@@ -1,1200 +1,1214 @@
-<?php // $Id: index.php 16620 2008-10-25 20:03:54Z yannoo $
- Dokeos - elearning and course management software
- Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos SPRL
- Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
- For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
- The full license can be read in "license.txt".
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- Contact: Dokeos, rue Notre Dame, 152, B-1140 Evere, Belgium, info@dokeos.com
-* @package dokeos.studentpublications
-* @author Thomas, Hugues, Christophe - original version
-* @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University - ability for course admins to specify wether uploaded documents are visible or invisible by default.
-* @author Roan Embrechts, code refactoring and virtual course support
-* @author Frederic Vauthier, directories management
-* @version $Id: $
- * Displays action links (for admins, authorized groups members and authorized students)
- * @param string Current dir
- * @param integer Whether to show tool options
- * @param integer Whether to show upload form option
- * @return void
- */
-function display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options, $always_show_upload_form)
- $display_output = '<div class="actions">';
- if(strlen($cur_dir_path) > 0 && $cur_dir_path != '/')
- {
- $parent_dir = dirname($cur_dir_path);
- $display_output .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&curdirpath='.$parent_dir.'">'.Display::return_icon('folder_up.gif').' '.get_lang('Up').'</a> ';
- }
- if (! $always_show_upload_form )
- {
- $display_output .= " <a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&display_upload_form=true&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."\">".Display::return_icon('submit_file.gif', get_lang("UploadADocument"))." ". get_lang("UploadADocument") .'</a> ';
- }
- if (! $always_show_tool_options && api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) )
- {
- // Create dir
- $display_output .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.$cur_dir_path.'&createdir=1&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'"><img src="../img/folder_new.gif" border="0"alt ="'.get_lang('CreateDir').'" /> '.get_lang('CreateDir').' </a> ';
- if(api_is_allowed_to_edit()) // the coach can't edit options of the tool
- // Options
- $display_output .= "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."&display_tool_options=true&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."\">".Display::return_icon('acces_tool.gif', get_lang("EditToolOptions")).' ' . get_lang("EditToolOptions") . "</a> ";
- }
- if ($display_output != "")
- {
- echo $display_output;
- }
- echo '</div>';
-* Displays all options for this tool.
-* These are
-* - make all files visible / invisible
-* - set the default visibility of uploaded files
-* @param $uploadvisibledisabled
-* @param $origin
-* @param $base_work_dir Base working directory (up to '/work')
-* @param $cur_dir_path Current subdirectory of 'work/'
-* @param $cur_dir_path_url Current subdirectory of 'work/', url-encoded
-function display_tool_options($uploadvisibledisabled, $origin,$base_work_dir,$cur_dir_path,$cur_dir_path_url)
- global $charset, $group_properties;
- $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true);
- $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- if (! $is_allowed_to_edit) return;
- echo '<form method="post" action="'.api_get_self().'?origin='.$origin.'&display_tool_options=true">';
- echo "<br/><table class=\"data_table\">\n",
- "<tr><th> </th><th>".get_lang("Modify")."</th></tr><tr class=\"row_even\">\n",
- "<td align=\"right\">",
- get_lang('AllFiles')." : </td>",
- "<td ><a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&delete=all&display_tool_options=true\" ",
- "onclick=\"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false;\">",
- "<img src=\"../img/delete.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Delete')."\" />",
- "</a>",
- " ";
- $sql_query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$work_table." LIKE 'accepted'";
- $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if ($sql_result)
- {
- $columnStatus = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
- if ($columnStatus['Default'] == 1)
- {
- echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&make_invisible=all&display_tool_options=true\">",
- "<img src=\"../img/visible.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Invisible')."\" />",
- "</a>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&make_visible=all&display_tool_options=true\">",
- "<img src=\"../img/invisible.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Visible')."\">",
- "</a>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</td></tr>";
- display_default_visibility_form($uploadvisibledisabled);
- echo '</table>';
- echo '<div>'.get_lang("ValidateChanges").' : <input type="submit" name="changeProperties" value="'.get_lang("Ok").'" /></div></form>';
- echo "<br/><table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
- //==============================================================================
- // Display directories list
- //==============================================================================
- //$folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_folders($_course,$to_group_id,$is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights);
- if($cur_dir_path=='/'){$my_cur_dir_path='';}else{$my_cur_dir_path=$cur_dir_path;}
- $folders = get_subdirs_list($base_work_dir,1);
- echo '<div id="folderselector">';
- echo(build_work_directory_selector($folders,$cur_dir_path,''));
- echo '</div>';
- echo '</td></tr><tr><td>';
- if ($cur_dir_path!= '/' && $cur_dir_path!=$group_properties['directory'])
- {
- echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode((dirname($cur_dir_path)=='\\')?'/':dirname($cur_dir_path)).'">'.
- '<img src="../img/parent.gif" border="0" align="absbottom" hspace="5" alt="" />'.
- get_lang("Up").'</a> '."\n";
- echo '<!-- create directory -->' .
- '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.$cur_dir_path.'&createdir=1"><img src="../img/folder_new.gif" border="0"alt ="'.get_lang('CreateDir').'" /></a>'.
- '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.$cur_dir_path.'&createdir=1">'.get_lang('CreateDir').'</a> '."\n";
- echo "</td></tr></table>";
- */
-* Displays the form where course admins can specify wether uploaded documents
-* are visible or invisible by default.
-* @param $uploadvisibledisabled
-* @param $origin
-function display_default_visibility_form($uploadvisibledisabled)
- ?>
- <tr class="row_odd"><td align="right">
- <strong><?php echo get_lang("_default_upload"); ?></strong></td>
- <td><input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="uploadvisibledisabled" value="0"
- <?php if($uploadvisibledisabled==0) echo "checked"; ?> />
- <?php echo get_lang("_new_visible");?><br />
- <input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="uploadvisibledisabled" value="1"
- <?php if($uploadvisibledisabled==1) echo "checked"; ?> />
- <?php echo get_lang("_new_unvisible"); ?><br />
- </td></tr>
- <?php
-* This function displays the firstname and lastname of the user as a link to the user tool.
-* @see this is the same function as in the new forum, so this probably has to move to a user library.
-* @todo move this function to the user library
-* @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University
-* @version march 2006
-function display_user_link($user_id, $name='')
- global $_otherusers;
- if ($user_id<>0)
- {
- if ($name=='')
- {
- $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
- $sql="SELECT * FROM $table_user WHERE user_id='".Database::escape_string($user_id)."'";
- $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);
- return "<a href=\"../user/userInfo.php?uInfo=".$row['user_id']."\">".$row['firstname']." ".$row['lastname']."</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- return "<a href=\"../user/userInfo.php?uInfo=".$user_id."\">".$name."</a>";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return $name.' ('.get_lang('Anonymous').')';
- }
-function convert_date_to_number($default){
- // 2008-10-12 00:00:00 ---to--> 12345672218 (timestamp)
- $parts = split(' ',$default);
- list($d_year,$d_month,$d_day) = split('-',$parts[0]);
- list($d_hour,$d_minute,$d_second) = split(':',$parts[1]);
- return mktime($d_hour, $d_minute, $d_second, $d_month, $d_day, $d_year);
- /*
- * converts 1-9 to 01-09
- */
- function two_digits($number){
- $number = (int)$number;
- return ($number < 10) ? '0'.$number : $number;
- }
- /*
- * converts 2008-10-06 12:45:00 to -> array($data'year'=>2008,$data'month'=>10 etc...)
- */
- function convert_date_to_array($date,$group){
- $parts = split(' ',$date);
- list($data[$group.'[year]'],$data[$group.'[month]'],$data[$group.'[day]']) = split('-',$parts[0]);
- list($data[$group.'[hour]'],$data[$group.'[minute]']) = split(':',$parts[1]);
- return $data;
- }
- function get_date_from_group($group){
- return $_POST[$group]['year'].'-'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['month']).'-'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['day']).' '.two_digits($_POST[$group]['hour']).':'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['minute']).':00';
- }
- function create_group_date_select($prefix=''){
- $minute = range(10,59);
- $d_year=date('Y');
- array_unshift($minute,'00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09');
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'year','',array($d_year=>$d_year,$d_year+1=>$d_year+1));
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'month','',array_combine(range(1,12),array('Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre')));
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'day','',array_combine(range(1,31),range(1,31)));
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'hour','',array_combine(range(1,24),range(1,24)));
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'minute','',$minute);
- return $group_name;
- }
-* Display the list of student publications, taking into account the user status
-* @param $currentCourseRepositoryWeb, the web location of the course folder
-* @param $link_target_parameter - should there be a target parameter for the links
-* @param $dateFormatLong - date format
-* @param $origin - typically empty or 'learnpath'
-function display_student_publications_list($work_dir,$sub_course_dir,$currentCourseRepositoryWeb, $link_target_parameter, $dateFormatLong, $origin,$add_in_where_query='')
- global $charset;
- // Database table names
- $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- $iprop_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
- $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true);
- $user_id = api_get_user_id();
- $publications_list = array();
- $sort_params = array();
- if( isset($_GET['column']))
- {
- $sort_params[] = 'column='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['column']);
- }
- if( isset($_GET['page_nr']))
- {
- $sort_params[] = 'page_nr='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['page_nr']);
- }
- if( isset($_GET['per_page']))
- {
- $sort_params[] = 'per_page='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['per_page']);
- }
- if( isset($_GET['direction']))
- {
- $sort_params[] = 'direction='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['direction']);
- }
- $sort_params = implode('&',$sort_params);
- $origin=Security::remove_XSS($origin);
- if(substr($sub_course_dir,-1,1)!='/' && !empty($sub_course_dir))
- {
- $sub_course_dir = $sub_course_dir.'/';
- }
- if($sub_course_dir == '/')
- {
- $sub_course_dir='';
- }
- $session_condition = intval($_SESSION['id_session'])!=0 ?"AND session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).")" : "";
- //Get list from database
- if($is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $sql_get_publications_list = "SELECT * " .
