Browse Source

Adding yoxview js library, proof of concept see # 2719

Julio Montoya 14 years ago
62 changed files with 4672 additions and 15 deletions
  1. 12 5
  2. 16 3
  3. 7 0
  4. 269 0
  5. 5 0
  6. 197 0
  7. 6 0
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  9. BIN
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  11. BIN
  12. BIN
  13. BIN
  14. BIN
  15. BIN
  16. BIN
  17. BIN
  18. BIN
  19. BIN
  20. 116 0
  21. 232 0
  22. 2227 0
  23. 20 0
  24. 21 0
  25. 21 0
  26. 21 0
  27. 21 0
  28. 21 0
  29. 21 0
  30. 21 0
  31. 21 0
  32. 21 0
  33. 21 0
  34. 21 0
  35. 21 0
  36. 21 0
  37. 21 0
  38. 21 0
  39. 21 0
  40. 21 0
  41. 20 0
  42. 3 0
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  44. 21 0
  45. 21 0
  46. 21 0
  47. 21 0
  48. 21 0
  49. 21 0
  50. 21 0
  51. 22 0
  52. 21 0
  53. 21 0
  54. 21 0
  55. BIN
  56. 49 0
  57. 96 0
  58. 304 0
  59. 34 0
  60. 5 0
  61. 235 0
  62. 12 7

+ 12 - 5

@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function create_document_link($document_data, $show_as_icon = false) {
     if (!$show_as_icon) {
         // Build download link (icon)
-        $forcedownload_link = ($filetype == 'folder') ? api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=downloadfolder&path='.$url_path.$req_gid : api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=download&id='.$url_path.$req_gid;
+        $forcedownload_link = ($filetype == 'folder') ? api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=downloadfolder&path='.$url_path.$req_gid : api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=download&id='.$url_path.$req_gid;
         // Folder download or file download?
         $forcedownload_icon = ($filetype == 'folder') ? 'save_pack.png' : 'save.png';
         // Prevent multiple clicks on zipped folder download
@@ -144,13 +144,16 @@ function create_document_link($document_data, $show_as_icon = false) {
         $is_browser_viewable_file = is_browser_viewable($ext);
         if ($is_browser_viewable_file) {
             //$url = 'showinframes.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&file='.$url_path.$req_gid;
-            $url = 'showinframes.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$document_data['id'].$req_gid;
+            $url = 'showinframes.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$document_data['id'].$req_gid;
         } else {
             // url-encode for problematic characters (we may not call them dangerous characters...)
             $path = str_replace('%2F', '/',$url_path).'?'.api_get_cidreq();
             //$new_path = '?id='.$document_data['id'];
             $url = $www.$path;
+        $path = str_replace('%2F', '/',$url_path).'?'.api_get_cidreq();
+        $url = $www.$path;
         // Disabled fragment of code, there is a special icon for opening in a new window.
         //// Files that we want opened in a new window
         //if ($ext == 'txt' || $ext == 'log' || $ext == 'css' || $ext == 'js') { // Add here
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ function create_document_link($document_data, $show_as_icon = false) {
     } else {
         //$url = api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.$url_path.$req_gid;
-        $url = api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$document_data['id'].$req_gid;
+        $url = api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$document_data['id'].$req_gid;
     // The little download icon
@@ -223,8 +226,12 @@ function create_document_link($document_data, $show_as_icon = false) {
         if ($is_browser_viewable_file) {
             $open_in_new_window_link = '<a href="'.$www.str_replace('%2F', '/',$url_path).'?'.api_get_cidreq().'" style="float:right"'.$prevent_multiple_click.' target="_blank">'.Display::return_icon('open_in_new_window.png', get_lang('OpenInANewWindow'), array(),22).'&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>';
-        return '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$tooltip_title_alt.'" target="'.$target.'"'.$visibility_class.' style="float:left">'.$title.'</a>'.$force_download_html.$copy_to_myfiles.$open_in_new_window_link.$pdf_icon;
+        //target="'.$target.'"
+        if ($filetype == 'file') {
+            return '<a href="'.$url.'" class="yoxviewLink" title="'.$tooltip_title_alt.'" target="yoxview" '.$visibility_class.' style="float:left">'.$title.'</a>'.$force_download_html.$copy_to_myfiles.$open_in_new_window_link.$pdf_icon;            
+        } else {
+            return '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$tooltip_title_alt.'" target="yoxview" '.$visibility_class.' style="float:left">'.$title.'</a>'.$force_download_html.$copy_to_myfiles.$open_in_new_window_link.$pdf_icon;
+        }
         //end copy files to users myfiles
     } else {
         if(preg_match('/shared_folder/', urldecode($url)) && preg_match('/shared_folder$/', urldecode($url))==false && preg_match('/shared_folder_session_'.$current_session_id.'$/', urldecode($url))==false){

+ 16 - 3

@@ -54,15 +54,26 @@ unset($_SESSION['paint_dir']);
 //jquery thickbox already called from main/inc/
+$htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_jquery_js();
+$htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_jquery_ui_js();
+//$htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_js('yoxview/yox.js');
+$htmlHeadXtra[] = api_get_js('yoxview/yoxview-init.js');
+$js_path = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/';   
+$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$js_path.'yoxview/yoxview.css" type="text/css">';
 $htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script type="text/javascript">
-$(document).ready( function() {
+$(document).ready( function() {    
+    $(".yoxview").yoxview({
+        skin: "top_menu"                    
+    });
     for (i=0;i<$(".actions").length;i++) {
         if ($(".actions:eq("+i+")").html()=="<table border=\"0\"></table>" || $(".actions:eq("+i+")").html()=="" || $(".actions:eq("+i+")").html()==null) {
- } );
- </script>';
 // Session
 if (isset($_GET['id_session'])) {
@@ -1080,7 +1091,9 @@ if (count($docs_and_folders) > 1) {
         $table->set_form_actions($form_action, 'path');        
+echo '<div class="thumbnails yoxview">';
+echo '</div>';
 if (count($docs_and_folders) > 1) {
     if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights) {

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function yox_flickr(){function m(a,j){return"http://farm"""+a.server+"/"+(a.primary||"_"+a.secret+j+".jpg"}var g=jQuery,o="",p="",r=/\d+@N\d+/,s=/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?flickr\.com\/(\w+)\/(?:([^\/]+)\/(?:(\w+)\/?(?:([^\/]+)\/?)?)?)?(?:\?(.*))?/,t=this,q={api_key:"cd6c91f9721f34ead20e6ebe03dd5871",format:"json"};this.getImagesData=function(a,j){function k(){var b={};a.onLoadBegin&&a.onLoadBegin();g.jsonp({url:p,
+error:function(){a.onLoadError&&a.onLoadError("Flickr plugin encountered an error while retrieving data")}})}var i=true,l={method:"flickr.urls.lookupUser",onData:function(b){return{,username:b.user.username._content}}},c={};if(a.dataUrl){var d=a.dataUrl.match(s),f;if(d[5]){f=Yox.queryToJson(d[5]);g.extend(c,f)}if(d&&d.length>1)if(d[1]=="search"){c.method="";c.text=f.q;if(f.w){f.w=f.w.replace("%40","@");if(f.w.match(r))c.user_id=f.w}if(!f||!f.sort)c.sort="relevance";
+i=false}else{switch(d[3]){case undefined:c.method="flickr.people.getPublicPhotos";break;case "sets":g.extend(c,{method:d[4]||a.dataSourceOptions.photoset_id?"flickr.photosets.getPhotos":"flickr.photosets.getList",photoset_id:d[4]});break;case "galleries":g.extend(c,{method:d[4]?"flickr.galleries.getPhotos":"flickr.galleries.getList",gallery_id:d[4]});if(d[4]){i=true;l={method:"flickr.urls.lookupGallery",onData:function(b){return{,}}}}break;case "collections":g.extend(c,
+{method:"flickr.collections.getTree",collection_id:d[4]});break;default:c.method="";break}g.extend(c,{username:d[2],type:d[3]})}}var e=jQuery.extend({},{imageSize:"medium",thumbsize:"smallSquare",setThumbnail:true,setSinglePhotosetThumbnails:true,setTitle:true,method:"flickr.photosets.getList",extras:"description"},c,a.dataSourceOptions,q);"photos";if(e.user&&e.photoset_id)e.method="flickr.photosets.getPhotos";c=screen.width>screen.height?screen.width:screen.height;if(!e.imageSize||
+c.width<=800&&e.imageSize!="medium")e.imageSize="medium";i?g.jsonp({url:p,async:false,dataType:"jsonp",data:g.extend({url:a.dataUrl,method:l.method},q),callbackParameter:"jsoncallback",success:function(b){g.extend(e,l.onData(b));k()}}):k()};var n={smallSquare:"_s",thumbnail:"_t",small:"_m",medium:"",large:"_b",original:"_o"};this.getImagesDataFromJson=function(a,j){var k=a.photoset||,i;if(k)i=a.photoset?;else if(a.photosets)i=a.photosets.photoset;else if(a.collections)i=
+a.collections.collection[0].set;var l=[],c=a.photoset?"/in/set-""";if(i){var d=n[j.thumbsize],f=n[j.imageSize];jQuery.each(i,function(e,b){var h={thumbnailSrc:m(b,d),link:(o+"photos/"+(b.owner||j.user_id)+"/"\s/g,"_"),media:{src:m(b,f),title:k?b.title:b.title._content+(!k?" ("" images)":""),alt:b.title._content||b.title,description:b.description?b.description._content:undefined}};if(!k){};l.push(h)})}return l}};

+ 269 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ * Yox Flickr plugin
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Yossi Kolesnicov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 17th July, 2010
+ * Version : 1.6
+ */
+function yox_flickr()
+    var $ = jQuery,
+        flickrUrl = "",
+        flickrApiUrl = "",
+        yoxviewFlickrApikey = "cd6c91f9721f34ead20e6ebe03dd5871",
+        flickrUserIdRegex = /\d+@N\d+/,
+	    flickrUrlRegex = /http:\/\/(?:www\.)?flickr\.com\/(\w+)\/(?:([^\/]+)\/(?:(\w+)\/?(?:([^\/]+)\/?)?)?)?(?:\?(.*))?/,
+        self = this,
+        fixedOptions = {
+            api_key: yoxviewFlickrApikey,
+            format: 'json'
+        };
+    this.getImagesData = function(options, callback)
+    {
+        var defaults = {
+            imageSize: "medium", // medium/large/original, for large, your images in Flickr must be 1280 in width or more. For original, you must allow originals to be downloaded
+            thumbsize: "smallSquare",
+            setThumbnail: true,
+            setSinglePhotosetThumbnails: true,
+            setTitle: true,
+            method: 'flickr.photosets.getList',
+            extras: 'description'
+        };
+		var requireLookup = true;
+		var lookupData = {
+			method: "flickr.urls.lookupUser",
+			onData: function(data)
+			{
+				return {
+					user_id:,
+					username: data.user.username._content
+				};
+			}
+		};
+		var fromDataUrl = {};
+        if (options.dataUrl)
+        {
+            var urlMatch = options.dataUrl.match(flickrUrlRegex);
+            var queryData;
+            if (urlMatch[5])
+            {
+                queryData = Yox.queryToJson(urlMatch[5]);
+		        $.extend(fromDataUrl, queryData);
+		    }
+            if (urlMatch && urlMatch.length > 1)
+            {
+				if (urlMatch[1] == "search")
+				{
+					fromDataUrl.method = "";
+					fromDataUrl.text = queryData.q;
+					if (queryData.w)
+					{
+						queryData.w = queryData.w.replace("%40", "@");
+						if (queryData.w.match(flickrUserIdRegex))
+							fromDataUrl.user_id = queryData.w;
+					}
+					if (!queryData || !queryData.sort)
+					    fromDataUrl.sort = "relevance";
+					requireLookup = false;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					switch(urlMatch[3])
+					{
+						case undefined:
+							fromDataUrl.method = "flickr.people.getPublicPhotos";
+							break;
+						case "sets":
+							$.extend(fromDataUrl, {
+								method: urlMatch[4] || options.dataSourceOptions.photoset_id ? "flickr.photosets.getPhotos" : "flickr.photosets.getList",
+								photoset_id: urlMatch[4]
+							});
+							break;
+						case "galleries":
+							$.extend(fromDataUrl, {
+								method: urlMatch[4] ? "flickr.galleries.getPhotos" : "flickr.galleries.getList",
+								gallery_id: urlMatch[4]
+							});
+							if (urlMatch[4])
+							{
+								requireLookup = true;
+								lookupData = {
+									method: "flickr.urls.lookupGallery",
+									onData: function(data)
+									{
+										return {
+											gallery_id:,
+											title:
+										};
+									}
+								};
+							}
+							break;
+						case "collections":
+							$.extend(fromDataUrl, {
+								method: "flickr.collections.getTree",
+								collection_id: urlMatch[4]
+							});
+							break;
+						default:
+							fromDataUrl.method = "";
+							break;
+					}
+					$.extend(fromDataUrl, {
+						username: urlMatch[2],
+						type: urlMatch[3]
+					});
+				}
+            }
+        }
+        var datasourceOptions = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, fromDataUrl, options.dataSourceOptions, fixedOptions);
+ = "photos";
+        if (datasourceOptions.user && datasourceOptions.photoset_id)
+            datasourceOptions.method = "flickr.photosets.getPhotos";
+        var screenSize = screen.width > screen.height ? screen.width : screen.height;
+        // Save resources for smaller screens:
+        if (!datasourceOptions.imageSize || (screenSize.width <= 800 && datasourceOptions.imageSize != "medium"))
+            datasourceOptions.imageSize = "medium";
+		if (requireLookup)
+		{
+			$.jsonp({
+				url: flickrApiUrl,
+				async: false,
+				dataType: 'jsonp',
+				data: $.extend({ url: options.dataUrl, method: lookupData.method }, fixedOptions),
+				callbackParameter: "jsoncallback",
+				success: function(data)
+				{
+					$.extend(datasourceOptions, lookupData.onData(data));
+					getData();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		else
+			getData();
+		function getData()
+		{
+			var returnData = {};
+			if (options.onLoadBegin)
+				options.onLoadBegin();
+			$.jsonp({
+				url: flickrApiUrl,
+				async: false,
+				dataType: 'jsonp',
+				data: datasourceOptions,
+				callbackParameter: "jsoncallback",
+				success: function(data)
+				{console.log(data);
+					returnData.images = self.getImagesDataFromJson(data, datasourceOptions);
+					if (data.photosets || data.collections)
+						$.extend(returnData, {
+							createGroups: true
+						});
+					if (returnData.images.length > 0 && ((datasourceOptions.setThumbnail && !datasourceOptions.setSinglePhotosetThumbnails) || options.isSingleLink))
+					{
+						$.extend(returnData, {
+							isGroup: true,
+							link: getPhotosetUrl(data.photoset.owner,,
+							thumbnailSrc: options.isSingleLink ? undefined : getImageUrl([0], flickrImageSizes[datasourceOptions.thumbsize]),
+							title: "None"
+						});
+					}
+					if (callback)
+						callback(returnData);
+					if (options.onLoadComplete)
+						options.onLoadComplete();
+				},
+				error : function(xOptions, textStatus){
+					if (options.onLoadError)
+						options.onLoadError("Flickr plugin encountered an error while retrieving data");
+				}
+			});
+		}
+    }
+    var flickrImageSizes = {
+        smallSquare : "_s", // 75x75
+        thumbnail : "_t", // 100px
+        small : "_m", // 240px
+        medium : "", // 500px
+        large : "_b", // 1024px
+        original : "_o"
+    };
+    function getImageUrl(photoData, size)
+    {
+        return "http://farm" + + "" + photoData.server + "/" + (photoData.primary || + "_" + photoData.secret + size + ".jpg";
+    }
+    function getPhotosetUrl(userid, photosetId)
+    {
+         return prepareUrl(flickrUrl + "photos/" + userid + "/sets/" + photosetId + "/");
+    }
+    // makes sure a string can be used as a Flickr url
+    function prepareUrl(url)
+    {
+        return url.replace(/\s/g, "_");
+    }
+    this.getImagesDataFromJson = function(data, datasourceOptions)
+    {
+		var isPhotos = data.photoset ||;
+		var photos;
+		if (isPhotos)
+			photos = data.photoset ? :;
+		else if (data.photosets)
+			photos = data.photosets.photoset;
+		else if (data.collections)
+			photos = data.collections.collection[0].set;
+		var imagesData = [];
+		var inSet = data.photoset ? "/in/set-" + : "";
+		// Photos:
+		if (photos)
+		{
+			var thumbSuffix = flickrImageSizes[datasourceOptions.thumbsize];
+			var imageSuffix = flickrImageSizes[datasourceOptions.imageSize];
+			jQuery.each(photos, function(i, photo){
+				var imageData = {
+					thumbnailSrc : getImageUrl(photo, thumbSuffix),
+					link: prepareUrl(flickrUrl + "photos/" + (photo.owner || datasourceOptions.user_id) + "/" + + inSet),
+					media: {
+						src: getImageUrl(photo, imageSuffix),
+						title: isPhotos ? photo.title : photo.title._content + (!isPhotos ? " (" + + " images)" : ""),
+						alt: photo.title._content || photo.title,
+						description: photo.description ? photo.description._content : undefined
+					}
+				};
+				if (!isPhotos)
+ = { photoset_id: };
+				imagesData.push(imageData);
+			});
+		}
+		return imagesData;
+    }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function yox_picasa(){var k=jQuery,r=/http:\/\/picasaweb\.google\.\w+\/([^\/#\?]+)\/?([^\/#\?]+)?(\?([^#]*))?/;this.getImagesData=function(c,p){function s(b,e,m){b=parseInt(b);for(var f=e.length-1;f>=0;f--){var h=e[f];if(b>=h)return m?f<e.length-1?e[f+1]:h:h}return b}function t(b,e){var m=e==="album",f=[];jQuery.each(b.feed.entry,function(u,g){var i=m?g.title.$t+" ("+g.gphoto$numphotos.$t+" images)":g.summary.$t;if(!a.filter||i.match(a.filter)){var$$content[0];i={$$thumbnail[0].url,[1].href,media:{src:o.url,title:i,alt:i,width:o.width,height:o.height}};if(m){album:g.gphoto$name.$t};f.push(i)}});if(l.filter){var h=Yox.getUrlData(c.dataUrl);delete h.queryFields.filter;c.dataUrl=Yox.urlDataToPath(h)}c.dataSourceOptions&&c.dataSourceOptions.filter&&delete c.dataSourceOptions.filter;return f}var n=[94,110,128,200,220,288,320,400,512,576,640,720,800,912,1024,1152,1280,1440,1600],l={};if(c.dataUrl){var d=c.dataUrl.match(r);if(d&&d.length>1){l.user=d[1];if(d[2])l.album=
+d[2];d[4]&&k.extend(l,Yox.queryToJson(d[4]))}}var a=jQuery.extend({},{url:"",setThumbnail:true,setSingleAlbumThumbnails:true,setTitle:true,alt:"json",thumbsize:64},l,c.dataSourceOptions);if(a.user&&!a.album&&!a.q)a.thumbsize=104;if(a.tags)a.tag=a.tags;a.album==""&&delete a.album;d=screen.width>screen.height?screen.width:screen.height;var q=a.imgmax&&k.inArray(a.imgmax,n)==-1?a.imgmax:null;if(!a.imgmax||q||d<a.imgmax)a.imgmax=s(q||d,n,a.roundSizeUp);if(a.filter)if(typeof a.filter===
+"string")a.filter=RegExp(a.filter,"i");n=function(){var b=a.url;if(a.user&&a.user!="lh"){b+="user/"+a.user;if(a.album)b+="/album/"+a.album}else b+="all";return b}(a);var j={};c.onLoadBegin&&c.onLoadBegin();k.jsonp({url:n,async:false,dataType:"jsonp",data:a,callbackParameter:"callback",success:function(b){if(!b.feed.entry||b.feed.entry.length==0)c.onNoData&&c.onNoData();else{var e=b.feed.entry[0].category[0].term.match(/.*#(.*)/)[1];e==="album"&&k.extend(j,{title:b.feed.title.$t,createGroups:true});
+j.images=t(b,e);if(b.feed.title)j.title=b.feed.title.$t;j.images.length>0&&a.setThumbnail&&!a.setSingleAlbumThumbnails&&k.extend(j,{isGroup:true,[1].href,thumbnailSrc:b.feed.icon.$t,title:b.feed.title.$t});p&&p(j);c.onLoadComplete&&c.onLoadComplete()}},error:function(){c.onLoadError&&c.onLoadError("Picasa plugin encountered an error while retrieving data")}})}};

