
Removing Twig (it was moved inside the symfony folder)

Julio Montoya 13 年之前
共有 100 個文件被更改,包括 0 次插入7865 次删除
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+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Autoloads Twig classes.
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Autoloader
-    /**
-     * Registers Twig_Autoloader as an SPL autoloader.
-     */
-    static public function register()
-    {
-        ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
-        spl_autoload_register(array(new self, 'autoload'));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Handles autoloading of classes.
-     *
-     * @param  string  $class  A class name.
-     *
-     * @return boolean Returns true if the class has been loaded
-     */
-    static public function autoload($class)
-    {
-        if (0 !== strpos($class, 'Twig')) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (is_file($file = dirname(__FILE__).'/../'.str_replace(array('_', "\0"), array('/', ''), $class).'.php')) {
-            require $file;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 242

@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Compiles a node to PHP code.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Compiler implements Twig_CompilerInterface
-    protected $lastLine;
-    protected $source;
-    protected $indentation;
-    protected $env;
-    protected $debugInfo;
-    protected $sourceOffset;
-    protected $sourceLine;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env The twig environment instance
-     */
-    public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)
-    {
-        $this->env = $env;
-        $this->debugInfo = array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the environment instance related to this compiler.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Environment The environment instance
-     */
-    public function getEnvironment()
-    {
-        return $this->env;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the current PHP code after compilation.
-     *
-     * @return string The PHP code
-     */
-    public function getSource()
-    {
-        return $this->source;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles a node.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_NodeInterface $node        The node to compile
-     * @param integer            $indentation The current indentation
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_NodeInterface $node, $indentation = 0)
-    {
-        $this->lastLine = null;
-        $this->source = '';
-        $this->sourceOffset = 0;
-        $this->sourceLine = 0;
-        $this->indentation = $indentation;
-        $node->compile($this);
-        return $this;
-    }
-    public function subcompile(Twig_NodeInterface $node, $raw = true)
-    {
-        if (false === $raw) {
-            $this->addIndentation();
-        }
-        $node->compile($this);
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds a raw string to the compiled code.
-     *
-     * @param  string $string The string
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function raw($string)
-    {
-        $this->source .= $string;
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes a string to the compiled code by adding indentation.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function write()
-    {
-        $strings = func_get_args();
-        foreach ($strings as $string) {
-            $this->addIndentation();
-            $this->source .= $string;
-        }
-        return $this;
-    }
-    public function addIndentation()
-    {
-        $this->source .= str_repeat(' ', $this->indentation * 4);
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds a quoted string to the compiled code.
-     *
-     * @param  string $value The string
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function string($value)
-    {
-        $this->source .= sprintf('"%s"', addcslashes($value, "\0\t\"\$\\"));
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a PHP representation of a given value.
-     *
-     * @param  mixed $value The value to convert
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function repr($value)
-    {
-        if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {
-            if (false !== $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0)) {
-                setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
-            }
-            $this->raw($value);
-            if (false !== $locale) {
-                setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale);
-            }
-        } elseif (null === $value) {
-            $this->raw('null');
-        } elseif (is_bool($value)) {
-            $this->raw($value ? 'true' : 'false');
-        } elseif (is_array($value)) {
-            $this->raw('array(');
-            $i = 0;
-            foreach ($value as $key => $value) {
-                if ($i++) {
-                    $this->raw(', ');
-                }
-                $this->repr($key);
-                $this->raw(' => ');
-                $this->repr($value);
-            }
-            $this->raw(')');
-        } else {
-            $this->string($value);
-        }
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds debugging information.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_NodeInterface $node The related twig node
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function addDebugInfo(Twig_NodeInterface $node)
-    {
-        if ($node->getLine() != $this->lastLine) {
-            $this->sourceLine += substr_count($this->source, "\n", $this->sourceOffset);
-            $this->sourceOffset = strlen($this->source);
-            $this->debugInfo[$this->sourceLine] = $node->getLine();
-            $this->lastLine = $node->getLine();
-            $this->write("// line {$node->getLine()}\n");
-        }
-        return $this;
-    }
-    public function getDebugInfo()
-    {
-        return $this->debugInfo;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Indents the generated code.
-     *
-     * @param integer $step The number of indentation to add
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function indent($step = 1)
-    {
-        $this->indentation += $step;
-        return $this;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Outdents the generated code.
-     *
-     * @param integer $step The number of indentation to remove
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Compiler The current compiler instance
-     */
-    public function outdent($step = 1)
-    {
-        $this->indentation -= $step;
-        if ($this->indentation < 0) {
-            throw new Twig_Error('Unable to call outdent() as the indentation would become negative');
-        }
-        return $this;
-    }

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Interface implemented by compiler classes.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-interface Twig_CompilerInterface
-    /**
-     * Compiles a node.
-     *
-     * @param  Twig_NodeInterface $node The node to compile
-     *
-     * @return Twig_CompilerInterface The current compiler instance
-     */
-    function compile(Twig_NodeInterface $node);
-    /**
-     * Gets the current PHP code after compilation.
-     *
-     * @return string The PHP code
-     */
-    function getSource();

+ 0 - 1060

@@ -1,1060 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Stores the Twig configuration.
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Environment
-    const VERSION = '1.6.4';
-    protected $charset;
-    protected $loader;
-    protected $debug;
-    protected $autoReload;
-    protected $cache;
-    protected $lexer;
-    protected $parser;
-    protected $compiler;
-    protected $baseTemplateClass;
-    protected $extensions;
-    protected $parsers;
-    protected $visitors;
-    protected $filters;
-    protected $tests;
-    protected $functions;
-    protected $globals;
-    protected $runtimeInitialized;
-    protected $loadedTemplates;
-    protected $strictVariables;
-    protected $unaryOperators;
-    protected $binaryOperators;
-    protected $templateClassPrefix = '__TwigTemplate_';
-    protected $functionCallbacks;
-    protected $filterCallbacks;
-    protected $staging;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * Available options:
-     *
-     *  * debug: When set to `true`, the generated templates have a __toString()
-     *           method that you can use to display the generated nodes (default to
-     *           false).
-     *
-     *  * charset: The charset used by the templates (default to utf-8).
-     *
-     *  * base_template_class: The base template class to use for generated
-     *                         templates (default to Twig_Template).
-     *
-     *  * cache: An absolute path where to store the compiled templates, or
-     *           false to disable compilation cache (default)
-     *
-     *  * auto_reload: Whether to reload the template is the original source changed.
-     *                 If you don't provide the auto_reload option, it will be
-     *                 determined automatically base on the debug value.
-     *
-     *  * strict_variables: Whether to ignore invalid variables in templates
-     *                      (default to false).
-     *
-     *  * autoescape: Whether to enable auto-escaping (default to true);
-     *
-     *  * optimizations: A flag that indicates which optimizations to apply
-     *                   (default to -1 which means that all optimizations are enabled;
-     *                   set it to 0 to disable)
-     *
-     * @param Twig_LoaderInterface   $loader  A Twig_LoaderInterface instance
-     * @param array                  $options An array of options
-     */
-    public function __construct(Twig_LoaderInterface $loader = null, $options = array())
-    {
-        if (null !== $loader) {
-            $this->setLoader($loader);
-        }
-        $options = array_merge(array(
-            'debug'               => false,
-            'charset'             => 'UTF-8',
-            'base_template_class' => 'Twig_Template',
-            'strict_variables'    => false,
-            'autoescape'          => true,
-            'cache'               => false,
-            'auto_reload'         => null,
-            'optimizations'       => -1,
-        ), $options);
-        $this->debug              = (bool) $options['debug'];
-        $this->charset            = $options['charset'];
-        $this->baseTemplateClass  = $options['base_template_class'];
-        $this->autoReload         = null === $options['auto_reload'] ? $this->debug : (bool) $options['auto_reload'];
-        $this->extensions         = array(
-            'core'      => new Twig_Extension_Core(),
-            'escaper'   => new Twig_Extension_Escaper((bool) $options['autoescape']),
-            'optimizer' => new Twig_Extension_Optimizer($options['optimizations']),
-        );
-        $this->strictVariables    = (bool) $options['strict_variables'];
-        $this->runtimeInitialized = false;
-        $this->setCache($options['cache']);
-        $this->functionCallbacks = array();
-        $this->filterCallbacks = array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the base template class for compiled templates.
-     *
-     * @return string The base template class name
-     */
-    public function getBaseTemplateClass()
-    {
-        return $this->baseTemplateClass;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the base template class for compiled templates.
-     *
-     * @param string $class The base template class name
-     */
-    public function setBaseTemplateClass($class)
-    {
-        $this->baseTemplateClass = $class;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enables debugging mode.
-     */
-    public function enableDebug()
-    {
-        $this->debug = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disables debugging mode.
-     */
-    public function disableDebug()
-    {
-        $this->debug = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks if debug mode is enabled.
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if debug mode is enabled, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function isDebug()
-    {
-        return $this->debug;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enables the auto_reload option.
-     */
-    public function enableAutoReload()
-    {
-        $this->autoReload = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disables the auto_reload option.
-     */
-    public function disableAutoReload()
-    {
-        $this->autoReload = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks if the auto_reload option is enabled.
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if auto_reload is enabled, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function isAutoReload()
-    {
-        return $this->autoReload;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Enables the strict_variables option.
-     */
-    public function enableStrictVariables()
-    {
-        $this->strictVariables = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Disables the strict_variables option.
-     */
-    public function disableStrictVariables()
-    {
-        $this->strictVariables = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks if the strict_variables option is enabled.
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if strict_variables is enabled, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function isStrictVariables()
-    {
-        return $this->strictVariables;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache directory or false if cache is disabled.
-     *
-     * @return string|false
-     */
-    public function getCache()
-    {
-        return $this->cache;
-    }
-     /**
-      * Sets the cache directory or false if cache is disabled.
-      *
-      * @param string|false $cache The absolute path to the compiled templates,
-      *                            or false to disable cache
-      */
-    public function setCache($cache)
-    {
-        $this->cache = $cache ? $cache : false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache filename for a given template.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The template name
-     *
-     * @return string The cache file name
-     */
-    public function getCacheFilename($name)
-    {
-        if (false === $this->cache) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $class = substr($this->getTemplateClass($name), strlen($this->templateClassPrefix));
-        return $this->getCache().'/'.substr($class, 0, 2).'/'.substr($class, 2, 2).'/'.substr($class, 4).'.php';
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the template class associated with the given string.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The name for which to calculate the template class name
-     *
-     * @return string The template class name
-     */
-    public function getTemplateClass($name)
-    {
-        return $this->templateClassPrefix.md5($this->loader->getCacheKey($name));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the template class prefix.
-     *
-     * @return string The template class prefix
-     */
-    public function getTemplateClassPrefix()
-    {
-        return $this->templateClassPrefix;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Renders a template.
-     *
-     * @param string $name    The template name
-     * @param array  $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
-     *
-     * @return string The rendered template
-     */
-    public function render($name, array $context = array())
-    {
-        return $this->loadTemplate($name)->render($context);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Displays a template.
-     *
-     * @param string $name    The template name
-     * @param array  $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
-     */
-    public function display($name, array $context = array())
-    {
-        $this->loadTemplate($name)->display($context);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Loads a template by name.
-     *
-     * @param  string  $name  The template name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TemplateInterface A template instance representing the given template name
-     */
-    public function loadTemplate($name)
-    {
-        $cls = $this->getTemplateClass($name);
-        if (isset($this->loadedTemplates[$cls])) {
-            return $this->loadedTemplates[$cls];
-        }
-        if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
-            if (false === $cache = $this->getCacheFilename($name)) {
-                eval('?>'.$this->compileSource($this->loader->getSource($name), $name));
-            } else {
-                if (!is_file($cache) || ($this->isAutoReload() && !$this->isTemplateFresh($name, filemtime($cache)))) {
-                    $this->writeCacheFile($cache, $this->compileSource($this->loader->getSource($name), $name));
-                }
-                require_once $cache;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!$this->runtimeInitialized) {
-            $this->initRuntime();
-        }
-        return $this->loadedTemplates[$cls] = new $cls($this);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * Besides checking the loader for freshness information,
-     * this method also checks if the enabled extensions have
-     * not changed.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if the template is fresh, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function isTemplateFresh($name, $time)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
-            $r = new ReflectionObject($extension);
-            if (filemtime($r->getFileName()) > $time) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->loader->isFresh($name, $time);
-    }
-    public function resolveTemplate($names)
-    {
-        if (!is_array($names)) {
-            $names = array($names);
-        }
-        foreach ($names as $name) {
-            if ($name instanceof Twig_Template) {
-                return $name;
-            }
-            try {
-                return $this->loadTemplate($name);
-            } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
-            }
-        }
-        if (1 === count($names)) {
-            throw $e;
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Unable to find one of the following templates: "%s".', implode('", "', $names)));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Clears the internal template cache.
-     */
-    public function clearTemplateCache()
-    {
-        $this->loadedTemplates = array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Clears the template cache files on the filesystem.
-     */
-    public function clearCacheFiles()
-    {
-        if (false === $this->cache) {
-            return;
-        }
-        foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->cache), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY) as $file) {
-            if ($file->isFile()) {
-                @unlink($file->getPathname());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Lexer instance.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_LexerInterface A Twig_LexerInterface instance
-     */
-    public function getLexer()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->lexer) {
-            $this->lexer = new Twig_Lexer($this);
-        }
-        return $this->lexer;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Lexer instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_LexerInterface A Twig_LexerInterface instance
-     */
-    public function setLexer(Twig_LexerInterface $lexer)
-    {
-        $this->lexer = $lexer;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tokenizes a source code.
-     *
-     * @param string $source The template source code
-     * @param string $name   The template name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TokenStream A Twig_TokenStream instance
-     */
-    public function tokenize($source, $name = null)
-    {
-        return $this->getLexer()->tokenize($source, $name);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Parser instance.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_ParserInterface A Twig_ParserInterface instance
-     */
-    public function getParser()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->parser) {
-            $this->parser = new Twig_Parser($this);
-        }
-        return $this->parser;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Parser instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_ParserInterface A Twig_ParserInterface instance
-     */
-    public function setParser(Twig_ParserInterface $parser)
-    {
-        $this->parser = $parser;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Parses a token stream.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_TokenStream $tokens A Twig_TokenStream instance
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Node_Module A Node tree
-     */
-    public function parse(Twig_TokenStream $tokens)
-    {
-        return $this->getParser()->parse($tokens);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Compiler instance.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_CompilerInterface A Twig_CompilerInterface instance
-     */
-    public function getCompiler()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->compiler) {
-            $this->compiler = new Twig_Compiler($this);
-        }
-        return $this->compiler;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Compiler instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_CompilerInterface $compiler A Twig_CompilerInterface instance
-     */
-    public function setCompiler(Twig_CompilerInterface $compiler)
-    {
-        $this->compiler = $compiler;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles a Node.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_NodeInterface $node A Twig_NodeInterface instance
-     *
-     * @return string The compiled PHP source code
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_NodeInterface $node)
-    {
-        return $this->getCompiler()->compile($node)->getSource();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles a template source code.
-     *
-     * @param string $source The template source code
-     * @param string $name   The template name
-     *
-     * @return string The compiled PHP source code
-     */
-    public function compileSource($source, $name = null)
-    {
-        try {
-            return $this->compile($this->parse($this->tokenize($source, $name)));
-        } catch (Twig_Error $e) {
-            $e->setTemplateFile($name);
-            throw $e;
-        } catch (Exception $e) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $name, $e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Loader instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_LoaderInterface $loader A Twig_LoaderInterface instance
-     */
-    public function setLoader(Twig_LoaderInterface $loader)
-    {
-        $this->loader = $loader;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Loader instance.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_LoaderInterface A Twig_LoaderInterface instance
-     */
-    public function getLoader()
-    {
-        return $this->loader;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the default template charset.
-     *
-     * @param string $charset The default charset
-     */
-    public function setCharset($charset)
-    {
-        $this->charset = $charset;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the default template charset.
-     *
-     * @return string The default charset
-     */
-    public function getCharset()
-    {
-        return $this->charset;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initializes the runtime environment.
-     */
-    public function initRuntime()
-    {
-        $this->runtimeInitialized = true;
-        foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-            $extension->initRuntime($this);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the given extension is registered.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The extension name
-     *
-     * @return Boolean Whether the extension is registered or not
-     */
-    public function hasExtension($name)
-    {
-        return isset($this->extensions[$name]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an extension by name.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The extension name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_ExtensionInterface A Twig_ExtensionInterface instance
-     */
-    public function getExtension($name)
-    {
-        if (!isset($this->extensions[$name])) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('The "%s" extension is not enabled.', $name));
-        }
-        return $this->extensions[$name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers an extension.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_ExtensionInterface $extension A Twig_ExtensionInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addExtension(Twig_ExtensionInterface $extension)
-    {
-        $this->extensions[$extension->getName()] = $extension;
-        $this->parsers = null;
-        $this->visitors = null;
-        $this->filters = null;
-        $this->tests = null;
-        $this->functions = null;
-        $this->globals = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes an extension by name.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The extension name
-     */
-    public function removeExtension($name)
-    {
-        unset($this->extensions[$name]);
-        $this->parsers = null;
-        $this->visitors = null;
-        $this->filters = null;
-        $this->tests = null;
-        $this->functions = null;
-        $this->globals = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers an array of extensions.
-     *
-     * @param array $extensions An array of extensions
-     */
-    public function setExtensions(array $extensions)
-    {
-        foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
-            $this->addExtension($extension);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns all registered extensions.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of extensions
-     */
-    public function getExtensions()
-    {
-        return $this->extensions;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Token Parser.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_TokenParserInterface $parser A Twig_TokenParserInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addTokenParser(Twig_TokenParserInterface $parser)
-    {
-        $this->staging['token_parsers'][] = $parser;
-        $this->parsers = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered Token Parsers.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface A broker containing token parsers
-     */
-    public function getTokenParsers()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->parsers) {
-            $this->parsers = new Twig_TokenParserBroker();
-            if (isset($this->staging['token_parsers'])) {
-                foreach ($this->staging['token_parsers'] as $parser) {
-                    $this->parsers->addTokenParser($parser);
-                }
-            }
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $parsers = $extension->getTokenParsers();
-                foreach($parsers as $parser) {
-                    if ($parser instanceof Twig_TokenParserInterface) {
-                        $this->parsers->addTokenParser($parser);
-                    } elseif ($parser instanceof Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface) {
-                        $this->parsers->addTokenParserBroker($parser);
-                    } else {
-                        throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('getTokenParsers() must return an array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances');
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->parsers;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets registered tags.
-     *
-     * Be warned that this method cannot return tags defined by Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface classes.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TokenParserInterface[] An array of Twig_TokenParserInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getTags()
-    {
-        $tags = array();
-        foreach ($this->getTokenParsers()->getParsers() as $parser) {
-            if ($parser instanceof Twig_TokenParserInterface) {
-                $tags[$parser->getTag()] = $parser;
-            }
-        }
-        return $tags;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Node Visitor.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_NodeVisitorInterface $visitor A Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addNodeVisitor(Twig_NodeVisitorInterface $visitor)
-    {
-        $this->staging['visitors'][] = $visitor;
-        $this->visitors = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered Node Visitors.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_NodeVisitorInterface[] An array of Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getNodeVisitors()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->visitors) {
-            $this->visitors = isset($this->staging['visitors']) ? $this->staging['visitors'] : array();
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $this->visitors = array_merge($this->visitors, $extension->getNodeVisitors());
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->visitors;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Filter.
-     *
-     * @param string               $name   The filter name
-     * @param Twig_FilterInterface $filter A Twig_FilterInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addFilter($name, Twig_FilterInterface $filter)
-    {
-        $this->staging['filters'][$name] = $filter;
-        $this->filters = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get a filter by name.
-     *
-     * Subclasses may override this method and load filters differently;
-     * so no list of filters is available.
-     *
-     * @param string $name The filter name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Filter|false A Twig_Filter instance or false if the filter does not exists
-     */
-    public function getFilter($name)
-    {
-        if (null === $this->filters) {
-            $this->getFilters();
-        }
-        if (isset($this->filters[$name])) {
-            return $this->filters[$name];
-        }
-        foreach ($this->filters as $pattern => $filter) {
-            $pattern = str_replace('\\*', '(.*?)', preg_quote($pattern, '#'), $count);
-            if ($count) {
-                if (preg_match('#^'.$pattern.'$#', $name, $matches)) {
-                    array_shift($matches);
-                    $filter->setArguments($matches);
-                    return $filter;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        foreach ($this->filterCallbacks as $callback) {
-            if (false !== $filter = call_user_func($callback, $name)) {
-                return $filter;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    public function registerUndefinedFilterCallback($callable)
-    {
-        $this->filterCallbacks[] = $callable;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered Filters.
-     *
-     * Be warned that this method cannot return filters defined with registerUndefinedFunctionCallback.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_FilterInterface[] An array of Twig_FilterInterface instances
-     *
-     * @see registerUndefinedFilterCallback
-     */
-    public function getFilters()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->filters) {
-            $this->filters = isset($this->staging['filters']) ? $this->staging['filters'] : array();
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $this->filters = array_merge($this->filters, $extension->getFilters());
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->filters;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Test.
-     *
-     * @param string             $name The test name
-     * @param Twig_TestInterface $test A Twig_TestInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addTest($name, Twig_TestInterface $test)
-    {
-        $this->staging['tests'][$name] = $test;
-        $this->tests = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered Tests.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TestInterface[] An array of Twig_TestInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getTests()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->tests) {
-            $this->tests = isset($this->staging['tests']) ? $this->staging['tests'] : array();
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $this->tests = array_merge($this->tests, $extension->getTests());
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->tests;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Function.
-     *
-     * @param string                 $name     The function name
-     * @param Twig_FunctionInterface $function A Twig_FunctionInterface instance
-     */
-    public function addFunction($name, Twig_FunctionInterface $function)
-    {
-        $this->staging['functions'][$name] = $function;
-        $this->functions = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get a function by name.
-     *
-     * Subclasses may override this method and load functions differently;
-     * so no list of functions is available.
-     *
-     * @param string $name function name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Function|false A Twig_Function instance or false if the function does not exists
-     */
-    public function getFunction($name)
-    {
-        if (null === $this->functions) {
-            $this->getFunctions();
-        }
-        if (isset($this->functions[$name])) {
-            return $this->functions[$name];
-        }
-        foreach ($this->functions as $pattern => $function) {
-            $pattern = str_replace('\\*', '(.*?)', preg_quote($pattern, '#'), $count);
-            if ($count) {
-                if (preg_match('#^'.$pattern.'$#', $name, $matches)) {
-                    array_shift($matches);
-                    $function->setArguments($matches);
-                    return $function;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        foreach ($this->functionCallbacks as $callback) {
-            if (false !== $function = call_user_func($callback, $name)) {
-                return $function;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    public function registerUndefinedFunctionCallback($callable)
-    {
-        $this->functionCallbacks[] = $callable;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets registered functions.
-     *
-     * Be warned that this method cannot return functions defined with registerUndefinedFunctionCallback.
-     *
-     * @return Twig_FunctionInterface[] An array of Twig_FunctionInterface instances
-     *
-     * @see registerUndefinedFunctionCallback
-     */
-    public function getFunctions()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->functions) {
-            $this->functions = isset($this->staging['functions']) ? $this->staging['functions'] : array();
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $this->functions = array_merge($this->functions, $extension->getFunctions());
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->functions;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Registers a Global.
-     *
-     * @param string $name  The global name
-     * @param mixed  $value The global value
-     */
-    public function addGlobal($name, $value)
-    {
-        $this->staging['globals'][$name] = $value;
-        $this->globals = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered Globals.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of globals
-     */
-    public function getGlobals()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->globals) {
-            $this->globals = isset($this->staging['globals']) ? $this->staging['globals'] : array();
-            foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-                $this->globals = array_merge($this->globals, $extension->getGlobals());
-            }
-        }
-        return $this->globals;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered unary Operators.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of unary operators
-     */
-    public function getUnaryOperators()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->unaryOperators) {
-            $this->initOperators();
-        }
-        return $this->unaryOperators;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the registered binary Operators.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of binary operators
-     */
-    public function getBinaryOperators()
-    {
-        if (null === $this->binaryOperators) {
-            $this->initOperators();
-        }
-        return $this->binaryOperators;
-    }
-    public function computeAlternatives($name, $items)
-    {
-        $alternatives = array();
-        foreach ($items as $item) {
-            $lev = levenshtein($name, $item);
-            if ($lev <= strlen($name) / 3 || false !== strpos($item, $name)) {
-                $alternatives[$item] = $lev;
-            }
-        }
-        asort($alternatives);
-        return array_keys($alternatives);
-    }
-    protected function initOperators()
-    {
-        $this->unaryOperators = array();
-        $this->binaryOperators = array();
-        foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
-            $operators = $extension->getOperators();
-            if (!$operators) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (2 !== count($operators)) {
-                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" does not return a valid operators array.', get_class($extension)));
-            }
-            $this->unaryOperators = array_merge($this->unaryOperators, $operators[0]);
-            $this->binaryOperators = array_merge($this->binaryOperators, $operators[1]);
-        }
-    }
-    protected function writeCacheFile($file, $content)
-    {
-        $dir = dirname($file);
-        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
-            if (false === @mkdir($dir, 0777, true) && !is_dir($dir)) {
-                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to create the cache directory (%s).", $dir));
-            }
-        } elseif (!is_writable($dir)) {
-            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to write in the cache directory (%s).", $dir));
-        }
-        $tmpFile = tempnam(dirname($file), basename($file));
-        if (false !== @file_put_contents($tmpFile, $content)) {
-            // rename does not work on Win32 before 5.2.6
-            if (@rename($tmpFile, $file) || (@copy($tmpFile, $file) && unlink($tmpFile))) {
-                chmod($file, 0644);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Failed to write cache file "%s".', $file));
-    }

