                    $Settings["G"]+= 30; 
+                    $Settings["B"]+= 30;                    
+                }
+                /* Empty error handling */
+                if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) ) {
+                    $Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1];
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots[0],$Plots[1],$Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                    $Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][count($SliceAngle[$SliceID])-1];
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots[0],$Plots[1],$Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the two vertical edges */
+        $Slices      = array_reverse($Slices);
+        $SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+            $Settings["R"]+= 10; $Settings["G"]+= 10; $Settings["B"]+= 10; $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            /* Empty error handling */
+            if ( $Visible[$SliceID]["Start"] && isset($Plots[2])) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                      $Plots[2],
+                      $Plots[3],
+                      $Plots[2],
+                      $Plots[3]- $SliceHeight,
+                      array(
+                          "R"=>$Settings["R"],
+                          "G"=>$Settings["G"],
+                          "B"=>$Settings["B"]
+                      )
+                );
+                $Border = "";
+                $Border[] = $Plots[0]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[1]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[0]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[1] - $SliceHeight;
+                $Border[] = $Plots[2]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[3] - $SliceHeight; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[2]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[3]; 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Border,$Settings);
+            }
+        }
+        $Slices      = array_reverse($Slices);
+        $SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+            $Settings["R"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["G"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["B"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            if ( $Visible[$SliceID]["End"] ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $Plots[count($Plots)-2],
+                    $Plots[count($Plots)-1],
+                    $Plots[count($Plots)-2],
+                    $Plots[count($Plots)-1]- $SliceHeight,
+                    array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"])
+                );
+                $Border = "";
+                $Border[] = $Plots[0]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[1]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[0]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[1] - $SliceHeight;
+                $Border[] = $Plots[count($Plots)-2]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[count($Plots)-1] - $SliceHeight; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[count($Plots)-2]; 
+                $Border[] = $Plots[count($Plots)-1]; 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Border,$Settings);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the rounded edges */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+            $Settings["R"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["G"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["B"]+= 10; 
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            for ($j=2;$j<count($Plots)-2;$j=$j+2) {
+                $Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][$j/2];
+                if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 ) {
+                    $Border = "";
+                    $Border[] = $Plots[$j];   $Border[] = $Plots[$j+1];
+                    $Border[] = $Plots[$j+2]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+3];
+                    $Border[] = $Plots[$j+2]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+3] - $SliceHeight;
+                    $Border[] = $Plots[$j];   $Border[] = $Plots[$j+1] - $SliceHeight;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Border,$Settings);
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $SecondPass ) {
+                $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+                if ( $Border ) { 
+                    $Settings["R"]+= 30; 
+                    $Settings["G"]+= 30; 
+                    $Settings["B"]+= 30;                     
+                }
+                /* Empty error handling */
+                if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) ) {
+                    $Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1];
+                    if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 ) {
+                        $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                        $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+                    }
+                }
+                $Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][count($SliceAngle[$SliceID])-1];
+                if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 ) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+                }
+                if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) 
+                    && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1] > 270 
+                    && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][count($SliceAngle[$SliceID])-1] < 270 
+                ) {
+                    $Xc = cos((270-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin((270-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+                }
+                if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) 
+                    && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1] > 90 
+                    && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][count($SliceAngle[$SliceID])-1] < 90 
+                ) {
+                    $Xc = cos((0)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin((0)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the top splice */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
+            $Settings["R"]+= 20; $Settings["G"]+= 20; $Settings["B"]+= 20;
+            $Top = "";
+            for($j=0;$j<count($Plots);$j=$j+2) {
+                $Top[] = $Plots[$j]; $Top[] = $Plots[$j+1]- $SliceHeight;
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Top,$Settings);
+            if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { 
+                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                    "POLY",
+                    $this->arraySerialize($Top),
+                    $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                        $Settings["R"],
+                        $Settings["G"],
+                        $Settings["B"]
+                    ),
+                    $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][count($Slices)-$SliceID-1],
+                    $Values[$SliceID]
+                );                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Second pass to smooth the angles */
+        if ( $SecondPass ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $FirstPoint = true;
+                if ( $Shadow ) {
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,
+                        "G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,
+                        "B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    if ( $Border ) { 
+                        $Settings = array(
+                            "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"]+30,
+                            "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"]+30,
+                            "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]+30,
+                            "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                        );                     
+                    } else {
+                        $Settings = array(
+                            "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                            "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                            "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                            "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                $EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;                     
+                }
+                if ($DataGapAngle == 0) { 
+                    $X0 = $X; 
+                    $Y0 = $Y- $SliceHeight;                     
+                } else {
+                    $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                    $X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
+                    $Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
+                }
+                $Plots[] = $X0; 
+                $Plots[] = $Y0;
+                for($i=$Offset;$i>=$EndAngle;$i=$i-$Step) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
+                    if ( $FirstPoint ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings);                         
+                    } 
+                    { 
+                        $FirstPoint = false;                         
+                    }
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                    if ($i < 270 && $i > 90 ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc+$SliceHeight,$Settings);                         
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings);
+                $Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $WriteValues != null ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
+            $Settings = array(
+                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                "R"=>$ValueR,
+                "G"=>$ValueG,
+                "B"=>$ValueB,
+                "Alpha"=>$ValueAlpha
+            );
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;                     
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE ) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($Radius*$SkewFactor)+$ValuePadding) + $Y - $SliceHeight;
+                } else {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius*$SkewFactor)/2 + $Y - $SliceHeight;
+                }
+                if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE ) {
+                    $Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
+                } elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL ) {
+                    $Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($Xc,$Yc,$Display,$Settings);
+                $Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
+            $Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO ) { 
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        "FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        "FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                    );                    
+                } else { 
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "FillR"=>$LabelR,
+                        "FillG"=>$LabelG,
+                        "FillB"=>$LabelB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha
+                    );                     
+                }
+                $EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;                     
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
+                if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$ID]) ) {
+                    $Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$ID];
+                    if ( $LabelStacked ) {
+                        $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,true,$X,$Y,$Radius,true);
+                    } else {
+                        $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,false);
+                    }
+                }
+                $Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { 
+            $this->writeShiftedLabels();            
+        }
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        return(PIE_RENDERED);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the legend of pie chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawPieLegend($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $FontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $FontR		= isset($Format["FontR"]) ? $Format["FontR"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorR;
+        $FontG		= isset($Format["FontG"]) ? $Format["FontG"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorG;
+        $FontB		= isset($Format["FontB"]) ? $Format["FontB"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
+        $BoxSize	= isset($Format["BoxSize"]) ? $Format["BoxSize"] : 5;
+        $Margin		= isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 200;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 200;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 200;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Style		= isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
+        $Mode		= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;             
+        }
+        $YStep = max($this->pChartObject->FontSize,$BoxSize) + 5;
+        $XStep = $BoxSize + 5;
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        /* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
+        if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA);             
+        }
+        $Boundaries = ""; 
+        $Boundaries["L"] = $X; 
+        $Boundaries["T"] = $Y; 
+        $Boundaries["R"] = 0; 
+        $Boundaries["B"] = 0; 
+        $vY = $Y; 
+        $vX = $X;
+        foreach($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+            $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($vX+$BoxSize+4,$vY+$BoxSize/2,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$Value);
+            if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2;                   
+                }
+                if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                   
+                }
+                if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2;
+                }
+                $vY=$vY+$YStep;
+            } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2 ) { 
+                    $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2;                     
+                }
+                $vX=$Boundaries["R"]+$XStep;
+            }
+        }
+        $vY=$vY-$YStep; 
+        $vX=$vX-$XStep;
+        $TopOffset  = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
+        if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$BoxSize) < $TopOffset ) { 
+            $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$BoxSize+$TopOffset;             
+        }
+        if ( $Style == LEGEND_ROUND ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,
+                $Margin,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$R,
+                    "G"=>$G,
+                    "B"=>$B,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BorderB
+                )
+            );
+        } elseif ( $Style == LEGEND_BOX ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,
+                array(
+                    "R"=>$R,
+                    "G"=>$G,
+                    "B"=>$B,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Alpha,
+                    "BorderR"=>$BorderR,
+                    "BorderG"=>$BorderG,
+                    "BorderB"=>$BorderB
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+        foreach($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+            $R = $Palette[$Key]["R"]; $G = $Palette[$Key]["G"]; $B = $Palette[$Key]["B"];
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X+1,$Y+1,$X+$BoxSize+1,$Y+$BoxSize+1,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20));
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X,$Y,$X+$BoxSize,$Y+$BoxSize,array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Surrounding"=>20));
+            if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                    $X+$BoxSize+4,
+                    $Y+$BoxSize/2,
+                    $Value,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$FontR,
+                        "G"=>$FontG,
+                        "B"=>$FontB,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,
+                        "FontName"=>$FontName,
+                        "FontSize"=>$FontSize
+                    )
+                );
+                $Y=$Y+$YStep;
+            } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                    $X+$BoxSize+4,
+                    $Y+$BoxSize/2,
+                    $Value,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$FontR,
+                        "G"=>$FontG,
+                        "B"=>$FontB,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,
+                        "FontName"=>$FontName,
+                        "FontSize"=>$FontSize
+                    )
+                );
+                $X=$BoxArray[1]["X"]+2+$XStep;
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the color of the specified slice
+     * @param type $SliceID
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function setSliceColor($SliceID,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["R"]     = $R;
+        $this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["G"]     = $G;
+        $this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["B"]     = $B;
+        $this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Internally used compute the label positions
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Label
+     * @param type $Angle
+     * @param int $Settings
+     * @param type $Stacked
+     * @param type $Xc
+     * @param type $Yc
+     * @param type $Radius
+     * @param type $Reversed
+     */
+    public function writePieLabel($X,$Y,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,$Stacked,$Xc=0,$Yc=0,$Radius=0,$Reversed=false)
+    {
+        $LabelOffset	= 30;
+        $FontName		= $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $FontSize		= $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        if ( !$Stacked ) {
+            $Settings["Angle"]  = 360-$Angle;
+            $Settings["Length"] = 25;
+            $Settings["Size"]   = 8;
+            $this->pChartObject->drawArrowLabel($X,$Y," ".$Label." ",$Settings);
+        } else {
+            $X2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90))*20+$X;
+            $Y2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90))*20+$Y;
+            $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$Label);
+            $Height = $TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"];
+            $YTop    = $Y2 - $Height/2 - 2;
+            $YBottom = $Y2 + $Height/2 + 2;
+            if ( $this->LabelPos != "" ) {
+                $Done = false;
+                foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings) {
+                    if ( !$Done ) {
+                        if ($Angle <= 90 
+                            && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) 
+                            || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] 
+                            && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"]))
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->shift(0,180,-($Height+2),$Reversed); 
+                            $Done = true;                       
+                        }
+                        if ( $Angle > 90 
+                            && $Angle <= 180 
+                            && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) 
+                            || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] 
+                            && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"]))
+                        ) { 
+                          $this->shift(0,180,-($Height+2),$Reversed); 
+                          $Done = true;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Angle > 180 && $Angle <= 270 
+                            && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) 
+                            || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"]))
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->shift(180,360,($Height+2),$Reversed); 
+                            $Done = true;                             
+                        } 
+                        if ( $Angle > 270 
+                            && $Angle <= 360 
+                            && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) 
+                            || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] 
+                            && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"]))
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->shift(180,360,($Height+2),$Reversed); 
+                            $Done = true;                             
+                        }
+                    }
+               }
+            }
+            $LabelSettings = array(
+                "YTop"=>$YTop,
+                "YBottom"=>$YBottom,
+                "Label"=>$Label,
+                "Angle"=>$Angle,
+                "X1"=>$X,
+                "Y1"=>$Y,
+                "X2"=>$X2,
+                "Y2"=>$Y2
+            );
+            if ( $Angle <= 180 ) { 
+                $LabelSettings["X3"] = $Xc+$Radius+$LabelOffset;
+            }
+            if ( $Angle > 180 )  { 
+                $LabelSettings["X3"] = $Xc-$Radius-$LabelOffset;
+            }
+            $this->LabelPos[] = $LabelSettings;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Internally used to shift label positions
+     * @param type $StartAngle
+     * @param type $EndAngle
+     * @param type $Offset
+     * @param type $Reversed
+     */
+    public function shift($StartAngle,$EndAngle,$Offset,$Reversed)
+    {
+        if ( $Reversed ) { 
+            $Offset = -$Offset;
+        }
+        foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings) {
+            if ( $Settings["Angle"] > $StartAngle && $Settings["Angle"] <= $EndAngle ) { 
+                $this->LabelPos[$Key]["YTop"] = $Settings["YTop"] + $Offset; 
+                $this->LabelPos[$Key]["YBottom"] = $Settings["YBottom"] + $Offset; 
+                $this->LabelPos[$Key]["Y2"] = $Settings["Y2"] + $Offset;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Internally used to write the re-computed labels
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function writeShiftedLabels()
+    {
+        if ( $this->LabelPos == "" ) { 
+            return(0);
+        }
+        foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X1 = $Settings["X1"]; $Y1 = $Settings["Y1"];
+            $X2 = $Settings["X2"]; $Y2 = $Settings["Y2"];
+            $X3 = $Settings["X3"];
+            $Angle = $Settings["Angle"];
+            $Label = $Settings["Label"];
+            $this->pChartObject->drawArrow($X2,$Y2,$X1,$Y1,array("Size"=>8));
+            if ( $Angle <= 180 ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2,$Y2,$X3,$Y2);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X3+2,$Y2,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));
+            } else {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2,$Y2,$X3,$Y2);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X3-2,$Y2,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a ring chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function draw2DRing($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $OuterRadius	= isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 60;
+        $Precision	= isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
+        $InnerRadius	= isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 30;
+        $Border		= isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $Shadow		= isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : false;
+        $DrawLabels	= isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : false;
+        $LabelStacked	= isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : false;
+        $LabelColor	= isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
+        $LabelR		= isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
+        $LabelG		= isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
+        $LabelB		= isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
+        $LabelAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
+        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : null; //PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE
+        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 5;
+        $ValuePosition	= isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
+        $ValueSuffix	= isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
+        $ValueR		= isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
+        $ValueG		= isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
+        $ValueB		= isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
+        $ValueAlpha	= isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        /* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
+        if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
+        /* Try to find the data serie */
+        $DataSerie = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { 
+                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Do we have data to compute? */
+        if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE);             
+        }
+        /* Remove unused data */
+        list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
+        /* Compute the pie sum */
+        $SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
+        /* Do we have data to draw? */
+        if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { 
+            return(PIE_SUMISnull);             
+        }
+        /* Dump the real number of data to draw */
+        $Values = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($Value != 0) { 
+                $Values[] = $Value;                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
+        if (count($Values)==1) { 
+            $WastedAngular = 0;             
+        } else { 
+            $WastedAngular = 0;             
+        } // count($Values)
+        /* Compute the scale */
+        $ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+            $ShadowFormat = $Format; $ShadowFormat["Shadow"] = true;
+            $this->draw2DRing($X+$this->pChartObject->ShadowX,$Y+$this->pChartObject->ShadowY,$ShadowFormat);
+        }
+        /* Draw the polygon pie elements */
+        $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
+        $Offset = 0; 
+        $ID = 0;
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( $Shadow ) {
+                $Settings = array(
+                    "R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,
+                    "G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,
+                    "B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa
+                );
+                $BorderColor = $Settings;
+            } else {
+                if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { 
+                    $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); 
+                    $Palette[$ID] = $Color; 
+                    $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color);                     
+                }
+                $Settings = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                );
+                if ( $Border ) {
+                    $BorderColor = array(
+                        "R"=>$BorderR,
+                        "G"=>$BorderG,
+                        "B"=>$BorderB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $BorderColor = $Settings;
+                }
+            }
+            $Plots = ""; $Boundaries = ""; $AAPixels = "";
+            $EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 360; }
+            for($i=$Offset;$i<=$EndAngle;$i=$i+$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
+                if ( !isset($Boundaries[0]["X1"]) ) { 
+                    $Boundaries[0]["X1"] = $Xc; 
+                    $Boundaries[0]["Y1"] = $Yc;                     
+                }
+                $AAPixels[] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                if ( $i<90 ) { 
+                    $Yc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { 
+                    $Xc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( $i>=270 ) { 
+                    $Xc++; $Yc++;                     
+                }
+                $Plots[] = $Xc; $Plots[] = $Yc;
+            }
+            $Boundaries[1]["X1"] = $Xc; 
+            $Boundaries[1]["Y1"] = $Yc;
+            $Lasti = $EndAngle;
+            for($i=$EndAngle;$i>=$Offset;$i=$i-$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius-1) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius-1) + $Y;
+                if ( !isset($Boundaries[1]["X2"]) ) { 
+                    $Boundaries[1]["X2"] = $Xc; 
+                    $Boundaries[1]["Y2"] = $Yc;                     
+                }
+                $AAPixels[] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $InnerRadius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $InnerRadius + $Y;
+                if ( $i<90 ) { 
+                    $Yc++;                     
+                }
+                if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { 
+                    $Xc++;
+                }
+                if ( $i>=270 ) { 
+                    $Xc++; $Yc++;
+                }
+                $Plots[] = $Xc; 
+                $Plots[] = $Yc;
+            }
+            $Boundaries[0]["X2"] = $Xc; $Boundaries[0]["Y2"] = $Yc;
+            /* Draw the polygon */
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots,$Settings);
+            if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { 
+                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                    "POLY",
+                    $this->arraySerialize($Plots),
+                    $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                            $Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                            $Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                            $Palette[$ID]["B"]
+                            ),
+                    $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key],
+                    $Value
+                );                 
+            }
+            /* Smooth the edges using AA */
+            foreach($AAPixels as $iKey => $Pos ) { 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Pos[0],$Pos[1],$BorderColor);
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Boundaries[0]["X1"],$Boundaries[0]["Y1"],$Boundaries[0]["X2"],$Boundaries[0]["Y2"],$BorderColor);
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Boundaries[1]["X1"],$Boundaries[1]["Y1"],$Boundaries[1]["X2"],$Boundaries[1]["Y2"],$BorderColor);
+            if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow ) {
+                if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO ) { 
+                    $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);                    
+                } else { 
+                    $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha);                     
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
+                $Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
+                if ( $LabelStacked )
+                 $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,true,$X,$Y,$OuterRadius);
+                else
+                 $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,false);
+            }
+            $Offset = $Lasti; $ID++;
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
+        if ( $WriteValues && !$Shadow ) {
+            $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
+            $Offset = 0;
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor);
+                if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 360;
+                }
+                $Angle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor)/2;
+                if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE ) {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$ValuePadding) + $Y;
+                    if ( $Angle >=0 && $Angle <= 90 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT; }
+                    if ( $Angle > 90 && $Angle <= 180 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT; }
+                    if ( $Angle > 180 && $Angle <= 270 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT; }
+                    if ( $Angle > 270 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT; }
+                } else {
+                    $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($OuterRadius-$InnerRadius)/2+$InnerRadius) + $X;
+                    $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($OuterRadius-$InnerRadius)/2+$InnerRadius) + $Y;
+                    $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE;
+                }
+                if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE ) {
+                    $Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
+                } elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL ) {
+                    $Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
+                } else {
+                    $Label = "";
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($Xc,$Yc,$Display,array("Align"=>$Align,"R"=>$ValueR,"G"=>$ValueG,"B"=>$ValueB));
+                $Offset = $EndAngle;
+            }
+        }
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        return(PIE_RENDERED);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a 3D ring chart
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function draw3DRing($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $OuterRadius	= isset($Format["OuterRadius"]) ? $Format["OuterRadius"] : 100;
