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Remove the label FollowedStudentBosses

David Nos 9 лет назад

+ 0 - 1

@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ $TheTextYouEnteredDoesNotMatchThePicture = "El text introduït no correspon a la
 $RemoveOldRelationships = "Elimina relacions prèvies";
 $ImportSessionDrhList = "Importa llista de directors de RRHH a les sessions";
 $FollowedStudents = "Estudiants seguits";
-$FollowedStudentBosses = "Superiors d'estudiant seguits";
 $FollowedTeachers = "Professors seguits";
 $AllowOnlyFiles = "Només arxius";
 $AllowOnlyText = "Només resposta en línia";

+ 5 - 1

@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ $TheTextYouEnteredDoesNotMatchThePicture = "The text you entered doesn't match t
 $RemoveOldRelationships = "Remove previous relationships";
 $ImportSessionDrhList = "Import list of HR directors into sessions";
 $FollowedStudents = "Followed students";
-$FollowedStudentBosses = "Followed student' superiors";
 $FollowedTeachers = "Followed teachers";
 $AllowOnlyFiles = "Allow only files";
 $AllowOnlyText = "Allow only text";
@@ -7622,4 +7621,9 @@ $MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "You need register a project on <a href=\"ht
 $MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "API Key of Google Developer Console for Google Cloud Messaging";
 $MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "You need enable the Google Cloud Messaging API and create one credential for Android";
 $Overwrite = "Overwrite";
+$TheLogoMustBeSizeXAndFormatY = "The logo must be of %s px in size and in %s format";
+$ResetToTheOriginalLogo = "Original logo recovered";
+$NewLogoUpdated = "New logo uploaded";
+$CurrentLogo = "Current logo";
+$UpdateLogo = "Update logo";

+ 5 - 1

@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ $TheTextYouEnteredDoesNotMatchThePicture = "El texto introducido no corresponde
 $RemoveOldRelationships = "Eliminar relaciones previas";
 $ImportSessionDrhList = "Importar lista de directores RRHH en las sesiones";
 $FollowedStudents = "Estudiantes seguidos";
-$FollowedStudentBosses = "Superiores de estudiante seguidos";
 $FollowedTeachers = "Profesores seguidos";
 $AllowOnlyFiles = "Solo archivos";
 $AllowOnlyText = "Solo respuesta online";
@@ -7647,4 +7646,9 @@ $MessagingGDCProjectNumberComment = "Necesita registrar un proyecto en <a href=\
 $MessagingGDCApiKeyTitle = "API key de Google Developer Console para Google Cloud Messaging";
 $MessagingGDCApiKeyComment = "Necesita habilitar la API de Google Cloud Messaging y crear una credencial para Android";
 $Overwrite = "Sobreescribir";
+$TheLogoMustBeSizeXAndFormatY = "El logo debe ser de un tamaño de %s px y en el formato %s";
+$ResetToTheOriginalLogo = "Reseteado al logo original";
+$NewLogoUpdated = "Nuevo logo subido";
+$CurrentLogo = "Logo activo";
+$UpdateLogo = "Cambiar el logo";