+ 0 - 176

@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Twig base exception.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Error extends Exception
-    protected $lineno;
-    protected $filename;
-    protected $rawMessage;
-    protected $previous;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * @param string    $message  The error message
-     * @param integer   $lineno   The template line where the error occurred
-     * @param string    $filename The template file name where the error occurred
-     * @param Exception $previous The previous exception
-     */
-    public function __construct($message, $lineno = -1, $filename = null, Exception $previous = null)
-    {
-        if (-1 === $lineno || null === $filename) {
-            if ($trace = $this->getTemplateTrace()) {
-                if (-1 === $lineno) {
-                    $lineno = $this->guessTemplateLine($trace);
-                }
-                if (null === $filename) {
-                    $filename = $trace['object']->getTemplateName();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $this->lineno = $lineno;
-        $this->filename = $filename;
-        $this->rawMessage = $message;
-        $this->updateRepr();
-        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
-            $this->previous = $previous;
-            parent::__construct($this->message);
-        } else {
-            parent::__construct($this->message, 0, $previous);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the raw message.
-     *
-     * @return string The raw message
-     */
-    public function getRawMessage()
-    {
-        return $this->rawMessage;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the filename where the error occurred.
-     *
-     * @return string The filename
-     */
-    public function getTemplateFile()
-    {
-        return $this->filename;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the filename where the error occurred.
-     *
-     * @param string $filename The filename
-     */
-    public function setTemplateFile($filename)
-    {
-        $this->filename = $filename;
-        $this->updateRepr();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the template line where the error occurred.
-     *
-     * @return integer The template line
-     */
-    public function getTemplateLine()
-    {
-        return $this->lineno;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the template line where the error occurred.
-     *
-     * @param integer $lineno The template line
-     */
-    public function setTemplateLine($lineno)
-    {
-        $this->lineno = $lineno;
-        $this->updateRepr();
-    }
-    /**
-     * For PHP < 5.3.0, provides access to the getPrevious() method.
-     *
-     * @param  string $method    The method name
-     * @param  array  $arguments The parameters to be passed to the method
-     *
-     * @return Exception The previous exception or null
-     */
-    public function __call($method, $arguments)
-    {
-        if ('getprevious' == strtolower($method)) {
-            return $this->previous;
-        }
-        throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Method "Twig_Error::%s()" does not exist.', $method));
-    }
-    protected function updateRepr()
-    {
-        $this->message = $this->rawMessage;
-        $dot = false;
-        if ('.' === substr($this->message, -1)) {
-            $this->message = substr($this->message, 0, -1);
-            $dot = true;
-        }
-        if (null !== $this->filename) {
-            $this->message .= sprintf(' in %s', is_string($this->filename) ? '"'.$this->filename.'"' : json_encode($this->filename));
-        }
-        if ($this->lineno >= 0) {
-            $this->message .= sprintf(' at line %d', $this->lineno);
-        }
-        if ($dot) {
-            $this->message .= '.';
-        }
-    }
-    protected function getTemplateTrace()
-    {
-        foreach (debug_backtrace() as $trace) {
-            if (isset($trace['object']) && $trace['object'] instanceof Twig_Template) {
-                return $trace;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    protected function guessTemplateLine($trace)
-    {
-        if (isset($trace['line'])) {
-            foreach ($trace['object']->getDebugInfo() as $codeLine => $templateLine) {
-                if ($codeLine <= $trace['line']) {
-                    return $templateLine;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Exception thrown when an error occurs during template loading.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Error_Loader extends Twig_Error

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Exception thrown when an error occurs at runtime.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Error_Runtime extends Twig_Error

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Exception thrown when a syntax error occurs during lexing or parsing of a template.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Error_Syntax extends Twig_Error