+        $Precision	= isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
+        $InnerRadius	= isset($Format["InnerRadius"]) ? $Format["InnerRadius"] : 30;
+        $SkewFactor	= isset($Format["SkewFactor"]) ? $Format["SkewFactor"] : .6;
+        $SliceHeight	= isset($Format["SliceHeight"]) ? $Format["SliceHeight"] : 10;
+        $DataGapAngle	= isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 10;
+        $DataGapRadius	= isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 10;
+        $Border		= isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : false;
+        $Shadow		= isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : false;
+        $DrawLabels	= isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : false;
+        $LabelStacked	= isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : false;
+        $LabelColor	= isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
+        $LabelR		= isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
+        $LabelG		= isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
+        $LabelB		= isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
+        $LabelAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
+        $Cf		= isset($Format["Cf"]) ? $Format["Cf"] : 20;
+        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : PIE_VALUE_NATURAL;
+        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : $SliceHeight + 15;
+        $ValuePosition	= isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
+        $ValueSuffix	= isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
+        $ValueR		= isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
+        $ValueG		= isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
+        $ValueB		= isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
+        $ValueAlpha	= isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        /* Error correction for overlaying rounded corners */
+        if ( $SkewFactor < .5 ) { 
+            $SkewFactor = .5;             
+        }
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        /* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
+        if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA);             
+        }
+        /* Try to find the data serie */
+        $DataSerie = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { 
+                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Do we have data to compute? */
+        if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { 
+            return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE);             
+        }
+        /* Remove unused data */
+        list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
+        /* Compute the pie sum */
+        $SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
+        /* Do we have data to draw? */
+        if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { 
+            return(PIE_SUMISnull);             
+        }
+        /* Dump the real number of data to draw */
+        $Values = "";
+        foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($Value != 0) { 
+                $Values[] = $Value;                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
+        if (count($Values)==1) { $WastedAngular = 0; } else { $WastedAngular = count($Values) * $DataGapAngle; }
+        /* Compute the scale */
+        $ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false; }
+        /* Draw the polygon ring elements */
+        $Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
+        $Values = array_reverse($Values);
+        $Slice  = 0; $Slices = ""; $SliceColors = ""; $Visible = ""; $SliceAngle = "";
+        foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); $Palette[$ID] = $Color; $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color); }
+            $Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
+            $SliceColors[$Slice] = $Settings;
+            $StartAngle = $Offset;
+            $EndAngle   = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
+            if ( $StartAngle > 180 ) { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = true; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = true; }
+            if ( $EndAngle < 180 )   { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = false; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = true; }
+            $Step   = (360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius))/2;
+            $OutX1 = VOID; $OutY1 = VOID;
+            for($i=$Offset;$i>=$EndAngle;$i=$i-$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-2) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-2)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-1) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-1)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc,$Settings);
+                if ( $OutX1 == VOID ) { $OutX1 = $Xc; $OutY1 = $Yc; }
+                if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
+                if ( $i>90 && $i<180 ) { $Xc++; }
+                if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
+                if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
+                $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Yc);
+                $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Yc)-$SliceHeight;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = $i;
+            }
+            $OutX2 = $Xc; $OutY2 = $Yc;
+            $Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = VOID;
+            $Lasti = $i;
+            $Step   = (360 / (2 * PI * $InnerRadius))/2;
+            $InX1 = VOID; $InY1 = VOID;
+            for($i=$EndAngle;$i<=$Offset;$i=$i+$Step) {
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius-1) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius-1)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                $Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
+                if ( $InX1 == VOID ) { $InX1 = $Xc; $InY1 = $Yc; }
+                if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
+                if ( $i>90 && $i<180 ) { $Xc++; }
+                if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
+                if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
+                $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Yc);
+                $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Yc)-$SliceHeight;
+                $Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = $i;
+             }
+            $InX2 = $Xc; $InY2 = $Yc;
+            $Slices[$Slice]["InX1"] = $InX1;   $Slices[$Slice]["InY1"] = $InY1;
+            $Slices[$Slice]["InX2"] = $InX2;   $Slices[$Slice]["InY2"] = $InY2;
+            $Slices[$Slice]["OutX1"] = $OutX1; $Slices[$Slice]["OutY1"] = $OutY1;
+            $Slices[$Slice]["OutX2"] = $OutX2; $Slices[$Slice]["OutY2"] = $OutY2;
+            $Offset = $Lasti - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
+        }
+        /* Draw the bottom pie splice */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots["BottomPoly"],$Settings);
+            foreach($Plots["AA"] as $Key => $Pos)
+             $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Pos[0],$Pos[1],$Settings);
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["InX1"],$Plots["InY1"],$Plots["OutX2"],$Plots["OutY2"],$Settings);
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["InX2"],$Plots["InY2"],$Plots["OutX1"],$Plots["OutY1"],$Settings);
+        }
+        $Slices      = array_reverse($Slices);
+        $SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
+        /* Draw the vertical edges (semi-visible) */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
+            $StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
+            foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { if ($Angle == VOID) { $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1]; } }
+            if ( $StartAngle >= 270 || $StartAngle <= 90 )
+             $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["OutX1"],$Plots["OutY1"],$Plots["OutX1"],$Plots["OutY1"]-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+            if ( $StartAngle >= 270 || $StartAngle <= 90 )
+             $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["OutX2"],$Plots["OutY2"],$Plots["OutX2"],$Plots["OutY2"]-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+             $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["InX1"],$Plots["InY1"],$Plots["InX1"],$Plots["InY1"]-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+             $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots["InX2"],$Plots["InY2"],$Plots["InX2"],$Plots["InY2"]-$SliceHeight,$Settings);
+         }
+        /* Draw the inner vertical slices */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
+            $Outer = true; 
+            $Inner = false;
+            $InnerPlotsA = ""; 
+            $InnerPlotsB = "";
+            foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $ID => $Angle) {
+                if ( $Angle == VOID ) { 
+                    $Outer = false; 
+                    $Inner = true;
+                } elseif( $Inner ) {
+                    if (( $Angle < 90 || $Angle > 270 ) && isset($Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2]) ) {
+                        $Xo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2];
+                        $Yo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2+1];
+                        $InnerPlotsA[] = $Xo; $InnerPlotsA[] = $Yo;
+                        $InnerPlotsB[] = $Xo; $InnerPlotsB[] = $Yo-$SliceHeight;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $InnerPlotsA != "" ) { 
+                $InnerPlots = array_merge($InnerPlotsA,$this->arrayReverse($InnerPlotsB)); 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($InnerPlots,$Settings);
+            }
+         }
+        /* Draw the splice top and left poly */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf*1.5; 
+            $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf*1.5; 
+            $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf*1.5;
+            $StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
+            foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { 
+                if ($Angle == VOID) { 
+                    $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1];                     
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $StartAngle < 180 ) {
+                $Points = "";
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InX2"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InY2"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InX2"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InY2"]-$SliceHeight;
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutX1"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutY1"]-$SliceHeight;
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutX1"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutY1"];
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Points,$Settings);
+            }
+            if ( $EndAngle > 180 ) {
+                $Points = "";
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InX1"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InY1"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InX1"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["InY1"]-$SliceHeight;
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutX2"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutY2"]-$SliceHeight;
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutX2"];
+                $Points[] = $Plots["OutY2"];
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Points,$Settings);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the vertical edges (visible) */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
+            $StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
+            foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { 
+                if ($Angle == VOID) { 
+                    $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1];                     
+                }                 
+            }
+            if ( $StartAngle <= 270 && $StartAngle >= 90 ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $Plots["OutX1"],
+                    $Plots["OutY1"],
+                    $Plots["OutX1"],
+                    $Plots["OutY1"]-$SliceHeight,
+                    $Settings
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $EndAngle <= 270 && $EndAngle >= 90 ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $Plots["OutX2"],
+                    $Plots["OutY2"],
+                    $Plots["OutX2"],
+                    $Plots["OutY2"]-$SliceHeight,
+                    $Settings
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the outer vertical slices */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; 
+            $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
+            $Outer = true; 
+            $Inner = false;
+            $OuterPlotsA = ""; 
+            $OuterPlotsB = ""; 
+            $InnerPlotsA = ""; 
+            $InnerPlotsB = "";
+            foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $ID => $Angle) {
+                if ( $Angle == VOID ) { 
+                    $Outer = false; 
+                    $Inner = true;                   
+                } elseif( $Outer ) {
+                    if ( ( $Angle > 90 && $Angle < 270 ) 
+                        && isset($Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2]) 
+                    ) {
+                        $Xo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2];
+                        $Yo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2+1];
+                        $OuterPlotsA[] = $Xo; $OuterPlotsA[] = $Yo;
+                        $OuterPlotsB[] = $Xo; $OuterPlotsB[] = $Yo-$SliceHeight;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $OuterPlotsA != "" ) { 
+                $OuterPlots = array_merge($OuterPlotsA,$this->arrayReverse($OuterPlotsB)); 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($OuterPlots,$Settings);                 
+            }
+        }
+        $Slices      = array_reverse($Slices);
+        $SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
+        /* Draw the top pie splice */
+        foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots) {
+            $Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];  
+            $Settings["NoBorder"] = true;
+            $Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf*2; 
+            $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf*2; 
+            $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf*2;
+            $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots["TopPoly"],$Settings);
+            if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                    "POLY",
+                    $this->arraySerialize($Plots["TopPoly"]),
+                    $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                        $Settings["R"],
+                        $Settings["G"],
+                        $Settings["B"]
+                    ),
+                    $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$SliceID],
+                    $Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"][count($Slices)-$SliceID-1]
+                );
+            }
+            foreach($Plots["AA"] as $Key => $Pos) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel(
+                    $Pos[0],
+                    $Pos[1]-$SliceHeight,
+                    $Settings
+                );
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                $Plots["InX1"],
+                $Plots["InY1"]-$SliceHeight,
+                $Plots["OutX2"],
+                $Plots["OutY2"]-$SliceHeight,
+                $Settings
+            );
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                $Plots["InX2"],
+                $Plots["InY2"]-$SliceHeight,
+                $Plots["OutX1"],
+                $Plots["OutY1"]-$SliceHeight,
+                $Settings
+            );
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels ) {
+            $Offset = 360;
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                $StartAngle = $Offset;
+                $EndAngle   = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); 
+                if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { 
+                    $EndAngle = 0;
+                }
+                if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO ) { 
+                    $Settings = array(
+                        "FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        "FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        "FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                    );                    
+                } else { 
+                    $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha);
+                }
+                $Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
+                $Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
+                $Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
+                if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE ) {
+                    $Label = $Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
+                } elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL ) {
+                    $Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
+                } else {
+                    $Label = "";
+                }
+                if ( $LabelStacked ) {
+                    $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,true,$X,$Y,$OuterRadius);
+                } else {
+                    $this->writePieLabel($Xc,$Yc-$SliceHeight,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,false);
+                }
+                $Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
+        $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        return(PIE_RENDERED);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Serialize an array
+     * @param type $Data
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function arraySerialize($Data)
+    {
+        $Result = "";
+        foreach($Data as $Key => $Value) { 
+            if ($Result == "") { 
+                $Result = floor($Value);                 
+            } else { 
+                $Result = $Result.",".floor($Value);
+            }                 
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reverse an array
+     * @param type $Plots
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function arrayReverse($Plots)
+    {
+        $Result = "";
+        for ($i=count($Plots)-1;$i>=0;$i=$i-2) { 
+            $Result[] = $Plots[$i-1]; 
+            $Result[] = $Plots[$i];             
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove unused series & values
+     * @param type $Data
+     * @param type $Palette
+     * @param type $DataSerie
+     * @param type $AbscissaSerie
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$AbscissaSerie)
+    {
+        $NewPalette = ""; $NewData = ""; $NewAbscissa = "";
+        /* Remove unused series */
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieSettings) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $DataSerie && $SerieName != $AbscissaSerie ) { 
+                unset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]);                 
+            }             
+        }
+        /* Remove null values */
+        foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ($Value != 0 ) {
+                $NewData[]     = $Value;
+                $NewAbscissa[] = $Data["Series"][$AbscissaSerie]["Data"][$Key];
+                if ( isset($Palette[$Key]) ) { 
+                    $NewPalette[]  = $Palette[$Key];                     
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]     = $NewData;
+        $Data["Series"][$AbscissaSerie]["Data"] = $NewAbscissa;
+        return(array($Data,$NewPalette));
+    }

+ 887 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pRadar - class to draw radar charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pRadar
+    public $pChartObject;
+    /**
+     * Draw a radar chart
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawRadar($Object,$Values,$Format="")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $FixedMax           = isset($Format["FixedMax"]) ? $Format["FixedMax"] : VOID;
+        $AxisR              = isset($Format["AxisR"]) ? $Format["AxisR"] : 60;
+        $AxisG              = isset($Format["AxisG"]) ? $Format["AxisG"] : 60;
+        $AxisB              = isset($Format["AxisB"]) ? $Format["AxisB"] : 60;
+        $AxisAlpha          = isset($Format["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["AxisAlpha"] : 50;
+        $AxisRotation       = isset($Format["AxisRotation"]) ? $Format["AxisRotation"] : 0;
+        $DrawTicks          = isset($Format["DrawTicks"]) ? $Format["DrawTicks"] : true;
+        $TicksLength        = isset($Format["TicksLength"]) ? $Format["TicksLength"] : 2;
+        $DrawAxisValues     = isset($Format["DrawAxisValues"]) ? $Format["DrawAxisValues"] : true;
+        $AxisBoxRounded     = isset($Format["AxisBoxRounded"]) ? $Format["AxisBoxRounded"] : true;
+        $AxisFontName       = isset($Format["AxisFontName"]) ? $Format["AxisFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $AxisFontSize       = isset($Format["AxisFontSize"]) ? $Format["AxisFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $WriteValues        = isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : false;
+        $WriteValuesInBubble = isset($Format["WriteValuesInBubble"]) ? $Format["WriteValuesInBubble"] : true;
+        $ValueFontName      = isset($Format["ValueFontName"]) ? $Format["ValueFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $ValueFontSize      = isset($Format["ValueFontSize"]) ? $Format["ValueFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $ValuePadding       = isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 4;
+        $OuterBubbleRadius  = isset($Format["OuterBubbleRadius"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleRadius"] : 2;
+        $OuterBubbleR       = isset($Format["OuterBubbleR"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleR"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleG       = isset($Format["OuterBubbleG"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleG"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleB       = isset($Format["OuterBubbleB"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleB"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleAlpha   = isset($Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
+        $InnerBubbleR       = isset($Format["InnerBubbleR"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleR"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleG       = isset($Format["InnerBubbleG"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleG"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleB       = isset($Format["InnerBubbleB"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleB"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleAlpha   = isset($Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawBackground     = isset($Format["DrawBackground"]) ? $Format["DrawBackground"] : true;
+        $BackgroundR        = isset($Format["BackgroundR"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundG        = isset($Format["BackgroundG"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundB        = isset($Format["BackgroundB"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundAlpha    = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha"] : 50;
+        $BackgroundGradient = isset($Format["BackgroundGradient"]) ? $Format["BackgroundGradient"] : null;
+        $Layout             = isset($Format["Layout"]) ? $Format["Layout"] : RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR;
+        $SegmentHeight      = isset($Format["SegmentHeight"]) ? $Format["SegmentHeight"] : SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO;
+        $Segments           = isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 4;
+        $WriteLabels        = isset($Format["WriteLabels"]) ? $Format["WriteLabels"] : true;
+        $SkipLabels         = isset($Format["SkipLabels"]) ? $Format["SkipLabels"] : 1;
+        $LabelMiddle        = isset($Format["LabelMiddle"]) ? $Format["LabelMiddle"] : false;
+        $LabelsBackground   = isset($Format["LabelsBackground"]) ? $Format["LabelsBackground"] : true;
+        $LabelsBGR          = isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGR"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGG          = isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGG"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGB          = isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGB"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGAlpha      = isset($Format["LabelsBGAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGAlpha"] : 50;
+        $LabelPos           = isset($Format["LabelPos"]) ? $Format["LabelPos"] : RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED;
+        $LabelPadding       = isset($Format["LabelPadding"]) ? $Format["LabelPadding"] : 4;
+        $DrawPoints         = isset($Format["DrawPoints"]) ? $Format["DrawPoints"] : true;
+        $PointRadius        = isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : 4;
+        $PointSurrounding   = isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : -30;
+        $DrawLines          = isset($Format["DrawLines"]) ? $Format["DrawLines"] : true;
+        $LineLoopStart      = isset($Format["LineLoopStart"]) ? $Format["LineLoopStart"] : true;
+        $DrawPoly           = isset($Format["DrawPoly"]) ? $Format["DrawPoly"] : false;
+        $PolyAlpha          = isset($Format["PolyAlpha"]) ? $Format["PolyAlpha"] : 40;
+        $FontSize           = $Object->FontSize;
+        $X1                 = $Object->GraphAreaX1;
+        $Y1                 = $Object->GraphAreaY1;
+        $X2                 = $Object->GraphAreaX2;
+        $Y2                 = $Object->GraphAreaY2;
+        $RecordImageMap     = isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        /* Cancel default tick length if ticks not enabled */
+        if ( $DrawTicks == false ) { 
+            $TicksLength = 0;             
+        }
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $Values->getData();
+        $Palette = $Values->getPalette();
+        /* Catch the number of required axis */
+        $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
+        if ( $LabelSerie != "" ) { 
+            $Points = count($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"]);             
+        } else {
+            $Points = 0;
+            foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataArray) { 
+                if ( count($DataArray["Data"]) > $Points ) { 
+                    $Points = count($DataArray["Data"]);                     
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the axis */
+        $CenterX = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+        $CenterY = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;
+        $EdgeHeight = min(($X2-$X1)/2,($Y2-$Y1)/2);
+        if ( $WriteLabels ) {
+            $EdgeHeight = $EdgeHeight - $FontSize - $LabelPadding - $TicksLength;
+        }
+        /* Determine the scale if set to automatic */
+        if ( $SegmentHeight == SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO) {
+            if ( $FixedMax != VOID ) {
+                $Max = $FixedMax;
+            } else {
+                $Max = 0;
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataArray) {
+                    if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie ) {
+                        if ( max($DataArray["Data"]) > $Max ) { 
+                            $Max = max($DataArray["Data"]);                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $MaxSegments = $EdgeHeight/20;
+            $Scale = $Object->computeScale(0,$Max,$MaxSegments,array(1,2,5));
+            $Segments      = $Scale["Rows"];
+            $SegmentHeight = $Scale["RowHeight"];
+        }
+        if ( $LabelMiddle && $SkipLabels == 1 ) { 
+            $Axisoffset = (360/$Points)/2;             
+        } elseif ( $LabelMiddle && $SkipLabels != 1 ) { 
+            $Axisoffset = (360/($Points/$SkipLabels))/2;             
+        } elseif ( !$LabelMiddle ) { 
+            $Axisoffset = 0;             
+        }
+        /* Background processing */
+        if ( $DrawBackground ) {
+            $RestoreShadow = $Object->Shadow;
+            $Object->Shadow = false;
+            if ($BackgroundGradient == null) {
+                if ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR ) {
+                    $Color = array("R"=>$BackgroundR,"G"=>$BackgroundG,"B"=>$BackgroundB,"Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha);
+                    $PointArray = "";
+                    for($i=0;$i<=360;$i=$i+(360/$Points)) {
+                        $PointArray[] = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * $EdgeHeight + $CenterX;
+                        $PointArray[] = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * $EdgeHeight + $CenterY;
+                    }
+                    $Object->drawPolygon($PointArray,$Color);
+                } elseif ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE ) {
+                    $Color = array("R"=>$BackgroundR,"G"=>$BackgroundG,"B"=>$BackgroundB,"Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha);
+                    $Object->drawFilledCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,$EdgeHeight,$Color);
+                }
+            } else {
+                $GradientROffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndR"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartR"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientGOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndG"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartG"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientBOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndB"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartB"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientAlphaOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndAlpha"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartAlpha"]) / $Segments;
+                if ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR ) {
+                    for ($j=$Segments;$j>=1;$j--) {
+                        $Color = array(
+                            "R"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartR"]+$GradientROffset*$j,
+                            "G"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartG"]+$GradientGOffset*$j,
+                            "B"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartB"]+$GradientBOffset*$j,
+                            "Alpha"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartAlpha"]+$GradientAlphaOffset*$j
+                        );
+                        $PointArray = "";
+                        for($i=0;$i<=360;$i=$i+(360/$Points)) {
+                            $PointArray[] = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                            $PointArray[] = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                        }
+                        $Object->drawPolygon($PointArray,$Color);
+                    }
+                } elseif ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE ) {
+                    for($j=$Segments;$j>=1;$j--) {
+                        $Color = array(
+                            "R"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartR"]+$GradientROffset*$j,
+                            "G"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartG"]+$GradientGOffset*$j,
+                            "B"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartB"]+$GradientBOffset*$j,
+                            "Alpha"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartAlpha"]+$GradientAlphaOffset*$j
+                        );
+                        $Object->drawFilledCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j,$Color);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $Object->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        }
+        /* Axis to axis lines */
+        $Color = array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha);
+        $ColorDotted = array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha*.8, "Ticks"=>2);
+        if ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR ) {
+            for($j=1;$j<=$Segments;$j++) {
+                for($i=0;$i<360;$i=$i+(360/$Points)) {
+                    $EdgeX1 = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                    $EdgeY1 = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                    $EdgeX2 = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation+(360/$Points))) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                    $EdgeY2 = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation+(360/$Points))) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                    $Object->drawLine($EdgeX1,$EdgeY1,$EdgeX2,$EdgeY2,$Color);
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE ) {
+            for($j=1;$j<=$Segments;$j++) {
+                $Radius = ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j;
+                $Object->drawCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,$Radius,$Radius,$Color);
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $DrawAxisValues ) {
+            if ( $LabelsBackground ) {
+                $Options = array(
+                    "DrawBox"=>true, 
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                    "BoxR"=>$LabelsBGR,
+                    "BoxG"=>$LabelsBGG,
+                    "BoxB"=>$LabelsBGB,
+                    "BoxAlpha"=>$LabelsBGAlpha
+                );
+            } else {
+                $Options = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE);
+            }
+            if ( $AxisBoxRounded ) { 
+                $Options["BoxRounded"] = true;                 