+ 197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Yox Picasa plugin
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Yossi Kolesnicov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 13th November, 2010
+ * Version : 1.55
+ */
+function yox_picasa()
+    var $ = jQuery;
+    var picasaRegex = /http:\/\/picasaweb\.google\.\w+\/([^\/#\?]+)\/?([^\/#\?]+)?(\?([^#]*))?/
+    var self = this;
+    this.getImagesData = function(options, callback)
+    {
+        var defaults = {
+            url: "",
+            setThumbnail: true,
+            setSingleAlbumThumbnails: true,
+            setTitle: true, // Whether to add a header with user and/or album name before thumbnails
+			alt: 'json',
+			thumbsize: 64
+        },
+        picasaThumbnailSizes = [32, 48, 64, 72, 104, 144, 150, 160],
+        picasaImgMaxSizes = [94, 110, 128, 200, 220, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800, 912, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1440, 1600],
+        fromDataUrl = {};
+        function getFeedUrl()
+        {
+            var feedUrl = datasourceOptions.url;
+		    if (datasourceOptions.user && datasourceOptions.user != "lh")
+		    {
+			    feedUrl += "user/" + datasourceOptions.user;
+			    if (datasourceOptions.album)
+				    feedUrl += "/album/" + datasourceOptions.album;
+            }
+            else
+			    feedUrl += "all";
+            return feedUrl;
+        }
+        function picasa_getMaxSize(size, sizesArray, roundSizeUp)
+        {
+            size = parseInt(size);
+            for(var i=sizesArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+            {
+                var pSize = sizesArray[i];
+                if (size >= pSize)
+                    return roundSizeUp 
+                        ? i < sizesArray.length - 1 ? sizesArray[i + 1] : pSize
+                        : pSize;
+            }
+            return size;
+        }
+        function getImagesDataFromJson(data, kind)
+        {
+            var entry = data.feed.entry;
+            var isAlbum = kind === "album";
+            var imagesData = [];
+            jQuery.each(data.feed.entry, function(i, image){
+                var imageTitle = isAlbum ? image.title.$t + " (" + image.gphoto$numphotos.$t + " images)" : image.summary.$t;
+                if (!datasourceOptions.filter || imageTitle.match(datasourceOptions.filter))
+                {
+                    var mediaData =$$content[0];
+                    var imageData = {
+                        thumbnailSrc :$$thumbnail[0].url,
+                        link:[1].href,
+                        media: {
+                            src: mediaData.url,
+                            title: imageTitle,
+                            alt: imageTitle,
+                            width: mediaData.width,
+                            height: mediaData.height
+                        }
+                    };
+                    if (isAlbum)
+               = { album: image.gphoto$name.$t };
+                    imagesData.push(imageData);
+                }
+            });
+            if (fromDataUrl.filter)
+            {
+                var dataUrlObj = Yox.getUrlData(options.dataUrl);
+                delete dataUrlObj.queryFields.filter;
+                options.dataUrl = Yox.urlDataToPath(dataUrlObj);
+            }
+            if (options.dataSourceOptions && options.dataSourceOptions.filter)
+                delete options.dataSourceOptions.filter;
+            return imagesData;
+        }
+        if (options.dataUrl)
+        {
+            var urlMatch = options.dataUrl.match(picasaRegex);
+            if (urlMatch && urlMatch.length > 1)
+            {
+                fromDataUrl.user = urlMatch[1];
+                if (urlMatch[2])
+                    fromDataUrl.album = urlMatch[2]
+				if (urlMatch[4])
+					$.extend(fromDataUrl, Yox.queryToJson(urlMatch[4]));
+            }
+        }
+        var datasourceOptions = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, fromDataUrl, options.dataSourceOptions);
+		if (datasourceOptions.user && !datasourceOptions.album && !datasourceOptions.q)
+			datasourceOptions.thumbsize = 104;
+        // Picasa web uses 'tags', while the API uses 'tag':
+        if (datasourceOptions.tags)
+            datasourceOptions.tag = datasourceOptions.tags;
+        if (datasourceOptions.album == "")
+            delete datasourceOptions.album;
+        var screenSize = screen.width > screen.height ? screen.width : screen.height;
+        var unknownSize = datasourceOptions.imgmax && $.inArray(datasourceOptions.imgmax, picasaImgMaxSizes) == -1 ? datasourceOptions.imgmax : null;
+        // Save resources for smaller screens:
+        if (!datasourceOptions.imgmax || unknownSize || screenSize < datasourceOptions.imgmax)
+            datasourceOptions.imgmax = picasa_getMaxSize(unknownSize || screenSize, picasaImgMaxSizes, datasourceOptions.roundSizeUp);
+        if (datasourceOptions.filter){
+            if (typeof datasourceOptions.filter === "string")
+                datasourceOptions.filter = new RegExp(datasourceOptions.filter, "i");
+        }
+        var feedUrl = getFeedUrl(datasourceOptions);
+        var returnData = {};
+        if (options.onLoadBegin)
+            options.onLoadBegin();
+        $.jsonp({
+            url: feedUrl,
+            async: false,
+            dataType: 'jsonp',
+			data: datasourceOptions,
+            callbackParameter: "callback",
+            success: function(data)
+            {
+                if (!data.feed.entry || data.feed.entry.length == 0)
+                {
+                    if (options.onNoData)
+                        options.onNoData();
+                    return;
+                }
+                var kind = data.feed.entry[0].category[0].term.match(/.*#(.*)/)[1]; // album or photo
+                if (kind === "album")
+                    $.extend(returnData, {
+                        title: data.feed.title.$t,
+                        createGroups: true
+                    });
+                returnData.images = getImagesDataFromJson(data, kind);
+                if (data.feed.title)
+                    returnData.title = data.feed.title.$t;
+                if (returnData.images.length > 0 && datasourceOptions.setThumbnail && !datasourceOptions.setSingleAlbumThumbnails)
+                {
+                    $.extend(returnData, {
+                        isGroup: true,
+                        link:[1].href,
+                        thumbnailSrc: data.feed.icon.$t,
+						title: data.feed.title.$t
+                    });
+                }
+                if (callback)
+                    callback(returnData);
+                if (options.onLoadComplete)
+                    options.onLoadComplete();
+            },
+            error : function(xOptions, textStatus){
+                if (options.onLoadError)
+                    options.onLoadError("Picasa plugin encountered an error while retrieving data");
+            }
+        });
+    }

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+function yox_youtube(){var i=jQuery,m={singleVideo:/^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/watch\?v=([^\&]+)(.*)?/,playlist:/^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/(?:view_play_list|my_playlists)\?p=([^\&]+)(.*)?/,user:/^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/user\/([^\?]+)(?:\?(.*))?/,search:/^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/results\?(.*)/};this.getImagesData=function(e,n){function o(c){var f=[];jQuery.each(c,function(j,b){if(k==="playlist");var g=b.title;g={thumbnailSrc:b.thumbnail[a.hqThumbnails?"hqDefault":
+"sqDefault"],link:b.player["default"],media:{element:i("<div>",{className:"yoxview_element",html:"<object width='100%' height='100%'><param name='movie' value='"+(b.content["5"]+"&fs=1&hd=1")+"'</param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><embed src='"+(b.content["5"]+"&fs=1&hd=1")+"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' width='100%' height='100%'></embed></object>"}),
+title:g,contentType:"flash",,description:b.description}};i.extend(,p(!!b.aspectRatio&&b.aspectRatio==="widescreen"));f.push(g)});return f}var h=false,a=jQuery.extend({},{url:"",setThumbnails:true,setSingleAlbumThumbnails:true,alt:"jsonc",thumbsize:64,v:2,format:5,hqThumbnails:false,aspectRatio:"auto"},e.dataSourceOptions),k;if(e.dataUrl){var d;for(regexType in m)if(d=e.dataUrl.match(m[regexType])){k=regexType;break}if(d){switch(k){case "singleVideo":h=
+true;a.url+="/"+d[1];break;case "playlist":a.url=""+d[1];break;case "user":a.url=""+d[1]+"/uploads"}if(d=Yox.queryToJson(d.length==2?d[1]:d[2])){if(d.search_query){d.q=d.search_query;delete d.search_query}i.extend(a,d)}}}var p=function(){var c,f,j=16/9,b=false;if(!a.width&&!a.height)a.width=720;if(a.height&&!a.width||a.width&&!a.height){if(typeof a.aspectRatio==="string")if(a.aspectRatio==="auto")a.aspectRatio=4/
+3;else{b=a.aspectRatio.split(":");a.aspectRatio=parseInt(b[0],10)/parseInt(b[1],10)}b=a.aspectRatio===16/9;if(a.height){c={height:a.height,width:a.height*j};b||(f={height:a.height,width:a.height*a.aspectRatio})}else{c={width:a.width,height:a.width/j};b||(f={width:a.width,height:a.width/a.aspectRatio})}}return function(g){return g?c:f}}(),l={};e.onLoadBegin&&e.onLoadBegin();i.jsonp({url:a.url,data:a,async:false,callbackParameter:"callback",success:function(c){if(h&&!||!h&&(!||
+0))e.onNoData&&e.onNoData();else{l.images=o(h?[];if(!h)if(;n&&n(l);e.onLoadComplete&&e.onLoadComplete()}},error:function(){e.onLoadError&&e.onLoadError("YouTube plugin encountered an error while retrieving data")}})}};

+ 197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Yox YouTube plugin
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Yossi Kolesnicov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 13th November, 2010
+ * Version : 1.0
+ */
+function yox_youtube()
+    var $ = jQuery,
+        youtubeRegex = /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\//,
+        self = this,
+        ytRegex = {
+            singleVideo: /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/watch\?v=([^\&]+)(.*)?/,
+            playlist: /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/(?:view_play_list|my_playlists)\?p=([^\&]+)(.*)?/,
+            user: /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/user\/([^\?]+)(?:\?(.*))?/,
+            search: /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/results\?(.*)/
+        };
+    this.getImagesData = function(options, callback)
+    {
+        var defaults = {
+            url: "",
+            setThumbnails: true,
+            setSingleAlbumThumbnails: true,
+			alt: 'jsonc',
+			thumbsize: 64,
+			v: 2,
+			format: 5,
+			hqThumbnails: false,
+			aspectRatio: "auto"
+        },
+        isSingleVideo = false,
+        datasourceOptions = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options.dataSourceOptions);
+        function getDimensionsCalc(){
+            var widescreenDimensions,
+                defaultDimensions,            
+                widescreenAspectRatio = 16/9,
+                defaultIsWidescreen = false;
+            if (!datasourceOptions.width && !datasourceOptions.height)
+                datasourceOptions.width = 720;
+            if ((datasourceOptions.height && !datasourceOptions.width) || (datasourceOptions.width && !datasourceOptions.height)){
+                if (typeof(datasourceOptions.aspectRatio) === "string"){
+                    if (datasourceOptions.aspectRatio === "auto")
+                        datasourceOptions.aspectRatio = 4/3;
+                    else{
+                        var ratioValues = datasourceOptions.aspectRatio.split(":");
+                        datasourceOptions.aspectRatio = parseInt(ratioValues[0], 10) / parseInt(ratioValues[1], 10);
+                    }
+                }
+                defaultIsWidescreen = datasourceOptions.aspectRatio === 16/9;
+                if (datasourceOptions.height){
+                    widescreenDimensions = { height: datasourceOptions.height, width: datasourceOptions.height * widescreenAspectRatio };
+                    if (!defaultIsWidescreen)
+                        defaultDimensions = { height: datasourceOptions.height, width: datasourceOptions.height * datasourceOptions.aspectRatio };
+                }
+                else{
+                    widescreenDimensions = { width: datasourceOptions.width, height: datasourceOptions.width / widescreenAspectRatio };
+                    if (!defaultIsWidescreen)
+                        defaultDimensions = { width: datasourceOptions.width, height: datasourceOptions.width / datasourceOptions.aspectRatio };
+                }
+            }
+            var getDimensions = function(isWidescreen){
+                return isWidescreen ? widescreenDimensions : defaultDimensions;
+            }
+            return getDimensions;
+        }
+        var feedType;
+        if (options.dataUrl)
+        {
+            var urlMatch;    
+            for (regexType in ytRegex){
+                urlMatch = options.dataUrl.match(ytRegex[regexType]);
+                if (urlMatch)
+                {
+                    feedType = regexType;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (urlMatch){ 
+                switch(feedType){
+                    case "singleVideo":
+                        isSingleVideo = true;
+                        datasourceOptions.url += "/" + urlMatch[1];
+                        break;
+                    case "playlist":
+                        datasourceOptions.url = "" + urlMatch[1];
+                        break;
+                    case "user":
+                        datasourceOptions.url = "" + urlMatch[1] + "/uploads";
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+                var queryData = Yox.queryToJson(urlMatch.length == 2 ? urlMatch[1] : urlMatch[2]);
+                if (queryData){
+                    if (queryData.search_query){
+                        queryData.q = queryData.search_query;
+                        delete queryData.search_query;
+                    }
+                    $.extend(datasourceOptions, queryData);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        var getDimensions = getDimensionsCalc();
+        function getEmbedObject(embedUrl){
+            var videoPanel = $("<div>", {
+                className: "yoxview_element",
+                html: "<object width='100%' height='100%'><param name='movie' value='" + embedUrl + "'</param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param><embed src='" + embedUrl + "' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' width='100%' height='100%'></embed></object>"
+            });
+            return videoPanel;
+        }
+        function getVideosDataFromJson(items)
+        {
+            var videosData = [];
+            jQuery.each(items, function(i, video){
+                if (feedType === "playlist")
+                    video =;
+                var videoTitle = video.title;
+                var videoData = {
+                    thumbnailSrc: video.thumbnail[datasourceOptions.hqThumbnails ? "hqDefault" : "sqDefault"],
+                    link: video.player["default"],
+                    media: {
+                        "element": getEmbedObject(video.content["5"] + "&fs=1&hd=1"),
+                        title: videoTitle,
+                        contentType: "flash",
+                        elementId:,
+                        description: video.description
+                    }
+                };
+                $.extend(, getDimensions(!!video.aspectRatio && video.aspectRatio === "widescreen"));
+                videosData.push(videoData);
+            });
+            return videosData;
+        }
+        var returnData = {};
+        if (options.onLoadBegin)
+            options.onLoadBegin();
+        $.jsonp({
+            url: datasourceOptions.url,
+            data: datasourceOptions,
+            async: false,
+            callbackParameter: "callback",
+            success: function(jsonData)
+            {
+                if ((isSingleVideo && ! || (!isSingleVideo && (! || === 0)))
+                {
+                    if (options.onNoData)
+                        options.onNoData();
+                    return;
+                }
+                returnData.images = getVideosDataFromJson(isSingleVideo ? [ ] :;
+                if (!isSingleVideo){
+                    var dataTitle =;
+                    if (dataTitle)
+                        returnData.title = dataTitle;
+                }
+                if (callback)
+                    callback(returnData);
+                if (options.onLoadComplete)
+                    options.onLoadComplete();
+            },
+            error : function(xOptions, textStatus){
+                if (options.onLoadError)
+                    options.onLoadError("YouTube plugin encountered an error while retrieving data");
+            }
+        });
+    }












+ 116 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" >
+    <title>YoxView Installation Instructions</title>
+    <style type="text/css">
+        body{ margin-bottom: 1em; font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif; }
+        #main{ width: 800px; margin: 0 auto;}
+        pre{ 
+            font-family: Courier New;
+	        font-size: 10pt;
+	        background: #c7d2d8;
+	        background: rgba(102, 133, 150, 0.34);
+	        border: solid 1px #768ea5;
+	        padding: 10px 15px;
+	        margin-top: 0.5em;
+	        margin-bottom: 2em;
+	        color: Black;
+	        overflow: auto;
+	        -moz-border-radius: 10px;
+	        -moz-border-radius-topright: 0;
+	        -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
+	        -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
+	        -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0;
+	        -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0;
+	    }
+	    a{ color: #0084e0; text-decoration: none;}
+        a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; }
+        p#lastUpdate{ font-size: smaller; margin-top: 2em; color: #666; }
+    </style>
+<div id="main">
+    <h1>YoxView Installation Instructions</h1>
+    <p>For full usage instruction, demos and information, please refer to the <a href="">
+        YoxView usage page</a>.</p>
+    <a href="#thumbnails">
+    1. Prepare your thumbnails<br />
+    </a><a href="#load">2. Load YoxView</a><br />
+    <a href="#options">
+    3. Options<br />
+    </a><a href="#plugins">
+    4. Plugins (Picasa/Flickr)</a><br /><br />
+    <h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
+    <li>
+        <h3>Create your thumbnails</h3>
+        Your thumbnails should be placed inside a container and link to their respective full-size images, like this:
+<pre>&lt;div class="yoxview"&gt;
+    &lt;a href="img/01.jpg"&gt;&lt;img src="img/thumbnails/01.jpg" alt="First" title="First image" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
+    &lt;a href="img/02.jpg"&gt;&lt;img src="img/thumbnails/02.jpg" alt="Second" title="Second image" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
+<p>The viewer displays the TITLE attribute of the image tag as the image's title inside the viewer, so it's recommended to use it.</p>
+<p>Note - If you use YoxView's <a href="#plugins">plugins</a> to get your images from Flickr/Picasa, it creates the thumbnails for you, so you can bypass this step.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+        <h3>Include the YoxView script in your page</h3>
+        Put the following line in the HEAD section of your page (just make sure that the
+        SRC points to the correct folder):<br />
+        <pre class="script">&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="yoxview/yoxview-init.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+        <h3>Apply YoxView to &nbsp;the element that contains your thumbnails</h3>
+        <ul>
+            <li><h4>Simple use (use if you don't know jQuery or as a shortcut):</h4>
+                First make sure that the element containing your thumbnails has the class "yoxview",
+                like shown above (&lt;div <strong>class="yoxview"</strong>&gt;). Then, 
+                open the file yoxview-init.js and uncomment the last line:<br />
+                <pre class="script">LoadScript(yoxviewPath + "yoxview-nojquery.js");</pre>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <h4>Regular jQuery plugin use:</h4>
+                (Don't forget to call it from within $(document).ready!)
+                <pre>$("#thumbnails").yoxview([options]);</pre>
+            </li>
+        </ul>
+    </li>
+<span class="demo"><strong>Demo</strong>: <a href=" - basic usage.html">Basic installation and usage</a></span>
+<h2 id="options">3. Options</h2>
+   You can specify options when calling YoxView, either from your script or, if you're using the yoxview-nojquery.js file, from there.
+    backgroundColor: 'Blue',
+    playDelay: 5000
+<span class="demo"><strong>Demo</strong>: <a href=" - customizing with options.html">Using options</a></span><br />
+    For a full list of available options <a href="">
+        click here</a>.
+        <h2 id="plugins">4. Plugins</h2>
+        <span class="demo"><strong>Demo</strong>: <a href=" - using plugins.html">Using the YoxView plugins</a></span><br />
+        For complete information and usage instructions for YoxView plugins, <a href="">
+        click here</a>.
+        <p> YoxView is capable of displaying images from external sources, such as Picasa or Flickr. Images and information about them are retrieved using AJAX (or JSONP) and thumbnails are then created in the page.</p>
+        <p>Images from outside sources can be retrieved using the <em>dataUrl</em> option,
+        by copying a URL from one of the supported data sources.
+    Here's an example of adding an album from picasa to your web page (the scripts can
+    be either in the HEAD or BODY of your page):</p>
+    <pre>&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="yoxview/yoxview-init.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
+    $(document).ready(function(){
+        $("#yoxview_picasa").yoxview({ 
+            dataUrl: ''
+        });
+    });
+&lt;div id="yoxview_picasa"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre>
+    <a href="">
+Click here</a> for a full list of supported data URL's.
+    <p id="lastUpdate">
+        Last update to this file: May 20th, 2010
+    </p>
+    </div>

