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Fixes to language vars for English and Spanish

Yannick Warnier 15 years ago

+ 50 - 50

@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ $langModifyClassInfo = "Edit class information";
 $langModifyGroupInfo = "Edit group information";
 $langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit training information";
 $langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !";
-$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user\'s last name !";
-$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user\'s first name !";
+$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user's last name !";
+$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user's first name !";
 $langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
 $langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
 $langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the training code.";
-$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer\'s First and Last Name.";
+$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer's First and Last Name.";
 $langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the formation title";
 $langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
 $langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ $langUsersInsideGroup = "Users inside the group";
 $langImportFileLocation = "Location of the CSV / XML file";
 $langFileType = "File type";
 $langOutputFileType = "Output file type";
-$langMustUseSeparator = "must use the \';\' character as a separator";
+$langMustUseSeparator = "must use the ';' character as a separator";
 $langCSVMustLookLike = "The CSV file must look like this";
 $langXMLMustLookLike = "The XML file must look like this";
 $langMandatoryFields = "Fields in <strong>bold</strong> are mandatory.";
 $langNotXML = "The specified file is not XML format !";
 $langNotCSV = "The specified file is not CSV format !";
-$langNoNeededData = "The specified file doesn\'t contain all needed data !";
-$langMaxImportUsers = "You can\'t import more than 500 users at once !";
+$langNoNeededData = "The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !";
+$langMaxImportUsers = "You can't import more than 500 users at once !";
 $langAdminDatabases = "Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
 $langAdminUsers = "Users";
 $langAdminClasses = "Classes of users";
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ $langVisualCode = "visual code";
 $langAddCourse = "Create a training";
 $langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual training";
 $langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing \'real\' training.";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing 'real' training.";
 $langRealCourseCode = "Real training code";
 $langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The training was successfully created.";
 $langYourDokeosUses = "Your Chamilo installation uses presently";
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ $Guest = "Guest";
 $langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Login as";
 $langLoginAsThisUser = "Login";
 $SelectPicture = "Select picture...";
-$DontResetPassword = "Don\'t reset password";
+$DontResetPassword = "Don't reset password";
 $ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
 $langCourseAdmin = "Trainer";
 $langOtherCourses = "other training";
@@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ $ShowStudentViewTitle = "Learner View";
 $ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Learner View?<br>This feature allows the trainer to see the learner view.";
 $AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
 $AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow trainers to create categories in the Groups tool?";
-$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\\"languages.php\\">Chamilo Platform Languages</a>";
+$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platform Languages</a>";
 $ProductionServer = "Production Server";
 $TestServer = "Test Server";
-$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who\'s Online";
+$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who's Online";
 $AsPlatformLanguage = "as platformlanguage";
 $ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online?";
 $AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ $AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as Trainer";
 $AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?";
 $PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language";
 $Tuning = "Tuning";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users\' upload directory";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
 $SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Ch";
 $CourseQuota = "Disk Space";
 $EditNotice = "Edit notice";
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ $NoSearchResults = "No search results";
 $UserDeleted = "The user is deleted";
 $NoClassesForThisCourse = "There are no classes subscribed to this training";
 $CourseUsage = "Training usage";
-$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a training";
-$NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a class";
-$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn\'t subscribed in a training";
+$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a training";
+$NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a class";
+$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn't subscribed in a training";
 $langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world";
 $OpenToThePlatform = " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform";
 $langPrivate = " Private access (training reachable only by people on the users list)";
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ $NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denied";
 $AddDummyContentToCourse = "Add some dummy (example) content to this training";
 $DummyCourseCreator = "Create dummy course content";
 $DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
-$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\\"\\"></a>";
+$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\"\"></a>";
 $CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
 $DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual training";
 $LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real training code";
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ $administratorTelephoneTitle = "Portal Administrator: Telephone";
 $administratorTelephoneComment = "The telephone number of the platform administrator";
 $SendMailToNewUser = "Send mail to new user";
 $ExtendedProfileTitle = "Extended profile";
-$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to \'True\', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: \'My competences\', \'My diplomas\', \'What I am able to teach\' and \'My personal open area\'";
+$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'";
 $Classes = "Classes";
 $UserUnsubscribed = "User is now unsubscribed";
 $CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "User can not be unsubscribed because he is one of the trainers.";
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ $MainMenu = "Main menu";
 $MainMenuLogged = "Main menu after login";
 $Banner = "Banner";
 $ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images";
-$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
+$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
 $MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width";
 $MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
 $MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height";
@@ -516,9 +516,9 @@ $IconsOnly = "Icons only";
 $TextOnly = "Text only";
 $IconsText = "Icons and text";
 $EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Enable tool introduction";
-$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool\'s homepage";
+$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool's homepage";
 $BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Training homepage breadcrumb";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses\' homepages";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages";
 $Comment = "Comment";
 $Version = "Version";
 $LoginPageMainArea = "Login page main area";
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ $MyCoursesMenu = "Training menu";
 $Header = "Header";
 $Footer = "Footer";
 $PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal\'s public pages might appear differentl";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differentl";
 $VersionCheck = "Version check";
 $Active = "Active";
 $Inactive = "Inactive";
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ $SelectACoach = "Select a coach";
 $UserNameUsedTwice = "Login is used twice";
 $UserNameNotAvailable = "This login is not available";
 $UserNameTooLong = "This login is too long";
-$WrongStatus = "This status doesn\'t exist";
+$WrongStatus = "This status doesn't exist";
 $ClassNameNotAvailable = "This classname is not available";
 $FileImported = "File imported";
 $WhichSessionToExport = "Choose the session to export";
@@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ $CodeDoesNotExists = "This code does not exist";
 $UnknownUser = "Unknown user";
 $UnknownStatus = "Unknown status";
 $SessionDeleted = "The session has been deleted";
-$CourseDoesNotExist = "This training doesn\'t exist";
-$UserDoesNotExist = "This user doesn\'t exist";
+$CourseDoesNotExist = "This training doesn't exist";
+$UserDoesNotExist = "This user doesn't exist";
 $ButProblemsOccured = "but problems occured";
 $UsernameTooLongWasCut = "This login was cut";
 $NoInputFile = "No file was sent";
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ $HideDLTTMarkup = "Hide DLTT Markup";
 $ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of training for the session";
 $UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected users from session";
 $ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they\'re empty";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they're empty";
 $ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty training categories";
 $XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid";
 $ForTheSession = "for the session";
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ $EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Chamil
 $EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Leaders in <BR>anti plagiarism </STRONG>";
 $EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices";
 $NameOfTheSession = "Session name";
-$NoSessionsForThisUser = "This user isn\'t subscribed in a session";
+$NoSessionsForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a session";
 $DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Display categories on home page";
 $DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page";
 $ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs in the header";
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ $EmailMandatory = "The email cannot be empty";
 $TabsMyAgenda = "Agenda tab";
 $NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage";
 $LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Let those fields empty to hide the notice";
-$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server\'s parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
+$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server's parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
 $PlatformCharsetTitle = "Character set";
 $PlatformCharsetComment = "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default iso-8859-15 sh";
 $ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Extended profile fields in registration";
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ $GradebookActivationComment = "The Assessments tool allows you to assess compete
 $UserTheme = "Theme (stylesheet)";
 $UserThemeSelection = "User theme selection";
 $UserThemeSelectionComment = "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over";
-$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \\"allow_url_fopen\\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value direct";
+$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value direct";
