@@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
use \ChamiloSession as Session;
- * Upload quiz: This script shows the upload quiz feature
- * Initial work by Isaac flores on Nov 4 of 2010
- * Encoding fixes Julio Montoya
- * @package chamilo.exercise
+ * Upload quiz: This script shows the upload quiz feature
+ * @package chamilo.exercise
// setting the help
@@ -15,14 +13,12 @@ $help_content = 'exercise_upload';
require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php';
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'pear/excelreader/reader.php';
-// Security check
$is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true);
+$origin = api_get_origin();
if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) {
-// setting the tabs
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
$htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script>
$(document).ready( function(){
@@ -37,18 +33,12 @@ lp_upload_quiz_action_handling();
$interbreadcrumb[] = array(
"url" => "exercise.php?".api_get_cidreq(),
- "name" => get_lang('Exercises'),
+ "name" => get_lang('Exercises')
// Display the header
Display :: display_header(get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz'), 'Exercises');
-if (isset($_GET['message'])) {
- if (in_array($_GET['message'], array('ExerciseEdited'))) {
- Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang($_GET['message']));
- }
// display the actions
echo '<div class="actions">';
echo lp_upload_quiz_actions();
@@ -60,20 +50,18 @@ lp_upload_quiz_main();
function lp_upload_quiz_actions()
$return = '<a href="exercise.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.
- Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('BackToExercisesList'),'',ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).'</a>';
+ Display::return_icon(
+ 'back.png',
+ get_lang('BackToExercisesList'),
+ '',
+ ).'</a>';
return $return;
-function lp_upload_quiz_secondary_actions()
- $return = '<a href="exercise_report.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '">' .
- Display :: return_icon('reporting32.png', get_lang('Tracking')) . get_lang('Tracking') . '</a>';
- return $return;
function lp_upload_quiz_main()
- // variable initialisation
$lp_id = isset($_GET['lp_id']) ? intval($_GET['lp_id']) : null;
$form = new FormValidator(
@@ -105,7 +93,7 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_main()
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 1, '#');
$row = 1;
- foreach ($tableList as $key => $label ) {
+ foreach ($tableList as $key => $label) {
$table->setCellContents($row, 0, $label);
$table->setCellContents($row, 1, $key);
@@ -155,160 +143,119 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- // Read the Excel document
- $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
- // Set output Encoding.
- $data->setOutputEncoding(api_get_system_encoding());
- // Reading the xls document.
- $data->read($_FILES['user_upload_quiz']['tmp_name']);
+ // Variables
+ $numberQuestions = 0;
+ $question = [];
+ $scoreList = [];
+ $feedbackTrueList = [];
+ $feedbackFalseList = [];
+ $questionDescriptionList = [];
+ $noNegativeScoreList = [];
+ $questionTypeList = [];
+ $answerList = [];
+ $quizTitle = '';
+ $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($_FILES['user_upload_quiz']['tmp_name']);
+ $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
+ $worksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
+ $highestRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow(); // e.g. 10
+ $highestColumn = $worksheet->getHighestColumn(); // e.g 'F'
$correctScore = isset($_POST['correct_score']) ? $_POST['correct_score'] : null;
$incorrectScore = isset($_POST['incorrect_score']) ? $_POST['incorrect_score'] : null;
$useCustomScore = isset($_POST['user_custom_score']) ? true : false;
- $propagateNegative = 0;
- if ($useCustomScore && !empty($incorrectScore)) {
- if ($incorrectScore < 0) {
- $propagateNegative = 1;
- }
- }
- // Variables
- $quiz_index = 0;
- $question_title_index = array();
- $question_name_index_init = array();
- $question_name_index_end = array();
- $score_index = array();
- $feedback_true_index = array();
- $feedback_false_index = array();
- $number_questions = 0;
- $question_description_index = array();
- $noNegativeScoreIndex = array();
- $questionTypeList = array();
- $questionTypeIndex = array();
- $categoryList = array();
- // Reading all the first column items sequentially to create breakpoints
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
- if ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Quiz' && $i == 1) {
- $quiz_index = $i; // Quiz title position, only occurs once
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Question') {
- $question_title_index[] = $i; // Question title position line
- $question_name_index_init[] = $i + 1; // Questions name 1st position line
- $number_questions++;
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'Score') {
- $question_name_index_end[] = $i - 1; // Question name position
- $score_index[] = $i; // Question score position
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'FeedbackTrue') {
- $feedback_true_index[] = $i; // FeedbackTrue position (line)
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'FeedbackFalse') {
- $feedback_false_index[] = $i; // FeedbackFalse position (line)
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'EnrichQuestion') {
- $question_description_index[] = $i;
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'NoNegativeScore') {
- $noNegativeScoreIndex[] = $i;
- } elseif ($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1] == 'QuestionType') {
- $questionTypeIndex[] = $i;
- }
- }
- // Variables
- $quiz = array();
- $question = array();
- $new_answer = array();
- $score_list = array();
- $feedback_true_list = array();
- $feedback_false_list = array();
- $question_description = array();
- $noNegativeScoreList = array();
- // Getting questions.