+ 232 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * jquery.yoxthumbs
+ * jQuery thumbnails plugin
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Yossi Kolesnicov
+ *
+ * Date: 13th November, 2010
+ * Version : 0.95
+ */
+    $.fn.yoxthumbs = function(opt) {
+		if (this.length == 0)
+            return this;
+        if (typeof(opt) != 'string')
+        {
+            var defaults = {
+                target: null, // an yoxview instance
+                selectedThumbnailClassName : "selected",
+                thumbsOpacityFadeTime: 300,
+                thumbsOpacity : undefined,
+                prevBtn: undefined,
+                nextBtn: undefined,
+                onClick: undefined,
+                images: undefined,
+                enableOnlyMedia: false // If set to true, YoxThumbs is enabled only for links whose HREF is to an image or other supported media.
+            };
+            var options = $.extend(defaults, opt);
+            var $this = $(this);
+            $"yoxthumbs", new YoxThumbs($this, options));
+            return this;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var instance = $(this).data("yoxthumbs");
+            if (instance)
+            {
+                if ($.isFunction(instance[opt]))
+                    instance[opt].apply(instance,, 1));
+                else
+                    return instance[opt];
+            }
+            return this;
+        }
+    };
+    function YoxThumbs(container, options)
+    {
+        var self = this,
+            prevBtn = options.prevBtn,
+            nextBtn = options.nextBtn,
+            viewIndex ="yoxview") ?"yoxview").viewIndex : undefined,
+            $ = jQuery,
+		    containerIsAnchor = container[0].tagName == "A",
+		    shortenFunctions = {};
+		this.thumbnails = [];
+        (function setShortenFunctions(){
+            $.each(["title", "description"], function(i, fieldName){
+                var maxLength = options[fieldName + "MaxLength"];
+                shortenFunctions[fieldName] = function(str){
+                    return !maxLength || str.length <= maxLength ? str : str.substr(0, maxLength) + (options.addEllipsis !== false ? "&hellip;" : "");
+                };
+            });
+        })();
+        // If images data has been specified, create the thumbnails:
+        if (options.images)
+            $.each(options.images, function(i, imageData){
+                container.append(createThumbnail(imageData));
+            });
+        var currentImageIndex = 0,
+		    foundThumbnails = containerIsAnchor ? container : container.find("a:has(img)");
+        $.each(foundThumbnails, function(i, thumbnail)
+        {
+            var $thumbnail = $(thumbnail);
+            var addThumb = true;
+            if (options.enableOnlyMedia)
+            {
+                if (!thumbnail.href.match(Yox.Regex.image))
+                {
+                    var isData = false;
+                    for(dataProvider in
+                    {
+                        if (thumbnail.href.match([dataProvider]))
+                        {
+                            isData = true;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!isData)
+                    {
+                        var isVideo = false;
+                        for(videoProvider in
+                        {
+                            if (thumbnail.href.match([videoProvider]))
+                            {
+                                isVideo = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (!isVideo)
+                            addThumb = false;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (addThumb)
+            {
+                $"yoxthumbs", $.extend({imageIndex: currentImageIndex++}, $"yoxthumbs")));
+                self.thumbnails.push($thumbnail);
+            }
+        });
+        if (options.thumbsOpacity)
+        {
+            this.thumbnails.css("opacity", options.thumbsOpacity);
+            container.delegate("a:has(img)", "mouseenter.yoxthumbs", function(e){
+                if (self.currentSelectedIndex === undefined || 
+                    $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxthumbs").imageIndex != self.currentSelectedIndex){
+                    $(e.currentTarget).stop().animate({opacity: 1}, options.thumbsOpacityFadeTime);
+                }
+            })
+            .delegate("a:has(img)", "mouseout.yoxthumbs", function(e){
+                if (self.currentSelectedIndex === undefined || 
+                    $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxthumbs").imageIndex != self.currentSelectedIndex)
+                    $(e.currentTarget).stop().animate({opacity: options.thumbsOpacity}, options.thumbsOpacityFadeTime);
+            });
+        }
+        if (options.onClick)
+        {
+			if (containerIsAnchor)
+				container.bind("click.yoxthumbs", function(e){
+					options.onClick(e);
+					return false;
+				});
+			else
+				container.delegate("a:has(img)", "click.yoxthumbs", function(e){
+				    if (!$(e.currentTarget).data("yoxthumbs"))
+				        return true;
+					options.onClick(e);
+					return false;
+				});
+        }
+        function createThumbnail(imageData, viewIndex)
+        {
+            var thumbnail = $("<a>", {
+                href:,
+                className: options.thumbnailsClass || "yoxthumbs_thumbnail"
+            });
+            var thumbImage = jQuery("<img>", {
+                src : imageData.thumbnailSrc,
+                alt :,
+                title :
+            });
+            if (
+      "yoxthumbs",;
+            if (imageData.thumbnailDimensions)
+                thumbImage.css({
+                    "width": imageData.thumbnailDimensions.width,
+                    "height" : imageData.thumbnailDimensions.height
+                });
+            thumbImage.appendTo(thumbnail);
+            if (options.setTitles &&{
+                $(options.titlesElement || "<span>", {
+                    html: shortenFunctions.title(,
+                    className: options.titlesClass
+                }).appendTo(thumbnail);
+            }
+            if (options.setDescriptions &&{
+                $(options.descriptionsElement || "<div>", {
+                    html: shortenFunctions.description(,
+                    className: options.descriptionsClass
+                }).appendTo(thumbnail);
+            }
+            return thumbnail;
+        }
+        // Selects a thumbnail
+ = function(thumbIndex)
+        {
+            if (this.currentSelectedIndex === undefined || this.currentSelectedIndex != thumbIndex)
+            {
+                var currentThumbnail = this.thumbnails.eq(thumbIndex);
+                var yoxslider ="yoxslide");
+                if (yoxslider)
+          ;
+                // Remove selection from previous thumbnail:
+                if (this.currentSelectedIndex !== undefined)
+                {
+                    var previousSelectedThumbnail = this.thumbnails.eq(this.currentSelectedIndex);
+                    previousSelectedThumbnail.removeClass(options.selectedThumbnailClassName);
+                    if (options.thumbsOpacity)
+                        previousSelectedThumbnail.animate({opacity: options.thumbsOpacity}, options.thumbsOpacityFadeTime);
+                }
+                currentThumbnail.addClass(options.selectedThumbnailClassName);
+                if (options.thumbsOpacity)
+                    currentThumbnail.animate({opacity: 1}, options.thumbsOpacityFadeTime);
+                this.currentSelectedIndex = thumbIndex;
+            }
+        }
+        this.unload = function(dataKey)
+        {
+            $.each(this.thumbnails, function(i, thumbnail)
+            {
+                $(thumbnail).removeData("yoxthumbs");
+                if (dataKey)
+                    $(thumbnail).removeData(dataKey);
+            });
+            container.undelegate("a:has(img)", "click.yoxthumbs");
+            container.find(".yoxthumbs_thumbnail").remove();
+            if (containerIsAnchor)
+                container.unbind(".yoxthumbs");
+        }
+    }