+            }
+            $Options["FontName"] = $AxisFontName;
+            $Options["FontSize"] = $AxisFontSize;
+            $Angle  = 360 / ($Points*2);
+            for($j=1;$j<=$Segments;$j++) {
+                $Label  = $j * $SegmentHeight;
+                if ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE ) {
+                    $EdgeX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                    $EdgeY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                } elseif ( $Layout == RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR ) {
+                    $EdgeX1 = cos(deg2rad($AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                    $EdgeY1 = sin(deg2rad($AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                    $EdgeX2 = cos(deg2rad((360 / $Points) + $AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                    $EdgeY2 = sin(deg2rad((360 / $Points) + $AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                    $EdgeX1 = ($EdgeX2 - $EdgeX1)/2 + $EdgeX1;
+                    $EdgeY1 = ($EdgeY2 - $EdgeY1)/2 + $EdgeY1;
+                }
+                $Object->drawText($EdgeX1,$EdgeY1,$Label,$Options);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Axis lines */
+        $ID = 0;
+        for($i=0;$i<360;$i=$i+(360/$Points)) {
+            $EdgeX = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$TicksLength) + $CenterX;
+            $EdgeY = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$TicksLength) + $CenterY;
+            if ($ID % $SkipLabels == 0) { 
+                $Object->drawLine($CenterX,$CenterY,$EdgeX,$EdgeY,$Color);
+            } else { 
+                $Object->drawLine($CenterX,$CenterY,$EdgeX,$EdgeY,$ColorDotted);                 
+            }
+            if ( $WriteLabels ) {
+                $LabelX = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation+$Axisoffset)) * ($EdgeHeight+$LabelPadding+$TicksLength) + $CenterX;
+                $LabelY = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation+$Axisoffset)) * ($EdgeHeight+$LabelPadding+$TicksLength) + $CenterY;
+                if ( $LabelSerie != "" ) { 
+                    $Label = isset($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$ID]) ? $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$ID] : "";
+                } else {
+                    $Label = $ID;
+                }
+                if ($ID % $SkipLabels == 0) {
+                    if ( $LabelPos == RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED ) {
+                        $Object->drawText(
+                            $LabelX,
+                            $LabelY,
+                            $Label,
+                            array(
+                                "Angle"=>(360-($i+$AxisRotation+$Axisoffset))-90,
+                                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE
+                            )
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) == floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) == floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) == floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT));                             
+                        }
+                        if ( (floor($LabelX) == floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                            $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $ID++;
+        }
+        /* Compute the plots position */
+        $ID = 0; $Plot = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataS) {
+            if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie ) {
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                    "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+                );
+                foreach($DataS["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $Angle  = (360/$Points) * $Key;
+                    $Length = ($EdgeHeight/($Segments*$SegmentHeight))*$Value;
+                    $X = cos(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * $Length  + $CenterX;
+                    $Y = sin(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * $Length  + $CenterY;
+                    $Plot[$ID][] = array($X,$Y,$Value);
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "CIRCLE",
+                            floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".floor($PointRadius),
+                            $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                                $Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                                $Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                                $Palette[$ID]["B"]
+                            ),
+                            $DataS["Description"],
+                            $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]." = ".$Value
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                }
+                $ID++;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw all that stuff! */
+        foreach($Plot as $ID => $Points) {
+            $Color = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+            );
+            /* Draw the polygons */
+            if ( $DrawPoly ) {
+                if ($PolyAlpha != null) {
+                    $Color = array(
+                        "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$PolyAlpha,
+                        "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+                    );
+                }
+                $PointsArray = "";
+                for ($i=0; $i<count($Points);$i++) { 
+                    $PointsArray[] = $Points[$i][0]; 
+                    $PointsArray[] = $Points[$i][1];                     
+                }
+                $Object->drawPolygon($PointsArray,$Color);
+            }
+            $Color = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+            );
+            /* Bubble and labels settings */
+            $TextSettings = array(
+                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                "FontName"=>$ValueFontName,
+                "FontSize"=>$ValueFontSize,
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]
+            );
+            $InnerColor = array(
+                "R"=>$InnerBubbleR,
+                "G"=>$InnerBubbleG,
+                "B"=>$InnerBubbleB,
+                "Alpha"=>$InnerBubbleAlpha
+            );
+            if ( $OuterBubbleR != VOID ) {
+                $OuterColor = array(
+                    "R"=>$OuterBubbleR,
+                    "G"=>$OuterBubbleG,
+                    "B"=>$OuterBubbleB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$OuterBubbleAlpha
+                );
+            } else {
+                $OuterColor = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"]+20,
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"]+20,
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]+20,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                );
+            }
+       /* Loop to the starting points if asked */
+       if ( $LineLoopStart && $DrawLines )
+        $Object->drawLine(
+            $Points[count($Points)-1][0],
+            $Points[count($Points)-1][1],
+            $Points[0][0],
+            $Points[0][1],
+            $Color
+        );
+        /* Draw the lines & points */
+        for ($i=0; $i<count($Points);$i++) {
+            if ( $DrawLines && $i < count($Points)-1) {
+                $Object->drawLine(
+                    $Points[$i][0],
+                    $Points[$i][1],
+                    $Points[$i+1][0],
+                    $Points[$i+1][1],
+                    $Color
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $DrawPoints ) {
+                $Object->drawFilledCircle(
+                    $Points[$i][0],
+                    $Points[$i][1],
+                    $PointRadius,
+                    $Color
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $WriteValuesInBubble && $WriteValues ) {
+                $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                    $Points[$i][0],
+                    $Points[$i][1],
+                    $ValueFontName,
+                    $ValueFontSize,
+                    0,
+                    $Points[$i][2]
+                );
+                $Radius = floor(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"] + $ValuePadding*2)/2);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                    $Points[$i][0],
+                    $Points[$i][1],
+                    $Radius+$OuterBubbleRadius,
+                    $OuterColor
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                    $Points[$i][0],
+                    $Points[$i][1],
+                    $Radius,$InnerColor
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $WriteValues )
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                    $Points[$i][0]-1,
+                    $Points[$i][1]-1,
+                    $Points[$i][2],
+                    $TextSettings
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a radar chart
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawPolar($Object,$Values,$Format="")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $FixedMax       = isset($Format["FixedMax"]) ? $Format["FixedMax"] : VOID;
+        $AxisR		= isset($Format["AxisR"]) ? $Format["AxisR"] : 60;
+        $AxisG		= isset($Format["AxisG"]) ? $Format["AxisG"] : 60;
+        $AxisB		= isset($Format["AxisB"]) ? $Format["AxisB"] : 60;
+        $AxisAlpha	= isset($Format["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["AxisAlpha"] : 50;
+        $AxisRotation   = isset($Format["AxisRotation"]) ? $Format["AxisRotation"] : -90;
+        $DrawTicks	= isset($Format["DrawTicks"]) ? $Format["DrawTicks"] : true;
+        $TicksLength	= isset($Format["TicksLength"]) ? $Format["TicksLength"] : 2;
+        $DrawAxisValues	= isset($Format["DrawAxisValues"]) ? $Format["DrawAxisValues"] : true;
+        $AxisBoxRounded	= isset($Format["AxisBoxRounded"]) ? $Format["AxisBoxRounded"] : true;
+        $AxisFontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $AxisFontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $WriteValues	= isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : false;
+        $WriteValuesInBubble = isset($Format["WriteValuesInBubble"]) ? $Format["WriteValuesInBubble"] : true;
+        $ValueFontName	= isset($Format["ValueFontName"]) ? $Format["ValueFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $ValueFontSize	= isset($Format["ValueFontSize"]) ? $Format["ValueFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $ValuePadding	= isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 4;
+        $OuterBubbleRadius = isset($Format["OuterBubbleRadius"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleRadius"] : 2;
+        $OuterBubbleR	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleR"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleR"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleG	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleG"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleG"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleB	= isset($Format["OuterBubbleB"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleB"] : VOID;
+        $OuterBubbleAlpha = isset($Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["OuterBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
+        $InnerBubbleR	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleR"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleR"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleG	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleG"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleG"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleB	= isset($Format["InnerBubbleB"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleB"] : 255;
+        $InnerBubbleAlpha = isset($Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"]) ? $Format["InnerBubbleAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawBackground	= isset($Format["DrawBackground"]) ? $Format["DrawBackground"] : true;
+        $BackgroundR	= isset($Format["BackgroundR"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundG	= isset($Format["BackgroundG"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundB	= isset($Format["BackgroundB"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundAlpha = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha"] : 50;
+        $BackgroundGradient= isset($Format["BackgroundGradient"]) ? $Format["BackgroundGradient"] : null;
+        $AxisSteps	= isset($Format["AxisSteps"]) ? $Format["AxisSteps"] : 20;
+        $SegmentHeight	= isset($Format["SegmentHeight"]) ? $Format["SegmentHeight"] : SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO;
+        $Segments	= isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 4;
+        $WriteLabels	= isset($Format["WriteLabels"]) ? $Format["WriteLabels"] : true;
+        $LabelsBackground = isset($Format["LabelsBackground"]) ? $Format["LabelsBackground"] : true;
+        $LabelsBGR	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGR"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGG	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGG"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGB	= isset($Format["LabelsBGR"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGB"] : 255;
+        $LabelsBGAlpha	= isset($Format["LabelsBGAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelsBGAlpha"] : 50;
+        $LabelPos	= isset($Format["LabelPos"]) ? $Format["LabelPos"] : RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED;
+        $LabelPadding	= isset($Format["LabelPadding"]) ? $Format["LabelPadding"] : 4;
+        $DrawPoints	= isset($Format["DrawPoints"]) ? $Format["DrawPoints"] : true;
+        $PointRadius	= isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : 4;
+        $PointSurrounding = isset($Format["PointRadius"]) ? $Format["PointRadius"] : -30;
+        $DrawLines	= isset($Format["DrawLines"]) ? $Format["DrawLines"] : true;
+        $LineLoopStart	= isset($Format["LineLoopStart"]) ? $Format["LineLoopStart"] : false;
+        $DrawPoly	= isset($Format["DrawPoly"]) ? $Format["DrawPoly"] : false;
+        $PolyAlpha	= isset($Format["PolyAlpha"]) ? $Format["PolyAlpha"] : null;
+        $FontSize	= $Object->FontSize;
+        $X1		= $Object->GraphAreaX1;
+        $Y1		= $Object->GraphAreaY1;
+        $X2		= $Object->GraphAreaX2;
+        $Y2		= $Object->GraphAreaY2;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        if ( $AxisBoxRounded ) { 
+            $DrawAxisValues = true;             
+        }
+        /* Cancel default tick length if ticks not enabled */
+        if ( $DrawTicks == false ) { 
+            $TicksLength = 0;             
+        }
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $Values->getData();
+        $Palette = $Values->getPalette();
+        /* Catch the number of required axis */
+        $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
+        if ( $LabelSerie != "" ) { 
+            $Points = count($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"]);             
+        } else {
+            $Points = 0;
+            foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataArray) { 
+                if ( count($DataArray["Data"]) > $Points ) { 
+                    $Points = count($DataArray["Data"]);                     
+                }                 
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the axis */
+        $CenterX = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+        $CenterY = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;
+        $EdgeHeight = min(($X2-$X1)/2,($Y2-$Y1)/2);
+        if ( $WriteLabels ) {
+            $EdgeHeight = $EdgeHeight - $FontSize - $LabelPadding - $TicksLength;
+        }
+        /* Determine the scale if set to automatic */
+        if ( $SegmentHeight == SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO) {
+            if ( $FixedMax != VOID ) {
+                $Max = $FixedMax;
+            } else {
+                $Max = 0;
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataArray) {
+                    if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie ) {
+                        if ( max($DataArray["Data"]) > $Max ) { 
+                            $Max = max($DataArray["Data"]);                         
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $MaxSegments = $EdgeHeight/20;
+            $Scale = $Object->computeScale(0,$Max,$MaxSegments,array(1,2,5));
+            $Segments      = $Scale["Rows"];
+            $SegmentHeight = $Scale["RowHeight"];
+        }
+        /* Background processing */
+        if ( $DrawBackground ) {
+            $RestoreShadow = $Object->Shadow;
+            $Object->Shadow = false;
+            if ($BackgroundGradient == null) {
+                $Color = array("R"=>$BackgroundR,"G"=>$BackgroundG,"B"=>$BackgroundB,"Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha);
+                $Object->drawFilledCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,$EdgeHeight,$Color);
+            } else {
+                $GradientROffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndR"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartR"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientGOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndG"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartG"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientBOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndB"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartB"]) / $Segments;
+                $GradientAlphaOffset	= ($BackgroundGradient["EndAlpha"] - $BackgroundGradient["StartAlpha"]) / $Segments;
+                for ($j=$Segments;$j>=1;$j--) {
+                    $Color = array(
+                        "R"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartR"]+$GradientROffset*$j,
+                        "G"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartG"]+$GradientGOffset*$j,
+                        "B"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartB"]+$GradientBOffset*$j,
+                        "Alpha"=>$BackgroundGradient["StartAlpha"]+$GradientAlphaOffset*$j
+                    );
+                    $Object->drawFilledCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j,$Color);
+                }
+            }
+            $Object->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+        }
+        /* Axis to axis lines */
+        $Color = array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha);
+        for($j=1;$j<=$Segments;$j++) {
+            $Radius = ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j;
+            $Object->drawCircle($CenterX,$CenterY,$Radius,$Radius,$Color);
+        }
+        if ( $DrawAxisValues ) {
+            if ( $LabelsBackground ) {
+                $Options = array(
+                    "DrawBox"=>true, 
+                    "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                    "BoxR"=>$LabelsBGR,
+                    "BoxG"=>$LabelsBGG,
+                    "BoxB"=>$LabelsBGB,
+                    "BoxAlpha"=>$LabelsBGAlpha
+                );
+            } else {
+                $Options = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE);
+            }
+            if ( $AxisBoxRounded ) { $Options["BoxRounded"] = true; }
+            $Options["FontName"] = $AxisFontName;
+            $Options["FontSize"] = $AxisFontSize;
+            $Angle  = 360 / ($Points*2);
+            for($j=1;$j<=$Segments;$j++) {
+                $EdgeX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterX;
+                $EdgeY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight/$Segments)*$j + $CenterY;
+                $Label  = $j*$SegmentHeight;
+                $Object->drawText($EdgeX1,$EdgeY1,$Label,$Options);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Axis lines */
+        $ID = 0;
+        for($i=0;$i<=359;$i=$i+$AxisSteps) {
+            $EdgeX = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$TicksLength) + $CenterX;
+            $EdgeY = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$TicksLength) + $CenterY;
+            $Object->drawLine($CenterX,$CenterY,$EdgeX,$EdgeY,$Color);
+            if ( $WriteLabels ) {
+                $LabelX = cos(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$LabelPadding+$TicksLength) + $CenterX;
+                $LabelY = sin(deg2rad($i+$AxisRotation)) * ($EdgeHeight+$LabelPadding+$TicksLength) + $CenterY;
+                $Label = $i."°";
+                if ( $LabelPos == RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED ) {
+                    $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Angle"=>(360-$i),"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
+                } else {
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) == floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) == floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) >  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) <  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) == floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) <  floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT));                         
+                    }
+                    if ( (floor($LabelX) == floor($CenterX)) && (floor($LabelY) >  floor($CenterY)) ) { 
+                        $Object->drawText($LabelX,$LabelY,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));                         
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $ID++;
+        }
+        /* Compute the plots position */
+        $ID = 0; $Plot = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $DataSet) {
+            if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie ) {
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                    "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+                );
+                foreach($DataSet["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $Angle  = $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key];
+                    $Length = ($EdgeHeight/($Segments*$SegmentHeight))*$Value;
+                    $X = cos(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * $Length  + $CenterX;
+                    $Y = sin(deg2rad($Angle+$AxisRotation)) * $Length  + $CenterY;
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "CIRCLE",floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".floor($PointRadius),
+                            $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                                $Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                                $Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                                $Palette[$ID]["B"]
+                            ),
+                            $DataSet["Description"],
+                            $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]."&deg = ".$Value
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                    $Plot[$ID][] = array($X,$Y,$Value);
+                }
+                $ID++;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw all that stuff! */
+        foreach($Plot as $ID => $Points) {
+            $Color = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+            );
+            /* Draw the polygons */
+            if ( $DrawPoly ) {
+                if ($PolyAlpha != null) {
+                    $Color = array(
+                        "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                        "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                        "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                        "Alpha"=>$PolyAlpha,
+                        "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+                    );
+                }
+                $PointsArray = "";
+                for ($i=0; $i<count($Points);$i++) { 
+                    $PointsArray[] = $Points[$i][0];
+                    $PointsArray[] = $Points[$i][1];                     
+                }
+                $Object->drawPolygon($PointsArray,$Color);
+            }
+            $Color = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"],
+                "Surrounding"=>$PointSurrounding
+            );
+            /* Bubble and labels settings */
+            $TextSettings = array(
+                "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,
+                "FontName"=>$ValueFontName,
+                "FontSize"=>$ValueFontSize,
+                "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]
+            );
+            $InnerColor = array(
+                "R"=>$InnerBubbleR,
+                "G"=>$InnerBubbleG,
+                "B"=>$InnerBubbleB,
+                "Alpha"=>$InnerBubbleAlpha
+            );
+            if ( $OuterBubbleR != VOID ) {
+                $OuterColor = array(
+                    "R"=>$OuterBubbleR,
+                    "G"=>$OuterBubbleG,
+                    "B"=>$OuterBubbleB,
+                    "Alpha"=>$OuterBubbleAlpha
+                );
+            } else {
+                $OuterColor = array(
+                    "R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"]+20,
+                    "G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"]+20,
+                    "B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]+20,
+                    "Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]
+                );
+            }
+            /* Loop to the starting points if asked */
+            if ( $LineLoopStart && $DrawLines ) {
+                $Object->drawLine(
+                    $Points[count($Points)-1][0],
+                    $Points[count($Points)-1][1],
+                    $Points[0][0],
+                    $Points[0][1],
+                    $Color
+                );
+            }
+            /* Draw the lines & points */
+            for ($i=0; $i<count($Points);$i++) {
+                if ( $DrawLines && $i < count($Points)-1) {
+                    $Object->drawLine(
+                        $Points[$i][0],
+                        $Points[$i][1],
+                        $Points[$i+1][0],
+                        $Points[$i+1][1],
+                        $Color
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $DrawPoints ) {
+                    $Object->drawFilledCircle(
+                        $Points[$i][0],
+                        $Points[$i][1],
+                        $PointRadius,
+                        $Color
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $WriteValuesInBubble && $WriteValues ) {
+                    $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                        $Points[$i][0],
+                        $Points[$i][1],
+                        $ValueFontName,
+                        $ValueFontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $Points[$i][2]
+                    );
+                    $Radius = floor(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"] + $ValuePadding*2)/2);
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($Points[$i][0],$Points[$i][1],$Radius+$OuterBubbleRadius,$OuterColor);
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($Points[$i][0],$Points[$i][1],$Radius,$InnerColor);
+                }
+                if ( $WriteValues ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawText($Points[$i][0]-1,$Points[$i][1]-1,$Points[$i][2],$TextSettings);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 2013 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2013 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pScatter - class to draw scatter charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+     You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pScatter
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $pDataObject;
+    /* Class creator */
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject)
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+        $this->pDataObject  = $pDataObject;
+    }
+    /* Prepare the scale */
+    public function drawScatterScale($Format="")
+    {
+        $Mode		= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : SCALE_MODE_FLOATING;
+        $Floating	= isset($Format["Floating"]) ? $Format["Floating"] : false;
+        $XLabelsRotation = isset($Format["XLabelsRotation"]) ? $Format["XLabelsRotation"] : 90;
+        $MinDivHeight	= isset($Format["MinDivHeight"]) ? $Format["MinDivHeight"] : 20;
+        $Factors	= isset($Format["Factors"]) ? $Format["Factors"] : array(1,2,5);
+        $ManualScale	= isset($Format["ManualScale"]) ? $Format["ManualScale"] : array("0"=>array("Min"=>-100,"Max"=>100));
+        $XMargin	= isset($Format["XMargin"]) ? $Format["XMargin"] : 0;
+        $YMargin	= isset($Format["YMargin"]) ? $Format["YMargin"] : 0;
+        $ScaleSpacing	= isset($Format["ScaleSpacing"]) ? $Format["ScaleSpacing"] : 15;
+        $InnerTickWidth	= isset($Format["InnerTickWidth"]) ? $Format["InnerTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $OuterTickWidth	= isset($Format["OuterTickWidth"]) ? $Format["OuterTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $DrawXLines	= isset($Format["DrawXLines"]) ? $Format["DrawXLines"] : ALL;
+        $DrawYLines	= isset($Format["DrawYLines"]) ? $Format["DrawYLines"] : ALL;
+        $GridTicks	= isset($Format["GridTicks"]) ? $Format["GridTicks"] : 4;
+        $GridR		= isset($Format["GridR"]) ? $Format["GridR"] : 255;
+        $GridG		= isset($Format["GridG"]) ? $Format["GridG"] : 255;
+        $GridB		= isset($Format["GridB"]) ? $Format["GridB"] : 255;
+        $GridAlpha	= isset($Format["GridAlpha"]) ? $Format["GridAlpha"] : 40;
+        $AxisRo		= isset($Format["AxisR"]) ? $Format["AxisR"] : 0;
+        $AxisGo		= isset($Format["AxisG"]) ? $Format["AxisG"] : 0;
+        $AxisBo		= isset($Format["AxisB"]) ? $Format["AxisB"] : 0;
+        $AxisAlpha	= isset($Format["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format["AxisAlpha"] : 100;
+        $TickRo		= isset($Format["TickR"]) ? $Format["TickR"] : 0;
+        $TickGo		= isset($Format["TickG"]) ? $Format["TickG"] : 0;
+        $TickBo		= isset($Format["TickB"]) ? $Format["TickB"] : 0;
+        $TickAlpha	= isset($Format["TickAlpha"]) ? $Format["TickAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawSubTicks	= isset($Format["DrawSubTicks"]) ? $Format["DrawSubTicks"] : false;
+        $InnerSubTickWidth	= isset($Format["InnerSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format["InnerSubTickWidth"] : 0;
+        $OuterSubTickWidth	= isset($Format["OuterSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format["OuterSubTickWidth"] : 2;
+        $SubTickR	= isset($Format["SubTickR"]) ? $Format["SubTickR"] : 255;
+        $SubTickG	= isset($Format["SubTickG"]) ? $Format["SubTickG"] : 0;
+        $SubTickB	= isset($Format["SubTickB"]) ? $Format["SubTickB"] : 0;
+        $SubTickAlpha	= isset($Format["SubTickAlpha"]) ? $Format["SubTickAlpha"] : 100;
+        $XReleasePercent = isset($Format["XReleasePercent"]) ? $Format["XReleasePercent"] : 1;
+        $DrawArrows	= isset($Format["DrawArrows"]) ? $Format["DrawArrows"] : false;
+        $ArrowSize      = isset($Format["ArrowSize"]) ? $Format["ArrowSize"] : 8;
+        $CycleBackground = isset($Format["CycleBackground"]) ? $Format["CycleBackground"] : false;
+        $BackgroundR1	= isset($Format["BackgroundR1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundG1	= isset($Format["BackgroundG1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundB1	= isset($Format["BackgroundB1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB1"] : 255;
+        $BackgroundAlpha1 = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha1"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha1"] : 10;
+        $BackgroundR2	= isset($Format["BackgroundR2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundR2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundG2	= isset($Format["BackgroundG2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundG2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundB2	= isset($Format["BackgroundB2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundB2"] : 230;
+        $BackgroundAlpha2 = isset($Format["BackgroundAlpha2"]) ? $Format["BackgroundAlpha2"] : 10;
+        /* Check if we have at least both one X and Y axis */
+        $GotXAxis = false; $GotYAxis = false;
+        foreach($this->pDataObject->Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $AxisSettings) {
+            if ( $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) { 
+                $GotXAxis = true;                 
+            }
+            if ( $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_Y ) { 
+                $GotYAxis = true;                 
+            }
+        }
+        if ( !$GotXAxis ) { 
+            return(SCATTER_MISSING_X_SERIE);             
+        }
+        if ( !$GotYAxis ) { 
+            return(SCATTER_MISSING_Y_SERIE);             
+        }
+        /* Skip a NOTICE event in case of an empty array */
+        if ( $DrawYLines == NONE ) { 
+            $DrawYLines = array("zarma"=>"31");             
+        }
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $AxisSettings) {
+            if ( $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_X) { 
+                $Width = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 - $XMargin*2;
+            } else { 
+                $Width = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 - $YMargin*2;                
+            }
+            $AxisMin = ABSOLUTE_MAX; $AxisMax = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
+            if ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_FLOATING ) {
+                foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) {
+                    if ($SerieParameter["Axis"] == $AxisID 
+                        && $Data["Series"][$SerieID]["isDrawable"]
+                    ) {
+                        $AxisMax = max($AxisMax,$Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Max"]);
+                        $AxisMin = min($AxisMin,$Data["Series"][$SerieID]["Min"]);
+                    }
+                }
+                $AutoMargin = (($AxisMax-$AxisMin)/100)*$XReleasePercent;