 $VisioHost = "Videoconference streaming server hostname or IP address";
 $VisioPort = "Videoconference streaming server port";
 $VisioPassword = "Videoconference streaming server password";
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ $TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Enable Competence level labelling";
 $GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Threshold";
 $GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "The threshold (in %) under which scores will be colored red";
 $GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Display score upper limit";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Tick the box to show the score\'s upper limit";
-$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Enable score\'s upper limit display";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Tick the box to show the score's upper limit";
+$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Enable score's upper limit display";
 $AddUserFields = "Add profile field";
 $FieldPossibleValues = "Possible values";
 $FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Only given for repetitive fields, split by semi-column (;)";
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ $FieldTypeDate = "Date";
 $FieldTypeDatetime = "Date and time";
 $UserFieldsAddHelp = "Adding a user field is very easy:<br />- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,<br />- select a type,<br />- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated";
 $AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Allow training themes";
-$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user\'s";
+$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user's";
 $DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool";
 $DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool";
 $DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool";
@@ -737,27 +737,27 @@ $ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed training on the login page and train
 $LDAPConnectionError = "LDAP Connection Error";
 $LDAP = "LDAP";
 $LDAPEnableTitle = "Enable LDAP";
-$LDAPEnableComment = "If you have an LDAP server, you will have to configure its settings below and modify your configuration file as described in the installation guide, and then activate it. This will allow users to authenticate using their LDAP logins. If you don\'t know wh";
+$LDAPEnableComment = "If you have an LDAP server, you will have to configure its settings below and modify your configuration file as described in the installation guide, and then activate it. This will allow users to authenticate using their LDAP logins. If you don't know wh";
 $LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Main LDAP server address";
 $LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "The IP address or url of your main LDAP server.";
-$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Main LDAP server\'s port.";
+$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Main LDAP server's port.";
 $LDAPMainServerPortComment = "The port on which the main LDAP server will respond (usually 389). This is a mandatory setting.";
 $LDAPDomainTitle = "LDAP domain";
 $LDAPDomainComment = "This is the LDAP domain (dc) that will be used to find the contacts on the LDAP server. For example: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz";
 $LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Replicate server address";
-$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don\'t have a replicate server.";
-$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Replicate server\'s port";
+$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don't have a replicate server.";
+$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Replicate server's port";
 $LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "The port on which the replicate server will respond.";
 $LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Search term";
-$LDAPSearchTermComment = "This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server\'s documentation and configuration.";
+$LDAPSearchTermComment = "This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server's documentation and configuration.";
 $LDAPVersionTitle = "LDAP version";
-$LDAPVersionComment = "Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server\'s configuration.";
+$LDAPVersionComment = "Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server's configuration.";
 $LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2";
 $LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
 $LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Tutor identification field";
 $LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "A check will be done on this LDAP contact field on new users insertion. If this field is not empty, the user will be considered as a tutor and inserted in Chamilo as such. If you want all your users to be recognised as simple users, leave this field empty";
 $LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Authentication login";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include \\"cn=\\". Leave empty for anonymous access.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include \"cn=\". Leave empty for anonymous access.";
 $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Authentication password";
 $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user password that should be used.";
 $LDAPImport = "LDAP Import";
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ $ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Import LDAP users into the platform";
 $NoUserInThisSession = "No user in this session";
 $SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Subscribe some users to this session";
 $EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Enter the learners you would like to register to your training";
-$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the component and the component\'s step";
+$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the component and the component's step";
 $SelectComponent = "Select component";
 $Component = "Component";
 $SelectStudents = "Select learners";
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ $DaysAfter = "days after";
 $SessionAddTypeUnique = "Single registration";
 $SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Multiple registration";
 $EnableSearchTitle = "Full-text search feature";
-$EnableSearchComment = "Select \\"Yes\\" to enable this feature. It is highly dependent on the Xapian extension for PHP, so this will not work if this extension is not installed on your server, in version 1.x at minimum.";
+$EnableSearchComment = "Select \"Yes\" to enable this feature. It is highly dependent on the Xapian extension for PHP, so this will not work if this extension is not installed on your server, in version 1.x at minimum.";
 $SearchASession = "Find a training session";
 $ActiveSession = "Session session";
 $AddUrl = "Add Url";
@@ -872,8 +872,8 @@ $ConfigureResourceType = "Configure";
 $ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL";
 $URLAdded = "The URL has been added";
 $URLAlreadyAdded = "This URL already exists, please select another URL";
-$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Are you sure you want to set this language as the portal\'s default?";
-$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Current portal\'s language";
+$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Are you sure you want to set this language as the portal's default?";
+$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Current portal's language";
 $EditUsersToURL = "Edit users and URLs";
 $AddUsersToURL = "Add users to an URL";
 $URLList = "URL list";
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ $AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Admin user assigned to this URL";
 $CoursesWereEdited = "Training updated successfully";
 $URLEdited = "The URL has been edited";
 $AddSessionToURL = "Add session to an URL";
-$FirstLetterSession = "Session title\'s first letter";
+$FirstLetterSession = "Session title's first letter";
 $EditSessionToURL = "Edit session";
 $AddSessionsToThatURL = "Add sessions to that URL";
 $SessionBelongURL = "Sessions were edited";
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ $FieldFilter = "Filter";
 $FilterOn = "Filter on";
 $FilterOff = "Filter off";
 $FieldFilterSetOn = "You can now use this field as a filter";
-$FieldFilterSetOff = "You can\'t use this field as a filter";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "You can't use this field as a filter";
 $buttonAddUserField = "Add user field";
 $UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
 $TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already use this code";
@@ -937,8 +937,8 @@ $TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted";
 $EditTemplate = "Template edition";
 $FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "The users that were not registered on the platform have been imported";
 $YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "You must import a file corresponding to the selected format";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor\'s e-mail address in the footer";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor\'s e-mail in footer ?";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor's e-mail address in the footer";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor's e-mail in footer ?";
 $Created = "Created";
 $AddSystemAnnouncement = "Add a system announcement";
 $EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit system announcement";
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ $RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Define new terms for this sub-language
 $AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Sub-language terms";
 $LoadLanguageFile = "Load language file";
 $AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow the definition and use of sub-languages";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform\'s interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You\'ll find this option in the languages section o";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform's interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You'll find this option in the languages section o";
 $AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add terms to the sub-language";
 $TemplateEdited = "Template edited";
 $SubLanguage = "Sub-language";
@@ -981,11 +981,11 @@ $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show glossary terms in documents";
 $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents";
 $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatic: adds links to all defined glossary terms found in the document";
 $ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual: shows a glossary icon in the online editor, so you can mark the terms that are in the glossary and that you want to link";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn\'t add any glossary terms to the documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn't add any glossary terms to the documents";
 $LanguageVariable = "Language variable";
 $ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document that has glossary terms with its references to the glossary, you have to make sure you include the glossary tool in the export";
-$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session\'s tutor\'s data is shown in the footer.";
-$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session\'s tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session's tutor's data is shown in the footer.";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session's tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
 $ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Show teacher information in footer";
 $ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
 $TermsAndConditions = "Terms and conditions";
@@ -1138,4 +1138,4 @@ $FieldTypeTimezone = "Timezone";
 $AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned sessions have been updated";
 $AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned courses have been updated";
 $AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned users have been updated";