+ 2227 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2227 @@
+ * jquery.yoxview
+ * jQuery image gallery viewer
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Yossi Kolesnicov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 13th November, 2010
+ * Version : 2.2
+ */ 
+    if (!$.yoxview)
+        $.yoxview = new YoxView();
+    $.fn.yoxview = function(options) 
+    {
+        if (this.length != 0)
+        {
+            if ($.yoxview[options])
+                return $.yoxview[options].apply(this,, 1));
+            else if (typeof options === 'object' || !options)
+                $.yoxview.init(this, options);
+            else
+              $.error( 'Method ' +  options + ' does not exist on YoxView.' );
+        }
+        return this;
+    };
+    $(Yox.getTopWindow()).unload(function(){
+        if ($.yoxview)
+        {
+            $.yoxview.unload();
+            delete $.yoxview;
+        }
+    });
+    function YoxView()
+    {
+        var yoxviewPath = (yoxviewPath || Yox.getPath(/(.*\/)jquery\.yoxview/i));
+        var defaults = {
+            autoHideInfo: true, // If false, the info bar (with image count and title) is always displayed.
+            autoPlay: false, // If true, slideshow mode starts when the popup opens
+            backgroundColor: "#000000",
+            backgroundOpacity: 0.8,
+            buttonsFadeTime: 300, // The time, in milliseconds, it takes the buttons to fade in/out when hovered on. Set to 0 to force the Prev/Next buttons to remain visible.
+            cacheBuffer: 5, // The number of images to cache after the current image (directional, depends on the current viewing direction)
+            cacheImagesInBackground: true, // If true, full-size images are cached even while the gallery hasn't been opened yet.
+            controlsInitialFadeTime: 1500, // The time, in milliseconds, it takes the menu and prev/next buttons to fade in and out when the popup is opened.
+            controlsInitialDisplayTime: 1000, // The time, in milliseconds, to display the menu and prev/next buttons when the popup is opened. Set to 0 to not display them by default
+            dataFolder: yoxviewPath + "data/",
+            defaultDimensions: { // Default sizes for different types of media, in case none was specified
+                flash: { width: 720, height: 560 },
+                iframe: { width: 1024 }
+            },
+            flashVideoPlayer: "jwplayer", // The default player for Flash video files
+            imagesFolder: yoxviewPath + "images/",
+            infoBackColor: "#000000",
+            infoBackOpacity: 0.5,
+            isRTL : false, // Switch direction. For RTL languages such as Hebrew or Arabic, for example.
+            lang: "en", // The language for texts. The relevant language file should exist in the lang folder.
+            langFolder: yoxviewPath + "lang/",
+            loopPlay: true, // If true, slideshow play starts over after the last image
+            playDelay: 3000, // Time in milliseconds to display each image
+            popupMargin: 20, // the minimum margin between the popup and the window
+            popupResizeTime: 600, // The time in milliseconds it takes to make the resize transition from one image to the next.
+            renderButtons: true, // Set to false if you want to implement your own Next/Prev buttons, using the API.
+            renderMenu: true, // Set to false if you want to implement you own menu (Play/Help/Close).
+            showBarsOnOpen: true, // If true, displays the top (help) bar and bottom (info) bar momentarily when the popup opens.
+            showButtonsOnOpen: true, // If true, displays the Prev/Next buttons momentarily when the popup opens.
+            showDescription: true, // Set to false to not show the description text (the title will still show).
+            textLinksSelector: ".yoxviewLink", // A jQuery selector to identify links that are not thumbnails, which YoxView should try to open.
+            thumbnailsOptions: { thumbnailsClass: "yoxview_thumbnail" }, // Options for thumbnails generated by YoxView
+            titleAttribute: "title", // The attribute of an img used for the text in YoxView. Use either "title" or "alt".
+            titleDisplayDuration: 2000 // The time in ms to display the image's title, after which it fades out.
+        };
+        this.infoButtons = {};
+        this.isOpen = false;
+        this.yoxviewSkins = {};
+        var ajaxLoader,
+            cacheVars = {},
+            cacheImg = new Image(),
+            countDisplay,
+            ctlButtons, // next and prev buttons
+            elementCount = 0,
+            currentItemIndex = 0,
+            currentLanguage = {},
+            currentMaxSize = {},
+            currentOptionsSetIndex,
+            currentViewIndex = 0,
+            currentViewIsInFrame = window != window.parent,
+            disableInfo = false,
+            flashDefaults = { wmode: "transparent", width: "100%", height: "100%", allowfullscreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "true", hasVersion: 9 },
+            firstImage = true,
+            frameOffset,
+            helpPanel,
+            hideInfoTimeout,
+            hideMenuTimeout,
+            image1, image2,
+            images,
+            imagesCount = 0,
+            infoPanel,
+            infoPanelContent,
+            infoPanelLink,
+            infoPanelMinHeight = 30,
+            infoPanelWrap,
+            infoPinLink,
+            infoPinLinkImg,
+            infoText,
+            isFirstPanel = false,
+            isImageMode = true,
+            isPlaying = false,
+            isResizing = false,
+            itemVar,
+            loadedViews = [],
+            loaderTimeout,
+            loading = false,
+            mediaButtonsSize = {width: 100, height: 100},
+            mediaLoader,
+            mediaPanelClass = "yoxview_mediaPanel",
+            mediaProviderUrls = {
+                vimeo: "",
+                myspace: ""
+            },
+            menuHidePosition = -42,
+            menuPanel,
+            nextBtn,
+            notification,
+            onOpenCallback,
+            options, optionsSets = [],
+            panel1, panel2,
+	        playBtnText,
+            popup,
+            popupBackground,
+            popupMargins = {}, defaultPopupMargins = {},
+            popupTimeout,
+            popupWindow = $(Yox.getTopWindow()), // the window in which to create the YoxView popup (for use with frames)
+            popupWrap,
+            prevBtn,
+            resumePlay = false,
+            sprites,
+            tempImg = new Image(),
+            thumbnail,
+            thumbnailImg,
+            thumbnailPos,
+            thumbnailProperties,
+            windowDimensions,
+            yoxviewLanguages = {},
+            keyCodes = {
+	            40: 'DOWN',
+	            35: 'END',
+	            13: 'ENTER',
+	            36: 'HOME',
+	            37: 'LEFT',
+	            39: 'RIGHT',
+	            32: 'SPACE',
+	            38: 'UP',
+	            72: 'h',
+	            27: 'ESCAPE'
+            },
+            keyMappings;
+        // If the given options object is equal to any in the options set, return the existing set's index. Otherwise, add the new set and return its index:
+        function initOptionsSet(options){
+            var optionsSetsLength = optionsSets.length;
+            for(var i=0; i<optionsSetsLength; i++)
+            {
+                if ([i], options))
+                    return i;
+            }
+            optionsSets.push(options);
+            return optionsSetsLength;
+        }
+        function getAllowedThumbnailsSelector(options){
+            return "a:has(img)" + (options.textLinksSelector !== null ? ",a" + options.textLinksSelector : "");
+        }
+        this.init = function(views, opt)
+        {
+            var options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, opt);
+            var optionsSetIndex;
+            if (optionsSets.length == 0)
+            {
+                optionsSets.push(options);
+                optionsSetIndex = 0;
+            }
+            else
+                optionsSetIndex = opt ? initOptionsSet(options) : null;
+            function loadContents(){
+                views.each(function(i, view){
+                    view = $(view);
+                    var viewIndex = loadedViews.length;
+          "yoxview", {
+                        viewIndex : viewIndex, 
+                        cacheVars: {cachedImagesCount: 0, cacheDirectionForward: true, cacheBufferLastIndex: null, currentCacheImg: 0 }
+                    });
+                    var viewData ="yoxview");
+                    if (optionsSetIndex)
+                        viewData.optionsSet = optionsSetIndex;
+                    options.allowedImageUrls = [Yox.Regex.image];
+                    if (options.allowedUrls)
+                        options.allowedImageUrls = options.allowedImageUrls.concat(options.allowedUrls);
+                    // First, get image data from thumbnails:
+		            var isSingleLink = view[0].tagName == "A";
+                    var thumbnails = isSingleLink ? view : view.find(getAllowedThumbnailsSelector(options));
+                    var viewImages = [];
+                    var imageIndex = 0;
+                    thumbnails.each(function(i, thumbnail){
+                        var $thumbnail = $(thumbnail);
+                        var imageData = getImageDataFromThumbnail($thumbnail, options);
+                        if (imageData)
+                        {
+                            viewImages.push(imageData);
+                            if (isSingleLink)
+                                $"yoxview").imageIndex = imageIndex;
+                            else
+                                $"yoxview", { imageIndex: imageIndex, viewIndex: viewIndex });
+                            imageIndex++;
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if (options.images)
+                        viewImages = viewImages.concat(options.images);
+                    if (options.dataSource)
+                    {                       
+                        Yox.dataSources[options.dataSource].getImagesData(options, function(data){
+                            viewImages = viewImages.concat(data.images);
+                            viewData.images = viewImages;
+                            if (data.title && options.thumbnailsOptions && options.thumbnailsOptions.setHeader){
+                                $(options.thumbnailsOptions.headerElement || "<h2>", {
+                                    html: data.title,
+                                    className: options.thumbnailsOptions.headerClass
+                                }).appendTo(view);
+                            }
+                            var thumbnailsData = data.isGroup 
+                                ? [$.extend(data, {
+                                    media: {
+                                        title: data.title + " (" + data.images.length + " images)",
+                                        alt: data.title
+                                    }
+                                })]
+                                : data.images;
+                            createThumbnails(view, options, isSingleLink ? null : thumbnailsData, !data.createGroups ? null :
+                                function(e){
+                                    var viewData = $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxview");
+                                    var thumbnail = $(e.currentTarget);
+                                    var thumbnailData ="yoxthumbs");
+                                    if (!viewData.imagesAreSet)
+                                    {
+                                        thumbnail.css("cursor", "wait");
+                                        var newOptions = $.extend({}, options);
+                                        if (!newOptions.dataSourceOptions)
+                                            newOptions.dataSourceOptions = thumbnailData;
+                                        else
+                                            $.extend(newOptions.dataSourceOptions, thumbnailData);
+                                        Yox.dataSources[options.dataSource].getImagesData(newOptions, function(data){
+                                            viewData.images = data.images;
+                                            viewData.imagesAreSet = true;
+                                            thumbnail.css("cursor", "");
+                                            $;
+                                        });
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        $;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            );
+				            if (data.createGroups)
+				                $.each(view.yoxthumbs("thumbnails"), function(i, thumbnail){
+					      "yoxview", {viewIndex: ++viewIndex});
+					                loadedViews.push($(thumbnail));
+				                });
+                            else
+                            {
+                                $.each(view.yoxthumbs("thumbnails"), function(i, thumbnail){
+                                    var currentViewIndex = imageIndex + i;
+                                    var thumbImg = thumbnail.children("img");
+                                    if (thumbImg.length == 0)
+                                        thumbImg = thumbnail;
+                		            viewImages[currentViewIndex].thumbnailImg = thumbImg;
+					      "yoxview", {imageIndex: i, viewIndex: viewIndex });
+					            });
+				            }
+                            if (!$.yoxview.firstViewWithImages && data.images.length > 0)
+                            {
+                                $.yoxview.firstViewWithImages = view;
+                                if (options.cacheImagesInBackground)
+                                    $.yoxview.startCache();
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                    else
+		            {
+			            viewData.images = viewImages;
+                        createThumbnails(view, options);
+		            }
+                    loadedViews.push(view);
+                    if (!$.yoxview.firstViewWithImages && viewData.images && viewData.images != 0)
+                    {
+                        $.yoxview.firstViewWithImages = view;
+                        loadViewImages(view);
+                        if(options.cacheImagesInBackground && imagesCount != 0)
+                        {
+                            calculateCacheBuffer();
+                            cacheImages(0);
+                        }
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+            // Init external files then proceed:
+            loadLanguage(options.lang, function(langData){
+                loadSkin(options, function(skin){
+                    if (skin && skin.options)
+                        $.extend(options, skin.options);
+                    Yox.loadDataSource(options, loadContents);
+                });
+            });
+        }
+        function loadSkin(options, callback)
+        {
+            if (
+            {
+                var skinName =;
+                if (!$.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[skinName])
+                {
+                    var skinUrl = yoxviewPath + "skins/" + skinName + "/yoxview." + skinName;
+                    $.ajax({
+                        url: skinUrl + ".js",
+                        dataType: "script",
+                        success: function(data)
+                        {
+                            if ($.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[skinName].css !== false)
+                                Yox.addStylesheet(top.document, skinUrl + ".css");
+                            if (callback)
+                                callback($.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[skinName]);
+                        },
+                        error: function(){
+                            alert("Error loading skin file " + skinUrl + ".js");
+                        }
+                    });
+                }
+                else if (callback)
+                    callback($.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[skinName]);
+            }
+            else if (callback)
+                callback($.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[skinName]);
+        }
+         // Load the language file if not already loaded:
+        function loadLanguage(langName, callback)
+        {
+            if (!yoxviewLanguages[langName])
+            {
+                yoxviewLanguages[langName] = {};
+                var langUrl = yoxviewPath + "lang/" + langName + ".js";
+                $.ajax({
+                    url : langUrl,
+                    async : false,
+                    dataType : "json",
+                    success: function(data){
+                        yoxviewLanguages[langName] = data;
+                        if (callback)
+                            callback(data);
+                    },
+                    error: function(){
+                        alert("Error loading language file " + langUrl);
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+            else if (callback)
+                callback(yoxviewLanguages[langName]);
+        }
+        function resetPopup()
+        {
+            if (popup)
+            {
+                popupWrap.remove();
+                popup = undefined;
+                prevBtn = undefined;
+                nextBtn = undefined;
+                image1 = undefined;
+                image2 = undefined;
+			    panel1 = undefined;
+			    panel2 = undefined;
+                currentItemIndex = 0;
+			    $.yoxview.infoButtons = {};
+            }
+            createPopup();
+        }
+        function loadViewImages(view)
+        {
+            var viewData ="yoxview");
+            if (!images || currentViewIndex != viewData.viewIndex)
+            {
+                if (!viewData.cacheVars)
+                    viewData.cacheVars = {cachedImagesCount: 0, cacheDirectionForward: true, cacheBufferLastIndex: null, currentCacheImg: 0 };
+                images = viewData.images;
+                imagesCount = images.length;
+                currentViewIndex = viewData.viewIndex;
+                var isResetPopup = false;
+                var changeOptions = !currentOptionsSetIndex || (currentOptionsSetIndex != viewData.optionsSet);
+                if (changeOptions)
+                {
+                    currentOptionsSetIndex = viewData.optionsSet || 0;
+                    options = optionsSets[currentOptionsSetIndex];
+                    isResetPopup = true;
+                }
+                if (options.onLoadImages)
+                    options.onLoadImages({ images: images, viewData: viewData });
+                else if ((prevBtn && imagesCount == 1) || (popup && !prevBtn && imagesCount > 0))
+                    isResetPopup = true;
+                if (isResetPopup)
+                    resetPopup();
+                cacheVars = viewData.cacheVars;
+            }
+        }
+        function getElementDimensions(type, originalDimensions, options)
+        {
+            var size = originalDimensions && (originalDimensions.width || originalDimensions.height)
+                ? { width: parseInt(originalDimensions.width), height: parseInt(originalDimensions.height) }
+                : options.defaultDimensions[type];
+            if (isNaN(size.width))
+                size.width = null;
+            if (isNaN(size.height))
+                size.height = null;
+            return size;
+        }
+        var supportedTypes = {
+            image: function(thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options)
+            {
+                var imageData = null;
+                for(var i=0; i<options.allowedImageUrls.length && !imageData; i++)
+                {
+                    if (thumbnailHref.match(options.allowedImageUrls[i]))
+                    {
+                        imageData = {
+                            src: thumbnail.attr("href"),
+                            title: thumbImg.attr(options.titleAttribute),
+                            alt: thumbImg.attr("alt")
+                        };
+                    }
+                }
+                return imageData;
+            },
+            flash: function(thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options)
+            {
+                var imageData = null;
+                var matchFlash = thumbnailHref.match(Yox.Regex.flash);
+                var matchFlashVideo = matchFlash ? null : thumbnailHref.match(Yox.Regex.flashvideo);
+                if (matchFlash || matchFlashVideo)
+                {
+                    var urlData = Yox.getUrlData(thumbnailHref);
+				    var elementSize = getElementDimensions("flash", urlData.queryFields, options);
+				    if (urlData.queryFields)
+				    {
+					    delete urlData.queryFields.width;
+					    delete urlData.queryFields.height;
+				    }
+                    var flashPanel = $("<div>", {
+                        className: "yoxview_element",
+                        html: "<div class='yoxview_error'>Please install the latest version of the <a href='' target='_blank'>Flash player</a> to view content</div>"
+                    });
+                    var flashData = matchFlashVideo 
+                        ? Yox.flashVideoPlayers[options.flashVideoPlayer](
+                            options.flashVideoPlayerPath, urlData.path,
+                            (urlData.queryFields && urlData.queryFields.image) ? urlData.queryFields.image : 
+                                thumbImg[0].nodeName == "IMG" ? thumbImg.attr("src") : null, 
+                            thumbImg.attr(options.titleAttribute))
+                        : urlData.queryFields || {};
+                    if (matchFlash)
+                        flashData.swf = urlData.path;
+                    $.extend(flashData, flashDefaults);
+                    flashPanel.flash(flashData);
+                    imageData = {
+                        "element": flashPanel,
+                        title: thumbImg.attr(options.titleAttribute)
+                    };
+                    $.extend(imageData, elementSize);
+                }
+                return imageData;
+            },
+            ooembed: function(thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options)
+            {
+                var imageData = null;
+                for(videoProvider in
+                {
+                    if (thumbnailHref.match([videoProvider]))
+                    {
+                        imageData = {
+                            provider: videoProvider,
+                            url: thumbnailHref
+                        };
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                return imageData;
+            },
+            inline: function(thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options)
+            {
+                if (!options.allowInternalLinks)
+                    return null;
+                var imageData = null;
+                var urlData = Yox.getUrlData(thumbnailHref);
+                if (urlData && urlData.anchor)
+                {
+                    var element = $("#" + urlData.anchor);
+                    if (element.length != 0)
+                    {
+                        var elementSize = { width: parseInt(element.css("width")), height: parseInt(element.css("height")) };
+                        element.css({
+		                    position: "absolute",
+		                    top: 0,
+		                    left: 0,
+		                    width: "100%",
+		                    height: "100%",
+		                    display: "block"
+		                });
+                        imageData = {
+                            type: "inlineElement",
+                            "element": element,
+                            title: element.attr("title")
+                        };
+                        var padding = { 
+                            horizontal: parseInt(element.css("padding-right")) + parseInt(element.css("padding-left")),
+                            vertical: parseInt(element.css("padding-top")) + parseInt(element.css("padding-bottom"))
+                        };
+                        elementSize.width = isNaN(elementSize.width) ? null : elementSize.width + padding.horizontal;
+                        elementSize.height = isNaN(elementSize.height) ? null : elementSize.height + padding.vertical;
+                        $.extend(imageData, elementSize);
+                        if (padding.horizontal != 0 || padding.vertical != 0)
+                            imageData.padding = padding;
+                        element.remove();
+                    }
+                }
+                return imageData;
+            },
+            iframe: function(thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options)
+            {
+                var imageData = null;
+                var thumbnailTarget = thumbnail.attr("target");
+                if (thumbnailTarget && thumbnailTarget == "yoxview")
+                {
+                    var urlData = Yox.getUrlData(thumbnailHref);
+                    if (urlData && urlData.path)
+                    {
+                        var iframeSize = getElementDimensions("iframe", urlData.queryFields, options);
+					    if (urlData.queryFields)
+					    {
+						    delete urlData.queryFields.width;
+						    delete urlData.queryFields.height;
+                        }
+                        imageData = {
+                            "element": $("<iframe>", {
+                                src: Yox.urlDataToPath(urlData),
+                                className: "yoxview_element"
+                            }),
+                            title: thumbImg.attr("title"),
+                            frameborder: "0"
+                        }
+                        $.extend(imageData, iframeSize);
+                    }
+                }
+                return imageData;
+            }
+        };
+        function getImageDataFromThumbnail(thumbnail, options)
+        {
+            var imageData = {};
+            var thumbnailHref = thumbnail.attr("href");
+            var thumbImg = thumbnail.children("img:first");
+            if (thumbImg.length == 0)
+                thumbImg = thumbnail;
+            var imageData = {};
+            for (supportedType in supportedTypes)
+            {
+                var media = supportedTypes[supportedType](thumbnail, thumbnailHref, thumbImg, options);
+                if (media)
+                {
+                    $.extend(media, {
+                        contentType: supportedType,
+                        elementId: elementCount++
+                    });
+           = media;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (!
+                return null;
+            imageData.thumbnailImg = thumbImg;
+            return imageData;
+        }
+        function createThumbnails(view, options, additionalImages, onClick)
+        {
+            var clickHandler = function(e){
+                var data = $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxview");
+                if (!data || data.imageIndex === null)
+                    return true;
+                else
+                {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    $$(e.liveFired || e.currentTarget).data("yoxview").viewIndex, data.imageIndex);
+                }
+            };
+            if (view[0].tagName == "A")