+ 0 - 488

@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Parses expressions.
- *
- * This parser implements a "Precedence climbing" algorithm.
- *
- * @see http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm
- * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_ExpressionParser
-    const OPERATOR_LEFT = 1;
-    const OPERATOR_RIGHT = 2;
-    protected $parser;
-    protected $unaryOperators;
-    protected $binaryOperators;
-    public function __construct(Twig_Parser $parser, array $unaryOperators, array $binaryOperators)
-    {
-        $this->parser = $parser;
-        $this->unaryOperators = $unaryOperators;
-        $this->binaryOperators = $binaryOperators;
-    }
-    public function parseExpression($precedence = 0)
-    {
-        $expr = $this->getPrimary();
-        $token = $this->parser->getCurrentToken();
-        while ($this->isBinary($token) && $this->binaryOperators[$token->getValue()]['precedence'] >= $precedence) {
-            $op = $this->binaryOperators[$token->getValue()];
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-            if (isset($op['callable'])) {
-                $expr = call_user_func($op['callable'], $this->parser, $expr);
-            } else {
-                $expr1 = $this->parseExpression(self::OPERATOR_LEFT === $op['associativity'] ? $op['precedence'] + 1 : $op['precedence']);
-                $class = $op['class'];
-                $expr = new $class($expr, $expr1, $token->getLine());
-            }
-            $token = $this->parser->getCurrentToken();
-        }
-        if (0 === $precedence) {
-            return $this->parseConditionalExpression($expr);
-        }
-        return $expr;
-    }
-    protected function getPrimary()
-    {
-        $token = $this->parser->getCurrentToken();
-        if ($this->isUnary($token)) {
-            $operator = $this->unaryOperators[$token->getValue()];
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-            $expr = $this->parseExpression($operator['precedence']);
-            $class = $operator['class'];
-            return $this->parsePostfixExpression(new $class($expr, $token->getLine()));
-        } elseif ($token->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(')) {
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-            $expr = $this->parseExpression();
-            $this->parser->getStream()->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ')', 'An opened parenthesis is not properly closed');
-            return $this->parsePostfixExpression($expr);
-        }
-        return $this->parsePrimaryExpression();
-    }
-    protected function parseConditionalExpression($expr)
-    {
-        while ($this->parser->getStream()->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '?')) {
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-            $expr2 = $this->parseExpression();
-            $this->parser->getStream()->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ':', 'The ternary operator must have a default value');
-            $expr3 = $this->parseExpression();
-            $expr = new Twig_Node_Expression_Conditional($expr, $expr2, $expr3, $this->parser->getCurrentToken()->getLine());
-        }
-        return $expr;
-    }
-    protected function isUnary(Twig_Token $token)
-    {
-        return $token->test(Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE) && isset($this->unaryOperators[$token->getValue()]);
-    }
-    protected function isBinary(Twig_Token $token)
-    {
-        return $token->test(Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE) && isset($this->binaryOperators[$token->getValue()]);
-    }
-    public function parsePrimaryExpression()
-    {
-        $token = $this->parser->getCurrentToken();
-        switch ($token->getType()) {
-            case Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE:
-                $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-                switch ($token->getValue()) {
-                    case 'true':
-                    case 'TRUE':
-                        $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(true, $token->getLine());
-                        break;
-                    case 'false':
-                    case 'FALSE':
-                        $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(false, $token->getLine());
-                        break;
-                    case 'none':
-                    case 'NONE':
-                    case 'null':
-                    case 'NULL':
-                        $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(null, $token->getLine());
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        if ('(' === $this->parser->getCurrentToken()->getValue()) {
-                            $node = $this->getFunctionNode($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-                        } else {
-                            $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Name($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-                        }
-                }
-                break;
-            case Twig_Token::NUMBER_TYPE:
-                $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-                $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-                break;
-            case Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE:
-            case Twig_Token::INTERPOLATION_START_TYPE:
-                $node = $this->parseStringExpression();
-                break;
-            default:
-                if ($token->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '[')) {
-                    $node = $this->parseArrayExpression();
-                } elseif ($token->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '{')) {
-                    $node = $this->parseHashExpression();
-                } else {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected token "%s" of value "%s"', Twig_Token::typeToEnglish($token->getType(), $token->getLine()), $token->getValue()), $token->getLine());
-                }
-        }
-        return $this->parsePostfixExpression($node);
-    }
-    public function parseStringExpression()
-    {
-        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
-        $nodes = array();
-        // a string cannot be followed by another string in a single expression
-        $nextCanBeString = true;
-        while (true) {
-            if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE) && $nextCanBeString) {
-                $token = $stream->next();
-                $nodes[] = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-                $nextCanBeString = false;
-            } elseif ($stream->test(Twig_Token::INTERPOLATION_START_TYPE)) {
-                $stream->next();
-                $nodes[] = $this->parseExpression();
-                $stream->expect(Twig_Token::INTERPOLATION_END_TYPE);
-                $nextCanBeString = true;
-            } else {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        $expr = array_shift($nodes);
-        foreach ($nodes as $node) {
-            $expr = new Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Concat($expr, $node, $node->getLine());
-        }
-        return $expr;
-    }
-    public function parseArrayExpression()
-    {
-        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '[', 'An array element was expected');
-        $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Array(array(), $stream->getCurrent()->getLine());
-        $first = true;
-        while (!$stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']')) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ',', 'An array element must be followed by a comma');
-                // trailing ,?
-                if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']')) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            $first = false;
-            $node->addElement($this->parseExpression());
-        }
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']', 'An opened array is not properly closed');
-        return $node;
-    }
-    public function parseHashExpression()
-    {
-        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '{', 'A hash element was expected');
-        $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Array(array(), $stream->getCurrent()->getLine());
-        $first = true;
-        while (!$stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '}')) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ',', 'A hash value must be followed by a comma');
-                // trailing ,?
-                if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '}')) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            $first = false;
-            // a hash key can be:
-            //
-            //  * a number -- 12
-            //  * a string -- 'a'
-            //  * a name, which is equivalent to a string -- a
-            //  * an expression, which must be enclosed in parentheses -- (1 + 2)
-            if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE) || $stream->test(Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE) || $stream->test(Twig_Token::NUMBER_TYPE)) {
-                $token = $stream->next();
-                $key = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-            } elseif ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(')) {
-                $key = $this->parseExpression();
-            } else {
-                $current = $stream->getCurrent();
-                throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('A hash key must be a quoted string, a number, a name, or an expression enclosed in parentheses (unexpected token "%s" of value "%s"', Twig_Token::typeToEnglish($current->getType(), $current->getLine()), $current->getValue()), $current->getLine());
-            }
-            $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ':', 'A hash key must be followed by a colon (:)');
-            $value = $this->parseExpression();
-            $node->addElement($value, $key);
-        }
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '}', 'An opened hash is not properly closed');
-        return $node;
-    }
-    public function parsePostfixExpression($node)
-    {
-        while (true) {
-            $token = $this->parser->getCurrentToken();
-            if ($token->getType() == Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE) {
-                if ('.' == $token->getValue() || '[' == $token->getValue()) {
-                    $node = $this->parseSubscriptExpression($node);
-                } elseif ('|' == $token->getValue()) {
-                    $node = $this->parseFilterExpression($node);
-                } else {
-                    break;
-                }
-            } else {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return $node;
-    }
-    public function getFunctionNode($name, $line)
-    {
-        $args = $this->parseArguments();
-        switch ($name) {
-            case 'parent':
-                if (!count($this->parser->getBlockStack())) {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('Calling "parent" outside a block is forbidden', $line);
-                }
-                if (!$this->parser->getParent() && !$this->parser->hasTraits()) {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('Calling "parent" on a template that does not extend nor "use" another template is forbidden', $line);
-                }
-                return new Twig_Node_Expression_Parent($this->parser->peekBlockStack(), $line);
-            case 'block':
-                return new Twig_Node_Expression_BlockReference($args->getNode(0), false, $line);
-            case 'attribute':
-                if (count($args) < 2) {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('The "attribute" function takes at least two arguments (the variable and the attributes)', $line);
-                }
-                return new Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr($args->getNode(0), $args->getNode(1), count($args) > 2 ? $args->getNode(2) : new Twig_Node_Expression_Array(array(), $line), Twig_TemplateInterface::ANY_CALL, $line);
-            default:
-                if (null !== $alias = $this->parser->getImportedFunction($name)) {
-                    $arguments = new Twig_Node_Expression_Array(array(), $line);
-                    foreach ($args as $n) {
-                        $arguments->addElement($n);
-                    }
-                    $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_MethodCall($alias['node'], $alias['name'], $arguments, $line);
-                    $node->setAttribute('safe', true);
-                    return $node;
-                }
-                $class = $this->getFunctionNodeClass($name);
-                return new $class($name, $args, $line);
-        }
-    }
-    public function parseSubscriptExpression($node)
-    {
-        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
-        $token = $stream->next();
-        $lineno = $token->getLine();
-        $arguments = new Twig_Node_Expression_Array(array(), $lineno);
-        $type = Twig_TemplateInterface::ANY_CALL;
-        if ($token->getValue() == '.') {
-            $token = $stream->next();
-            if (
-                $token->getType() == Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE
-                ||
-                $token->getType() == Twig_Token::NUMBER_TYPE
-                ||
-                ($token->getType() == Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE && preg_match(Twig_Lexer::REGEX_NAME, $token->getValue()))
-            ) {
-                $arg = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant($token->getValue(), $lineno);
-                if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(')) {
-                    $type = Twig_TemplateInterface::METHOD_CALL;
-                    foreach ($this->parseArguments() as $n) {
-                        $arguments->addElement($n);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('Expected name or number', $lineno);
-            }
-        } else {
-            $type = Twig_TemplateInterface::ARRAY_CALL;
-            $arg = $this->parseExpression();
-            // slice?
-            if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ':')) {
-                $stream->next();
-                if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']')) {
-                    $length = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(null, $token->getLine());
-                } else {
-                    $length = $this->parseExpression();
-                }
-                $class = $this->getFilterNodeClass('slice');
-                $arguments = new Twig_Node(array($arg, $length));
-                $filter = new $class($node, new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant('slice', $token->getLine()), $arguments, $token->getLine());
-                $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']');
-                return $filter;
-            }
-            $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ']');
-        }
-        return new Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr($node, $arg, $arguments, $type, $lineno);
-    }
-    public function parseFilterExpression($node)
-    {
-        $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-        return $this->parseFilterExpressionRaw($node);
-    }
-    public function parseFilterExpressionRaw($node, $tag = null)
-    {
-        while (true) {
-            $token = $this->parser->getStream()->expect(Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE);
-            $name = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-            if (!$this->parser->getStream()->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(')) {
-                $arguments = new Twig_Node();
-            } else {
-                $arguments = $this->parseArguments();
-            }
-            $class = $this->getFilterNodeClass($name->getAttribute('value'));
-            $node = new $class($node, $name, $arguments, $token->getLine(), $tag);
-            if (!$this->parser->getStream()->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '|')) {
-                break;
-            }
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-        }
-        return $node;
-    }
-    public function parseArguments()
-    {
-        $args = array();
-        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(', 'A list of arguments must be opened by a parenthesis');
-        while (!$stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ')')) {
-            if (!empty($args)) {
-                $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ',', 'Arguments must be separated by a comma');
-            }
-            $args[] = $this->parseExpression();
-        }
-        $stream->expect(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ')', 'A list of arguments must be closed by a parenthesis');
-        return new Twig_Node($args);
-    }
-    public function parseAssignmentExpression()
-    {
-        $targets = array();
-        while (true) {
-            $token = $this->parser->getStream()->expect(Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, null, 'Only variables can be assigned to');
-            if (in_array($token->getValue(), array('true', 'false', 'none'))) {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('You cannot assign a value to "%s"', $token->getValue()), $token->getLine());
-            }
-            $targets[] = new Twig_Node_Expression_AssignName($token->getValue(), $token->getLine());
-            if (!$this->parser->getStream()->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ',')) {
-                break;
-            }
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-        }
-        return new Twig_Node($targets);
-    }
-    public function parseMultitargetExpression()
-    {
-        $targets = array();
-        while (true) {
-            $targets[] = $this->parseExpression();
-            if (!$this->parser->getStream()->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, ',')) {
-                break;
-            }
-            $this->parser->getStream()->next();
-        }
-        return new Twig_Node($targets);
-    }
-    protected function getFunctionNodeClass($name)
-    {
-        $functionMap = $this->parser->getEnvironment()->getFunctions();
-        if (isset($functionMap[$name]) && $functionMap[$name] instanceof Twig_Function_Node) {
-            return $functionMap[$name]->getClass();
-        }
-        return 'Twig_Node_Expression_Function';
-    }
-    protected function getFilterNodeClass($name)
-    {
-        $filterMap = $this->parser->getEnvironment()->getFilters();
-        if (isset($filterMap[$name]) && $filterMap[$name] instanceof Twig_Filter_Node) {
-            return $filterMap[$name]->getClass();
-        }
-        return 'Twig_Node_Expression_Filter';
-    }

+ 0 - 93

@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-abstract class Twig_Extension implements Twig_ExtensionInterface
-    /**
-     * Initializes the runtime environment.
-     *
-     * This is where you can load some file that contains filter functions for instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $environment The current Twig_Environment instance
-     */
-    public function initRuntime(Twig_Environment $environment)
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the token parser instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getTokenParsers()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the node visitor instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getNodeVisitors()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of filters
-     */
-    public function getFilters()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of tests to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of tests
-     */
-    public function getTests()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of functions
-     */
-    public function getFunctions()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of operators
-     */
-    public function getOperators()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of global variables to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of global variables
-     */
-    public function getGlobals()
-    {
-        return array();
-    }

