Carlos Vargas 16 лет назад

+ 1 - 1

@@ -178,5 +178,5 @@ $AnonymousSurveyCannotKnowWhoAnswered = "Deze enquete is anoniem. U kunt niet zi
 $IllegalSurveyId = "Onbekend enquête id";
 $SurveyQuestionMoved = "De vraag werd verplaatst. ";
 $AutoInviteLink = "Gebruikers die niet uitgenodigd zijn kunnen deze link gebruiken om de enquete te doen:";
-$remindUnAnswered = "Stuur herinnering alleen naar personen die nog niet geantwoord hebben ";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Stuur herinnering alleen naar personen die nog niet geantwoord hebben ";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ $langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the teacher\'s First Name and Last N
 $langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the course title !";
 $langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
 $langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
-$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import a list of users from an XML/CSV file";
-$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export the user list into an XML/CSV file";
+$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import users from XML/CSV file";
+$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export user list to XML/CSV file";
 $langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the course";
 $langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a course";
 $langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to a course";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $langCombinedCourse = "Combined course";
 $ToolIsNowVisible = "The tool is now visible.";
 $ToolIsNowHidden = "The tool is now invisible.";
 $EditLink = "Edit link";
-$Blog_management = "Blogs management";
+$Blog_management = "Blogs";
 $Forum = "Forums";
 $Course_maintenance = "Course Maintenance";
 $TOOL_SURVEY = "Surveys";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $langQuotaForThisCourseIs = "The quota for this course is";
 $langDel = "delete";
 $langUp = "Up";
 $langDate = "Date";
-$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "Show course quota";
+$ShowCourseQuotaUse = "Course quota";
 $CourseCurrentlyUses = "This course currently uses";
 $MaximumAllowedQuota = "Your storage limit is";
 $PercentageQuotaInUse = "Percentage of your quota that is in use";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $UplOverwriteLong = "Overwrite the existing file";
 $UplRename = "Rename";
 $UplRenameLong = "Rename the uploaded file if it exists";
 $Metadata = "Metadata";
-$DocumentQuota = "Documents Quota";
+$DocumentQuota = "Course Quota";
 $NoDocsInFolder = "There are no documents to be displayed.";
 $UploadTo = "Upload to";
 $fileModified = "The file is modified";
@@ -213,5 +213,5 @@ $SharedFolder = "Shared folder";
 $CreateFolder = "Create the folder";
 $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "This directory contains the default archives. You can clear files or add new ones, but if a file is hidden when it is inserted in a web document, the students will not be able to see it in this document. When inserting a file in a web document, first make sure it is visible. The directories can remain hidden.";
 $HelpSharedFolder = "This directory contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn\'t do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any teacher, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they access the files directly). If you make one student directory visible, other students will see all its content.";
-$TemplateImage = "Template\'s imag";
+$TemplateImage = "Template\'s icon";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $SetVisible = "Set visible";
 $SetInvisible = "Set invisible";
 $ChooseLink = "Choose link type";
 $DokeosExercises = "Dokeos exercises";
-$DokeosDropbox = "Documents sharing";
+$DokeosDropbox = "Doc sharing";
 $DokeosStudentPublications = "Assignments";
 $DokeosLearningPaths = "Dokeos learning paths";
 $ChooseExercise = "Choose exercise";