+ 5 - 5

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $CourseAccessConfigTip = "By default your training is public. But you can define
 $langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world";
 $OpenToThePlatform = "Open - access allowed for users registered in portal";
 $langOpenToThePlatform = "Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform";
-$langTipLang = "This language will be valid for every visitor of your training\'s website.";
+$langTipLang = "This language will be valid for every visitor of your training's website.";
 $langVid = "Chamilo LIVE";
 $langWork = "Contributions";
 $langProgramMenu = "Training program";
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ $langSubscription = "Subscription";
 $langCourseAccess = "Training access";
 $langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup this training?";
 $langCreateSite = "Create a training";
-$langRestoreDescription = "The training is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>Once you click on \\"Restore\\", the archive will be uncompressed and the training recreated.";
-$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \\"users.csv\\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
+$langRestoreDescription = "The training is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the training recreated.";
+$langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn't allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually.";
 $langAvailableArchives = "Available archives list";
 $langNoArchive = "No archive has been selected";
 $langArchiveNotFound = "The archive has not been found";
 $langArchiveUncompressed = "The archive has been uncompressed and installed.";
-$langCsvPutIntoDocTool = "The file \\"users.csv\\" has been put into Documents tool.";
+$langCsvPutIntoDocTool = "The file \"users.csv\" has been put into Documents tool.";
 $langBackH = "back to homepage";
 $langOtherCategory = "Other category";
 $langAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Users are allowed to unsubscribe from this training";
@@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ $NewUserEmailAlert = "Notice by e-mail  to trainer of auto subscription of a new
 $NewUserEmailAlertEnable = "Enable the notice by e-mail  to trainer of auto subscription of a new user";
 $NewUserEmailAlertToTeacharAndTutor = "Enable the notice by e-mail  to trainer and tutors of auto subscription of a new user";
 $NewUserEmailAlertDisable = "Disable the email alert for the suscription of  new user in the training";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $langCopyFinished = "Copying is finished";
 $langFullRecycle = "Delete everything";
 $langRecycleCourse = "Empty this training";
 $langRecycleFinished = "Recycle is finished";
-$langRecycleWarning = "Warning: using this tool, you will delete learning objects in your training. There is no UNDO possible. We advise you to create a <a href=\\"create_backup.php\\">backup</a> before.";
+$langRecycleWarning = "Warning: using this tool, you will delete learning objects in your training. There is no UNDO possible. We advise you to create a <a href=\"create_backup.php\">backup</a> before.";
 $langSameFilename = "What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?";
 $langSameFilenameSkip = "Skip same file name";
 $langSameFilenameRename = "Rename file (eg file.pdf becomes file_1.pdf)";
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ $DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Documents will be added too";
 $ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "If you want to export a course containing a test, you have to make sure the corresponding tests are included in the export, so you have to select them in the list of tests.";
 $ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The archives directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator.";
 $DestinationCourse = "Target training";

+ 9 - 9

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
 $langProfessors = "Trainers";
-$langExplanation = "Once you click on \\"Create a training\\", a training is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer provides you with editing privileges for this training.";
+$langExplanation = "Once you click on \"Create a training\", a training is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as trainer provides you with editing privileges for this training.";
 $langEmpty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
 $langCodeTaken = "This training code is already in use.  <br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again";
 $langFormula = "Yours sincerely";
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ $langExerciceEx = "Sample test";
 $langAntique = "Irony";
 $langSocraticIrony = "Socratic irony is...";
 $langManyAnswers = "(more than one answer can be true)";
-$langRidiculise = "Ridiculise one\'s interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong.";
+$langRidiculise = "Ridiculise one's interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong.";
 $langNoPsychology = "No. Socratic irony is not a matter of psychology, it concerns argumentation.";
-$langAdmitError = "Admit one\'s own errors to invite one\'s interlocutor to do the same.";
+$langAdmitError = "Admit one's own errors to invite one's interlocutor to do the same.";
 $langNoSeduction = "No. Socratic irony is not a seduction strategy or a method based on the example.";
-$langForce = "Compell one\'s interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn\'t know what he claims to know.";
-$langIndeed = "Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \\"eirotao\\" means \\"ask questions\\"";
-$langContradiction = "Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one\'s interlocutor into a dead end.";
-$langNotFalse = "This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor\'s ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses.";
+$langForce = "Compell one's interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn't know what he claims to know.";
+$langIndeed = "Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \"eirotao\" means \"ask questions\"";
+$langContradiction = "Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one's interlocutor into a dead end.";
+$langNotFalse = "This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor's ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses.";
 $langAgenda = "Agenda";
 $langVideo = "Video";
 $langCourseProgram = "Training program";
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ $ExampleForumCategory = "Example Forum Category";
 $ExampleForum = "Example Forum";
 $ExampleThread = "Example Thread";
 $ExampleThreadContent = "Example content";
-$IntroductionWiki = "The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a Hawaiian word, meaning \\"fast\\" or \\"speed\\". In a wiki, people write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to";
+$IntroductionWiki = "The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a Hawaiian word, meaning \"fast\" or \"speed\". In a wiki, people write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to";
 $CreateCourseArea = "Create this training";
 $CreateCourse = "Create a training";
 $Create = "Create";
 $MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin = "This message is to inform you that has created a new course on platform";
 $NewCourseCreatedIn = "New course created in";
 $ExplicationTrainers = "The trainer is set as you for now. You can change this setting later in the training configuration settings";

+ 10 - 10

@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ $langFileName = "Page / activity name";
 $langNoFileName = "Please enter the file name";
 $langNoText = "Please type your text / HTML content";
 $langAreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure you want to delete";
-$langScormcontent = "This is a Scorm content<br><input type=button name=scormbutton value=\'Launch it !\' onclick=\'openscorm()\'>";
-$langScormcontentstudent = "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : <input type=button name=scormbutton value=\'Launch it !\' onclick=\'openscorm()\'>";
+$langScormcontent = "This is a Scorm content<br><input type=button name=scormbutton value='Launch it !' onclick='openscorm()'>";
+$langScormcontentstudent = "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : <input type=button name=scormbutton value='Launch it !' onclick='openscorm()'>";
 $langPublish = "Publish";
 $langMissingImagesDetected = "Missing images detected";
 $langCreateDocument = "Create a rich media page / activity";
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ $CannotCreateDir = "Unable to create the folder.";
 $UplUpload = "Upload";
 $UplWhatIfFileExists = "If file exists:";
 $UplDoNothing = "Do nothing";
-$UplDoNothingLong = "Don\'t upload if file exists";
+$UplDoNothingLong = "Don't upload if file exists";
 $UplOverwrite = "Overwrite";
 $UplOverwriteLong = "Overwrite the existing file";
 $UplRename = "Rename";
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $fileModified = "The file is modified";
 $DocumentsOverview = "Documents overview";
 $ViewSlideshow = "Images gallery";
 $Options = "Options";
-$WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Chamilo RAPID<ul type=\\"1\\"><li>Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file<li>Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm course.<li>You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and insert test and activities b";
+$WelcomeOogieConverter = "Welcome to Chamilo RAPID<ul type=\"1\"><li>Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file<li>Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm course.<li>You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and insert test and activities b";
 $ConvertToLP = "Convert to course";
 $AdvancedSettings = "Advanced settings";
 $File = "File";
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ $ReadOnly = "Read only";
 $ReadOnlyFile = "The file is read only";
 $FileNotFound = "The file was not found";
 $TemplateTitleFirstPage = "First page";
-$TemplateTitleFirstPageDescription = "It\'s the cover page of your course";
+$TemplateTitleFirstPageDescription = "It's the cover page of your course";
 $TemplateTitleDedicatory = "Dedication";
 $TemplateTitleDedicatoryDescription = "Make your own dedication";
 $TemplateTitlePreface = "Course preface";
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $TemplateTitlePrefaceDescription = "Preface";
 $TemplateTitleIntroduction = "Introduction";
 $TemplateTitleIntroductionDescription = "Insert the introduction text";
 $TemplateTitlePlan = "Plan";
-$TemplateTitlePlanDescription = "It\'s the table of content";
+$TemplateTitlePlanDescription = "It's the table of content";
 $TemplateTitleMrDokeos = "Mr Chamilo little explaining";
 $TemplateTitleMrDokeosDescription = "Dialog on the bottom with Mr Chamilo";
 $TemplateTitleTeacher = "Your instructor";
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ $TemplateTitleTextDescription = "Plain text page";
 $TemplateTitleLeftImage = "Left image";
 $TemplateTitleLeftImageDescription = "Left image";
 $TemplateTitleTextCentered = "Text and image centered";
-$TemplateTitleTextCenteredDescription = "It\'s a text with an image centered and legend";
+$TemplateTitleTextCenteredDescription = "It's a text with an image centered and legend";
 $TemplateTitleComparison = "Compare";
 $TemplateTitleComparisonDescription = "2 columns text page";
 $TemplateTitleDiagram = "Diagram explained";
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ $CreateTemplate = "Create template";
 $SharedFolder = "Shared folder";
 $CreateFolder = "Create the folder";
 $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "This directory contains the default archives. You can clear files or add new ones, but if a file is hidden when it is inserted in a web document, the students will not be able to see it in this document. When inserting a file in a web document, first make";
-$HelpSharedFolder = "This directory contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn\'t do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any trainer, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they ac";
-$TemplateImage = "Template\'s icon";
+$HelpSharedFolder = "This directory contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn't do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any trainer, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they ac";
+$TemplateImage = "Template's icon";
 $MoveElement = "Move element";