+                view.bind("click.yoxview", clickHandler);
+            else if (!additionalImages)
+                view.delegate(getAllowedThumbnailsSelector(options), "click.yoxview", clickHandler);
+            else
+                view.yoxthumbs($.extend({ 
+                    images: additionalImages,
+                    enableOnlyMedia: false,
+                    onClick: onClick || function(e){
+                        e.preventDefault();
+				        if (options.thumbnailsOptions && options.thumbnailsOptions.onClick)
+                            options.thumbnailsOptions.onClick(
+                                $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxview").imageIndex, 
+                                $(e.currentTarget),
+                                $(e.liveFired).data("yoxview").viewIndex);
+                        else
+                            $$(e.liveFired || e.currentTarget).data("yoxview").viewIndex,
+                                $(e.currentTarget).data("yoxview").imageIndex);
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }, options.thumbnailsOptions));
+        }
+        function setThumbnail(setToPopupImage)
+        {
+            var currentView = loadedViews[currentViewIndex];
+            thumbnail = currentView[0].tagName == "A"
+                ? currentView
+                : images[currentItemIndex].thumbnailImg;
+            if (!thumbnail || thumbnail.length == 0)
+                thumbnail = images[0].thumbnailImg;
+            if (thumbnail)
+            {
+                var thumbnailSrc = thumbnail.attr("src");
+                if (setToPopupImage && image1 && thumbnailSrc)
+                    image1.attr("src", thumbnailSrc);
+                if (currentViewIsInFrame && !frameOffset &&
+                    frameOffset = $(top.document).find("[name='" + + "']").offset();
+                thumbnailPos = thumbnail.offset();
+                thumbnailProperties = {
+                    width: thumbnail.width(), 
+                    height: thumbnail.height(), 
+                    top: Math.round( - popupWindow.scrollTop() + (frameOffset ? : 0)), 
+                    left: Math.round(thumbnailPos.left  + (frameOffset ? frameOffset.left : 0))
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    //    Opens the viewer popup.
+    //    Arguments:
+    //    viewIndex: The 0-based index of the view to open, in case there are multiple instances of YoxView on the same page. Default is 0.
+    //    imageIndex: The 0-based index of the image to open, in the specified view. Default is 0.
+    //    callback: A function to call after the gallery has opened.
+ = function(viewIndex, initialItemIndex, callback)
+        {
+            var isJquery = this instanceof jQuery;
+            if (isJquery)
+            {
+                if (viewIndex && typeof(viewIndex) == 'function')
+                    callback = viewIndex;
+                var itemData ="yoxview");
+                viewIndex = itemData.viewIndex;
+                initialItemIndex = itemData.imageIndex;
+            }
+            else if (typeof(viewIndex) == 'function')
+            {
+                callback = viewIndex;
+                viewIndex = initialItemIndex = 0;
+            }
+            else if (typeof(initialItemIndex) == 'function')
+            {
+                callback = initialItemIndex;
+                initialItemIndex = 0;
+            }
+            viewIndex = viewIndex || 0;
+            initialItemIndex = initialItemIndex || 0;
+            $(document).bind('keydown.yoxview', catchPress);
+            loadViewImages(loadedViews[viewIndex]);
+            if (!popup && imagesCount != 0)
+                createPopup();
+            $.yoxview.selectImage(initialItemIndex);
+            popupWrap.stop().css({ opacity: 0, display: "block" }).animate({ opacity: 1}, "slow", function(){ popupWrap.css("opacity", "") });
+            if(options.cacheImagesInBackground)
+                cacheImages(initialItemIndex);
+            if (callback)
+                onOpenCallback = callback;
+            return isJquery ? this : false;
+        }
+        this.selectImage = function(itemIndex)
+        {
+            $.yoxview.currentImage = images[itemIndex];
+            currentItemIndex = itemIndex;
+            setThumbnail(true);
+            thumbnail.blur();
+            panel1.css({
+                "z-index" : "1",
+                width : "100%", 
+                height : "100%"             
+            });
+            panel2.css({
+                "display" : "none",
+                "z-index" : "2"
+            });
+            firstImage = true;
+            popup.css(thumbnailProperties);
+  ;
+        }
+        this.refresh = function()
+        {
+            resumePlay = isPlaying;
+            if (isPlaying)
+                stopPlay();
+            setImage(currentItemIndex);
+            if (resumePlay)
+                startPlay();
+        };
+        //var optionsRequiringUpdate = 
+        this.options = function(opt, value){
+            if (!opt)
+                return this;
+            if (value && typeof(opt) === "string"){
+                var pName = opt;
+                opt = {};
+                opt[pName] = value;
+            }
+            if (this instanceof jQuery)
+            {
+                var yoxviewData ="yoxview");
+                if (yoxviewData)
+                {
+                    $.extend(optionsSets[yoxviewData.optionsSet || 0], opt);
+                    this.yoxview("update");
+                }
+                return this;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $.each(optionsSets, function(i, optionsSet){
+                    $.extend(optionsSet, opt);
+                });
+                $.yoxview.update();
+            }
+        };
+    //    Displays the specified image and shows the (optionally) specified button. Use when the viewer is open.
+    //    Arguments:
+    //    imageIndex: The 0-based index of the image to display.
+    //    pressedBtn: a jQuery element of a button to display momentarily in the viewer. 
+    //                For example, if the image has been selected by pressing the Next button 
+    //                on the keyboard, specify the Next button. If no button should be display, leave blank.
+ = function(itemIndex, pressedBtn, viewIndex)
+        {
+            if (typeof pressedBtn === "number")
+            {
+                viewIndex = pressedBtn;
+                pressedBtn = undefined;
+            }
+            viewIndex = viewIndex || 0;
+            if (!isResizing)
+            {
+                if (itemIndex < 0)
+                {
+                    itemIndex = imagesCount - 1;
+                    if (options.onEnd)
+                    {
+                        options.onEnd();
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (itemIndex == imagesCount)
+                {
+                    itemIndex = 0;
+                    if (options.onEnd)
+                    {
+                        options.onEnd();
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!isPlaying && pressedBtn)
+                    flicker(pressedBtn);
+                $.yoxview.currentImage = images[itemIndex];
+                currentItemIndex = itemIndex;
+                setImage(currentItemIndex);
+                // Set the cache buffer, if required:
+                calculateCacheBuffer();
+                // Handle event onSelect:
+                if (options.onSelect)
+                    options.onSelect(itemIndex, images[itemIndex]);
+            }
+        }
+        this.prev = function(continuePlaying)
+        {
+            cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward = false;
+   - 1, prevBtn);
+            if (isPlaying && continuePlaying !== true)
+                stopPlay();
+        }
+ = function(continuePlaying)
+        {
+            cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward = true;
+   + 1, nextBtn);
+            if (isPlaying && continuePlaying !== true)
+                stopPlay();
+        }
+        this.first = function()
+        {
+            if (!options.disableNotifications)
+                longFlicker("first");
+  ;
+            if (isPlaying)
+                stopPlay();
+        };
+        this.last = function()
+        {
+            if (!options.disableNotifications)
+                longFlicker("last");
+   - 1);
+            if (isPlaying)
+                stopPlay();
+        };
+        this.setDefaults = function(options){
+            $.extend(true, defaults, options);
+        };
+ = function()
+        {
+            if (!this.isOpen || imagesCount == 1)
+                return;
+            cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward = true;
+            if (!isPlaying)
+            {
+                if (!options.disableNotifications)
+                    longFlicker("play");
+                startPlay();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (!options.disableNotifications)
+                    longFlicker("pause");
+                stopPlay();
+            }
+        };
+        function flicker(button)
+        {
+            if (button.css("opacity") == 0)
+                button.stop().animate({ opacity : 0 }, options.buttonsFadeTime, fadeOut(button));
+        }
+        function longFlicker(notificationName)
+        {
+            notification.css("background-position", sprites.getBackgroundPosition("notifications", notificationName));
+            notification.stop().fadeIn(options.buttonsFadeTime, function(){ 
+                $(this).delay(500)
+                .fadeOut(options.buttonsFadeTime);
+            });
+        }
+        function fadeIn(button)
+        {
+            $(button).stop().animate({ opacity : 0 }, options.buttonsFadeTime);
+        }
+        function fadeOut(button)
+        {
+            $(button).stop().animate({ opacity : 0.5 }, options.buttonsFadeTime);
+        }
+        this.close = function()
+        {
+            if (!this.isOpen)
+                return;
+            this.closeHelp();
+            setThumbnail(false);
+            resizePopup(thumbnailProperties, function(){ $.yoxview.isOpen = false; });
+            hideMenuPanel();
+            if (infoPanel)
+                hideInfoPanel(function(){
+                    infoText.html("");
+                });
+            newPanel.animate({
+                width: thumbnailProperties.width,
+                height: thumbnailProperties.height
+            }, options.popupResizeTime, function(){
+                newPanel.css("opacity", 1);
+            });
+		    popupWrap.stop().fadeOut(1000);
+		    if (isPlaying)
+			    stopPlay();
+		    swipePanels();
+            if (options.onClose)
+                options.onClose();
+            $(document).unbind("keydown.yoxview");
+            isResizing = false;
+        }
+ = function()
+        {
+            if (!this.isOpen)
+            return;
+            if (helpPanel.css("display") == "none")
+                helpPanel.css("display", "block").stop().animate({ opacity : 0.8 }, options.buttonsFadeTime);
+            else
+                this.closeHelp();
+        }
+        this.closeHelp = function()
+        {
+            if (helpPanel.css("display") != "none")
+            helpPanel.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, options.buttonsFadeTime, function(){
+                    helpPanel.css("display", "none");
+                });
+        }
+        this.clickBtn = function(fn, stopPlaying)
+        {
+            if (stopPlaying && isPlaying)
+                stopPlay();
+  ;
+            return false;
+        }
+        function catchPress(e)
+        {
+            if ($.yoxview && $.yoxview.isOpen)
+            {
+                var pK = keyCodes[e.keyCode];
+                var calledFunction = $.yoxview[keyMappings[pK]];
+                if (calledFunction)
+                {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    calledFunction.apply($.yoxview);
+                    return false;
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        function createMenuButton(_title, btnFunction, stopPlay)
+        {
+            var btn = $("<a>", {
+                href : "#",
+                click : function(){
+                    return $.yoxview.clickBtn($.yoxview[btnFunction], stopPlay);
+                }         
+            });
+            var btnSpan = $("<span>" + _title + "</span>");
+            btnSpan.css("opacity", "0")
+            .appendTo(btn);
+            btn.append(sprites.getSprite("icons", btnFunction));
+            return btn;
+        }
+        // Prev and next buttons:
+        function createNavButton(_function, _side, singleImage)
+        {      
+            var navBtnImg = new Image();
+            navBtnImg.src = options.imagesFolder + _side + ".png";
+            var navBtn = $("<a>", {
+                css : {
+                    "background" : "url(" + navBtnImg.src + ") no-repeat " + _side + " center",
+                    "opacity" : "0",
+                    "outline" : "0"
+                },
+                className : "yoxview_ctlBtn",
+                href : "#"
+            });
+            navBtn.css(_side, "0");
+            if (!singleImage)
+            {
+      {
+                    this.blur();
+                    return $.yoxview.clickBtn(_function, true);
+                });
+                if (options.buttonsFadeTime != 0)
+                {
+                    navBtn.hover(
+                        function(){
+                            if ($.yoxview.isOpen)
+                                $(this).stop().animate({ opacity : 0.6 }, options.buttonsFadeTime);
+                        },
+                        function(){
+                            $(this).stop().animate({ opacity : 0 }, options.buttonsFadeTime);
+                        }
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                navBtn.css("cursor", "default");
+            return navBtn;
+        }
+        popupWindow.bind("resize.yoxview", function(){
+            windowDimensions = getWindowDimensions();
+            if ($.yoxview.isOpen)
+                $.yoxview.resize();
+        });
+        function calculateMargins()
+        {
+            var margins = typeof(options.popupMargin) == "number" ? [String(options.popupMargin)] : options.popupMargin.split(" ", 4);
+   = parseInt(margins[0]);
+            switch(margins.length){
+            case 1:
+                popupMargins.bottom = popupMargins.right = popupMargins.left =;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                popupMargins.bottom =;
+                popupMargins.right = popupMargins.left = parseInt(margins[1]);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                popupMargins.bottom = parseInt(margins[2]);
+                popupMargins.right = popupMargins.left = parseInt(margins[1]);
+                break;
+            default:
+                $.extend(popupMargins, {
+                    right: parseInt(margins[1]),
+                    bottom: parseInt(margins[2]),
+                    left: parseInt(margins[3])
+                });
+                break;
+            }
+            popupMargins.totalHeight = + popupMargins.bottom;
+            popupMargins.totalWidth = popupMargins.left + popupMargins.right;
+            if (options.renderInfoExternally)
+                $.extend(defaultPopupMargins, popupMargins);
+        }
+        function createPopup()
+        {
+            calculateMargins();
+            windowDimensions = getWindowDimensions();
+            sprites = new Yox.Sprites({
+                notifications: {
+                    width: 59,
+                    height: 59,
+                    sprites: [ 'empty', 'playRTL', 'play', 'pause', 'last', 'first' ]
+                },
+                icons: {
+                    width: 18,
+                    height: 18,
+                    sprites: ['close', 'help', 'playpause', 'link', 'pin', 'unpin', 'play', 'pause', 'right', 'left']
+                },
+                menu: {
+                    height: 42,
+                    sprites: ['back']
+                }
+            }, options.imagesFolder + "sprites.png", options.imagesFolder + "empty.gif");
+            keyMappings ={
+                RIGHT: options.isRTL ? 'prev' : 'next',
+                DOWN: 'next',
+                UP: 'prev',
+                LEFT: options.isRTL ? 'next' : 'prev',
+                ENTER: 'play',
+                HOME: 'first',
+                END: 'last',
+                SPACE: 'next',
+                h: 'help',
+                ESCAPE: 'close'
+            };
+            currentLanguage = yoxviewLanguages[options.lang];
+            var skin = ? $.yoxview.yoxviewSkins[] : null;
+            popup = $("<div>", {
+                id: 'yoxview',
+                click: function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }
+            });
+            popupWrap = $("<div>", {
+                id: "yoxview_popupWrap",
+                click: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.yoxview.clickBtn($.yoxview.close, true); }
+            });
+            if (
+                popupWrap.attr("className", "yoxview_" +;
+            if (options.backgroundOpacity === 0)
+                popupWrap.css("background", "none")
+            else if (Yox.Support.rgba())
+                popupWrap.css("background-color", Yox.hex2rgba(options.backgroundColor, options.backgroundOpacity));
+            popupWrap.appendTo($(top.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0])).append(popup);
+		    panel1 = $("<div>", {
+			    className: "yoxview_imgPanel",
+			    css: {
+				    "z-index": "2"
+			    }
+		    });
+		    panel2 = $("<div>", {
+			    className: "yoxview_imgPanel",
+			    css: {
+				    "z-index": "1",
+				    "display": "none"
+			    }
+		    });
+            // the first image:
+            image1 = $("<img />", {
+                className : "yoxview_fadeImg",
+                css : {
+				    "display" : "block",
+				    "width" : "100%",
+				    "height" : "100%"
+			    }
+            });
+            // the second image:
+            image2 = $("<img />", {
+                className : "yoxview_fadeImg",
+                css : {
+				    "display" : "block",
+				    "width" : "100%",
+				    "height" : "100%"
+			    }
+            });
+  "yoxviewPanel", {image: image1})
+		    .append(image1).appendTo(popup);
+"yoxviewPanel", {image: image2})
+		    panel2.append(image2).appendTo(popup);
+            var singleImage = imagesCount == 1;
+            if (singleImage && !images[0].media.title)
+                options.renderInfo = false;
+            // the menu:
+            if (options.renderMenu !== false)
+            {
+                var menuPanelWrap = $("<div>", {
+                    className : "yoxview_popupBarPanel yoxview_top"
+                });
+                if (options.autoHideMenu !== false)
+                {
+                    menuPanelWrap.hover(
+                        function(){
+                            if ($.yoxview.isOpen)
+                                showMenuPanel();
+                        },
+                        function(){
+                            if ($.yoxview.isOpen)
+                                hideMenuPanel();
+                        }
+                    );
+                }
+                menuPanel = $("<div>", {
+                    id : "yoxview_menuPanel"
+                });
+                if (Yox.Support.rgba() && options.menuBackgroundColor)
+                    menuPanel.css("background", Yox.hex2rgba(options.menuBackgroundColor, options.menuBackgroundOpacity || 0.8));
+                var helpBtn = createMenuButton(currentLanguage.Help, "help", false);
+                $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn = createMenuButton(currentLanguage.Slideshow, "play", false);
+                playBtnText = $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.children("span");
+                menuPanel.append(
+                    createMenuButton(currentLanguage.Close, "close", true),
+                    helpBtn,
+                    $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn
+                );
+                if (singleImage)
+                {
+                    $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.css("display", "none");
+                    helpBtn.css("display", "none");
+                    menuPanel.css({
+                        width: 58
+                    });
+                }
+                menuPanel.find("a:last-child").attr("class", "last");
+                menuPanelWrap.append(menuPanel).appendTo(popup);
+                menuPanel.delegate("a", "mouseenter", function(){
+                    $(this).stop().animate({ top : "8px" }, "fast").find("span").stop().animate({opacity:1}, "fast");
+                })
+                .delegate("a", "mouseleave", function(){
+                    $(this).stop().animate({ top : "0" }, "fast").find("span").stop().animate({opacity:0}, "fast");
+                });
+            }
+            if (options.renderButtons !== false && (!singleImage || !$.support.opacity))
+            {
+                // prev and next buttons:            
+                prevBtn = createNavButton($.yoxview.prev, options.isRTL ? "right" : "left", singleImage);            
+                nextBtn = createNavButton($, options.isRTL ? "left" : "right", singleImage);
+                popup.append(prevBtn, nextBtn);
+                if (singleImage && !$.support.opacity)
+                {
+                    ctlButtons = $();
+                }
+                else
+                    ctlButtons = popup.find(".yoxview_ctlBtn");
+            }
+            else
+                ctlButtons = $();        
+            // add the ajax loader:
+            ajaxLoader = $("<div>", {
+                id: "yoxview_ajaxLoader",
+                className: "yoxview_notification",
+                css: { 
+                    "display": "none"
+                }
+            });
+            ajaxLoader.append($("<img>", {
+                src: options.imagesFolder + "popup_ajax_loader.gif",
+                alt: currentLanguage.Loading,
+                css: {
+                    width: 32,
+                    height: 32,
+                    "background-image": "url(" + options.imagesFolder + "sprites.png)",
+                    "background-position": sprites.getBackgroundPosition("notifications", "empty")
+                }
+            }))
+            .appendTo(popup);
+            // notification image
+            if (!options.disableNotifications)
+            {
+                notification = $("<img>", {
+                    className: "yoxview_notification"
+                });
+                popup.append(notification);
+            }
+            // help:
+            helpPanel = $("<div>", {
+                id : "yoxview_helpPanel", 
+                href : "#", 
+                title : currentLanguage.CloseHelp,
+                css : {
+                    "background" : "url(" + options.imagesFolder + "help_panel.png) no-repeat center top",
+                    "direction" : currentLanguage.Direction,
+                    "opacity" : "0"
+                },
+                click : function(){
+                    return $.yoxview.clickBtn($, false);
+                }
+            });
+            var helpTitle = document.createElement("h1");
+            helpTitle.innerHTML = currentLanguage.Help.toUpperCase();
+            var helpText = document.createElement("p");
+            helpText.innerHTML = currentLanguage.HelpText;
+            var closeHelp = document.createElement("span");
+   = "yoxview_closeHelp";
+            closeHelp.innerHTML = currentLanguage.CloseHelp;
+            helpPanel.append(helpTitle).append(helpText).append(closeHelp).appendTo(popup);
+            // popup info:
+            if (options.renderInfo !== false)
+            {
+                infoPanel = $("<div>", {
+                    id: "yoxview_infoPanel",
+                    click: function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }
+                });
+                if (options.infoBackOpacity === 0)
+                {
+                    infoPanel.css("background", "none");
+                    infoPanelContent = infoPanel;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (Yox.Support.rgba())
+                    {
+                        infoPanelContent = infoPanel;
+                        infoPanel.css("background-color", Yox.hex2rgba(options.infoBackColor, options.infoBackOpacity));
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        infoPanel.append(
+                            $("<div>", {
+                                id : "yoxview_infoPanelBack",
+                                css : {
+                                    "background" : options.infoBackColor,
+                                    "opacity" : options.infoBackOpacity
+                                }
+                            })
+                        );
+                        infoPanelContent = $("<div>", {
+                            id: "yoxview_infoPanelContent"
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+                countDisplay = $("<span>", {
+                    id: "yoxview_count"
+                });
+                infoText = $("<div>", {
+                    id: "yoxview_infoText"
+                });
+                if (singleImage)
+                {
+                    infoText.css("margin-left", "10px");
+                    countDisplay.css("display", "none");
+                }
+                infoPanelContent.append(countDisplay);
+                if (options.renderInfoPin !== false)
+                {
+                    infoPinLinkImg = sprites.getSprite("icons", options.autoHideInfo ? "pin" : "unpin");
+                    infoPinLink = $("<a>", {
+                        className: "yoxviewInfoLink",
+                        href: "#",
+                        title: options.autoHideInfo ? currentLanguage.PinInfo : currentLanguage.UnpinInfo,
+                        css: { display: 'inline' },
+                        click: function(e){
+                            e.preventDefault();
+                            options.autoHideInfo = !options.autoHideInfo;
+                            infoPinLinkImg.css("background-position", sprites.getBackgroundPosition("icons", options.autoHideInfo ? "pin" : "unpin"));
+                            this.title = options.autoHideInfo ? currentLanguage.PinInfo : currentLanguage.UnpinInfo;
+                        }
+                    });
+                    infoPinLink.append(infoPinLinkImg).appendTo(infoPanelContent);
+                }   
+                if (skin && skin.infoButtons)
+                {
+                    var skinButtons = skin.infoButtons(options, currentLanguage, sprites, popupWrap, popup);
+                    if (options.infoButtons)
+			            $.extend(options.infoButtons, skinButtons);
+			        else
+			            options.infoButtons = skinButtons;
+			    }
+			    if (options.infoButtons)
+			    {  
+				    $.extend($.yoxview.infoButtons, options.infoButtons);
+				    for (infoButton in options.infoButtons)
+				    {
+					    options.infoButtons[infoButton].attr("className", "yoxviewInfoLink").css("display", "block").appendTo(infoPanelContent);
+				    }
+			    }
+                if (options.linkToOriginalContext !== false)
+                {
+                    infoPanelLink = $("<a>", {
+                        className: "yoxviewInfoLink",