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $AxisMin-$AutoMargin; 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $AxisMax+$AutoMargin;
+            } elseif ( $Mode == SCALE_MODE_MANUAL ) {
+                if (isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["Min"]) 
+                    && isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["Max"])
+                ) {
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $ManualScale[$AxisID]["Min"];
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $ManualScale[$AxisID]["Max"];
+                } else { 
+                    throw new \Exception("Manual scale boundaries not set.");
+                }
+            }
+            /* Full manual scale */
+            if ( isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["Rows"]) && isset($ManualScale[$AxisID]["RowHeight"]) ) {
+                $Scale = array(
+                    "Rows"=>$ManualScale[$AxisID]["Rows"],
+                    "RowHeight"=>$ManualScale[$AxisID]["RowHeight"],
+                    "XMin"=>$ManualScale[$AxisID]["Min"],
+                    "XMax"=>$ManualScale[$AxisID]["Max"]
+                );
+            } else {
+                $MaxDivs = floor($Width/$MinDivHeight);
+                $Scale   = $this->pChartObject->computeScale(
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"],
+                    $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"],
+                    $MaxDivs,
+                    $Factors,
+                    $AxisID
+                );
+            }
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]    = $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_X ? $XMargin : $YMargin;
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]  = $Scale["XMin"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"]  = $Scale["XMax"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Rows"]      = $Scale["Rows"];
+            $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["RowHeight"] = $Scale["RowHeight"];
+            if ( isset($Scale["Format"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = $Scale["Format"];                 
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = null;
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"]) ) { 
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = null;                 
+            }
+            if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"]) ) {
+                $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = null;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get the default font color */
+        $FontColorRo = $this->pChartObject->FontColorR; 
+        $FontColorGo = $this->pChartObject->FontColorG; 
+        $FontColorBo = $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
+        /* Set the original boundaries */
+        $AxisPos["L"] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1; 
+        $AxisPos["R"] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2; 
+        $AxisPos["T"] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1; 
+        $AxisPos["B"] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2;
+        foreach($Data["Axis"] as $AxisID => $AxisSettings) {
+            if ( isset($AxisSettings["Color"]) ) {
+                $AxisR = $AxisSettings["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $AxisG = $AxisSettings["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $AxisB = $AxisSettings["Color"]["B"];
+                $TickR = $AxisSettings["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $TickG = $AxisSettings["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $TickB = $AxisSettings["Color"]["B"];
+                $this->pChartObject->setFontProperties(
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$AxisSettings["Color"]["R"],
+                        "G"=>$AxisSettings["Color"]["G"],
+                        "B"=>$AxisSettings["Color"]["B"]
+                    )
+                );
+            } else {
+                $AxisR = $AxisRo; $AxisG = $AxisGo; $AxisB = $AxisBo;
+                $TickR = $TickRo; $TickG = $TickGo; $TickB = $TickBo;
+                $this->pChartObject->setFontProperties(array("R"=>$FontColorRo,"G"=>$FontColorGo,"B"=>$FontColorBo));
+            }
+            $LastValue = "w00t"; $ID = 1;
+            if ( $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+                if ( $AxisSettings["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM ) {
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation == 0 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 2;                
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation > 0 && $XLabelsRotation < 190 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 5;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation == 180 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 5;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation > 180 && $XLabelsRotation < 360 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 2;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $Floating ) { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["B"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["B"],
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );
+                    } else { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1,
+                            $AxisPos["B"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2,
+                            $AxisPos["B"],
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawArrow(
+                             $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                             $AxisPos["B"],$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                             $AxisPos["B"],
+                             array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                        );                
+                    }
+                    $Width = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) - $AxisSettings["Margin"]*2;
+                    $Step   = $Width / $AxisSettings["Rows"]; $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; $MaxBottom = $AxisPos["B"];
+                    $LastX  = null;
+                    for ($i=0;$i<=$AxisSettings["Rows"];$i++) {
+                        $XPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $AxisSettings["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                        $YPos  = $AxisPos["B"];
+                        $Value = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat(
+                            $AxisSettings["ScaleMin"] + $AxisSettings["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                            $AxisSettings["Display"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Format"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Unit"]
+                        );
+                        if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                            );                         
+                        } else { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ( $LastX != null 
+                            && $CycleBackground  
+                            && ( $DrawXLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawXLines) )
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $LastX,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $XPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $BGColor
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawXLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawXLines) ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $XPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $AxisSettings["Rows"] ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                $YPos-$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                $YPos+$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos-$InnerTickWidth,
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos+$OuterTickWidth,
+                            array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                        );
+                        $Bounds    = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos+$OuterTickWidth+$LabelOffset,
+                            $Value,array("Angle"=>$XLabelsRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                        );
+                        $TxtBottom = $YPos+2+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[0]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                        $MaxBottom = max($MaxBottom,$TxtBottom);
+                        $LastX = $XPos;
+                    }
+                    if ( isset($AxisSettings["Name"]) ) {
+                        $YPos   = $MaxBottom+2;
+                        $XPos   = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1
+                                +($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                        $Bounds = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $AxisSettings["Name"],
+                            array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE)
+                        );
+                        $MaxBottom = $Bounds[0]["Y"];
+                        $this->pDataObject->Data["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $MaxBottom + $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+                    }
+                    $AxisPos["B"] = $MaxBottom + $ScaleSpacing;
+                } elseif ( $AxisSettings["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_TOP ) {
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation == 0 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 2;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation > 0 && $XLabelsRotation < 190 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 2;                    
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation == 180 ) { 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 5;                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $XLabelsRotation > 180 && $SLabelxRotation < 360 )	{ 
+                        $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; 
+                        $LabelOffset = 5;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Floating ) { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = $YMargin; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["T"],$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["T"],array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );
+                    } else { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1,
+                            $AxisPos["T"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2,
+                            $AxisPos["T"],array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawArrows ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawArrow(
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["T"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2+($ArrowSize*2),
+                            $AxisPos["T"],
+                            array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                        );                     
+                    }
+                    $Width = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 
+                            - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) 
+                            - $AxisSettings["Margin"]*2;
+                    $Step   = $Width / $AxisSettings["Rows"]; 
+                    $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; 
+                    $MinTop = $AxisPos["T"];
+                    $LastX  = null;
+                    for ($i=0;$i<=$AxisSettings["Rows"];$i++) {
+                        $XPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $AxisSettings["Margin"] + $Step*$i;
+                        $YPos  = $AxisPos["T"];
+                        $Value = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat(
+                            $AxisSettings["ScaleMin"] + $AxisSettings["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                            $AxisSettings["Display"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Format"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Unit"]
+                        );
+                        if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                            );                         
+                        } else { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $LastX != null 
+                                && $CycleBackground  
+                                && ( $DrawXLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawXLines) )
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $LastX,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $XPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $BGColor
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawXLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawXLines) ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $XPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $XPos,$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $AxisSettings["Rows"] ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                $YPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                $XPos+$SubTicksSize,
+                                $YPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos-$OuterTickWidth,
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos+$InnerTickWidth,
+                            array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                        );
+                        $Bounds = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-$LabelOffset,
+                            $Value,
+                            array("Angle"=>$XLabelsRotation,"Align"=>$LabelAlign)
+                        );
+                        $TxtBox = $YPos-$OuterTickWidth-4-($Bounds[0]["Y"]-$Bounds[2]["Y"]);
+                        $MinTop = min($MinTop,$TxtBox);
+                        $LastX = $XPos;
+                    }
+                    if ( isset($AxisSettings["Name"]) ) {
+                        $YPos   = $MinTop-2;
+                        $XPos   = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1
+                                +($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1)/2;
+                        $Bounds = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $AxisSettings["Name"],
+                            array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE)
+                        );
+                        $MinTop = $Bounds[2]["Y"];
+                        $this->pDataObject->Data["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $MinTop;
+                    }
+                    $AxisPos["T"] = $MinTop - $ScaleSpacing;
+                }
+            } elseif ( $AxisSettings["Identity"] == AXIS_Y ) {
+                if ( $AxisSettings["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_LEFT ) {
+                    if ( $Floating ) { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );                     
+                    } else { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1,
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2,
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawArrow(
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["L"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-($ArrowSize*2),
+                            array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                        );
+                    }
+                    $Height = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) - $AxisSettings["Margin"]*2;
+                    $Step   = $Height / $AxisSettings["Rows"]; $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; $MinLeft = $AxisPos["L"];
+                    $LastY  = null;
+                    for($i=0;$i<=$AxisSettings["Rows"];$i++) {
+                        $YPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $AxisSettings["Margin"] - $Step*$i;
+                        $XPos  = $AxisPos["L"];
+                        $Value = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat(
+                            $AxisSettings["ScaleMin"] + $AxisSettings["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                            $AxisSettings["Display"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Format"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Unit"]
+                        );
+                        if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                            );                         
+                        } else { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                            );                         
+                        }
+                        if ($LastY != null 
+                            && $CycleBackground 
+                            && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) )
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $LastY,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $BGColor
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if (($YPos != $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 
+                                && $YPos != $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2) 
+                                && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) )
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $AxisSettings["Rows"] ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine($XPos-$OuterSubTickWidth,$YPos-$SubTicksSize,$XPos+$InnerSubTickWidth,$YPos-$SubTicksSize,array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha));
+                        }
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($XPos-$OuterTickWidth,$YPos,$XPos+$InnerTickWidth,$YPos,array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha));
+                        $Bounds  = $this->pChartObject->drawText($XPos-$OuterTickWidth-2,$YPos,$Value,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));
+                        $TxtLeft = $XPos-$OuterTickWidth-2-($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                        $MinLeft = min($MinLeft,$TxtLeft);
+                       $LastY = $YPos;
+                    }
+                    if ( isset($AxisSettings["Name"]) ) {
+                        $XPos    = $MinLeft-2;
+                        $YPos    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1
+                                 +($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                        $Bounds  = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $AxisSettings["Name"],
+                            array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE, "Angle"=>90)
+                        );
+                        $MinLeft = $Bounds[2]["X"];
+                        $this->pDataObject->Data["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $MinLeft;
+                    }
+                    $AxisPos["L"] = $MinLeft - $ScaleSpacing;
+                } elseif ( $AxisSettings["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT ) {
+                    if ( $Floating ) { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = $XMargin; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $AxisPos["R"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["R"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );                     
+                    } else { 
+                        $FloatingOffset = 0; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $AxisPos["R"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1,
+                            $AxisPos["R"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2,
+                            array("R"=>$AxisR,"G"=>$AxisG,"B"=>$AxisB,"Alpha"=>$AxisAlpha)
+                        );                     
+                    }
+                    if ( $DrawArrows ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawArrow(
+                            $AxisPos["R"],
+                            $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$AxisSettings["Margin"],
+                            $AxisPos["R"],$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-($ArrowSize*2),
+                            array("FillR"=>$AxisR,"FillG"=>$AxisG,"FillB"=>$AxisB,"Size"=>$ArrowSize)
+                        );                     
+                    }
+                    $Height = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) 
+                            - $AxisSettings["Margin"]*2;
+                    $Step   = $Height / $AxisSettings["Rows"]; 
+                    $SubTicksSize = $Step /2; $MaxLeft = $AxisPos["R"];
+                    $LastY  = null;
+                    for ($i=0;$i<=$AxisSettings["Rows"];$i++) {
+                        $YPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $AxisSettings["Margin"] - $Step*$i;
+                        $XPos  = $AxisPos["R"];
+                        $Value = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat(
+                            $AxisSettings["ScaleMin"] + $AxisSettings["RowHeight"]*$i,
+                            $AxisSettings["Display"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Format"],
+                            $AxisSettings["Unit"]
+                        );
+                        if ( $i%2 == 1 ) { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR1,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG1,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB1,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha1
+                            );                         
+                        } else { 
+                            $BGColor = array(
+                                "R"=>$BackgroundR2,
+                                "G"=>$BackgroundG2,
+                                "B"=>$BackgroundB2,
+                                "Alpha"=>$BackgroundAlpha2
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ($LastY != null 
+                            && $CycleBackground  
+                            && ( $DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines) )
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $LastY,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $BGColor
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if (($YPos != $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 
+                            && $YPos != $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2) 
+                            && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID,$DrawYLines)) 
+                        ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$FloatingOffset,
+                                $YPos,
+                                array("R"=>$GridR,"G"=>$GridG,"B"=>$GridB,"Alpha"=>$GridAlpha,"Ticks"=>$GridTicks)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if ( $DrawSubTicks && $i != $AxisSettings["Rows"] ) {
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                                $XPos-$InnerSubTickWidth,
+                                $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                $XPos+$OuterSubTickWidth,
+                                $YPos-$SubTicksSize,
+                                array("R"=>$SubTickR,"G"=>$SubTickG,"B"=>$SubTickB,"Alpha"=>$SubTickAlpha)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $XPos-$InnerTickWidth,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $XPos+$OuterTickWidth,
+                            $YPos,
+                            array("R"=>$TickR,"G"=>$TickG,"B"=>$TickB,"Alpha"=>$TickAlpha)
+                        );
+                        $Bounds  = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+2,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $Value,
+                            array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT)
+                        );
+                        $TxtLeft = $XPos+$OuterTickWidth+2+($Bounds[1]["X"]-$Bounds[0]["X"]);
+                        $MaxLeft = max($MaxLeft,$TxtLeft);
+                        $LastY = $YPos;
+                    }
+                    if ( isset($AxisSettings["Name"]) ) {
+                        $XPos    = $MaxLeft+6;
+                        $YPos    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1
+                                 + ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1)/2;
+                        $Bounds  = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $XPos,
+                            $YPos,
+                            $AxisSettings["Name"],
+                            array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE,"Angle"=>270)
+                        );
+                        $MaxLeft = $Bounds[2]["X"];
+                        $this->pDataObject->Data["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $MaxLeft + $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+                    }
+                    $AxisPos["R"] = $MaxLeft + $ScaleSpacing;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->pDataObject->saveAxisConfig($Data["Axis"]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a scatter plot chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawScatterPlotChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $PlotSize	= isset($Format["PlotSize"]) ? $Format["PlotSize"] : 3;
+        $PlotBorder	= isset($Format["PlotBorder"]) ? $Format["PlotBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 250;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 250;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 250;
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 30;
+        $BorderSize	= isset($Format["BorderSize"]) ? $Format["BorderSize"] : 1;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapTitle	= isset($Format["ImageMapTitle"]) ? $Format["ImageMapTitle"] : null;
+        $ImageMapPrecision = isset($Format["ImageMapPrecision"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPrecision"] : 2;
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        $BorderColor = array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha);
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                $SerieX = $Series["X"]; 
+                $SerieValuesX = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieXAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Axis"];
+                $SerieY = $Series["Y"]; 
+                $SerieValuesY = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieYAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Axis"];
+                if ( $ImageMapTitle == null ) { 
+                    $Description = $Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Description"]
+                                 ." / ".$Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Description"];
+                } else { 
+                    $Description = $ImageMapTitle;                    
+                }
+                if ( isset($Series["Picture"]) && $Series["Picture"] != "" ) { 
+                    $Picture = $Series["Picture"]; 
+                    list($PicWidth,$PicHeight,$PicType) = $this->pChartObject->getPicInfo($Picture);
+                } else { 
+                    $Picture = null;
+                }
+                $PosArrayX = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesX,$SerieXAxis);
+                if ( !is_array($PosArrayX) ) { 
+                    $Value = $PosArrayX; 
+                    $PosArrayX = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayX[0] = $Value;
+                }
+                $PosArrayY = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesY,$SerieYAxis);
+                if ( !is_array($PosArrayY) ) { 
+                    $Value = $PosArrayY; 
+                    $PosArrayY = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayY[0] = $Value;
+                }
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$Series["Color"]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Series["Color"]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Series["Color"]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Series["Color"]["Alpha"]
+                );
+                foreach($PosArrayX as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $X = $Value; 
+                    $Y = $PosArrayY[$Key];
+                    if ( $X != VOID && $Y != VOID ) {
+                        $RealValue = round(
+                            $Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Data"][$Key],2)." / "
+                            .round($Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Data"][$Key],
+                            2
+                        );
+                        if ($RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".floor($PlotSize+$BorderSize),
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                                    $Series["Color"]["R"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["G"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["B"]
+                                ),
+                                $Description,
+                                $RealValue
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if( isset($Series["Shape"]) ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawShape(
+                                $X,
+                                $Y,
+                                $Series["Shape"],
+                                $PlotSize,
+                                $PlotBorder,
+                                $BorderSize,
+                                $Series["Color"]["R"],
+                                $Series["Color"]["G"],
+                                $Series["Color"]["B"],
+                                $Series["Color"]["Alpha"],
+                                $BorderR,
+                                $BorderG,
+                                $BorderB,
+                                $BorderAlpha
+                            );                             
+                        } elseif ( $Picture == null ) {
+                            if ( $PlotBorder ) { 
+                                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$PlotSize+$BorderSize,$BorderColor);
+                            }
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$PlotSize,$Color);
+                        } else { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->drawFromPicture($PicType,$Picture,$X-$PicWidth/2,$Y-$PicHeight/2);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a scatter line chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawScatterLineChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $Data		= $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette	= $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapTitle	= isset($Format["ImageMapTitle"]) ? $Format["ImageMapTitle"] : null;
+        $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 10;
+        $ImageMapPrecision = isset($Format["ImageMapPrecision"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPrecision"] : 2;
+        /* Parse all the series to draw */
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                $SerieX = $Series["X"]; 
+                $SerieValuesX = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieXAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Axis"];
+                $SerieY = $Series["Y"]; 
+                $SerieValuesY = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieYAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Axis"];
+                $Ticks  = $Series["Ticks"];
+                $Weight = $Series["Weight"];
+                if ($ImageMapTitle == null ) { 
+                    $Description = $Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Description"]
+                                 ." / ".$Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Description"];
+                } else { 
+                    $Description = $ImageMapTitle;
+                }
+                $PosArrayX = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesX,$SerieXAxis);
+                if (!is_array($PosArrayX) ) { 
+                    $Value = $PosArrayX; 
+                    $PosArrayX = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayX[0] = $Value;
+                }
+                $PosArrayY = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesY,$SerieYAxis);
+                if (!is_array($PosArrayY) ) { 
+                    $Value = $PosArrayY; 
+                    $PosArrayY = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayY[0] = $Value;
+                }
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$Series["Color"]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Series["Color"]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Series["Color"]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Series["Color"]["Alpha"]
+                );
+                if ( $Ticks != 0 )  { 
+                    $Color["Ticks"]  = $Ticks;                     
+                }
+                if ( $Weight != 0 ) { 
+                    $Color["Weight"] = $Weight;
+                }
+                $LastX = VOID; $LastY = VOID;
+                foreach($PosArrayX as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $X = $Value; $Y = $PosArrayY[$Key];
+                    if ( $X != VOID && $Y != VOID ) {
+                        $RealValue = round($Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Data"][$Key],2)
+                                   ." / ".round($Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Data"][$Key],2);
+                        if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                                    $Series["Color"]["R"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["G"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["B"]
+                                ),
+                                $Description,
+                                $RealValue
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $X != VOID && $Y != VOID && $LastX != VOID && $LastY != VOID) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($LastX,$LastY,$X,$Y,$Color);
+                    }
+                    $LastX = $X; $LastY = $Y;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a scatter spline chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawScatterSplineChart($Format=null)
+    {