- "FROM ".$work_table." " .
- "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .
- "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .$add_in_where_query.
- $session_condition.
- "ORDER BY id";
- $sql_get_publications_num = "SELECT count(*) " .
- "FROM ".$work_table." " .
- "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .$add_in_where_query.
- "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .
- $session_condition.
- "ORDER BY id";
- }
- else
- {
- if (!empty($_SESSION['toolgroup']))
- {
- $group_query = " WHERE post_group_id = '".$_SESSION['toolgroup']."' "; // set to select only messages posted by the user's group
- $subdirs_query = "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' AND url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%'";
- }
- else
- {
- $group_query = '';
- $subdirs_query = "WHERE url NOT LIKE '$sub_course_dir%/%' AND url LIKE '$sub_course_dir%'";
- }
- $sql_get_publications_list = "SELECT * FROM $work_table $group_query $subdirs_query ".$add_in_where_query." AND session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).") ORDER BY id";
- $sql_get_publications_num = "SELECT count(url) " .
- "FROM ".$work_table." " .
- "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .
- "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .$add_in_where_query.
- $session_condition.
- "ORDER BY id";
- }
- $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_get_publications_list,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $sql_result_num = api_sql_query($sql_get_publications_num,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $row=Database::fetch_array($sql_result_num);
- $count_files=$row[0];
- $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"');
- $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Title'),true);
- if ($count_files!=0)
- {
- $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'),true);
- }
- $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Date'),true);
- if( $is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'),true);
- }
- $table_header[] = array('RealDate',false);
- // An array with the setting of the columns -> 1: columns that we will show, 0:columns that will be hide
- $column_show[]=1; // type
- $column_show[]=1; // title
- if ($count_files!=0)
- {
- $column_show[]=1; // authors
- }
- $column_show[]=1; //date
- if( $is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $column_show[]=1; //modify
- }
- $column_show[]=0; //real date in correct format
- // Here we change the way how the colums are going to be sort
- // in this case the the column of LastResent ( 4th element in $column_header) we will be order like the column RealDate
- // because in the column RealDate we have the days in a correct format "2008-03-12 10:35:48"
- $column_order[]=1; //type
- $column_order[]=2; // title
- if ($count_files!=0)
- {
- $column_order[]=3; //authors
- }
- $column_order[]=6; // date
- if( $is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $column_order[]=5;
- }
- $column_order[]=6;
- $table_data = array();
- $dirs_list = get_subdirs_list($work_dir);
- $my_sub_dir = str_replace('work/','',$sub_course_dir);
- // List of all folders
- foreach($dirs_list as $dir)
- {
- if ($my_sub_dir=='')
- {
- $mydir_temp = '/'.$dir;
- }
- else
- {
- $mydir_temp = '/'.$my_sub_dir.$dir;
- }
- // select the directory's date
- /*$sql_select_directory= "SELECT sent_date FROM ".$work_table." WHERE " .
- "url LIKE BINARY '".$mydir_temp."' AND filetype = 'folder'";
- */
- $session_condition = intval($_SESSION['id_session'])!=0 ?"AND work.session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).")" : "";
- $sql_select_directory= "SELECT prop.lastedit_date, id, author, has_properties, view_properties, description, qualification,id FROM ".$iprop_table." prop INNER JOIN ".$work_table." work ON (prop.ref=work.id) WHERE " .
- "work.url LIKE BINARY '".$mydir_temp."' AND work.filetype = 'folder' AND prop.tool='work' $session_condition";
- $result=api_sql_query($sql_select_directory,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $row=Database::fetch_array($result);
- if(!$row) // the folder belongs to another session
- continue;
- $direc_date= $row['lastedit_date']; //directory's date
- $author= $row['author']; //directory's author
- $folder_session_id = $row['session_id'];
- $view_properties=$row['view_properties'];
- $is_assignment = $row['has_properties'];
- $id2=$row['id'];
- $mydir = $my_sub_dir.$dir;
- if ($is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $clean_edit_dir=Security :: remove_XSS(Database::escape_string($_GET['edit_dir']));
- // form edit directory
- if(isset($clean_edit_dir) && $clean_edit_dir==$mydir)
- {
- if(!empty($row['has_properties'])){
- $sql = api_sql_query('SELECT * FROM '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'".' LIMIT 1',__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $homework = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
- }
- $form_folder = new FormValidator('edit_dir', 'post', api_get_self().'?curdirpath='.$my_sub_dir.'&origin='.$origin.'&edit_dir='.$mydir);
- //echo $row['view_properties'];
- //echo $row['has_properties'];
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('text','dir_name');
- $form_folder-> addElement('textarea','description',get_lang('Description'),array('rows'=>5,'cols'=>50));
- $qualification_input[] = FormValidator :: createElement('text','qualification');
- $form_folder -> addGroup($qualification_input,'qualification',get_lang('Qualification'),'size="10"');
- if($row['view_properties']=='1'){
- if($homework['expires_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
- $there_is_a_expire_date = true;
- $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'expires',get_lang('Expires_At'));
- }
- if($homework['ends_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
- $there_is_a_end_date = true;
- $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'ends',get_lang('Ends_At'));
- }
- $form_folder -> addRule (array('expires','ends'), get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine'), 'comparedate');
- }
- else
- {
- //$form_folder -> addElement('checkbox', 'enableRandom', null, get_lang('MakeRandom'),'1');
- $form_folder -> addElement('html','<div class="row">
- <div class="label"> </div>
- <div class="formw">
- <a href="javascript://" onclick="if(document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display == \'none\'){document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'block\';}else{document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'none\';}"><img src="../img/add_na.gif" alt="" />'.get_lang('AdvancedParameters').'</a>
- </div>
- </div> ');
- $form_folder -> addElement('html','<div id="options" style="display: none;">');
- if(empty($default)) $default = date('Y-m-d 12:00:00');
- $parts = split(' ',$default);
- list($d_year,$d_month,$d_day) = split('-',$parts[0]);
- list($d_hour,$d_minute) = split(':',$parts[1]);
- if($homework['expires_on']='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
- $homework['expires_on']=date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
- $there_is_a_expire_date = true;
- $form_folder -> addElement('checkbox', 'enableRandomExpires', null, get_lang('EnableExpireDate'),'1');
- $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'expires',get_lang('Expires_At'));
- }
- if($homework['ends_on']='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
- $homework['ends_on']=date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
- $there_is_a_end_date = true;
- $form_folder -> addElement('checkbox', 'enableRandomEnds', null, get_lang('EnableEnd'),'1');
- $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'ends',get_lang('Ends_At'));
- }
- //$form_folder -> addRule ('expires', get_lang('Dateinconsistent'), 'errordate');
- //$form_folder -> addRule ('ends', get_lang('Dateinconsistent'), 'errordate');
- $form_folder -> addRule (array('expires','ends'), get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine'), 'comparedate');
- $form_folder -> addElement('html','</div>');
- }
- $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('submit','submit_edit_dir',get_lang('Ok'));
- $form_folder -> addGroup($group_name,'my_group');
- $form_folder -> addGroupRule('my_group',get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'),'required');
- $defaults = array('my_group[dir_name]'=>$dir,'description'=>$row['description']);
- if($there_is_a_end_date == true)
- $defaults = array_merge($defaults,convert_date_to_array($homework['ends_on'],'ends'));
- if($there_is_a_expire_date == true)
- $defaults = array_merge($defaults,convert_date_to_array($homework['expires_on'],'expires'));
- if(!empty($row['qualification']))
- $defaults = array_merge($defaults,array('qualification[qualification]'=>$row['qualification']));
- $form_folder -> setDefaults($defaults);
- $display_edit_form=true;
- if($form_folder -> validate())
- {
- if($there_is_a_end_date == true || $there_is_a_expire_date == true)
- {
- if($row['view_properties']=='1')
- {
- $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
- api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'".',';
- $ends_query = ' ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
- api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$expires_query.$ends_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- }
- else if($row['view_properties']=='0')
- {
- if ($_POST['enableRandomExpires']=='1')
- {
- $expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
- //$ends_query = ' ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
- api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$expires_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
- api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- if ($_POST['enableRandomEnds']=='1')
- {
- //$expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'".',';
- $ends_query = ' SET ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
- api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$ends_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
- api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- }
- //if($_POST['qualification']['qualification']!='')
- api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION).' SET description = '."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['description'])."'".', qualification = '."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['qualification']['qualification'])."'".' WHERE id = '."'".$row['id']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- $values = $form_folder -> exportValues();
- $values = $values['my_group'];
- update_dir_name($mydir,$values['dir_name']);
- $mydir = $my_sub_dir.$values['dir_name'];
- $dir = $values['dir_name'];
- $display_edit_form=false;
- }
- }
- }
- $action = '';
- $row = array();
- $class = '';
- $row[] = '<img src="../img/folder_document.gif" border="0" hspace="5" align="middle" alt="'.get_lang('Folder').'" />'; //image
- $a_count_directory=count_dir($work_dir.'/'.$dir,false);
- $cant_files=$a_count_directory[0];
- $cant_dir=$a_count_directory[1];
- $text_file=get_lang('FilesUpload');
- $text_dir=get_lang('Directories');
- if ($cant_files==1)
- {
- $text_file=strtolower(get_lang('FileUpload'));
- }
- if ($cant_dir==1)
- {
- $text_dir=get_lang('directory');
- }
- if ($cant_dir!=0)
- {
- $dirtext=' ('.$cant_dir.' '.$text_dir.')';
- }
- else
- {
- $dirtext='';
- }
- if($display_edit_form && isset($clean_edit_dir) && $clean_edit_dir==$mydir)
- {
- $row[] = '<span class="invisible" style="display:none">'.$dir.'</span>'.$form_folder->toHtml(); // form to edit the directory's name
- }
- else
- {
- $add_to_name = '';
- if($view_properties==1) $add_to_name = ' / <span style="color:blue">'.get_lang('Assignment').'</span>';
- $row[] = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.$origin.'&curdirpath='.$mydir.'"'.$class.'>'.$dir.'</a>'.$add_to_name.'<br>'.$cant_files.' '.$text_file.$dirtext;
- }
- if ($count_files!=0)
- {
- $row[] = "";
- }
- if ($direc_date!='' && $direc_date!='0000-00-00 00:00:00')
- {
- $row[]= date_to_str_ago($direc_date).'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$direc_date.'</span>';
- }
- else
- {
- $row[]='';
- }
- if( $is_allowed_to_edit && !(api_is_course_coach() && $folder_session_id!=$_SESSION['id_session']))
- {
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?cidReq='.api_get_course_id().