+ 0 - 1010

@@ -1,1010 +0,0 @@
-if (!defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) {
-    define('ENT_SUBSTITUTE', 8);
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Extension_Core extends Twig_Extension
-    protected $dateFormats = array('F j, Y H:i', '%d days');
-    protected $numberFormat = array(0, '.', ',');
-    protected $timezone = null;
-    /**
-     * Sets the default format to be used by the date filter.
-     *
-     * @param string $format             The default date format string
-     * @param string $dateIntervalFormat The default date interval format string
-     */
-    public function setDateFormat($format = null, $dateIntervalFormat = null)
-    {
-        if (null !== $format) {
-            $this->dateFormats[0] = $format;
-        }
-        if (null !== $dateIntervalFormat) {
-            $this->dateFormats[1] = $dateIntervalFormat;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the default format to be used by the date filter.
-     *
-     * @return array The default date format string and the default date interval format string
-     */
-    public function getDateFormat()
-    {
-        return $this->dateFormats;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the default timezone to be used by the date filter.
-     *
-     * @param DateTimeZone|string $timezone  The default timezone string or a DateTimeZone object
-     */
-    public function setTimezone($timezone)
-    {
-        $this->timezone = $timezone instanceof DateTimeZone ? $timezone : new DateTimeZone($timezone);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the default timezone to be used by the date filter.
-     *
-     * @return DateTimeZone The default timezone currently in use
-     */
-    public function getTimezone()
-    {
-        return $this->timezone;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the default format to be used by the number_format filter.
-     *
-     * @param integer $decimal The number of decimal places to use.
-     * @param string $decimalPoint The character(s) to use for the decimal point.
-     * @param string $thousandSep The character(s) to use for the thousands separator.
-     */
-    public function setNumberFormat($decimal, $decimalPoint, $thousandSep)
-    {
-        $this->numberFormat = array($decimal, $decimalPoint, $thousandSep);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the default format used by the number_format filter.
-     *
-     * @return array The arguments for number_format()
-     */
-    public function getNumberFormat()
-    {
-        return $this->numberFormat;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the token parser instance to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_TokenParser instances
-     */
-    public function getTokenParsers()
-    {
-        return array(
-            new Twig_TokenParser_For(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_If(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Extends(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Include(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Block(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Use(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Filter(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Macro(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Import(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_From(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Set(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Spaceless(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Flush(),
-            new Twig_TokenParser_Do(),
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of filters
-     */
-    public function getFilters()
-    {
-        $filters = array(
-            // formatting filters
-            'date'          => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_date_format_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'format'        => new Twig_Filter_Function('sprintf'),
-            'replace'       => new Twig_Filter_Function('strtr'),
-            'number_format' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_number_format_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            // encoding
-            'url_encode'       => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_urlencode_filter'),
-            'json_encode'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_jsonencode_filter'),
-            'convert_encoding' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_convert_encoding'),
-            // string filters
-            'title'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_title_string_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'capitalize' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_capitalize_string_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'upper'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('strtoupper'),
-            'lower'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('strtolower'),
-            'striptags'  => new Twig_Filter_Function('strip_tags'),
-            'trim'       => new Twig_Filter_Function('trim'),
-            'nl2br'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('nl2br', array('pre_escape' => 'html', 'is_safe' => array('html'))),
-            // array helpers
-            'join'    => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_join_filter'),
-            'sort'    => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_sort_filter'),
-            'merge'   => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_array_merge'),
-            // string/array filters
-            'reverse' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_reverse_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'length'  => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_length_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'slice'   => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_slice', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            // iteration and runtime
-            'default' => new Twig_Filter_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Filter_Default'),
-            '_default' => new Twig_Filter_Function('_twig_default_filter'),
-            'keys'    => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_get_array_keys_filter'),
-            // escaping
-            'escape' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_escape_filter', array('needs_environment' => true, 'is_safe_callback' => 'twig_escape_filter_is_safe')),
-            'e'      => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_escape_filter', array('needs_environment' => true, 'is_safe_callback' => 'twig_escape_filter_is_safe')),
-        );
-        if (function_exists('mb_get_info')) {
-            $filters['upper'] = new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_upper_filter', array('needs_environment' => true));
-            $filters['lower'] = new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_lower_filter', array('needs_environment' => true));
-        }
-        return $filters;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of global functions to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of global functions
-     */
-    public function getFunctions()
-    {
-        return array(
-            'range'    => new Twig_Function_Function('range'),
-            'constant' => new Twig_Function_Function('constant'),
-            'cycle'    => new Twig_Function_Function('twig_cycle'),
-            'random'   => new Twig_Function_Function('twig_random', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-            'date'     => new Twig_Function_Function('twig_date_converter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of tests to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of tests
-     */
-    public function getTests()
-    {
-        return array(
-            'even'        => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Even'),
-            'odd'         => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Odd'),
-            'defined'     => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Defined'),
-            'sameas'      => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Sameas'),
-            'none'        => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Null'),
-            'null'        => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Null'),
-            'divisibleby' => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Divisibleby'),
-            'constant'    => new Twig_Test_Node('Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Constant'),
-            'empty'       => new Twig_Test_Function('twig_test_empty'),
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of operators
-     */
-    public function getOperators()
-    {
-        return array(
-            array(
-                'not' => array('precedence' => 50, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Not'),
-                '-'   => array('precedence' => 500, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Neg'),
-                '+'   => array('precedence' => 500, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Pos'),
-            ),
-            array(
-                'b-and'  => array('precedence' => 5, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseAnd', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'b-xor'  => array('precedence' => 5, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseXor', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'b-or'   => array('precedence' => 5, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseOr', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'or'     => array('precedence' => 10, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Or', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'and'    => array('precedence' => 15, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_And', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '=='     => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Equal', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '!='     => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotEqual', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '<'      => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Less', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '>'      => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Greater', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '>='     => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_GreaterEqual', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '<='     => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_LessEqual', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'not in' => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotIn', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'in'     => array('precedence' => 20, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_In', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '..'     => array('precedence' => 25, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Range', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '+'      => array('precedence' => 30, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Add', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '-'      => array('precedence' => 30, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Sub', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '~'      => array('precedence' => 40, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Concat', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '*'      => array('precedence' => 60, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mul', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '/'      => array('precedence' => 60, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Div', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '//'     => array('precedence' => 60, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_FloorDiv', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '%'      => array('precedence' => 60, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mod', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'is'     => array('precedence' => 100, 'callable' => array($this, 'parseTestExpression'), 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                'is not' => array('precedence' => 100, 'callable' => array($this, 'parseNotTestExpression'), 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_LEFT),
-                '**'     => array('precedence' => 200, 'class' => 'Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Power', 'associativity' => Twig_ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_RIGHT),
-            ),
-        );
-    }
-    public function parseNotTestExpression(Twig_Parser $parser, $node)
-    {
-        return new Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Not($this->parseTestExpression($parser, $node), $parser->getCurrentToken()->getLine());
-    }
-    public function parseTestExpression(Twig_Parser $parser, $node)
-    {
-        $stream = $parser->getStream();
-        $name = $stream->expect(Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE)->getValue();
-        $arguments = null;
-        if ($stream->test(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '(')) {
-            $arguments = $parser->getExpressionParser()->parseArguments();
-        }
-        $class = $this->getTestNodeClass($parser->getEnvironment(), $name);
-        return new $class($node, $name, $arguments, $parser->getCurrentToken()->getLine());
-    }
-    protected function getTestNodeClass(Twig_Environment $env, $name)
-    {
-        $testMap = $env->getTests();
-        if (isset($testMap[$name]) && $testMap[$name] instanceof Twig_Test_Node) {
-            return $testMap[$name]->getClass();
-        }
-        return 'Twig_Node_Expression_Test';
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the name of the extension.
-     *
-     * @return string The extension name
-     */
-    public function getName()
-    {
-        return 'core';
-    }
- * Cycles over a value.
- *
- * @param ArrayAccess|array $values An array or an ArrayAccess instance
- * @param integer           $i      The cycle value
- *
- * @return string The next value in the cycle
- */
-function twig_cycle($values, $i)
-    if (!is_array($values) && !$values instanceof ArrayAccess) {
-        return $values;
-    }
-    return $values[$i % count($values)];
- * Returns a random value depending on the supplied parameter type:
- * - a random item from a Traversable or array
- * - a random character from a string
- * - a random integer between 0 and the integer parameter
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment             $env    A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param Traversable|array|int|string $values The values to pick a random item from
- *
- * @return mixed A random value from the given sequence
- */
-function twig_random(Twig_Environment $env, $values = null)
-    if (null === $values) {
-        return mt_rand();
-    }
-    if (is_int($values) || is_float($values)) {
-        return $values < 0 ? mt_rand($values, 0) : mt_rand(0, $values);
-    }
-    if ($values instanceof Traversable) {
-        $values = iterator_to_array($values);
-    } elseif (is_string($values)) {
-        if (null !== $charset = $env->getCharset()) {
-            if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-                $values = twig_convert_encoding($values, 'UTF-8', $charset);
-            }
-            // unicode version of str_split()
-            // split at all positions, but not after the start and not before the end
-            $values = preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $values);
-            if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-                foreach ($values as $i => $value) {
-                    $values[$i] = twig_convert_encoding($value, $charset, 'UTF-8');
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            return $values[mt_rand(0, strlen($values) - 1)];
-        }
-    }
-    if (!is_array($values)) {
-        return $values;
-    }
-    if (0 === count($values)) {
-        throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('The random function cannot pick from an empty array.');
-    }
-    return $values[array_rand($values, 1)];
- * Converts a date to the given format.
- *
- * <pre>
- *   {{ post.published_at|date("m/d/Y") }}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment             $env      A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param DateTime|DateInterval|string $date     A date
- * @param string                       $format   A format
- * @param DateTimeZone|string          $timezone A timezone
- *
- * @return string The formatter date
- */
-function twig_date_format_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $date, $format = null, $timezone = null)
-    if (null === $format) {
-        $formats = $env->getExtension('core')->getDateFormat();
-        $format = $date instanceof DateInterval ? $formats[1] : $formats[0];
-    }
-    if ($date instanceof DateInterval || $date instanceof DateTime) {
-        if (null !== $timezone) {
-            $date->setTimezone($timezone instanceof DateTimeZone ? $timezone : new DateTimeZone($timezone));
-        }
-        return $date->format($format);
-    }
-    return twig_date_converter($env, $date, $timezone)->format($format);
- * Converts an input to a DateTime instance.
- *
- * <pre>
- *    {% if date(user.created_at) < date('+2days') %}
- *      {# do something #}
- *    {% endif %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment    $env      A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param DateTime|string     $date     A date
- * @param DateTimeZone|string $timezone A timezone
- *
- * @return DateTime A DateTime instance
- */
-function twig_date_converter(Twig_Environment $env, $date = null, $timezone = null)
-    if ($date instanceof DateTime) {
-        return $date;
-    }
-    $asString = (string) $date;
-    if (ctype_digit($asString) || (!empty($asString) && '-' === $asString[0] && ctype_digit(substr($asString, 1)))) {
-        $date = new DateTime('@'.$date);
-        $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
-    } else {
-        $date = new DateTime($date);
-    }
-    // set Timezone
-    if (null !== $timezone) {
-        if (!$timezone instanceof DateTimeZone) {
-            $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
-        }
-        $date->setTimezone($timezone);
-    } elseif (($timezone = $env->getExtension('core')->getTimezone()) instanceof DateTimeZone) {
-        $date->setTimezone($timezone);
-    }
-    return $date;
- * Number format filter.
- *
- * All of the formatting options can be left null, in that case the defaults will
- * be used.  Supplying any of the parameters will override the defaults set in the
- * environment object.
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment    $env          A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param mixed               $number       A float/int/string of the number to format
- * @param int                 $decimal      The number of decimal points to display.
- * @param string              $decimalPoint The character(s) to use for the decimal point.
- * @param string              $thousandSep  The character(s) to use for the thousands separator.
- *
- * @return string The formatted number
- */
-function twig_number_format_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $number, $decimal = null, $decimalPoint = null, $thousandSep = null)
-    $defaults = $env->getExtension('core')->getNumberFormat();
-    if (null === $decimal) {
-        $decimal = $defaults[0];
-    }
-    if (null === $decimalPoint) {
-        $decimalPoint = $defaults[1];
-    }
-    if (null === $thousandSep) {
-        $thousandSep = $defaults[2];
-    }
-    return number_format((float) $number, $decimal, $decimalPoint, $thousandSep);
- * URL encodes a string.
- *
- * @param string $url A URL
- * @param bool   $raw true to use rawurlencode() instead of urlencode
- *
- * @return string The URL encoded value
- */
-function twig_urlencode_filter($url, $raw = false)
-    if ($raw) {
-        return rawurlencode($url);
-    }
-    return urlencode($url);
-if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
-    /**
-     * JSON encodes a variable.
-     *
-     * @param mixed   $value   The value to encode.
-     * @param integer $options Not used on PHP 5.2.x
-     *
-     * @return mixed The JSON encoded value
-     */
-    function twig_jsonencode_filter($value, $options = 0)
-    {
-        if ($value instanceof Twig_Markup) {
-            $value = (string) $value;
-        } elseif (is_array($value)) {
-            array_walk_recursive($value, '_twig_markup2string');
-        }
-        return json_encode($value);
-    }
-} else {
-    /**
-     * JSON encodes a variable.
-     *
-     * @param mixed   $value   The value to encode.
-     *
-     * @return mixed The JSON encoded value
-     */
-    function twig_jsonencode_filter($value, $options = 0)
-    {
-        if ($value instanceof Twig_Markup) {
-            $value = (string) $value;
-        } elseif (is_array($value)) {
-            array_walk_recursive($value, '_twig_markup2string');
-        }
-        return json_encode($value, $options);
-    }
-function _twig_markup2string(&$value)
-    if ($value instanceof Twig_Markup) {
-        $value = (string) $value;
-    }
- * Merges an array with another one.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {% set items = { 'apple': 'fruit', 'orange': 'fruit' } %}
- *
- *  {% set items = items|merge({ 'peugeot': 'car' }) %}
- *
- *  {# items now contains { 'apple': 'fruit', 'orange': 'fruit', 'peugeot': 'car' } #}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param array $arr1 An array
- * @param array $arr2 An array
- *
- * @return array The merged array
- */
-function twig_array_merge($arr1, $arr2)
-    if (!is_array($arr1) || !is_array($arr2)) {
-        throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('The merge filter only works with arrays or hashes.');
-    }
-    return array_merge($arr1, $arr2);
- * Slices a variable.
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment $env          A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param mixed            $item         A variable
- * @param integer          $start        Start of the slice
- * @param integer          $length       Size of the slice
- * @param Boolean          $preserveKeys Whether to preserve key or not (when the input is an array)
- *
- * @return mixed The sliced variable
- */
-function twig_slice(Twig_Environment $env, $item, $start, $length = null, $preserveKeys = false)
-    if ($item instanceof Traversable) {
-        $item = iterator_to_array($item, false);
-    }
-    if (is_array($item)) {
-        return array_slice($item, $start, $length, $preserveKeys);
-    }
-    $item = (string) $item;
-    if (function_exists('mb_get_info') && null !== $charset = $env->getCharset()) {
-        return mb_substr($item, $start, null === $length ? mb_strlen($item, $charset) - $start : $length, $charset);
-    }
-    return null === $length ? substr($item, $start) : substr($item, $start, $length);
- * Joins the values to a string.
- *
- * The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }}
- *  {# returns 1|2|3 #}
- *
- *  {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }}
- *  {# returns 123 #}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param array  $value An array
- * @param string $glue  The separator
- *
- * @return string The concatenated string
- */
-function twig_join_filter($value, $glue = '')
-    if ($value instanceof Traversable) {
-        $value = iterator_to_array($value, false);
-    }
-    return implode($glue, (array) $value);
-// The '_default' filter is used internally to avoid using the ternary operator
-// which costs a lot for big contexts (before PHP 5.4). So, on average,
-// a function call is cheaper.
-function _twig_default_filter($value, $default = '')
-    if (twig_test_empty($value)) {
-        return $default;
-    }
-    return $value;
- * Returns the keys for the given array.
- *
- * It is useful when you want to iterate over the keys of an array:
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {% for key in array|keys %}
- *      {# ... #}
- *  {% endfor %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param array $array An array
- *
- * @return array The keys
- */
-function twig_get_array_keys_filter($array)
-    if (is_object($array) && $array instanceof Traversable) {
-        return array_keys(iterator_to_array($array));
-    }
-    if (!is_array($array)) {
-        return array();
-    }
-    return array_keys($array);
- * Reverses a variable.
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment         $env          A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param array|Traversable|string $item         An array, a Traversable instance, or a string
- * @param Boolean                  $preserveKeys Whether to preserve key or not
- *
- * @return mixed The reversed input
- */
-function twig_reverse_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $item, $preserveKeys = false)
-    if (is_object($item) && $item instanceof Traversable) {
-        return array_reverse(iterator_to_array($item), $preserveKeys);
-    }
-    if (is_array($item)) {
-        return array_reverse($item, $preserveKeys);
-    }
-    if (null !== $charset = $env->getCharset()) {
-        $string = (string) $item;
-        if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-            $item = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset);
-        }
-        preg_match_all('/./us', $item, $matches);
-        $string = implode('', array_reverse($matches[0]));
-        if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-            $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, $charset, 'UTF-8');
-        }
-        return $string;
-    }
-    return strrev((string) $item);
- * Sorts an array.
- *
- * @param array $array An array
- */
-function twig_sort_filter($array)
-    asort($array);
-    return $array;
-/* used internally */
-function twig_in_filter($value, $compare)
-    if (is_array($compare)) {
-        return in_array($value, $compare);
-    } elseif (is_string($compare)) {
-        if (!strlen((string) $value)) {
-            return empty($compare);
-        }
-        return false !== strpos($compare, (string) $value);
-    } elseif (is_object($compare) && $compare instanceof Traversable) {
-        return in_array($value, iterator_to_array($compare, false));
-    }
-    return false;
- * Escapes a string.
- *
- * @param Twig_Environment $env        A Twig_Environment instance
- * @param string           $string     The value to be escaped
- * @param string           $type       The escaping strategy
- * @param string           $charset    The charset
- * @param Boolean          $autoescape Whether the function is called by the auto-escaping feature (true) or by the developer (false)
- */
-function twig_escape_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string, $type = 'html', $charset = null, $autoescape = false)
-    if ($autoescape && is_object($string) && $string instanceof Twig_Markup) {
-        return $string;
-    }
-    if (!is_string($string) && !(is_object($string) && method_exists($string, '__toString'))) {
-        return $string;
-    }
-    if (null === $charset) {
-        $charset = $env->getCharset();
-    }
-    $string = (string) $string;
-    switch ($type) {
-        case 'js':
-            // escape all non-alphanumeric characters
-            // into their \xHH or \uHHHH representations
-            if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-                $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset);
-            }
-            if (null === $string = preg_replace_callback('#[^\p{L}\p{N} ]#u', '_twig_escape_js_callback', $string)) {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('The string to escape is not a valid UTF-8 string.');
-            }
-            if ('UTF-8' != $charset) {
-                $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, $charset, 'UTF-8');
-            }
-            return $string;
-        case 'html':
-            // see http://php.net/htmlspecialchars
-            // Using a static variable to avoid initializing the array
-            // each time the function is called. Moving the declaration on the
-            // top of the function slow downs other escaping types.
-            static $htmlspecialcharsCharsets = array(
-                'iso-8859-1' => true, 'iso8859-1' => true,
-                'iso-8859-15' => true, 'iso8859-15' => true,
-                'utf-8' => true,
-                'cp866' => true, 'ibm866' => true, '866' => true,
-                'cp1251' => true, 'windows-1251' => true, 'win-1251' => true,
-                '1251' => true,
-                'cp1252' => true, 'windows-1252' => true, '1252' => true,
-                'koi8-r' => true, 'koi8-ru' => true, 'koi8r' => true,
-                'big5' => true, '950' => true,
-                'gb2312' => true, '936' => true,
-                'big5-hkscs' => true,
-                'shift_jis' => true, 'sjis' => true, '932' => true,
-                'euc-jp' => true, 'eucjp' => true,
-                'iso8859-5' => true, 'iso-8859-5' => true, 'macroman' => true,
-            );
-            if (isset($htmlspecialcharsCharsets[strtolower($charset)])) {
-                return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, $charset);
-            }
-            $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset);
-            $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');
-            return twig_convert_encoding($string, $charset, 'UTF-8');
-        default:
-            throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Invalid escape type "%s".', $type));
-    }
-/* used internally */
-function twig_escape_filter_is_safe(Twig_Node $filterArgs)
-    foreach ($filterArgs as $arg) {
-        if ($arg instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-            return array($arg->getAttribute('value'));
-        }
-        return array();
-    }
-    return array('html');
-if (function_exists('iconv')) {
-    function twig_convert_encoding($string, $to, $from)
-    {
-        return iconv($from, $to, $string);
-    }
-} elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
-    function twig_convert_encoding($string, $to, $from)
-    {
-        return mb_convert_encoding($string, $to, $from);
-    }
-} else {
-    function twig_convert_encoding($string, $to, $from)
-    {
-        throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('No suitable convert encoding function (use UTF-8 as your encoding or install the iconv or mbstring extension).');
-    }
-function _twig_escape_js_callback($matches)
-    $char = $matches[0];
-    // \xHH
-    if (!isset($char[1])) {
-        return '\\x'.substr('00'.bin2hex($char), -2);
-    }
-    // \uHHHH
-    $char = twig_convert_encoding($char, 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8');
-    return '\\u'.substr('0000'.bin2hex($char), -4);
-// add multibyte extensions if possible
-if (function_exists('mb_get_info')) {
-    /**
-     * Returns the length of a variable.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env   A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param mixed            $thing A variable
-     *
-     * @return integer The length of the value
-     */
-    function twig_length_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $thing)
-    {
-        return is_scalar($thing) ? mb_strlen($thing, $env->getCharset()) : count($thing);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Converts a string to uppercase.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The uppercased string
-     */
-    function twig_upper_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        if (null !== ($charset = $env->getCharset())) {
-            return mb_strtoupper($string, $charset);
-        }
-        return strtoupper($string);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Converts a string to lowercase.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The lowercased string
-     */
-    function twig_lower_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        if (null !== ($charset = $env->getCharset())) {
-            return mb_strtolower($string, $charset);
-        }
-        return strtolower($string);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a titlecased string.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The titlecased string
-     */
-    function twig_title_string_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        if (null !== ($charset = $env->getCharset())) {
-            return mb_convert_case($string, MB_CASE_TITLE, $charset);
-        }
-        return ucwords(strtolower($string));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a capitalized string.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The capitalized string
-     */
-    function twig_capitalize_string_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        if (null !== ($charset = $env->getCharset())) {
-            return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($string, 0, 1, $charset), $charset).
-                         mb_strtolower(mb_substr($string, 1, mb_strlen($string, $charset), $charset), $charset);
-        }
-        return ucfirst(strtolower($string));
-    }
-// and byte fallback
-    /**
-     * Returns the length of a variable.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env   A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param mixed            $thing A variable
-     *
-     * @return integer The length of the value
-     */
-    function twig_length_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $thing)
-    {
-        return is_scalar($thing) ? strlen($thing) : count($thing);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a titlecased string.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The titlecased string
-     */
-    function twig_title_string_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        return ucwords(strtolower($string));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a capitalized string.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $env    A Twig_Environment instance
-     * @param string           $string A string
-     *
-     * @return string The capitalized string
-     */
-    function twig_capitalize_string_filter(Twig_Environment $env, $string)
-    {
-        return ucfirst(strtolower($string));
-    }
-/* used internally */
-function twig_ensure_traversable($seq)
-    if (is_array($seq) || (is_object($seq) && $seq instanceof Traversable)) {
-        return $seq;
-    } else {
-        return array();
-    }
- * Checks if a variable is empty.
- *
- * <pre>
- * {# evaluates to true if the foo variable is null, false, or the empty string #}
- * {% if foo is empty %}
- *     {# ... #}
- * {% endif %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param mixed $value A variable
- *
- * @return Boolean true if the value is empty, false otherwise
- */
-function twig_test_empty($value)
-    if ($value instanceof Countable) {
-        return 0 == count($value);
-    }
-    return false === $value || (empty($value) && '0' != $value);