+ 4 - 4

@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ $lang_date = "Date";
 $langBasicOverview = "Organize";
 $langAdvanced = "Build";
 $langDisplay = "Display";
-$langNewChapter = "New chapter";
-$langNewStep = "New step";
+$langNewChapter = "Add chapter";
+$langNewStep = "Add step";
 $langPrerequisites = "Prerequisites";
 $langEditPrerequisites = "Edit the prerequisites of the current item";
 $langTitleManipulateChapter = "Manipulate the current chapter";
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ $langMaximum = "Maximum";
 $langNoDocuments = "No documents";
 $langNoExercisesAvailable = "No tests available";
 $langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available";
-$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the learning path for this moment. Click on \"Build\" for creating your learning path items.";
+$langNoItemsInLp = "There are no items in the learning path. Click on \"Build\" to create your learning path items.";
 $FirstPosition = "First position";
 $NewQuiz = "New test";
 $CreateTheForum = "Add the forum";
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ $ViewLearningPath = "View learning path";
 $SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags to add to the document, if indexing";
 $ReturnToLearningPaths = "Return to lectures";
 $UploadMp3audio = "Upload Mp3 audio";
-$UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Update all audio fragments";
+$UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Update audio links";
 $LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile = "Leave empty to keep current file";
 $RemoveAudio = "Remove audio";
 $SaveAudio = "Save";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ $Shared = "Shared";
 $Invite = "Invite";
 $MaximumScore = "Maximum score";
 $ViewInvited = "View invited";
-$ViewAnswered = "View answered people";
-$ViewUnanswered = "View answered people";
+$ViewAnswered = "View people who answered";
+$ViewUnanswered = "View people who didn\'t answer";
 $DeleteSurveyQuestion = "Are you sure you want to delete the question?";
 $YouAlreadyFilledThisSurvey = "You already filled this survey";
 $ClickHereToAnswerTheSurvey = "Click here to answer the survey";
@@ -206,5 +206,5 @@ $NoLogOfDuration = "No log of duration";
 $AutoInviteLink = "Users who are not invited can use this link to take the survey:";
 $CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Complete the survey\'s questions";
 $SurveysDeleted = "Surveys deleted";
-$remindUnAnswered = "Remind unanswered people only";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Remind only users who didn\'t answer";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ $langYouWereCalled = "You were invited to chat with";
 $langDoYouAccept = "Do you accept it ?";
 $StartTime = "Starting time";
 $EndTime = "Ending time";
-$Everybody = "Everybody";
-$SentTo = "Visible for";
+$Everybody = "All";
+$SentTo = "Visible to";
 $Export = "Export";
 $Tools = "Tools";
 $Everyone = "Everyone";
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ $Language = "Language";
 $AvailableUntill = "Available untill";
 $HourMinuteDivider = "h";
 $Here = "here";
-$Visio_classroom = "Virtual classroom";
+$Visio_classroom = "Video classroom";
 $Survey = "Surveys";
 $More = "More";
 $ClickHere = "Click here";

+ 3 - 3

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $langUnregister = "Unregister";
 $langAddAUser = "Add users";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This student is subscribed in this course through a session. You cannot edit these informations";
-$AddToFriends = "Are you sure to add to friend ?";
+$AddToFriends = "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?";
 $PersonalData = "Profile";
 $Contacts = "Contacts";
 $SocialInformationComment = "This screen allows you to organise your contacts";
@@ -72,6 +72,6 @@ $ExtraInformation = "Extra information";
 $SearchContacts = "Search contacts";
 $SocialSeeContacts = "See contacts";
 $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Please write a message before sending the request";
-$MessageInformationBySendMessage = "your invitation message has not been sent";
-$SocialAddToFriends = "add to social network";
+$MessageInvitationNotSent = "your invitation message has not been sent";
+$SocialAddToFriends = "Add to my contacts";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ $DatesAvailables = "Dates available";
 $ExpiresAt = "Expires at";
 $AddToCalendar = "Add to calendar";
 $DirectoryCreated = "Directory created";
-$Assignment = "Assignment";
+$Assignment = "Assignments";
 $AdvancedParameters = "Advanced parameters";
 $ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Expiry date before which to send assignments";
 $EnableExpiryDate = "Enable expiry date";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -213,4 +213,5 @@ $SharedFolder = "R
 $CreateFolder = "Créer le dossier";
 $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "Ce répertoire contient les fichiers par défaut. Vous pouvez supprimer des fichiers ou en ajouter de nouveaux, mais si un fichier invisible est inséré dans un document web, les apprenants ne pourront pas voir ce fichier dans le document. Lorsque vous insérez un fichier dans un document, assurez-vous qu\'il soit visible. Les répertoires, eux, peuvent rester invisibles.";
 $HelpSharedFolder = "Ce répertoire contient les fichiers que d\'autres apprenants (ou vous-même) ont envoyé dans un cours au travers de l\'éditeur en ligne (à l\'exception de l\'outil de groupe). Par défaut, ils seront visibles par tous les enseignants, mais resteront invisibles pour les autres apprenants (sauf par accès direct au fichier). Si vous rendez un répertoire apprenant visible, les autres apprenants pourront voir l\'ensemble de son contenu.";
+$TemplateImage = "Icône du modèle";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -206,4 +206,5 @@ $NoLogOfDuration = "Pas d\'historique de dur
 $AutoInviteLink = "Les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas invités peuvent utiliser ce lien pour répondre à l\'enquête:";
 $CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Compléter les questions de l\'enquête";
 $SurveysDeleted = "Enquêtes supprimées";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Envoyer un rappel uniquement aux utilisateurs qui n\'ont pas répondu";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $langUnregister = "Non enregistr
 $langAddAUser = "Ajouter des utilisateurs";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés ont été désinscrits du cours";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Cet apprenant est inscrit dans ce cours via une session de formation. Vous ne pouvez pas modifier ses informations";
+$AddToFriends = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir ajouter ce contact à vos amis?";
 $PersonalData = "Fiche perso";
 $Contacts = "Contacts";
 $SocialInformationComment = "Cet écran vous permet d\'organiser vos contacts";
@@ -71,4 +72,6 @@ $ExtraInformation = "Information extra";
 $SearchContacts = "Rechercher parmi les contacts";
 $SocialSeeContacts = "Voir les contacts";
 $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Veuillez écrire un message avant d\'envoyer la requête";
+$MessageInvitationNotSent = "Votre invitation n\'a pas été envoyée";
+$SocialAddToFriends = "Ajouter à mes contacts";

