Эх сурвалжийг харах

Merge pull request #2023 from aragonc/1.11.x

Alex Aragon Calixto 7 жил өмнө

+ 12 - 0

@@ -6239,6 +6239,18 @@ ul#toolnavbox-two li a.btn{
     margin: 8px 0 0;
+.lp-accordion .panel-heading .panel-title{
+    width: 100%;
+    display: inline-block;
+.lp-accordion .panel-heading .panel-title a{
+    width: 100%;
+    display: block;
+.lp-accordion .panel-heading .tools-actions{
+    position: relative;
+    top: -30px;
 /* CSS NEW TOP ******************************************************************************/
 /* CSS Responsive */
 @media (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1200px) {

+ 2 - 1

@@ -394,7 +394,8 @@ $_configuration['agenda_legend'] = [
 //$_configuration['tracking_skip_generic_data'] = false;
 // Show question feedback (requires DB change: "ALTER TABLE c_quiz_question ADD COLUMN feedback text;")
 //$_configuration['allow_quiz_question_feedback'] = false;
+// Show view accordion lp_category
+//$_configuration['lp_category_accordion'] = false;
 // HTTP headers security
 // This section relates to options to increase the security of your Chamilo
 // portal against attacks specifically focused on HTTP headers vulnerabilities

+ 249 - 4

@@ -10,15 +10,20 @@
 {{ introduction_section }}
+{% set configuration = 'lp_category_accordion'|api_get_configuration_value %}
+<div class="lp-accordion panel-group" id="lp-accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
 {% for lp_data in data %}
     {% set show_category = true %}
     {% if filtered_category and filtered_category != lp_data.category.id %}
         {% set show_category = false %}
     {% endif %}
     {% if show_category %}
+        {% if configuration == 0 %}
+        <!--- old view --> 
         {% if categories|length > 1 and lp_data.category.id %}
             {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
                 <h3 class="page-header">
                     {{ lp_data.category.getName() }}
@@ -88,6 +93,7 @@
             {% elseif lp_data.lp_list is not empty %}
                 <h3 class="page-header">{{ lp_data.category.getName() }}</h3>
             {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
         {% if lp_data.lp_list %}
@@ -165,9 +171,248 @@
         {% endif %}
-    {% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+        <!--- end old view -->
+        {% else %}
+        <!-- new view block accordeon -->
+        {% if lp_data.category.id == 0 %}
+            {% if lp_data.lp_list %}
+                  <div class="table-responsive">
+                      <table class="table table-hover table-striped">
+                          <thead>
+                              <tr>
+                                  <th>{{ "Title"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
+                                      <th>{{ "PublicationDate"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "ExpirationDate"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "Progress"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "AuthoringOptions"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% else %}
+                                      {% if not is_invitee %}
+                                          <th>{{ "Progress"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      {% endif %}
+                                      <th>{{ "Actions"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% endif %}
+                              </tr>
+                          </thead>
+                          <tbody>
+                              {% for row in lp_data.lp_list %}
+                                  <tr>
+                                      <td>
+                                          {{ row.learnpath_icon }}
+                                          <a href="{{ row.url_start }}">
+                                              {{ row.title }}
+                                              {{ row.session_image }}
+                                              {{ row.extra }}
+                                          </a>
+                                      </td>
+                                      {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
+                                          <td>
+                                              {% if row.start_time %}
+                                                  <span class="small">{{ row.start_time }}</span>
+                                              {% endif %}
+                                          </td>
+                                          <td>
+                                              <span class="small">{{ row.end_time }}</span>
+                                          </td>
+                                          <td>
+                                              {{ row.dsp_progress }}
+                                          </td>
+                                      {% else %}
+                                          {% if not is_invitee %}
+                                              <td>
+                                                  {{ row.dsp_progress }}
+                                              </td>
+                                          {% endif %}
+                                      {% endif %}
+                                      <td>
+                                          {{ row.action_build }}
+                                          {{ row.action_edit }}
+                                          {{ row.action_visible }}
+                                          {{ row.action_tracking }}
+                                          {{ row.action_publish }}
+                                          {{ row.action_subscribe_users }}
+                                          {{ row.action_serious_game }}
+                                          {{ row.action_reinit }}
+                                          {{ row.action_default_view }}
+                                          {{ row.action_debug }}
+                                          {{ row.action_export }}
+                                          {{ row.action_copy }}
+                                          {{ row.action_auto_launch }}
+                                          {{ row.action_pdf }}
+                                          {{ row.action_delete }}
+                                          {{ row.action_order }}
+                                      </td>
+                                  </tr>
+                              {% endfor %}
+                          </tbody>
+                      </table>
+                  </div>
+              {% endif %}
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if categories|length > 1 and lp_data.category.id %}
+            <div class="panel panel-default">
+              <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading-{{ lp_data.category.getId() }}">
+                  <h4 class="panel-title">
+                      <a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#lp-accordion" href="#collapse-{{ lp_data.category.getId() }}" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-{{ lp_data.category.getId() }}">
+                          {{ lp_data.category.getName() }}
+                      </a>
+                  </h4>
+              {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
+                  <div class="tools-actions pull-right">
+                      {% if lp_data.category.getId() > 0 %}
+                              {% if not _c.session_id %}
+                                  <a href="{{ 'lp_controller.php?' ~ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&action=add_lp_category&id=' ~ lp_data.category.getId() }}" title="{{ "Edit"|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ "edit.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Edit"|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                                  <a href="{{ 'lp_controller.php?' ~ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&action=add_users_to_category&id=' ~ lp_data.category.getId() }}" title="{{ "AddUser"|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ "user.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "AddUser"|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                                  {% if loop.index0 == 1 %}
+                                      <a href="#">
+                                          <img src="{{ "up_na.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                      </a>