+ 0 - 64

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Extension_Debug extends Twig_Extension
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of global functions to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of global functions
-     */
-    public function getFunctions()
-    {
-        // dump is safe if var_dump is overriden by xdebug
-        $isDumpOutputHtmlSafe = extension_loaded('xdebug') && (false === get_cfg_var('xdebug.overload_var_dump') || get_cfg_var('xdebug.overload_var_dump')) && get_cfg_var('html_errors');
-        return array(
-            'dump' => new Twig_Function_Function('twig_var_dump', array('is_safe' => $isDumpOutputHtmlSafe ? array('html') : array(), 'needs_context' => true, 'needs_environment' => true)),
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the name of the extension.
-     *
-     * @return string The extension name
-     */
-    public function getName()
-    {
-        return 'debug';
-    }
-function twig_var_dump(Twig_Environment $env, $context)
-    if (!$env->isDebug()) {
-        return;
-    }
-    ob_start();
-    $count = func_num_args();
-    if (2 === $count) {
-        $vars = array();
-        foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
-            if (!$value instanceof Twig_Template) {
-                $vars[$key] = $value;
-            }
-        }
-        var_dump($vars);
-    } else {
-        for ($i = 2; $i < $count; $i++) {
-            var_dump(func_get_arg($i));
-        }
-    }
-    return ob_get_clean();

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Extension_Escaper extends Twig_Extension
-    protected $autoescape;
-    public function __construct($autoescape = true)
-    {
-        $this->autoescape = $autoescape;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the token parser instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getTokenParsers()
-    {
-        return array(new Twig_TokenParser_AutoEscape());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the node visitor instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getNodeVisitors()
-    {
-        return array(new Twig_NodeVisitor_Escaper());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of filters
-     */
-    public function getFilters()
-    {
-        return array(
-            'raw' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_raw_filter', array('is_safe' => array('all'))),
-        );
-    }
-    public function isGlobal()
-    {
-        return $this->autoescape;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the name of the extension.
-     *
-     * @return string The extension name
-     */
-    public function getName()
-    {
-        return 'escaper';
-    }
- * Marks a variable as being safe.
- *
- * @param string $string A PHP variable
- */
-function twig_raw_filter($string)
-    return $string;

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Extension_Optimizer extends Twig_Extension
-    protected $optimizers;
-    public function __construct($optimizers = -1)
-    {
-        $this->optimizers = $optimizers;
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@inheritdoc}
-     */
-    public function getNodeVisitors()
-    {
-        return array(new Twig_NodeVisitor_Optimizer($this->optimizers));
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@inheritdoc}
-     */
-    public function getName()
-    {
-        return 'optimizer';
-    }

+ 0 - 112

@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Extension_Sandbox extends Twig_Extension
-    protected $sandboxedGlobally;
-    protected $sandboxed;
-    protected $policy;
-    public function __construct(Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicyInterface $policy, $sandboxed = false)
-    {
-        $this->policy            = $policy;
-        $this->sandboxedGlobally = $sandboxed;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the token parser instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getTokenParsers()
-    {
-        return array(new Twig_TokenParser_Sandbox());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the node visitor instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instances
-     */
-    public function getNodeVisitors()
-    {
-        return array(new Twig_NodeVisitor_Sandbox());
-    }
-    public function enableSandbox()
-    {
-        $this->sandboxed = true;
-    }
-    public function disableSandbox()
-    {
-        $this->sandboxed = false;
-    }
-    public function isSandboxed()
-    {
-        return $this->sandboxedGlobally || $this->sandboxed;
-    }
-    public function isSandboxedGlobally()
-    {
-        return $this->sandboxedGlobally;
-    }
-    public function setSecurityPolicy(Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicyInterface $policy)
-    {
-        $this->policy = $policy;
-    }
-    public function getSecurityPolicy()
-    {
-        return $this->policy;
-    }
-    public function checkSecurity($tags, $filters, $functions)
-    {
-        if ($this->isSandboxed()) {
-            $this->policy->checkSecurity($tags, $filters, $functions);
-        }
-    }
-    public function checkMethodAllowed($obj, $method)
-    {
-        if ($this->isSandboxed()) {
-            $this->policy->checkMethodAllowed($obj, $method);
-        }
-    }
-    public function checkPropertyAllowed($obj, $method)
-    {
-        if ($this->isSandboxed()) {
-            $this->policy->checkPropertyAllowed($obj, $method);
-        }
-    }
-    public function ensureToStringAllowed($obj)
-    {
-        if (is_object($obj)) {
-            $this->policy->checkMethodAllowed($obj, '__toString');
-        }
-        return $obj;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the name of the extension.
-     *
-     * @return string The extension name
-     */
-    public function getName()
-    {
-        return 'sandbox';
-    }

+ 0 - 84

@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Interface implemented by extension classes.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-interface Twig_ExtensionInterface
-    /**
-     * Initializes the runtime environment.
-     *
-     * This is where you can load some file that contains filter functions for instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Environment $environment The current Twig_Environment instance
-     */
-    function initRuntime(Twig_Environment $environment);
-    /**
-     * Returns the token parser instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances
-     */
-    function getTokenParsers();
-    /**
-     * Returns the node visitor instances to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of Twig_NodeVisitorInterface instances
-     */
-    function getNodeVisitors();
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of filters
-     */
-    function getFilters();
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of tests to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of tests
-     */
-    function getTests();
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of functions
-     */
-    function getFunctions();
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of operators
-     */
-    function getOperators();
-    /**
-     * Returns a list of global variables to add to the existing list.
-     *
-     * @return array An array of global variables
-     */
-    function getGlobals();
-    /**
-     * Returns the name of the extension.
-     *
-     * @return string The extension name
-     */
-    function getName();

+ 0 - 69

@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template filter.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-abstract class Twig_Filter implements Twig_FilterInterface
-    protected $options;
-    protected $arguments = array();
-    public function __construct(array $options = array())
-    {
-        $this->options = array_merge(array(
-            'needs_environment' => false,
-            'needs_context'     => false,
-            'pre_escape'        => null,
-        ), $options);
-    }
-    public function setArguments($arguments)
-    {
-        $this->arguments = $arguments;
-    }
-    public function getArguments()
-    {
-        return $this->arguments;
-    }
-    public function needsEnvironment()
-    {
-        return $this->options['needs_environment'];
-    }
-    public function needsContext()
-    {
-        return $this->options['needs_context'];
-    }
-    public function getSafe(Twig_Node $filterArgs)
-    {
-        if (isset($this->options['is_safe'])) {
-            return $this->options['is_safe'];
-        }
-        if (isset($this->options['is_safe_callback'])) {
-            return call_user_func($this->options['is_safe_callback'], $filterArgs);
-        }
-        return array();
-    }
-    public function getPreEscape()
-    {
-        return $this->options['pre_escape'];
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a function template filter.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Filter_Function extends Twig_Filter
-    protected $function;
-    public function __construct($function, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->function = $function;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-        return $this->function;
-    }

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a method template filter.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Filter_Method extends Twig_Filter
-    protected $extension, $method;
-    public function __construct(Twig_ExtensionInterface $extension, $method, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->extension = $extension;
-        $this->method = $method;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-        return sprintf('$this->env->getExtension(\'%s\')->%s', $this->extension->getName(), $this->method);
-    }

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template filter as a node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Filter_Node extends Twig_Filter
-    protected $class;
-    public function __construct($class, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->class = $class;
-    }
-    public function getClass()
-    {
-        return $this->class;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-    }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template filter.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-interface Twig_FilterInterface
-    /**
-     * Compiles a filter.
-     *
-     * @return string The PHP code for the filter
-     */
-    function compile();
-    function needsEnvironment();
-    function needsContext();
-    function getSafe(Twig_Node $filterArgs);
-    function getPreEscape();
-    function setArguments($arguments);
-    function getArguments();

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template function.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-abstract class Twig_Function implements Twig_FunctionInterface
-    protected $options;
-    protected $arguments = array();
-    public function __construct(array $options = array())
-    {
-        $this->options = array_merge(array(
-            'needs_environment' => false,
-            'needs_context'     => false,
-        ), $options);
-    }
-    public function setArguments($arguments)
-    {
-        $this->arguments = $arguments;
-    }
-    public function getArguments()
-    {
-        return $this->arguments;
-    }
-    public function needsEnvironment()
-    {
-        return $this->options['needs_environment'];
-    }
-    public function needsContext()
-    {
-        return $this->options['needs_context'];
-    }
-    public function getSafe(Twig_Node $functionArgs)
-    {
-        if (isset($this->options['is_safe'])) {
-            return $this->options['is_safe'];
-        }
-        if (isset($this->options['is_safe_callback'])) {
-            return call_user_func($this->options['is_safe_callback'], $functionArgs);
-        }
-        return array();
-    }

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2010 Arnaud Le Blanc
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a function template function.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
- */
-class Twig_Function_Function extends Twig_Function
-    protected $function;
-    public function __construct($function, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->function = $function;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-        return $this->function;
-    }

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2010 Arnaud Le Blanc
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a method template function.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
- */
-class Twig_Function_Method extends Twig_Function
-    protected $extension, $method;
-    public function __construct(Twig_ExtensionInterface $extension, $method, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->extension = $extension;
-        $this->method = $method;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-        return sprintf('$this->env->getExtension(\'%s\')->%s', $this->extension->getName(), $this->method);
-    }

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template function as a node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Function_Node extends Twig_Filter
-    protected $class;
-    public function __construct($class, array $options = array())
-    {
-        parent::__construct($options);
-        $this->class = $class;
-    }
-    public function getClass()
-    {
-        return $this->class;
-    }
-    public function compile()
-    {
-    }

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2010 Arnaud Le Blanc
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a template function.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
- */
-interface Twig_FunctionInterface
-    /**
-     * Compiles a function.
-     *
-     * @return string The PHP code for the function
-     */
-    function compile();
-    function needsEnvironment();
-    function needsContext();
-    function getSafe(Twig_Node $filterArgs);
-    function setArguments($arguments);
-    function getArguments();