+                        target: "_blank",
+                        title: currentLanguage.OriginalContext
+                    });
+                    infoPanelLink.append(sprites.getSprite("icons", "link")).appendTo(infoPanelContent);
+                }
+                infoPanelContent.append(infoText);
+                if (!Yox.Support.rgba())
+                    infoPanel.append(infoPanelContent);
+                infoPanel.appendTo(options.renderInfoExternally ? popupWrap : popup);
+                if (!options.renderInfoExternally)
+                {
+                    infoPanelWrap = $("<div>", {
+                        className : "yoxview_popupBarPanel yoxview_bottom"
+                    });
+                    infoPanelWrap.hover(
+                        function(){
+                            if ($.yoxview.isOpen && !disableInfo && options.autoHideInfo !== false)
+                                setInfoPanelHeight();
+                        },
+                        function(){
+                            if ($.yoxview.isOpen && !disableInfo && options.autoHideInfo !== false)
+                                hideInfoPanel();
+                        }
+                    );
+                    infoPanel.wrap(infoPanelWrap);
+                    infoPanelWrap = infoPanel.parent();
+                }
+            }        
+            // set the background if no RGBA support found:
+            if (!Yox.Support.rgba())
+            {
+                popupBackground = $("<div>", {
+                    css : {
+                        "position" : "fixed",
+                        "height" : "100%",
+                        "width" : "100%",
+                        "top" : "0",
+                        "left" : "0",
+                        "background" : options.backgroundColor,
+                        "z-index" : "1",
+                        "opacity" : options.backgroundOpacity
+                    }
+                }).appendTo(popupWrap);
+            }
+        }
+	    // Cache stuff:
+        $(cacheImg).load(function()
+        {
+            $.extend(images[cacheVars.currentCacheImg].media, {
+                width: this.width,
+                height: this.height,
+                loaded: true
+            });
+            advanceCache();
+        })
+        .error(function(){
+            advanceCache();
+	    });
+	    function advanceCache()
+	    {
+	        cacheVars.cachedImagesCount++;
+            if (cacheVars.cachedImagesCount == imagesCount)
+                cacheVars.cacheComplete = true;
+            else
+                getCacheBuffer();
+	    }
+        this.startCache = function()
+        {
+            loadViewImages(this.firstViewWithImages);
+            calculateCacheBuffer();
+            cacheImages(0);
+        }
+        function getCacheBuffer()
+        {
+            if (!options.cacheBuffer || cacheVars.currentCacheImg != cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex)
+                cacheImages(cacheVars.currentCacheImg + (cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward ? 1 : -1));
+        }
+        function calculateCacheBuffer()
+        {
+            if (options.cacheBuffer)
+            {
+                cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex = cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward ? currentItemIndex + options.cacheBuffer : currentItemIndex - options.cacheBuffer;
+                if (cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex < 0)
+                    cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex += imagesCount;
+                else if (cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex >= imagesCount)
+                    cacheVars.cacheBufferLastIndex -= imagesCount;
+            }
+        }
+        function cacheImages(imageIndexToCache)
+        {
+            if (cacheVars.cacheComplete)
+                return;
+            if (imageIndexToCache == imagesCount)
+                imageIndexToCache = 0;
+            else if (imageIndexToCache < 0)
+                imageIndexToCache += imagesCount;
+            var image = images[imageIndexToCache].media;
+            cacheVars.currentCacheImg = imageIndexToCache;
+            if (image && !image.loaded)
+            {
+                if (!image.contentType || image.contentType === "image")
+                    cacheImg.src = image.src;
+                else
+                    loadMedia(image, function(){
+                        advanceCache();
+                    });
+            }
+            else
+                getCacheBuffer();
+        }
+	    // End cache stuff
+        function showLoaderIcon()
+        {
+            loading = true;
+            clearTimeout(loaderTimeout);
+            ajaxLoader.stop();
+            loaderTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
+                    ajaxLoader.css("opacity", "0.6").fadeIn(options.buttonsFadeTime);
+                },
+                options.buttonsFadeTime
+            );
+        }
+        function hideLoaderIcon()
+        {
+            loading = false;
+            clearTimeout(loaderTimeout);
+            ajaxLoader.stop().fadeOut(options.buttonsFadeTime);
+        }
+        function setImage(itemIndex)
+        {
+            if (!isPlaying)
+                showLoaderIcon();
+            loadAndDisplayMedia($;
+        }
+        function resizePopup(popupPosition, callback)
+        {
+            popup.stop().animate(popupPosition, options.popupResizeTime, callback);
+            //popup.stop().animate(popupPosition, 5000, callback);
+        }
+        function startPlay()
+        {
+            if (imagesCount == 1)
+                return;
+            isPlaying = true;
+            if(playBtnText)
+                playBtnText.text(currentLanguage.Pause);
+            else if ($.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn)
+                $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.attr("title", currentLanguage.Pause);
+            if ($.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn)
+                $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.find("img").css("background-position", sprites.getBackgroundPosition("icons", "pause"));
+            if (currentItemIndex < imagesCount - 1)
+            {
+                popupTimeout = setTimeout(
+                    function(){
+                        $;
+                    },
+                    options.playDelay
+                );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (options.loopPlay)
+                    popupTimeout = setTimeout(
+                        function(){
+                            $, null);
+                        },
+                        options.playDelay
+                    );
+                else
+                    stopPlay();
+                if (options.onEnd)
+                    setTimeout(options.onEnd, options.playDelay);
+            }
+        }
+        function stopPlay()
+        {
+            clearTimeout(popupTimeout);
+            isPlaying = false;
+            if (playBtnText)
+                playBtnText.text(currentLanguage.Play);
+            else if ($.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn)
+                $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.attr("title", currentLanguage.Play);
+            if ($.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn)
+                $.yoxview.infoButtons.playBtn.find("img").css("background-position", sprites.getBackgroundPosition("icons", "play"));
+        }
+        function blink(_element)
+        {
+            _element.animate({ opacity : 0.8 }, 1000, function()
+            {
+                $(this).animate({opacity: 0.2}, 1000, blink($(this)));
+            });
+        }
+        var newPanel = panel2;
+        var oldPanel = panel1;
+        function getWindowDimensions()
+        {
+            var widthVal = popupWindow.width();
+            var heightVal = popupWindow.height();
+            var returnValue = {
+                height : heightVal,
+                width : widthVal,
+			    usableArea: {
+				    height : heightVal - popupMargins.totalHeight,
+				    width : widthVal - popupMargins.totalWidth
+			    }
+            };
+            return returnValue;
+        }
+        function getImagePosition(imageSize)
+        {
+            var imagePosition = (imageSize.width && imageSize.height)
+                ? Yox.fitImageSize(imageSize, windowDimensions.usableArea)
+                : { 
+                    width: imageSize.width ? Math.min(imageSize.width, windowDimensions.usableArea.width) : windowDimensions.usableArea.width,
+                    height: imageSize.height ? Math.min(imageSize.height, windowDimensions.usableArea.height) : windowDimensions.usableArea.height
+                };
+   = + Math.round((windowDimensions.usableArea.height - imagePosition.height) / 2);
+            imagePosition.left = popupMargins.left + Math.round((windowDimensions.usableArea.width - imagePosition.width) / 2);
+            return imagePosition;
+        }
+        this.resize = function(updateInfoPanel)
+        {
+            if (isPlaying)
+            {
+                resumePlay = true;
+                stopPlay();
+            }
+            var newImagePosition = getImagePosition(currentMaxSize);
+            newPanel.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%"});
+            isResizing = true;
+            if (!isImageMode)
+                ctlButtons.css({top: Math.round((newImagePosition.height - mediaButtonsSize.height) / 2)});
+            resizePopup(newImagePosition,
+                function(){
+                    var newImageSize = { width: popup.width(), height: popup.height() };
+                    if (currentMaxSize.padding)
+                    {
+                        newImageSize.width -= currentMaxSize.padding.horizontal;
+                        newImageSize.height -= currentMaxSize.padding.vertical;
+                    }
+                    newPanel.css(newImageSize);
+                    isResizing = false;
+                    if (infoPanel && updateInfoPanel !== false)
+                        setInfoPanelHeight();
+                    if (resumePlay)
+                    {
+                        startPlay();
+                        resumePlay = false;
+                    }
+                }
+            );
+        }
+        function setInfoPanelHeight(callback)
+        {
+            clearTimeout(hideInfoTimeout);
+            var titleHeight = infoText.outerHeight();
+            if (titleHeight < infoPanelMinHeight)
+                titleHeight = infoPanelMinHeight;
+            if (infoPanel.height() !== titleHeight){
+                infoPanel.stop().animate({height : titleHeight}, 500, function(){ 
+                    if (options.renderInfoExternally){
+                        var infoPanelPosition = infoPanel.position();
+                        $.extend(popupMargins, defaultPopupMargins);
+                        if ( === 0)
+                   += titleHeight;
+                        else
+                            popupMargins.bottom += titleHeight;
+                        popupMargins.totalHeight = + popupMargins.bottom;
+                        windowDimensions = getWindowDimensions();
+                        $.yoxview.resize(false);                   
+                    }
+                    if (callback)
+                        callback();
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        function hideInfoPanel(callback)
+        {
+            clearTimeout(hideInfoTimeout);
+            infoPanel.stop().animate({ height: 0 }, 500, function(){
+                if (callback)
+                    callback();
+            });
+        }
+        function hideMenuPanel(callback)
+        {
+            if (menuPanel)
+            {
+                clearTimeout(hideMenuTimeout);
+                menuPanel.stop().animate({ top: menuHidePosition }, 500, function(){
+                    if (callback)
+                        callback();
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        function showMenuPanel(callback)
+        {
+            if (menuPanel)
+            {
+                clearTimeout(hideMenuTimeout);
+                menuPanel.stop().animate({ top: 0 }, 500, function(){
+                    if (callback)
+                        callback();
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        function swipePanels()
+        {
+            oldPanel = newPanel;
+	        newPanel = isFirstPanel ? panel2 : panel1;
+	        isFirstPanel = !isFirstPanel;
+        }
+	    function changeMedia(media)
+	    {
+	        var mediaIsImage = media.contentType === "image" || !media.contentType;
+	        if (mediaIsImage && disableInfo && infoPanelWrap)
+	            infoPanelWrap.css("display", "block");
+	        clearTimeout(hideInfoTimeout);
+	        swipePanels();
+	        var panelData ="yoxviewPanel");
+	        currentMaxSize.width = media.width;
+	        currentMaxSize.height = media.height;
+	        currentMaxSize.padding = media.padding;
+	        if (infoPanel)
+            {
+                var infoTextValue = media.title || "";
+                if (options.showDescription && media.description)
+                    infoTextValue += infoTextValue != ""
+                        ? "<div id='yoxview_infoTextDescription'>" + media.description + "</div>"
+                        : media.description;
+                infoText.html(infoTextValue);
+                if (imagesCount > 1)
+                    countDisplay.html(currentItemIndex + 1 + "/" + imagesCount);
+                if (infoPanelLink)
+                {
+                    if ($
+                        infoPanelLink.attr("href", $"display", "inline");
+                    else
+                        infoPanelLink.css("display", "none");
+                }
+            }
+            var newImagePosition = getImagePosition(media);
+	        if (mediaIsImage)
+	        {
+	            currentImageElement = isFirstPanel ? image1 : image2;
+		        currentImageElement.attr({
+			        src : media.src,
+			        title : media.title,
+			        alt: media.alt
+		        });
+			    panelData.image = currentImageElement;
+		        // change to image mode:
+		        if (!panelData.isImage && panelData.element)
+		        {
+		            panelData.element.css("display", "none");
+                    panelData.image.css("display", "block");
+		            panelData.isImage = true;
+		        }
+		        if (!isImageMode)
+		        {
+		            if (options.renderButtons)
+		                ctlButtons.css({"height": "100%", "width": "50%", "top": "0"});
+		            disableInfo = false;
+		            isImageMode = true;
+		        }
+		    }
+		    else
+            {
+                if (panelData.element && panelData.elementId != media.elementId)
+                {
+                    panelData.element.remove();
+                    panelData.element = undefined;
+                }
+                if (!panelData.element)
+                {
+                    if (media.html)
+                    {
+                        panelData.element = $("<div>", {
+	                        className: mediaPanelClass
+	                    });
+	                    popup.append(panelData.element);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        popup.append(media.element);
+                        panelData.element = media.element;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (media.html)
+                    panelData.element.html(media.html);
+                newPanel = panelData.element;
+                if (isImageMode)
+                {
+                    if (infoPanelWrap)
+		            {
+		                if (options.autoHideInfo !== false)
+		                    hideInfoPanel();
+		                infoPanelWrap.css("display", "none");
+		                disableInfo = true;
+		            }
+		            if (options.renderButtons)
+		                ctlButtons.css({
+			                "width": mediaButtonsSize.width,
+			                "height": mediaButtonsSize.height
+			            });
+                    isImageMode = false;
+                }
+                if (options.renderButtons)
+                    ctlButtons.css({top: (newImagePosition.height - mediaButtonsSize.height) / 2 });
+                // change to element mode:
+                if (panelData.isImage === undefined || panelData.isImage)
+                {
+                    panelData.element.css("display", "block");
+                    panelData.image.css("display", "none");
+                    panelData.isImage = false;
+                }
+            }
+            var newImageDimensions = { width: newImagePosition.width, height: newImagePosition.height };
+            newPanel.css(firstImage ? { width: "100%", height: "100%" } : newImageDimensions);
+            if (loading)
+                hideLoaderIcon();
+            isResizing = true;
+            resizePopup(newImagePosition,
+                function()
+                {
+                    if (firstImage)
+                    {
+                        $.yoxview.isOpen = true;
+                        newPanel.css(newImageDimensions);
+                        if (options.controlsInitialDisplayTime > 0)
+                        {
+                            if (options.showButtonsOnOpen)
+                                ctlButtons.animate({opacity: 0.5}, options.controlsInitialFadeTime, function(){ 
+                                    if(options.buttonsFadeTime != 0)
+                                        $(this).delay(options.controlsInitialDisplayTime).animate({opacity : 0}, options.controlsInitialFadeTime);
+                                });
+                            if (options.showBarsOnOpen)
+                            {
+                                showMenuPanel(function(){
+                                    if (options.autoHideMenu !== false)
+                                        hideMenuTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ 
+                                                hideMenuPanel();
+                                            }, 
+                                            options.controlsInitialDisplayTime
+                                        );
+                                });
+                                if (infoPanel)
+                                    setInfoPanelHeight(function(){
+                                        if (options.autoHideInfo !== false)
+                                            hideInfoTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ hideInfoPanel(); }, options.controlsInitialDisplayTime);
+                                    });
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (options.autoPlay)
+                            $;
+                        if (options.onOpen)
+                            options.onOpen();
+                        if (onOpenCallback)
+                        {
+                            onOpenCallback();
+                            onOpenCallback = undefined;
+                        }
+                        firstImage = false;
+                    }
+                    if (currentMaxSize.padding)
+                    {
+                        var newImageWidth = popup.width();
+                        var newImageHeight = popup.height();
+                        if (currentMaxSize.padding)
+                        {
+                            newImageWidth -= currentMaxSize.padding.horizontal;
+                            newImageHeight -= currentMaxSize.padding.vertical;
+                        }
+                        newPanel.css({ "width" : newImageWidth + "px", "height" : newImageHeight + "px" });                    
+                    }
+                    isResizing = false;
+                }
+            );
+            newPanel.css({'z-index': '2', opacity: 1});
+            if (oldPanel)
+                oldPanel.css('z-index', '1');
+            if (!firstImage){
+                newPanel.fadeIn(options.popupResizeTime, function(){
+                    if (oldPanel)
+                        oldPanel.css('display', 'none');
+                    if (infoPanel)
+                        setInfoPanelHeight(function(){
+                            if (options.autoHideInfo !== false)
+                                hideInfoTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ hideInfoPanel(); }, options.titleDisplayDuration);
+                        });
+                    if (imagesCount > 1)
+                    {
+                        if (options.cacheImagesInBackground && !cacheVars.cacheComplete)
+                                cacheImages(currentItemIndex + (cacheVars.cacheDirectionForward ? 1 : -1));
+                        if (isPlaying)
+                            startPlay();
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+            else{
+                newPanel.css({ display: "block", width: "100%", height: "100%" });
+            }
+	    }
+        $(tempImg).load(function()
+        {
+		    if (this.width == 0)
+		    {
+		        displayError("Image error");
+                return;
+            }
+            changeMedia($.extend({}, $, {
+                width: this.width,
+                height: this.height
+            }));
+        })
+        .error(function(){
+            displayError("Image not found:<br /><span class='errorUrl'>" + this.src + "</span>");
+        });
+        function loadMediaFromProvider(provider, url, availableSize, onLoad, onError)
+        {
+            jQuery.jsonp({
+                url: (mediaProviderUrls[provider] || ""),
+                data: jQuery.extend({
+                    "url" : url,
+                    "format": "json"
+                }, availableSize),
+                dataType: 'jsonp',
+                callbackParameter: "callback",
+                success: function(data)
+                {
+                    var media = {
+                        title: data.title,
+                        width: data.width,
+                        height: data.height,
+                        type: data.type
+                    };
+                    if (data.type === "video")
+                    {
+                        media.html = data.html
+                            .replace(/<embed /, "<embed wmode=\"transparent\" ")
+                            .replace(/<param/, "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"><param")
+                            .replace(/width=\"[\d]+\"/ig, "width=\"100%\"")
+                            .replace(/height=\"[\d]+\"/ig, "height=\"100%\"");
+                    }
+                    else if (data.type === "photo")
+                    {
+                        jQuery.extend(media, {
+                            src: data.url,
+                            alt: data.title,
+                            type: "image"
+                        });
+                    }
+                    onLoad(media);
+                },
+                error: function(errorSender, errorMsg){
+                    if (onError)
+                        onError(errorSender, errorMsg);
+                }
+            });
+        };
+        function loadAndDisplayMedia(media)
+        {
+            try
+            {
+                if (!media)
+                    throw("Error: Media is unavailable.");
+                if (media.contentType === "image" || !media.contentType)
+                {
+                    // Resets the src attribute for the image - avoids a rendering problem in Chrome.
+                    // $.opacity is tested so this isn't applied in IE (up to IE8), 
+                    // since it creates a problem with the image's fading:
+                    if ($.support.opacity)
+                        tempImg.src = "";
+                    tempImg.src = media.src;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (!media.loaded && media.contentType == "ooembed")
+                    {
+                        loadMedia(
+                            media, 
+                            function(loadedMedia){
+                                changeMedia(loadedMedia);
+                            },
+                            function(errorSender)
+                            {
+                                displayError("Error getting data from:<br /><span class='errorUrl'>" + + "</span>");
+                            }
+                        );
+		            }
+		            else
+		                changeMedia($;
+		        }
+		    }
+		    catch(error)
+		    {
+		        displayError(error);
+		    }
+        }
+        function loadMedia(media, onLoad, onError)
+        {
+            if (media.contentType == "ooembed")
+            {
+	            loadMediaFromProvider(
+	                media.provider,
+	                media.url,
+	      ,
+	                function(mediaData){
+	                    $.extend(media, mediaData, {loaded: true});
+	                    if (onLoad)
+	                        onLoad(media);
+	                },
+	                onError
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        function displayError(errorMsg)
+        {
+            changeMedia({
+                html: "<span class='yoxview_error'>" + errorMsg + "</span>",
+                width: 500,
+                height: 300,
+                type: "error",
+                title: ""
+            });
+        }
+        this.update = function(){
+            var options;
+            if (this instanceof jQuery)
+            {
+                options = optionsSets["yoxview").optionsSet || 0];
+                this.yoxview("unload", function(caller){ caller.yoxview(options) });
+                return this;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                options = optionsSets[0];
+                this.unload();
+                $.each(loadedViews, function(i, view){
+                    view.yoxview(options);
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        this.unload = function(callback){
+            var caller = this;
+            if (!options)
+                return(this);
+            function doUnload(){
+                var allowedThumbnailsSelector = getAllowedThumbnailsSelector(options);           
+                function removeFromView(view){   
+                    view.undelegate(allowedThumbnailsSelector, "click.yoxview")
+                    .removeData("yoxview")
+                    .yoxthumbs("unload", "yoxview")
+                    .find(allowedThumbnailsSelector).removeData("yoxview");
+                }
+                function removeFromDocument(){
+                    popupWindow.unbind(".yoxview");
+                    if (popup){
+                        popupWrap.remove();
+                        popup = undefined;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (caller instanceof jQuery)
+                {
+                    if ("yoxview"))
+                        removeFromView(caller);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    jQuery.each(loadedViews, function(i, view){
+                        removeFromView(view);
+                    });
+                    removeFromDocument();                
+                }
+                if (callback)
+                    callback(caller);
+                else
+                    return caller;
+            }
+            if (options.onBeforeUnload)
+                options.onBeforeUnload(doUnload)
+            else
+                doUnload();
+        };
+    }