- '&curdirpath='.$my_sub_dir.'&origin='.$origin.'&edit_dir='.$mydir.'"><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.$origin.'&delete_dir='.$mydir.'&delete2='.$id2.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('DirDelete').'" ><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('DirDelete').'"></a>';
- $row[] = $action;
- }
- else
- {
- $row[] = "";
- }
- $table_data[] = $row;
- }
- while( $work = mysql_fetch_object($sql_result))
- {
- //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table
- $is_author = false;
- $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=".$work->id;
- $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if(Database::num_rows($author_qry)==1)
- {
- $is_author = true;
- }
- //display info depending on the permissions
- if( $work->accepted == '1' || $is_allowed_to_edit)
- {
- $row = array();
- if($work->accepted == '0')
- {
- $class='class="invisible"';
- }
- else
- {
- $class='';
- }
- if(true || defined('IS_ASSIGNMENT')):
- $add_string = '';
- if($work->qualificator_id==0)
- $qualification_string = ' / <b style="color:orange">'.get_lang('NotRevised').'<b>';
- else
- $qualification_string = ' / <b style="color:blue">'.get_lang('Qualification').': '.$work->qualification.'<b>';
- if(defined('ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRES') && (ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRES < convert_date_to_number($work->sent_date))){
- $add_string = ' <b style="color:red">'.get_lang('Expired').'</b>';
- }
- endif;
- $url = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $work->url)));
- $row[]= build_document_icon_tag('file',$work->url);
- $row[]= '<a href="'.$currentCourseRepositoryWeb.$url.'"'.$class.'><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Download').'" />'.$work->title.'</a><br />'.$work->description;
- $row[]= display_user_link($user_id,$work->author).$qualification_string;// $work->author;
- $row[]= date_to_str_ago($work->sent_date).$add_string.'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$work->sent_date.'</span>';
- if( $is_allowed_to_edit && !(api_is_course_coach() && $work->session_id!=$_SESSION['id_session']))
- {
- $action = '';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&edit='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Modify').'" ><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&delete='.$work->id.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'" ><img src="../img/delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'"></a>';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&move='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Move').'"><img src="../img/deplacer_fichier.gif" border="0" title="'.get_lang('Move').'" alt="" /></a>';
- if($work->accepted == '1')
- {
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&make_invisible='.$work->id.'&'.$sort_params.'" title="'.get_lang('Invisible').'" ><img src="../img/visible.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Invisible').'"></a>';
- }
- else
- {
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&make_visible='.$work->id.'&'.$sort_params.'" title="'.get_lang('Visible').'" ><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Visible').'"></a>';
- }
- $row[] = $action;
- }
- elseif($is_author)
- {
- $action = '';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&edit='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Modify').'" ><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
- $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&delete='.$work->id.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'" ><img src="../img/delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'"></a>';
- $row[] = $action;
- }
- else
- {
- $row[] = " ";
- }
- $table_data[] = $row;
- }
- }
- $sorting_options=array();
- $sorting_options['column']=1;
- $paging_options=array();
- Display::display_sortable_config_table($table_header,$table_data,$sorting_options, $paging_options,NULL,$column_show,$column_order);
- * Returns a list of subdirectories found in the given directory.
- *
- * The list return starts from the given base directory.
- * If you require the subdirs of /var/www/ (or /var/www), you will get 'abc/', 'def/', but not '/var/www/abc/'...
- * @param string Base dir
- * @param integer 0 if we only want dirs from this level, 1 if we want to recurse into subdirs
- * @return strings_array The list of subdirs in 'abc/' form, -1 on error, and 0 if none found
- * @todo Add a session check to see if subdirs_list doesn't exist yet (cached copy)
- */
-function get_subdirs_list($basedir='',$recurse=0){
- //echo "Looking for subdirs of $basedir";
- if(empty($basedir) or !is_dir($basedir)){return -1;}
- if(substr($basedir,-1,1)!='/'){$basedir = $basedir.'/';}
- $dirs_list = array();
- $dh = opendir($basedir);
- while($entry = readdir($dh)){
- if(is_dir($basedir.$entry) && $entry!='..' && $entry!='.'){
- $dirs_list[] = $entry;
- if($recurse==1){
- foreach(get_subdirs_list($basedir.$entry) as $subdir){
- $dirs_list[] = $entry.'/'.$subdir;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($dh);
- return $dirs_list;
- * Builds the form thats enables the user to
- * select a directory to browse/upload in
- * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library
- *
- * @param array $folders
- * @param string $curdirpath
- * @param string $group_dir
- * @return string html form
- */
-function build_work_directory_selector($folders,$curdirpath,$group_dir='')
- $form = '<form name="selector" action="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'" method="POST">'."\n";
- $form .= get_lang('CurrentDirectory').' <select name="curdirpath" onchange="javascript:document.selector.submit()">'."\n";
- //group documents cannot be uploaded in the root
- if($group_dir=='')
- {
- $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
- if(is_array($folders))
- {
- foreach ($folders as $folder)
- {
- $selected = ($curdirpath==$folder)?' selected="selected"':'';
- $form .= '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$folder.'">'.$folder.'</option>'."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foreach ($folders as $folder)
- {
- $selected = ($curdirpath==$folder)?' selected="selected"':'';
- $display_folder = substr($folder,strlen($group_dir));
- $display_folder = ($display_folder == '')?'/ ('.get_lang('Root').')':$display_folder;
- $form .= '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$folder.'">'.$display_folder.'</option>'."\n";
- }
- }
- $form .= '</select>'."\n";
- $form .= '<noscript><input type="submit" name="change_path" value="'.get_lang('Ok').'" /></noscript>'."\n";
- $form .= '</form>';
- return $form;
- * Builds the form thats enables the user to
- * move a document from one directory to another
- * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library
- *
- * @param array $folders
- * @param string $curdirpath
- * @param string $move_file
- * @return string html form
- */
-function build_work_move_to_selector($folders,$curdirpath,$move_file,$group_dir='')
- $form = '<form name="move_to" action="'.api_get_self().'" method="POST">'."\n";
- $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="move_file" value="'.$move_file.'" />'."\n";
- $form .= get_lang('MoveTo').' <select name="move_to">'."\n";
- //group documents cannot be uploaded in the root
- if($group_dir=='')
- {
- if($curdirpath!='/')
- {
- $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
- }
- if(is_array($folders))
- {
- foreach ($folders as $folder)
- {
- //you cannot move a file to:
- //1. current directory
- //2. inside the folder you want to move
- //3. inside a subfolder of the folder you want to move
- if(($curdirpath!=$folder) && ($folder!=$move_file) && (substr($folder,0,strlen($move_file)+1) != $move_file.'/'))
- {
- $form .= '<option value="'.$folder.'">'.$folder.'</option>'."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if($curdirpath!='/')
- {
- $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
- }
- foreach ($folders as $folder)
- {
- if(($curdirpath!=$folder) && ($folder!=$move_file) && (substr($folder,0,strlen($move_file)+1) != $move_file.'/'))//cannot copy dir into his own subdir
- {
- $display_folder = substr($folder,strlen($group_dir));
- $display_folder = ($display_folder == '')?'/ ('.get_lang('Root').')':$display_folder;
- $form .= '<option value="'.$folder.'">'.$display_folder.'</option>'."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $form .= '</select>'."\n";
- $form .= '<input type="submit" name="move_file_submit" value="'.get_lang('Ok').'" />'."\n";
- $form .= '</form>';
- return $form;
- * Checks if the first given directory exists as a subdir of the second given directory
- * This function should now be deprecated by Security::check_abs_path()
- * @param string Subdir
- * @param string Base dir
- * @return integer -1 on error, 0 if not subdir, 1 if subdir
- */
-function is_subdir_of($subdir,$basedir){
- if(empty($subdir) or empty($basedir)){return -1;}
- if(substr($basedir,-1,1)!='/'){$basedir=$basedir.'/';}
- if(substr($subdir,0,1)=='/'){$subdir = substr($subdir,1);}
- if(is_dir($basedir.$subdir)){
- return 1;
- }else{
- return 0;
- }
- * creates a new directory trying to find a directory name
- * that doesn't already exist
- * (we could use unique_name() here...)