- $k = $z = $q = $l = $m = $n = 0;
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
- if (is_array($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i])) {
- $column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i];
- // Fill all column with data to have a full array
- for ($x = 1; $x <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $x++) {
- if (empty($column_data[$x])) {
- $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$x] = '';
- }
- }
- // Array filled with data
- $column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i];
- } else {
- $column_data = '';
- }
+ for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) {
+ $cellTitleInfo = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0, $row);
+ $cellDataInfo = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(1, $row);
+ $cellScoreInfo = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, $row);
+ $title = $cellTitleInfo->getValue();
+ switch ($title) {
+ case 'Quiz':
+ $quizTitle = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'Question':
+ $question[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ // Search cell with Answer title
+ $answerRow = $row;
+ $continue = true;
+ $answerIndex = 0;
+ while ($continue) {
+ $answerRow++;
+ $answerInfoTitle = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0, $answerRow);
+ $answerInfoData = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(1, $answerRow);
+ $answerInfoExtra = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, $answerRow);
+ $answerInfoTitle = $answerInfoTitle->getValue();
+ if (strpos($answerInfoTitle, 'Answer') !== false) {
+ $answerList[$numberQuestions][$answerIndex]['data'] = $answerInfoData->getValue();
+ $answerList[$numberQuestions][$answerIndex]['extra'] = $answerInfoExtra->getValue();
+ } else {
+ $continue = false;
+ }
+ $answerIndex++;
- // Fill quiz data
- if ($quiz_index == $i) {
- // The title always in the first position
- $quiz = $column_data;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $question_title_index)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'Question'
- $question[$k] = $column_data;
- for ($counter = 0; $counter < 12; $counter++) {
- $myData = isset($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i + $counter]) ? $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i + $counter] : null;
- if (isset($myData[1]) && $myData[1] == 'QuestionType') {
- $questionTypeList[$k] = $myData[3];
+ // To avoid loops
+ if ($answerIndex > 60) {
+ $continue = false;
+ }
- if (isset($myData[1]) && $myData[1] == 'Category') {
- $categoryList[$k] = $myData[2];
+ // Search cell with question type
+ $answerRow = $row;
+ $continue = true;
+ $questionTypeIndex = 0;
+ while ($continue) {
+ $answerRow++;
+ $questionTypeTitle = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0, $answerRow);
+ $questionTypeExtra = $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, $answerRow);
+ $title = $questionTypeTitle->getValue();
+ if ($title == 'QuestionType') {
+ $questionTypeList[$numberQuestions] = $questionTypeExtra->getValue();
+ $continue = false;
+ }
+ if ($title == 'Question') {
+ $continue = false;
+ }
+ // To avoid loops
+ if ($questionTypeIndex > 60) {
+ $continue = false;
+ }
+ $questionTypeIndex++;
- }
- if (!isset($questionTypeList[$k])) {
- $questionTypeList[$k] = null;
- }
- $k++;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $score_index)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'Score'
- $score_list[$z] = $column_data;
- $z++;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $feedback_true_index)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'FeedbackTrue'
- $feedback_true_list[$q] = $column_data;
- $q++;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $feedback_false_index)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'FeedbackFalse' for wrong answers
- $feedback_false_list[$l] = $column_data;
- $l++;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $question_description_index)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'EnrichQuestion'
- $question_description[$m] = $column_data;
- $m++;