+ 0 - 406

@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Lexes a template string.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Lexer implements Twig_LexerInterface
-    protected $tokens;
-    protected $code;
-    protected $cursor;
-    protected $lineno;
-    protected $end;
-    protected $state;
-    protected $states;
-    protected $brackets;
-    protected $env;
-    protected $filename;
-    protected $options;
-    protected $regexes;
-    const STATE_DATA            = 0;
-    const STATE_BLOCK           = 1;
-    const STATE_VAR             = 2;
-    const STATE_STRING          = 3;
-    const STATE_INTERPOLATION   = 4;
-    const REGEX_NAME            = '/[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/A';
-    const REGEX_NUMBER          = '/[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?/A';
-    const REGEX_STRING          = '/"([^#"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^#"\\\\]*)*)"|\'([^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'/As';
-    const REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM = '/"/A';
-    const REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART  = '/[^#"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|#(?!\{))[^#"\\\\]*)*/As';
-    const PUNCTUATION           = '()[]{}?:.,|';
-    public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env, array $options = array())
-    {
-        $this->env = $env;
-        $this->options = array_merge(array(
-            'tag_comment'     => array('{#', '#}'),
-            'tag_block'       => array('{%', '%}'),
-            'tag_variable'    => array('{{', '}}'),
-            'whitespace_trim' => '-',
-            'interpolation'   => array('#{', '}'),
-        ), $options);
-        $this->regexes = array(
-            'lex_var'             => '/\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'].$this->options['tag_variable'][1], '/').'\s*|\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_variable'][1], '/').'/A',
-            'lex_block'           => '/\s*(?:'.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'].$this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').'\s*|\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').')\n?/A',
-            'lex_raw_data'        => '/('.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][0].$this->options['whitespace_trim'], '/').'|'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][0], '/').')\s*endraw\s*(?:'.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'].$this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').'\s*|\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').')/s',
-            'operator'            => $this->getOperatorRegex(),
-            'lex_comment'         => '/(?:'.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'], '/').preg_quote($this->options['tag_comment'][1], '/').'\s*|'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_comment'][1], '/').')\n?/s',
-            'lex_block_raw'       => '/\s*raw\s*(?:'.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'].$this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').'\s*|\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').')/As',
-            'lex_block_line'      => '/\s*line\s+(\d+)\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][1], '/').'/As',
-            'lex_tokens_start'    => '/('.preg_quote($this->options['tag_variable'][0], '/').'|'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_block'][0], '/').'|'.preg_quote($this->options['tag_comment'][0], '/').')('.preg_quote($this->options['whitespace_trim'], '/').')?/s',
-            'interpolation_start' => '/'.preg_quote($this->options['interpolation'][0], '/').'\s*/A',
-            'interpolation_end'   => '/\s*'.preg_quote($this->options['interpolation'][1], '/').'/A',
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tokenizes a source code.
-     *
-     * @param  string $code     The source code
-     * @param  string $filename A unique identifier for the source code
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TokenStream A token stream instance
-     */
-    public function tokenize($code, $filename = null)
-    {
-        if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && ((int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) & 2) {
-            $mbEncoding = mb_internal_encoding();
-            mb_internal_encoding('ASCII');
-        }
-        $this->code = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $code);
-        $this->filename = $filename;
-        $this->cursor = 0;
-        $this->lineno = 1;
-        $this->end = strlen($this->code);
-        $this->tokens = array();
-        $this->state = self::STATE_DATA;
-        $this->states = array();
-        $this->brackets = array();
-        $this->position = -1;
-        // find all token starts in one go
-        preg_match_all($this->regexes['lex_tokens_start'], $this->code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
-        $this->positions = $matches;
-        while ($this->cursor < $this->end) {
-            // dispatch to the lexing functions depending
-            // on the current state
-            switch ($this->state) {
-                case self::STATE_DATA:
-                    $this->lexData();
-                    break;
-                case self::STATE_BLOCK:
-                    $this->lexBlock();
-                    break;
-                case self::STATE_VAR:
-                    $this->lexVar();
-                    break;
-                case self::STATE_STRING:
-                    $this->lexString();
-                    break;
-                case self::STATE_INTERPOLATION:
-                    $this->lexInterpolation();
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::EOF_TYPE);
-        if (!empty($this->brackets)) {
-            list($expect, $lineno) = array_pop($this->brackets);
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unclosed "%s"', $expect), $lineno, $this->filename);
-        }
-        if (isset($mbEncoding)) {
-            mb_internal_encoding($mbEncoding);
-        }
-        return new Twig_TokenStream($this->tokens, $this->filename);
-    }
-    protected function lexData()
-    {
-        // if no matches are left we return the rest of the template as simple text token
-        if ($this->position == count($this->positions[0]) - 1) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::TEXT_TYPE, substr($this->code, $this->cursor));
-            $this->cursor = $this->end;
-            return;
-        }
-        // Find the first token after the current cursor
-        $position = $this->positions[0][++$this->position];
-        while ($position[1] < $this->cursor) {
-            if ($this->position == count($this->positions[0]) - 1) {
-                return;
-            }
-            $position = $this->positions[0][++$this->position];
-        }
-        // push the template text first
-        $text = $textContent = substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $position[1] - $this->cursor);
-        if (isset($this->positions[2][$this->position][0])) {
-            $text = rtrim($text);
-        }
-        $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::TEXT_TYPE, $text);
-        $this->moveCursor($textContent.$position[0]);
-        switch ($this->positions[1][$this->position][0]) {
-            case $this->options['tag_comment'][0]:
-                $this->lexComment();
-                break;
-            case $this->options['tag_block'][0]:
-                // raw data?
-                if (preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block_raw'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-                    $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-                    $this->lexRawData();
-                // {% line \d+ %}
-                } elseif (preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block_line'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-                    $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-                    $this->lineno = (int) $match[1];
-                } else {
-                    $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE);
-                    $this->pushState(self::STATE_BLOCK);
-                }
-                break;
-            case $this->options['tag_variable'][0]:
-                $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::VAR_START_TYPE);
-                $this->pushState(self::STATE_VAR);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    protected function lexBlock()
-    {
-        if (empty($this->brackets) && preg_match($this->regexes['lex_block'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-            $this->popState();
-        } else {
-            $this->lexExpression();
-        }
-    }
-    protected function lexVar()
-    {
-        if (empty($this->brackets) && preg_match($this->regexes['lex_var'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::VAR_END_TYPE);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-            $this->popState();
-        } else {
-            $this->lexExpression();
-        }
-    }
-    protected function lexExpression()
-    {
-        // whitespace
-        if (preg_match('/\s+/A', $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-            if ($this->cursor >= $this->end) {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected end of file: Unclosed "%s"', $this->state === self::STATE_BLOCK ? 'block' : 'variable'));
-            }
-        }
-        // operators
-        if (preg_match($this->regexes['operator'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, $match[0]);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        }
-        // names
-        elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_NAME, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, $match[0]);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        }
-        // numbers
-        elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_NUMBER, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $number = (float) $match[0];  // floats
-            if (ctype_digit($match[0]) && $number <= PHP_INT_MAX) {
-                $number = (int) $match[0]; // integers lower than the maximum
-            }
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::NUMBER_TYPE, $number);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        }
-        // punctuation
-        elseif (false !== strpos(self::PUNCTUATION, $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
-            // opening bracket
-            if (false !== strpos('([{', $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
-                $this->brackets[] = array($this->code[$this->cursor], $this->lineno);
-            }
-            // closing bracket
-            elseif (false !== strpos(')]}', $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
-                if (empty($this->brackets)) {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected "%s"', $this->code[$this->cursor]), $this->lineno, $this->filename);
-                }
-                list($expect, $lineno) = array_pop($this->brackets);
-                if ($this->code[$this->cursor] != strtr($expect, '([{', ')]}')) {
-                    throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unclosed "%s"', $expect), $lineno, $this->filename);
-                }
-            }
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, $this->code[$this->cursor]);
-            ++$this->cursor;
-        }
-        // strings
-        elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_STRING, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE, stripcslashes(substr($match[0], 1, -1)));
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        }
-        // opening double quoted string
-        elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->brackets[] = array('"', $this->lineno);
-            $this->pushState(self::STATE_STRING);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        }
-        // unlexable
-        else {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected character "%s"', $this->code[$this->cursor]), $this->lineno, $this->filename);
-        }
-    }
-    protected function lexRawData()
-    {
-        if (!preg_match($this->regexes['lex_raw_data'], $this->code, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->cursor)) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected end of file: Unclosed "block"'));
-        }
-        $text = substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $match[0][1] - $this->cursor);
-        $this->moveCursor($text.$match[0][0]);
-        if (false !== strpos($match[1][0], $this->options['whitespace_trim'])) {
-            $text = rtrim($text);
-        }
-        $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::TEXT_TYPE, $text);
-    }
-    protected function lexComment()
-    {
-        if (!preg_match($this->regexes['lex_comment'], $this->code, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->cursor)) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('Unclosed comment', $this->lineno, $this->filename);
-        }
-        $this->moveCursor(substr($this->code, $this->cursor, $match[0][1] - $this->cursor).$match[0][0]);
-    }
-    protected function lexString()
-    {
-        if (preg_match($this->regexes['interpolation_start'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            $this->brackets[] = array($this->options['interpolation'][0], $this->lineno);
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::INTERPOLATION_START_TYPE);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-            $this->pushState(self::STATE_INTERPOLATION);
-        } elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor) && strlen($match[0]) > 0) {
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE, stripcslashes($match[0]));
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-        } elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM, $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            list($expect, $lineno) = array_pop($this->brackets);
-            if ($this->code[$this->cursor] != '"') {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unclosed "%s"', $expect), $lineno, $this->filename);
-            }
-            $this->popState();
-            ++$this->cursor;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    protected function lexInterpolation()
-    {
-        $bracket = end($this->brackets);
-        if ($this->options['interpolation'][0] === $bracket[0] && preg_match($this->regexes['interpolation_end'], $this->code, $match, null, $this->cursor)) {
-            array_pop($this->brackets);
-            $this->pushToken(Twig_Token::INTERPOLATION_END_TYPE);
-            $this->moveCursor($match[0]);
-            $this->popState();
-        } else {
-            $this->lexExpression();
-        }
-    }
-    protected function pushToken($type, $value = '')
-    {
-        // do not push empty text tokens
-        if (Twig_Token::TEXT_TYPE === $type && '' === $value) {
-            return;
-        }
-        $this->tokens[] = new Twig_Token($type, $value, $this->lineno);
-    }
-    protected function moveCursor($text)
-    {
-        $this->cursor += strlen($text);
-        $this->lineno += substr_count($text, "\n");
-    }
-    protected function getOperatorRegex()
-    {
-        $operators = array_merge(
-            array('='),
-            array_keys($this->env->getUnaryOperators()),
-            array_keys($this->env->getBinaryOperators())
-        );
-        $operators = array_combine($operators, array_map('strlen', $operators));
-        arsort($operators);
-        $regex = array();
-        foreach ($operators as $operator => $length) {
-            // an operator that ends with a character must be followed by
-            // a whitespace or a parenthesis
-            if (ctype_alpha($operator[$length - 1])) {
-                $regex[] = preg_quote($operator, '/').'(?=[\s()])';
-            } else {
-                $regex[] = preg_quote($operator, '/');
-            }
-        }
-        return '/'.implode('|', $regex).'/A';
-    }
-    protected function pushState($state)
-    {
-        $this->states[] = $this->state;
-        $this->state = $state;
-    }
-    protected function popState()
-    {
-        if (0 === count($this->states)) {
-            throw new Exception('Cannot pop state without a previous state');
-        }
-        $this->state = array_pop($this->states);
-    }

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Interface implemented by lexer classes.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-interface Twig_LexerInterface
-    /**
-     * Tokenizes a source code.
-     *
-     * @param  string $code     The source code
-     * @param  string $filename A unique identifier for the source code
-     *
-     * @return Twig_TokenStream A token stream instance
-     */
-    function tokenize($code, $filename = null);

+ 0 - 102

@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Loads a template from an array.
- *
- * When using this loader with a cache mechanism, you should know that a new cache
- * key is generated each time a template content "changes" (the cache key being the
- * source code of the template). If you don't want to see your cache grows out of
- * control, you need to take care of clearing the old cache file by yourself.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Loader_Array implements Twig_LoaderInterface
-    protected $templates;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * @param array $templates An array of templates (keys are the names, and values are the source code)
-     *
-     * @see Twig_Loader
-     */
-    public function __construct(array $templates)
-    {
-        $this->templates = array();
-        foreach ($templates as $name => $template) {
-            $this->templates[$name] = $template;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds or overrides a template.
-     *
-     * @param string $name     The template name
-     * @param string $template The template source
-     */
-    public function setTemplate($name, $template)
-    {
-        $this->templates[(string) $name] = $template;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The template source code
-     */
-    public function getSource($name)
-    {
-        $name = (string) $name;
-        if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-        }
-        return $this->templates[$name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The cache key
-     */
-    public function getCacheKey($name)
-    {
-        $name = (string) $name;
-        if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-        }
-        return $this->templates[$name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     */
-    public function isFresh($name, $time)
-    {
-        $name = (string) $name;
-        if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-        }
-        return true;
-    }

+ 0 - 100

@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Loads templates from other loaders.
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Loader_Chain implements Twig_LoaderInterface
-    protected $loaders;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_LoaderInterface[] $loaders An array of loader instances
-     */
-    public function __construct(array $loaders = array())
-    {
-        $this->loaders = array();
-        foreach ($loaders as $loader) {
-            $this->addLoader($loader);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds a loader instance.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_LoaderInterface $loader A Loader instance
-     */
-    public function addLoader(Twig_LoaderInterface $loader)
-    {
-        $this->loaders[] = $loader;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The template source code
-     */
-    public function getSource($name)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) {
-            try {
-                return $loader->getSource($name);
-            } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
-            }
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The cache key
-     */
-    public function getCacheKey($name)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) {
-            try {
-                return $loader->getCacheKey($name);
-            } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
-            }
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     */
-    public function isFresh($name, $time)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) {
-            try {
-                return $loader->isFresh($name, $time);
-            } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
-            }
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Template "%s" is not defined.', $name));
-    }

+ 0 - 152

@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Loads template from the filesystem.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Loader_Filesystem implements Twig_LoaderInterface
-    protected $paths;
-    protected $cache;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * @param string|array $paths A path or an array of paths where to look for templates
-     */
-    public function __construct($paths)
-    {
-        $this->setPaths($paths);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the paths to the templates.
-     *
-     * @return array The array of paths where to look for templates
-     */
-    public function getPaths()
-    {
-        return $this->paths;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the paths where templates are stored.
-     *
-     * @param string|array $paths A path or an array of paths where to look for templates
-     */
-    public function setPaths($paths)
-    {
-        if (!is_array($paths)) {
-            $paths = array($paths);
-        }
-        $this->paths = array();
-        foreach ($paths as $path) {
-            $this->addPath($path);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds a path where templates are stored.
-     *
-     * @param string $path A path where to look for templates
-     */
-    public function addPath($path)
-    {
-        // invalidate the cache
-        $this->cache = array();
-        if (!is_dir($path)) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('The "%s" directory does not exist.', $path));
-        }
-        $this->paths[] = $path;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The template source code
-     */
-    public function getSource($name)
-    {
-        return file_get_contents($this->findTemplate($name));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The cache key
-     */
-    public function getCacheKey($name)
-    {
-        return $this->findTemplate($name);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     */
-    public function isFresh($name, $time)
-    {
-        return filemtime($this->findTemplate($name)) < $time;
-    }
-    protected function findTemplate($name)
-    {
-        // normalize name
-        $name = preg_replace('#/{2,}#', '/', strtr($name, '\\', '/'));
-        if (isset($this->cache[$name])) {
-            return $this->cache[$name];
-        }
-        $this->validateName($name);
-        foreach ($this->paths as $path) {
-            if (is_file($path.'/'.$name)) {
-                return $this->cache[$name] = $path.'/'.$name;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Unable to find template "%s" (looked into: %s).', $name, implode(', ', $this->paths)));
-    }
-    protected function validateName($name)
-    {
-        if (false !== strpos($name, "\0")) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Loader('A template name cannot contain NUL bytes.');
-        }
-        $parts = explode('/', $name);
-        $level = 0;
-        foreach ($parts as $part) {
-            if ('..' === $part) {
-                --$level;
-            } elseif ('.' !== $part) {
-                ++$level;
-            }
-            if ($level < 0) {
-                throw new Twig_Error_Loader(sprintf('Looks like you try to load a template outside configured directories (%s).', $name));
-            }
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Loads a template from a string.
- *
- * When using this loader with a cache mechanism, you should know that a new cache
- * key is generated each time a template content "changes" (the cache key being the
- * source code of the template). If you don't want to see your cache grows out of
- * control, you need to take care of clearing the old cache file by yourself.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Loader_String implements Twig_LoaderInterface
-    /**
-     * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The template source code
-     */
-    public function getSource($name)
-    {
-        return $name;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The cache key
-     */
-    public function getCacheKey($name)
-    {
-        return $name;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     */
-    public function isFresh($name, $time)
-    {
-        return true;
-    }

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Interface all loaders must implement.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-interface Twig_LoaderInterface
-    /**
-     * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The template source code
-     *
-     * @throws Twig_Error_Loader When $name is not found
-     */
-    function getSource($name);
-    /**
-     * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
-     *
-     * @param  string $name The name of the template to load
-     *
-     * @return string The cache key
-     *
-     * @throws Twig_Error_Loader When $name is not found
-     */
-    function getCacheKey($name);
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
-     *
-     * @param string    $name The template name
-     * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if the template is fresh, false otherwise
-     *
-     * @throws Twig_Error_Loader When $name is not found
-     */
-    function isFresh($name, $time);

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Marks a content as safe.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Markup implements Countable
-    protected $content;
-    protected $charset;
-    public function __construct($content, $charset)
-    {
-        $this->content = (string) $content;
-        $this->charset = $charset;
-    }
-    public function __toString()
-    {
-        return $this->content;
-    }
-    public function count()
-    {
-        return function_exists('mb_get_info') ? mb_strlen($this->content, $this->charset) : strlen($this->content);
-    }

+ 0 - 227

@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a node in the AST.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node implements Twig_NodeInterface
-    protected $nodes;
-    protected $attributes;
-    protected $lineno;
-    protected $tag;
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     *
-     * The nodes are automatically made available as properties ($this->node).
-     * The attributes are automatically made available as array items ($this['name']).
-     *
-     * @param array   $nodes      An array of named nodes
-     * @param array   $attributes An array of attributes (should not be nodes)
-     * @param integer $lineno     The line number
-     * @param string  $tag        The tag name associated with the Node
-     */
-    public function __construct(array $nodes = array(), array $attributes = array(), $lineno = 0, $tag = null)
-    {
-        $this->nodes = $nodes;
-        $this->attributes = $attributes;
-        $this->lineno = $lineno;
-        $this->tag = $tag;
-    }
-    public function __toString()
-    {
-        $attributes = array();
-        foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) {
-            $attributes[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, str_replace("\n", '', var_export($value, true)));
-        }
-        $repr = array(get_class($this).'('.implode(', ', $attributes));
-        if (count($this->nodes)) {
-            foreach ($this->nodes as $name => $node) {
-                $len = strlen($name) + 4;
-                $noderepr = array();
-                foreach (explode("\n", (string) $node) as $line) {
-                    $noderepr[] = str_repeat(' ', $len).$line;
-                }
-                $repr[] = sprintf('  %s: %s', $name, ltrim(implode("\n", $noderepr)));
-            }
-            $repr[] = ')';
-        } else {
-            $repr[0] .= ')';
-        }
-        return implode("\n", $repr);
-    }
-    public function toXml($asDom = false)
-    {
-        $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
-        $dom->formatOutput = true;
-        $dom->appendChild($xml = $dom->createElement('twig'));
-        $xml->appendChild($node = $dom->createElement('node'));
-        $node->setAttribute('class', get_class($this));
-        foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) {
-            $node->appendChild($attribute = $dom->createElement('attribute'));
-            $attribute->setAttribute('name', $name);
-            $attribute->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($value));
-        }
-        foreach ($this->nodes as $name => $n) {
-            if (null === $n) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            $child = $n->toXml(true)->getElementsByTagName('node')->item(0);
-            $child = $dom->importNode($child, true);
-            $child->setAttribute('name', $name);
-            $node->appendChild($child);
-        }
-        return $asDom ? $dom : $dom->saveXml();
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
-            $node->compile($compiler);
-        }
-    }
-    public function getLine()
-    {
-        return $this->lineno;
-    }
-    public function getNodeTag()
-    {
-        return $this->tag;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the attribute is defined.
-     *
-     * @param  string  The attribute name
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if the attribute is defined, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function hasAttribute($name)
-    {
-        return array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an attribute.
-     *
-     * @param  string The attribute name
-     *
-     * @return mixed  The attribute value
-     */
-    public function getAttribute($name)
-    {
-        if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Attribute "%s" does not exist for Node "%s".', $name, get_class($this)));
-        }
-        return $this->attributes[$name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets an attribute.
-     *
-     * @param string The attribute name
-     * @param mixed  The attribute value
-     */
-    public function setAttribute($name, $value)
-    {
-        $this->attributes[$name] = $value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes an attribute.
-     *
-     * @param string The attribute name
-     */
-    public function removeAttribute($name)
-    {
-        unset($this->attributes[$name]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if the node with the given identifier exists.
-     *
-     * @param  string  The node name
-     *
-     * @return Boolean true if the node with the given name exists, false otherwise
-     */
-    public function hasNode($name)
-    {
-        return array_key_exists($name, $this->nodes);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a node by name.
-     *
-     * @param  string The node name
-     *
-     * @return Twig_Node A Twig_Node instance
-     */
-    public function getNode($name)
-    {
-        if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->nodes)) {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Runtime(sprintf('Node "%s" does not exist for Node "%s".', $name, get_class($this)));
-        }
-        return $this->nodes[$name];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets a node.
-     *
-     * @param string    The node name
-     * @param Twig_Node A Twig_Node instance
-     */
-    public function setNode($name, $node = null)
-    {
-        $this->nodes[$name] = $node;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes a node by name.
-     *
-     * @param string The node name
-     */
-    public function removeNode($name)
-    {
-        unset($this->nodes[$name]);
-    }
-    public function count()
-    {
-        return count($this->nodes);
-    }
-    public function getIterator()
-    {
-        return new ArrayIterator($this->nodes);
-    }