+        $Data		= $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette	= $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapTitle	= isset($Format["ImageMapTitle"]) ? $Format["ImageMapTitle"] : null;
+        $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 10;
+        $ImageMapPrecision = isset($Format["ImageMapPrecision"]) ? $Format["ImageMapPrecision"] : 2;
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                $SerieX = $Series["X"]; 
+                $SerieValuesX = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieXAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Axis"];
+                $SerieY = $Series["Y"]; 
+                $SerieValuesY = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieYAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Axis"];
+                $Ticks  = $Series["Ticks"];
+                $Weight = $Series["Weight"];
+                if ( $ImageMapTitle == null ) { 
+                    $Description = $Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Description"]
+                                 ." / ".$Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Description"];                     
+                } else {
+                    $Description = $ImageMapTitle;
+                }
+                $PosArrayX = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesX,$SerieXAxis);
+                if ( !is_array($PosArrayX) ) {
+                    $Value = $PosArrayX; 
+                    $PosArrayX = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayX[0] = $Value;
+                }
+                $PosArrayY = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesY,$SerieYAxis);
+                if ( !is_array($PosArrayY) ) { 
+                    $Value = $PosArrayY; 
+                    $PosArrayY = ""; 
+                    $PosArrayY[0] = $Value;                     
+                }
+                $SplineSettings = array(
+                    "R"=>$Series["Color"]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Series["Color"]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Series["Color"]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Series["Color"]["Alpha"]
+                );
+                if ($Ticks != 0)  { 
+                    $SplineSettings["Ticks"]  = $Ticks;
+                }
+                if ($Weight != 0) { 
+                    $SplineSettings["Weight"] = $Weight;
+                }
+                $LastX = VOID; 
+                $LastY = VOID; 
+                $WayPoints = ""; 
+                $Forces = "";
+                foreach($PosArrayX as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $X = $Value; $Y = $PosArrayY[$Key];
+                    $Force = $this->pChartObject->getLength($LastX,$LastY,$X,$Y)/5;
+                    if ( $X != VOID && $Y != VOID ) {
+                        $RealValue = round($Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Data"][$Key],2)
+                                   ." / ".round($Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Data"][$Key],2);
+                        if ($RecordImageMap) { 
+                            $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                                "CIRCLE",
+                                floor($X).",".floor($Y).",".$ImageMapPlotSize,
+                                $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor(
+                                    $Series["Color"]["R"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["G"],
+                                    $Series["Color"]["B"]
+                                ),
+                                $Description,
+                                $RealValue
+                            );                             
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $X != VOID && $Y != VOID ) { 
+                        $WayPoints[] = array($X,$Y); 
+                        $Forces[] = $Force;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y == VOID || $X == VOID ) { 
+                        $SplineSettings["Forces"] = $Forces; 
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawSpline($WayPoints,$SplineSettings); 
+                        $WayPoints = ""; 
+                        $Forces = "";                        
+                    }
+                    $LastX = $X; 
+                    $LastY = $Y;
+                }
+                $SplineSettings["Forces"] = $Forces; 
+                $this->pChartObject->drawSpline($WayPoints,$SplineSettings);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the scaled plot position
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $AxisID
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getPosArray($Values,$AxisID)
+    {
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        if ( !is_array($Values) ) { 
+            $Values = array($Values);             
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+            $Height = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 
+                    - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) 
+                    - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]*2;
+            $ScaleHeight = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] 
+                         - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
+            $Step        = $Height / $ScaleHeight;
+            $Result = "";
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                if ( $Value == VOID ) {
+                    $Result[] = VOID;
+                } else {
+                    $Result[] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 
+                              + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                              + ($Step * ($Value-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));
+                }
+            }
+            if ( count($Result) == 1 ) { 
+                return($Result[0]);
+            } else {
+                return($Result);
+            }
+        } else {
+            $Height = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 
+                    - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) 
+                    - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]*2;
+            $ScaleHeight = $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
+            $Step        = $Height / $ScaleHeight;
+            $Result = "";
+            foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) {
+                if ( $Value == VOID ) {
+                    $Result[] = VOID;
+                } else {
+                    $Result[] = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 
+                              - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] 
+                              - ($Step * ($Value-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));
+                }
+            }
+            if ( count($Result) == 1 ) { 
+                return($Result[0]);
+            } else {
+                return($Result);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the legend of the active series
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawScatterLegend($X,$Y,$Format="")
+    {
+        $Family		= isset($Format["Family"]) ? $Format["Family"] : LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX;
+        $FontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $FontR		= isset($Format["FontR"]) ? $Format["FontR"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorR;
+        $FontG		= isset($Format["FontG"]) ? $Format["FontG"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorG;
+        $FontB		= isset($Format["FontB"]) ? $Format["FontB"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
+        $BoxWidth	= isset($Format["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format["BoxWidth"] : 5;
+        $BoxHeight	= isset($Format["BoxHeight"]) ? $Format["BoxHeight"] : 5;
+        $IconAreaWidth	= isset($Format["IconAreaWidth"]) ? $Format["IconAreaWidth"] : $BoxWidth;
+        $IconAreaHeight	= isset($Format["IconAreaHeight"]) ? $Format["IconAreaHeight"] : $BoxHeight;
+        $XSpacing	= isset($Format["XSpacing"]) ? $Format["XSpacing"] : 5;
+        $Margin		= isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 200;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 200;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 200;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Style		= isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
+        $Mode		= isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
+        }
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true && isset($Series["Picture"])) {
+                list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->pChartObject->getPicInfo($Series["Picture"]);
+                if ( $IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth ) { 
+                    $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth;
+                }
+                if ( $IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight ) {
+                    $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $YStep = max($this->pChartObject->FontSize,$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+        $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
+        $XStep = $XSpacing;
+        $Boundaries = ""; 
+        $Boundaries["L"] = $X; 
+        $Boundaries["T"] = $Y; 
+        $Boundaries["R"] = 0; 
+        $Boundaries["B"] = 0; 
+        $vY = $Y; 
+        $vX = $X;
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                        $vX+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                        $vY+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                        $FontName,
+                        $FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $Series["Description"]
+                    );
+                    if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    $vY = $vY + max($this->pChartObject->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                            $vX+$IconAreaWidth+6,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->pChartObject->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $FontName,
+                            $FontSize,
+                            0,
+                            $Value
+                        );
+                        if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                             
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;
+                        }
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $vX=max($Width)+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $vY=$vY-$YStep; $vX=$vX-$XStep;
+        $TopOffset  = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
+        if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$IconAreaHeight) < $TopOffset ) { 
+            $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$IconAreaHeight+$TopOffset;
+        }
+        if ( $Style == LEGEND_ROUND ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->drawRoundedFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,
+                $Margin,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+            );
+        } elseif ( $Style == LEGEND_BOX ) {
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $Boundaries["L"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["T"]-$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["R"]+$Margin,
+                $Boundaries["B"]+$Margin,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"BorderR"=>$BorderR,"BorderG"=>$BorderG,"BorderB"=>$BorderB)
+            );
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        $this->Shadow = false;
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                $R = $Series["Color"]["R"]; 
+                $G = $Series["Color"]["G"]; 
+                $B = $Series["Color"]["B"];
+                $Ticks = $Series["Ticks"]; 
+                $Weight = $Series["Weight"];
+                if ( isset($Series["Picture"]) ) {
+                    $Picture = $Series["Picture"];
+                    list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->pChartObject->getPicInfo($Picture);
+                    $PicX = $X+$IconAreaWidth/2; $PicY = $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2; 
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFromPNG($PicX-$PicWidth/2,$PicY-$PicHeight/2,$Picture);
+                } else {
+                    if ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX ) {
+                        if ( $BoxWidth != $IconAreaWidth ) { 
+                            $XOffset = floor(($IconAreaWidth-$BoxWidth)/2);
+                        } else {
+                            $XOffset = 0;                                 
+                        }
+                        if ( $BoxHeight != $IconAreaHeight ) { 
+                            $YOffset = floor(($IconAreaHeight-$BoxHeight)/2);
+                        } else { 
+                            $YOffset = 0;                                 
+                        }
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $X+1+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+1+$YOffset,
+                            $X+$BoxWidth+$XOffset+1,
+                            $Y+$BoxHeight+1+$YOffset,
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20)
+                        );
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                            $X+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+$YOffset,
+                            $X+$BoxWidth+$XOffset,
+                            $Y+$BoxHeight+$YOffset,
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Surrounding"=>20)
+                        );
+                    } elseif ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_CIRCLE ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                            $X+1+$IconAreaWidth/2,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            min($IconAreaHeight/2,$IconAreaWidth/2),
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20)
+                        );
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth/2,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            min($IconAreaHeight/2,$IconAreaWidth/2),
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Surrounding"=>20)
+                        );
+                    } elseif ( $Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $X+1,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            $X+1+$IconAreaWidth,
+                            $Y+1+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>20,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                        );
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                            $X,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                            array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->pChartObject->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $Value,array("R"=>$FontR,"G"=>$FontG,"B"=>$FontB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT)
+                        );
+                    }
+                    $Y=$Y+max($this->pChartObject->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                            $X+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->pChartObject->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $Value,array("R"=>$FontR,"G"=>$FontG,"B"=>$FontB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT)
+                        );
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $X=max($Width)+2+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the legend box size
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getScatterLegendSize($Format="")
+    {
+        $FontName	= isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
+        $FontSize	= isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
+        $BoxSize	= isset($Format["BoxSize"]) ? $Format["BoxSize"] : 5;
+        $Margin         = isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
+        $Style          = isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
+        $Mode           = isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
+        $YStep = max($this->pChartObject->FontSize,$BoxSize) + 5;
+        $XStep = $BoxSize + 5;
+        $X=100; $Y=100;
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true && isset($Series["Picture"])) {
+                list($PicWidth,$PicHeight) = $this->pChartObject->getPicInfo($Series["Picture"]);
+                if ( $IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth ) { 
+                    $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth;                     
+                }
+                if ( $IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight ) { 
+                    $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $YStep = max($this->pChartObject->FontSize,$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+        $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
+        $XStep = $XSpacing;
+        $Boundaries = ""; 
+        $Boundaries["L"] = $X; 
+        $Boundaries["T"] = $Y; 
+        $Boundaries["R"] = 0; 
+        $Boundaries["B"] = 0; 
+        $vY = $Y; 
+        $vX = $X;
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL ) {
+                    $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                        $vX+$IconAreaWidth+4,
+                        $vY+$IconAreaHeight/2,
+                        $FontName,
+                        $FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $Series["Description"]
+                    );
+                    if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                        $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) {
+                        $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;                         
+                    }
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    $vY = $vY + max($this->pChartObject->FontSize*count($Lines),$IconAreaHeight) + 5;
+                } elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL ) {
+                    $Lines = preg_split("/\n/",$Series["Description"]);
+                    $Width = "";
+                    foreach($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
+                        $BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                            $vX+$IconAreaWidth+6,
+                            $Y+$IconAreaHeight/2+(($this->pChartObject->FontSize+3)*$Key),
+                            $FontName,
+                            $FontSize,
+                            0,
+                            $Value
+                        );
+                        if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$IconAreaHeight/2;                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2;                           
+                        }
+                        if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2 ) { 
+                            $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$IconAreaHeight/2;
+                        }
+                        $Width[] = $BoxArray[1]["X"];
+                    }
+                    $vX=max($Width)+$XStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $vY=$vY-$YStep; 
+        $vX=$vX-$XStep;
+        $TopOffset  = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
+        if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$BoxSize) < $TopOffset ) {
+            $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$BoxSize+$TopOffset;
+        }
+        $Width  = ($Boundaries["R"]+$Margin) - ($Boundaries["L"]-$Margin);
+        $Height = ($Boundaries["B"]+$Margin) - ($Boundaries["T"]-$Margin);
+        return(array("Width"=>$Width,"Height"=>$Height));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the line of best fit
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawScatterBestFit($Format="")
+    {
+        $Ticks	= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : 0;
+        $Data   = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        foreach($Data["ScatterSeries"] as $Key => $Series) {
+            if ( $Series["isDrawable"] == true ) {
+                $SerieX = $Series["X"]; 
+                $SerieValuesX = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieXAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Axis"];
+                $SerieY = $Series["Y"]; 
+                $SerieValuesY = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Data"]; 
+                $SerieYAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Axis"];
+                $Color = array(
+                    "R"=>$Series["Color"]["R"],
+                    "G"=>$Series["Color"]["G"],
+                    "B"=>$Series["Color"]["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$Series["Color"]["Alpha"]
+                );
+                $Color["Ticks"] = $Ticks;
+                $PosArrayX = $Data["Series"][$Series["X"]]["Data"];
+                $PosArrayY = $Data["Series"][$Series["Y"]]["Data"];
+                $Sxy = 0; 
+                $Sx = 0; 
+                $Sy = 0; 
+                $Sxx = 0;
+                foreach($PosArrayX as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $X = $Value; 
+                    $Y = $PosArrayY[$Key];
+                    $Sxy = $Sxy + $X*$Y;
+                    $Sx  = $Sx + $X;
+                    $Sy  = $Sy + $Y;
+                    $Sxx = $Sxx + $X*$X;
+                }
+                $n = count($PosArrayX);
+                if ((($n*$Sxx) == ($Sx*$Sx))) {
+                    $X1 = $this->getPosArray($Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["ScaleMin"],$SerieXAxis);
+                    $X2 = $X1;
+                    $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;
+                    $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2;
+                } else {
+                    $M = (($n*$Sxy)-($Sx*$Sy)) / (($n*$Sxx)-($Sx*$Sx));
+                    $B = (($Sy)-($M*$Sx))/($n);
+                    $X1 = $this->getPosArray($Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["ScaleMin"],$SerieXAxis);
+                    $Y1 = $this->getPosArray($M * $Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["ScaleMin"] + $B,$SerieYAxis);
+                    $X2 = $this->getPosArray($Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["ScaleMax"],$SerieXAxis);
+                    $Y2 = $this->getPosArray($M * $Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["ScaleMax"] + $B,$SerieYAxis);
+                    $RealM = -($Y2-$Y1)/($X2-$X1);
+                    if ( $Y1 < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                        $X1 = $X1 + ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-$Y1/$RealM); 
+                        $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y1 > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                        $X1 = $X1 + ($Y1-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2)/$RealM; 
+                        $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y2 < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 ) { 
+                        $X2 = $X2 - ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-$Y2)/$RealM; 
+                        $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Y2 > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                        $X2 = $X2 - ($Y2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2)/$RealM; 
+                        $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2;
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $ScatterSerieID
+     * @param type $Points
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function writeScatterLabel($ScatterSerieID,$Points,$Format="")
+    {
+        $OverrideTitle	= isset($Format["OverrideTitle"]) ? $Format["OverrideTitle"] : null;
+        $DrawPoint	= isset($Format["DrawPoint"]) ? $Format["DrawPoint"] : LABEL_POINT_BOX;
+        $Decimals	= isset($Format["Decimals"]) ? $Format["Decimals"] : null;
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        if ( !is_array($Points) ) { 
+            $Point = $Points; 
+            $Points = ""; 
+            $Points[0] = $Point;
+        }
+        if ( !isset($Data["ScatterSeries"][$ScatterSerieID]) ) {
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $Series = $Data["ScatterSeries"][$ScatterSerieID];
+        $SerieX = $Series["X"]; 
+        $SerieValuesX = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Data"]; 
+        $SerieXAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieX]["Axis"];
+        $SerieY = $Series["Y"]; 
+        $SerieValuesY = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Data"]; 
+        $SerieYAxis = $Data["Series"][$SerieY]["Axis"];
+        $PosArrayX = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesX,$SerieXAxis);
+        if ( !is_array($PosArrayX) ) { 
+            $Value = $PosArrayX; 
+            $PosArrayX = ""; 
+            $PosArrayX[0] = $Value;             
+        }
+        $PosArrayY = $this->getPosArray($SerieValuesY,$SerieYAxis);
+        if ( !is_array($PosArrayY) ) {
+            $Value = $PosArrayY; 
+            $PosArrayY = ""; 
+            $PosArrayY[0] = $Value;             
+        }
+        foreach($Points as $Key => $Point) {
+            if ( isset($PosArrayX[$Point]) && isset($PosArrayY[$Point]) ) {
+                $X = floor($PosArrayX[$Point]);
+                $Y = floor($PosArrayY[$Point]);
+                if ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                        $X,
+                        $Y,
+                        3,
+                        array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255,"BorderR"=>0,"BorderG"=>0,"BorderB"=>0)
+                    );
+                } elseif ( $DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X-2,
+                        $Y-2,
+                        $X+2,
+                        $Y+2,
+                        array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255,"BorderR"=>0,"BorderG"=>0,"BorderB"=>0)
+                    );
+                }
+                $Serie = "";
+                $Serie["R"] = $Series["Color"]["R"];
+                $Serie["G"] = $Series["Color"]["G"];
+                $Serie["B"] = $Series["Color"]["B"];
+                $Serie["Alpha"] = $Series["Color"]["Alpha"];
+                $XAxisMode   = $Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["Display"];
+                $XAxisFormat = $Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["Format"];
+                $XAxisUnit   = $Data["Axis"][$SerieXAxis]["Unit"];
+                if ( $Decimals == null ) { 
+                    $XValue = $SerieValuesX[$Point];
+                } else {
+                    $XValue = round($SerieValuesX[$Point],$Decimals);
+                }
+                $XValue      = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat($XValue,$XAxisMode,$XAxisFormat,$XAxisUnit);
+                $YAxisMode   = $Data["Axis"][$SerieYAxis]["Display"];
+                $YAxisFormat = $Data["Axis"][$SerieYAxis]["Format"];
+                $YAxisUnit   = $Data["Axis"][$SerieYAxis]["Unit"];
+                if ( $Decimals == null ) { 
+                    $YValue  = $SerieValuesY[$Point];                     
+                } else { 
+                    $YValue  = round($SerieValuesY[$Point],$Decimals);
+                }
+                $YValue      = $this->pChartObject->scaleFormat($YValue,$YAxisMode,$YAxisFormat,$YAxisUnit);
+                $Caption = $XValue." / ".$YValue;
+                if ( isset($Series["Description"]) ) {
+                    $Description = $Series["Description"];
+                } else {
+                    $Description = "No description";
+                }
+                $Series = "";
+                $Series[] = array("Format"=>$Serie,"Caption"=>$Caption);
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLabelBox($X,$Y-3,$Description,$Series,$Format);
+           }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a Scatter threshold
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawScatterThreshold($Value,$Format="")
+    {
+        $AxisID		= isset($Format["AxisID"]) ? $Format["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 50;
+        $Weight		= isset($Format["Weight"]) ? $Format["Weight"] : null;
+        $Ticks		= isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : 3;
+        $Wide		= isset($Format["Wide"]) ? $Format["Wide"] : false;
+        $WideFactor	= isset($Format["WideFactor"]) ? $Format["WideFactor"] : 5;
+        $WriteCaption	= isset($Format["WriteCaption"]) ? $Format["WriteCaption"] : false;
+        $Caption	= isset($Format["Caption"]) ? $Format["Caption"] : null;
+        $CaptionAlign	= isset($Format["CaptionAlign"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlign"] : CAPTION_LEFT_TOP;
+        $CaptionOffset  = isset($Format["CaptionOffset"]) ? $Format["CaptionOffset"] : 10;
+        $CaptionR	= isset($Format["CaptionR"]) ? $Format["CaptionR"] : 255;
+        $CaptionG	= isset($Format["CaptionG"]) ? $Format["CaptionG"] : 255;
+        $CaptionB	= isset($Format["CaptionB"]) ? $Format["CaptionB"] : 255;
+        $CaptionAlpha	= isset($Format["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DrawBox	= isset($Format["DrawBox"]) ? $Format["DrawBox"] : true;
+        $DrawBoxBorder	= isset($Format["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format["DrawBoxBorder"] : false;
+        $BorderOffset	= isset($Format["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format["BorderOffset"] : 5;
+        $BoxRounded	= isset($Format["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format["BoxRounded"] : true;
+        $RoundedRadius	= isset($Format["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
+        $BoxR		= isset($Format["BoxR"]) ? $Format["BoxR"] : 0;
+        $BoxG		= isset($Format["BoxG"]) ? $Format["BoxG"] : 0;
+        $BoxB		= isset($Format["BoxB"]) ? $Format["BoxB"] : 0;
+        $BoxAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxAlpha"] : 20;
+        $BoxSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
+        $BoxBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
+        $BoxBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $CaptionSettings = array(
+           "DrawBox"=>$DrawBox,
+           "DrawBoxBorder"=>$DrawBoxBorder,
+           "BorderOffset"=>$BorderOffset,
+           "BoxRounded"=>$BoxRounded,
+           "RoundedRadius"=>$RoundedRadius,
+           "BoxR"=>$BoxR,
+           "BoxG"=>$BoxG,
+           "BoxB"=>$BoxB,
+           "BoxAlpha"=>$BoxAlpha,
+           "BoxSurrounding"=>$BoxSurrounding,
+           "BoxBorderR"=>$BoxBorderR,
+           "BoxBorderG"=>$BoxBorderG,
+           "BoxBorderB"=>$BoxBorderB,
+           "BoxBorderAlpha"=>$BoxBorderAlpha,
+           "R"=>$CaptionR,
+           "G"=>$CaptionG,
+           "B"=>$CaptionB,
+           "Alpha"=>$CaptionAlpha
+        );
+        if ( $Caption == null ) { 
+            $Caption = $Value;             
+        }
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]) ) { 
+            return(-1);             
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] == AXIS_Y ) {
+            $X1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $X2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $Y  = $this->getPosArray($Value,$AxisID);
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                $X1,
+                $Y,
+                $X2,
+                $Y,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+            );
+            if ( $Wide ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y-1,
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y-1,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y+1,
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y+1,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $WriteCaption ) {
+                if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                    $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] + $CaptionOffset; 
+                    $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;                     
+                } else  { 
+                    $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] - $CaptionOffset; 
+                    $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;               
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X,$Y,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+            }
+            return(array("Y"=>$Y));
+        } elseif ( $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+            $X  = $this->getPosArray($Value,$AxisID);
+            $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                $X,
+                $Y1,
+                $X,
+                $Y2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks,"Weight"=>$Weight)
+            );
+            if ( $Wide ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X-1,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $X-1,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X+1,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $X+1,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha/$WideFactor,"Ticks"=>$Ticks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $WriteCaption ) {
+                if ( $CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP ) { 
+                    $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] + $CaptionOffset; 
+                    $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;                     
+                } else { 
+                    $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] - $CaptionOffset; 
+                    $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                }
+                $CaptionSettings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText($X,$Y,$Caption,$CaptionSettings);
+            }
+            return(array("X"=>$X));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a Scatter threshold area
+     * @param type $Value1
+     * @param type $Value2
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawScatterThresholdArea($Value1,$Value2,$Format="")
+    {
+        $AxisID	= isset($Format["AxisID"]) ? $Format["AxisID"] : 0;