+ 7 - 7

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $langLessAnswers = "-answ";
 $langMoreElements = "+elem";
 $langLessElements = "-elem";
 $langTypeTextBelow = "Please type your text below";
-$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "<table cellspacing=\\"0\\" cellpadding=\\"10\\" border=\\"1\\" width=\\"720\\" style=\\"\\" height:=\\"\\">    <tbody>        <tr>            <td colspan=\\"2\\">            <h3>Example fill the form activity : calculate the Body Mass Index</h3>            </td>";
+$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"1\" width=\"720\" style=\"\" height:=\"\">    <tbody>        <tr>            <td colspan=\"2\">            <h3>Example fill the form activity : calculate the Body Mass Index</h3>            </td>";
 $langDefaultMatchingOptA = "Note down the address";
 $langDefaultMatchingOptB = "Contact the emergency services";
 $langDefaultMakeCorrespond1 = "First step";
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ $langMakeCorrespond = "Match them";
 $langFillLists = "Please fill the two lists below";
 $langGiveText = "Please type the text";
 $langDefineBlanks = "Please define at least one blank with square brackets [...]";
-$langGiveAnswers = "Please type the question\'s answers";
+$langGiveAnswers = "Please type the question's answers";
 $langChooseGoodAnswer = "Please check the correct answer";
 $langChooseGoodAnswers = "Please check one or more correct answers";
 $langQuestionList = "Question list of the test";
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ $langReplaced = "Replaced";
 $langSuperior = "a value larger than 20";
 $langRep20 = "Replace 20";
 $langDefault = "Default Values *";
-$langDefComment = "previous values will be replaced by clicking the \\"default values\\" button";
+$langDefComment = "previous values will be replaced by clicking the \"default values\" button";
 $langScoreGet = "black numbers = score";
 $langShowScor = "Show score to learner:";
 $langStep1 = "Step 1";
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ $langFinishThisTest = "Show correct answers to each question and the score for t
 $langAllQuestions = "All questions";
 $langModifyTitleDescription = "Edit title and description";
 $langModifyHotspots = "Edit answers/hotspots";
-$langHotspotNotDrawn = "You haven\'t drawn all your hotspots yet";
+$langHotspotNotDrawn = "You haven't drawn all your hotspots yet";
 $langHotspotWeightingError = "You must give a positive score for each hotspots";
 $langHotspotValidateError1 = "You should answer completely to the question (";
 $langHotspotValidateError2 = " click(s) required on the image) before seeing the results";
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ $FillInBlankSwitchable = "Allow answers order switches";
 $ReachedMaxAttempts = "You cannot take test <b>%s</b> because you have already reached the maximum of %s attempts.";
 $AdvancedParameters = "Advanced settings";
 $RandomQuestionsToDisplay = "Number of random questions to display";
-$RandomQuestionsHelp = "To randomize all questions choose 10. To disable randomization, choose \\"Do not randomize\\".";
+$RandomQuestionsHelp = "To randomize all questions choose 10. To disable randomization, choose \"Do not randomize\".";
 $ExerciseAttempts = "Max number of attempts";
 $DoNotRandomize = "Do not randomize";
 $Infinite = "Infinite";
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ $SelectTargetLP = "Select target training";
 $SelectTargetQuestion = "Select target question";
 $DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion = "The test type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, so this type quiz cannot be changed afterward.";
 $CantShowResults = "Not available";
-$CantViewResults = "Can\'t view results";
+$CantViewResults = "Can't view results";
 $ShowCorrectedOnly = "With individual feedback";
 $ShowUnCorrectedOnly = "Uncorrected results";
 $HideResultsToStudents = "Hide results";
@@ -356,4 +356,4 @@ $ExerciseAttempted = "A learner attempted an exercise";
 $MultipleSelectCombination = "Exact Selection";
 $MultipleAnswerCombination = "Exact answers combination";
 $ExerciceExpiredTimeMessage = "The exercise time limit has expired";

+ 6 - 6

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ $ExtendAttemptView = "Extend attempt view";
 $LearnPathAddedTitle = "Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !";
 $BuildComment = "Add learning objects and activities to your course";
 $BasicOverviewComment = "Add audio comments and order learning objects in the table of contents";
-$DisplayComment = "Watch the course from learner\'s viewpoint";
+$DisplayComment = "Watch the course from learner's viewpoint";
 $NewChapterComment = "Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Week 1, Week 2...";
 $NewStepComment = "Add tests, activities and multimedia content";
 $lang_learning_path = "Courses";
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ $langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current test";
 $langUploadScorm = "Import SCORM course";
 $langPowerPointConvert = "Chamilo RAPID";
 $langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue add a section or a learning object or activity to your course.";
-$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "     <html><body><p><big><img height=\\"250\\" width=\\"250\\" align=\\"right\\" src=\\"images/gallery/mr_dokeos/animated/practicerAnim.gif\\" alt=\\"practicerAnim.gif\\" />Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !</big></p>        <ul>            <li><b>Build";
+$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "     <html><body><p><big><img height=\"250\" width=\"250\" align=\"right\" src=\"images/gallery/mr_dokeos/animated/practicerAnim.gif\" alt=\"practicerAnim.gif\" />Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !</big></p>        <ul>            <li><b>Build";
 $langPrerequisitesAdded = "Prerequisites to the current learning object have been added.";
 $langAddEditPrerequisites = "Add/edit prerequisites";
 $langMinimum = "Minimum";
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Maximum";
 $langNoDocuments = "No documents";
 $langNoExercisesAvailable = "No tests available";
 $langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available";
-$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no learning objects in the course. Click on \\"Build\\" to enter authoring mode.";
+$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no learning objects in the course. Click on \"Build\" to enter authoring mode.";
 $FirstPosition = "First position";
 $NewQuiz = "New test";
 $CreateTheForum = "Adding a forum to the course";
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ $CreateANewForum = "Create a new forum";
 $LinkAdd = "Add link";
 $WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie : Word conversion";
 $WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "MS Word to course converter";
-$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome to Woogie Rapid Learning<ul type=\\"1\\"><li>Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM course<li>You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between page";
+$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome to Woogie Rapid Learning<ul type=\"1\"><li>Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM course<li>You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between page";
 $WoogieError = "Error during the conversion of the word document. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your document..";
 $WordConvert = "MS Word conversion";
 $Order = "Order";
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ $OogieBadExtension = "Please upload presentations only. Filename should end with
 $WoogieBadExtension = "Please upload text documents only. Filename should end with .doc, .docx or .odt";
 $ShowAudioRecorder = "Show audio recorder";
 $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator.";
-$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:<br/>        <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \\"exact phrase\\"</i><br/>     For example:<br/>        <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \\"high consumption\\".</i><br/>     This will show all";
+$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:<br/>        <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \"exact phrase\"</i><br/>     For example:<br/>        <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \"high consumption\".</i><br/>     This will show all";
 $ViewLearningPath = "View course";
 $SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags to add to the document, if indexing";
 $ReturnToLearningPaths = "Back to courses";
@@ -247,4 +247,4 @@ $SaveAudioAndOrganization = "Save audio and organization";
 $UploadOnlyMp3Files = "Please upload mp3 files only";
 $ModifyHotPotatoes = "Modify hotpotatoes";
 $SaveHotpotatoes = "Save hotpotatoes";