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents an autoescape node.
- *
- * The value is the escaping strategy (can be html, js, ...)
- *
- * The true value is equivalent to html.
- *
- * If autoescaping is disabled, then the value is false.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_AutoEscape extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct($value, Twig_NodeInterface $body, $lineno, $tag = 'autoescape')
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('body' => $body), array('value' => $value), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('body'));
-    }

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a block node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Block extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct($name, Twig_NodeInterface $body, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('body' => $body), array('name' => $name), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write(sprintf("public function block_%s(\$context, array \$blocks = array())\n", $this->getAttribute('name')), "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-        ;
-        $compiler
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('body'))
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a block call node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_BlockReference extends Twig_Node implements Twig_NodeOutputInterface
-    public function __construct($name, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('name' => $name), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write(sprintf("\$this->displayBlock('%s', \$context, \$blocks);\n", $this->getAttribute('name')))
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a body node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Body extends Twig_Node

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a do node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Do extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $expr, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('expr' => $expr), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write('')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr'))
-            ->raw(";\n")
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Abstract class for all nodes that represents an expression.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-abstract class Twig_Node_Expression extends Twig_Node

+ 0 - 86

@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Array extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    protected $index;
-    public function __construct(array $elements, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($elements, array(), $lineno);
-        $this->index = -1;
-        foreach ($this->getKeyValuePairs() as $pair) {
-            if ($pair['key'] instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant && ctype_digit((string) $pair['key']->getAttribute('value')) && $pair['key']->getAttribute('value') > $this->index) {
-                $this->index = $pair['key']->getAttribute('value');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public function getKeyValuePairs()
-    {
-        $pairs = array();
-        foreach (array_chunk($this->nodes, 2) as $pair) {
-            $pairs[] = array(
-                'key' => $pair[0],
-                'value' => $pair[1],
-            );
-        }
-        return $pairs;
-    }
-    public function hasElement(Twig_Node_Expression $key)
-    {
-        foreach ($this->getKeyValuePairs() as $pair) {
-            // we compare the string representation of the keys
-            // to avoid comparing the line numbers which are not relevant here.
-            if ((string) $key == (string) $pair['key']) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    public function addElement(Twig_Node_Expression $value, Twig_Node_Expression $key = null)
-    {
-        if (null === $key) {
-            $key = new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(++$this->index, $value->getLine());
-        }
-        array_push($this->nodes, $key, $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('array(');
-        $first = true;
-        foreach ($this->getKeyValuePairs() as $pair) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ');
-            }
-            $first = false;
-            $compiler
-                ->subcompile($pair['key'])
-                ->raw(' => ')
-                ->subcompile($pair['value'])
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_AssignName extends Twig_Node_Expression_Name
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('$context[')
-            ->string($this->getAttribute('name'))
-            ->raw(']')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-abstract class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $left, Twig_NodeInterface $right, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('left' => $left, 'right' => $right), array(), $lineno);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('left'))
-            ->raw(' ')
-        ;
-        $this->operator($compiler);
-        $compiler
-            ->raw(' ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('right'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    abstract public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler);

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Add extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('+');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_And extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('&&');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseAnd extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('&');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseOr extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('|');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_BitwiseXor extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('^');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Concat extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('.');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Div extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('/');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Equal extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('==');
-    }

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_FloorDiv extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('intval(floor(');
-        parent::compile($compiler);
-        $compiler->raw('))');
-    }
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('/');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Greater extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('>');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_GreaterEqual extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('>=');
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_In extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('twig_in_filter(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('left'))
-            ->raw(', ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('right'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('in');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Less extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('<');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_LessEqual extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('<=');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mod extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('%');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Mul extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('*');
-    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotEqual extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('!=');
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_NotIn extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('!twig_in_filter(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('left'))
-            ->raw(', ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('right'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('not in');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Or extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('||');
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Power extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('pow(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('left'))
-            ->raw(', ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('right'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('**');
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Range extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('range(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('left'))
-            ->raw(', ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('right'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('..');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Binary_Sub extends Twig_Node_Expression_Binary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        return $compiler->raw('-');
-    }

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a block call node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_BlockReference extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $name, $asString = false, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('name' => $name), array('as_string' => $asString, 'output' => false), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        if ($this->getAttribute('as_string')) {
-            $compiler->raw('(string) ');
-        }
-        if ($this->getAttribute('output')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->addDebugInfo($this)
-                ->write("\$this->displayBlock(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('name'))
-                ->raw(", \$context, \$blocks);\n")
-            ;
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->raw("\$this->renderBlock(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('name'))
-                ->raw(", \$context, \$blocks)")
-            ;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Conditional extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $expr1, Twig_Node_Expression $expr2, Twig_Node_Expression $expr3, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('expr1' => $expr1, 'expr2' => $expr2, 'expr3' => $expr3), array(), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('((')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr1'))
-            ->raw(') ? (')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr2'))
-            ->raw(') : (')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr3'))
-            ->raw('))')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Constant extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct($value, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('value' => $value), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->repr($this->getAttribute('value'));
-    }

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents an extension call node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_ExtensionReference extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct($name, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('name' => $name), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw(sprintf("\$this->env->getExtension('%s')", $this->getAttribute('name')));
-    }

+ 0 - 61

@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Filter extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $node, Twig_Node_Expression_Constant $filterName, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('node' => $node, 'filter' => $filterName, 'arguments' => $arguments), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $name = $this->getNode('filter')->getAttribute('value');
-        if (false === $filter = $compiler->getEnvironment()->getFilter($name)) {
-            $message = sprintf('The filter "%s" does not exist', $name);
-            if ($alternatives = $compiler->getEnvironment()->computeAlternatives($name, array_keys($compiler->getEnvironment()->getFilters()))) {
-                $message = sprintf('%s. Did you mean "%s"', $message, implode('", "', $alternatives));
-            }
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax($message, $this->getLine());
-        }
-        $this->compileFilter($compiler, $filter);
-    }
-    protected function compileFilter(Twig_Compiler $compiler, Twig_FilterInterface $filter)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw($filter->compile().'(')
-            ->raw($filter->needsEnvironment() ? '$this->env, ' : '')
-            ->raw($filter->needsContext() ? '$context, ' : '')
-        ;
-        foreach ($filter->getArguments() as $argument) {
-            $compiler
-                ->string($argument)
-                ->raw(', ')
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('node'));
-        foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $node) {
-            $compiler
-                ->raw(', ')
-                ->subcompile($node)
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Returns the value or the default value when it is undefined or empty.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {{ var.foo|default('foo item on var is not defined') }}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Filter_Default extends Twig_Node_Expression_Filter
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $node, Twig_Node_Expression_Constant $filterName, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        $default = new Twig_Node_Expression_Filter($node, new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant('_default', $node->getLine()), $arguments, $node->getLine());
-        if ('default' === $filterName->getAttribute('value') && ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Name || $node instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr)) {
-            $test = new Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Defined(clone $node, 'defined', new Twig_Node(), $node->getLine());
-            $false = count($arguments) ? $arguments->getNode(0) : new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant('', $node->getLine());
-            $node = new Twig_Node_Expression_Conditional($test, $default, $false, $node->getLine());
-        } else {
-            $node = $default;
-        }
-        parent::__construct($node, $filterName, $arguments, $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('node'));
-    }

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Function extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct($name, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('arguments' => $arguments), array('name' => $name), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $name = $this->getAttribute('name');
-        if (false === $function = $compiler->getEnvironment()->getFunction($name)) {
-            $message = sprintf('The function "%s" does not exist', $name);
-            if ($alternatives = $compiler->getEnvironment()->computeAlternatives($name, array_keys($compiler->getEnvironment()->getFunctions()))) {
-                $message = sprintf('%s. Did you mean "%s"', $message, implode('", "', $alternatives));
-            }
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax($message, $this->getLine());
-        }
-        $compiler->raw($function->compile().'(');
-        $first = true;
-        if ($function->needsEnvironment()) {
-            $compiler->raw('$this->env');
-            $first = false;
-        }
-        if ($function->needsContext()) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ');
-            }
-            $compiler->raw('$context');
-            $first = false;
-        }
-        foreach ($function->getArguments() as $argument) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ');
-            }
-            $compiler->string($argument);
-            $first = false;
-        }
-        foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $node) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ');
-            }
-            $compiler->subcompile($node);
-            $first = false;
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $node, Twig_Node_Expression $attribute, Twig_Node_Expression_Array $arguments, $type, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('node' => $node, 'attribute' => $attribute, 'arguments' => $arguments), array('type' => $type, 'is_defined_test' => false, 'ignore_strict_check' => false), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        if (function_exists('twig_template_get_attributes')) {
-            $compiler->raw('twig_template_get_attributes($this, ');
-        } else {
-            $compiler->raw('$this->getAttribute(');
-        }
-        if ($this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-            $this->getNode('node')->setAttribute('ignore_strict_check', true);
-        }
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('node'));
-        $compiler->raw(', ')->subcompile($this->getNode('attribute'));
-        if (count($this->getNode('arguments')) || Twig_TemplateInterface::ANY_CALL !== $this->getAttribute('type') || $this->getAttribute('is_defined_test') || $this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-            $compiler->raw(', ')->subcompile($this->getNode('arguments'));
-            if (Twig_TemplateInterface::ANY_CALL !== $this->getAttribute('type') || $this->getAttribute('is_defined_test') || $this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ')->repr($this->getAttribute('type'));
-            }
-            if ($this->getAttribute('is_defined_test') || $this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-                $compiler->raw(', '.($this->getAttribute('is_defined_test') ? 'true' : 'false'));
-            }
-            if ($this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-                $compiler->raw(', '.($this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check') ? 'true' : 'false'));
-            }
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2012 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_MethodCall extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $node, $method, Twig_Node_Expression_Array $arguments, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('node' => $node, 'arguments' => $arguments), array('method' => $method, 'safe' => false), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw('->')
-            ->raw($this->getAttribute('method'))
-            ->raw('(')
-        ;
-        $first = true;
-        foreach ($this->getNode('arguments')->getKeyValuePairs() as $pair) {
-            if (!$first) {
-                $compiler->raw(', ');
-            }
-            $first = false;
-            $compiler->subcompile($pair['value']);
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Name extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    protected $specialVars = array(
-        '_self'    => '$this',
-        '_context' => '$context',
-        '_charset' => '$this->env->getCharset()',
-    );
-    public function __construct($name, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('name' => $name, 'is_defined_test' => false, 'ignore_strict_check' => false), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $name = $this->getAttribute('name');
-        if ($this->getAttribute('is_defined_test')) {
-            if ($this->isSpecial()) {
-                $compiler->repr(true);
-            } else {
-                $compiler->raw('array_key_exists(')->repr($name)->raw(', $context)');
-            }
-        } elseif ($this->isSpecial()) {
-            $compiler->raw($this->specialVars[$name]);
-        } else {
-            // remove the non-PHP 5.4 version when PHP 5.3 support is dropped
-            // as the non-optimized version is just a workaround for slow ternary operator
-            // when the context has a lot of variables
-            if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0RC1', '>=') && ($this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check') || !$compiler->getEnvironment()->isStrictVariables())) {
-                // PHP 5.4 ternary operator performance was optimized
-                $compiler
-                    ->raw('(isset($context[')
-                    ->string($name)
-                    ->raw(']) ? $context[')
-                    ->string($name)
-                    ->raw('] : null)')
-                ;
-            } else {
-                $compiler
-                    ->raw('$this->getContext($context, ')
-                    ->string($name)
-                ;
-                if ($this->getAttribute('ignore_strict_check')) {
-                    $compiler->raw(', true');
-                }
-                $compiler
-                    ->raw(')')
-                ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public function isSpecial()
-    {
-        return isset($this->specialVars[$this->getAttribute('name')]);
-    }
-    public function isSimple()
-    {
-        return !$this->isSpecial() && !$this->getAttribute('is_defined_test');
-    }

+ 0 - 48

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a parent node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Parent extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct($name, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('output' => false, 'name' => $name), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        if ($this->getAttribute('output')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->addDebugInfo($this)
-                ->write("\$this->displayParentBlock(")
-                ->string($this->getAttribute('name'))
-                ->raw(", \$context, \$blocks);\n")
-            ;
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->raw("\$this->renderParentBlock(")
-                ->string($this->getAttribute('name'))
-                ->raw(", \$context, \$blocks)")
-            ;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 22

@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_TempName extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct($name, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('name' => $name), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('$_')->raw($this->getAttribute('name'))->raw('_');
-    }

+ 0 - 54

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $node, $name, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments = null, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('node' => $node, 'arguments' => $arguments), array('name' => $name), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $name = $this->getAttribute('name');
-        $testMap = $compiler->getEnvironment()->getTests();
-        if (!isset($testMap[$name])) {
-            $message = sprintf('The test "%s" does not exist', $name);
-            if ($alternatives = $compiler->getEnvironment()->computeAlternatives($name, array_keys($compiler->getEnvironment()->getTests()))) {
-                $message = sprintf('%s. Did you mean "%s"', $message, implode('", "', $alternatives));
-            }
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax($message, $this->getLine());
-        }
-        $name = $this->getAttribute('name');
-        $node = $this->getNode('node');
-        $compiler
-            ->raw($testMap[$name]->compile().'(')
-            ->subcompile($node)
-        ;
-        if (null !== $this->getNode('arguments')) {
-            $compiler->raw(', ');
-            $max = count($this->getNode('arguments')) - 1;
-            foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $i => $arg) {
-                $compiler->subcompile($arg);
-                if ($i != $max) {
-                    $compiler->raw(', ');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(')');
-    }

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a variable is the exact same value as a constant.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {% if post.status is constant('Post::PUBLISHED') %}
- *    the status attribute is exactly the same as Post::PUBLISHED
- *  {% endif %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Constant extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(' === constant(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('arguments')->getNode(0))
-            ->raw('))')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 55

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a variable is defined in the current context.
- *
- * <pre>
- * {# defined works with variable names and variable attributes #}
- * {% if foo is defined %}
- *     {# ... #}
- * {% endif %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Defined extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $node, $name, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments = null, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($node, $name, $arguments, $lineno);
-        if ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Name) {
-            $node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
-        } elseif ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr) {
-            $node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
-            $this->changeIgnoreStrictCheck($node);
-        } else {
-            throw new Twig_Error_Syntax('The "defined" test only works with simple variables', $this->getLine());
-        }
-    }
-    protected function changeIgnoreStrictCheck(Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr $node)
-    {
-        $node->setAttribute('ignore_strict_check', true);
-        if ($node->getNode('node') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr) {
-            $this->changeIgnoreStrictCheck($node->getNode('node'));
-        }
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('node'));
-    }

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a variable is divisible by a number.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {% if loop.index is divisibleby(3) %}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Divisibleby extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(0 == ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(' % ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('arguments')->getNode(0))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a number is even.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {{ var is even }}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Even extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(' % 2 == 0')
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks that a variable is null.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {{ var is none }}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Null extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(null === ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a number is odd.
- *
- * <pre>
- *  {{ var is odd }}
- * </pre>
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Odd extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(' % 2 == 1')
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Checks if a variable is the same as another one (=== in PHP).
- *
- * @package twig
- * @author  Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Test_Sameas extends Twig_Node_Expression_Test
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->raw('(')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(' === ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('arguments')->getNode(0))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-abstract class Twig_Node_Expression_Unary extends Twig_Node_Expression
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $node, $lineno)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('node' => $node), array(), $lineno);
-    }
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('(');
-        $this->operator($compiler);
-        $compiler
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('node'))
-            ->raw(')')
-        ;
-    }
-    abstract public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler);

