@@ -665,6 +665,8 @@ $userGroups = $userGroupManager->getNameListByUser(
<td><?php echo get_lang('OnLine'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $online; ?></td>
if (!empty($course_code)) {
@@ -690,6 +692,118 @@ $userGroups = $userGroupManager->getNameListByUser(
+ // Ofaj
+ $bossList = Usermanager::getStudentBossList($student_id);
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo get_lang('StudentBoss').' : ';
+ foreach ($bossList as $boss) {
+ $bossInfo = api_get_user_info($boss['boss_id']);
+ if ($bossInfo) {
+ echo $bossInfo['complete_name_with_username'].'<br />';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo get_lang('Language').' : ';
+ $languageId = api_get_language_id($user_info['language']);
+ if ($languageId) {
+ $languageInfo = api_get_language_info($languageId);
+ echo $languageInfo['original_name'];
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ $startDate = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ 'datedebutstage'
+ );
+ $endDate = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field(
+ $user_info['user_id'],
+ 'datefinstage'
+ );
+ $extraField = new ExtraField('user');
+ $extraFieldInfoStart = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable(
+ 'datedebutstage'
+ );
+ $extraFieldInfoEnd = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable(
+ 'datefinstage'
+ );
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $extraFieldInfoStart['display_text'].' : ';
+ if (isset($startDate['datedebutstage'])) {
+ echo $startDate['datedebutstage'];
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ echo $extraFieldInfoEnd['display_text'].' : ';
+ if (isset($endDate['datefinstage'])) {
+ echo $endDate['datefinstage'];
+ }
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ /** @var ExtraFieldSavedSearch $saved */
+ $search = [
+ 'user' => $student_id,
+ ];
+ $items = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:ExtraFieldSavedSearch')->findBy($search);
+ $listVariables = [
+ 'ecouter',
+ 'lire',
+ 'ecrire',
+ 's_exprimer_oralement_en_continu',
+ 'participer_a_une_conversation',
+ ];
+ $extraField = new ExtraField('session');
+ if ($items) {
+ /** @var ExtraFieldSavedSearch $item */
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $variable = $item->getField()->getVariable();
+ if (in_array($variable, $listVariables)) {
+ $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable($variable);
+ if ($extraFieldInfo) {
+ echo '<tr><td>';
+ $options = $extraFieldInfo['options'];
+ $optionValues = array_column($options, 'display_text', 'option_value');
+ //var_dump($optionValues);
+ echo $extraFieldInfo['display_text'].' : ';
+ $answers = $item->getValue();
+ $list = [];
+ if (is_array($answers)) {
+ foreach ($answers as $answer) {
+ $list[] = $optionValues[$answer];
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach ($options as $option) {
+ $answers = trim($answers, '.');
+ $answers = str_replace('-', '_', $answers);
+ if ($option['option_value'] != api_underscore_to_camel_case($answers)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $list[] = $option['display_text'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<ul><li>';
+ echo implode('</li><li>', $list);
+ echo '</li></ul>';
+ echo '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Display timezone if the user selected one and if the admin allows the use of user's timezone
$timezone = null;
$timezone_user = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field(
@@ -800,6 +914,18 @@ $userGroups = $userGroupManager->getNameListByUser(
echo '</td></tr>';
+ $icon = ' '.Display::url(
+ get_lang('Generate'),
+ api_get_self().'?action=generate_certificate&student='.$student_id.'&cidReq='.$course_code.'&course='.$course_code,
+ ['class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-xs']
+ );
+ echo '<tr>
+ <td align="right">';
+ echo get_lang('Certificate').' </td> <td align="left">'.$icon;
+ echo '</td></tr>';