@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ if (empty($student_id)) {
// user info
$user_info = api_get_user_info($student_id);
+if (empty($user_info)) {
+ api_not_allowed(true);
+$allowToQualify = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) ||
+ api_is_course_tutor() ||
+ api_is_session_admin() ||
+ api_is_drh() ||
+ api_is_student_boss();
$allowedToTrackUser = true;
if (!api_is_session_admin() &&
!api_is_drh() &&
@@ -202,6 +212,235 @@ $user_id = isset($_GET['user_id']) && !empty($_GET['user_id']) ? (int) $_GET['us
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
+ case 'export_to_pdf':
+ $sessionToExport = $sId = isset($_GET['session_to_export']) ? (int) $_GET['session_to_export'] : 0;
+ $sessionInfo = api_get_session_info($sessionToExport);
+ if (empty($sessionInfo)) {
+ api_not_allowed(true);
+ }
+ $courses = Tracking::get_courses_list_from_session($sessionToExport);
+ $timeSpent = 0;
+ $numberVisits = 0;
+ $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_COURSE_ACCESS);
+ $progress = 0;
+ foreach ($courses as $course) {
+ $courseId = $course['c_id'];
+ $timeSpent += Tracking::get_time_spent_on_the_course($student_id, $courseId, $sessionToExport);
+ $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT count(course_access_id) as count
+ FROM '.$table.'
+ user_id = '.$student_id.' AND
+ c_id = '.$courseId.' AND
+ session_id = '.$sessionToExport.'
+ ORDER BY login_course_date ASC';
+ $result = Database::query($sql);
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($result);
+ $numberVisits += $row['count'];
+ $progress += Tracking::get_avg_student_progress($student_id, $course['code'], [], $sessionToExport);
+ }
+ $average = round($progress / count($courses), 1);
+ $average = empty($average) ? '0%' : $average.'%';
+ $first = Tracking::get_first_connection_date($student_id);
+ $last = Tracking::get_last_connection_date($student_id);
+ $attendance = new Attendance();
+ $table = new HTML_Table(['class' => 'data_table']);
+ $column = 0;
+ $row = 0;
+ $headers = [
+ get_lang('TimeSpent'),
+ get_lang('NumberOfVisits'),
+ get_lang('GlobalProgress'),
+ get_lang('FirstLogin'),
+ get_lang('LastConnexionDate'),
+ ];
+ foreach ($headers as $header) {
+ $table->setHeaderContents($row, $column, $header);
+ $column++;
+ }
+ $table->setCellContents(1, 0, api_time_to_hms($timeSpent));
+ $table->setCellContents(1, 1, $numberVisits);
+ $table->setCellContents(1, 2, $average);
+ $table->setCellContents(1, 3, $first);
+ $table->setCellContents(1, 4, $last);
+ $courseTable = '';
+ if (!empty($courses)) {
+ $courseTable .= '<table class="data_table">';
+ $courseTable .= '<thead>';
+ $courseTable .= '<tr>
+ <th>'.get_lang('FormationUnit').'</th>
+ <th>'.get_lang('ConnectionTime').'</th>
+ <th>'.get_lang('Progress').'</th>
+ <th>'.get_lang('Score').'</th>
+ </tr>';
+ $courseTable .= '</thead>';
+ $courseTable .= '<tbody>';
+ $totalCourseTime = 0;
+ $totalAttendance = [0, 0];
+ $totalScore = 0;
+ $totalProgress = 0;
+ $gradeBookTotal = [0, 0];
+ $totalEvaluations = '0/0 (0%)';
+ $totalCourses = count($courses);
+ $scoreDisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
+ foreach ($courses as $course) {
+ $courseId = $course['c_id'];
+ $courseInfoItem = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId);
+ $courseId = $courseInfoItem['real_id'];
+ $courseCodeItem = $courseInfoItem['code'];
+ $isSubscribed = CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course(
+ $student_id,
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ true,
+ $sId
+ );
+ if ($isSubscribed) {
+ $timeInSeconds = Tracking::get_time_spent_on_the_course(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ $courseId,
+ $sessionToExport
+ );
+ $totalCourseTime += $timeInSeconds;
+ $time_spent_on_course = api_time_to_hms($timeInSeconds);
+ $progress = Tracking::get_avg_student_progress(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ [],
+ $sId
+ );
+ $totalProgress += $progress;
+ $bestScore = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ [],
+ $sId,
+ false,
+ false,
+ true
+ );
+ if (is_numeric($bestScore)) {
+ $totalScore += $bestScore;
+ }
+ /*$score = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ [],
+ $sId
+ );*/
+ $progress = empty($progress) ? '0%' : $progress.'%';
+ $score = empty($bestScore) ? '0%' : $bestScore.'%';
+ $courseTable .= '<tr>
+ <td ><a href="'.$courseInfoItem['course_public_url'].'?id_session='.$sId.'">'.