+        $R	= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 255;
+        $G	= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B	= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha	= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 20;
+        $Border    = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : true;
+        $BorderR   = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : $R;
+        $BorderG   = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : $G;
+        $BorderB   = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : $B;
+        $BorderAlpha = isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha + 20;
+        $BorderTicks = isset($Format["BorderTicks"]) ? $Format["BorderTicks"] : 2;
+        $AreaName = isset($Format["AreaName"]) ? $Format["AreaName"] : "La ouate de phoque"; //null;
+        $NameAngle = isset($Format["NameAngle"]) ? $Format["NameAngle"] : ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO;
+        $NameR	= isset($Format["NameR"]) ? $Format["NameR"] : 255;
+        $NameG	= isset($Format["NameG"]) ? $Format["NameG"] : 255;
+        $NameB	= isset($Format["NameB"]) ? $Format["NameB"] : 255;
+        $NameAlpha  = isset($Format["NameAlpha"]) ? $Format["NameAlpha"] : 100;
+        $DisableShadowOnArea = isset($Format["DisableShadowOnArea"]) ? $Format["DisableShadowOnArea"] : true;
+        if ($Value1 > $Value2) { 
+            list($Value1, $Value2) = array($Value2, $Value1);             
+        }
+        $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
+        if ( $DisableShadowOnArea && $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) { 
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;             
+        }
+        if ($BorderAlpha >100) { 
+            $BorderAlpha = 100;            
+        }
+        $Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        if ( !isset($Data["Axis"][$AxisID]) ) { 
+            return(-1);
+        }
+        if ( $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] == AXIS_X ) {
+            $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $X1  = $this->getPosArray($Value1,$AxisID);
+            $X2  = $this->getPosArray($Value2,$AxisID);
+            if ( $X1 <= $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 ) { 
+                $X1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            }
+            if ( $X2 >= $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 ) { 
+                $X2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $X1,
+                $Y1,
+                $X2,
+                $Y2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ( $Border ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+                $YPos = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;
+                if ( $NameAngle == ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO ) {
+                    $TxtPos   = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox(
+                        $XPos,
+                        $YPos,
+                        $this->pChartObject->FontName,
+                        $this->pChartObject->FontSize,
+                        0,
+                        $AreaName
+                    );
+                    $TxtWidth = $TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"];
+                    if ( abs($X2 - $X1) > $TxtWidth ) { 
+                        $NameAngle = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        $NameAngle = 90;
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                    $XPos,
+                    $YPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array(
+                        "R"=>$NameR,
+                        "G"=>$NameG,
+                        "B"=>$NameB,
+                        "Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,
+                        "Angle"=>$NameAngle,
+                        "Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE
+                    )
+                );
+                if ( $DisableShadowOnArea ) { 
+                    $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("X1"=>$X1,"X2"=>$X2));
+        } elseif ( $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] == AXIS_Y ) {
+            $X1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $X2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            $Y1 = $this->getPosArray($Value1,$AxisID);
+            $Y2 = $this->getPosArray($Value2,$AxisID);
+            if ( $Y1 >= $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 ) { 
+                $Y1 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];                 
+            }
+            if ( $Y2 <= $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 ) {
+                $Y2 = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+$Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                $X1,
+                $Y1,
+                $X2,
+                $Y2,
+                array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha)
+            );
+            if ( $Border ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y1,
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y1,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+                $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                    $X1,
+                    $Y2,
+                    $X2,
+                    $Y2,
+                    array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha,"Ticks"=>$BorderTicks)
+                );
+            }
+            if ( $AreaName != null ) {
+                $XPos = ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+                $YPos = ($Y2-$Y1)/2 + $Y1;
+                $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawText(
+                    $YPos,
+                    $XPos,
+                    $AreaName,
+                    array("R"=>$NameR,"G"=>$NameG,"B"=>$NameB,"Alpha"=>$NameAlpha,"Angle"=>0,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE)
+                );
+                if ( $DisableShadowOnArea ) { 
+                    $this->Shadow = false;                     
+                }
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+            return(array("Y1"=>$Y1,"Y2"=>$Y2));
+        }
+    }

+ 143 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pSplit - class to draw spline splitted charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pSplit
+    public $pChartObject;
+    /**
+     * Create the encoded string
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param type $Values
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawSplitPath($Object,$Values,$Format="")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $Spacing	= isset($Format["Spacing"]) ? $Format["Spacing"] : 20;
+        $TextPadding	= isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 2;
+        $TextPos	= isset($Format["TextPos"]) ? $Format["TextPos"] : TEXT_POS_TOP;
+        $Surrounding    = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : null;
+        $Force		= isset($Format["Force"]) ? $Format["Force"] : 70;
+        $Segments	= isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 15;
+        $FontSize	= $Object->FontSize;
+        $X1		= $Object->GraphAreaX1;
+        $Y1		= $Object->GraphAreaY1;
+        $X2		= $Object->GraphAreaX2;
+        $Y2		= $Object->GraphAreaY2;
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $Values->getData();
+        $Palette = $Values->getPalette();
+        $LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
+        $DataSerie  = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Value) { 
+            if ( $SerieName != $LabelSerie && $DataSerie == "" ) { 
+                $DataSerie = $SerieName;                 
+            }                 
+        }
+        $DataSerieSum   = array_sum($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);
+        $DataSerieCount = count($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);
+        /* Scale Processing */
+        if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) {
+            $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - (($DataSerieCount+1)*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
+        } else {
+            $YScale = (($Y2-$Y1) - ($DataSerieCount*$Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
+        }
+        $LeftHeight = $DataSerieSum * $YScale;
+        /* Re-compute graph width depending of the text mode choosen */
+        if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) {
+            $MaxWidth = 0;
+            foreach($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Label) {
+                $Boundardies = $Object->getTextBox(0,0,$Object->FontName,$Object->FontSize,0,$Label);
+                if ( $Boundardies[1]["X"] > $MaxWidth ) { 
+                    $MaxWidth = $Boundardies[1]["X"] + $TextPadding*2;                     
+                }
+            }
+            $X2 = $X2 - $MaxWidth;
+        }
+        /* Drawing */
+        $LeftY    = ((($Y2-$Y1) / 2) + $Y1) - ($LeftHeight/2);
+        $RightY   = $Y1;
+        $VectorX  = (($X2-$X1) / 2);
+        foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+            if ( isset($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key]) ) {
+                $Label = $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key];
+            } else {
+                $Label = "-";
+            }
+            $LeftY1 = $LeftY;
+            $LeftY2 = $LeftY + $Value * $YScale;
+            $RightY1 = $RightY + $Spacing;
+            $RightY2 = $RightY + $Spacing + $Value * $YScale;
+            $Settings = array(
+                "R"=>$Palette[$Key]["R"],
+                "G"=>$Palette[$Key]["G"],
+                "B"=>$Palette[$Key]["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Palette[$Key]["Alpha"],
+                "NoDraw"=>true,
+                "Segments"=>$Segments,
+                "Surrounding"=>$Surrounding
+            );
+            $PolyGon = "";
+            $Angle    = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY1,$X1,$LeftY1);
+            $VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+            $VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1;
+            $VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 + $X1;
+            $VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($RightY1-$LeftY1)/2 + $LeftY1;
+            $Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1,$LeftY1,$X2,$RightY1,$VectorX1,$VectorY1,$VectorX2,$VectorY2,$Settings);
+            foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) { 
+                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"]; 
+                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"];                 
+            }
+            $Angle    = $Object->getAngle($X2,$RightY2,$X1,$LeftY2);
+            $VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 +$X1;
+            $VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle+90)) * $Force + ($RightY2-$LeftY2)/2 + $LeftY2;
+            $VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($X2-$X1)/2 +$X1;
+            $VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90)) * $Force + ($RightY2-$LeftY2)/2 + $LeftY2;
+            $Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1,$LeftY2,$X2,$RightY2,$VectorX1,$VectorY1,$VectorX2,$VectorY2,$Settings);
+            $Points = array_reverse($Points);
+            foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) { 
+                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"]; 
+                $PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"];                 
+            }
+            $Object->drawPolygon($PolyGon,$Settings);
+            if ( $TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT ) {
+                $Object->drawText($X2+$TextPadding,($RightY2-$RightY1)/2+$RightY1,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));
+            } else {
+                $Object->drawText($X2,$RightY1-$TextPadding,$Label,array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT));
+            }
+            $LeftY  = $LeftY2;
+            $RightY = $RightY2;
+        }
+    }

+ 1051 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pSpring - class to draw spring graphs
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+     You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pSpring
+    public $History;
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $Data;
+    public $Links;
+    public $X1;
+    public $Y1;
+    public $X2;
+    public $Y2;
+    public $AutoComputeFreeZone;
+    public $Labels;
+    /**
+     * Class creator
+     */
+    public function __construct()
+    {
+        /* Initialise data arrays */
+        $this->Data = "";
+        $this->Links = "";
+        /* Set nodes defaults */
+        $this->Default["R"]                 = 255;
+        $this->Default["G"]                 = 255;
+        $this->Default["B"]                 = 255;
+        $this->Default["Alpha"]             = 100;
+        $this->Default["BorderR"]           = 0;
+        $this->Default["BorderG"]           = 0;
+        $this->Default["BorderB"]           = 0;
+        $this->Default["BorderAlpha"]       = 100;
+        $this->Default["Surrounding"]       = null;
+        $this->Default["BackgroundR"]       = 255;
+        $this->Default["BackgroundG"]       = 255;
+        $this->Default["BackgroundB"]       = 255;
+        $this->Default["BackgroundAlpha"]   = 0;
+        $this->Default["Force"]             = 1;
+        $this->Default["NodeType"]          = NODE_TYPE_FREE;
+        $this->Default["Size"]              = 5;
+        $this->Default["Shape"]             = NODE_SHAPE_CIRCLE;
+        $this->Default["FreeZone"]          = 40;
+        $this->Default["LinkR"]             = 0;
+        $this->Default["LinkG"]             = 0;
+        $this->Default["LinkB"]             = 0;
+        $this->Default["LinkAlpha"]         = 0;
+        $this->Labels["Type"]               = LABEL_CLASSIC;
+        $this->Labels["R"]                  = 0;
+        $this->Labels["G"]                  = 0;
+        $this->Labels["B"]                  = 0;
+        $this->Labels["Alpha"]              = 100;
+        $this->AutoComputeFreeZone         = false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set default links options
+     * @param type $Settings
+     */
+    public function setLinkDefaults($Settings="")
+    {
+        if ( isset($Settings["R"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["LinkR"] = $Settings["R"];             
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["G"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["LinkG"] = $Settings["G"];             
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["B"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["LinkB"] = $Settings["B"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["LinkAlpha"] = $Settings["Alpha"];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set default links options
+     * @param type $Settings
+     */
+    public function setLabelsSettings($Settings="")
+    {
+        if ( isset($Settings["Type"]) ) { 
+            $this->Labels["Type"] = $Settings["Type"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["R"]) ) { 
+            $this->Labels["R"] = $Settings["R"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["G"]) ) { 
+            $this->Labels["G"] = $Settings["G"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["B"]) ) { 
+            $this->Labels["B"] = $Settings["B"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ) { 
+            $this->Labels["Alpha"] = $Settings["Alpha"];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Auto compute the FreeZone size based on the number of connections
+     */
+    public function autoFreeZone()
+    {
+        /* Check connections reciprocity */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) { 
+                $this->Data[$Key]["FreeZone"] = count($Settings["Connections"])*10 + 20;
+            } else { 
+                $this->Data[$Key]["FreeZone"] = 20;                 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set link properties
+     * @param type $FromNode
+     * @param type $ToNode
+     * @param type $Settings
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function linkProperties($FromNode,$ToNode,$Settings)
+    {
+        if ( !isset($this->Data[$FromNode]) ) { 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        if ( !isset($this->Data[$ToNode]) ){ 
+            return(0);             
+        }
+        $R      = isset($Settings["R"]) ? $Settings["R"] : 0;
+        $G      = isset($Settings["G"]) ? $Settings["G"] : 0;
+        $B      = isset($Settings["B"]) ? $Settings["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha  = isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ? $Settings["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Name   = isset($Settings["Name"]) ? $Settings["Name"] : null;
+        $Ticks  = isset($Settings["Ticks"]) ? $Settings["Ticks"] : null;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["R"] = $R;         
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["R"] = $R;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["G"] = $G;         
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["G"] = $G;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["B"] = $B;         
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["B"] = $B;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["Alpha"] = $Alpha; 
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["Name"] = $Name;   
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["Name"] = $Name;
+        $this->Links[$FromNode][$ToNode]["Ticks"] = $Ticks; 
+        $this->Links[$ToNode][$FromNode]["Ticks"] = $Ticks;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $Settings
+     */
+    public function setNodeDefaults($Settings="")
+    {
+        if ( isset($Settings["R"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["R"] = $Settings["R"];             
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["G"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["G"] = $Settings["G"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["B"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["B"] = $Settings["B"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["Alpha"] = $Settings["Alpha"];            
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BorderR"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BorderR"]   = $Settings["BorderR"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BorderG"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BorderG"]   = $Settings["BorderG"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BorderB"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BorderB"]   = $Settings["BorderB"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BorderAlpha"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BorderAlpha"]   = $Settings["BorderAlpha"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Surrounding"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["Surrounding"]   = $Settings["Surrounding"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BackgroundR"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BackgroundR"]   = $Settings["BackgroundR"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BackgroundG"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BackgroundG"]   = $Settings["BackgroundG"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BackgroundB"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BackgroundB"]   = $Settings["BackgroundB"];             
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["BackgroundAlpha"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["BackgroundAlpha"]   = $Settings["BackgroundAlpha"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["NodeType"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["NodeType"]  = $Settings["NodeType"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Size"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["Size"]  = $Settings["Size"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["Shape"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["Shape"] = $Settings["Shape"];
+        }
+        if ( isset($Settings["FreeZone"]) ) { 
+            $this->Default["FreeZone"]  = $Settings["FreeZone"];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a node
+     * @param type $NodeID
+     * @param type $Settings
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function addNode($NodeID,$Settings="")
+    {
+        /* if the node already exists, ignore */
+        if (isset($this->Data[$NodeID])) { 
+            return(0);
+        }
+        $Name		= isset($Settings["Name"]) ? $Settings["Name"] : "Node ".$NodeID;
+        $Connections	= isset($Settings["Connections"]) ? $Settings["Connections"] : null;
+        $R		= isset($Settings["R"]) ? $Settings["R"] : $this->Default["R"];
+        $G		= isset($Settings["G"]) ? $Settings["G"] : $this->Default["G"];
+        $B		= isset($Settings["B"]) ? $Settings["B"] : $this->Default["B"];
+        $Alpha		= isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ? $Settings["Alpha"] : $this->Default["Alpha"];
+        $BorderR	= isset($Settings["BorderR"]) ? $Settings["BorderR"] : $this->Default["BorderR"];
+        $BorderG	= isset($Settings["BorderG"]) ? $Settings["BorderG"] : $this->Default["BorderG"];
+        $BorderB	= isset($Settings["BorderB"]) ? $Settings["BorderB"] : $this->Default["BorderB"];
+        $BorderAlpha	= isset($Settings["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Settings["BorderAlpha"] : $this->Default["BorderAlpha"];
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Settings["Surrounding"]) ? $Settings["Surrounding"] : $this->Default["Surrounding"];
+        $BackgroundR	= isset($Settings["BackgroundR"]) ? $Settings["BackgroundR"] : $this->Default["BackgroundR"];
+        $BackgroundG	= isset($Settings["BackgroundG"]) ? $Settings["BackgroundG"] : $this->Default["BackgroundG"];
+        $BackgroundB	= isset($Settings["BackgroundB"]) ? $Settings["BackgroundB"] : $this->Default["BackgroundB"];
+        $BackgroundAlpha = isset($Settings["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Settings["BackgroundAlpha"] : $this->Default["BackgroundAlpha"];
+        $Force		= isset($Settings["Force"]) ? $Settings["Force"] :  $this->Default["Force"];
+        $NodeType	= isset($Settings["NodeType"]) ? $Settings["NodeType"] : $this->Default["NodeType"];
+        $Size		= isset($Settings["Size"]) ? $Settings["Size"] : $this->Default["Size"];
+        $Shape		= isset($Settings["Shape"]) ? $Settings["Shape"] : $this->Default["Shape"];
+        $FreeZone	= isset($Settings["FreeZone"]) ? $Settings["FreeZone"] : $this->Default["FreeZone"];
+        if ( $Surrounding != null ) { 
+            $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; 
+            $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
+            $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;          
+        }
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["R"] = $R; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["G"] = $G; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["B"] = $B; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderR"] = $BorderR; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderG"] = $BorderG; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderB"] = $BorderB; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderAlpha"] = $BorderAlpha;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BackgroundR"]	= $BackgroundR; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BackgroundG"] = $BackgroundG; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BackgroundB"] = $BackgroundB; 
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["BackgroundAlpha"] = $BackgroundAlpha;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Name"]		= $Name;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Force"]		= $Force;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Type"]		= $NodeType;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Size"]		= $Size;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["Shape"]		= $Shape;
+        $this->Data[$NodeID]["FreeZone"]	= $FreeZone;
+        if ( $Connections != null ) {
+            if ( is_array($Connections ) ) {
+                foreach($Connections as $Key => $Value) {
+                    $this->Data[$NodeID]["Connections"][] = $Value;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->Data[$NodeID]["Connections"][] = $Connections;
+           }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set color attribute for a list of nodes
+     * @param type $Nodes
+     * @param type $Settings
+     */
+    public function setNodesColor($Nodes,$Settings="")
+    {
+        if ( is_array($Nodes) ) {
+            foreach ($Nodes as $Key => $NodeID) {
+                if (isset($this->Data[$NodeID]) ) {
+                    if ( isset($Settings["R"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["R"] = $Settings["R"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["G"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["G"] = $Settings["G"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["B"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["B"] = $Settings["B"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["Alpha"] = $Settings["Alpha"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["BorderR"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderR"] = $Settings["BorderR"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["BorderG"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderG"] = $Settings["BorderG"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["BorderB"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderB"] = $Settings["BorderB"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["BorderAlpha"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderAlpha"] = $Settings["BorderAlpha"]; }
+                    if ( isset($Settings["Surrounding"]) ) { $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderR"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["R"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderG"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["G"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderB"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["B"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; }
+                }
+           }
+        } else {
+            if ( isset($Settings["R"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["R"] = $Settings["R"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["G"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["G"] = $Settings["G"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["B"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["B"] = $Settings["B"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["Alpha"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["Alpha"] = $Settings["Alpha"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["BorderR"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["BorderR"] = $Settings["BorderR"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["BorderG"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["BorderG"] = $Settings["BorderG"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["BorderB"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["BorderB"] = $Settings["BorderB"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["BorderAlpha"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["BorderAlpha"] = $Settings["BorderAlpha"]; }
+            if ( isset($Settings["Surrounding"]) ) { $this->Data[$Nodes]["BorderR"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["R"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderG"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["G"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; $this->Data[$NodeID]["BorderB"] = $this->Data[$NodeID]["B"] + $Settings["Surrounding"]; }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns all the nodes details 
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function dumpNodes()
+    { 
+        return($this->Data);
+    }
+    /* Check if a connection exists and create it if required */
+    public function checkConnection($SourceID, $TargetID)
+    {
+        if ( isset($this->Data[$SourceID]["Connections"]) ) {
+            foreach ($this->Data[$SourceID]["Connections"] as $Key => $ConnectionID) { 
+                if ( $TargetID == $ConnectionID ) { 
+                    return true;                     
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->Data[$SourceID]["Connections"][] = $TargetID;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the median linked nodes position
+     * @param type $Key
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getMedianOffset($Key,$X,$Y)
+    {
+        $Cpt = 1;
+        if (isset($this->Data[$Key]["Connections"]) ) {
+            foreach($this->Data[$Key]["Connections"] as $ID => $NodeID) {
+                if (isset($this->Data[$NodeID]["X"]) 
+                    && isset($this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"])
+                ) {
+                    $X = $X + $this->Data[$NodeID]["X"];
+                    $Y = $Y + $this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"];
+                    $Cpt++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return(array("X"=>$X/$Cpt,"Y"=>$Y/$Cpt));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the ID of the attached partner with the biggest weight
+     * @param type $Key
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getBiggestPartner($Key)
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->Data[$Key]["Connections"]) ) { 
+            return("");             
+        }
+        $MaxWeight = 0; $Result = "";
+        foreach($this->Data[$Key]["Connections"] as $Key => $PeerID) {
+            if ( $this->Data[$PeerID]["Weight"] > $MaxWeight ) { 
+                $MaxWeight = $this->Data[$PeerID]["Weight"]; 
+                $Result = $PeerID;              
+            }
+        }
+        return($Result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Do the initial node positions computing pass
+     * @param type $Algorithm
+     */
+    public function firstPass($Algorithm)
+    {
+        $CenterX = ($this->X2 - $this->X1) / 2 + $this->X1;
+        $CenterY = ($this->Y2 - $this->Y1) / 2 + $this->Y1;
+        /* Check connections reciprocity */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                foreach($Settings["Connections"] as $ID => $ConnectionID) {
+                  $this->checkConnection($ConnectionID,$Key);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $this->AutoComputeFreeZone ) { 
+           $this->autoFreeZone();
+        }
+        /* Get the max number of connections */
+        $MaxConnections = 0;
+        foreach ($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) { 
+           if (isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) { 
+               if ($MaxConnections < count($Settings["Connections"] ) ) { 
+                   $MaxConnections = count($Settings["Connections"]);
+               }
+           }
+        }
+        if ( $Algorithm == ALGORITHM_WEIGHTED ) {
+            foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) { 
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $CenterX; 
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $CenterY;
+                }
+                if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_FREE ) {
+                    if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) { 
+                        $Connections = count($Settings["Connections"]);
+                    } else { 
+                        $Connections = 0;
+                    }
+                    $Ring  = $MaxConnections - $Connections;
+                    $Angle = rand(0,360);
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = cos(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring*$this->RingSize) + $CenterX;
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = sin(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring*$this->RingSize) + $CenterY;
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif ( $Algorithm == ALGORITHM_CENTRAL ) {
+            /* Put a weight on each nodes */
+            foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                  $this->Data[$Key]["Weight"] = count($Settings["Connections"]);
+                } else {
+                  $this->Data[$Key]["Weight"] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            $MaxConnections = $MaxConnections + 1;
+            for ($i=$MaxConnections;$i>=0;$i--) {
+                foreach ($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                    if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) { 
+                        $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $CenterX; 
+                        $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $CenterY;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_FREE ) {
+                        if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                            $Connections = count($Settings["Connections"]);
+                        } else { 
+                            $Connections = 0;                            
+                        }
+                        if ( $Connections == $i ) {
+                            $BiggestPartner = $this->getBiggestPartner($Key);
+                            if ( $BiggestPartner != "" ) {
+                                $Ring          = $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["FreeZone"];
+                                $Weight        = $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Weight"];
+                                $AngleDivision = 360 / $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Weight"];
+                                $Done          = false; $Tries = 0;
+                                while (!$Done && $Tries <= $Weight*2) {
+                                    $Tries++;
+                                    $Angle = floor(rand(0,$Weight)*$AngleDivision);
+                                    if (!isset($this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Angular"][$Angle]) 
+                                        || !isset($this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Angular"])