+                                  {% else %}
+                                      <a href="{{ 'lp_controller.php?' ~ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&action=move_up_category&id=' ~ lp_data.category.getId() }}" title="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                          <img src="{{ "up.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                      </a>
+                                  {% endif %}
+                                  {% if (data|length - 1) == loop.index0 %}
+                                      <a href="#">
+                                          <img src="{{ "down_na.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                      </a>
+                                  {% else %}
+                                      <a href="{{ 'lp_controller.php?' ~ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&action=move_down_category&id=' ~ lp_data.category.getId() }}" title="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                          <img src="{{ "down.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Move"|get_lang }}">
+                                      </a>
+                                  {% endif %}
+                              {% endif %}
+                              {% if lp_data.category_visibility == 0 %}
+                                  <a href="lp_controller.php?{{ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&' ~ {'action':'toggle_category_visibility', 'id':lp_data.category.id, 'new_status':1}|url_encode }}"
+                                     title="{{ 'Show'|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ 'invisible.png'|icon }}" alt="{{ 'Show'|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                              {% else %}
+                                  <a href="lp_controller.php?{{ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&' ~ {'action':'toggle_category_visibility', 'id':lp_data.category.id, 'new_status':0}|url_encode }}"
+                                     title="{{ 'Hide'|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ 'visible.png'|icon }}" alt="{{ 'Hide'|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                              {% endif %}
+                              {% if lp_data.category_is_published == 0 %}
+                                  <a href="lp_controller.php?{{ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&' ~ {'action':'toggle_category_publish', 'id':lp_data.category.id, 'new_status':1}|url_encode }}"
+                                     title="{{ 'LearnpathPublish'|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ 'lp_publish_na.png'|icon }}" alt="{{ 'LearnpathPublish'|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                              {% else %}
+                                  <a href="lp_controller.php?{{ _p.web_cid_query ~ '&' ~ {'action':'toggle_category_publish', 'id':lp_data.category.id, 'new_status':0}|url_encode }}"
+                                     title="{{ 'LearnpathDoNotPublish'|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ 'lp_publish.png'|icon }}" alt="{{ 'Hide'|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                              {% endif %}
+                              {% if not _c.session_id %}
+                                  <a href="{{ 'lp_controller.php?' ~ _p.web_cid_query  ~ '&action=delete_lp_category&id=' ~ lp_data.category.getId() }}" title="{{ "Delete"|get_lang }}">
+                                      <img src="{{ "delete.png"|icon }}" alt="{{ "Delete"|get_lang }}">
+                                  </a>
+                              {% endif %}
+                          {% endif %}
+                      </div>
+                  {% endif %}
+              </div>
+              <div id="collapse-{{ lp_data.category.getId() }}" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading-{{ lp_data.category.getId() }}">
+                <div class="panel-body">
+                    {% if lp_data.lp_list %}
+                  <div class="table-responsive">
+                      <table class="table table-hover table-striped">
+                          <thead>
+                              <tr>
+                                  <th>{{ "Title"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
+                                      <th>{{ "PublicationDate"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "ExpirationDate"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "Progress"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      <th>{{ "AuthoringOptions"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% else %}
+                                      {% if not is_invitee %}
+                                          <th>{{ "Progress"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                      {% endif %}
+                                      <th>{{ "Actions"|get_lang }}</th>
+                                  {% endif %}
+                              </tr>
+                          </thead>
+                          <tbody>
+                              {% for row in lp_data.lp_list %}
+                                  <tr>
+                                      <td>
+                                          {{ row.learnpath_icon }}
+                                          <a href="{{ row.url_start }}">
+                                              {{ row.title }}
+                                              {{ row.session_image }}
+                                              {{ row.extra }}
+                                          </a>
+                                      </td>
+                                      {% if is_allowed_to_edit %}
+                                          <td>
+                                              {% if row.start_time %}
+                                                  <span class="small">{{ row.start_time }}</span>
+                                              {% endif %}
+                                          </td>
+                                          <td>
+                                              <span class="small">{{ row.end_time }}</span>
+                                          </td>
+                                          <td>
+                                              {{ row.dsp_progress }}
+                                          </td>
+                                      {% else %}
+                                          {% if not is_invitee %}
+                                              <td>
+                                                  {{ row.dsp_progress }}
+                                              </td>
+                                          {% endif %}
+                                      {% endif %}
+                                      <td>
+                                          {{ row.action_build }}
+                                          {{ row.action_edit }}
+                                          {{ row.action_visible }}
+                                          {{ row.action_tracking }}
+                                          {{ row.action_publish }}
+                                          {{ row.action_subscribe_users }}
+                                          {{ row.action_serious_game }}
+                                          {{ row.action_reinit }}
+                                          {{ row.action_default_view }}
+                                          {{ row.action_debug }}
+                                          {{ row.action_export }}
+                                          {{ row.action_copy }}
+                                          {{ row.action_auto_launch }}
+                                          {{ row.action_pdf }}
+                                          {{ row.action_delete }}
+                                          {{ row.action_order }}
+                                      </td>
+                                  </tr>
+                              {% endfor %}
+                          </tbody>
+                      </table>
+                  </div>
+              {% endif %}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+        {% endif %}
+        <!-- end view block accordeon -->
+        {% endif %}
+    {% endif %} 
+{% endfor %}
 {% if is_allowed_to_edit and not lp_is_shown %}
     <div id="no-data-view">
         <h2>{{ "LearningPaths"|get_lang }}</h2>
@@ -178,4 +423,4 @@
-{% endif %}
+{% endif %}