- } elseif (in_array($i, $noNegativeScoreIndex)) {
- //a complete line where 1st column is 'NoNegativeScore'
- $noNegativeScoreList[$z - 1] = $column_data;
+ // Detect answers
+ $numberQuestions++;
+ break;
+ case 'Score':
+ $scoreList[] = $cellScoreInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'NoNegativeScore':
+ $noNegativeScoreList[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'Category':
+ $categoryList[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'FeedbackTrue':
+ $feedbackTrueList[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'FeedbackFalse':
+ $feedbackFalseList[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
+ case 'EnrichQuestion':
+ $questionDescriptionList[] = $cellDataInfo->getValue();
+ break;
- // Get answers
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($question_name_index_init); $i++) {
- for ($j = $question_name_index_init[$i]; $j <= $question_name_index_end[$i]; $j++) {
- if (is_array($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j])) {
- $column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j];
- // Fill all column with data
- for ($x = 1; $x <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $x++) {
- if (empty($column_data[$x])) {
- $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j][$x] = '';
- }
- }
- $column_data = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$j];
- // Array filled of data
- if (is_array($column_data) && count($column_data) > 0) {
- $new_answer[$i][$j] = $column_data;
- }
- }
+ $propagateNegative = 0;
+ if ($useCustomScore && !empty($incorrectScore)) {
+ if ($incorrectScore < 0) {
+ $propagateNegative = 1;
- // Quiz title.
- $quiz_title = $quiz[2];
- if ($quiz_title != '') {
+ if ($quizTitle != '') {
// Variables
$type = 2;
$random = $active = $results = $max_attempt = $expired_time = 0;
@@ -320,7 +267,7 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
$exercise = new Exercise();
$quiz_id = $exercise->createExercise(
- $quiz_title,
+ $quizTitle,
@@ -342,11 +289,11 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
// Import questions.
- for ($i = 0; $i < $number_questions; $i++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $numberQuestions; $i++) {
// Question name
- $question_title = $question[$i][2];
- $description = isset($question_description[$i][2]) ? $question_description[$i][2] : '';
+ $questionTitle = $question[$i];
+ $myAnswerList = isset($answerList[$i]) ? $answerList[$i] : [];
+ $description = isset($questionDescriptionList[$i]) ? $questionDescriptionList[$i] : '';
$categoryId = null;
if (isset($categoryList[$i]) && !empty($categoryList[$i])) {
$categoryName = $categoryList[$i];
@@ -358,24 +305,19 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- $question_description_text = "<p></p>";
+ $question_description_text = '<p></p>';
if (!empty($description)) {
// Question description.
- $question_description_text = "<p>".$description."</p>";
+ $question_description_text = "<p>$description</p>";
// Unique answers are the only question types available for now
// through xls-format import
- $answerList = isset($new_answer[$i]) ? $new_answer[$i] : '';
$question_id = null;
- if (isset($questionTypeList[$i])) {
- $detectQuestionType = intval($questionTypeList[$i]);
+ if (isset($questionTypeList[$i]) && $questionTypeList[$i] != '') {
+ $detectQuestionType = (int) $questionTypeList[$i];
} else {
- $detectQuestionType = detectQuestionType(
- $answerList,
- $score_list
- );
+ $detectQuestionType = detectQuestionType($myAnswerList);
/** @var Question $answer */
@@ -402,10 +344,10 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- if ($question_title != '') {
+ if ($questionTitle != '') {
$question_id = $answer->create_question(
- $question_title,
+ $questionTitle,
0, // max score
@@ -425,33 +367,33 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
$total = 0;
- if (is_array($answerList) && !empty($question_id)) {
+ if (is_array($myAnswerList) && !empty($myAnswerList) && !empty($question_id)) {
$id = 1;
$objAnswer = new Answer($question_id, $courseId);
- $globalScore = $score_list[$i][3];
+ $globalScore = $scoreList[$i];
// Calculate the number of correct answers to divide the