+ 4 - 4

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $langCategoryAdded = "The category has been added.";
 $langCategoryModded = "The category has been modified.";
 $langCategoryDel = "Delete category";
 $langCategoryDeleted = "The category and all its links have been deleted.";
-$langCategoryDelconfirm = "When deleting a category, all links of this category are also deleted.\\nDo you really want to delete this category and its links ?";
+$langCategoryDelconfirm = "When deleting a category, all links of this category are also deleted.\nDo you really want to delete this category and its links ?";
 $langAllCategoryDel = "Delete all categories and all links";
 $langGiveURL = "Please give the link URL";
 $langGiveCategoryName = "Please give the category name";
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $langCsvFileLine1 = "... - line 1 =";
 $langCsvLinesFailed = "line(s) failed to import a link (no URL or no title).";
 $langCsvLinesOld = "existing link(s) updated (same URL and category).";
 $langCsvLinesNew = "new link(s) created.";
-$langCsvExplain = "The file should look like:<blockquote><pre><b>URL</b>;category;<b>title</b>;description;<b></b>;Important links;<b>Name 1</b>;Description 1;<b></b>;;<b>Name 2</b>;\\"Description 2\\";</pre></blockquote>If URL and";
+$langCsvExplain = "The file should look like:<blockquote><pre><b>URL</b>;category;<b>title</b>;description;<b></b>;Important links;<b>Name 1</b>;Description 1;<b></b>;;<b>Name 2</b>;\"Description 2\";</pre></blockquote>If URL and";
 $langLinkUpdated = "Link has been updated";
 $langAll_Link_Deleted = "Link has been deleted";
 $langOnHomepage = "Show link on training homepage";
@@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ $SearchFeatureDoIndexLink = "Index link title and description?";
 $langSaveLink = "Save link";
 $langSaveCategory = "Save folder";
 $BackToLinksOverview = "Back to links overview";
-$AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage = "Select the \\"target\\" which shows the link on the homepage of the course";
+$AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage = "Select the \"target\" which shows the link on the homepage of the course";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $AllPages = "All pages";
 $AddNew = "Add new page";
 $ChangesStored = "Your changes have been saved";
 $NewWikiSaved = "The wiki page has been saved. You can see it clicking on:";
-$DefaultContent = " <br/> <br/> <p align=\\"center\\"> <img src=\\"%swiki/wcollaborative.png\\" alt=\\"Mr. Chamilo\\" title=\\"Mr. Chamilo\\" /></p> <p align=\\"center\\">To begin editing this page and remove this text</p>";
+$DefaultContent = " <br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"%swiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Chamilo\" title=\"Mr. Chamilo\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">To begin editing this page and remove this text</p>";
 $CourseWikiPages = "Wiki pages";
 $GroupWikiPages = "Group wiki pages";
 $NoWikiPageTitle = "Your changes have been saved. You still have to give a name to the page";
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ $ConfigDefault = "Default config";
 $UnlockPage = "Unprotect";
 $LockPage = "Protect";
 $NotifyDiscussChanges = "Notify comment";
-$NotNotifyDiscussChanges = "Don\'t notify comments";
+$NotNotifyDiscussChanges = "Don't notify comments";
 $AssignmentWork = "Learner paper";
 $AssignmentDesc = "Assignment proposed by the trainer";
 $WikiDiffAddedTex = "Text added";
@@ -176,4 +176,4 @@ $FProgress = "Progress";
 $PutATimeLimit = "Set a time limit";
 $StandardTask = "Standard Task";
 $ThePageHasBeenExportedToDocArea = "The page has been exported to the document tool";