- *
- * @author Hugues Peeters <hugues.peeters@claroline.net>
- * @author Bert Vanderkimpen
- * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org> Adaptation for work tool
- * @param string Base work dir (.../work)
- * @param string $desiredDirName complete path of the desired name
- * @return string actual directory name if it succeeds,
- * boolean false otherwise
- */
-function create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir,$desired_dir_name)
- $nb = '';
- $base_work_dir = (substr($base_work_dir,-1,1)=='/'?$base_work_dir:$base_work_dir.'/');
- while ( file_exists($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb) )
- {
- $nb += 1;
- }
- //echo "creating ".$base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb."#...";
- $perm = api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_directories');
- $perm = octdec(!empty($perm)?$perm:'0770');
- if ( mkdir($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, $perm))
- {
- chmod($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, $perm);
- return $desired_dir_name.$nb;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- * Delete a work-tool directory
- * @param string Base "work" directory for this course as /var/www/dokeos/courses/ABCD/work/
- * @param string The directory name as the bit after "work/", without trailing slash
- * @return integer -1 on error
- */
-function del_dir($base_work_dir,$dir)
- if(empty($dir) or $dir=='/'){return -1;}//not authorized
- //escape hacks
- $dir = str_replace('../','',$dir);
- $dir = str_replace('..','',$dir);
- $dir = str_replace('./','',$dir);
- $dir = str_replace('.','',$dir);
- $check = Security::check_abs_path($base_work_dir.$dir,$base_work_dir);
- if (!$check || !is_dir($base_work_dir.$dir)) return -1;
- $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE url LIKE BINARY 'work/".$dir."/%'";
- if(api_is_course_coach())
- {
- $sql .= ' AND session_id='.intval($_SESSION['id_session']);
- }
- $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- //delete from DB the directories
- $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE filetype = 'folder' AND url LIKE BINARY '/".$dir."%'";
- if(api_is_course_coach())
- {
- $sql .= ' AND session_id='.intval($_SESSION['id_session']);
- }
- $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if(Database::affected_rows()>0)
- {
- require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'/fileManage.lib.php');
- my_delete($base_work_dir.$dir);
- }
- * Get the path of a document in the student_publication table (path relative to the course directory)
- * @param integer Element ID
- * @return string Path (or -1 on error)
- */
-function get_work_path($id){
- $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id";
- $res = api_sql_query($sql);
- if(Database::num_rows($res)!=1){
- return -1;
- }else{
- $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
- return $row['url'];
- }
- * Update the url of a work in the student_publication table
- * @param integer ID of the work to update
- * @param string Destination directory where the work has been moved (must end with a '/')
- * @return -1 on error, sql query result on success
- */
-function update_work_url($id,$new_path)
- if(empty($id)) return -1;
- $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id";
- $res = api_sql_query($sql);
- if(Database::num_rows($res)!=1){
- return -1;
- }else{
- $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
- $filename = basename($row['url']);
- $new_url = $new_path.$filename;
- $sql2 = "UPDATE $table SET url = '$new_url' WHERE id=$id";
- $res2 = api_sql_query($sql2);
- return $res2;
- }
- * Update the url of a dir in the student_publication table
- * @param string old path
- * @param string new path
- */
-function update_dir_name($path, $new_name)
- global $base_work_dir;
- include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fileManage.lib.php");
- include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fileUpload.lib.php");
- $path_to_dir = dirname($path);
- if($path_to_dir=='.')
- {
- $path_to_dir = '';
- }
- else
- {
- $path_to_dir .= '/';
- }
- my_rename($base_work_dir.'/'.$path,$new_name);
- $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
- //update all the files in the other directories according with the next query
- $sql = 'SELECT id, url FROM '.$table.' WHERE url LIKE BINARY "work/'.$path.'/%"'; // like binary (Case Sensitive)
- $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $work_len=strlen('work/'.$path);
- while($work = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
- {
- $new_dir=$work['url'];
- $name_with_directory=substr($new_dir,$work_len,strlen($new_dir));
- $sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET url="work/'.$path_to_dir.$new_name.$name_with_directory.'" WHERE id= '.$work['id'];
- api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //update all the directory's children according with the next query
- $sql = 'SELECT id, url FROM '.$table.' WHERE url LIKE BINARY "/'.$path.'%"';
- $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $work_len=strlen('/'.$path);
- while($work = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
- {
- $new_dir=$work['url'];
- $name_with_directory=substr($new_dir,$work_len,strlen($new_dir));
- $sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET url="/'.$path_to_dir.$new_name.$name_with_directory.'" WHERE id= '.$work['id'];
- api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- * Return an array with all the folder's ids that are in the given path
- * @param string Path of the directory
- * @return array The list of ids of all the directories in the path
- * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
- * @version April 2008
- */
- function get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path)
- $list_parents = explode('/', $my_cur_dir_path);
- $dir_acum = '';
- global $work_table;
- $list_id=array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_parents) - 1; $i++)
- {
- $where_sentence = "url LIKE BINARY '" . $dir_acum . "/" . $list_parents[$i]."'";
- $dir_acum .= '/' . $list_parents[$i];
- $sql = "SELECT id FROM ". $work_table . " WHERE ". $where_sentence;
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $row= Database::fetch_array($result);
- $list_id[]=$row['id'];
- }
- return $list_id;
- * Transform an all directory structure (only directories) in an array
- * @param string path of the directory
- * @return array the directory structure into an array
- * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
- * @version April 2008
- */
-function directory_to_array($directory)
- $array_items = array();
- if ($handle = opendir($directory))
- {
- while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
- {
- if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
- {
- if (is_dir($directory. "/" . $file))
- {
- $array_items = array_merge($array_items, directory_to_array($directory. "/" . $file));
- $file = $directory . "/" . $file;
- $array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- return $array_items;
- * Insert into the DB of the course all the directories
- * @param string path of the /work directory of the course
- * @return -1 on error, sql query result on success
- * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
- * @version April 2008
- */
-function insert_all_directory_in_course_table($base_work_dir)
- $dir_to_array =directory_to_array($base_work_dir,true);
- $only_dir=array();
- for($i=0;$i<count($dir_to_array);$i++)
- {
- $only_dir[]=substr($dir_to_array[$i],strlen($base_work_dir), strlen($dir_to_array[$i]));
- }
- /*
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($only_dir);
- echo "<pre>";
- */
- for($i=0;$i<count($only_dir);$i++)
- {
- global $work_table;
- $sql_insert_all= "INSERT INTO " . $work_table . " SET url = '" . $only_dir[$i] . "', " .
- "title = '',
- description = '',
- author = '',
- active = '0',
- accepted = '1',
- filetype = 'folder',
- post_group_id = '0',
- sent_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ";
- //api_sql_query($sql_insert_all, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-* This function displays the number of files contained in a directory
-* @param string the path of the directory
-* @param boolean true if we want the total quantity of files include in others child directorys , false only files in the directory
-* @return array the first element is an integer with the number of files in the folder, the second element is the number of directories
-* @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
-* @version April 2008
-function count_dir($path_dir, $recurse)
- $count = 0;
- $count_dir= 0;
- $d = dir($path_dir);
- while ($entry = $d->Read())
- {
- if (!(($entry == "..") || ($entry == ".")))
- {
- if (is_dir($path_dir.'/'.$entry))
- {
- $count_dir++;
- if ($recurse)
- {
- $count += count_dir($path_dir . '/' . $entry, $recurse);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $count++;
- }
- }
- }
- $return_array=array();
- $return_array[]=$count;
- $return_array[]=$count_dir;
- return $return_array;
+ Dokeos - elearning and course management software
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos SPRL
+ For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
+ The full license can be read in "license.txt".
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ Contact address: Dokeos, rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
+ Mail: info@dokeos.com
+* @package dokeos.studentpublications
+* @author Thomas, Hugues, Christophe - original version
+* @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University - ability for course admins to specify wether uploaded documents are visible or invisible by default.
+* @author Roan Embrechts, code refactoring and virtual course support
+* @author Frederic Vauthier, directories management
+* @version $Id: $
+ * Displays action links (for admins, authorized groups members and authorized students)
+ * @param string Current dir
+ * @param integer Whether to show tool options
+ * @param integer Whether to show upload form option
+ * @return void
+ */
+require_once '../document/document.inc.php';
+require_once '../inc/lib/fileDisplay.lib.php';
+function display_action_links($cur_dir_path, $always_show_tool_options, $always_show_upload_form)
+ $display_output = "";
+ if(strlen($cur_dir_path) > 0 && $cur_dir_path != '/') {
+ $parent_dir = dirname($cur_dir_path);
+ $display_output .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&curdirpath='.$parent_dir.'">'.Display::return_icon('folder_up.gif').' '.get_lang('Up').'</a>  ';
+ }
+ if (! $always_show_upload_form ) {
+ $display_output .= "  <a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&display_upload_form=true&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."\">".Display::return_icon('submit_file.gif')." ". get_lang("UploadADocument") .'</a>    ';
+ }
+ if (! $always_show_tool_options && api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
+ // Create dir
+ $display_output .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.$cur_dir_path.'&createdir=1&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'"><img src="../img/folder_new.gif" border="0"alt ="'.get_lang('CreateDir').'" /> '.get_lang('CreateDir').' </a>  ';
+ // Options
+ $display_output .= "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."&display_tool_options=true&origin=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])."\">".Display::return_icon('acces_tool.gif').' ' . get_lang("EditToolOptions") . "</a>  ";
+ }
+ if ($display_output != "") {
+ echo $display_output;
+ }
+* Displays all options for this tool.