+ $courseInfoItem['title'].'</a></td>
+ <td >'.$time_spent_on_course.'</td>
+ <td >'.$progress.'</td>
+ <td >'.$score.'</td>';
+ $courseTable .= '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ $totalAttendanceFormatted = $scoreDisplay->display_score($totalAttendance);
+ $totalScoreFormatted = $scoreDisplay->display_score([$totalScore / $totalCourses, 100], SCORE_AVERAGE);
+ $totalProgressFormatted = $scoreDisplay->display_score(
+ [$totalProgress / $totalCourses, 100],
+ );
+ $totalEvaluations = $scoreDisplay->display_score($gradeBookTotal);
+ $totalTimeFormatted = api_time_to_hms($totalCourseTime);
+ $courseTable .= '
+ <tr>
+ <th>'.get_lang('Total').'</th>
+ <th>'.$totalTimeFormatted.'</th>
+ <th>'.$totalProgressFormatted.'</th>
+ <th>'.$totalScoreFormatted.'</th>
+ </tr>';
+ $courseTable .= '</tbody></table>';
+ }
+ $studentInfo = api_get_user_info($student_id);
+ $tpl = new Template('', false, false, false, true, false, false);
+ $tpl->assign('title', get_lang('AttestationOfAttendance'));
+ $tpl->assign('session_title', $sessionInfo['name']);
+ $tpl->assign('student', $studentInfo['complete_name']);
+ $tpl->assign('table_progress', $table->toHtml());
+ $tpl->assign('subtitle', sprintf(
+ get_lang('InSessionXYouHadTheFollowingResults'),
+ $sessionInfo['name']
+ ));
+ $tpl->assign('table_course', $courseTable);
+ $template = $tpl->fetch($tpl->get_template('my_space/pdf_export_student.tpl'));
+ $content = ''.$template;
+ $params = [
+ 'pdf_title' => get_lang('Resume'),
+ //'course_code' => api_get_course_id(),
+ 'session_info' => $sessionInfo,
+ 'course_info' => '',
+ 'pdf_date' => '',
+ 'student_info' => $studentInfo,
+ 'show_grade_generated_date' => true,
+ 'show_real_course_teachers' => false,
+ 'show_teacher_as_myself' => false,
+ 'orientation' => 'P',
+ ];
+ $pdf = new PDF('A4', $params['orientation'], $params);
+ try {
+ $theme = $tpl->theme;
+ $themeName = empty($theme) ? api_get_visual_theme() : $theme;
+ $themeDir = \Template::getThemeDir($theme);
+ $customLetterhead = $themeDir.'images/letterhead.png';
+ $urlPathLetterhead = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead;
+ $urlWebLetterhead = '#FFFFFF';
+ $fullPage = false;
+ if (file_exists($urlPathLetterhead)) {
+ $fullPage = true;
+ $urlWebLetterhead = 'url('.api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead.')';
+ }
+ if ($fullPage) {
+ $pdf->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage');
+ $pdf->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background', $urlWebLetterhead);
+ $pdf->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background-image-resize', '6');
+ }
+ @$pdf->content_to_pdf($content,
+ $css = '',
+ $pdf_name = '',
+ $course_code = null,
+ $outputMode = 'D',
+ $saveInFile = false,
+ $fileToSave = null,
+ $returnHtml = false,
+ $addDefaultCss = true,
+ $completeHeader = false
+ );
+ } catch (MpdfException $e) {
+ error_log($e);
+ }
+ exit;
+ break;
case 'export_one_session_row':
$sessionToExport = isset($_GET['session_to_export']) ? (int) $_GET['session_to_export'] : 0;
$exportList = Session::read('export_course_list');
@@ -384,7 +623,7 @@ $sql = "SELECT c_id
FROM $tbl_course_user
relation_type <> ".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." AND
- user_id = ".intval($user_info['user_id']);
+ user_id = ".$student_id;
$rs = Database::query($sql);
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
@@ -400,7 +639,7 @@ while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
// Get the list of sessions where the user is subscribed as student
$sql = 'SELECT session_id, c_id
FROM '.Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER).'
