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Feature #272 - Upgrading PHPMailer to version 5.1, 11-NOV-2009. (part 2)

Ivan Tcholakov 15 years ago
1 changed files with 408 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 408 0

+ 408 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+Version 5.1 (October 20, 2009)
+* fixed filename issue with AddStringAttachment (thanks to Tony)
+* fixed "SingleTo" property, now works with Senmail, Qmail, and SMTP in
+  addition to PHP mail()
+* added DKIM digital signing functionality
+  New properties:
+  - DKIM_domain (sets the domain name)
+  - DKIM_private (holds DKIM private key)
+  - DKIM_passphrase (holds your DKIM passphrase)
+  - DKIM_selector (holds the DKIM "selector")
+  - DKIM_identity (holds the identifying email address)
+* added callback function support
+  - callback function parameters include:
+    result, to, cc, bcc, subject and body
+  * see the test/test_callback.php file for usage.
+* added "auto" identity functionality
+  - can automatically add:
+    - Return-path (if Sender not set)
+    - Reply-To (if ReplyTo not set)
+  - can be disabled:
+    - $mail->SetFrom('','First Last',false);
+    - or by adding the $mail->Sender and/or $mail->ReplyTo properties
+  Note: "auto" identity added to help with emails ending up in spam
+  or junk boxes because of missing headers
+Version 5.0.2 (May 24, 2009)
+* Fix for missing attachments when inline graphics are present
+* Fix for missing Cc in header when using SMTP (mail was sent,
+  but not displayed in header -- Cc receiver only saw email To: 
+  line and no Cc line, but did get the email (To receiver
+  saw same)
+Version 5.0.1 (April 05, 2009)
+* Temporary fix for missing attachments
+Version 5.0.0 (April 02, 2009)
+* With the release of this version, we are initiating a new version numbering
+  system to differentiate from the PHP4 version of PHPMailer.
+* Most notable in this release is fully object oriented code.
+* Refactored class.smtp.php to support new exception handling
+  code size reduced from 29.2 Kb to 25.6 Kb
+* Removed unnecessary functions from class.smtp.php:
+  public function Expand($name) {
+  public function Help($keyword="") {
+  public function Noop() {
+  public function Send($from) {
+  public function SendOrMail($from) {
+  public function Verify($name) {
+* Refactored class.phpmailer.php with new exception handling
+* Changed processing functionality of Sendmail and Qmail so they cannot be
+  inadvertently used
+* removed getFile() function, just became a simple wrapper for
+  file_get_contents()
+* added check for PHP version (will gracefully exit if not at least PHP 5.0)
+class.phpmailer.php enhancements
+* enhanced code to check if an attachment source is the same as an embedded or
+  inline graphic source to eliminate duplicate attachments
+New /test_script
+* We have written a test script you can use to test the script as part of your
+  installation. Once you press submit, the test script will send a multi-mime
+  email with either the message you type in or an HTML email with an inline
+  graphic. Two attachments are included in the email (one of the attachments
+  is also the inline graphic so you can see that only one copy of the graphic
+  is sent in the email). The test script will also display the functional
+  script that you can copy/paste to your editor to duplicate the functionality.
+New examples
+* All new examples in both basic and advanced modes. Advanced examples show
+  Exception handling.
+PHPDocumentator (phpdocs) documentation for PHPMailer version 5.0.0
+* all new documentation
+Please note: the website has been updated to reflect the changes in PHPMailer
+version 5.0.0.
+Version 2.3 (November 06, 2008)
+* added Arabic language (many thanks to Bahjat Al Mostafa)
+* removed English language from language files and made it a default within
+  class.phpmailer.php - if no language is found, it will default to use
+  the english language translation
+* fixed public/private declarations
+* corrected line 1728, $basedir to $directory
+* added $sign_cert_file to avoid improper duplicate use of $sign_key_file
+* corrected $this->Hello on line 612 to $this->Helo
+* changed default of $LE to "\r\n" to comply with RFC 2822. Can be set by the user
+  if default is not acceptable
+* removed trim() from return results in EncodeQP
+* /test and three files it contained are removed from version 2.3
+* fixed phpunit.php for compliance with PHP5
+* changed $this->AltBody = $textMsg; to $this->AltBody = html_entity_decode($textMsg);
+* We have removed the /phpdoc from the downloads. All documentation is now on
+  the website.