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 20 - 0

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "rtl",
+    "Close" : "إغلاق",
+    "Help" : "مساعدة",
+    "FirstImage" : "الى الصورة الاولى",
+    "LastImage" : "الى الصورة الأخيرة",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "تشغيل/إيقاف العرض",
+    "Pause" : "إيقاف",
+    "Play" : "تشغيل",
+    "Prev" : "السابق",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "التالي",
+    "PrevImage" : "الصورة السابقة",
+    "NextImage" : "الصورة التالية",
+    "Loading" : "تحميل",
+    "CloseHelp" : "إغلاق المساعدة",  
+    "HelpText" : "يمكن التنقل خلال العرض عن طريقة لوحة المفاتيح:<br/><br/>أزرار اليمين و اليسار: سابق/تالي<br/>زر المسافة: التالي<br/>ENTER: تشغيل/إيقاف العرض<br/>ESCAPE: إغلاق العرض<br/>HOME/END: البداية/النهاية صورة<br/>H - لوحة المساعدة الحالية",
+    "Slideshow" : "تشغيل",
+    "OriginalContext": "عرض ضمن السياق الأصلي"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Затвори",
+    "Help" : "Помощ",
+    "FirstImage" : "Към първата картинка",
+    "LastImage" : "Към последната картинка",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Пусни/Спри поредица от картинки",
+    "Pause" : "Спри",
+    "Play" : "Пусни",
+    "Prev" : "Предишна",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Следваща",
+    "PrevImage" : "Предишна картинка",
+    "NextImage" : "Следваща картинка",
+    "Loading" : "Зареждам",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Затвори панела за помощ",  
+    "HelpText" : "в галерията може да изпозлвате:<br/><br/>LEFT/RIGHT СТРЕЛКА: Предишна/Следваща<br/>SPACE: Следваща<br/>ENTER: Пусни/Спри поредица от картинки<br/>ESCAPE: Затвори галерията<br/>HOME/END: Първа/Последна картинка<br/>H - Този помощен панел",
+    "Slideshow" : "Пусни",
+    "OriginalContext": "Вижте в оригинален контекст"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Tancar",
+    "Help" : "Ajuda",
+    "FirstImage" : "Anar al principi",
+    "LastImage" : "Anar al final",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Començar/Pausar",
+    "Pause" : "Pausar",
+    "Play" : "Començar",
+    "Prev" : "Anterior",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Següent",
+    "PrevImage" : "Imatge anterior",
+    "NextImage" : "Següent imatge",
+    "Loading" : "Carregant",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Tancar l'ajuda",  
+    "HelpText" : "Pot navegar per la presentaci&oacute; utilitzant el teclat:<br/><br/>Fletxes ESQUERRA/DRETA: Anterior/Seg&uuml;ent<br/>SPACEBAR: Seg&uuml;ent<br/>ENTER: Comen&ccedil;ar/Parar la presentaci&oacute;<br/>ESCAPE: Tancar<br/>HOME/END: Principi/Final<br/>H - Mostra aquesta ajuda",
+    "Slideshow" : "Començar",
+    "OriginalContext": "Veure al context original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Zavřít",
+    "Help" : "Nápověda",
+    "FirstImage" : "Na první obrázek",
+    "LastImage" : "Na poslední obrázek",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Spustit/Zastavit přehrávání",
+    "Pause" : "Zastavit",
+    "Play" : "Spustit",
+    "Prev" : "Předchozí",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Následující",
+    "PrevImage" : "Předchozí obrázek",
+    "NextImage" : "Následující obrázek",
+    "Loading" : "Nahrávám",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Zavřít nápovědu",  
+    "HelpText" : "Galerii můžete procházet pomocí kláves:<br/><br/>ŠIPKY VLEVO/VPRAVO: Předchozí/Následující obrázek<br/>MEZERNÍK: Další<br/>ENTER: Spustit/zastavit přehrávání<br/>ESC: Zavřít galerii<br/>HOME/END: První/poslední obrázek<br/>H - Vyvolání nápovědy",
+    "Slideshow" : "Přehrávání",
+    "OriginalContext": "Ukázat v původním umístění"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Schliessen",
+    "Help" : "Hilfe",
+    "FirstImage" : "Zum ersten Bild",
+    "LastImage" : "Zum letzten Bild",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Start/Pause Slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pause",
+    "Play" : "Abspielen",
+    "Prev" : "Zurück",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Vor",
+    "PrevImage" : "Vorheriges Bild",
+    "NextImage" : "Nächstes Bild",
+    "Loading" : "Laden",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Schliesse Hilfe",  
+    "HelpText" : "Die Gallerie kann mit dem Keyboard verwendet werden:<br/><br/>LINKS/RECHTS PFEILE: Zurück/Vor<br/>SPACE: Nächstes<br/>ENTER: Start/Stop Slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Schliesse Gallerie<br/>HOME/END: Erstes/Letztes Bild<br/>H - Diese Hilfe",
+    "Slideshow" : "Abspielen",
+    "OriginalContext": "Anzeige im originalen Zusammenhang"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Luk",
+    "Help" : "Hjælp",
+    "FirstImage" : "Gå til første billede",
+    "LastImage" : "Gå til sidste billede",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Afspil/Pause slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pause",
+    "Play" : "Afspil",
+    "Prev" : "Forrige",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Næste",
+    "PrevImage" : "Forrige billede",
+    "NextImage" : "Næste billede",
+    "Loading" : "Indlæser",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Luk hjælp",  
+    "HelpText" : "Du kan naviger i galleriet via keyboard:<br/><br/>VENSTRE/HØJRE piletaster: Forrige/Næste<br/>MELLEMRUM: Næste<br/>ENTER: Start/Stop slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Luk galleriet<br/>HOME/END: Første/Sidste billede<br/>H - Dette hjælpe panel",
+    "Slideshow" : "Play",
+    "OriginalContext": "Vis i original kontekst"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Close",
+    "Help" : "Help",
+    "FirstImage" : "To the first image",
+    "LastImage" : "To the last image",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Play/Pause slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pause",
+    "Play" : "Play",
+    "Prev" : "Prev",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Next",
+    "PrevImage" : "Previous image",
+    "NextImage" : "Next image",
+    "Loading" : "Loading",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Close help",  
+    "HelpText" : "The gallery can be navigated using the keyboard:<br/><br/>LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS: Prev/Next<br/>SPACEBAR: Next<br/>ENTER: Start/Stop slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Close gallery<br/>HOME/END: First/Last image<br/>H - This help panel",
+    "Slideshow" : "Play",
+    "OriginalContext": "View in original context"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Cerrar",
+    "Help" : "Ayuda",
+    "FirstImage" : "A la primer imagen",
+    "LastImage" : "A la ultima imagen",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Play/Pause slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pausar",
+    "Play" : "Play",
+    "Prev" : "Anterior",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Siguiente",
+    "PrevImage" : "Imagen anterior",
+    "NextImage" : "Siguiente imagen",
+    "Loading" : "Cargando",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Cerrar ayuda",  
+    "HelpText" : "La galería se puede navegar usando el teclado:<br/><br/>Flechas IZQUIERDA/DERECHA: Anterior/Siguiente<br/>SPACEBAR: Siguiente<br/>ENTER: Iniciar/Parar slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Cerrar galería<br/>HOME/END: Primer/Ultimo imagen<br/>H - Este panel de ayuda",
+    "Slideshow" : "Play",
+    "OriginalContext": "Ver en el contexto original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Fermer",
+    "Help" : "Aide",
+    "FirstImage" : "Première image",
+    "LastImage" : "Dernière image",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Démarrer/Pause diaporama",
+    "Pause" : "Pause",
+    "Play" : "Démarrer",
+    "Prev" : "Précédente",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Suivante",
+    "PrevImage" : "Image précédente",
+    "NextImage" : "Image suivante",
+    "Loading" : "Chargement",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Fermer l'aide",  
+    "HelpText" : "La navigation peut se faire avec le clavier :<br/><br/>Flêches GAUCHES/DROITES: Précédente/Suivante<br/>Espace: Suivante<br/>Entrée: Démarrer/Arrêter<br/>Echap: Fermer<br/>HOME/FIN: Première/Dernière image<br/>H - Afficher ce panneau d'aide",
+    "Slideshow" : "Démarrer",
+    "OriginalContext": "Voir dans le contexte original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Κλείσιμο",
+    "Help" : "Βοήθεια",
+    "FirstImage" : "Πρώτη Εικόνα",
+    "LastImage" : "Τελευταία Εικόνα",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Έναρξη/Παύση του slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Παύση",
+    "Play" : "Έναρξη",
+    "Prev" : "Προηγούμενο",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Επόμενο",
+    "PrevImage" : "Προηγούμενη Εικόνα",
+    "NextImage" : "Επόμενη Εικόνα",
+    "Loading" : "Φόρτωση",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Κλείσιμο Βοήθειας",  
+    "HelpText" : "Η περιήγηση στην γκαλερή μπορεί να γίνει με τη χρήση πληκτρολογίου:<br/><br/>ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΑ/ΔΕΞΙΑ ΒΕΛΗ: Προηγούμενο/Επόμενο<br/>SPACEBAR: Επόμενο<br/>ENTER: Έναρξη/Τερματισμός παρουσίασης<br/>ESCAPE: Κλείσιμο γκαλερή<br/>HOME/END: Πρώτη/Τελευταία Εικόνα<br/>H - Βοήθεια",
+    "Slideshow" : "Έναρξη",
+    "OriginalContext": "Προβολή αρχικής μορφής"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction": "rtl",
+    "Close" : "סגירה",
+    "Help" : "עזרה",
+    "FirstImage" : "לתמונה הראשונה",
+    "LastImage" : "לתמונה האחרונה",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "התחל/עצור מצגת",
+    "Pause" : "עצור מצגת",
+    "Play" : "התחל מצגת",
+    "Prev" : "הקודמת",
+    "PinInfo" : "נעץ שורת מידע",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "שחרר שורת מידע",
+    "Next" : "הבאה",
+    "PrevImage" : "לתמונה הקודמת",
+    "NextImage" : "לתמונה הבאה",
+    "Loading" : "טוען",
+    "CloseHelp" : "סגור עזרה",
+    "HelpText" : "ניתן לנווט בין התמונות ע&quot;י שימוש במקלדת:<br/><br/>חצים ימינה/שמאלה: הקודמת/הבאה<br/>מקש רווח: הבאה<br/>ENTER: התחל/הפסק מצגת<br/>ESCAPE: סגירת הגלריה<br/>HOME/END: תמונה ראשונה/אחרונה<br/>H: פאנל עזרה",
+    "Slideshow" : "מצגת",
+    "OriginalContext": "צפיה בהקשר המקורי"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Bezárás",
+    "Help" : "Súgó",
+    "FirstImage" : "Az első képhez",
+    "LastImage" : "Az utolsó képhez",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Lejátszás indítása/leállítása",
+    "Pause" : "Szünet",
+    "Play" : "Lejátszás",
+    "Prev" : "Előző",
+    "PinInfo" : "Info rögzítése",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Info feloldása",
+    "Next" : "Következő",
+    "PrevImage" : "Előző kép",
+    "NextImage" : "Következő kép",
+    "Loading" : "Töltés",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Súgó bezárása",  
+    "HelpText" : "A képgaléria billentyűzet segítségével is navigálható:<br/><br/>BALRA/JOBBRA NYÍL: Előző/Következő<br/>SZÓKÖZ: Következő<br/>ENTER: Vetítés indítása/leállításabr/>ESCAPE: Galéria bezárása<br/>HOME/END: Első/Utolsó kép<br/>H - Ez a súgó",
+    "Slideshow" : "Lejátszás",
+    "OriginalContext": "Megtekintés eredeti környezetben"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Dún",
+    "Help" : "Cabhair",
+    "FirstImage" : "Go dti an pictiúr amhain",
+    "LastImage" : "Go dti an pictiúr seo caite",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Spraoi/Sos taispeántas",
+    "Pause" : "Sos",
+    "Play" : "Spraoi",
+    "Prev" : "roimhe seo",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "is gaire",
+    "PrevImage" : "Roimhe seo pictiúr",
+    "NextImage" : "Pictiúr is gaire",
+    "Loading" : "luchtú",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Dun cabhair",
+    "HelpText" : "Feachann tú an pictiúri le do keybhord:<br/><br/>Clé/Déis saighde: Prev/Next<br/>SPACEBAR: Next<br/>ENTER: Spraoi/ Sos taispeántas<br/>ESCAPE: Dun leathanach<br/>HOME/END: Go dti an pictiúr amhain/seo caite<br/>H - An leathanach cabhair",
+    "Slideshow" : "Spraoi taispeבntas",
+    "OriginalContext": "D'fhonn i gcomhthéacs bunaidh"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "rtl",
+    "Close" : "بستن",
+    "Help" : "راهنما",
+    "FirstImage" : "تصویر نخست",
+    "LastImage" : "تصویر آخر",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "شروع/خاتمه نمایش",
+    "Pause" : "توقف",
+    "Play" : "نمایش",
+    "Prev" : "قبلی",
+    "PinInfo" : "نمایش اطلاعات",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "عدم نمایش اطلاعات",
+    "Next" : "بعدی",
+    "PrevImage" : "تصویر قبلی",
+    "NextImage" : "تصویر بعدی",
+    "Loading" : "بارگزاری",
+    "CloseHelp" : "بستن راهنما",  
+    "HelpText" : "گالری با استفاده از دکمه های صفحه کلید نیز عمل میکند:<br/><br/>دکمه قبلی و بعدی : قبلی/بعدی<br/>زر space: بعدی<br/>ENTER: توقف/نمایش<br/>ESCAPE: بستن گالری<br/>HOME/END: ابتدا/انتهای تصاویر<br/>H - صفحه راهنما",
+    "Slideshow" : "نمایش اسلاید",
+    "OriginalContext": "محتوای اصلی"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Chiudi",
+    "Help" : "Aiuto",
+    "FirstImage" : "Alla prima immagine",
+    "LastImage" : "All' ultima immagine",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Riproduci/Pausa la proiezione",
+    "Pause" : "Pausa",
+    "Play" : "Riproduci",
+    "Prev" : "Precedente",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Successiva",
+    "PrevImage" : "Immagine precedente",
+    "NextImage" : "Immagine successiva",
+    "Loading" : "Caricamento",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Chiudi aiuto",
+    "HelpText" : "Si pu&#xF2; navigare nella galleria usando la tastiera:<br/><br/>FRECCE SINISTRA/DESTRA: Precedente/Successiva<br/>SPAZIO: Successiva<br/>INVIO: Inizia/Ferma lo slideshow<br/>ESC: Chiudi la galleria<br/>HOME/FINE: Prima/Ultima immagine<br/>H - Aiuto<br/>",
+    "Slideshow" : "Riproduci",
+    "OriginalContext": "vedi nel contesto originale"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "閉じる",
+    "Help" : "ヘルプ",
+    "FirstImage" : "先頭の画像",
+    "LastImage" : "最後の画像",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "スライドショーの開始/一時停止",
+    "Pause" : "一時停止",
+    "Play" : "開始/停止",
+    "Prev" : "前",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "次",
+    "PrevImage" : "前の画像",
+    "NextImage" : "次の画像",
+    "Loading" : "ロード中",
+    "CloseHelp" : "ヘルプを閉じる",  
+    "HelpText" : "ギャラリーでは以下のキー操作が可能です。:<br/><br/>←/→ : 前/次の画像<br/>SPACE: 次の画像<br/>Enter: スライドショーの開始/停止<br/>ESC: ギャラリーを閉じる<br/>HOME/END: 先頭/最後の画像 <br/>H - ヘルプを表示",
+    "Slideshow" : "開始",
+    "OriginalContext": "掲載サイトで見る"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "დახურვა",
+    "Help" : "დახმარება",
+    "FirstImage" : "პირველი სურათი",
+    "LastImage" : "ბოლო სურათი",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "სლაიდების დაწყება/შეჩერება",
+    "Pause" : "შეჩერება",
+    "Play" : "დაწყება",
+    "Prev" : "წინა",
+    "PinInfo" : "ინფო ბლოკის მიმაგრება",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "ინფო ბლოკის დამალვა",
+    "Next" : "შემდეგი",
+    "PrevImage" : "წინა სურათი",
+    "NextImage" : "შემდეგი სურათი",
+    "Loading" : "ჩატვირთვა",
+    "CloseHelp" : "დახმარების დახურვა",  
+    "HelpText" : "გალერიის მართვა შესაძლებელია კლავიატურის გამოყენებით:<br/><br/>LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS: წინა/შემდეგი<br/>SPACEBAR: შემდეგი<br/>ENTER:სლაიდების დაწყება/შეჩერება<br/>ESCAPE: გალერიის დახურვა<br/>HOME/END: პირველი/ბოლო სურათი<br/>H - დახმარების პანელი",
+    "Slideshow" : "დაწყება",
+    "OriginalContext": "ორიგინალურ კონტექსტში ნახვა"

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Затвори",
+    "Help" : "Помош",
+    "FirstImage" : "Прва слика",
+    "LastImage" : "Последна слика",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Пушти/Паузирај презентација",
+    "Pause" : "Паузирај",
+    "Play" : "Пушти",
+    "Prev" : "Претходна",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Следна",
+    "PrevImage" : "Претходна слика",
+    "NextImage" : "Следна слика",
+    "Loading" : "Вчитување...",
+    "CloseHelp" : "затвори го панелот",  
+    "HelpText" : "Галеријата може да се употребува со користење на тастатурата:<br/><br/>СТРЕЛКИ ЛЕВО/ДЕСНО: Претходна/Следна<br/>SPACE: Следна<br/>ENTER: Пушти/Паузирај презентација<br/>ESCAPE: Затвори галерија<br/>HOME/END: Прва/Последна слика<br/>H - Овој панел за помош",
+    "Slideshow" : "Play"

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
    "Direction" : "ltr",
    "Close" : "Sluiten",
    "Help" : "Help",
    "FirstImage" : "Naar eerste afbeelding",
    "LastImage" : "Naar laatste afbeelding",
    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Start/Stop diavoorstelling",
    "Pause" : "Stop",
    "Play" : "Afspelen",
    "Prev" : "Vorige",
    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
    "Next" : "Volgende",
    "PrevImage" : "Vorige afbeelding",
    "NextImage" : "Volgende afbeelding",
    "Loading" : "Laden",
    "CloseHelp" : "Sluit help",
    "HelpText" : "De afbeeldingen kunnen doorlopen worden met het toetsenbord:<br/><br/>LINKS/RECHTS: Vorige/Volgende<br/>Spatie: Volgende<br/>ENTER: Start/Stop voorstelling<br/>ESCAPE: Sluit venster<br/>HOME/END: Eerste/Laatste<br/>H - Dit help paneel",
    "Slideshow" : "Voorstelling",
+    "OriginalContext": "Bekijk in originele context"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Zamknij",
+    "Help" : "Pomoc",
+    "FirstImage" : "Do pierwszego obrazka",
+    "LastImage" : "Do ostatniego obrazka",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Odtwarzaj/wstrzymaj pokaz slajdów",
+    "Pause" : "Wstrzymaj",
+    "Play" : "Odtwarzaj",
+    "Prev" : "Poprzedni",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Następny",
+    "PrevImage" : "Poprzedni obrazek",
+    "NextImage" : "Następny obrazek",
+    "Loading" : "Ładowanie",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Zamknij pomoc",  
+    "HelpText" : "Możesz sterować galerią za pomocą klawiatury:<br/><br/>LEWA/PRAWA STRZAŁKA: poprz. / nast. obrazek<br/>SPACJA: następny<br/>ENTER: rozpocznij/zatrzymaj pokaz slajdów<br/>ESCAPE: Zamknij galerię<br/>OME/END: pierwszy / ostatni obrazek<br/>H - panel pomocy",
+    "Slideshow" : "Pokaz",
+    "OriginalContext": "Zobacz w oryginalnym kontekście"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Fechar",
+    "Help" : "Ajuda",
+    "FirstImage" : "Ir para a primeira imagem",
+    "LastImage" : "Ir para a ultima imagem",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Iniciar/Pausar slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pausar",
+    "Play" : "Iniciar",
+    "Prev" : "Anterior",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Próximo",
+    "PrevImage" : "Imagem anterior",
+    "NextImage" : "Próxima imagem",
+    "Loading" : "Carregando",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Fechar ajuda",  
+    "HelpText" : "Você pode navegar na galeria usando o seu teclado:<br/><br/>Setas ESQUERDA/DIREITA: Anterior/Próxima<br/>Espaço: Próxima<br/>ENTER: Iniciar/Parar slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Fechar a galeria<br/>HOME/END: Primeira/Última imagem<br/>H - Este painel de ajuda",
+    "Slideshow" : "Iniciar",
+    "OriginalContext": "Veja no contexto original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Fechar",
+    "Help" : "Ajuda",
+    "FirstImage" : "Ir para a primeira imagem",
+    "LastImage" : "Ir para a ultima imagem",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Iniciar/Pausar slideshow",
+    "Pause" : "Pausar",
+    "Play" : "Iniciar",
+    "Prev" : "Anterior",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Próximo",
+    "PrevImage" : "Imagem anterior",
+    "NextImage" : "Próxima imagem",
+    "Loading" : "A carregar",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Fechar ajuda",  
+    "HelpText" : "Você pode navegar na galeria usando o seu teclado:<br/><br/>Setas ESQUERDA/DIREITA: Anterior/Próxima<br/>Espaço: Próxima<br/>ENTER: Iniciar/Parar slideshow<br/>ESCAPE: Fechar a galeria<br/>HOME/END: Primeira/Última imagem<br/>H - Este painel de ajuda",
+    "Slideshow" : "Iniciar",
+    "OriginalContext": "Veja no contexto original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Inchide",
+    "Help" : "Ajutor",
+    "FirstImage" : "Prima imagine",
+    "LastImage" : "Ultima imagine",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Ruleaza/Pauza diaporama",
+    "Pause" : "Pauza",
+    "Play" : "Porneste",
+    "Prev" : "Precedent",
+    "PinInfo" : "Fixeaza info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Ascunde info",
+    "Next" : "Urmator",
+    "PrevImage" : "Imaginea precedenta",
+    "NextImage" : "Imaginea urmatoare",
+    "Loading" : "Se incarca",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Inchide ajutorul",  
+    "HelpText" : "Prin galerie se poate naviga folosind tastatura:<br/><br/>SAGETILE STANGA/DREAPTA: Precedenta/Urmatoare<br/>BARA DE SPATIU: Urmatoarea<br/>ENTER: Start/Stop diaporama<br/>ESCAPE: Inchide galeria<br/>HOME/END: Prima/Ultima imagine<br/>H - Acest panou de ajutor",
+    "Slideshow" : "Ruleaza",
+    "OriginalContext": "Vezi in contextul original"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Закрыть",
+    "Help" : "Помощь",
+    "FirstImage" : "К первому изображению",
+    "LastImage" : "К последнему изображению",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Начать/Приостановить слайдшоу",
+    "Pause" : "Приостановить",
+    "Play" : "Начать",
+    "Prev" : "Пред.",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Следующая",
+    "PrevImage" : "Предыдущее изображение",
+    "NextImage" : "Следующее изображение",
+    "Loading" : "Загрузка",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Закрыть помощь",  
+    "HelpText" : "Управлять галерей можно с помощью клавиатуры:<br/><br/>ЛЕВАЯ/ПРАВАЯ СТРЕЛОЧКИ: Пред./Следующее<br/>ПРОБЕЛ: Следующее<br/>ENTER: Старт/Стоп слайдшоу<br/>ESCAPE: Закрыть галерею<br/>HOME/END: Первое/Последнее изображение<br/>H - Открыть панель помощи",
+    "Slideshow" : "Начать",
+    "OriginalContext": "View in original context"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Zavrieť",
+    "Help" : "Nápoveda",
+    "FirstImage" : "Na prvý obrázok",
+    "LastImage" : "Na posledný obrozek",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Spustiť/Zastaviť prehrávanie",
+    "Pause" : "Zastaviť",
+    "Play" : "Spustiť",
+    "Prev" : "Predchádzajúci",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Nasledujúci",
+    "PrevImage" : "Predchádzajúci obrázok",
+    "NextImage" : "Nasledujúci obrázok",
+    "Loading" : "Nahrávam",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Zavrieť nápovedu",
+    "HelpText" : "Galériu môžete prechádzať pomocou kláves:<br/><br/>ŠÍPKY VĽAVO/VPRAVO: Predchádzajúci/Nasledujúci obrázok<br/>MEDZERNÍK: Ďalší<br/>ENTER: Spustiť/zastaviť prehrávanie<br/>ESC: Zavrieť galériu<br/>HOME/END: Prvý/posledný obrázok<br/>H - Vyvolanie nápovedy",
+    "Slideshow" : "Prehrávanie",
+    "OriginalContext": "Zobraziť v pôvodnom kontexte"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Zapri",
+    "Help" : "Pomo&#269;",
+    "FirstImage" : "Na prvo sliko",
+    "LastImage" : "Na zadnjo sliko",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Po&#382;eni/Ustavi projekcijo",
+    "Pause" : "Ustavi",
+    "Play" : "Predvajaj",
+    "Prev" : "Nazaj",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Naprej",
+    "PrevImage" : "Predhodna slika",
+    "NextImage" : "Naslednja slika",
+    "Loading" : "Nalagam",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Zapri pomo&#269;",
+    "HelpText" : "Med slikami se lahko pomikate z uporabo tipkovnice:<br/><br/>PU&#352;&#268;ICI LEVO/DESNO: Nazaj/Naprej<br/>PRESLEDNICA: Naprej<br/>VNOS: Po&#382;eni/Ustavi projekcijo<br/>ESC: Zapri galerijo<br/>HOME/END: Prva/Zadnja slika<br/>H - Pomo&#269;",
+    "Slideshow" : "Predvajaj",
+    "OriginalContext": "View in original context"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Stäng",
+    "Help" : "Hjälp",
+    "FirstImage" : "Till första bilden",
+    "LastImage" : "Till sista bilden",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Spela/Pausa bildspelet", 
+    "Pause" : "Pausa",
+    "Play" : "Bildspel",
+    "Prev" : "Föregående",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Nästa",
+    "PrevImage" : "Föregående bild",
+    "NextImage" : "Nästa bild",
+    "Loading" : "Laddar",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Stäng hjälp",  
+    "HelpText" : "Detta galleri kan navigeras med hjälp av tangentbordet: <br/>VÄNSTER/HÖGER PIL: Tillbaka/Nästa<br/>MELLANSLAG: Nästa bild<br/>ENTER: Starta/pausa bildspelet<br/>ESCAPE: Stäng galleriet<br/>HOME/END: Första/Sista bilden<br/>H - Denna hjälppanel", 
+    "Slideshow" : "Bildspel",
+    "OriginalContext": "View in original context"