- WHERE user_id='.intval($user_info['user_id']);
+ WHERE user_id='.$student_id;
$rs = Database::query($sql);
$tmp_sessions = [];
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs, 'ASSOC')) {
@@ -674,8 +913,6 @@ $userGroups = $userGroupManager->getNameListByUser(
<td><?php echo get_lang('OnLine'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $online; ?></td>
if (!empty($course_code)) {
@@ -1046,11 +1283,22 @@ if (empty($details)) {
$courseInfoItem = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId);
$courseId = $courseInfoItem['real_id'];
$courseCodeItem = $courseInfoItem['code'];
- $isSubscribed = CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course(
- $student_id,
- $courseCodeItem,
- true
- );
+ if (empty($session_info)) {
+ $isSubscribed = CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course(
+ $student_id,
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ false
+ );
+ } else {
+ $isSubscribed = CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course(
+ $student_id,
+ $courseCodeItem,
+ true,
+ $sId
+ );
+ }
if ($isSubscribed) {
$timeInSeconds = Tracking::get_time_spent_on_the_course(
@@ -1220,6 +1468,17 @@ if (empty($details)) {
['action' => 'export_one_session_row', 'export' => 'xls', 'session_to_export' => $sId]
+ if (!empty($sId)) {
+ $sessionAction .= Display::url(
+ Display::return_icon('pdf.png', get_lang('ExportToPDF'), [], ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM),
+ $currentUrl
+ .'&'
+ .http_build_query(
+ ['action' => 'export_to_pdf', 'session_to_export' => $sId]
+ )
+ );
+ }
echo $sessionAction;
} else {
echo "<tr><td colspan='5'>".get_lang('NoCourse')."</td></tr>";
@@ -1260,6 +1519,11 @@ if (empty($details)) {
+ $timeCourse = null;
+ if (Tracking::minimunTimeAvailable($session_id, $courseInfo['real_id'])) {
+ $timeCourse = Tracking::getCalculateTime($student_id, $courseInfo['real_id'], $session_id);
+ }
if ($user_info['status'] != INVITEE) {
$csv_content[] = [];
$csv_content[] = [str_replace(' ', '', strip_tags($table_title))];
@@ -1286,265 +1550,238 @@ if (empty($details)) {
$csv_content[] = $columnHeadersToExport;
$columnHeadersKeys = array_keys($columnHeaders);
+ $categoriesTempList = learnpath::getCategories($courseInfo['real_id']);
+ $categoryTest = new CLpCategory();
+ $categoryTest->setId(0);
+ $categoryTest->setName(get_lang('WithOutCategory'));
+ $categoryTest->setPosition(0);
+ $categories = [
+ $categoryTest,
+ ];
- /*// @todo use LearnpathList class
- if (empty($sessionId)) {
- $dql = '
- SELECT lp FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CLp lp
- (lp.sessionId = 0 OR lp.sessionId IS NULL) AND
- lp.cId = :course
- ORDER BY lp.displayOrder ASC
- ';
- $query = $em->createQuery($dql);
- $query->setParameters([
- 'course' => $courseInfo['real_id']
- ]);
- } else {
- $dql = '
- SELECT lp FROM ChamiloCourseBundle:CLp lp
- (lp.sessionId = :session OR lp.sessionId = 0 OR lp.sessionId IS NULL) AND
- lp.cId = :course
- ORDER BY lp.displayOrder ASC
- ';
- $query = $em->createQuery($dql);
- $query->setParameters([
- 'session' => $sessionId,
- 'course' => $courseInfo['real_id']
- ]);
+ if (!empty($categoriesTempList)) {
+ $categories = array_merge($categories, $categoriesTempList);
- $lps = $query->getResult();
- */
- if (true) {
- $categoriesTempList = learnpath::getCategories($courseInfo['real_id']);
- $categoryTest = new CLpCategory();
- $categoryTest->setId(0);
- $categoryTest->setName(get_lang('WithOutCategory'));
