@@ -496,7 +496,24 @@ function LoadSelected()
else if ( eSelected.tagName == 'IMG' )
img_tag = true ;
- document.pastemath.formula.value = eSelected.alt ;
+ // We will read the formula from the url, because the back slash is escaped with %5C,
+ // so the re is no risk the formula to be damaged by the php stripslashes(...) function.
+ //document.pastemath.formula.value = eSelected.alt ;
+ var formula = '' ;
+ var src = eSelected.src.toString() ;
+ var formula_start = src.indexOf( '?' ) ;
+ if ( formula_start != -1 )
+ {
+ formula = src.substr( formula_start + 1 ).replace(/%5C/gi,'\\').replace(/%20/g,' ') ;
+ formula = formula.Trim() ;
+ if ( formula.indexOf( '\\Large' ) == 0 )
+ {
+ formula = formula.substr( 6 ) ;
+ }
+ formula = formula.Trim() ;
+ }
+ document.pastemath.formula.value = formula ;
+ //
formulaPreview() ;