@@ -816,7 +816,9 @@ $CalendarList = "Calendar list of attendances";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "There is no date/time registered yet";
$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Dashboard plugins have been updated sucessfully";
$LoginEnter = "Login";
+$AttendanceSheetDescription = "The attendance sheets allow you to specify a list of dates in which you will report attendance to your courses";
$ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "There are no registered learners inside the course";
+$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Go to the calendar list of attendance dates";
$ToolCourseDescription = "Course description";
$ToolDocument = "Documents";
$ToolLearnpath = "Courses";
@@ -840,4 +842,5 @@ $ToolBlogManagement = "Projects";
$ToolTracking = "Reporting";
$ToolCourseSetting = "Settings";
$ToolCourseMaintenance = "Backup";
+$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?";