@@ -295,27 +295,29 @@ function extldap_import_all_users()
function extldap_add_user_by_array($data, $update_if_exists = true)
- $lastname = api_convert_encoding($data['sn'][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8');
- $firstname = api_convert_encoding($data['cn'][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8');
- $email = $data['mail'][0];
- // Get uid from dn
- $dn_array = ldap_explode_dn($data['dn'], 1);
- $username = $dn_array[0]; // uid is first key
- $outab[] = $data['edupersonprimaryaffiliation'][0]; // Here, "student"
- //$val = ldap_get_values_len($ds, $entry, "userPassword");
- //$val = ldap_get_values_len($ds, $data, "userPassword");
- //$password = $val[0];
+ global $extldap_user_correspondance;
+ $lastname = api_convert_encoding($data[$extldap_user_correspondance['lastname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8');
+ $firstname = api_convert_encoding($data[$extldap_user_correspondance['firstname']][0], api_get_system_encoding(), 'UTF-8');
+ $email = $data[$extldap_user_correspondance['email']][0];
+ $username = $data[$extldap_user_correspondance['username']][0];
// TODO the password, if encrypted at the source, will be encrypted twice, which makes it useless. Try to fix that.
- $password = $data['userPassword'][0];
+ $passwordKey = isset($extldap_user_correspondance['password']) ? $extldap_user_correspondance['password'] : 'userPassword';
+ $password = $data[$passwordKey][0];
+ // Structure
$structure = $data['edupersonprimaryorgunitdn'][0];
$array_structure = explode(",", $structure);
$array_val = explode("=", $array_structure[0]);
$etape = $array_val[1];
$array_val = explode("=", $array_structure[1]);
$annee = $array_val[1];
// To ease management, we add the step-year (etape-annee) code
$official_code = $etape."-".$annee;
$auth_source = 'ldap';
// No expiration date for students (recover from LDAP's shadow expiry)
$expiration_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
$active = 1;