- $categoryTest->setPosition(0);
- $categories = [
- $categoryTest,
- ];
- if (!empty($categoriesTempList)) {
- $categories = array_merge($categories, $categoriesTempList);
+ $userEntity = api_get_user_entity(api_get_user_id());
+ /** @var CLpCategory $item */
+ foreach ($categories as $item) {
+ $categoryId = $item->getId();
+ if (!learnpath::categoryIsVisibleForStudent($item, $userEntity)) {
+ continue;
- $userEntity = api_get_user_entity(api_get_user_id());
+ $list = new LearnpathList(
+ api_get_user_id(),
+ $courseInfo['code'],
+ $sessionId,
+ null,
+ false,
+ $categoryId,
+ false,
+ true
+ );
- /** @var CLpCategory $item */
- foreach ($categories as $item) {
- $categoryId = $item->getId();
- if (!learnpath::categoryIsVisibleForStudent($item, $userEntity)) {
- continue;
- }
+ $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list();
+ $i = 0;
+ if (count($categories) > 1) {
+ echo Display::page_subheader2($item->getName());
+ }
- $list = new LearnpathList(
- api_get_user_id(),
- $courseInfo['code'],
- $sessionId,
- null,
- false,
- $categoryId,
- false,
- true
- );
+ echo '<div class="table-responsive">';
+ echo '<table class="table table-striped table-hover"><thead><tr>';
+ echo $headers;
+ echo '<th>'.get_lang('Details').'</th>';
+ if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
+ echo '<th>'.get_lang('ResetLP').'</th>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr></thead><tbody>';
- $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list();
- $i = 0;
- if (count($categories) > 1) {
- echo Display::page_subheader2($item->getName());
- }
+ foreach ($flat_list as $learnpath) {
+ $lpIdList[] = $learnpath['iid'];
- echo '<div class="table-responsive">';
- echo '<table class="table table-striped table-hover"><thead><tr>';
- echo $headers;
- echo '<th>'.get_lang('Details').'</th>';
- if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
- echo '<th>'.get_lang('ResetLP').'</th>';
- }
- echo '</tr></thead><tbody>';
+ $lp_id = $learnpath['lp_old_id'];
+ $lp_name = $learnpath['lp_name'];
+ $any_result = false;
- foreach ($flat_list as $learnpath) {
- $lpIdList[] = $learnpath['iid'];
+ // Get progress in lp
+ $progress = Tracking::get_avg_student_progress(
+ $student_id,
+ $course_code,
+ [$lp_id],
+ $sessionId
+ );
- $lp_id = $learnpath['lp_old_id'];
- $lp_name = $learnpath['lp_name'];
- $any_result = false;
+ if ($progress === null) {
+ $progress = '0%';
+ } else {
+ $any_result = true;
+ }
- // Get progress in lp
- $progress = Tracking::get_avg_student_progress(
+ // Get time in lp
+ if (!empty($timeCourse)) {
+ $lpTime = isset($timeCourse[TOOL_LEARNPATH]) ? $timeCourse[TOOL_LEARNPATH] : 0;
+ $total_time = isset($lpTime[$lp_id]) ? (int) $lpTime[$lp_id] : 0;
+ } else {
+ $total_time = Tracking::get_time_spent_in_lp(
+ }
- if ($progress === null) {
- $progress = '0%';
- } else {
- $any_result = true;
- }
+ if (!empty($total_time)) {
+ $any_result = true;
+ }
- // Get time in lp
- $total_time = Tracking::get_time_spent_in_lp(
- $student_id,
- $course_code,
- [$lp_id],
- $sessionId
- );
+ // Get last connection time in lp
+ $start_time = Tracking::get_last_connection_time_in_lp(
+ $student_id,
+ $course_code,
+ $lp_id,
+ $sessionId
+ );
- if (!empty($total_time)) {
- $any_result = true;
- }
+ if (!empty($start_time)) {
+ $start_time = api_convert_and_format_date($start_time, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG);
+ } else {
+ $start_time = '-';
+ }