+                                    ) {
+                                        $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Angular"][$Angle] = $Angle;
+                                        $Done = true; 
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( !$Done ) { 
+                                    $Angle = rand(0,360); 
+                                    $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Angular"][$Angle] = $Angle;
+                                }
+                                $X = cos(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring) + $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["X"];
+                                $Y = sin(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring) + $this->Data[$BiggestPartner]["Y"];
+                                $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $X;
+                                $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $Y;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif ( $Algorithm == ALGORITHM_CIRCULAR ) {
+            $MaxConnections = $MaxConnections + 1;
+            for ($i=$MaxConnections;$i>=0;$i--) {
+                foreach ($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                    if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) { 
+                        $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $CenterX; 
+                        $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $CenterY;
+                    }
+                    if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_FREE ) {
+                        if (isset($Settings["Connections"])) { 
+                            $Connections = count($Settings["Connections"]);
+                        } else { 
+                            $Connections = 0;
+                        }
+                        if ( $Connections == $i ) {
+                            $Ring  = $MaxConnections - $Connections;
+                            $Angle = rand(0,360);
+                            $X = cos(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring*$this->RingSize) + $CenterX;
+                            $Y = sin(deg2rad($Angle)) * ($Ring*$this->RingSize) + $CenterY;
+                            $MedianOffset = $this->getMedianOffset($Key,$X,$Y);
+                            $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $MedianOffset["X"];
+                            $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $MedianOffset["Y"];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } elseif ( $Algorithm == ALGORITHM_RANDOM ) {
+            foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_FREE ) {
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $CenterX + rand(-20,20);
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $CenterY + rand(-20,20);
+                }
+                if ( $Settings["Type"] == NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) { 
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $CenterX; 
+                    $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $CenterY;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute one pass
+     */
+    public function doPass()
+    {
+        /* Compute vectors */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            if ( $Settings["Type"] != NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) {
+                unset($this->Data[$Key]["Vectors"]);
+                $X1 = $Settings["X"];
+                $Y1 = $Settings["Y"];
+                /* Repulsion vectors */
+                foreach($this->Data as $Key2 => $Settings2) {
+                    if ( $Key != $Key2 ) {
+                        $X2 = $this->Data[$Key2]["X"];
+                        $Y2 = $this->Data[$Key2]["Y"];
+                        $FreeZone = $this->Data[$Key2]["FreeZone"];
+                        $Distance = $this->getDistance($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+                        $Angle    = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2) + 180;
+                        /* Nodes too close, repulsion occurs */
+                        if ( $Distance < $FreeZone ) {
+                            $Force = log(pow(2,$FreeZone-$Distance));
+                            if ( $Force > 1 ) { 
+                                $this->Data[$Key]["Vectors"][] = array(
+                                    "Type"=>"R",
+                                    "Angle"=>$Angle % 360,
+                                    "Force"=>$Force
+                                );                               
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Attraction vectors */
+                if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                    foreach($Settings["Connections"] as $ID => $NodeID) {
+                        if ( isset($this->Data[$NodeID]) ) {
+                            $X2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["X"];
+                            $Y2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"];
+                            $FreeZone = $this->Data[$Key2]["FreeZone"];
+                            $Distance = $this->getDistance($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+                            $Angle    = $this->getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2);
+                            if ( $Distance > $FreeZone ) {
+                                $Force = log(($Distance-$FreeZone)+1);
+                            } else { 
+                                $Force = log(($FreeZone-$Distance)+1); 
+                                ($Angle = $Angle + 180);                             
+                            }
+                            if ( $Force > 1 ) {
+                                $this->Data[$Key]["Vectors"][] = array(
+                                    "Type"=>"A",
+                                    "Angle"=>$Angle % 360,
+                                    "Force"=>$Force
+                                );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Move the nodes accoding to the vectors */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y = $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( isset($Settings["Vectors"]) && $Settings["Type"] != NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) {
+                foreach($Settings["Vectors"] as $ID => $Vector) {
+                    $Type  = $Vector["Type"];
+                    $Force = $Vector["Force"];
+                    $Angle = $Vector["Angle"];
+                    $Factor = $Type == "A" ? $this->MagneticForceA : $this->MagneticForceR;
+                    $X = cos(deg2rad($Angle)) * $Force * $Factor + $X;
+                    $Y = sin(deg2rad($Angle)) * $Force * $Factor + $Y;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $X;
+            $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $Y;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function lastPass()
+    {
+        /* Put everything inside the graph area */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y = $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( $X < $this->X1 ) { $X = $this->X1; }
+            if ( $X > $this->X2 ) { $X = $this->X2; }
+            if ( $Y < $this->Y1 ) { $Y = $this->Y1; }
+            if ( $Y > $this->Y2 ) { $Y = $this->Y2; }
+            $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $X;
+            $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $Y;
+        }
+        /* Dump all links */
+        $Links = "";
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X1 = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y1 = $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                foreach ($Settings["Connections"] as $ID => $NodeID) {
+                    if ( isset($this->Data[$NodeID]) ) {
+                        $X2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["X"];
+                        $Y2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"];
+                        $Links[] = array(
+                            "X1"=>$X1,
+                            "Y1"=>$Y1,
+                            "X2"=>$X2,
+                            "Y2"=>$Y2,
+                            "Source"=>$Settings["Name"],
+                            "Destination"=>$this->Data[$NodeID]["Name"]
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Check collisions */
+        $Conflicts = 0;
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X1 = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y1 = $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                foreach ($Settings["Connections"] as $ID => $NodeID) {
+                    if ( isset($this->Data[$NodeID]) ) {
+                        $X2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["X"];
+                        $Y2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"];
+                        foreach($Links as $IDLinks => $Link) {
+                            $X3 = $Link["X1"]; 
+                            $Y3 = $Link["Y1"]; 
+                            $X4 = $Link["X2"]; 
+                            $Y4 = $Link["Y2"];
+                            if ( !($X1 == $X3 && $X2 == $X4 && $Y1 == $Y3 && $Y2 == $Y4 ) ) {
+                                if ( $this->intersect($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$X3,$Y3,$X4,$Y4) ) {
+                                    if ( $Link["Source"] != $Settings["Name"] 
+                                        && $Link["Source"] != $this->Data[$NodeID]["Name"] 
+                                        && $Link["Destination"] != $Settings["Name"] 
+                                        && $Link["Destination"] != $this->Data[$NodeID]["Name"]
+                                    ) { 
+                                        $Conflicts++;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return($Conflicts/2);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Center the graph
+     */
+    public function center()
+    {
+        /* Determine the real center */
+        $TargetCenterX = ($this->X2 - $this->X1) / 2 + $this->X1;
+        $TargetCenterY = ($this->Y2 - $this->Y1) / 2 + $this->Y1;
+        /* Get current boundaries */
+        $XMin = $this->X2; $XMax = $this->X1;
+        $YMin = $this->Y2; $YMax = $this->Y1;
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y = $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( $X < $XMin) { $XMin = $X; }
+            if ( $X > $XMax) { $XMax = $X; }
+            if ( $Y < $YMin) { $YMin = $Y; }
+            if ( $Y > $YMax) { $YMax = $Y; }
+        }
+        $CurrentCenterX = ($XMax - $XMin) / 2 + $XMin;
+        $CurrentCenterY = ($YMax - $YMin) / 2 + $YMin;
+        /* Compute the offset to apply */
+        $XOffset = $TargetCenterX - $CurrentCenterX;
+        $YOffset = $TargetCenterY - $CurrentCenterY;
+        /* Correct the points position */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $this->Data[$Key]["X"] = $Settings["X"] + $XOffset;
+            $this->Data[$Key]["Y"] = $Settings["Y"] + $YOffset;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create the encoded string
+     * @param type $Object
+     * @param string $Settings
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawSpring($Object,$Settings="")
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $Object;
+        $Pass			= isset($Settings["Pass"]) ? $Settings["Pass"] : 50;
+        $Retries                = isset($Settings["Retry"]) ? $Settings["Retry"] : 10;
+        $this->MagneticForceA	= isset($Settings["MagneticForceA"]) ? $Settings["MagneticForceA"] : 1.5;
+        $this->MagneticForceR	= isset($Settings["MagneticForceR"]) ? $Settings["MagneticForceR"] : 2;
+        $this->RingSize		= isset($Settings["RingSize"]) ? $Settings["RingSize"] : 40;
+        $DrawVectors		= isset($Settings["DrawVectors"]) ? $Settings["DrawVectors"] : false;
+        $DrawQuietZone		= isset($Settings["DrawQuietZone"]) ? $Settings["DrawQuietZone"] : false;
+        $CenterGraph		= isset($Settings["CenterGraph"]) ? $Settings["CenterGraph"] : true;
+        $TextPadding		= isset($Settings["TextPadding"]) ? $Settings["TextPadding"] : 4;
+        $Algorithm              = isset($Settings["Algorithm"]) ? $Settings["Algorithm"] : ALGORITHM_WEIGHTED;
+        $FontSize		= $Object->FontSize;
+        $this->X1		= $Object->GraphAreaX1;
+        $this->Y1		= $Object->GraphAreaY1;
+        $this->X2		= $Object->GraphAreaX2;
+        $this->Y2		= $Object->GraphAreaY2;
+        $Conflicts = 1; 
+        $Jobs = 0; $this->History["MinimumConflicts"] = -1;
+        while ($Conflicts != 0 && $Jobs < $Retries ) {
+            $Jobs++;
+            /* Compute the initial settings */
+            $this->firstPass($Algorithm);
+            /* Apply the vectors */
+            if ( $Pass > 0 ) {
+                for ($i=0; $i<=$Pass; $i++) { 
+                    $this->doPass();
+                }
+            }
+            $Conflicts = $this->lastPass();
+            if ( $this->History["MinimumConflicts"] == -1 
+                || $Conflicts < $this->History["MinimumConflicts"]
+            ) { 
+                $this->History["MinimumConflicts"] = $Conflicts; 
+                $this->History["Result"] = $this->Data;
+            }
+        }
+        $Conflicts  = $this->History["MinimumConflicts"];
+        $this->Data = $this->History["Result"];
+        if ( $CenterGraph ) {
+            $this->center();
+        }
+        /* Draw the connections */
+        $Drawn = "";
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X	= $Settings["X"];
+            $Y	= $Settings["Y"];
+            if ( isset($Settings["Connections"]) ) {
+                foreach ($Settings["Connections"] as $ID => $NodeID) {
+                    if (!isset($Drawn[$Key])) { 
+                        $Drawn[$Key] = "";
+                    }
+                    if (!isset($Drawn[$NodeID])) { 
+                        $Drawn[$NodeID] = "";
+                    }
+                    if ( isset($this->Data[$NodeID]) 
+                        && !isset($Drawn[$Key][$NodeID]) 
+                        && !isset($Drawn[$NodeID][$Key])
+                    ) {
+                        $Color = array(
+                            "R"=>$this->Default["LinkR"],
+                            "G"=>$this->Default["LinkG"],
+                            "B"=>$this->Default["LinkB"],
+                            "Alpha"=>$this->Default["Alpha"]
+                        );
+                        if ($this->Links != "" ) {
+                            if (isset($this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["R"])) { 
+                                $Color = array(
+                                    "R"=>$this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["R"],
+                                    "G"=>$this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["G"],
+                                    "B"=>$this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["B"],
+                                    "Alpha"=>$this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Alpha"]
+                                );                         
+                            }
+                            if ( isset($this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Ticks"])) { 
+                                $Color["Ticks"] = $this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Ticks"];
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $X2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["X"];
+                        $Y2 = $this->Data[$NodeID]["Y"];
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X,$Y,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                        $Drawn[$Key][$NodeID] = true;
+                        if ( isset($this->Links) && $this->Links != "" ) {
+                            if ( isset($this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Name"]) 
+                                || isset($this->Links[$NodeID][$Key]["Name"])
+                            ) {
+                                $Name  = isset($this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Name"]) ? $this->Links[$Key][$NodeID]["Name"] : $this->Links[$NodeID][$Key]["Name"];
+                                $TxtX  = ($X2 - $X)/2 + $X;
+                                $TxtY  = ($Y2 - $Y)/2 + $Y;
+                                if ( $X <= $X2 ) {
+                                    $Angle = (360-$this->getAngle($X,$Y,$X2,$Y2)) % 360;
+                                } else {
+                                    $Angle = (360-$this->getAngle($X2,$Y2,$X,$Y)) % 360;
+                                }
+                                $Settings          = $Color;
+                                $Settings["Angle"] = $Angle;
+                                $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
+                                $this->pChartObject->drawText($TxtX,$TxtY,$Name,$Settings);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the quiet zones */
+        if ( $DrawQuietZone ) {
+            foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                $X	 = $Settings["X"];
+                $Y	 = $Settings["Y"];
+                $FreeZone = $Settings["FreeZone"];
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle(
+                    $X,
+                    $Y,
+                    $FreeZone,
+                    array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>2)
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the nodes */
+        foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+            $X	 = $Settings["X"];
+            $Y	 = $Settings["Y"];
+            $Name	 = $Settings["Name"];
+            $FreeZone = $Settings["FreeZone"];
+            $Shape    = $Settings["Shape"];
+            $Size     = $Settings["Size"];
+            $Color = array(
+                "R"=>$Settings["R"],
+                "G"=>$Settings["G"],
+                "B"=>$Settings["B"],
+                "Alpha"=>$Settings["Alpha"],
+                "BorderR"=>$Settings["BorderR"],
+                "BorderG"=>$Settings["BorderG"],
+                "BorderB"=>$Settings["BorderB"],
+                "BorderApha"=>$Settings["BorderAlpha"]
+            );
+            if ( $Shape == NODE_SHAPE_CIRCLE ) {
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X,$Y,$Size,$Color);
+            } elseif ( $Shape == NODE_SHAPE_TRIANGLE ) {
+                $Points = "";
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad(270)) * $Size + $X; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad(270)) * $Size + $Y;
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad(45)) * $Size + $X;  $Points[] = sin(deg2rad(45)) * $Size + $Y;
+                $Points[] = cos(deg2rad(135)) * $Size + $X; $Points[] = sin(deg2rad(135)) * $Size + $Y;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Points,$Color);
+            } elseif ( $Shape == NODE_SHAPE_SQUARE ) {
+                $Offset = $Size/2; $Size = $Size / 2;
+                $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X-$Offset,$Y-$Offset,$X+$Offset,$Y+$Offset,$Color);
+            }
+            if ( $Name != "" ) {
+                $LabelOptions = array(
+                    "R"=>$this->Labels["R"],
+                    "G"=>$this->Labels["G"],
+                    "B"=>$this->Labels["B"],
+                    "Alpha"=>$this->Labels["Alpha"]
+                );
+                if ( $this->Labels["Type"] == LABEL_LIGHT ) {
+                    $LabelOptions["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawText($X,$Y,$Name,$LabelOptions);
+                } elseif ( $this->Labels["Type"] == LABEL_CLASSIC ) {
+                    $LabelOptions["Align"]         = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
+                    $LabelOptions["DrawBox"]       = true;
+                    $LabelOptions["BoxAlpha"]      = 50;
+                    $LabelOptions["BorderOffset"]  = 4;
+                    $LabelOptions["RoundedRadius"] = 3;
+                    $LabelOptions["BoxRounded"]    = true;
+                    $LabelOptions["NoShadow"]      = true;
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawText($X,$Y+$Size+$TextPadding,$Name,$LabelOptions);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Draw the vectors */
+        if ( $DrawVectors ) {
+            foreach($this->Data as $Key => $Settings) {
+                $X1 = $Settings["X"];
+                $Y1 = $Settings["Y"];
+                if ( isset($Settings["Vectors"]) && $Settings["Type"] != NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL ) {
+                    foreach($Settings["Vectors"] as $ID => $Vector) {
+                        $Type  = $Vector["Type"];
+                        $Force = $Vector["Force"];
+                        $Angle = $Vector["Angle"];
+                        $Factor = $Type == "A" ? $this->MagneticForceA : $this->MagneticForceR;
+                        $Color  = $Type == "A" ? array("FillR"=>255,"FillG"=>0,"FillB"=>0) : array("FillR"=>0,"FillG"=>255,"FillB"=>0);
+                        $X2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle)) * $Force * $Factor + $X1;
+                        $Y2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle)) * $Force * $Factor + $Y1;
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawArrow($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return(array("Pass"=>$Jobs,"Conflicts"=>$Conflicts));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the distance between two points
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getDistance($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2)
+    { 
+        return (sqrt(($X2-$X1)*($X2-$X1)+($Y2-$Y1)*($Y2-$Y1)));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the angle made by a line and the X axis
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getAngle($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2)
+    {
+        $Opposite = $Y2 - $Y1; $Adjacent = $X2 - $X1;$Angle = rad2deg(atan2($Opposite,$Adjacent));
+        if ($Angle > 0) { 
+            return($Angle);
+        } else { 
+            return(360-abs($Angle));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 
+     * @param type $X1
+     * @param type $Y1
+     * @param type $X2
+     * @param type $Y2
+     * @param type $X3
+     * @param type $Y3
+     * @param type $X4
+     * @param type $Y4
+     * @return boolean
+     */
+    public function intersect($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$X3,$Y3,$X4,$Y4)
+    {
+        $A = (($X3 * $Y4 - $X4 * $Y3) * ($X1 - $X2) - ($X1 * $Y2 - $X2 * $Y1) * ($X3 - $X4));
+        $B = (($Y1 - $Y2) * ($X3 - $X4) - ($Y3 - $Y4) * ($X1 - $X2));
+        if ( $B == 0 ) { 
+            return false;
+        }
+        $Xi = $A / $B;
+        $C = ($X1 - $X2);
+        if ( $C == 0 ) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $Yi = $Xi * (($Y1 - $Y2)/$C) + (($X1 * $Y2 - $X2 * $Y1)/$C);
+        if ( $Xi >= min($X1,$X2) && $Xi >= min($X3,$X4) && $Xi <= max($X1,$X2) && $Xi <= max($X3,$X4)) {
+            if ( $Yi >= min($Y1,$Y2) && $Yi >= min($Y3,$Y4) && $Yi <= max($Y1,$Y2) && $Yi <= max($Y3,$Y4)) { 
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;   
+    }

+ 405 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+ /*
+     pStock - class to draw stock charts
+     Version     : 2.1.4
+     Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+     Last Update : 19/01/2014
+     This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+     You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+ */
+class pStock
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $pDataObject;
+    /**
+     * Class creator
+     * @param type $pChartObject
+     * @param type $pDataObject
+     */
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject)
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+        $this->pDataObject  = $pDataObject;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw a stock chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function drawStockChart($Format="")
+    {
+        $SerieOpen      = isset($Format["SerieOpen"]) ? $Format["SerieOpen"] : "Open";
+        $SerieClose	= isset($Format["SerieClose"]) ? $Format["SerieClose"] : "Close";
+        $SerieMin       = isset($Format["SerieMin"]) ? $Format["SerieMin"] : "Min";
+        $SerieMax       = isset($Format["SerieMax"]) ? $Format["SerieMax"] : "Max";
+        $SerieMedian	= isset($Format["SerieMedian"]) ? $Format["SerieMedian"] : null;
+        $LineWidth      = isset($Format["LineWidth"]) ? $Format["LineWidth"] : 1;
+        $LineR		= isset($Format["LineR"]) ? $Format["LineR"] : 0;
+        $LineG		= isset($Format["LineG"]) ? $Format["LineG"] : 0;
+        $LineB		= isset($Format["LineB"]) ? $Format["LineB"] : 0;
+        $LineAlpha      = isset($Format["LineAlpha"]) ? $Format["LineAlpha"] : 100;
+        $ExtremityWidth	= isset($Format["ExtremityWidth"]) ? $Format["ExtremityWidth"] : 1;
+        $ExtremityLength    = isset($Format["ExtremityLength"]) ? $Format["ExtremityLength"] : 3;
+        $ExtremityR	= isset($Format["ExtremityR"]) ? $Format["ExtremityR"] : 0;
+        $ExtremityG	= isset($Format["ExtremityG"]) ? $Format["ExtremityG"] : 0;
+        $ExtremityB	= isset($Format["ExtremityB"]) ? $Format["ExtremityB"] : 0;
+        $ExtremityAlpha	= isset($Format["ExtremityAlpha"]) ? $Format["ExtremityAlpha"] : 100;
+        $BoxWidth       = isset($Format["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format["BoxWidth"] : 8;
+        $BoxUpR		= isset($Format["BoxUpR"]) ? $Format["BoxUpR"] : 188;
+        $BoxUpG		= isset($Format["BoxUpG"]) ? $Format["BoxUpG"] : 224;
+        $BoxUpB		= isset($Format["BoxUpB"]) ? $Format["BoxUpB"] : 46;
+        $BoxUpAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxUpAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxUpAlpha"] : 100;
+        $BoxUpSurrounding	= isset($Format["BoxUpSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxUpSurrounding"] : null;
+        $BoxUpBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxUpBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxUpBorderR"] : $BoxUpR-20;
+        $BoxUpBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxUpBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxUpBorderG"] : $BoxUpG-20;
+        $BoxUpBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxUpBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxUpBorderB"] : $BoxUpB-20;
+        $BoxUpBorderAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxUpBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxUpBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $BoxDownR       = isset($Format["BoxDownR"]) ? $Format["BoxDownR"] : 224;
+        $BoxDownG       = isset($Format["BoxDownG"]) ? $Format["BoxDownG"] : 100;
+        $BoxDownB   = isset($Format["BoxDownB"]) ? $Format["BoxDownB"] : 46;
+        $BoxDownAlpha	= isset($Format["BoxDownAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxDownAlpha"] : 100;
+        $BoxDownSurrounding= isset($Format["BoxDownSurrounding"]) ? $Format["BoxDownSurrounding"] : null;
+        $BoxDownBorderR	= isset($Format["BoxDownBorderR"]) ? $Format["BoxDownBorderR"] : $BoxDownR-20;
+        $BoxDownBorderG	= isset($Format["BoxDownBorderG"]) ? $Format["BoxDownBorderG"] : $BoxDownG-20;
+        $BoxDownBorderB	= isset($Format["BoxDownBorderB"]) ? $Format["BoxDownBorderB"] : $BoxDownB-20;
+        $BoxDownBorderAlpha= isset($Format["BoxDownBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BoxDownBorderAlpha"] : 100;
+        $ShadowOnBoxesOnly	= isset($Format["ShadowOnBoxesOnly"]) ? $Format["ShadowOnBoxesOnly"] : true;
+        $MedianR        = isset($Format["MedianR"]) ? $Format["MedianR"] : 255;
+        $MedianG        = isset($Format["MedianG"]) ? $Format["MedianG"] : 0;
+        $MedianB    = isset($Format["MedianB"]) ? $Format["MedianB"] : 0;
+        $MedianAlpha	= isset($Format["MedianAlpha"]) ? $Format["MedianAlpha"] : 100;
+        $RecordImageMap	= isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : false;
+        $ImageMapTitle	= isset($Format["ImageMapTitle"]) ? $Format["ImageMapTitle"] : "Stock Chart";
+        /* Data Processing */
+        $Data    = $this->pDataObject->getData();
+        $Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
+        if ( $BoxUpSurrounding != null ) { 
+            $BoxUpBorderR = $BoxUpR + $BoxUpSurrounding; 
+            $BoxUpBorderG = $BoxUpG + $BoxUpSurrounding; 
+            $BoxUpBorderB = $BoxUpB + $BoxUpSurrounding;
+        }
+        if ( $BoxDownSurrounding != null ) { 
+            $BoxDownBorderR = $BoxDownR + $BoxDownSurrounding; 
+            $BoxDownBorderG = $BoxDownG + $BoxDownSurrounding; 
+            $BoxDownBorderB = $BoxDownB + $BoxDownSurrounding;             
+        }
+        if ( $LineWidth != 1 ) { 
+            $LineOffset = $LineWidth / 2;
+        }
+        $BoxOffset = $BoxWidth / 2;
+        $Data = $this->pChartObject->DataSet->getData();
+        list($XMargin,$XDivs) = $this->pChartObject->scaleGetXSettings();
+        if (!isset($Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]) 
+            || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieClose]) 
+            || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMin]) 
+            || !isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMax]) 
+        ) {
+            return(STOCK_MISSING_SERIE);
+        }
+        $Plots = "";
+        foreach($Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
+            $Point = "";
+            if (isset($Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key]) 
+                || isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key]) 
+                || isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key])
+            ) {
+                $Point = array(
+                    $Value,
+                    $Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key],
+                    $Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key],
+                    $Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key]
+                );
+            }
+            if ($SerieMedian != null && isset($Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key]) ) {
+                $Point[] = $Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key];
+            }
+            $Plots[] = $Point;
+        }
+        $AxisID	= $Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Axis"];
+        $Mode	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
+        $Format	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
+        $Unit	= $Data["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
+        $YZero	= $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY(0,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+        $XStep	= ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+        $X = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
+        $Y = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
+        $LineSettings = array("R"=>$LineR,"G"=>$LineG,"B"=>$LineB,"Alpha"=>$LineAlpha);
+        $ExtremitySettings = array("R"=>$ExtremityR,"G"=>$ExtremityG,"B"=>$ExtremityB,"Alpha"=>$ExtremityAlpha);
+        $BoxUpSettings	= array(
+            "R"=>$BoxUpR,
+            "G"=>$BoxUpG,
+            "B"=>$BoxUpB,
+            "Alpha"=>$BoxUpAlpha,
+            "BorderR"=>$BoxUpBorderR,
+            "BorderG"=>$BoxUpBorderG,
+            "BorderB"=>$BoxUpBorderB,
+            "BorderAlpha"=>$BoxUpBorderAlpha
+        );
+        $BoxDownSettings = array(
+            "R"=>$BoxDownR,
+            "G"=>$BoxDownG,
+            "B"=>$BoxDownB,
+            "Alpha"=>$BoxDownAlpha,
+            "BorderR"=>$BoxDownBorderR,
+            "BorderG"=>$BoxDownBorderG,
+            "BorderB"=>$BoxDownBorderB,
+            "BorderAlpha"=>$BoxDownBorderAlpha
+        );
+        $MedianSettings	= array("R"=>$MedianR,"G"=>$MedianG,"B"=>$MedianB,"Alpha"=>$MedianAlpha);
+        foreach($Plots as $Key =>$Points) {
+            $PosArray = $this->pChartObject->scaleComputeY($Points,array("AxisID"=>$AxisID));
+            $Values = "Open :".$Data["Series"][$SerieOpen]["Data"][$Key]
+                    . "<BR>Close : ".$Data["Series"][$SerieClose]["Data"][$Key]
+                    . "<BR>Min : ".$Data["Series"][$SerieMin]["Data"][$Key]
+                    . "<BR>Max : ".$Data["Series"][$SerieMax]["Data"][$Key]."<BR>";
+            if ( $SerieMedian != null ) { 
+                $Values = $Values."Median : ".$Data["Series"][$SerieMedian]["Data"][$Key]."<BR>";
+            }
+            if ( $PosArray[0] > $PosArray[1] ) { 
+                $ImageMapColor = $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($BoxUpR,$BoxUpG,$BoxUpB);
+            } else { 
+                $ImageMapColor = $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($BoxDownR,$BoxDownG,$BoxDownB);
+            } 
+            if ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT ) {
+                if ( $YZero > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-1 ) { 
+                    $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-1;                     
+                }
+                if ( $YZero < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+1 ) { 
+                    $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1+1;
+                }
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                    $XStep = 0;                     
+                } else { 
+                    $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                }
+                if ( $ShadowOnBoxesOnly ) { 
+                    $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; 
+                    $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+                }
+                if ( $LineWidth == 1 ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X,$PosArray[2],$X,$PosArray[3],$LineSettings);
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X-$LineOffset,$PosArray[2],$X+$LineOffset,$PosArray[3],$LineSettings);
+                }
+                if ( $ExtremityWidth == 1 ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X-$ExtremityLength,$PosArray[2],$X+$ExtremityLength,$PosArray[2],$ExtremitySettings);
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X-$ExtremityLength,$PosArray[3],$X+$ExtremityLength,$PosArray[3],$ExtremitySettings);
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "RECT",