+ 11 - 11

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $langUsersInsideGroup = "Usuarios pertenecientes al grupo";
 $langImportFileLocation = "Ubicación del fichero XML / CSV";
 $langFileType = "Tipo de archivo";
 $langOutputFileType = "Tipo de archivo de destino";
-$langMustUseSeparator = "debe utilizar el carácter \';\' como separador";
+$langMustUseSeparator = "debe utilizar el carácter ';' como separador";
 $langCSVMustLookLike = "El fichero CSV debe tener el siguiente formato";
 $langXMLMustLookLike = "El fichero XML debe tener el siguiente formato";
 $langMandatoryFields = "Los campos en <strong>negrita</strong> son obligatorios";
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ $No = "No";
 $ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas";
 $ShowToolShortcutsComment = "¿ Mostrar la barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas en la cabecera ?";
 $ShowStudentViewTitle = "Vista de estudiante";
-$ShowStudentViewComment = "¿ Habilitar la \'Vista de estudiante\' ?<br>Esta funcionalidad permite al profesor previsualizar lo que los estudiantes van a ver.";
+$ShowStudentViewComment = "¿ Habilitar la 'Vista de estudiante' ?<br>Esta funcionalidad permite al profesor previsualizar lo que los estudiantes van a ver.";
 $AllowGroupCategories = "Categorías de grupos";
 $AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Permitir a los administradores de un curso crear categorías en el módulo grupos";
-$PlatformLanguageComment = "Determinar el idioma de la plataforma: <a href=\\"languages.php\\">Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo</a>";
+$PlatformLanguageComment = "Determinar el idioma de la plataforma: <a href=\"languages.php\">Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo</a>";
 $ProductionServer = "Servidor de producción";
 $TestServer = "Servidor de desarrollo";
 $ShowOnlineTitle = "¿ Quién está en línea ?";
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ $DocumentsAndFolders = "Documentos y carpetas";
 $Learnpath = "Lecciones";
 $Exercises = "Ejercicios";
 $AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Agenda personal";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "¿ El usuario puede añadir elementos de la agenda personal a la sección \'Mi agenda\' ?";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "¿ El usuario puede añadir elementos de la agenda personal a la sección 'Mi agenda' ?";
 $CurrentValue = "Valor actual";
 $CourseDescription = "Descripción del curso";
 $OnlineConference = "Videoconferencia";
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ $administratorTelephoneTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: teléfono";
 $administratorTelephoneComment = "Número de teléfono del administrador de la plataforma";
 $SendMailToNewUser = "Enviar un e-mail al nuevo usuario";
 $ExtendedProfileTitle = "Perfil extendido";
-$ExtendedProfileComment = "Si se configura como \'Verdadero\', un usuario puede rellenar los siguientes campos (opcionales): \'Mis competencias\', \'Mis títulos\', \'¿Qué puedo enseñar?\' y \'Mi área personal pública\'";
+$ExtendedProfileComment = "Si se configura como 'Verdadero', un usuario puede rellenar los siguientes campos (opcionales): 'Mis competencias', 'Mis títulos', '¿Qué puedo enseñar?' y 'Mi área personal pública'";
 $Classes = "Clases";
 $UserUnsubscribed = "La inscripción del usuario ha sido anulada.";
 $CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "El usuario no puede anular su inscripción en el curso. Este usuario es un administrador del curso.";
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ $MainMenu = "Menú principal";
 $MainMenuLogged = "Menú principal después de autentificarse";
 $Banner = "Banner";
 $ImageResizeTitle = "Redimensionar las imágenes enviadas por los usuarios";
-$ImageResizeComment = "Las imágenes de los usuarios pueden ser redimensionadas cuando se envían si PHP está compilado con <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GD library</a>. Si GD no está disponible, la configuración será ignorada.";
+$ImageResizeComment = "Las imágenes de los usuarios pueden ser redimensionadas cuando se envían si PHP está compilado con <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. Si GD no está disponible, la configuración será ignorada.";
 $MaxImageWidthTitle = "Anchura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
 $MaxImageWidthComment = "Anchura máxima en pixeles de la imagen de un usuario. Este ajuste se aplica solamente si las imágenes de lo usuarios se configuran para ser redimensionadas al enviarse.";
 $MaxImageHeightTitle = "Altura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ $GradebookActivationComment = "La herramienta Evaluaciones le permite evaluar la
 $UserTheme = "Tema (hoja de estilo)";
 $UserThemeSelection = "Selección de tema por el usuario";
 $UserThemeSelectionComment = "Permitir a los usuarios elegir su propio tema visual en su perfil. Esto les cambiará el aspecto de Chamilo, pero dejará intacto el estilo por defecto de la plataforma.  Si un curso o una sesión han sido asignados a un tema específico, en ellos éste tendrá";
-$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "El parámetro de PHP \\"allow_url_fopen\\" está desactivado. Esto impide que el mecanismo de registro funcione correctamente. Este parámetro puede cambiarse en el archivo de configuración de PHP (php.ini) o en la configuración del Virtual Host de Apache, med";
+$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "El parámetro de PHP \"allow_url_fopen\" está desactivado. Esto impide que el mecanismo de registro funcione correctamente. Este parámetro puede cambiarse en el archivo de configuración de PHP (php.ini) o en la configuración del Virtual Host de Apache, med";
 $VisioHost = "Nombre o dirección IP del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
 $VisioPort = "Puerto del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
 $VisioPassword = "Contraseña del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ $LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
 $LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Campo de identificación de profesor";
 $LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "Comprobará el contenido del campo de contacto LDAP donde los nuevos usuarios serán insertados. Si este campo no está vacío, el usuario será considerado como profesor y será insertado en Chamilo como tal. Si Ud. quiere que todos los usuarios sean reconocid";
 $LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Identificador de autentificación";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con el nombre de usuario que debe ser usado. No incluya \\"cn=\\". En el caso de aceptar acceso anónimo y querer usarlo, déjelo vacío.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con el nombre de usuario que debe ser usado. No incluya \"cn=\". En el caso de aceptar acceso anónimo y querer usarlo, déjelo vacío.";
 $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Contraseña de autentificación";
 $LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con la contraseña que tenga que usarse.";
 $LDAPImport = "Importación LDAP";
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ $DaysAfter = "días después";
 $SessionAddTypeUnique = "Registro individual";
 $SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Registro múltiple";
 $EnableSearchTitle = "Funcionalidad de búsqueda de texto completo";
-$EnableSearchComment = "Seleccione \\"Sí\\" para habilitar esta funcionalidad. Esta utilidad depende de la extensión Xapian para PHP, por lo que no funcionará si esta extensión no está instalada en su servidor, como mínimo la versión 1.x";
+$EnableSearchComment = "Seleccione \"Sí\" para habilitar esta funcionalidad. Esta utilidad depende de la extensión Xapian para PHP, por lo que no funcionará si esta extensión no está instalada en su servidor, como mínimo la versión 1.x";
 $SearchASession = "Buscar una sesión";
 $ActiveSession = "Activación de la sesión";
 $AddUrl = "Agregar URL";
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ $BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Bloquear cursos a este usuario";
 $LanguageFile = "Archivo de idioma";
 $ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos en el catálogo";
 $ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos como ventanas emergentes al hacer clic en un icono de información del curso en el catálogo de cursos";
-$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "La hoja de estilos no ha sido añadida,probablemente su archivo zip contenga ficheros no permitidos,el zip debe contener ficheros con las siguientes extensiones(\'png\', \'jpg\', \'gif\', \'css\')";
+$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "La hoja de estilos no ha sido añadida,probablemente su archivo zip contenga ficheros no permitidos,el zip debe contener ficheros con las siguientes extensiones('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'css')";
 $AddSessionsInCategories = "Añadir varias sesiones a una categoría";
 $ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "Se recomienda instalar la extension imagick de php para obtener mejor performancia en la resolucion de las imagenes al generar los thumbnail de lo contrario no se mostrara muy bien, pues sino esta instalado por defecto usa la extension gd de php.";
 $EditSpecificSearchField = "Editar campo específico";
@@ -1137,4 +1137,4 @@ $FieldTypeTimezone = "";
 $AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";
 $AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";
 $AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";

+ 4 - 4

@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ $langSubscription = "Los propios usuarios pueden inscribirse";
 $langCourseAccess = "Acceso al curso";
 $langConfirmBackup = "¿ Realmente quiere realizar una copia de seguridad del curso ?";
 $langCreateSite = "Crear un curso";
-$langRestoreDescription = "El curso está en un archivo que puede seleccionar debajo.<br><br>Cuando haga clic en \\"Restaurar\\", el archivo se descomprimirá y el curso se creará de nuevo.";
-$langRestoreNotice = "Este script no permite restaurar automáticamente los usuarios, pero los datos guardados de los \\"usuarios.csv\\" son suficientes para el administrador.";
+$langRestoreDescription = "El curso está en un archivo que puede seleccionar debajo.<br><br>Cuando haga clic en \"Restaurar\", el archivo se descomprimirá y el curso se creará de nuevo.";
+$langRestoreNotice = "Este script no permite restaurar automáticamente los usuarios, pero los datos guardados de los \"usuarios.csv\" son suficientes para el administrador.";
 $langAvailableArchives = "Lista de archivos disponible";
 $langNoArchive = "No ha seleccionado ningún archivo";
 $langArchiveNotFound = "No se encontró ningún archivo";
 $langArchiveUncompressed = "Se descomprimió y se instaló el archivo.";
-$langCsvPutIntoDocTool = "El archivo \\"usuarios.csv\\" se puso dentro de la herramienta documentos.";
+$langCsvPutIntoDocTool = "El archivo \"usuarios.csv\" se puso dentro de la herramienta documentos.";
 $langBackH = "volver a la página principal";
 $langOtherCategory = "Otra categoría";
 $langAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Los usuarios pueden anular su inscripción en este curso";
@@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ $NewUserEmailAlert = "Avisar por correo electronico la autosuscripcion de un nue
 $NewUserEmailAlertEnable = "Activar el aviso por correo electrónico al profesor del curso de la autosuscripción de un nuevo usuario.";
 $NewUserEmailAlertToTeacharAndTutor = "Activar el aviso por correo electrónico al profesor y a los tutores del curso de la autosuscripción de un nuevo usuario.";
 $NewUserEmailAlertDisable = "Desactivar el aviso por correo electrónico de la autosuscripción de un nuevo usuario en el curso.";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $langCopyFinished = "La copia ha finalizado";
 $langFullRecycle = "Reciclado completo";
 $langRecycleCourse = "Reciclar el curso";
 $langRecycleFinished = "El reciclado ha finalizado";
-$langRecycleWarning = "Atención: al usar esta herramienta puede eliminar partes del curso que luego no podrá recuperar. Le aconsejamos que antes realice una <a href=\\"create_backup.php\\">copia de seguridad</a>";
+$langRecycleWarning = "Atención: al usar esta herramienta puede eliminar partes del curso que luego no podrá recuperar. Le aconsejamos que antes realice una <a href=\"create_backup.php\">copia de seguridad</a>";
 $langSameFilename = "¿ Qué hacer con los ficheros importados que tengan el mismo nombre que otros existentes ?";
 $langSameFilenameSkip = "Saltar los ficheros con el mismo nombre";
 $langSameFilenameRename = "Renombrar el fichero (ej. archivo.pdf se convierte en  archivo_1.pdf)";
@@ -46,6 +46,6 @@ $ToolIntro = "Textos de introducción";
 $UploadError = "Error de envío, revise tamaño máximo del archivo y los permisos del directorio.";
 $DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Los documentos también serán añadidos";
 $ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "Si quiere exportar una lección que contenga ejercicios, tendrá que  asegurarse de que estos ejercicios han sido incluidos en la exportación; para eso tendrá que haberlos seleccionado en la lista de ejercicios.";
-$ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "El directorio \\"archive\\" utilizado por esta herramienta no tiene habilitado los permisos de escritura. Contacte al administrador de la plataforma.";
+$ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "El directorio \"archive\" utilizado por esta herramienta no tiene habilitado los permisos de escritura. Contacte al administrador de la plataforma.";
 $DestinationCourse = "Curso de destino";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
 $langProfessors = "Profesores";
-$langExplanation = "Una vez que haya pulsado el botón \\"Crear curso\\" se creará el sitio web del curso, en el que dispondrá de múltiples herramientas que podrá configurar para dar al curso su aspecto definitivo: Test o Ejercicios, Proyectos o Blogs, Wikis, Tareas, Creador y";
+$langExplanation = "Una vez que haya pulsado el botón \"Crear curso\" se creará el sitio web del curso, en el que dispondrá de múltiples herramientas que podrá configurar para dar al curso su aspecto definitivo: Test o Ejercicios, Proyectos o Blogs, Wikis, Tareas, Creador y";
 $langEmpty = "No ha rellenado todos los campos.<br>Utilice el botón de retorno de su navegador y vuelva a empezar.<br>Si no conoce el código de su curso, consulte el programa del curso";
 $langCodeTaken = "Este código de curso ya es utilizado por otro curso.<br>Utilice el botón de retorno de su navegador y vuelva a empezar.";
 $langFormula = "Atentamente";
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $langNoPsychology = "No. La ironía socrática no se aplica al terreno de la psi
 $langAdmitError = "Reconocer los propios errores para invitar al interlocutor a hacer lo mismo.";
 $langNoSeduction = "No. No se trata de una estrategia de seducción o de un método por ejemplo.";
 $langForce = "Forzar  al interlocutor, por medio de una serie de cuestiones y subcuestiones, a que reconozca que no sabe lo que pretende saber.";
-$langIndeed = "Correcto. La ironía socrática es un método interrogativo. El término griego \\"eirotao\\" significa , por otro lado, \\"interrogar\\".";
+$langIndeed = "Correcto. La ironía socrática es un método interrogativo. El término griego \"eirotao\" significa , por otro lado, \"interrogar\".";
 $langContradiction = "Utilizar el principio de no contradicción para llevar al interlocutor a un callejón sin salida.";
 $langNotFalse = "Esta respuesta no es falsa. Es exacto que la puesta en evidencia de la ignorancia del interlocutor se realiza poniendo en evidencia las contradicciones en que desembocan sus tesis.";
 $langAgenda = "Agenda";
@@ -106,4 +106,4 @@ $Create = "Crear";
 $MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin = "Este mensaje es para informarle que se ha creado un nuevo curso en la plataforma";
 $NewCourseCreatedIn = "Nuevo curso creado en";
 $ExplicationTrainers = "El profesor está definido como Ud por ahora. Podrá cambiarlo en la página de configuración del curso";