+ 2 - 1

@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ $ExtendedProfileComment = "Se esta funci
 $Classes = "Clases";
 $UserUnsubscribed = "O usuario desinscribiuse";
 $CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse  = "O usuario non pode desinscribirse do curso. Este usuario é un administrador do curso. ";
-$InvalidStartDate = "Data de comezo invalida";
+$InvalidStartDate = "Data de comezo non válida";
 $InvalidEndDate = "Data de fin inválida";
 $DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/y h:m)";
 $HomePageFilesNotWritable = "¡Os ficheiros das páxinas de inicio non son editables!";
@@ -867,6 +867,7 @@ $FilterOn = "Habilitar filtro";
 $FilterOff = "Deshabilitar filtro";
 $FieldFilterSetOff = "Filtro deshabilitado";
 $FilterUsers = "Filtro de usuarios";
+$TemplateAdded = "Plantilla engadida";
 $TemplateDeleted = "Plantilla borrada";
 $EditTemplate = "Editar plantilla";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -206,5 +206,5 @@ $NoLogOfDuration = "Nessuno storico della durata";
 $AutoInviteLink = "Questo collegamento permette a utenti senza invito di accedere al questionario:";
 $CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Completa i quesiti del questionario";
 $SurveysDeleted = "Questionari eliminati";
-$remindUnAnswered = "Sollecita solo chi non ha risposto";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Sollecita solo chi non ha risposto";

+ 2 - 1

@@ -72,5 +72,6 @@ $ExtraInformation = "Informazioni supplementari";
 $SearchContacts = "Cerca tra i contatti";
 $SocialSeeContacts = "Vedi i contatti";
 $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Prima di spedire un messaggio devi scriverlo";
-$MessageInformationBySendMessage = "Il tuo messaggio d\'invito non è stato spedito";
+$MessageInvitationNotSent = "Il tuo messaggio d\'invito non è stato spedito";
+$SocialAddToFriends = "Aggiungi ai contatti";