+* These are
+* - make all files visible / invisible
+* - set the default visibility of uploaded files
+* @param $uploadvisibledisabled
+* @param $origin
+* @param $base_work_dir Base working directory (up to '/work')
+* @param $cur_dir_path Current subdirectory of 'work/'
+* @param $cur_dir_path_url Current subdirectory of 'work/', url-encoded
+function display_tool_options($uploadvisibledisabled, $origin,$base_work_dir,$cur_dir_path,$cur_dir_path_url)
+ global $charset, $group_properties;
+ $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit();
+ $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ if (! $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ echo '<form method="post" action="'.api_get_self().'?origin='.$origin.'&display_tool_options=true">';
+ echo "<br/><table class=\"data_table\">\n",
+ "<tr><th> </th><th>".get_lang("Modify")."</th></tr><tr class=\"row_even\">\n",
+ "<td align=\"right\">",
+ get_lang('AllFiles')." : </td>",
+ "<td ><a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&delete=all&display_tool_options=true\" ",
+ "onclick=\"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false;\">",
+ "<img src=\"../img/delete.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Delete')."\" />",
+ "</a>",
+ " ";
+ $sql_query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$work_table." LIKE 'accepted'";
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ if ($sql_result) {
+ $columnStatus = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
+ if ($columnStatus['Default'] == 1) {
+ echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&make_invisible=all&display_tool_options=true\">",
+ "<img src=\"../img/visible.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Invisible')."\" />",
+ "</a>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq()."&curdirpath=".$cur_dir_path."&origin=$origin&make_visible=all&display_tool_options=true\">",
+ "<img src=\"../img/invisible.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Visible')."\">",
+ "</a>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</td></tr>";
+ display_default_visibility_form($uploadvisibledisabled);
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<div>'.get_lang("ValidateChanges").' : <input type="submit" name="changeProperties" value="'.get_lang("Ok").'" /></div></form>';
+* Displays the form where course admins can specify wether uploaded documents
+* are visible or invisible by default.
+* @param $uploadvisibledisabled
+* @param $origin
+function display_default_visibility_form($uploadvisibledisabled)
+ ?>
+ <tr class="row_odd"><td align="right">
+ <strong><?php echo get_lang("_default_upload"); ?></strong></td>
+ <td><input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="uploadvisibledisabled" value="0"
+ <?php if($uploadvisibledisabled==0) echo "checked"; ?> />
+ <?php echo get_lang("_new_visible");?><br />
+ <input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="uploadvisibledisabled" value="1"
+ <?php if($uploadvisibledisabled==1) echo "checked"; ?> />
+ <?php echo get_lang("_new_unvisible"); ?><br />
+ </td></tr>
+ <?php
+* This function displays the firstname and lastname of the user as a link to the user tool.
+* @see this is the same function as in the new forum, so this probably has to move to a user library.
+* @todo move this function to the user library
+* @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University
+* @version march 2006
+function display_user_link($user_id, $name='')
+ global $_otherusers;
+ if ($user_id<>0) {
+ if ($name=='') {
+ $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
+ $sql="SELECT * FROM $table_user WHERE user_id='".Database::escape_string($user_id)."'";
+ $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);
+ return "<a href=\"../user/userInfo.php?uInfo=".$row['user_id']."\">".$row['firstname']." ".$row['lastname']."</a>";
+ } else {
+ return "<a href=\"../user/userInfo.php?uInfo=".$user_id."\">".$name."</a>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $name.' ('.get_lang('Anonymous').')';
+ }
+* converts 2008-10-06 12:45:00 to timestamp
+function convert_date_to_number($default)
+ // 2008-10-12 00:00:00 ---to--> 12345672218 (timestamp)
+ $parts = split(' ',$default);
+ list($d_year,$d_month,$d_day) = split('-',$parts[0]);
+ list($d_hour,$d_minute,$d_second) = split(':',$parts[1]);
+ return mktime($d_hour, $d_minute, $d_second, $d_month, $d_day, $d_year);
+* converts 1-9 to 01-09
+function two_digits($number)
+ $number = (int)$number;
+ return ($number < 10) ? '0'.$number : $number;
+* converts 2008-10-06 12:45:00 to -> array($data'year'=>2008,$data'month'=>10 etc...)
+function convert_date_to_array($date,$group)
+ $parts = split(' ',$date);
+ list($data[$group.'[year]'],$data[$group.'[month]'],$data[$group.'[day]']) = split('-',$parts[0]);
+ list($data[$group.'[hour]'],$data[$group.'[minute]']) = split(':',$parts[1]);
+ return $data;
+* get date from a group of date
+function get_date_from_group($group)
+ return $_POST[$group]['year'].'-'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['month']).'-'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['day']).' '.two_digits($_POST[$group]['hour']).':'.two_digits($_POST[$group]['minute']).':00';
+* create a group of select from a date
+function create_group_date_select($prefix='')
+ $minute = range(10,59);
+ $d_year=date('Y');
+ array_unshift($minute,'00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09');
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'year','',array($d_year=>$d_year,$d_year+1=>$d_year+1));
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'month','',array_combine(range(1,12),array('Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre')));
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'day','',array_combine(range(1,31),range(1,31)));
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'hour','',array_combine(range(1,24),range(1,24)));
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('select',$prefix.'minute','',$minute);
+ return $group_name;
+* Display the list of student publications, taking into account the user status
+* @param $currentCourseRepositoryWeb, the web location of the course folder
+* @param $link_target_parameter - should there be a target parameter for the links
+* @param $dateFormatLong - date format
+* @param $origin - typically empty or 'learnpath'
+function display_student_publications_list($work_dir,$sub_course_dir,$currentCourseRepositoryWeb, $link_target_parameter, $dateFormatLong, $origin,$add_in_where_query='')
+ global $charset;
+ // Database table names
+ $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ $iprop_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
+ $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit();
+ $user_id = api_get_user_id();
+ $publications_list = array();
+ $sort_params = array();
+ if( isset($_GET['column'])) {
+ $sort_params[] = 'column='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['column']);
+ }
+ if( isset($_GET['page_nr'])) {
+ $sort_params[] = 'page_nr='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['page_nr']);
+ }
+ if( isset($_GET['per_page'])) {
+ $sort_params[] = 'per_page='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['per_page']);
+ }
+ if( isset($_GET['direction'])) {
+ $sort_params[] = 'direction='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['direction']);
+ }
+ $sort_params = implode('&',$sort_params);
+ $origin=Security::remove_XSS($origin);
+ if(substr($sub_course_dir,-1,1)!='/' && !empty($sub_course_dir)) {
+ $sub_course_dir = $sub_course_dir.'/';
+ }
+ if($sub_course_dir == '/') {
+ $sub_course_dir='';
+ }
+ $session_condition = intval($_SESSION['id_session'])!=0 ?"AND session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).")" : "";
+ //Get list from database
+ if($is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $sql_get_publications_list = "SELECT * " .
+ "FROM ".$work_table." " .
+ "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .
+ "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .$add_in_where_query.
+ $session_condition.
+ "ORDER BY sent_date DESC";
+ $sql_get_publications_num = "SELECT count(*) " .
+ "FROM ".$work_table." " .
+ "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .
+ "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .$add_in_where_query.
+ $session_condition.
+ "ORDER BY id";
+ } else {
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['toolgroup'])) {
+ $group_query = " WHERE post_group_id = '".$_SESSION['toolgroup']."' "; // set to select only messages posted by the user's group
+ $subdirs_query = "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' AND url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%'";
+ } else {
+ $group_query = '';
+ $subdirs_query = "WHERE url NOT LIKE '$sub_course_dir%/%' AND url LIKE '$sub_course_dir%'";
+ }
+ $sql_get_publications_list = "SELECT * FROM $work_table $group_query $subdirs_query ".$add_in_where_query." AND session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).") ORDER BY id";
+ $sql_get_publications_num = "SELECT count(url) " .
+ "FROM ".$work_table." " .
+ "WHERE url LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%' " .
+ "AND url NOT LIKE BINARY '$sub_course_dir%/%' " .$add_in_where_query.
+ $session_condition.
+ "ORDER BY id";
+ }
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_get_publications_list,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql_result_num = api_sql_query($sql_get_publications_num,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $row=Database::fetch_array($sql_result_num);
+ $count_files=$row[0];
+ $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Type'),true,'style="width:40px"');
+ $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Title'),true);
+ if ($count_files!=0) {
+ $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Authors'),true);
+ }
+ $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Date'),true);
+ if( $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Modify'),true);
+ }
+ $table_header[] = array('RealDate',false);
+ // An array with the setting of the columns -> 1: columns that we will show, 0:columns that will be hide
+ $column_show[]=1; // type
+ $column_show[]=1; // title
+ if ($count_files!=0) {
+ $column_show[]=1; // authors
+ }
+ $column_show[]=1; //date
+ if( $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $column_show[]=1; //modify
+ }
+ $column_show[]=0; //real date in correct format
+ // Here we change the way how the colums are going to be sort
+ // in this case the the column of LastResent ( 4th element in $column_header) we will be order like the column RealDate
+ // because in the column RealDate we have the days in a correct format "2008-03-12 10:35:48"
+ $column_order[]=1; //type
+ $column_order[]=2; // title
+ if ($count_files!=0) {
+ $column_order[]=3; //authors
+ }
+ $column_order[]=6; // date
+ if( $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $column_order[]=5;
+ }
+ $column_order[]=6;
+ $table_data = array();
+ $dirs_list = get_subdirs_list($work_dir);
+ $my_sub_dir = str_replace('work/','',$sub_course_dir);
+ // List of all folders
+ foreach($dirs_list as $dir) {
+ if ($my_sub_dir=='') {
+ $mydir_temp = '/'.$dir;
+ }else {
+ $mydir_temp = '/'.$my_sub_dir.$dir;
+ }
+ $session_condition = intval($_SESSION['id_session'])!=0 ?"AND work.session_id IN (0,".intval($_SESSION['id_session']).")" : "";
+ $sql_select_directory= "SELECT prop.lastedit_date, id, author, has_properties, view_properties, description, qualification,id FROM ".$iprop_table." prop INNER JOIN ".$work_table." work ON (prop.ref=work.id) WHERE " .