- // Get last connection time in lp
- $start_time = Tracking::get_last_connection_time_in_lp(
- $student_id,
- $course_code,
- $lp_id,
- $sessionId
- );
+ if (!empty($total_time)) {
+ $any_result = true;
+ }
- if (!empty($start_time)) {
- $start_time = api_convert_and_format_date($start_time, DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG);
- } else {
- $start_time = '-';
- }
+ // Quiz in lp
+ $score = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
+ $student_id,
+ $course_code,
+ [$lp_id],
+ $sessionId
+ );
- if (!empty($total_time)) {
- $any_result = true;
- }
+ // Latest exercise results in a LP
+ $score_latest = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
+ $student_id,
+ $course_code,
+ [$lp_id],
+ $sessionId,
+ false,
+ true
+ );
- // Quiz in lp
- $score = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
- $student_id,
- $course_code,
- [$lp_id],
- $sessionId
- );
+ $bestScore = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
+ $student_id,
+ $course_code,
+ [$lp_id],
+ $sessionId,
+ false,
+ false,
+ true
+ );
- // Latest exercise results in a LP
- $score_latest = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
- $student_id,
- $course_code,
- [$lp_id],
- $sessionId,
- false,
- true
- );
+ if (empty($bestScore)) {
+ $bestScore = '';
+ } else {
+ $bestScore = $bestScore.'%';
+ }
- $bestScore = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(
- $student_id,
- $course_code,
- [$lp_id],
- $sessionId,
- false,
- false,
- true
- );
+ if ($i % 2 == 0) {
+ $css_class = "row_even";
+ } else {
+ $css_class = "row_odd";
+ }
- if (empty($bestScore)) {
- $bestScore = '';
- } else {
- $bestScore = $bestScore.'%';
- }
+ $i++;
- if ($i % 2 == 0) {
- $css_class = "row_even";
- } else {
- $css_class = "row_odd";
+ if (isset($score_latest) && !is_null($score_latest)) {
+ if (is_numeric($score_latest)) {
+ $score_latest = $score_latest.'%';
+ }
- $i++;
+ if (is_numeric($progress)) {
+ $progress = $progress.'%';
+ } else {
+ $progress = '-';
+ }
- if (isset($score_latest) && !is_null($score_latest)) {
- if (is_numeric($score_latest)) {
- $score_latest = $score_latest.'%';
- }
- }
+ echo '<tr class="'.$css_class.'">';
+ $contentToExport = [];
+ if (in_array('lp', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ $contentToExport[] = api_html_entity_decode(
+ stripslashes($lp_name),
+ $charset
+ );
+ echo Display::tag('td', stripslashes($lp_name));
+ }
+ if (in_array('time', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ $contentToExport[] = api_time_to_hms($total_time);
+ echo Display::tag('td', api_time_to_hms($total_time));
+ }
- if (is_numeric($progress)) {
- $progress = $progress.'%';
- } else {
- $progress = '-';
- }
+ if (in_array('best_score', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ $contentToExport[] = $bestScore;
+ echo Display::tag('td', $bestScore);
+ }
+ if (in_array('latest_attempt_avg_score', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ $contentToExport[] = $score_latest;
+ echo Display::tag('td', $score_latest);
+ }
- echo '<tr class="'.$css_class.'">';
- $contentToExport = [];
- if (in_array('lp', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- $contentToExport[] = api_html_entity_decode(
- stripslashes($lp_name),
- $charset
- );
- echo Display::tag('td', stripslashes($lp_name));
- }
- if (in_array('time', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- $contentToExport[] = api_time_to_hms($total_time);
- echo Display::tag('td', api_time_to_hms($total_time));
