@@ -364,6 +364,8 @@ function return_navigation_array()
// Custom tabs
$customTabs = getCustomTabs();
if (!empty($customTabs)) {
foreach ($customTabs as $tab) {
if (api_get_setting($tab['variable'], $tab['subkey']) == 'true' &&
@@ -380,7 +382,8 @@ function return_navigation_array()
return array(
'menu_navigation' => $menu_navigation,
'navigation' => $navigation,
@@ -388,11 +391,158 @@ function return_navigation_array()
-function return_menu()
+function menuArray()
+ $mainNavigation = return_navigation_array();
+ unset($mainNavigation['navigation']);
+ unset($mainNavigation['menu_navigation']);
+ //$navigation = $navigation['navigation'];
+ // Get active language
+ $lang = api_get_setting('platformLanguage');
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['user_language_choice'])) {
+ $lang = $_SESSION['user_language_choice'];
+ } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['_user']['language'])) {
+ $lang = $_SESSION['_user']['language'];
+ }
+ // Preparing home folder for multiple urls
+ if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) {
+ $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
+ if ($access_url_id != -1) {
+ // If not a dead URL
+ $urlInfo = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
+ $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\/\//i', '', $urlInfo['url']));
+ $cleanUrl = api_replace_dangerous_char($url);
+ $cleanUrl = str_replace('/', '-', $cleanUrl);
+ $cleanUrl .= '/';
+ $homepath = api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'home/'.$cleanUrl; //homep for Home Path
+ //we create the new dir for the new sites
+ if (!is_dir($homepath)) {
+ mkdir($homepath, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $homepath = api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH).'home/';
+ }
+ $ext = '.html';
+ $menuTabs = 'home_tabs';
+ $menuTabsLoggedIn = 'home_tabs_logged_in';
+ $pageContent = '';
+ // Get the extra page content, containing the links to add to the tabs
+ if (is_file($homepath.$menuTabs.'_'.$lang.$ext) && is_readable($homepath.$menuTabs.'_'.$lang.$ext)) {
+ $pageContent = @(string) file_get_contents($homepath . $menuTabs . '_' . $lang . $ext);
+ } elseif (is_file($homepath.$menuTabs.$lang.$ext) && is_readable($homepath.$menuTabs.$lang.$ext)) {
+ $pageContent = @(string) file_get_contents($homepath . $menuTabs . $lang . $ext);
+ } else {
+ //$errorMsg = get_lang('HomePageFilesNotReadable');
+ }
+ // Sanitize page content
+ $pageContent = api_to_system_encoding($pageContent, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($pageContent)));
+ $open = str_replace('{rel_path}',api_get_path(REL_PATH), $pageContent);
+ $open = api_to_system_encoding($open, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($open)));
+ // Get the extra page content, containing the links to add to the tabs
+ // that are only for users already logged in
+ $openMenuTabsLoggedIn = '';
+ if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous()) {
+ if (is_file($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . '_' . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . '_' . $lang . $ext)) {
+ $pageContent = @(string) file_get_contents($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . '_' . $lang . $ext);
+ $pageContent = str_replace('::private', '', $pageContent);
+ } elseif (is_file($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . $lang . $ext) && is_readable($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . $lang . $ext)) {
+ $pageContent = @(string) file_get_contents($homepath . $menuTabsLoggedIn . $lang . $ext);
+ $pageContent = str_replace('::private', '', $pageContent);
+ } else {
+ //$errorMsg = get_lang('HomePageFilesNotReadable');
+ }
+ $pageContent = api_to_system_encoding($pageContent, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($pageContent)));
+ $openMenuTabsLoggedIn = str_replace('{rel_path}',api_get_path(REL_PATH), $pageContent);
+ $openMenuTabsLoggedIn = api_to_system_encoding($openMenuTabsLoggedIn, api_detect_encoding(strip_tags($openMenuTabsLoggedIn)));
+ }
+ if (!empty($open) OR !empty($openMenuTabsLoggedIn)) {
+ if (strpos($open.$openMenuTabsLoggedIn, 'show_menu') === false) {
+ if (api_is_anonymous()) {
+ $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'][SECTION_CAMPUS] = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous()) {
+ $list = split("\n", $openMenuTabsLoggedIn);
+ foreach ($list as $link) {
+ $matches = array();
+ $match = preg_match('$href="([^"]*)" target="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</a>$', $link, $matches);
+ if ($match) {
+ $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'][$matches[3]] = array(
+ 'url' => $matches[1],
+ 'target' => $matches[2],
+ 'title' => $matches[3],
+ 'key' => 'page-' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($matches[3]))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $list = split("\n", $open);
+ foreach ($list as $link) {
+ $matches = array();
+ $match = preg_match('$href="([^"]*)" target="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</a>$', $link, $matches);
+ if ($match) {
+ $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'][$matches[3]] = array(
+ 'url' => $matches[1],
+ 'target' => $matches[2],
+ 'title' => $matches[3],
+ 'key' => 'page-' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($matches[3]))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($mainNavigation['possible_tabs']) > 0) {
+ //$pre_lis = '';
+ $activeSection = '';
+ foreach ($mainNavigation['possible_tabs'] as $section => $navigation_info) {
+ $key = (!empty($navigation_info['key'])?'tab-'.$navigation_info['key']:'');
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['this_section'])) {
+ $tempSection = $section;
+ if ($section == 'social') {
+ $tempSection = 'social-network';
+ }
+ if ($tempSection == $GLOBALS['this_section']) {
+ $activeSection = $section;
+ }
+ // If we're on the index page and a specific extra link has been
+ // loaded
+ if ($GLOBALS['this_section'] == SECTION_CAMPUS) {
+ if (!empty($_GET['include'])) {
+ $name = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($navigation_info['title'])) . '_' . $lang . $ext;
+ if ($_GET['include'] == $name) {
+ $activeSection = $section;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $current = '';
+ }
+ $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'][$section]['current'] = '';
+ }
+ if (!empty($activeSection)) {
+ $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'][$activeSection]['current'] = 'active';
+ }
+ }
+ unset($mainNavigation['possible_tabs']['myprofile']);
+ return $mainNavigation['possible_tabs'];
+/* function return_menu()
$navigation = return_navigation_array();
$navigation = $navigation['navigation'];
// Displaying the tabs
$lang = api_get_setting('platformLanguage');
@@ -473,9 +623,11 @@ function return_menu()
if (count($navigation) > 0 || !empty($lis)) {
$pre_lis = '';
foreach ($navigation as $section => $navigation_info) {
$key = (!empty($navigation_info['key'])?'tab-'.$navigation_info['key']:'');
if (isset($GLOBALS['this_section'])) {
@@ -487,6 +639,7 @@ function return_menu()
$pre_lis .= '<li'.$current.'><a href="'.$navigation_info['url'].'" target="_self">'.$navigation_info['title'].'</a></li>';
$lis = $pre_lis.$lis;
@@ -494,8 +647,10 @@ function return_menu()
if (!empty($lis)) {
$menu .= $lis;
return $menu;
function return_breadcrumb($interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $nameTools)