+ "work.url LIKE BINARY '".$mydir_temp."' AND work.filetype = 'folder' AND prop.tool='work' $session_condition";
+ $result=api_sql_query($sql_select_directory,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $row=Database::fetch_array($result);
+ if(!$row) {
+ // the folder belongs to another session
+ continue;
+ }
+ $direc_date= $row['lastedit_date']; //directory's date
+ $author= $row['author']; //directory's author
+ $view_properties=$row['view_properties'];
+ $is_assignment = $row['has_properties'];
+ $id2=$row['id'];
+ $mydir = $my_sub_dir.$dir;
+ if ($is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $clean_edit_dir=Security :: remove_XSS(Database::escape_string($_GET['edit_dir']));
+ // form edit directory
+ if(isset($clean_edit_dir) && $clean_edit_dir==$mydir) {
+ if(!empty($row['has_properties'])) {
+ $sql = api_sql_query('SELECT * FROM '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'".' LIMIT 1',__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $homework = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
+ }
+ $form_folder = new FormValidator('edit_dir', 'post', api_get_self().'?curdirpath='.$my_sub_dir.'&origin='.$origin.'&edit_dir='.$mydir);
+ $group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('text','dir_name');
+ //$group_name[] = FormValidator :: createElement('submit','submit_edit_dir',get_lang('Ok'));
+ $form_folder -> addGroup($group_name,'my_group',get_lang('Title'));
+ $form_folder -> addGroupRule('my_group',get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'),'required');
+ $defaults = array('my_group[dir_name]'=>$dir,'description'=>$row['description']);
+ $form_folder-> addElement('textarea','description',get_lang('Description'),array('rows'=>5,'cols'=>50));
+ $qualification_input[] = FormValidator :: createElement('text','qualification');
+ $form_folder -> addGroup($qualification_input,'qualification',get_lang('QualificationNumberOver'),'size="10"');
+ if($row['view_properties']=='1') {
+ if($homework['expires_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00'){
+ $there_is_a_expire_date = true;
+ $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'expires',get_lang('Expires_At'));
+ }
+ if($homework['ends_on']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
+ $there_is_a_end_date = true;
+ $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'ends',get_lang('Ends_At'));
+ }
+ $form_folder -> addRule(array('expires','ends'), get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine'), 'comparedate');
+ }
+ else {
+ $form_folder -> addElement('html','<div class="row">
+ <div class="label"> </div>
+ <div class="formw">
+ <a href="javascript://" onclick="if(document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display == \'none\'){document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'block\';}else{document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'none\';}"><img src="../img/add_na.gif" alt="" />'.get_lang('AdvancedParameters').'</a>
+ </div>
+ </div> ');
+ $form_folder -> addElement('html','<div id="options" style="display: none;">');
+ if(empty($default)) {
+ $default = date('Y-m-d 12:00:00');
+ }
+ $parts = split(' ',$default);
+ list($d_year,$d_month,$d_day) = split('-',$parts[0]);
+ list($d_hour,$d_minute) = split(':',$parts[1]);
+ if($homework['expires_on']='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
+ $homework['expires_on']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ $there_is_a_expire_date = true;
+ $form_folder -> addElement('checkbox', 'enableRandomExpires', null, get_lang('MakeRandomExpires'),'1');
+ $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'expires',get_lang('Expires_At'));
+ }
+ if($homework['ends_on']='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
+ $homework['ends_on']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ $there_is_a_end_date = true;
+ $form_folder -> addElement('checkbox', 'enableRandomEnds', null, get_lang('MakeRandomEnd'),'1');
+ $form_folder -> addGroup(create_group_date_select(),'ends',get_lang('Ends_At'));
+ }
+ $form_folder -> addRule (array('expires','ends'), get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine'), 'comparedate');
+ $form_folder -> addElement('html','</div>');
+ }
+ $form_folder -> addElement('submit','submit_edit_dir',get_lang('Ok'));
+ if($there_is_a_end_date == true) {
+ $defaults = array_merge($defaults,convert_date_to_array($homework['ends_on'],'ends'));
+ }
+ if($there_is_a_expire_date == true) {
+ $defaults = array_merge($defaults,convert_date_to_array($homework['expires_on'],'expires'));
+ }
+ if(!empty($row['qualification'])) {
+ $defaults = array_merge($defaults,array('qualification[qualification]'=>$row['qualification']));
+ }
+ $form_folder -> setDefaults($defaults);
+ $display_edit_form=true;
+ if($form_folder -> validate()) {
+ if($there_is_a_end_date == true || $there_is_a_expire_date == true) {
+ if($row['view_properties']=='1') {
+ $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
+ api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'".',';
+ $ends_query = ' ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
+ api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$expires_query.$ends_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ } else if($row['view_properties']=='0') {
+ if ($_POST['enableRandomExpires']=='1') {
+ $expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
+ //$ends_query = ' ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
+ api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$expires_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
+ api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ if ($_POST['enableRandomEnds']=='1') {
+ //$expires_query= ' SET expires_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_expire_date == true)?get_date_from_group('expires'):'0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'".',';
+ $ends_query = ' SET ends_on = '."'".(($there_is_a_end_date == true) ? get_date_from_group('ends') : '0000-00-00 00:00:00')."'";
+ api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION_ASSIGNMENT).$ends_query.' WHERE id = '."'".$row['has_properties']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $sql_add_publication = "UPDATE ".Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION)." SET has_properties = '".$row['has_properties']. "', view_properties=1 where id ='".$row['id']."'";
+ api_sql_query($sql_add_publication, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if($_POST['qualification']['qualification']!='')
+ api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION).' SET description = '."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['description'])."'".', qualification = '."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['qualification']['qualification'])."'".' WHERE id = '."'".$row['id']."'",__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ //api_sql_query('UPDATE '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK).' SET weight = '."'".Database::escape_string($_POST['qualification']['qualification'])."'".' WHERE course_code = '."'".api_get_course_id()."'".' AND ref_id = '."'".$row['id']."'".'',__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $values = $form_folder -> exportValues();
+ $values = $values['my_group'];
+ update_dir_name($mydir,$values['dir_name']);
+ $mydir = $my_sub_dir.$values['dir_name'];
+ $dir = $values['dir_name'];
+ $display_edit_form=false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $action = '';
+ $row = array();
+ $class = '';
+ $row[] = '<img src="../img/folder_document.gif" border="0" hspace="5" align="middle" alt="'.get_lang('Folder').'" />'; //image
+ $a_count_directory=count_dir($work_dir.'/'.$dir,false);
+ $cant_files=$a_count_directory[0];
+ $cant_dir=$a_count_directory[1];
+ $text_file=get_lang('FilesUpload');
+ $text_dir=get_lang('Directories');
+ if ($cant_files==1) {
+ $text_file=strtolower(get_lang('FileUpload'));
+ }
+ if ($cant_dir==1) {
+ $text_dir=get_lang('directory');
+ }
+ if ($cant_dir!=0) {
+ $dirtext=' ('.$cant_dir.' '.$text_dir.')';
+ } else {
+ $dirtext='';
+ }
+ if($display_edit_form && isset($clean_edit_dir) && $clean_edit_dir==$mydir) {
+ $row[] = '<span class="invisible" style="display:none">'.$dir.'</span>'.$form_folder->toHtml(); // form to edit the directory's name
+ } else {
+ $tbl_gradebook_link = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK);
+ $add_to_name = '';
+ $sql = "SELECT weight FROM ". $tbl_gradebook_link ." WHERE type='3' AND ref_id= '".$id2."'";
+ $result=api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $count = Database::num_rows($result);
+ if($count>0) {
+ $add_to_name = ' / <span style="color:blue">'.get_lang('Assignment').'</span>';
+ } else {
+ $add_to_name = '';
+ }
+ $row[] = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.$origin.'&curdirpath='.$mydir.'"'.$class.'>'.$dir.'</a>'.$add_to_name.'<br>'.$cant_files.' '.$text_file.$dirtext;
+ }
+ if ($count_files!=0) {
+ $row[] = "";
+ }
+ if ($direc_date!='' && $direc_date!='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
+ $row[]= date_to_str_ago($direc_date).'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$direc_date.'</span>';
+ } else {
+ $row[]='';
+ }
+ if( $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?cidReq='.api_get_course_id().
