@@ -87,16 +87,50 @@ function loadCSS($css_name) {
$template_css .= "\n".'body { background: #fff; } /* Resetting the background. */'."\n";
// Removing system-specific styles and cleaning, see task #1282.
- $regex = array(
+ $regex1 = array(
'/\/\*(.+?)\*\//sm' => '', // Removing comments.
'/\r\n/m' => "\n", // New lines in Unix style.
- '/\r/m' => "\n", // New lines in Unix style.
+ '/\r/m' => "\n" // New lines in Unix style.
+ );
+ $template_css = preg_replace(array_keys($regex1), $regex1, $template_css);
+ $template_css = preg_replace('/behavior[^;\{\}]*;/ism', '', $template_css); // Removing behavior-definition, it is IE-specific.
+ $template_css_array = explode('}', $template_css);
+ if (!empty($template_css_array)) {
+ $deleters = array(
+ '/.*\#.*\{[^\}]*\}/sm', // Removing css definitions bound to system secific elements (identified by id).
+ '/.*\..*\{[^\}]*\}/sm', // Removing css definitions bound to classes, we assume them as system secific.
+ // Removing css definitions bound to intractive types of element that teachers most probably don't need.
+ '/.*input.*\{[^\}]*\}/ism',
+ '/.*textarea.*\{[^\}]*\}/ism',
+ '/.*select.*\{[^\}]*\}/ism',
+ '/.*form.*\{[^\}]*\}/ism',
+ '/.*button.*\{[^\}]*\}/ism'
+ );
+ foreach ($template_css_array as $key => & $css_definition) {
+ if (trim($css_definition) == '') {
+ unset($template_css_array[$key]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $css_definition = trim($css_definition.'}');
+ foreach ($deleters as & $deleter) {
+ if (preg_match($deleter, $css_definition)) {
+ unset($template_css_array[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $template_css = implode("\n\n", $template_css_array);
+ }
+ $regex2 = array(
'/[ \t]*\n/m' => "\n", // Removing trailing whitespace.
'/\n{3,}/m' => "\n\n" // Removing extra empty lines.
- $template_css = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $template_css);
+ $template_css = preg_replace(array_keys($regex2), $regex2, $template_css);
+ if (trim($template_css) == '') {
+ return '';
+ }
- return "\n".'<style type="text/css">'.$template_css.'</style>'."\n";
+ return "\n".'<style type="text/css">'."\n".$template_css."\n".'</style>'."\n";