@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?php // $Id: question.class.php 9665 2006-10-24 10:43:48Z elixir_inter $
+<?php // $Id: question.class.php 10234 2006-11-28 13:43:34Z develop-it $
Dokeos - elearning and course management software
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ class Question
function read($id)
global $_course;
$TBL_EXERCICES = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'quiz';
$TBL_QUESTIONS = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'quiz_question';
$TBL_EXERCICE_QUESTION = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'quiz_rel_question';
$sql="SELECT question,description,ponderation,position,type,picture FROM `$TBL_QUESTIONS` WHERE id='$id'";
// if the question has been found
@@ -306,12 +306,100 @@ class Question
- return move_uploaded_file($Picture,$picturePath.'/'.$this->picture);
+ return move_uploaded_file($Picture,$picturePath.'/'.$this->picture)?true:false;
return false;
+ /**
+ * Resizes a picture || Warning!: can only be called after uploadPicture, or if picture is already available in object.
+ *
+ * @author - Toon Keppens
+ * @param - string $Dimension - Resizing happens proportional according to given dimension: height|width|any
+ * @param - integer $Max - Maximum size
+ * @return - boolean - true if success, false if failed
+ */
+ function resizePicture($Dimension, $Max)
+ {
+ global $picturePath;
+ // if the question has an ID
+ if($this->id)
+ {
+ // Get dimensions from current image.
+ $current_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($picturePath.'/'.$this->picture);
+ $current_image_size = getimagesize($picturePath.'/'.$this->picture);
+ $current_height = imagesy($current_img);
+ $current_width = imagesx($current_img);
+ if($current_image_size[0] < $Max && $current_image_size[1] <$Max)
+ return true;
+ elseif($current_height == "")
+ return false;
+ // Resize according to height.
+ if ($Dimension == "height")
+ {
+ $resize_scale = $current_height / $Max;
+ $new_height = $Max;
+ $new_width = ceil($current_width / $resize_scale);
+ }
+ // Resize according to width
+ if ($Dimension == "width")
+ {
+ $resize_scale = $current_width / $Max;
+ $new_width = $Max;
+ $new_height = ceil($current_height / $resize_scale);
+ }
+ // Resize according to height or width, both should not be larger than $Max after resizing.
+ if ($Dimension == "any")
+ {
+ if ($current_height > $current_width || $current_height == $current_width)
+ {
+ $resize_scale = $current_height / $Max;
+ $new_height = $Max;
+ $new_width = ceil($current_width / $resize_scale);
+ }
+ if ($current_height < $current_width)
+ {
+ $resize_scale = $current_width / $Max;
+ $new_width = $Max;
+ $new_height = ceil($current_height / $resize_scale);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create new image
+ $new_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
+ $bgColor = imagecolorallocate($new_img, 255,255,255);
+ imagefill($new_img , 0,0 , $bgColor);
+ // Resize image
+ imagecopyresized($new_img, $current_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $current_width, $current_height);
+ // Write image to file
+ $result = imagejpeg($new_img, $picturePath.'/'.$this->picture, 100);
+ // Delete temperory images, clear memory
+ imagedestroy($current_img);
+ imagedestroy($new_img);
+ if ($result)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* deletes the picture
@@ -427,7 +515,7 @@ class Question
function save($exerciseId=0)
- global $TBL_QUESTIONS;
+ global $TBL_QUESTIONS, $_course;
@@ -448,8 +536,16 @@ class Question
$sql="INSERT INTO `$TBL_QUESTIONS`(question,description,ponderation,position,type,picture) VALUES('$question','$description','$weighting','$position','$type','$picture')";
+ // If hotspot, create first answer
+ if ($type == HOT_SPOT || $type == HOT_SPOT_ORDER) {
+ $TBL_ANSWERS = $_course['dbNameGlu'].'quiz_answer';
+ $sql="INSERT INTO `$TBL_ANSWERS` (`id` , `question_id` , `answer` , `correct` , `comment` , `ponderation` , `position` , `hotspot_coordinates` , `hotspot_type` ) VALUES ('1', '$this->id', '', NULL , '', NULL , '1', '0;0|0|0', 'square')";
+ api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ }
// if the question is created in an exercise