+ 28 - 14

@@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
 <?php /*
 for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. 
-$Remove = "移動";
+$Title = "&#12479;&#12452;&#12488;&#12523;";
+$Remove = "&#21066;&#38500;";
 $Description = "&#35500;&#26126;";
-$Links = "リンク";
-$langWorks = "学生作成文書";
-$Forums = "会議室";
-$langExercices = "演習問題";
-$langCreateDir = "ディレクトリを作る";
-$Name = "名称";
-$langComment = "コメント";
-$langVisible = "見えるようにする/見えないようにする";
+$Links = "&#12522;&#12531;&#12463;";
+$langWorks = "&#12450;&#12469;&#12452;&#12531;";
+$Forums = "&#12501;&#12457;&#12540;&#12521;&#12512;";
+$langExercices = "&#12486;&#12473;&#12488;";
+$langCreateDir = "&#12501;&#12457;&#12523;&#12480;&#12398;&#20316;&#25104;";
+$Name = "&#21517;&#21069;";
+$langComment = "&#12501;&#12451;&#12540;&#12489;&#12496;&#12483;&#12463;";
+$langVisible = "&#34920;&#31034;/&#38750;&#34920;&#31034;";
+$Download = "&#12450;&#12483;&#12503;&#12525;&#12540;&#12489;";
+$langGroup = "&#12464;&#12523;&#12540;&#12503;";
+$langEdit = "&#32232;&#38598;";
+$langGroupForum = "&#12464;&#12523;&#12540;&#12503; &#12501;&#12457;&#12540;&#12521;&#12512;";
 $Language = "&#35328;&#35486;";
+$LoginName = "&#12525;&#12464;&#12452;&#12531;";
+$AutostartMp3 = "&#38899;&#22768;&#12434;&#33258;&#21205;&#20877;&#29983;&#12375;&#12414;&#12377;&#12363;&#65311;";
 $Assignments = "Assignments";
 $Forum = "Forum";
-$langCode = "コース番号";
-$langUp = "Up";
-$langCourseCreate = "コースのウエブサイトを作る";
-$langTodo = "「要望」";
-$UserName = "ユーザ名";
+$langCode = "&#12467;&#12540;&#12473; &#12467;&#12540;&#12489;";
+$langUp = "&#19978;&#12408;";
+$Down = "&#19979;&#12408;";
+$Up = "&#19978;&#12408;";
+$Theme = "&#12486;&#12540;&#12510;";
+$TheListIsEmpty = "&#20309;&#12418;&#12354;&#12426;&#12414;&#12379;&#12435;";
+$langCourseCreate = "&#12467;&#12540;&#12473;&#12398;&#20316;&#25104;";
+$langTodo = "&#34892;&#21205;&#20104;&#23450;";
+$UserName = "&#12518;&#12540;&#12470;&#21517;";
+$Hide = "&#38560;&#12377;";
+$langArchive = "&#12450;&#12540;&#12459;&#12452;&#12502;";
+$langCourseCode = "&#12467;&#12540;&#12473; &#12467;&#12540;&#12489;";
 $iso639_2_code = "ja";
 $iso639_1_code = "jpn";
 $charset = "UTF-8";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -928,4 +928,9 @@ $FilterUsers = "Filtriraj uporabnike";
 $SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Več tečajev je bilo registrirano/vpisano v sejo, ker si jih več deli skupno kodo tečaja";
 $CoachIsRequired = "Izbrati morate inštruktorja";
 $EncryptMethodUserPass = "Način kriptiranja";
+$AddTemplate = "Dodaj predlogo";
+$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Slika bo predstavljala predlogo v seznamu predlog. Naj ne bo večja od 100x70 pik.";
+$TemplateAdded = "Predloga je bila dodana";
+$TemplateDeleted = "Predloga je bila odstranjena";
+$EditTemplate = "Urejanje predloge";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -213,4 +213,5 @@ $SharedFolder = "Mapa v skupni rabi";
 $CreateFolder = "Ustvari mapo";
 $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "Ta mapa vsebuje privzeti arhiv. Vsebino lahko odstranite ali pa dodate novo. V primeru, da so datoteke označene kot skrite in kot take vstavljene v spletni dokument, jih tečajniki ne bodo videli v svojem področju dokumentov. Ko vstavljate datoteko v spletni dokument, se najprej prepričajte, da je viden. Mape v splošnem lahko ostanejo skrite.";
 $HelpSharedFolder = "Ta mapa vsebuje datoteke, ki jih tečajniki (ali vi sami) prenesete v področje tečaja preko urejevalnika (če jih niso/niste prenesli preko orodij skupine). Privzeto bodo vidne vsem učiteljem in skrite tečajnikom (razen v primeru direktnega dostopa do datoteke). V primeru, da naredite eno od map tečajnikom vidno, bo celotna njena vsebina vidna vsem tečajnikom.";