- }
+ if (in_array('progress', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ $contentToExport[] = $progress;
+ echo Display::tag('td', $progress);
+ }
- if (in_array('best_score', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- $contentToExport[] = $bestScore;
- echo Display::tag('td', $bestScore);
- }
- if (in_array('latest_attempt_avg_score', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- $contentToExport[] = $score_latest;
- echo Display::tag('td', $score_latest);
- }
+ if (in_array('last_connection', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
+ // Do not change with api_convert_and_format_date, because this value came from the lp_item_view table
+ // which implies several other changes not a priority right now
+ $contentToExport[] = $start_time;
+ echo Display::tag('td', $start_time);
+ }
- if (in_array('progress', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- $contentToExport[] = $progress;
- echo Display::tag('td', $progress);
- }
+ $csv_content[] = $contentToExport;
- if (in_array('last_connection', $columnHeadersKeys)) {
- // Do not change with api_convert_and_format_date, because this value came from the lp_item_view table
- // which implies several other changes not a priority right now
- $contentToExport[] = $start_time;
- echo Display::tag('td', $start_time);
+ if ($any_result === true) {
+ $from = '';
+ if ($from_myspace) {
+ $from = '&from=myspace';
+ $link = Display::url(
+ Display::return_icon('2rightarrow.png', get_lang('Details')),
+ 'lp_tracking.php?cidReq='.$course_code.'&course='.$course_code.$from.'&origin='.$origin
+ .'&lp_id='.$lp_id.'&student_id='.$user_info['user_id'].'&id_session='.$sessionId
+ );
+ echo Display::tag('td', $link);
+ }
- $csv_content[] = $contentToExport;
+ if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
+ echo '<td>';
if ($any_result === true) {
- $from = '';
- if ($from_myspace) {
- $from = '&from=myspace';
- }
- $link = Display::url(
- Display::return_icon('2rightarrow.png', get_lang('Details')),
- 'lp_tracking.php?cidReq='.$course_code.'&course='.$course_code.$from.'&origin='.$origin
- .'&lp_id='.$lp_id.'&student_id='.$user_info['user_id'].'&id_session='.$sessionId
+ $url = 'myStudents.php?action=reset_lp&sec_token='.$token.'&cidReq='.$course_code.'&course='
+ .$course_code.'&details='.$details.'&origin='.$origin.'&lp_id='.$lp_id.'&student='
+ .$user_info['user_id'].'&details=true&id_session='.$sessionId;
+ echo Display::url(
+ Display::return_icon('clean.png', get_lang('Clean')),
+ $url,
+ [
+ 'onclick' => "javascript:if(!confirm('"
+ .addslashes(
+ api_htmlentities(get_lang('AreYouSureToDelete'))
+ )
+ ."')) return false;",
+ ]
- echo Display::tag('td', $link);
- }
- if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
- echo '<td>';
- if ($any_result === true) {
- $url = 'myStudents.php?action=reset_lp&sec_token='.$token.'&cidReq='.$course_code.'&course='
- .$course_code.'&details='.$details.'&origin='.$origin.'&lp_id='.$lp_id.'&student='
- .$user_info['user_id'].'&details=true&id_session='.$sessionId;
- echo Display::url(
- Display::return_icon('clean.png', get_lang('Clean')),
- $url,
- [
- 'onclick' => "javascript:if(!confirm('"
- .addslashes(
- api_htmlentities(get_lang('AreYouSureToDelete'))
- )
- ."')) return false;",
- ]
- );
- }
- echo '</td>';
- echo '</tr>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
- echo '</tbody></table></div>';
+ echo '</tbody></table></div>';