+ 5 - 5

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $langLessAnswers = "-resp";
 $langMoreElements = "+elem";
 $langLessElements = "-elem";
 $langTypeTextBelow = "Escriba el texto debajo";
-$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "<table cellspacing=\\"0\\" cellpadding=\\"10\\" border=\\"1\\" width=\\"720\\" style=\\"\\" height:=\\"\\"> <tbody>  <tr>     <td colspan=\\"2\\">      <h3>Ejemplo: Calcular el índice de masa corporal</h3>     </td>  </tr>  <tr>     <td style=\\"text-align: right;\\">";
+$langDefaultTextInBlanks = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"1\" width=\"720\" style=\"\" height:=\"\"> <tbody>  <tr>     <td colspan=\"2\">      <h3>Ejemplo: Calcular el índice de masa corporal</h3>     </td>  </tr>  <tr>     <td style=\"text-align: right;\">";
 $langDefaultMatchingOptA = "1914 - 1918";
 $langDefaultMatchingOptB = "1939 - 1945";
 $langDefaultMakeCorrespond1 = "Primera Guerra Mundial";
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ $langChoice = "Su selección";
 $langCorrect = "Correcto";
 $langPossAnsw = "Número de respuestas correctas para una pregunta";
 $langStudAnsw = "número de errores del estudiante";
-$langDetermine = "Determine el valor de la evaluación modificando la tabla situada bajo este texto. Después pulse \\"OK\\"";
+$langDetermine = "Determine el valor de la evaluación modificando la tabla situada bajo este texto. Después pulse \"OK\"";
 $langNonNumber = "un valor no numérico";
 $langReplaced = "Reemplazado";
 $langSuperior = "un valor mayor que 20";
 $langRep20 = "fue introducido. Fue sustituido por 20";
 $langDefault = "Valores por defecto *";
-$langDefComment = "los valores anteriores serán reemplazados cuando pulse el botón \\"valores por defecto\\"";
+$langDefComment = "los valores anteriores serán reemplazados cuando pulse el botón \"valores por defecto\"";
 $langScoreGet = "números en negrita = puntuación";
 $langShowScor = "Mostrar la evaluación del estudiante:";
 $langStep1 = "Paso 1";
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ $langHotspotWeightingError = "Debe dar un valor (>0) positivo a todas las zonas
 $langHotspotValidateError1 = "Debe contestar completamente a la pregunta (";
 $langHotspotValidateError2 = "clics requeridos en la imagen) antes de ver los resultados";
 $langHotspotRequired = "En cada zona interactiva la descripción y el valor son obligatorios. El feedback es opcional.";
-$langHotspotChoose = "<div style=\\"padding:2px 3px;\\">&bull; Para crear una zona interactiva: seleccione la forma asociada al color y después dibuje la zona interactiva.</div><div style=\\"padding:2px 3px;\\">&bull; Para mover una zona interactiva, seleccione el color, haga clic";
+$langHotspotChoose = "<div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">&bull; Para crear una zona interactiva: seleccione la forma asociada al color y después dibuje la zona interactiva.</div><div style=\"padding:2px 3px;\">&bull; Para mover una zona interactiva, seleccione el color, haga clic";
 $Fault = "Incorrecta";
 $Hotspot = "Zonas de imagen";
 $ClickNumber = "Número de clics";
@@ -356,4 +356,4 @@ $ExerciseAttempted = "Un estudiante ha contestado una pregunta";
 $MultipleSelectCombination = "Combinación exacta";
 $MultipleAnswerCombination = "Combinación exacta";
 $ExerciceExpiredTimeMessage = "El tiempo de la evaluación ha terminado. Sin embargo las preguntas que ya respondió, serán consideradas en la evaluación del ejercicio.";