+ '&curdirpath='.$my_sub_dir.'&origin='.$origin.'&edit_dir='.$mydir.'"><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&origin='.$origin.'&delete_dir='.$mydir.'&delete2='.$id2.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('DirDelete').'" ><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('DirDelete').'"></a>';
+ $row[] = $action;
+ } else {
+ $row[] = "";
+ }
+ $table_data[] = $row;
+ }
+ while( $work = mysql_fetch_object($sql_result)) {
+ //Get the author ID for that document from the item_property table
+ $is_author = false;
+ $author_sql = "SELECT * FROM $iprop_table WHERE tool = 'work' AND insert_user_id='$user_id' AND ref=".$work->id;
+ $author_qry = api_sql_query($author_sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ if(Database::num_rows($author_qry)==1) {
+ $is_author = true;
+ }
+ //display info depending on the permissions
+ if( $work->accepted == '1' || $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $row = array();
+ if($work->accepted == '0')
+ {
+ $class='class="invisible"';
+ } else {
+ $class='';
+ }
+ if(defined('IS_ASSIGNMENT')):
+ $add_string = '';
+ if($work->qualification=='') {
+ $qualification_string = ' / <b style="color:orange">'.get_lang('NotRevised').'<b>';
+ } else {
+ $qualification_string = ' / <b style="color:blue">'.get_lang('Qualification').': '.$work->qualification.'<b>';
+ }
+ if(defined('ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRES') && (ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRES < convert_date_to_number($work->sent_date))) {
+ $add_string = ' <b style="color:red">'.get_lang('Expired').'</b>';
+ }
+ endif;
+ $url = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $work->url)));
+ $row[]= build_document_icon_tag('file',$work->url);
+ $row[]= '<a href="'.$currentCourseRepositoryWeb.$url.'"'.$class.'><img src="../img/filesave.gif" style="float:right;" alt="'.get_lang('Save').'" />'.$work->title.'</a><br />'.$work->description;
+ $row[]= display_user_link($user_id,$work->author).$qualification_string;// $work->author;
+ $row[]= date_to_str_ago($work->sent_date).$add_string.'<br><span class="dropbox_date">'.$work->sent_date.'</span>';
+ if( $is_allowed_to_edit) {
+ $action = '';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&edit='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Modify').'" ><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&delete='.$work->id.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'" ><img src="../img/delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'"></a>';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&move='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Move').'"><img src="../img/deplacer_fichier.gif" border="0" title="'.get_lang('Move').'" alt="" /></a>';
+ if($work->accepted == '1') {
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&make_invisible='.$work->id.'&'.$sort_params.'" title="'.get_lang('Invisible').'" ><img src="../img/visible.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Invisible').'"></a>';
+ } else {
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&make_visible='.$work->id.'&'.$sort_params.'" title="'.get_lang('Visible').'" ><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Visible').'"></a>';
+ }
+ $row[] = $action;
+ } elseif($is_author) {
+ $action = '';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&edit='.$work->id.'" title="'.get_lang('Modify').'" ><img src="../img/edit.gif" alt="'.get_lang('Modify').'"></a>';
+ $action .= '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($my_sub_dir).'&origin='.$origin.'&delete='.$work->id.'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."'".')) return false;" title="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'" ><img src="../img/delete.gif" alt="'.get_lang('WorkDelete').'"></a>';
+ $row[] = $action;
+ } else {
+ $row[] = " ";
+ }
+ $table_data[] = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ $sorting_options=array();
+ $sorting_options['column']=1;
+ $paging_options=array();
+ Display::display_sortable_config_table($table_header,$table_data,$sorting_options, $paging_options,NULL,$column_show,$column_order);
+ * Returns a list of subdirectories found in the given directory.
+ *
+ * The list return starts from the given base directory.
+ * If you require the subdirs of /var/www/ (or /var/www), you will get 'abc/', 'def/', but not '/var/www/abc/'...
+ * @param string Base dir
+ * @param integer 0 if we only want dirs from this level, 1 if we want to recurse into subdirs
+ * @return strings_array The list of subdirs in 'abc/' form, -1 on error, and 0 if none found
+ * @todo Add a session check to see if subdirs_list doesn't exist yet (cached copy)
+ */
+function get_subdirs_list($basedir='',$recurse=0){
+ //echo "Looking for subdirs of $basedir";
+ if(empty($basedir) or !is_dir($basedir)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(substr($basedir,-1,1)!='/') {
+ $basedir = $basedir.'/';
+ }
+ $dirs_list = array();
+ $dh = opendir($basedir);
+ while($entry = readdir($dh)) {
+ if(is_dir($basedir.$entry) && $entry!='..' && $entry!='.') {
+ $dirs_list[] = $entry;
+ if($recurse==1) {
+ foreach(get_subdirs_list($basedir.$entry) as $subdir) {
+ $dirs_list[] = $entry.'/'.$subdir;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ return $dirs_list;
+ * Builds the form thats enables the user to
+ * select a directory to browse/upload in
+ * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library
+ *
+ * @param array $folders
+ * @param string $curdirpath
+ * @param string $group_dir
+ * @return string html form
+ */
+function build_work_directory_selector($folders,$curdirpath,$group_dir='')
+ $form = '<form name="selector" action="'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'" method="POST">'."\n";
+ $form .= get_lang('CurrentDirectory').' <select name="curdirpath" onchange="javascript:document.selector.submit()">'."\n";
+ //group documents cannot be uploaded in the root
+ if ($group_dir=='') {
+ $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
+ if (is_array($folders)) {
+ foreach ($folders as $folder) {
+ $selected = ($curdirpath==$folder)?' selected="selected"':'';
+ $form .= '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$folder.'">'.$folder.'</option>'."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach ($folders as $folder) {
+ $selected = ($curdirpath==$folder)?' selected="selected"':'';
+ $display_folder = substr($folder,strlen($group_dir));
+ $display_folder = ($display_folder == '')?'/ ('.get_lang('Root').')':$display_folder;
+ $form .= '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$folder.'">'.$display_folder.'</option>'."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $form .= '</select>'."\n";
+ $form .= '<noscript><input type="submit" name="change_path" value="'.get_lang('Ok').'" /></noscript>'."\n";
+ $form .= '</form>';
+ return $form;
+ * Builds the form thats enables the user to
+ * move a document from one directory to another
+ * This function has been copied from the document/document.inc.php library
+ *
+ * @param array $folders
+ * @param string $curdirpath
+ * @param string $move_file
+ * @return string html form
+ */
+function build_work_move_to_selector($folders,$curdirpath,$move_file,$group_dir='')
+ $form = '<form name="move_to" action="'.api_get_self().'" method="POST">'."\n";
+ $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="move_file" value="'.$move_file.'" />'."\n";
+ $form .= get_lang('MoveTo').' <select name="move_to">'."\n";
+ //group documents cannot be uploaded in the root
+ if($group_dir=='') {
+ if($curdirpath!='/') {
+ $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
+ }
+ if (is_array($folders)) {
+ foreach ($folders as $folder) {
+ //you cannot move a file to:
+ //1. current directory
+ //2. inside the folder you want to move
+ //3. inside a subfolder of the folder you want to move
+ if(($curdirpath!=$folder) && ($folder!=$move_file) && (substr($folder,0,strlen($move_file)+1) != $move_file.'/')) {
+ $form .= '<option value="'.$folder.'">'.$folder.'</option>'."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($curdirpath!='/') {
+ $form .= '<option value="/">/ ('.get_lang('Root').')</option>';
+ }
+ foreach ($folders as $folder) {
+ if (($curdirpath!=$folder) && ($folder!=$move_file) && (substr($folder,0,strlen($move_file)+1) != $move_file.'/')) {
+ //cannot copy dir into his own subdir
+ $display_folder = substr($folder,strlen($group_dir));
+ $display_folder = ($display_folder == '')?'/ ('.get_lang('Root').')':$display_folder;
+ $form .= '<option value="'.$folder.'">'.$display_folder.'</option>'."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $form .= '</select>'."\n";
+ $form .= '<input type="submit" name="move_file_submit" value="'.get_lang('Ok').'" />'."\n";
+ $form .= '</form>';
+ return $form;
+ * Checks if the first given directory exists as a subdir of the second given directory
+ * This function should now be deprecated by Security::check_abs_path()
+ * @param string Subdir
+ * @param string Base dir
+ * @return integer -1 on error, 0 if not subdir, 1 if subdir
+ */
+function is_subdir_of($subdir,$basedir)
+ if(empty($subdir) or empty($basedir)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(substr($basedir,-1,1)!='/') {
+ $basedir=$basedir.'/';
+ }
+ if(substr($subdir,0,1)=='/') {
+ $subdir = substr($subdir,1);
+ }
+ if(is_dir($basedir.$subdir)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * creates a new directory trying to find a directory name
+ * that doesn't already exist
+ * (we could use unique_name() here...)