+Version 2.2.1 () July 19 2008
+* fixed line 1092 in class.smtp.php (my apologies, error on my part)
+Version 2.2 () July 15 2008
+* Fixed redirect issue (display of UTF-8 in thank you redirect)
+* fixed error in getResponse function declaration (class.pop3.php)
+* PHPMailer now PHP6 compliant
+* fixed line 1092 in class.smtp.php (endless loop from missing = sign)
+Version 2.1 (Wed, June 04 2008)
+* added S/MIME functionality (ability to digitally sign emails)
+  BIG THANKS TO "sergiocambra" for posting this patch back in November 2007.
+  The "Signed Emails" functionality adds the Sign method to pass the private key
+  filename and the password to read it, and then email will be sent with
+  content-type multipart/signed and with the digital signature attached.
+* fully compatible with E_STRICT error level
+  - Please note:
+    In about half the test environments this development version was subjected
+    to, an error was thrown for the date() functions used (line 1565 and 1569).
+    This is NOT a PHPMailer error, it is the result of an incorrectly configured
+    PHP5 installation. The fix is to modify your 'php.ini' file and include the
+    date.timezone = America/New York
+    directive, to your own server timezone
+  - If you do get this error, and are unable to access your php.ini file:
+    In your PHP script, add
+    date_default_timezone_set('America/Toronto');
+    - do not try to use
+    $myVar = date_default_timezone_get();
+    as a test, it will throw an error.
+* added ability to define path (mainly for embedded images)
+  function MsgHTML($message,$basedir='') ... where:
+  $basedir is the fully qualified path
+* fixed MsgHTML() function:
+  - Embedded Images where images are specified by <protocol>:// will not be altered or embedded
+* fixed the return value of SMTP exit code ( pclose )
+* addressed issue of multibyte characters in subject line and truncating
+* added ability to have user specified Message ID
+  (default is still that PHPMailer create a unique Message ID)
+* corrected unidentified message type to 'application/octet-stream'
+* fixed chunk_split() multibyte issue (thanks to Colin Brown, et al).
+* added check for added attachments
+* enhanced conversion of HTML to text in MsgHTML (thanks to "brunny")
+Version 2.1.0beta2 (Sun, Dec 02 2007)
+* implemented updated EncodeQP (thanks to coolbru, aka Marcus Bointon)
+* finished all testing, all known bugs corrected, enhancements tested
+- note: will NOT work with PHP4.
+please note, this is BETA software
+Version 2.1.0beta1
+please note, this is BETA software
+Version 2.0.0 rc2 (Fri, Nov 16 2007), interim release
+* implements new property to control VERP in class.smtp.php
+  example (requires instantiating class.smtp.php):
+  $mail->do_verp = true;
+* POP-before-SMTP functionality included, thanks to Richard Davey
+  (see class.pop3.php & pop3_before_smtp_test.php for examples)
+* included example showing how to use PHPMailer with GMAIL
+* fixed the missing Cc in SendMail() and Mail()
+A note on sending bulk emails:
+If the email you are sending is not personalized, consider using the
+"undisclosed-recipient:;" strategy. That is, put all of your recipients
+in the Bcc field and set the To field to "undisclosed-recipients:;".
+It's a lot faster (only one send) and saves quite a bit on resources.
+Contrary to some opinions, this will not get you listed in spam engines -
+it's a legitimate way for you to send emails.
+A partial example for use with PHPMailer:
+Many email service providers restrict the number of emails that can be sent
+in any given time period. Often that is between 50 - 60 emails maximum
+per hour or per send session.
+If that's the case, then break up your Bcc lists into chunks that are one
+less than your limit, and put a pause in your script.
+Version 2.0.0 rc1 (Thu, Nov 08 2007), interim release
+* dramatically simplified using inline graphics ... it's fully automated and requires no user input
+* added automatic document type detection for attachments and pictures
+* added MsgHTML() function to replace Body tag for HTML emails
+* fixed the SendMail security issues (input validation vulnerability)
+* enhanced the AddAddresses functionality so that the "Name" portion is used in the email address
+* removed the need to use the AltBody method (set from the HTML, or default text used)
+* set the PHP Mail() function as the default (still support SendMail, SMTP Mail)
+* removed the need to set the IsHTML property (set automatically)
+* added Estonian language file by Indrek P&auml;ri
+* added header injection patch
+* added "set" method to permit users to create their own pseudo-properties like 'X-Headers', etc.
+  example of use:
+  $mail->set('X-Priority', '3');
+  $mail->set('X-MSMail-Priority', 'Normal');
+* fixed warning message in SMTP get_lines method
+* added TLS/SSL SMTP support
+  example of use:
+  $mail = new PHPMailer();
+  $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
+  $mail->Host = "";
+  $mail->SMTPSecure   = "tls"; // option
+  //$mail->SMTPSecure   = "ssl";  // option
+  ...
+  $mail->Send();
+* PHPMailer has been tested with PHP4 (4.4.7) and PHP5 (5.2.7)
+* Works with PHP installed as a module or as CGI-PHP
+- NOTE: will NOT work with PHP5 in E_STRICT error mode
+Version 1.73 (Sun, Jun 10 2005)
+* Fixed denial of service bug:
+* Now has a total of 20 translations
+* Fixed alt attachments bug:
+Version 1.72 (Wed, May 25 2004)
+* Added Dutch, Swedish, Czech, Norwegian, and Turkish translations.
+* Received: Removed this method because spam filter programs like
+SpamAssassin reject this header.
+* Fixed error count bug.
+* SetLanguage default is now "language/".
+* Fixed magic_quotes_runtime bug.
+Version 1.71 (Tue, Jul 28 2003)
+* Made several speed enhancements
+* Added German and Italian translation files
+* Fixed HELO/AUTH bugs on keep-alive connects
+* Now provides an error message if language file does not load
+* Fixed attachment EOL bug
+* Updated some unclear documentation
+* Added additional tests and improved others
+Version 1.70 (Mon, Jun 20 2003)
+* Added SMTP keep-alive support
+* Added IsError method for error detection
+* Added error message translation support (SetLanguage)
+* Refactored many methods to increase library performance
+* Hello now sends the newer EHLO message before HELO as per RFC 2821
+* Removed the boundary class and replaced it with GetBoundary
+* Removed queue support methods
+* New $Hostname variable
+* New Message-ID header
+* Received header reformat
+* Helo variable default changed to $Hostname
+* Removed extra spaces in Content-Type definition (#667182)
+* Return-Path should be set to Sender when set
+* Adds Q or B encoding to headers when necessary
+* quoted-encoding should now encode NULs \000
+* Fixed encoding of body/AltBody (#553370)
+* Adds "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" when all recipients are hidden (BCC)
+* Multiple bug fixes
+Version 1.65 (Fri, Aug 09 2002)
+* Fixed non-visible attachment bug (#585097) for Outlook
+* SMTP connections are now closed after each transaction
+* Fixed SMTP::Expand return value
+* Converted SMTP class documentation to phpDocumentor format
+Version 1.62 (Wed, Jun 26 2002)
+* Fixed multi-attach bug
+* Set proper word wrapping
+* Reduced memory use with attachments
+* Added more debugging
+* Changed documentation to phpDocumentor format
+Version 1.60 (Sat, Mar 30 2002)
+* Sendmail pipe and address patch (Christian Holtje)
+* Added embedded image and read confirmation support (A. Ognio)
+* Added unit tests
+* Added SMTP timeout support (*nix only)
+* Added possibly temporary PluginDir variable for SMTP class
+* Added LE message line ending variable
+* Refactored boundary and attachment code
+* Eliminated SMTP class warnings
+* Added SendToQueue method for future queuing support