+ 5 - 5

@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ $langEditCurrentExecice = "Editar el ejercicio actual";
 $langUploadScorm = "Importación SCORM y AICC";
 $langPowerPointConvert = "Conversión PowerPoint";
 $langLPCreatedToContinue = "Para continuar, añada a su lección una sección o un objeto de aprendizaje";
-$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "<html><body><p><big><img height=\\"250\\" width=\\"250\\" align=\\"right\\" src=\\"images/gallery/mr_dokeos/animated/practicerAnim.gif\\" alt=\\"practicerAnim.gif\\" />¡ Bienvenido a la herramienta de autor de Chamilo !</big></p> <ul> <li><b>Construir</b> : Añada o";
+$langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = "<html><body><p><big><img height=\"250\" width=\"250\" align=\"right\" src=\"images/gallery/mr_dokeos/animated/practicerAnim.gif\" alt=\"practicerAnim.gif\" />¡ Bienvenido a la herramienta de autor de Chamilo !</big></p> <ul> <li><b>Construir</b> : Añada o";
 $langPrerequisitesAdded = "Los prerrequisitos de este objeto de aprendizaje han sido añadidos.";
 $langAddEditPrerequisites = "Añadir/Editar prerrequisitos";
 $langMinimum = "Mínimo";
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Máximo";
 $langNoDocuments = "No hay documentos";
 $langNoExercisesAvailable = "No hay ejercicios disponibles";
 $langNoLinksAvailable = "No hay enlaces disponibles";
-$langNoItemsInLp = "En este momento no hay objetos de aprendizaje en la lección. Para crearlos, haga clic en \\"Construir\\"";
+$langNoItemsInLp = "En este momento no hay objetos de aprendizaje en la lección. Para crearlos, haga clic en \"Construir\"";
 $FirstPosition = "Primera posición";
 $NewQuiz = "Añadir ejercicio";
 $CreateTheForum = "Añadir el foro";
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ $CreateANewForum = "Crear un foro";
 $LinkAdd = "Crear un enlace";
 $WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie: Conversión de Word";
 $WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "Conversor de documentos Word en Lecciones";
-$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Bienvenido al conversor Woogie<ul type=\\"1\\"><li>Elegir un archivo .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Enviarlo a Woogie, que lo convertirá en una Lección SCORM <li>Podrá añadir comentarios de audio en cada página e insertar tests y otras actividades entre las páginas</u";
+$WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Bienvenido al conversor Woogie<ul type=\"1\"><li>Elegir un archivo .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Enviarlo a Woogie, que lo convertirá en una Lección SCORM <li>Podrá añadir comentarios de audio en cada página e insertar tests y otras actividades entre las páginas</u";
 $WoogieError = "Error durante la conversión del documento word. Por favor, compruebe si hay caracteres especiales en el nombre de su documento.";
 $WordConvert = "Conversión Word";
 $Order = "Orden";
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ $OogieBadExtension = "El archivo no tiene una extensión correcta.";
 $WoogieBadExtension = "Por favor, envíe sólo documentos de texto. La extensión del archivo debe ser .doc, .docx o bien .odt";
 $ShowAudioRecorder = "Mostrar el grabador de audio";
 $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "La funcionalidad de búsqueda de texto completo no está habilitada en Chamilo. Por favor, contacte con el administrador de Chamilo.";
-$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "Para buscar en la base de datos de lecciones use la siguiente sintaxis::<br/>    <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \\"exact phrase\\"</i><br/>Por ejemplo:<br/>    <i>coche tag:camión -ferrari +ford \\"alto consumo\\".</i><br/> Esto mostrará todos los res";
+$SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "Para buscar en la base de datos de lecciones use la siguiente sintaxis::<br/>    <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \"exact phrase\"</i><br/>Por ejemplo:<br/>    <i>coche tag:camión -ferrari +ford \"alto consumo\".</i><br/> Esto mostrará todos los res";
 $ViewLearningPath = "Ver lecciones";
 $SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Etiquetas para añadir al documento en caso de indexación";
 $ReturnToLearningPaths = "Regresar a las lecciones";
@@ -247,4 +247,4 @@ $SaveAudioAndOrganization = "Guardar audio y Organización";
 $UploadOnlyMp3Files = "Por favor, envíe sólo archivos mp3";
 $ModifyHotPotatoes = "Modificar hotpotatoes";
 $SaveHotpotatoes = "Guardar hotpotatoes";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ $langCategoryAdded = "La categoría ha sido añadida.";
 $langCategoryModded = "La categoría se ha modificado";
 $langCategoryDel = "Borrar categoría";
 $langCategoryDeleted = "Se ha eliminado la categoría y todos sus enlaces.";
-$langCategoryDelconfirm = "Al eliminar una categoría, también se eliminarán todos los enlaces que contenga.\\ ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar esta categoría y todos sus enlaces?";
+$langCategoryDelconfirm = "Al eliminar una categoría, también se eliminarán todos los enlaces que contenga. ¿Seguro que quiere eliminar esta categoría y todos sus enlaces?";
 $langAllCategoryDel = "Borrar todas las categorías y sus enlaces";
 $langGiveURL = "Por favor, ponga la URL";
 $langGiveCategoryName = "Por favor, ponga un nombre para la categoría";
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $langCsvFileLine1 = "... - línea 1 =";
 $langCsvLinesFailed = "línea(s) erróneas al importar un enlace (falta la URL o el título).";
 $langCsvLinesOld = "enlace/s existente/s actualizados (igual URL y categoría)";
 $langCsvLinesNew = "nuevo enlace(s) creado.";
-$langCsvExplain = "El fichero se debe presentar así: <blockquote><pre><b>URL</b>;category;<b>title</b>;description;<b></b>;Enlaces importantes;<b>Nombre 1</b>;Descripción 1;<b></b>;;<b>Nombre 2</b>;\\"Description 2\\";</pre></blockq";
+$langCsvExplain = "El fichero se debe presentar así: <blockquote><pre><b>URL</b>;category;<b>title</b>;description;<b></b>;Enlaces importantes;<b>Nombre 1</b>;Descripción 1;<b></b>;;<b>Nombre 2</b>;\"Description 2\";</pre></blockq";
 $langLinkUpdated = "El enlace ha sido actualizado";
 $langAll_Link_Deleted = "El enlace ha sido borrado";
 $langOnHomepage = "¿ Mostrar el enlace en la página principal del curso";
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ $langSaveLink = "Guardar el enlace";
 $langSaveCategory = "Guardar la categoría";
 $BackToLinksOverview = "Regresar a la lista de enlaces";
 $AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage = "Seleccione el modo (target) en que se mostrará el enlace en la página principal del curso";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ $SelectFile = "Seleccione un archivo";
 $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Atención - El archivo FAQ localizado en el directorio  /home/ de su plataforma, no es un archivo en el que se pueda escribir. Su texto no será guardado hasta que no cambie los permisos del archivo.";
 $AddCategory = "Añadir categoría";
 $NoExercises = "No hay ejercicios disponibles";
-$NotAllowedClickBack = "Lo sentimos, no le está permitido acceder a esta página. Para volver a la página anterior pulse el enlace inferior o haga clic en el botón \\"Atrás\\" de su navegador.";
+$NotAllowedClickBack = "Lo sentimos, no le está permitido acceder a esta página. Para volver a la página anterior pulse el enlace inferior o haga clic en el botón \"Atrás\" de su navegador.";
 $Exercise = "Ejercicio";
 $Result = "Resultado";
 $AttemptingToLoginAs = "Intentar identificarse como %s %s (id %s)";
@@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ $ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "";
 $ThematicAdvanceHistory = "";
 $Homepage = "";
 $Attendances = "";
-$ 	CountDoneAttendance = "";
+$CountDoneAttendance = "";
 $AssignUsers = "";
 $AssignCourses = "";
 $AssignSessions = "";
 $Timezone = "";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $AllPages = "Todas las páginas";
 $AddNew = "Añadir una página";
 $ChangesStored = "Sus cambios han sido guardados";
 $NewWikiSaved = "La nueva página wiki ha sido guardada.";
-$DefaultContent = " <br/> <br/> <p align=\\"center\\"> <img src=\\"%swiki/wcollaborative.png\\" alt=\\"Mr. Chamilo\\" title=\\"Mr. Chamilo\\" /></p> <p align=\\"center\\">Para comenzar edite esta página y borre este texto</p>";
+$DefaultContent = " <br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"%swiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Chamilo\" title=\"Mr. Chamilo\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Para comenzar edite esta página y borre este texto</p>";
 $CourseWikiPages = "Páginas Wiki del curso";
 $GroupWikiPages = "Páginas Wiki del grupo";
 $NoWikiPageTitle = "Los cambios no se han guardado. Debe dar un título a esta página";
@@ -176,4 +176,4 @@ $FProgress = "Progreso";
 $PutATimeLimit = "Establecer una limitación temporal";
 $StandardTask = "Tarea estándard";
 $ThePageHasBeenExportedToDocArea = "La página ha sido exportada al área de documentos";