+$TemplateImage = "Ikona predloge";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -130,4 +130,5 @@ $CannotChangeTheMaxNote = "Ne morem spremenite vrednosti max";
 $GradebookWeightUpdated = "Uteži so bile uspešno ažurirane";
 $ChooseItem = "Izberi element";
 $AverageResultsVsResource = "Povprečen rezultat / vir";
+$ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled = "Za ogled grafa mora biti pravilo prikaza rezultata omogočeno";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -206,4 +206,5 @@ $NoLogOfDuration = "Brez beleženja trajanja";
 $AutoInviteLink = "Uporabniki, ki niso vabljeni, lahko uporabijo to povezavo za dostop do vprašalnika";
 $CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Zaključi z vprašanji vprašalnika";
 $SurveysDeleted = "Vprašalnik je bil odstranjen";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Opomni le uporabnike, ki niso odgovorili";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $langUnregister = "Izpiši";
 $langAddAUser = "Dodaj uporabnike";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "Izbrani uporabniki so bili izpisani iz tečaja";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Ta tečajnik je vpisan v ta tečaj preko seje. Njegovih informacij ne morete urejati.";
+$AddToFriends = "Ste prepričani, da želite dodati kontakt k svojim prijateljem?";
 $PersonalData = "Osebni podatki";
 $Contacts = "Kontakti";
 $SocialInformationComment = "Ta zaslon omogoča organizacijo tvojih kontaktov ";
@@ -64,9 +65,13 @@ $ContactsGroups = "Kontakti skupine";
 $ErrorSendingMessage = "Napaka pri pošiljanju sporočila";
 $PendingInvitations = "Čakajoča povabila";
 $MyInbox = "Moja prihajajoča sporočila";
+$ViewSharedProfile = "Skupen profil";
 $SeeAll = "Poglej vse";
 $ImagesUploaded = "Naložene slike";
 $ExtraInformation = "Dodatne informacije";
 $SearchContacts = "Poišči kontakte";
 $SocialSeeContacts = "Pogle kontakte";
+$SocialUserInformationAttach = "Napišite sporočilo predenj skušate poslati zahtevo";
+$MessageInvitationNotSent = "vaše vabilo ni bilo poslano";
+$SocialAddToFriends = "Dodaj k mojim kontaktom";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ $UserImportFileMessage = "Si en el archivo XML/CVS los nombres de usuarios (user
 $UserAlreadyRegisteredByOtherCreator = "El usuario ya ha sido registrado por otro coach ";
 $NewUserInTheCourse = "Nuevo Usuario registrado en el curso";
 $MessageNewUserInTheCourse = "Este es un mensaje para informarle que se ha suscrito un nuevo usuario en el curso";
-$EditNormalProfile = "Edición de perfil normal";
-$EditExtendProfile = "Ampliar edición de perfil";
+$EditNormalProfile = "Edición básica del perfil";
+$EditExtendProfile = "Edición ampliada del perfil";
 $EditInformation = "Editar información";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -206,4 +206,5 @@ $NoLogOfDuration = "Ning
 $AutoInviteLink = "Los usuarios que no hayan sido invitados pueden utilizar este enlace para realizar la encuesta:";
 $CompleteTheSurveysQuestions = "Complete las preguntas de la encuesta";
 $SurveysDeleted = "Encuestas borradas";
+$RemindUnanswered = "Recordatorio sólo para los usuarios que no hayan respondido";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -72,6 +72,6 @@ $ExtraInformation = "Infomaci
 $SearchContacts = "Desde aquí puede añadir contactos a su red social";
 $SocialSeeContacts = "Ver mi red de contactos";
 $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Escriba un mensaje antes de  enviar la solicitud de acceso.";
-$MessageInformationBySendMessage = "Su mensaje de invitación no ha sido enviado";
+$MessageInvitationNotSent = "Su mensaje de invitación no ha sido enviado";
 $SocialAddToFriends = "Añadir a mi red de amigos";