// score between them when importing from CSV
$numberRightAnswers = 0;
- foreach ($answerList as $answer_data) {
- if (strtolower($answer_data[3]) == 'x') {
+ foreach ($myAnswerList as $answer_data) {
+ if (strtolower($answer_data['extra']) == 'x') {
- foreach ($answerList as $answer_data) {
- $answerValue = $answer_data[2];
+ foreach ($myAnswerList as $answer_data) {
+ $answerValue = $answer_data['data'];
$correct = 0;
$score = 0;
- if (strtolower($answer_data[3]) == 'x') {
+ if (strtolower($answer_data['extra']) == 'x') {
$correct = 1;
- $score = $score_list[$i][3];
- $comment = $feedback_true_list[$i][2];
+ $score = $scoreList[$i];
+ $comment = isset($feedbackTrueList[$i]) ? $feedbackTrueList[$i] : '';
} else {
- $comment = $feedback_false_list[$i][2];
- $floatVal = (float)$answer_data[3];
+ $comment = isset($feedbackFalseList[$i]) ? $feedbackFalseList[$i] : '';
+ $floatVal = (float)$answer_data['extra'];
if (is_numeric($floatVal)) {
- $score = $answer_data[3];
+ $score = $answer_data['extra'];
@@ -467,13 +409,13 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
switch ($detectQuestionType) {
if (isset($noNegativeScoreList[$i][3])) {
- if (!(strtolower($noNegativeScoreList[$i][3]) == 'x') &&
+ if (!(strtolower($noNegativeScoreList[$i]) == 'x') &&
) {
- $score = $score_list[$i][3] * -1;
+ $score = $scoreList[$i] * -1;
} else {
- $score = $score_list[$i][3] * -1;
+ $score = $scoreList[$i] * -1;
$score /= $numberRightAnswers;
@@ -521,7 +463,7 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- $globalScore = $score_list[$i][3];
+ $globalScore = $scoreList[$i];
$questionObj = Question::read($question_id, $courseId);
if ($questionObj) {
@@ -529,11 +471,11 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- $scoreList = array();
- $size = array();
+ $scoreList = [];
+ $size = [];
$globalScore = 0;
- foreach ($answerList as $data) {
- $score = isset($data[3]) ? $data[3] : 0;
+ foreach ($myAnswerList as $data) {
+ $score = isset($data['extra']) ? $data['extra'] : 0;
$globalScore += $score;
$scoreList[] = $score;
$size[] = 200;
@@ -562,19 +504,19 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
- $globalScore = $score_list[$i][3];
+ $globalScore = $scoreList[$i];
$position = 1;
$objAnswer = new Answer($question_id, $courseId);
- foreach ($answerList as $data) {
- $option = isset($data[3]) ? $data[3] : '';
+ foreach ($myAnswerList as $data) {
+ $option = isset($data['extra']) ? $data['extra'] : '';
$objAnswer->createAnswer($option, 0, '', 0, $position);
$counter = 1;
- foreach ($answerList as $data) {
- $value = isset($data[2]) ? $data[2] : '';
+ foreach ($myAnswerList as $data) {
+ $value = isset($data['data']) ? $data['data'] : '';
@@ -607,7 +549,7 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
if ($debug > 0) {
error_log('New LP - oLP is object', 0);
- if ((empty($oLP->cc)) OR $oLP->cc != api_get_course_id()) {
+ if ((empty($oLP->cc)) || $oLP->cc != api_get_course_id()) {
if ($debug > 0) {
error_log('New LP - Course has changed, discard lp object', 0);
@@ -624,7 +566,7 @@ function lp_upload_quiz_action_handling()
$previous = $_SESSION['oLP']->select_previous_item_id();
$parent = 0;
// Add a Quiz as Lp Item
- $_SESSION['oLP']->add_item($parent, $previous, TOOL_QUIZ, $quiz_id, $quiz_title, '');
+ $_SESSION['oLP']->add_item($parent, $previous, TOOL_QUIZ, $quiz_id, $quizTitle, '');
// Redirect to home page for add more content
header('location: ../lp/lp_controller.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval($_GET['lp_id']));
@@ -647,11 +589,12 @@ function detectQuestionType($answers_data)
if (empty($answers_data)) {
foreach ($answers_data as $answer_data) {
- if (strtolower($answer_data[3]) == 'x') {
+ if (strtolower($answer_data['extra']) == 'x') {
} else {
- if (is_numeric($answer_data[3])) {
+ if (is_numeric($answer_data['extra'])) {
$isNumeric = true;
@@ -678,7 +621,7 @@ function detectQuestionType($answers_data)
return $type;
-if (!isset($origin) || isset($origin) && $origin != 'learnpath') {
+if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
//so we are not in learnpath tool
Display :: display_footer();