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Translated by Ugur CELENK
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Kapat",
+    "Help" : "Yardım",
+    "FirstImage" : "İlk resim",
+    "LastImage" : "Son resim",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Başlat/Durdur slayt gösterisi",
+    "Pause" : "Durdur",
+    "Play" : "Başlat",
+    "Prev" : "Önceki",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Sonraki",
+    "PrevImage" : "Önceki resim",
+    "NextImage" : "Sonraki resim",
+    "Loading" : "Yükleniyor",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Yardımı kapat",  
+    "HelpText" : "Galeride klavye kullanarak geçiş yapabilirsiniz:<br/><br/>SOL/SAĞ YÖN TUŞLARI: Önceki/Sonraki<br/>BOŞLUK TUŞU: Sonraki<br/>ENTER: Slayt gösterisi Başlat/Durdur<br/>ESC: Galeriyi kapat<br />HOME/END: İlk/Son resim<br />H - Yardım paneli",
+    "Slideshow" : "Başlat",
+    "OriginalContext": "Orjinal içeriği göster"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "Закрити",
+    "Help" : "Допомога",
+    "FirstImage" : "До першого зображення",
+    "LastImage" : "До останнього зображення",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "Почати/Призупинити слайдшоу",
+    "Pause" : "Призупинити",
+    "Play" : "Почати",
+    "Prev" : "Попереднє",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "Наступне",
+    "PrevImage" : "Попереднє зображення",
+    "NextImage" : "Наступне зображення",
+    "Loading" : "Завантаження",
+    "CloseHelp" : "Закрити допомогу",  
+    "HelpText" : "Керувати галереєю можна за допомогою клавіатури:<br/><br/>ЛІВА/ПРАВА СТРІЛОЧКИ: Попереднє/Наступне<br/>ПРОБІЛ: Наступне<br/>ENTER: Старт/Стоп слайдшоу<br/>ESCAPE: Зачинити галерею<br/>HOME/END: Перше/Останнє зображення<br/>H - Відкрити панель допомоги",
+    "Slideshow" : "Почати",
+    "OriginalContext": "View in original context"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    "Direction" : "ltr",
+    "Close" : "关闭",
+    "Help" : "帮助",
+    "FirstImage" : "第一张",
+    "LastImage" : "最后一张",
+    "StartStopSlideShow" : "播放/暂停幻灯片",
+    "Pause" : "暂停",
+    "Play" : "播放",
+    "Prev" : "上一页",
+    "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+    "Next" : "下一页",
+    "PrevImage" : "上一张",
+    "NextImage" : "下一张",
+    "Loading" : "载入中",
+    "CloseHelp" : "关闭帮助",  
+    "HelpText" : "你可以使用键盘进行画廊导航:<br/><br/>左/右箭头: 上一张/下一张<br/>空格键: 下一张<br/>Enter键: 播放/暂停幻灯片<br/>Esc键: 关闭画廊<br/>HOME/END: 第一张/最后一张<br/>H - 帮助面板",
+    "Slideshow" : "播放",
+    "OriginalContext": "在原有范围内查看"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+   "Direction" : "ltr",
+   "Close" : "關閉",
+   "Help" : "求助",
+   "FirstImage" : "第一張",
+   "LastImage" : "最後一張",
+   "StartStopSlideShow" : "播放/暫停幻燈片",
+   "Pause" : "暫停",
+   "Play" : "播放",
+   "Prev" : "上一頁",
+   "PinInfo" : "Pin info",
+    "UnpinInfo" : "Unpin info",
+   "Next" : "下一頁",
+   "PrevImage" : "上一張",
+   "NextImage" : "下一張",
+   "Loading" : "載入中",
+   "CloseHelp" : "關閉求助",
+   "HelpText" : "你可以使用鍵盤進行畫廊導航:<br/><br/>左/右箭頭: 上一張/下一張<br/>空格鍵: 下一張<br/>Enter鍵: 播放/暫停幻燈片<br/>Esc鍵: 關閉畫廊<br/>HOME/END: 第一張/最後一張<br/>H - 求助面板",
+   "Slideshow" : "輪播",
+   "OriginalContext": "在原有範圍內查看"


+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
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+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
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+            left: leftBtn
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+        renderMenu: false,
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+ 304 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
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+    {
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+			return obj1 == obj2;
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+        {
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+            {
+                if (keyName != null)
+                    size++;
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+            return false;
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+        {
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+                return false;
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+                var equal =, value2);
+                if (!equal)
+                    return equal;
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+            else if (value1 != value2)
+                return false;
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+        return true;
+    },
+    hasProperties: function(obj){
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+        {
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+	        $.extend(returnData.flashVars, flashVars);
+	        return returnData;
+	    }
+	},
+    getDataSourceName: function(url)
+    {
+        for(dataSourceIndex in
+        {
+            if(url.match([dataSourceIndex]))
+                return dataSourceIndex;
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+        return null;
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+    {
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+        return null;
+    },
+    getTopWindow: function()
+    {
+        var topWindow = window;
+        if (
+            topWindow =;
+        else
+        {
+            while(topWindow.parent)
+                topWindow = topWindow.parent;
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+        return topWindow;
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+    getUrlData: function(url)
+    {
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+            return null;
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+            path: urlMatch[1],
+            anchor: urlMatch[3]
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+            urlData.queryFields = this.queryToJson(urlMatch[2]);
+        return urlData;
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+    hex2rgba: function(hex, alpha)
+    {
+        hex = parseInt(hex.replace("#", "0x"), 16);
+		var r = (hex & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+		var g = (hex & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
+		var b = hex & 0x0000ff;
+        return "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + (typeof(alpha) != 'undefined' ? alpha : "1") + ")";
+    },
+    queryToJson: function(query)
+    {
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+            return null;
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+            if (paramData.length == 2)
+                json[paramData[0]] = paramData[1];
+        }
+        return json;
+    },
+    loadDataSource: function(options, callback)
+    {
+        var dataSourceName;
+        if (options.dataUrl)
+        {
+            dataSourceName = Yox.getDataSourceName(options.dataUrl);
+            if (dataSourceName)
+                $.extend(options, { dataSource: dataSourceIndex });
+        }
+        if (options.dataSource && !Yox.dataSources[dataSourceName])
+        {
+            $.ajax({
+                url : options.dataFolder + options.dataSource + ".js", 
+                async : false,
+                dataType : "script",
+                success: function(data){
+                    eval(data);
+                    eval ("Yox.dataSources['" + options.dataSource + "'] = new yox_" + options.dataSource + "();");                      
+                    callback(Yox.dataSources[options.dataSource]);
+                },
+                error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
+                {
+                    console.log(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        else if (callback)
+            callback();
+    },
+    Regex: {
+        data: {
+            picasa: /http:\/\/(?:www\.)?picasaweb\.google\..*/i,
+            flickr: /http:\/\/(?:www\.)?,
+            smugmug: /http:\/\/.*\,
+            youtube: /^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\//
+        },
+        flash: /^(.*\.(swf))(\?[^\?]+)?/i,
+        flashvideo: /^(.*\.(flv|f4v|f4p|f4a|f4b|aac))(\?[^\?]+)?/i,
+        image: /^[^\?#]+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i,
+        url: /^([^#\?]*)?(?:\?([^\?#]*))?(?:#([A-Za-z]{1}[A-Za-z\d-_\:\.]+))?$/, // [0] - whole url, [1] - path, [2] - query (sans '?'), [3] - anchor
+        video: {
+            youtube: /.*\/watch.*(?:v=[^&]+).*/i,
+            vimeo: /\/\d+/i,
+            hulu: /\/watch\//i,
+            viddler: /\//i,
+            flickr: /.*\/.*/i,
+            myspace: /.*\/.*/i,
+            qik: /,
+            revision3: /,
+            dailymotion: /,
+            "5min": /.*5min\.com\/Video/i
+        }
+    },
+    Sprites: function(sprites, spritesImage, srcImage)
+    {
+        var cacheImg = new Image();
+        cacheImg.src = spritesImage;
+        this.spritesImage = spritesImage;
+        var currentTop = 0;
+        jQuery.each(sprites, function(i, spriteGroup){
+   = currentTop;
+            currentTop += spriteGroup.height;
+        });
+        this.getSprite = function(spriteGroup, spriteName, title)
+        {
+            return jQuery("<img/>", {
+                src: srcImage,
+                alt: spriteName,
+				title: title,
+                css: {
+                    width: sprites[spriteGroup].width,
+                    height: sprites[spriteGroup].height,
+                    "background-image": "url(" + spritesImage + ")",
+                    "background-repeat": "no-repeat",
+                    "background-position": this.getBackgroundPosition(spriteGroup, spriteName)
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        this.getBackgroundPosition = function(spriteGroup, spriteName)
+        {
+            var backgroundLeft = jQuery.inArray(spriteName, sprites[spriteGroup].sprites) * (sprites[spriteGroup].width || 0);
+            return "-" + backgroundLeft + "px -" + sprites[spriteGroup].top + "px";
+        }
+    },
+    Support: {
+        rgba: function()
+        {
+            // From
+	        if(!('result' in arguments.callee))
+	        {
+	            var element = document.createElement('div');
+		        var testColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
+		        var result = false;
+		        try {
+	 = testColor;
+			        result = /^rgba/.test(;
+		        } catch(e) {}
+		        element = null;
+		        arguments.callee.result = result;
+	        }
+	        return arguments.callee.result;
+        }
+    },
+    urlDataToPath: function(urlData)
+    {
+        var path = urlData.path ||"";
+        if (urlData.queryFields && this.hasProperties(urlData.queryFields))
+        {
+            path += "?";
+            for(field in urlData.queryFields)
+            {
+                path += field + "=" + urlData.queryFields[field] + "&";
+            }
+            path = path.substring(0, path.length-1);
+        }
+        if (urlData.anchor)
+            path += "#" + urlData.anchor;
+        return path;
+    }

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+var yoxviewPath = getYoxviewPath();
+var cssLink = top.document.createElement("link");
+cssLink.setAttribute("rel", "Stylesheet");
+cssLink.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+cssLink.setAttribute("href", yoxviewPath + "yoxview.css");
+function LoadScript(url)
+	document.write( '<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"><\/scr' + 'ipt>' ) ;
+var jQueryIsLoaded = typeof jQuery != "undefined";
+if (!jQueryIsLoaded)
+    LoadScript("");
+LoadScript(yoxviewPath + "jquery.yoxview-2.2.min.js");
+function getYoxviewPath()
+    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+    var regex = /(.*\/)yoxview-init/i;
+    for(var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++)
+    {
+        var currentScriptSrc = scripts[i].src;
+        if (currentScriptSrc.match(regex))
+            return currentScriptSrc.match(regex)[1];
+    }
+    return null;
+// Remove the next line's comment to apply yoxview without knowing jQuery to all containers with class 'yoxview':
+//LoadScript(yoxviewPath + "yoxview-nojquery.js"); 

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    // Uncomment the following line if you use an additional Javascript library (likr Prototype, for example) in the same page as YoxView:
+    // jQuery.noConflict();
+    $(".yoxview").yoxview();

+ 235 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/* YoxView v2.0 CSS file */
+#yoxview .yoxview_bottom{ bottom: 0; }
+#yoxview .yoxview_right{ float: right; }
+#yoxview .yoxview_left{ float: left; }
+	position: fixed;
+    top: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    display: none;
+    z-index: 100;
+	position: absolute;
+	font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif;
+	z-index: 999;
+	border: solid 1px #999;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	font-size: 10pt;
+	text-align: left;
+#yoxview a img, #yoxview_infoPanel a img{ border: none; }
+#yoxview a:focus{ outline: none; }
+#yoxview div.yoxview_imgPanel{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; }
+#yoxview div.yoxview_mediaPanel
+	position: absolute; 
+	background: #191919; 
+	width: 100%; 
+	height: 100% 
+#yoxview .yoxview_ctlBtn
+	position: absolute; 
+	z-index: 3;
+	display: block;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	outline: none;
+	width: 50%;
+	height: 100%;
+#yoxview .yoxview_ctlBtn img
+	position: absolute;
+	border: none;
+	top: 50%;
+	margin-top: -22px;
+#yoxview a.yoxview_ctlBtn:focus, #yoxview a.yoxview_ctlBtn:active{ outline: none; outline: none;}
+#yoxview .yoxview_notification
+	width: 59px; 
+	height: 59px; 
+	position: absolute; 
+	top: 50%; 
+	left: 50%; 
+	margin-top: -30px;
+	margin-left: -30px;
+	z-index: 4;
+	opacity: 0.6;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=60);
+	background-image: url(images/sprites.png);
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	display: none;
+#yoxview #yoxview_ajaxLoader img
+	padding: 13px;
+#yoxview .yoxview_popupBarPanel
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 4;
+	min-height: 70px;
+	width: 100%;
+	right: 0;
+#yoxview #yoxview_menuPanel
+	width: 145px; 
+	height: 42px; 
+	padding-top: 0px;
+	padding-right: 9px;
+	position: absolute; 
+	right: 0;
+	background: url(images/sprites.png) no-repeat left -77px;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+	-moz-border-radius: 0 0 0 15px;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 0 15px;
+	border-radius: 0 0 0 15px;
+	top: -42px;
+#yoxview #yoxview_menuPanel a
+	display: block; 
+	width: 45px; 
+	float: right; 
+	text-align: center; 
+	font-size: 0.8em; 
+	position: relative;
+	margin-top: -5px;
+	padding-bottom: 13px;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif;
+#yoxview #yoxview_menuPanel a span{ color: White; display: block; margin-bottom: 3px;  }
+#yoxview #yoxview_menuPanel a.last{ margin-left: 0; }
+#yoxview #yoxview_menuPanel a:focus{ outline: none; }
+	position: absolute;
+	bottom: 0;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 0;
+	color: White;
+	z-index: 2;
+	overflow: hidden;
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoPanelBack
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+	z-index: 1;
+	left: 0;
+	top: 0;
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoPanelContent
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 100%;
+	z-index: 2;
+	top: 0;
+	left: 0;
+#yoxview_infoPanel span#yoxview_count
+	display: block;
+	width: 55px;
+	font-size: 0.8em;
+	float: left;
+	text-align: center;
+	padding-top: 8px;
+	color: #bbb;
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoText
+	margin: 0 55px;
+	font-size: 12pt;
+	padding: 5px 0;
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoText #yoxview_infoTextDescription
+	margin-top: 1em;
+	font-size: 10pt;
+	padding-bottom: 0.5em;
+	max-height: 200px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	padding-right: 10px;
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoText a, #yoxview .yoxview_error a{ color: #a7d557; text-decoration: none; outline: none; }
+#yoxview_infoPanel #yoxview_infoText a:hover, #yoxview .yoxview_error a:hover{ color: #d5eeaa }
+#yoxview_infoPanel a.yoxviewInfoLink
+	display: none;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	float: right;
+	margin-right: 5px;
+	margin-top: 5px;
+#yoxview_infoPanel a.yoxviewInfoLink:hover{ opacity: 1 }
+#yoxview #yoxview_helpPanel
+	display: none;
+	width: 201px;
+	height: 312px;
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 50%;
+	left: 50%;
+	margin-top: -171px;
+	margin-left: -111px;
+	z-index: 5;
+	color: White;
+	padding: 20px;
+	padding-top: 10px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+#yoxview #yoxview_helpPanel h1{ font-family: Arial Black, Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size: 1em; }
+#yoxview #yoxview_helpPanel p{ margin-top: 80px; }
+#yoxview #yoxview_helpPanel span#yoxview_closeHelp{ display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 20px; left: 0; text-align: center; width: 100%; }
+#yoxview .yoxview_error
+	display: block;
+	text-align: center;
+	color: White;
+	font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif;
+	font-size: 14pt;
+	top: 41%;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 20%;
+	position: absolute;
+	padding: 10px;
+#yoxview .yoxview_error .errorUrl{ font-size: 10pt; }
+#yoxview .yoxview_top{ top: 0; width: 50%; }
+#yoxview .yoxview_element{ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;  border: none; background: #333; }
+.yoxview-thumbnails a
+	float: left;
+	margin: 4px;
+	/* For thumbnails opacity: */
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=80);
+.yoxview-thumbnails a:hover
+	/* For thumbnails opacity: */
+	opacity: 1;
+	filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+.yoxview-thumbnails a img
+	/* Set white borders around the thumbnails, instead of the browser's default Blue: */
+	border: solid 1px #ffffff;
+.yoxview-thumbnails-details{ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+.yoxview-thumbnails-details h2{ margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;}

+ 12 - 7

@@ -4860,11 +4860,17 @@ function api_check_browscap(){
+function api_get_js($file) {    
+    return '<script src="'.api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/'.$file.'" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>';
  * Returns the js header to include the jquery library
 function api_get_jquery_js() {
-	return '<script src="'.api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>';
+    return api_get_js('jquery-1.4.4.min.js');	
@@ -4904,7 +4910,7 @@ function api_get_jquery_libraries_js($libraries, $include_jquery = true) {
         //Jquery ui
         $theme = 'smoothness'; // Current themes: cupertino, smoothness, ui-lightness. Find the themes folder in main/inc/lib/javascript/jquery-ui
         $js .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$js_path.'jquery-ui/'.$theme.'/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.css" type="text/css">';
-        $js .= '<script src="'.$js_path.'jquery-ui/'.$theme.'/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>';
+        $js .= api_get_js('jquery-ui/'.$theme.'/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.min.js');
     //jqgrid js and css
@@ -4918,16 +4924,15 @@ function api_get_jquery_libraries_js($libraries, $include_jquery = true) {
         if (in_array($platform_isocode, $jqgrid_langs)) {
             $languaje = $platform_isocode;
         $js .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$js_path.'jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css" type="text/css">';
-        $js .= '<script src="'.$js_path.'jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-'.$languaje.'.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>'; 
-        $js .= '<script src="'.$js_path.'jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>';
+        $js .= api_get_js('jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-'.$languaje.'.js');
+        $js .= api_get_js('jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js');
     //Document multiple upload funcionality
     if (in_array('jquery-upload',$libraries)) {
-        $js .= '<script src="'.$js_path.'jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>'; 
-        $js .= '<script src="'.$js_path.'jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload-ui.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>';
+        $js .= api_get_js('jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload.js'); 
+        $js .= api_get_js('jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload-ui.js');
         $js .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$js_path.'jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload-ui.css" type="text/css">';        

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff