@@ -92,62 +92,263 @@ class Migration {
* tables and fields matches defined in the given array.
* @param array Structured array of matches (see migrate.php)
- public function migrate($matches) {
- error_log("\n".'------------ Migration->migrate function called ------------'."\n");
+ public function migrate($matches) {
+ error_log("\n" . '------------ Migration->migrate function called ------------' . "\n");
$extra_fields = array();
// Browsing through 1st-level arrays in db_matches.php
foreach ($matches as $table) {
error_log('Found table ' . $table['orig_table'] . ' in db_matches');
$build_only = false;
if (empty($table['dest_table'])) {
//If there is no destination for this table, report
error_log(' ... which is just for data collection');
$build_only = true;
// Creating extra fields if necessary inside Chamilo (to store
// original fields)
if (isset($table['extra_fields']) && in_array($table['dest_table'], array('course', 'user', 'session'))) {
$extra_fields = self::_create_extra_fields($table);
// Process the migration of fields from the given table
$sql_select_fields = self::prepare_field_match($table);
$this->select_all($table['orig_table'], $sql_select_fields, $table);
if (count($table['fields_match']) == 0) {
error_log('No fields found');
- }
+ }
$num_rows = $this->num_rows();
- if ($num_rows) {
- error_log('Records found: '.$num_rows);
+ if ($num_rows) {
+ error_log('Records found: ' . $num_rows);
$item = 1;
while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) {
//error_log('Loading: ');error_log(print_r($row, 1));
self::execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields);
- $percentage = $item / $num_rows*100;
- if (round($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
+ $percentage = $item / $num_rows * 100;
+ if (round($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
$percentage = round($percentage, 3);
- error_log("Processing item {$table['orig_table']} #$item $percentage%") ;
+ error_log("Processing item {$table['orig_table']} #$item $percentage%");
- }
- error_log('Finished processing table ' . $table['orig_table']." \n\n");
+ }
+ error_log('Finished processing table ' . $table['orig_table'] . " \n\n");
} else {
error_log('No records found');
//Stop here (only for tests)
- if ($table['orig_table'] == 'gradebook_evaluation_type') {
+ if ($table['orig_table'] == 'gradebook_evaluation_type') {
+ function search_transactions($url, $params) {
+ $libpath = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH);
+ error_log('search_transactions');
+ // Create the client instance
+ error_log("Looking $url");
+ try {
+ $client = new SoapClient($url);
+ } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
+ $error = 1;
+ die('Error connecting');
+ }
+ $client->debug_flag = true;
+ try {
+ $user_details = $client->retornaDatos($params);
+ } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
+ $error = 2;
+ die('Problem querying service');
+ }
+ if (!empty($user_details)) {
+ $xml = $user_details->retornaDatosResult->any;
+ // Cut the invalid XML and extract the valid chunk with the data
+ $stripped_xml = strstr($xml, '<diffgr:diffgram');
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($stripped_xml);
+ //print_r($xml);
+ foreach ($xml->NewDataSet as $user) { //this is a "Table" object
+ $u = $user->Table;
+ //here we have the data, so if this whole block is integrated into a funcion, return
+ echo 'firstname: ' . $u->vchprimernombre . ' ' . $u->vchsegundonombre . "\n" . 'lastname: ' . $u->vchpaterno . ' ' . $u->vchmaterno . "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ //echo 'User was not recovered, activate the debug=true in the registration.soap.php file and see the error logs'."\n";
+ }
+ //Called transactions from Web service
+ //transacciones_detalles(id_last_transaction=0, transactions_number=10)
+ //Add transactions here
+ $params = array(
+ 'action' => 'usuario_agregar',
+ 'item_id' => '1',
+ 'orig_id' => '0',
+ 'branch_id' => '1',
+ 'dest_id' => null,
+ 'status_id' => 0
+ );
+ self::add_transaction($params);
+ }
+ function add_transaction($params) {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ if (isset($params['id'])) {
+ unset($params['id']);
+ }
+ $params['time_update'] = $params['time_insert'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
+ $inserted_id = Database::insert($table, $params);
+ if ($inserted_id) {
+ error_log("Transaction added #$inserted_id");
+ }
+ return $inserted_id;
+ }
+ function get_branches() {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT branch_id FROM $table ORDER BY branch_id";
+ $result = Database::query($sql);
+ return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
+ }
+ /** Get unprocesses */
+ function get_transactions($status_id = 0, $branch_id = null) {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ $branch_id = intval($branch_id);
+ $status_id = intval($status_id);
+ $extra_conditions = null;
+ if (!empty($branch_id)) {
+ $extra_conditions = " AND branch_id = $branch_id ";
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE status_id = $status_id $extra_conditions ORDER BY id ";
+ $result = Database::query($sql);
+ return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
+ }
+ function get_latest_completed_transaction_by_branch($branch_id) {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ $branch_id = intval($branch_id);
+ $sql = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE status_id = 2 AND branch_id = $branch_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
+ $result = Database::query($sql);
+ if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($result);
+ return $row['id'];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
- function load_transactions($transactions) {
+ function get_latest_transaction_by_branch($branch_id) {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ $branch_id = intval($branch_id);
+ $sql = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE branch_id = $branch_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
+ $result = Database::query($sql);
+ if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($result);
+ return $row['id'];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ function get_transaction_by_params($params, $type_result = 'all') {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ return Database::select('*', $table, $params, $type_result);
+ }
+ function update_transaction($params) {
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MIGRATION_TRANSACTION);
+ if (empty($params['id'])) {
+ error_log('No transaction id provided during update_transaction');
+ return false;
+ }
+ $params['time_update'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
+ error_log("Transaction updated #{$params['id']}");
+ //Failed - do something else
+ if ($params['status_id'] == 3) {
+ //event_system($event_type, $event_value_type, $event_value, $datetime = null, $user_id = null, $course_code = null) {
+ event_system('transaction_error', 'transaction_id', $params['id'], $params['time_update']);
+ }
+ return Database::update($table, $params, array('id = ?' => $params['id']));
+ }
+ /* Load transactions */
+ function load_transactions($actions) {
+ //Getting transactions of the migration_transaction table
+ $branches = self::get_branches();
+ if (!empty($branches)) {
+ foreach ($branches as $branch_info) {
+ //Get uncompleted transactions
+ $transactions = self::get_transactions(0, $branch_info['branch_id']);
+ $options = array('where' => array('branch_id = ? and status_id <> ?' => array($branch_info['branch_id'], 0)), 'order' => 'id desc', 'limit' => '1');
+ $transaction_info = self::get_transaction_by_params($options, 'first');
+ $latest_id = $transaction_info['id'];
+ $latest_id_attempt = $latest_id + 1;
+ $item = 1;
+ if (!empty($transactions)) {
+ $count = count($transactions);
+ error_log("\nTransactions found: $count");
+ //Looping transactions
+ foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
+ //Calculating percentage
+ $percentage = $item / $count * 100;
+ if (round($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
+ $percentage = round($percentage, 3);
+ error_log("\nProcessing transaction #{$transaction['id']} $percentage%");
+ }
+ $item++;
+ //--
+ //Checking "huecos"
+ //Waiting transaction is fine continue:
+ if ($transaction['id'] == $latest_id_attempt) {
+ $latest_id_attempt++;
+ } else {
+ error_log("Transaction #$latest_id_attempt is missing in branch #{$branch_info['branch_id']}");
+ exit;
+ }
+ //Loading function
+ $function_to_call = "transaction_" . $transaction['action'];
+ if (method_exists('MigrationCustom', $function_to_call)) {
+ $result = MigrationCustom::$function_to_call($transaction);
+ error_log("Calling function $function_to_call");
+ if ($result) {
+ //Updating transaction
+ self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction['id'] , 'status_id' => $result['status']));
+ } else {
+ //failed
+ self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction['id'] , 'status_id' => 3));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // method does not exist
+ error_log("Function does $function_to_call not exists");
+ //Failed
+ self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction['id'] , 'status_id' => 3));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error_log('No transactions to load');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error_log('No branches found');
+ }
$actions = array(); //load actions from Mysql
foreach ($actions as $action_data) {
if (in_array($action_data['action'], $transactions)) {
@@ -156,8 +357,8 @@ class Migration {
- function prepare_field_match($table) {
+ function prepare_field_match($table) {
$sql_select_fields = array();
if (!empty($table['fields_match'])) {
foreach ($table['fields_match'] as $details) {
@@ -175,24 +376,24 @@ class Migration {
//error_log('Found field ' . $details['orig'] . ' to be selected as ' . $sql_select_fields[$details['orig']]);
- return $sql_select_fields;
+ return $sql_select_fields;
- function execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields = array()) {
+ function execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields = array()) {
$dest_row = array();
$first_field = '';
$my_extra_fields = isset($table['dest_table']) && isset($extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]) ? $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']] : null;
$extra_field_obj = null;
$extra_field_value_obj = null;
if (!empty($table['dest_table'])) {
- $extra_field_obj = new Extrafield($table['dest_table']);
+ $extra_field_obj = new Extrafield($table['dest_table']);
$extra_field_value_obj = new ExtraFieldValue($table['dest_table']);
- $extra_fields_to_insert = array();
+ $extra_fields_to_insert = array();
foreach ($table['fields_match'] as $id_field => $details) {
if ($id_field == 0) {
$first_field = $details['dest'];
@@ -203,20 +404,20 @@ class Migration {
$details['orig'] = $field_exploded[1];
// process the fields one by one
if ($details['func'] == 'none' || empty($details['func'])) {
$dest_data = $row[$details['orig']];
- } else {
+ } else {
$dest_data = MigrationCustom::$details['func']($row[$details['orig']], $this->data_list, $row);
if (isset($dest_row[$details['dest']])) {
- $dest_row[$details['dest']] .= ' '.$dest_data;
+ $dest_row[$details['dest']] .= ' ' . $dest_data;
} else {
$dest_row[$details['dest']] = $dest_data;
//Extra field values
$extra_field = isset($my_extra_fields) && isset($my_extra_fields[$details['dest']]) ? $my_extra_fields[$details['dest']] : null;
@@ -225,44 +426,44 @@ class Migration {
if (isset($extra_field['options'])) {
$options = $extra_field['options'];
$field_type = $extra_field['field_type'];
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
foreach ($option as $key => $value) {
//error_log("$key $value --> {$dest_row[$details['dest']]} ");
if ($key == 'option_value' && $value == $dest_row[$details['dest']]) {
- $value = $option['option_display_text'];
+ $value = $option['option_display_text'];
if ($field_type == Extrafield::FIELD_TYPE_SELECT) {
- $value = $option['option_value'];
- }
- $params = array(
- 'field_id' => $option['field_id'],
- 'field_value' => $value,
+ $value = $option['option_value'];
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'field_id' => $option['field_id'],
+ 'field_value' => $value,
- break(2);
- }
+ break(2);
+ }
- }
+ }
} else {
$params = array(
- 'field_id' => $extra_field,
- 'field_value' => $dest_row[$details['dest']],
+ 'field_id' => $extra_field,
+ 'field_value' => $dest_row[$details['dest']],
if (!empty($params)) {
- $extra_fields_to_insert[] = $params;
+ $extra_fields_to_insert[] = $params;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if (!empty($table['dest_func'])) {
//error_log('Calling '.$table['dest_func'].' on data recovered: '.print_r($dest_row, 1));
$dest_row['return_item_if_already_exists'] = true;
$item_result = call_user_func_array($table['dest_func'], array($dest_row, $this->data_list));
if (isset($table['show_in_error_log']) && $table['show_in_error_log'] == false) {
} else {
@@ -273,17 +474,17 @@ class Migration {
switch ($table['dest_table']) {
case 'course':
//Saving courses in array
- if ($item_result) {
+ if ($item_result) {
//$this->data_list['courses'][$dest_row['uidIdCurso']] = $item_result;
} else {
- error_log('Course Not FOUND');
+ error_log('Course Not FOUND');
error_log(print_r($item_result, 1));
- $handler_id = $item_result['code'];
+ $handler_id = $item_result['code'];
case 'user':
- if (!empty($item_result)) {
+ if (!empty($item_result)) {
$handler_id = $item_result['user_id'];
//error_log($dest_row['email'].' '.$dest_row['uidIdPersona']);
if (isset($dest_row['uidIdAlumno'])) {
@@ -292,32 +493,32 @@ class Migration {
if (isset($dest_row['uidIdEmpleado'])) {
//$this->data_list['users_empleado'][$dest_row['uidIdEmpleado']]['extra'] = $item_result;
- }
+ }
} else {
global $api_failureList;
- error_log(print_r($api_failureList, 1));
- }
+ error_log(print_r($api_failureList, 1));
+ }
- case 'session':
+ case 'session':
//$this->data_list['sessions'][$dest_row['uidIdPrograma']] = $item_result;
$handler_id = $item_result; //session_id
//Saving extra fields of the element
if (!empty($extra_fields_to_insert)) {
- foreach ($extra_fields_to_insert as $params) {
- $params[$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id] = $handler_id;
- $extra_field_value_obj->save($params);
+ foreach ($extra_fields_to_insert as $params) {
+ $params[$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id] = $handler_id;
+ $extra_field_value_obj->save($params);
} else {
- // $this->errors_stack[] = "No destination data dest_func found. Abandoning data with first field $first_field = " . $dest_row[$first_field];
+ // $this->errors_stack[] = "No destination data dest_func found. Abandoning data with first field $first_field = " . $dest_row[$first_field];
unset($extra_fields_to_insert); //remove to free up memory
return $dest_row;
* Helper function to create extra fields in the Chamilo database
* @param Array An array containing an 'extra_fields' entry with details about the required extra fields
@@ -325,43 +526,44 @@ class Migration {
private function _create_extra_fields(&$table) {
$extra_fields = array();
- error_log('Inserting (if exists) extra fields for : ' . $table['dest_table']." \n");
+ error_log('Inserting (if exists) extra fields for : ' . $table['dest_table'] . " \n");
foreach ($table['extra_fields'] as $extra_field) {
- error_log('Preparing for insertion of extra field '.$extra_field['field_display_text']."\n");
+ error_log('Preparing for insertion of extra field ' . $extra_field['field_display_text'] . "\n");
$options = isset($extra_field['options']) ? $extra_field['options'] : null;
$extra_field_obj = new ExtraField($table['dest_table']);
$extra_field_id = $extra_field_obj->save($extra_field);
$selected_fields = self::prepare_field_match($options);
//Adding options
- if (!empty($options)) {
+ if (!empty($options)) {
$extra_field_option_obj = new ExtraFieldOption($table['dest_table']);
- $this->select_all($options['orig_table'], $selected_fields);
+ $this->select_all($options['orig_table'], $selected_fields);
$num_rows = $this->num_rows();
if ($num_rows) {
$data_to_insert = array();
$data_to_insert['field_id'] = $extra_field_id;
- while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) {
- $data = self::execute_field_match($options, $row);
- $data_to_insert = array_merge($data_to_insert, $data);
+ while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) {
+ $data = self::execute_field_match($options, $row);
+ $data_to_insert = array_merge($data_to_insert, $data);
$extra_field_option_obj->save_one_item($data_to_insert, false, false);
//error_log(print_r($extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']], 1));
- $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']]['options'][] = $data_to_insert;
- $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']]['field_type'] = $extra_field['field_type'];
+ $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']]['options'][] = $data_to_insert;
+ $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']]['field_type'] = $extra_field['field_type'];
//$extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']]['selected_option'] =
//error_log('$data: ' . print_r($data_to_insert, 1));
} else {
- $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']] = $extra_field_id;
+ $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']] = $extra_field_id;
return $extra_fields;