+                            floor($X-$ExtremityLength).",".floor($PosArray[2])
+                                .",".floor($X+$ExtremityLength).","
+                                .floor($PosArray[3]),
+                            $ImageMapColor,
+                            $ImageMapTitle,
+                            $Values
+                        );
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[2],
+                        $X+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[2]-$ExtremityWidth,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[3],
+                        $X+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[3]+$ExtremityWidth,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "RECT",
+                            floor($X-$ExtremityLength).",".floor($PosArray[2]-$ExtremityWidth)
+                                .",".floor($X+$ExtremityLength).","
+                                .floor($PosArray[3]+$ExtremityWidth),
+                            $ImageMapColor,
+                            $ImageMapTitle,
+                            $Values
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $ShadowOnBoxesOnly ) { 
+                    $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                }
+                if ( $PosArray[0] > $PosArray[1] ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X-$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[0],
+                        $X+$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[1],
+                        $BoxUpSettings
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $X-$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[0],
+                        $X+$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[1],
+                        $BoxDownSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( isset($PosArray[4]) ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                        $X-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[4],
+                        $X+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[4],
+                        $MedianSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                $X = $X + $XStep;
+            } elseif ( $Data["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM ) {
+                if ( $YZero > $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-1 ) { 
+                    $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2-1;
+                }
+                if ( $YZero < $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+1 ) {
+                    $YZero = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1+1;
+                }
+                if ( $XDivs == 0 ) { 
+                    $XStep = 0;                     
+                } else {
+                    $XStep = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2-$this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1-$XMargin*2)/$XDivs;
+                }
+                if ( $LineWidth == 1 ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine($PosArray[2],$Y,$PosArray[3],$Y,$LineSettings);
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $PosArray[2],
+                        $Y-$LineOffset,
+                        $PosArray[3],
+                        $Y+$LineOffset,
+                        $LineSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( $ShadowOnBoxesOnly ) { 
+                    $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; 
+                    $this->pChartObject->Shadow = false;
+                }
+                if ( $ExtremityWidth == 1 ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                        $PosArray[2],
+                        $Y-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[2],
+                        $Y+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                        $PosArray[3],
+                        $Y-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[3],
+                        $Y+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "RECT",
+                            floor($PosArray[2]).",".floor($Y-$ExtremityLength)
+                            .",".floor($PosArray[3]).",".floor($Y+$ExtremityLength),
+                            $ImageMapColor,
+                            $ImageMapTitle,
+                            $Values
+                        );
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $PosArray[2],
+                        $Y-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[2]-$ExtremityWidth,
+                        $Y+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $PosArray[3],
+                        $Y-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[3]+$ExtremityWidth,
+                        $Y+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $ExtremitySettings
+                    );
+                    if ( $RecordImageMap ) { 
+                        $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap(
+                            "RECT",
+                            floor($PosArray[2]-$ExtremityWidth).","
+                            .floor($Y-$ExtremityLength).","
+                            .floor($PosArray[3]+$ExtremityWidth).","
+                            .floor($Y+$ExtremityLength),
+                            $ImageMapColor,
+                            $ImageMapTitle,
+                            $Values
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $ShadowOnBoxesOnly ) { 
+                    $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
+                }
+                if ( $PosArray[0] < $PosArray[1] ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $PosArray[0],
+                        $Y-$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[1],
+                        $Y+$BoxOffset,
+                        $BoxUpSettings
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle(
+                        $PosArray[0],
+                        $Y-$BoxOffset,
+                        $PosArray[1],
+                        $Y+$BoxOffset,
+                        $BoxDownSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                if ( isset($PosArray[4]) ) {
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawLine(
+                        $PosArray[4],
+                        $Y-$ExtremityLength,
+                        $PosArray[4],
+                        $Y+$ExtremityLength,
+                        $MedianSettings
+                    );
+                }
+                $Y = $Y + $XStep;
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 392 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+namespace CpChart\Classes;
+    pSurface - class to draw surface charts
+    Version     : 2.1.4
+    Made by     : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
+    Last Update : 19/01/2014
+    This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
+    You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
+class pSurface
+    public $pChartObject;
+    public $GridSizeX;
+    public $GridSizeY;
+    public $Points;
+    /**
+     * Class creator
+     * @param type $pChartObject
+     * @param type $pDataObject - added for compatibility with other classes
+     */
+    public function __construct($pChartObject, $pDataObject = null)
+    {
+        $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject;
+        $this->GridSize     = 10;
+        $this->Points       = "";
+    }
+    /**
+     * Define the grid size and initialise the 2D matrix
+     * @param type $XSize
+     * @param type $YSize
+     */
+    public function setGrid($XSize=10,$YSize=10)
+    {
+        for ($X=0; $X<=$XSize; $X++) { 
+            for ($Y=0; $Y<=$YSize; $Y++) { 
+                $this->Points[$X][$Y]=UNKNOWN;                 
+            }
+        } 
+        $this->GridSizeX = $XSize;
+        $this->GridSizeY = $YSize;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a point on the grid
+     * @param type $X
+     * @param type $Y
+     * @param type $Value
+     * @param type $Force
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function addPoint($X,$Y,$Value,$Force=TRUE)
+    {
+        if ( $X < 0 || $X >$this->GridSizeX ) { 
+            return(0);           
+        }
+        if ( $Y < 0 || $Y >$this->GridSizeY ) { 
+            return(0);
+        }
+        if ( $this->Points[$X][$Y] == UNKNOWN || $Force ) {
+            $this->Points[$X][$Y] = $Value;
+        } elseif ( $this->Points[$X][$Y] == UNKNOWN ) {
+            $this->Points[$X][$Y] = $Value;
+        } else {
+            $this->Points[$X][$Y] = ($this->Points[$X][$Y] + $Value)/2;
+        }
+    }
+   /**
+    * Write the X labels 
+    * @param type $Format
+    * @return type
+    */
+   public function writeXLabels($Format="")
+   {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorR;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorG;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorA;
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $Padding	= isset($Format["Padding"]) ? $Format["Padding"] : 5;
+        $Position	= isset($Format["Position"]) ? $Format["Position"] : LABEL_POSITION_TOP;
+        $Labels		= isset($Format["Labels"]) ? $Format["Labels"] : null;
+        $CountOffset	= isset($Format["CountOffset"]) ? $Format["CountOffset"] : 0;
+        if ( $Labels != null && !is_array($Labels) ) { 
+            $Label = $Labels; 
+            $Labels = ""; 
+            $Labels[] = $Label;             
+        }
+        $X0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1;
+        $XSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) / ($this->GridSizeX+1);
+        $Settings = array("Angle"=>$Angle,"R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+        if ( $Position == LABEL_POSITION_TOP ) {
+            $YPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1 - $Padding;
+            if ($Angle == 0 ) { $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE; }
+            if ($Angle != 0 ) { $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT; }
+        } elseif ( $Position == LABEL_POSITION_BOTTOM ) {
+            $YPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 + $Padding;
+            if ($Angle == 0 ) { $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE; }
+            if ($Angle != 0 ) { $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT; }
+        } else {
+            return(-1);
+        }
+        for ($X=0;$X<=$this->GridSizeX;$X++) {
+            $XPos = floor($X0+$X*$XSize + $XSize/2);
+            if( $Labels == null || !isset($Labels[$X]) ) {
+                $Value = $X+$CountOffset;
+            } else {
+                $Value = $Labels[$X];
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawText($XPos,$YPos,$Value,$Settings);
+        }
+    }
+   /**
+    * Write the Y labels
+    * @param type $Format
+    * @return type
+    */
+   public function writeYLabels($Format="")
+   {
+        $R		= isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorR;
+        $G		= isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorG;
+        $B		= isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
+        $Alpha		= isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorA;
+        $Angle		= isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
+        $Padding	= isset($Format["Padding"]) ? $Format["Padding"] : 5;
+        $Position	= isset($Format["Position"]) ? $Format["Position"] : LABEL_POSITION_LEFT;
+        $Labels		= isset($Format["Labels"]) ? $Format["Labels"] : null;
+        $CountOffset	= isset($Format["CountOffset"]) ? $Format["CountOffset"] : 0;
+        if ( $Labels != null && !is_array($Labels) ) { 
+            $Label = $Labels; $Labels = ""; 
+            $Labels[] = $Label;
+        }
+        $Y0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;
+        $YSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) / ($this->GridSizeY+1);
+        $Settings = array("Angle"=>$Angle,"R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+        if ( $Position == LABEL_POSITION_LEFT ) { 
+            $XPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1 - $Padding; 
+            $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
+        } elseif ( $Position == LABEL_POSITION_RIGHT ) { 
+            $XPos  = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 + $Padding; 
+            $Settings["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;             
+        } else {
+            return(-1);
+        }
+        for ($Y=0;$Y<=$this->GridSizeY;$Y++) {
+            $YPos = floor($Y0+$Y*$YSize + $YSize/2);
+            if( $Labels == null || !isset($Labels[$Y]) ) {
+                $Value = $Y+$CountOffset;
+            } else {
+                $Value = $Labels[$Y];
+            }
+            $this->pChartObject->drawText($XPos,$YPos,$Value,$Settings);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the area arround the specified Threshold
+     * @param type $Threshold
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawContour($Threshold,$Format="")
+    {
+        $R          = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
+        $G          = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
+        $B          = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
+        $Alpha      = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
+        $Ticks      = isset($Format["Ticks"]) ? $Format["Ticks"] : 3;
+        $Padding    = isset($Format["Padding"]) ? $Format["Padding"] : 0;
+        $X0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1;
+        $Y0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;
+        $XSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) / ($this->GridSizeX+1);
+        $YSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) / ($this->GridSizeY+1);
+        $Color = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Ticks"=>$Ticks);
+        for ($X=0;$X<=$this->GridSizeX;$X++) {
+            for ($Y=0;$Y<=$this->GridSizeY;$Y++) {
+                $Value = $this->Points[$X][$Y];
+                if ( $Value != UNKNOWN && $Value != IGNORED && $Value >= $Threshold) {
+                    $X1 = floor($X0+$X*$XSize)+$Padding;
+                    $Y1 = floor($Y0+$Y*$YSize)+$Padding;
+                    $X2 = floor($X0+$X*$XSize+$XSize);
+                    $Y2 = floor($Y0+$Y*$YSize+$YSize);
+                    if ($X > 0 
+                        && $this->Points[$X-1][$Y] != UNKNOWN 
+                        && $this->Points[$X-1][$Y] != IGNORED 
+                        && $this->Points[$X-1][$Y] < $Threshold
+                    ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X1,$Y2,$Color);
+                    }
+                    if ($Y > 0 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y-1] != UNKNOWN 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y-1] != IGNORED 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y-1] < $Threshold
+                    ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y1,$Color);
+                    }
+                    if ($X < $this->GridSizeX 
+                        && $this->Points[$X+1][$Y] != UNKNOWN 
+                        && $this->Points[$X+1][$Y] != IGNORED 
+                        && $this->Points[$X+1][$Y] < $Threshold
+                    ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                    }
+                    if ($Y < $this->GridSizeY 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y+1] != UNKNOWN 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y+1] != IGNORED 
+                        && $this->Points[$X][$Y+1] < $Threshold
+                    ) {
+                        $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1,$Y2,$X2,$Y2,$Color);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw the surface chart
+     * @param type $Format
+     */
+    public function drawSurface($Format="")
+    {
+        $Palette	= isset($Format["Palette"]) ? $Format["Palette"] : null;
+        $ShadeR1	= isset($Format["ShadeR1"]) ? $Format["ShadeR1"] : 77;
+        $ShadeG1	= isset($Format["ShadeG1"]) ? $Format["ShadeG1"] : 205;
+        $ShadeB1	= isset($Format["ShadeB1"]) ? $Format["ShadeB1"] : 21;
+        $ShadeA1	= isset($Format["ShadeA1"]) ? $Format["ShadeA1"] : 40;
+        $ShadeR2	= isset($Format["ShadeR2"]) ? $Format["ShadeR2"] : 227;
+        $ShadeG2	= isset($Format["ShadeG2"]) ? $Format["ShadeG2"] : 135;
+        $ShadeB2	= isset($Format["ShadeB2"]) ? $Format["ShadeB2"] : 61;
+        $ShadeA2	= isset($Format["ShadeA2"]) ? $Format["ShadeA2"] : 100;
+        $Border		= isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : false;
+        $BorderR	= isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 0;
+        $BorderG	= isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 0;
+        $BorderB	= isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 0;
+        $Surrounding	= isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : -1;
+        $Padding	= isset($Format["Padding"]) ? $Format["Padding"] : 1;
+        $X0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1;
+        $Y0    = $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1;
+        $XSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaX1) / ($this->GridSizeX+1);
+        $YSize = ($this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY2 - $this->pChartObject->GraphAreaY1) / ($this->GridSizeY+1);
+        for($X=0;$X<=$this->GridSizeX;$X++) {
+            for($Y=0;$Y<=$this->GridSizeY;$Y++) {
+                $Value = $this->Points[$X][$Y];
+                if ( $Value != UNKNOWN && $Value != IGNORED ) {
+                    $X1 = floor($X0+$X*$XSize)+$Padding;
+                    $Y1 = floor($Y0+$Y*$YSize)+$Padding;
+                    $X2 = floor($X0+$X*$XSize+$XSize);
+                    $Y2 = floor($Y0+$Y*$YSize+$YSize);
+                    if ( $Palette != null ) {
+                        if ( isset($Palette[$Value]) && isset($Palette[$Value]["R"]) ) { 
+                            $R = $Palette[$Value]["R"];
+                        } else { 
+                            $R = 0;                        
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Palette[$Value]) && isset($Palette[$Value]["G"]) ) { 
+                            $G = $Palette[$Value]["G"];                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $G = 0;
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Palette[$Value]) && isset($Palette[$Value]["B"]) ) { 
+                            $B = $Palette[$Value]["B"];                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $B = 0;
+                        }
+                        if ( isset($Palette[$Value]) && isset($Palette[$Value]["Alpha"]) ) { 
+                            $Alpha = $Palette[$Value]["Alpha"];                             
+                        } else { 
+                            $Alpha = 1000;                             
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $R = (($ShadeR2-$ShadeR1)/100)*$Value + $ShadeR1;
+                        $G = (($ShadeG2-$ShadeG1)/100)*$Value + $ShadeG1;
+                        $B = (($ShadeB2-$ShadeB1)/100)*$Value + $ShadeB1;
+                        $Alpha = (($ShadeA2-$ShadeA1)/100)*$Value + $ShadeA1;
+                    }
+                    $Settings = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
+                    if ( $Border ) { 
+                        $Settings["BorderR"] = $BorderR;
+                        $Settings["BorderG"] = $BorderG;
+                        $Settings["BorderB"] = $BorderB;                         
+                    }
+                    if ( $Surrounding != -1 ) { 
+                        $Settings["BorderR"] = $R+$Surrounding; 
+                        $Settings["BorderG"] = $G+$Surrounding;
+                        $Settings["BorderB"] = $B+$Surrounding;
+                    }
+                    $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y1,$X2-1,$Y2-1,$Settings);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the missing points
+     */
+    public function computeMissing()
+    {
+        $Missing = "";
+        for ($X=0;$X<=$this->GridSizeX;$X++) {
+            for ($Y=0;$Y<=$this->GridSizeY;$Y++) {
+                if ( $this->Points[$X][$Y] == UNKNOWN ) {
+                    $Missing[] = $X.",".$Y;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        shuffle($Missing);
+        foreach($Missing as $Key => $Pos) {
+            $Pos = preg_split("/,/",$Pos);
+            $X   = $Pos[0];
+            $Y   = $Pos[1];
+            if ( $this->Points[$X][$Y] == UNKNOWN ) {
+                $NearestNeighbor = $this->getNearestNeighbor($X,$Y);
+                $Value = 0; $Points = 0;
+                for ($Xi=$X-$NearestNeighbor;$Xi<=$X+$NearestNeighbor;$Xi++) {
+                    for ($Yi=$Y-$NearestNeighbor;$Yi<=$Y+$NearestNeighbor;$Yi++) {
+                        if ($Xi >=0 
+                            && $Yi >= 0 
+                            && $Xi <= $this->GridSizeX 
+                            && $Yi <= $this->GridSizeY 
+                            && $this->Points[$Xi][$Yi] != UNKNOWN 
+                            && $this->Points[$Xi][$Yi] != IGNORED
+                        ) {
+                            $Value = $Value + $this->Points[$Xi][$Yi]; $Points++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $Points != 0 ) { 
+                    $this->Points[$X][$Y] = $Value / $Points;                   
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the nearest Neighbor distance of a point
+     * @param type $Xp
+     * @param type $Yp
+     * @return type
+     */
+    public function getNearestNeighbor($Xp,$Yp)
+    {
+        $Nearest = UNKNOWN;
+        for ($X=0;$X<=$this->GridSizeX;$X++) {
+            for ($Y=0;$Y<=$this->GridSizeY;$Y++) {
+                if ( $this->Points[$X][$Y] != UNKNOWN && $this->Points[$X][$Y] != IGNORED ) {
+                    $DistanceX = max($Xp,$X)-min($Xp,$X);
+                    $DistanceY = max($Yp,$Y)-min($Yp,$Y);
+                    $Distance  = max($DistanceX,$DistanceY);
+                    if ( $Distance < $Nearest || $Nearest == UNKNOWN ) { 
+                        $Nearest = $Distance;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return($Nearest);
+    }

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ ;100110101101

+ 208 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * @filesource src/Resources/data/configuration.php
+ * 
+ * All the class constants moved into a single file for compatibility
+ * with the factory service class. This file is *required* for the library
+ * to function.
+ */
+ * pBubble
+ */
+define("BUBBLE_SHAPE_ROUND", 700001);
+define("BUBBLE_SHAPE_SQUARE", 700002);
+ * pData
+ */
+/* Axis configuration */
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_DEFAULT", 680001);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_TIME", 680002);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_DATE", 680003);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC", 680004);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY", 680005);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_TRAFFIC", 680006);
+define("AXIS_FORMAT_CUSTOM", 680007);
+/* Axis position */
+define("AXIS_POSITION_LEFT", 681001);
+define("AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT", 681002);
+define("AXIS_POSITION_TOP", 681001);
+define("AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM", 681002);
+/* Families of data points */
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDCIRCLE", 681011);
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDSQUARE", 681013);
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_CIRCLE", 681014);
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_TRIANGLE", 681015);
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_SQUARE", 681016);
+define("SERIE_SHAPE_DIAMOND", 681018);
+/* Axis position */
+define("AXIS_X", 682001);
+define("AXIS_Y", 682002);
+/* Define value limits */
+define("ABSOLUTE_MIN", -10000000000000);
+define("ABSOLUTE_MAX", 10000000000000);
+/* Replacement to the PHP null keyword */
+define("VOID", 0.123456789);
+/* Euro symbol for GD fonts */
+define("EURO_SYMBOL", utf8_encode("&#8364;"));
+ * pDraw
+ */
+define("DIRECTION_VERTICAL", 690001);
+define("DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL", 690002);
+define("SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT", 690101);
+define("SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM", 690102);
+define("SCALE_MODE_FLOATING", 690201);
+define("SCALE_MODE_START0", 690202);
+define("SCALE_MODE_ADDALL", 690203);
+define("SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0", 690204);
+define("SCALE_MODE_MANUAL", 690205);
+define("SCALE_SKIP_NONE", 690301);
+define("SCALE_SKIP_SAME", 690302);
+define("SCALE_SKIP_NUMBERS", 690303);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT", 690401);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE", 690402);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT", 690403);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT", 690404);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE", 690405);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT", 690406);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT", 690407);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE", 690408);
+define("TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT", 690409);
+define("POSITION_TOP", 690501);
+define("POSITION_BOTTOM", 690502);
+define("LABEL_POS_LEFT", 690601);
+define("LABEL_POS_CENTER", 690602);
+define("LABEL_POS_RIGHT", 690603);
+define("LABEL_POS_TOP", 690604);
+define("LABEL_POS_BOTTOM", 690605);
+define("LABEL_POS_INSIDE", 690606);
+define("LABEL_POS_OUTSIDE", 690607);
+define("ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL", 690701);
+define("ORIENTATION_VERTICAL", 690702);
+define("ORIENTATION_AUTO", 690703);
+define("LEGEND_NOBORDER", 690800);
+define("LEGEND_BOX", 690801);
+define("LEGEND_ROUND", 690802);
+define("LEGEND_VERTICAL", 690901);
+define("LEGEND_HORIZONTAL", 690902);
+define("LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX", 691051);
+define("LEGEND_FAMILY_CIRCLE", 691052);
+define("LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE", 691053);
+define("DISPLAY_AUTO", 691001);
+define("DISPLAY_MANUAL", 691002);
+define("LABELING_ALL", 691011);
+define("LABELING_DIFFERENT", 691012);
+define("BOUND_MIN", 691021);
+define("BOUND_MAX", 691022);
+define("BOUND_BOTH", 691023);
+define("BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP", 691031);
+define("BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM", 691032);
+define("BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO", 691033);
+define("CAPTION_LEFT_TOP", 691041);
+define("CAPTION_RIGHT_BOTTOM", 691042);
+define("GRADIENT_SIMPLE", 691051);
+define("GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN", 691052);
+define("LABEL_TITLE_NOBACKGROUND", 691061);
+define("LABEL_TITLE_BACKGROUND", 691062);
+define("LABEL_POINT_NONE", 691071);
+define("LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE", 691072);
+define("LABEL_POINT_BOX", 691073);
+define("ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO", 691081);
+define("PI", 3.14159265);
+define("ALL", 69);
+define("NONE", 31);
+define("AUTO", 690000);
+define("OUT_OF_SIGHT", -10000000000000);
+ * pImage
+ */
+/* Image map handling */
+define("IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_FILE", 680001);
+define("IMAGE_MAP_STORAGE_SESSION", 680002);
+/* Last generated chart layout */
+define("CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR", 680011);
+define("CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED", 680012);
+/* ImageMap string delimiter */
+define("IMAGE_MAP_DELIMITER", chr(1));
+ * pIndicator
+ */
+define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE", 700011);
+define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_BOTTOM", 700012);
+define("INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE", 700021);
+define("INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL", 700022);
+ * pPie
+ */
+/* Class return codes */
+define("PIE_NO_ABSCISSA", 140001);
+define("PIE_NO_DATASERIE", 140002);
+define("PIE_SUMISnull", 140003);
+define("PIE_RENDERED", 140000);
+define("PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO", 140010);
+define("PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL", 140011);
+define("PIE_VALUE_NATURAL", 140020);
+define("PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE", 140021);
+define("PIE_VALUE_INSIDE", 140030);
+define("PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE", 140031);
+ * pRadar
+ */
+define("SEGMENT_HEIGHT_AUTO", 690001);
+define("RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR", 690011);
+define("RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE", 690012);
+define("RADAR_LABELS_ROTATED", 690021);
+define("RADAR_LABELS_HORIZONTAL", 690022);
+ * pScatter
+ */
+define("SCATTER_MISSING_X_SERIE", 190001);
+define("SCATTER_MISSING_Y_SERIE", 190002);
+ * pSplit
+ */
+define("TEXT_POS_TOP", 690001);
+define("TEXT_POS_RIGHT", 690002);
+ * pSpring
+ */
+define("NODE_TYPE_FREE", 690001);
+define("NODE_TYPE_CENTRAL", 690002);
+define("NODE_SHAPE_CIRCLE", 690011);
+define("NODE_SHAPE_TRIANGLE", 690012);
+define("NODE_SHAPE_SQUARE", 690013);
+define("ALGORITHM_RANDOM", 690021);
+define("ALGORITHM_WEIGHTED", 690022);
+define("ALGORITHM_CIRCULAR", 690023);
+define("ALGORITHM_CENTRAL", 690024);
+define("LABEL_CLASSIC", 690031);
+define("LABEL_LIGHT", 690032);
+ * pStock
+ */
+define("STOCK_MISSING_SERIE", 180001);
+ * pSurface
+ */
+define("UNKNOWN", 0.123456789);
+define("IGNORED", -1);
+define("LABEL_POSITION_LEFT", 880001);
+define("LABEL_POSITION_RIGHT", 880002);
+define("LABEL_POSITION_TOP", 880003);
+define("LABEL_POSITION_BOTTOM", 880004);










+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 134 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+namespace CpChart\Services;
+use CpChart\Classes\pData;
+use CpChart\Classes\pImage;
+ * A simple service class utilizing the Factory design pattern. It has three 
+ * class specific methods, as well as a generic loader for the chart classes.
+ *
+ * @author szymach @
+ */
+class pChartFactory
+    private $namespace = 'CpChart\Classes\\';
+    /**
+     * Loads a new chart class (scatter, pie etc.). Some classes require instances of
+     * pImage and pData classes passed into their constructor. These classes are: 
+     * pBubble, pPie, pScatter, pStock, pSurface and pIndicator. Otherwise the 
+     * pChartObject and pDataObject parameters are redundant.
+     * 
+     * 
+     * @param string $chartType - type of the chart to be loaded (for example 'pie', not 'pPie')
+     * @param pImage $pChartObject
+     * @param pData $pDataObject
+     * @return \CpChart\Classes\$chartName
+     */
+    public function newChart(
+        $chartType,
+        pImage $pChartObject = null, 
+        pData $pDataObject = null
+    ) {
+        $this->checkChartType($chartType);
+        $className = $this->namespace.'p'.ucfirst($chartType);
+        if (!class_exists($className)) {
+            throw new \Exception('The requested chart class does not exist!');
+        }
+        return new $className($pChartObject, $pDataObject);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if the requested chart type is created via one of the methods in
+     * the pDraw class, instead through a seperate class. If a method in pDraw
+     * exists, an exception with proper information is thrown.
+     * 
+     * @param string $chartType
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    private function checkChartType($chartType)
+    {
+        $methods = array(
+            'draw'.ucfirst($chartType).'Chart',
+            'draw'.ucfirst($chartType)
+        );
+        foreach ($methods as $method) {
+            if (method_exists($this->namespace.'pImage', $method)) {
+                throw new \Exception(
+                    'The requested chart is not a seperate class, to draw it you'
+                  . ' need to call the "'.$method.'" method on the pImage object'
+                  . ' after populating it with data!'
+                  . ' Check the documentation on library\'s website for details.'
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new pData class with an option to pass the data to form a serie.
+     * 
+     * @param array $points - points to be added to serie
+     * @param string $serieName - name of the serie
+     * @return pData
+     */
+    public function newData(array $points = array(), $serieName = "Serie1")
+    {
+        $className = $this->namespace.'pData';
+        $data = new $className(); 
+        if (count($points) > 0) {
+            $data->addPoints($points, $serieName);
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a new pImage class. It requires the size of axes to be properly
+     * constructed.
+     * 
+     * @param integer $XSize - length of the X axis
+     * @param integer $YSize - length of the Y axis
+     * @param pData $DataSet - pData class populated with points
+     * @param boolean $TransparentBackground
+     * @return pImage
+     */
+    public function newImage(
+        $XSize,
+        $YSize,
+        \CpChart\Classes\pData $DataSet = null,
+        $TransparentBackground = false
+    ) {
+        $className = $this->namespace.'pImage';
+        return new $className(
+            $XSize,
+            $YSize,
+            $DataSet,
+            $TransparentBackground
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create one of the pBarcode classes. Only the number is required (39 or 128),
+     * the class name is contructed on the fly. Passing the constructor's parameters
+     * is also available, but not mandatory.
+     * 
+     * @param string $number - number identifing the pBarcode class ("39" or "128")
+     * @param string $BasePath - optional path for the file containing the class data
+     * @param boolean $EnableMOD43
+     * @return pBarcode(39|128)
+     * @throws \Exception
+     */
+    public function getBarcode($number, $BasePath = "", $EnableMOD43 = false)
+    {
+        if ($number != "39" && $number != "128") {
+            throw new \Exception(
+                'The barcode class for the provided number does not exist!'
+            );
+        }
+        $className = $this->namespace."pBarcode".$number;
+        return new $className($BasePath, $EnableMOD43);
+    }