+Version 1.54 (Wed, Dec 19 2001)
+* Add some queuing support code
+* Fixed a pesky multi/alt bug
+* Messages are no longer forced to have "To" addresses
+Version 1.50 (Thu, Nov 08 2001)
+* Fix extra lines when not using SMTP mailer
+* Set WordWrap variable to int with a zero default
+Version 1.47 (Tue, Oct 16 2001)
+* Fixed Received header code format
+* Fixed AltBody order error
+* Fixed alternate port warning
+Version 1.45 (Tue, Sep 25 2001)
+* Added enhanced SMTP debug support
+* Added support for multiple ports on SMTP
+* Added Received header for tracing
+* Fixed AddStringAttachment encoding
+* Fixed possible header name quote bug
+* Fixed wordwrap() trim bug
+* Couple other small bug fixes
+Version 1.41 (Wed, Aug 22 2001)
+* Fixed AltBody bug w/o attachments
+* Fixed rfc_date() for certain mail servers
+Version 1.40 (Sun, Aug 12 2001)
+* Added multipart/alternative support (AltBody)
+* Documentation update
+* Fixed bug in Mercury MTA
+Version 1.29 (Fri, Aug 03 2001)
+* Added AddStringAttachment() method
+* Added SMTP authentication support
+Version 1.28 (Mon, Jul 30 2001)
+* Fixed a typo in SMTP class
+* Fixed header issue with Imail (win32) SMTP server
+* Made fopen() calls for attachments use "rb" to fix win32 error
+Version 1.25 (Mon, Jul 02 2001)
+* Added RFC 822 date fix (Patrice)
+* Added improved error handling by adding a $ErrorInfo variable
+* Removed MailerDebug variable (obsolete with new error handler)
+Version 1.20 (Mon, Jun 25 2001)
+* Added quoted-printable encoding (Patrice)
+* Set Version as public and removed PrintVersion()
+* Changed phpdoc to only display public variables and methods
+Version 1.19 (Thu, Jun 21 2001)
+* Fixed MS Mail header bug
+* Added fix for Bcc problem with mail(). *Does not work on Win32*
+  (See PHP bug report:
+* mail() no longer passes a fifth parameter when not needed
+Version 1.15 (Fri, Jun 15 2001)
+[Note: these changes contributed by Patrice Fournier]
+* Changed all remaining \n to \r\n
+* Bcc: header no longer writen to message except
+when sent directly to sendmail
+* Added a small message to non-MIME compliant mail reader
+* Added Sender variable to change the Sender email
+used in -f for sendmail/mail and in 'MAIL FROM' for smtp mode
+* Changed boundary setting to a place it will be set only once
+* Removed transfer encoding for whole message when using multipart
+* Message body now uses Encoding in multipart messages
+* Can set encoding and type to attachments 7bit, 8bit
+and binary attachment are sent as is, base64 are encoded
+* Can set Encoding to base64 to send 8 bits body
+through 7 bits servers
+Version 1.10 (Tue, Jun 12 2001)
+* Fixed win32 mail header bug (printed out headers in message body)
+Version 1.09 (Fri, Jun 08 2001)
+* Changed date header to work with Netscape mail programs
+* Altered phpdoc documentation
+Version 1.08 (Tue, Jun 05 2001)
+* Added enhanced error-checking
+* Added phpdoc documentation to source
+Version 1.06 (Fri, Jun 01 2001)
+* Added optional name for file attachments
+Version 1.05 (Tue, May 29 2001)
+* Code cleanup
+* Eliminated sendmail header warning message
+* Fixed possible SMTP error
+Version 1.03 (Thu, May 24 2001)
+* Fixed problem where qmail sends out duplicate messages
+Version 1.02 (Wed, May 23 2001)
+* Added multiple recipient and attachment Clear* methods
+* Added Sendmail public variable
+* Fixed problem with loading SMTP library multiple times
+Version 0.98 (Tue, May 22 2001)
+* Fixed problem with redundant mail hosts sending out multiple messages
+* Added additional error handler code
+* Added AddCustomHeader() function
+* Added support for Microsoft mail client headers (affects priority)
+* Fixed small bug with Mailer variable
+* Added PrintVersion() function
+Version 0.92 (Tue, May 15 2001)
+* Changed file names to class.phpmailer.php and class.smtp.php to match
+  current PHP class trend.
+* Fixed problem where body not being printed when a message is attached
+* Several small bug fixes
+Version 0.90 (Tue, April 17 2001)
+* Intial public release