+ *
+ * @author Hugues Peeters <hugues.peeters@claroline.net>
+ * @author Bert Vanderkimpen
+ * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org> Adaptation for work tool
+ * @param string Base work dir (.../work)
+ * @param string $desiredDirName complete path of the desired name
+ * @return string actual directory name if it succeeds,
+ * boolean false otherwise
+ */
+function create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir,$desired_dir_name)
+ $nb = '';
+ $base_work_dir = (substr($base_work_dir,-1,1)=='/'?$base_work_dir:$base_work_dir.'/');
+ while ( file_exists($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb) ) {
+ $nb += 1;
+ }
+ //echo "creating ".$base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb."#...";
+ $perm = api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_directories');
+ $perm = octdec(!empty($perm)?$perm:'0770');
+ if ( mkdir($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, $perm)) {
+ chmod($base_work_dir.$desired_dir_name.$nb, $perm);
+ return $desired_dir_name.$nb;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ * Delete a work-tool directory
+ * @param string Base "work" directory for this course as /var/www/dokeos/courses/ABCD/work/
+ * @param string The directory name as the bit after "work/", without trailing slash
+ * @return integer -1 on error
+ */
+function del_dir($base_work_dir,$dir)
+ if(empty($dir) or $dir=='/') {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ $check = Security::check_abs_path($base_work_dir.$dir,$base_work_dir);
+ if (!$check || !is_dir($base_work_dir.$dir)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE url LIKE BINARY 'work/".$dir."/%'";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ //delete from DB the directories
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE filetype = 'folder' AND url LIKE BINARY '/".$dir."%'";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ require_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'/fileManage.lib.php');
+ my_delete($base_work_dir.$dir);
+ * Get the path of a document in the student_publication table (path relative to the course directory)
+ * @param integer Element ID
+ * @return string Path (or -1 on error)
+ */
+function get_work_path($id)
+ $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql);
+ if(Database::num_rows($res)!=1) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
+ return $row['url'];
+ }
+ * Update the url of a work in the student_publication table
+ * @param integer ID of the work to update
+ * @param string Destination directory where the work has been moved (must end with a '/')
+ * @return -1 on error, sql query result on success
+ */
+function update_work_url($id,$new_path)
+ if(empty($id)) return -1;
+ $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$id";
+ $res = api_sql_query($sql);
+ if(Database::num_rows($res)!=1) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
+ $filename = basename($row['url']);
+ $new_url = $new_path.$filename;
+ $sql2 = "UPDATE $table SET url = '$new_url' WHERE id=$id";
+ $res2 = api_sql_query($sql2);
+ return $res2;
+ }
+ * Update the url of a dir in the student_publication table
+ * @param string old path
+ * @param string new path
+ */
+function update_dir_name($path, $new_name)
+ global $base_work_dir;
+ include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fileManage.lib.php");
+ include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . "/fileUpload.lib.php");
+ $path_to_dir = dirname($path);
+ if($path_to_dir=='.') {
+ $path_to_dir = '';
+ }else {
+ $path_to_dir .= '/';
+ }
+ my_rename($base_work_dir.'/'.$path,$new_name);
+ $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+ //update all the files in the other directories according with the next query
+ $sql = 'SELECT id, url FROM '.$table.' WHERE url LIKE BINARY "work/'.$path.'/%"'; // like binary (Case Sensitive)
+ $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $work_len=strlen('work/'.$path);
+ while($work = Database :: fetch_array($rs)) {
+ $new_dir=$work['url'];
+ $name_with_directory=substr($new_dir,$work_len,strlen($new_dir));
+ $sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET url="work/'.$path_to_dir.$new_name.$name_with_directory.'" WHERE id= '.$work['id'];
+ api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ //update all the directory's children according with the next query
+ $sql = 'SELECT id, url FROM '.$table.' WHERE url LIKE BINARY "/'.$path.'%"';
+ $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $work_len=strlen('/'.$path);
+ while($work = Database :: fetch_array($rs)) {
+ $new_dir=$work['url'];
+ $name_with_directory=substr($new_dir,$work_len,strlen($new_dir));
+ $sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET url="/'.$path_to_dir.$new_name.$name_with_directory.'" WHERE id= '.$work['id'];
+ api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ * Return an array with all the folder's ids that are in the given path
+ * @param string Path of the directory
+ * @return array The list of ids of all the directories in the path
+ * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
+ * @version April 2008
+ */
+ function get_parent_directories($my_cur_dir_path)
+ $list_parents = explode('/', $my_cur_dir_path);
+ $dir_acum = '';
+ global $work_table;
+ $list_id=array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($list_parents) - 1; $i++) {
+ $where_sentence = "url LIKE BINARY '" . $dir_acum . "/" . $list_parents[$i]."'";
+ $dir_acum .= '/' . $list_parents[$i];
+ $sql = "SELECT id FROM ". $work_table . " WHERE ". $where_sentence;
+ $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $row= Database::fetch_array($result);
+ $list_id[]=$row['id'];
+ }
+ return $list_id;
+ * Transform an all directory structure (only directories) in an array
+ * @param string path of the directory
+ * @return array the directory structure into an array
+ * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
+ * @version April 2008
+ */
+function directory_to_array($directory)
+ $array_items = array();
+ if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
+ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
+ if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
+ if (is_dir($directory. "/" . $file)) {
+ $array_items = array_merge($array_items, directory_to_array($directory. "/" . $file));
+ $file = $directory . "/" . $file;
+ $array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handle);
+ }
+ return $array_items;
+ * Insert into the DB of the course all the directories
+ * @param string path of the /work directory of the course
+ * @return -1 on error, sql query result on success
+ * @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
+ * @version April 2008
+ */
+function insert_all_directory_in_course_table($base_work_dir)
+ $dir_to_array =directory_to_array($base_work_dir,true);
+ $only_dir=array();
+ for($i=0;$i<count($dir_to_array);$i++) {
+ $only_dir[]=substr($dir_to_array[$i],strlen($base_work_dir), strlen($dir_to_array[$i]));
+ }
+ for($i=0;$i<count($only_dir);$i++) {
+ global $work_table;
+ "title = '',
+ description = '',
+ author = '',
+ active = '0',
+ accepted = '1',
+ filetype = 'folder',
+ post_group_id = '0',
+ sent_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ";
+ }
+* This function displays the number of files contained in a directory
+* @param string the path of the directory
+* @param boolean true if we want the total quantity of files include in others child directorys , false only files in the directory
+* @return array the first element is an integer with the number of files in the folder, the second element is the number of directories
+* @author Julio Montoya Dokeos
+* @version April 2008
+function count_dir($path_dir, $recurse)
+ $count = 0;
+ $count_dir= 0;
+ $d = dir($path_dir);
+ while ($entry = $d->Read()) {
+ if (!(($entry == "..") || ($entry == "."))) {
+ if (is_dir($path_dir.'/'.$entry)) {
+ $count_dir++;
+ if ($recurse) {
+ $count += count_dir($path_dir . '/' . $entry, $recurse);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $return_array=array();
+ $return_array[]=$count;
+ $return_array[]=$count_dir;
+ return $return_array;
+* returns all the javascript that is required for easily
+* validation when you create a work
+* this goes into the $htmlHeadXtra[] array
+function to_javascript()
+ return '<script>
+ function updateDocumentTitle(value){
+ var temp = value.indexOf("/");
+ //linux path
+ if(temp!=-1){
+ var temp=value.split("/");
+ }
+ else{
+ var temp=value.split("\\\");
+ }
+ document.getElementById("file_upload").value=temp[temp.length-1];
+ }
+ function checkDate(month, day, year)
+ {
+ var monthLength =
+ new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+ if (!day || !month || !year)
+ return false;
+ // check for bisestile year
+ if (year/4 == parseInt(year/4))
+ monthLength[1] = 29;
+ if (month < 1 || month > 12)
+ return false;
+ if (day > monthLength[month-1])
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function mktime() {
+ var no, ma = 0, mb = 0, i = 0, d = new Date(), argv = arguments, argc = argv.length;
+ d.setHours(0,0,0); d.setDate(1); d.setMonth(1); d.setYear(1972);
+ var dateManip = {
+ 0: function(tt){ return d.setHours(tt); },
+ 1: function(tt){ return d.setMinutes(tt); },
+ 2: function(tt){ set = d.setSeconds(tt); mb = d.getDate() - 1; return set; },
+ 3: function(tt){ set = d.setMonth(parseInt(tt)-1); ma = d.getFullYear() - 1972; return set; },
+ 4: function(tt){ return d.setDate(tt+mb); },
+ 5: function(tt){ return d.setYear(tt+ma); }
+ };
+ for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ){
+ no = parseInt(argv[i]*1);
+ if (isNaN(no)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // arg is number, lets manipulate date object
+ if(!dateManip[i](no)){
+ // failed
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Math.floor(d.getTime()/1000);
+ }
+ function validate(){
+ var expires_day = document.form1.expires_day.value;
+ var expires_month = document.form1.expires_month.value;
+ var expires_year = document.form1.expires_year.value;
+ var expires_hour = document.form1.expires_hour.value;
+ var expires_minute = document.form1.expires_minute.value;
+ var expires_date = mktime(expires_hour,expires_minute,0,expires_month,expires_day,expires_year)
+ var ends_day = document.form1.ends_day.value;
+ var ends_month = document.form1.ends_month.value;
+ var ends_year = document.form1.ends_year.value;
+ var ends_hour = document.form1.ends_hour.value;
+ var ends_minute = document.form1.ends_minute.value;
+ var ends_date = mktime(ends_hour,ends_minute,0,ends_month,ends_day,ends_year)
+ var new_dir = document.form1.new_dir.value;
+ msg_id1 = document.getElementById("msg_error1");
+ msg_id2 = document.getElementById("msg_error2");
+ msg_id3 = document.getElementById("msg_error3");
+ msg_id4 = document.getElementById("msg_error4");
+ msg_id5 = document.getElementById("msg_error_weight");
+ if(new_dir==""){
+ msg_id1.style.display ="block";
+ msg_id1.innerHTML="'.get_lang('FieldRequired').'";
+ msg_id2.innerHTML="";msg_id3.innerHTML="";msg_id4.innerHTML="";msg_id5.innerHTML="";
+ }
+ else if(expires_date > ends_date)
+ {
+ msg_id2.style.display ="block";
+ msg_id2.innerHTML="'.get_lang('DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine').'";
+ msg_id1.innerHTML="";msg_id3.innerHTML="";msg_id4.innerHTML="";msg_id5.innerHTML="";
+ }
+ else if (checkDate(expires_month,expires_day,expires_year) == false)
+ {
+ msg_id3.style.display ="block";
+ msg_id3.innerHTML="'.get_lang('InvalidDate').'";
+ msg_id1.innerHTML="";msg_id2.innerHTML="";msg_id4.innerHTML="";msg_id5.innerHTML="";
+ }
+ else if (checkDate(ends_month,ends_day,ends_year) == false)
+ {
+ msg_id4.style.display ="block";
+ msg_id4.innerHTML="'.get_lang('InvalidDate').'";
+ msg_id1.innerHTML="";msg_id2.innerHTML="";msg_id3.innerHTML="";msg_id5.innerHTML="";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (document.form1.make_calification.checked == true)
+ {
+ var weight = document.form1.weight.value;
+ if(weight==""){
+ msg_id5.style.display ="block";
+ msg_id5.innerHTML="'.get_lang('WeightNecessary').'";
+ msg_id1.innerHTML="";msg_id2.innerHTML="";msg_id3.innerHTML="";msg_id4.innerHTML="";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ document.form1.action = "work.php?origin=<?php echo $origin ?>";
+ document.form1.submit();
+ }
+ }
+ </script>';