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Neg extends Twig_Node_Expression_Unary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('-');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Not extends Twig_Node_Expression_Unary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('!');
-    }

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-class Twig_Node_Expression_Unary_Pos extends Twig_Node_Expression_Unary
-    public function operator(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->raw('+');
-    }

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a flush node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Flush extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct($lineno, $tag)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write("flush();\n")
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 113

@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a for node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_For extends Twig_Node
-    protected $loop;
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression_AssignName $keyTarget, Twig_Node_Expression_AssignName $valueTarget, Twig_Node_Expression $seq, Twig_Node_Expression $ifexpr = null, Twig_NodeInterface $body, Twig_NodeInterface $else = null, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        $body = new Twig_Node(array($body, $this->loop = new Twig_Node_ForLoop($lineno, $tag)));
-        if (null !== $ifexpr) {
-            $body = new Twig_Node_If(new Twig_Node(array($ifexpr, $body)), null, $lineno, $tag);
-        }
-        parent::__construct(array('key_target' => $keyTarget, 'value_target' => $valueTarget, 'seq' => $seq, 'body' => $body, 'else' => $else), array('with_loop' => true, 'ifexpr' => null !== $ifexpr), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            // the (array) cast bypasses a PHP 5.2.6 bug
-            ->write("\$context['_parent'] = (array) \$context;\n")
-            ->write("\$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(")
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('seq'))
-            ->raw(");\n")
-        ;
-        if (null !== $this->getNode('else')) {
-            $compiler->write("\$context['_iterated'] = false;\n");
-        }
-        if ($this->getAttribute('with_loop')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$context['loop'] = array(\n")
-                ->write("  'parent' => \$context['_parent'],\n")
-                ->write("  'index0' => 0,\n")
-                ->write("  'index'  => 1,\n")
-                ->write("  'first'  => true,\n")
-                ->write(");\n")
-            ;
-            if (!$this->getAttribute('ifexpr')) {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write("if (is_array(\$context['_seq']) || (is_object(\$context['_seq']) && \$context['_seq'] instanceof Countable)) {\n")
-                    ->indent()
-                    ->write("\$length = count(\$context['_seq']);\n")
-                    ->write("\$context['loop']['revindex0'] = \$length - 1;\n")
-                    ->write("\$context['loop']['revindex'] = \$length;\n")
-                    ->write("\$context['loop']['length'] = \$length;\n")
-                    ->write("\$context['loop']['last'] = 1 === \$length;\n")
-                    ->outdent()
-                    ->write("}\n")
-                ;
-            }
-        }
-        $this->loop->setAttribute('else', null !== $this->getNode('else'));
-        $this->loop->setAttribute('with_loop', $this->getAttribute('with_loop'));
-        $this->loop->setAttribute('ifexpr', $this->getAttribute('ifexpr'));
-        $compiler
-            ->write("foreach (\$context['_seq'] as ")
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('key_target'))
-            ->raw(" => ")
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('value_target'))
-            ->raw(") {\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('body'))
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n")
-        ;
-        if (null !== $this->getNode('else')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("if (!\$context['_iterated']) {\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('else'))
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("}\n")
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler->write("\$_parent = \$context['_parent'];\n");
-        // remove some "private" loop variables (needed for nested loops)
-        $compiler->write('unset($context[\'_seq\'], $context[\'_iterated\'], $context[\''.$this->getNode('key_target')->getAttribute('name').'\'], $context[\''.$this->getNode('value_target')->getAttribute('name').'\'], $context[\'_parent\'], $context[\'loop\']);'."\n");
-        // keep the values set in the inner context for variables defined in the outer context
-        $compiler->write("\$context = array_merge(\$_parent, array_intersect_key(\$context, \$_parent));\n");
-    }

+ 0 - 56

@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2011 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Internal node used by the for node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_ForLoop extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct($lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array(), array('with_loop' => false, 'ifexpr' => false, 'else' => false), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        if ($this->getAttribute('else')) {
-            $compiler->write("\$context['_iterated'] = true;\n");
-        }
-        if ($this->getAttribute('with_loop')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("++\$context['loop']['index0'];\n")
-                ->write("++\$context['loop']['index'];\n")
-                ->write("\$context['loop']['first'] = false;\n")
-            ;
-            if (!$this->getAttribute('ifexpr')) {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write("if (isset(\$context['loop']['length'])) {\n")
-                    ->indent()
-                    ->write("--\$context['loop']['revindex0'];\n")
-                    ->write("--\$context['loop']['revindex'];\n")
-                    ->write("\$context['loop']['last'] = 0 === \$context['loop']['revindex0'];\n")
-                    ->outdent()
-                    ->write("}\n")
-                ;
-            }
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 67

@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents an if node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_If extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $tests, Twig_NodeInterface $else = null, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('tests' => $tests, 'else' => $else), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->addDebugInfo($this);
-        for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->getNode('tests')); $i += 2) {
-            if ($i > 0) {
-                $compiler
-                    ->outdent()
-                    ->write("} elseif (")
-                ;
-            } else {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write('if (')
-                ;
-            }
-            $compiler
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('tests')->getNode($i))
-                ->raw(") {\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('tests')->getNode($i + 1))
-            ;
-        }
-        if ($this->hasNode('else') && null !== $this->getNode('else')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("} else {\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('else'))
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n");
-    }

+ 0 - 51

@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents an import node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Import extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $expr, Twig_Node_Expression $var, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('expr' => $expr, 'var' => $var), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write('')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('var'))
-            ->raw(' = ')
-        ;
-        if ($this->getNode('expr') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Name && '_self' === $this->getNode('expr')->getAttribute('name')) {
-            $compiler->raw("\$this");
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->raw('$this->env->loadTemplate(')
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr'))
-                ->raw(")")
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(";\n");
-    }

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents an include node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Include extends Twig_Node implements Twig_NodeOutputInterface
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $expr, Twig_Node_Expression $variables = null, $only = false, $ignoreMissing = false, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('expr' => $expr, 'variables' => $variables), array('only' => (Boolean) $only, 'ignore_missing' => (Boolean) $ignoreMissing), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->addDebugInfo($this);
-        if ($this->getAttribute('ignore_missing')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("try {\n")
-                ->indent()
-            ;
-        }
-        if ($this->getNode('expr') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$this->env->loadTemplate(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr'))
-                ->raw(")->display(")
-            ;
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$template = \$this->env->resolveTemplate(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr'))
-                ->raw(");\n")
-                ->write('$template->display(')
-            ;
-        }
-        if (false === $this->getAttribute('only')) {
-            if (null === $this->getNode('variables')) {
-                $compiler->raw('$context');
-            } else {
-                $compiler
-                    ->raw('array_merge($context, ')
-                    ->subcompile($this->getNode('variables'))
-                    ->raw(')')
-                ;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (null === $this->getNode('variables')) {
-                $compiler->raw('array()');
-            } else {
-                $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('variables'));
-            }
-        }
-        $compiler->raw(");\n");
-        if ($this->getAttribute('ignore_missing')) {
-            $compiler
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("} catch (Twig_Error_Loader \$e) {\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->write("// ignore missing template\n")
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("}\n\n")
-            ;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 84

@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a macro node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Macro extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct($name, Twig_NodeInterface $body, Twig_NodeInterface $arguments, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('body' => $body, 'arguments' => $arguments), array('name' => $name), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $arguments = array();
-        foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $argument) {
-            $arguments[] = '$'.$argument->getAttribute('name').' = null';
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write(sprintf("public function get%s(%s)\n", $this->getAttribute('name'), implode(', ', $arguments)), "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-        ;
-        if (!count($this->getNode('arguments'))) {
-            $compiler->write("\$context = \$this->env->getGlobals();\n\n");
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$context = array_merge(\$this->env->getGlobals(), array(\n")
-                ->indent()
-            ;
-            foreach ($this->getNode('arguments') as $argument) {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write('')
-                    ->string($argument->getAttribute('name'))
-                    ->raw(' => $'.$argument->getAttribute('name'))
-                    ->raw(",\n")
-                ;
-            }
-            $compiler
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("));\n\n")
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->write("\$blocks = array();\n\n")
-            ->write("ob_start();\n")
-            ->write("try {\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('body'))
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("} catch(Exception \$e) {\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write("ob_end_clean();\n\n")
-            ->write("throw \$e;\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-            ->write("return ob_get_clean();\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 358

@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a module node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Module extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $body, Twig_Node_Expression $parent = null, Twig_NodeInterface $blocks, Twig_NodeInterface $macros, Twig_NodeInterface $traits, $filename)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('parent' => $parent, 'body' => $body, 'blocks' => $blocks, 'macros' => $macros, 'traits' => $traits), array('filename' => $filename), 1);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $this->compileTemplate($compiler);
-    }
-    protected function compileTemplate(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $this->compileClassHeader($compiler);
-        if (count($this->getNode('blocks')) || count($this->getNode('traits'))) {
-            $this->compileConstructor($compiler);
-        }
-        $this->compileGetParent($compiler);
-        $this->compileDisplayHeader($compiler);
-        $this->compileDisplayBody($compiler);
-        $this->compileDisplayFooter($compiler);
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('blocks'));
-        $this->compileMacros($compiler);
-        $this->compileGetTemplateName($compiler);
-        $this->compileIsTraitable($compiler);
-        $this->compileDebugInfo($compiler);
-        $this->compileClassFooter($compiler);
-    }
-    protected function compileGetParent(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        if (null === $this->getNode('parent')) {
-            return;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->write("protected function doGetParent(array \$context)\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write("return ")
-        ;
-        if ($this->getNode('parent') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-            $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('parent'));
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->raw("\$this->env->resolveTemplate(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('parent'))
-                ->raw(")")
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->raw(";\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileDisplayBody(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('body'));
-        if (null !== $this->getNode('parent')) {
-            if ($this->getNode('parent') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-                $compiler->write("\$this->parent");
-            } else {
-                $compiler->write("\$this->getParent(\$context)");
-            }
-            $compiler->raw("->display(\$context, array_merge(\$this->blocks, \$blocks));\n");
-        }
-    }
-    protected function compileClassHeader(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->write("<?php\n\n")
-            // if the filename contains */, add a blank to avoid a PHP parse error
-            ->write("/* ".str_replace('*/', '* /', $this->getAttribute('filename'))." */\n")
-            ->write('class '.$compiler->getEnvironment()->getTemplateClass($this->getAttribute('filename')))
-            ->raw(sprintf(" extends %s\n", $compiler->getEnvironment()->getBaseTemplateClass()))
-            ->write("{\n")
-            ->indent()
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileConstructor(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->write("public function __construct(Twig_Environment \$env)\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write("parent::__construct(\$env);\n\n")
-        ;
-        // parent
-        if (null === $this->getNode('parent')) {
-            $compiler->write("\$this->parent = false;\n\n");
-        } elseif ($this->getNode('parent') instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$this->parent = \$this->env->loadTemplate(")
-                ->subcompile($this->getNode('parent'))
-                ->raw(");\n\n")
-            ;
-        }
-        $countTraits = count($this->getNode('traits'));
-        if ($countTraits) {
-            // traits
-            foreach ($this->getNode('traits') as $i => $trait) {
-                $this->compileLoadTemplate($compiler, $trait->getNode('template'), sprintf('$_trait_%s', $i));
-                $compiler
-                    ->addDebugInfo($trait->getNode('template'))
-                    ->write(sprintf("if (!\$_trait_%s->isTraitable()) {\n", $i))
-                    ->indent()
-                    ->write("throw new Twig_Error_Runtime('Template \"'.")
-                    ->subcompile($trait->getNode('template'))
-                    ->raw(".'\" cannot be used as a trait.');\n")
-                    ->outdent()
-                    ->write("}\n")
-                    ->write(sprintf("\$_trait_%s_blocks = \$_trait_%s->getBlocks();\n\n", $i, $i))
-                ;
-                foreach ($trait->getNode('targets') as $key => $value) {
-                    $compiler
-                        ->write(sprintf("\$_trait_%s_blocks[", $i))
-                        ->subcompile($value)
-                        ->raw(sprintf("] = \$_trait_%s_blocks[", $i))
-                        ->string($key)
-                        ->raw(sprintf("]; unset(\$_trait_%s_blocks[", $i))
-                        ->string($key)
-                        ->raw("]);\n\n")
-                    ;
-                }
-            }
-            if ($countTraits > 1) {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write("\$this->traits = array_merge(\n")
-                    ->indent()
-                ;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < $countTraits; $i++) {
-                    $compiler
-                        ->write(sprintf("\$_trait_%s_blocks".($i == $countTraits - 1 ? '' : ',')."\n", $i))
-                    ;
-                }
-                $compiler
-                    ->outdent()
-                    ->write(");\n\n")
-                ;
-            } else {
-                $compiler
-                    ->write("\$this->traits = \$_trait_0_blocks;\n\n")
-                ;
-            }
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$this->blocks = array_merge(\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->write("\$this->traits,\n")
-                ->write("array(\n")
-            ;
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->write("\$this->blocks = array(\n")
-            ;
-        }
-        // blocks
-        $compiler
-            ->indent()
-        ;
-        foreach ($this->getNode('blocks') as $name => $node) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write(sprintf("'%s' => array(\$this, 'block_%s'),\n", $name, $name))
-            ;
-        }
-        if ($countTraits) {
-            $compiler
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write(")\n")
-            ;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write(");\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n");
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileDisplayHeader(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->write("protected function doDisplay(array \$context, array \$blocks = array())\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileDisplayFooter(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileClassFooter(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileMacros(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('macros'));
-    }
-    protected function compileGetTemplateName(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->write("public function getTemplateName()\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write('return ')
-            ->repr($this->getAttribute('filename'))
-            ->raw(";\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileIsTraitable(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        // A template can be used as a trait if:
-        //   * it has no parent
-        //   * it has no macros
-        //   * it has no body
-        //
-        // Put another way, a template can be used as a trait if it
-        // only contains blocks and use statements.
-        $traitable = null === $this->getNode('parent') && 0 === count($this->getNode('macros'));
-        if ($traitable) {
-            if ($this->getNode('body') instanceof Twig_Node_Body) {
-                $nodes = $this->getNode('body')->getNode(0);
-            } else {
-                $nodes = $this->getNode('body');
-            }
-            if (!count($nodes)) {
-                $nodes = new Twig_Node(array($nodes));
-            }
-            foreach ($nodes as $node) {
-                if (!count($node)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Text && ctype_space($node->getAttribute('data'))) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if ($node instanceof Twig_Node_BlockReference) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                $traitable = false;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($traitable) {
-            return;
-        }
-        $compiler
-            ->write("public function isTraitable()\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write(sprintf("return %s;\n", $traitable ? 'true' : 'false'))
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileDebugInfo(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->write("public function getDebugInfo()\n", "{\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write(sprintf("return %s;\n", str_replace("\n", '', var_export(array_reverse($compiler->getDebugInfo(), true), true))))
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n")
-        ;
-    }
-    protected function compileLoadTemplate(Twig_Compiler $compiler, $node, $var)
-    {
-        if ($node instanceof Twig_Node_Expression_Constant) {
-            $compiler
-                ->write(sprintf("%s = \$this->env->loadTemplate(", $var))
-                ->subcompile($node)
-                ->raw(");\n")
-            ;
-        } else {
-            $compiler
-                ->write(sprintf("%s = ", $var))
-                ->subcompile($node)
-                ->raw(";\n")
-                ->write(sprintf("if (!%s", $var))
-                ->raw(" instanceof Twig_Template) {\n")
-                ->indent()
-                ->write(sprintf("%s = \$this->env->loadTemplate(%s);\n", $var, $var))
-                ->outdent()
-                ->write("}\n")
-            ;
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2009 Fabien Potencier
- * (c) 2009 Armin Ronacher
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a node that outputs an expression.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Print extends Twig_Node implements Twig_NodeOutputInterface
-    public function __construct(Twig_Node_Expression $expr, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('expr' => $expr), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write('echo ')
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('expr'))
-            ->raw(";\n")
-        ;
-    }

+ 0 - 48

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Twig.
- *
- * (c) 2010 Fabien Potencier
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- * Represents a sandbox node.
- *
- * @package    twig
- * @author     Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
- */
-class Twig_Node_Sandbox extends Twig_Node
-    public function __construct(Twig_NodeInterface $body, $lineno, $tag = null)
-    {
-        parent::__construct(array('body' => $body), array(), $lineno, $tag);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles the node to PHP.
-     *
-     * @param Twig_Compiler A Twig_Compiler instance
-     */
-    public function compile(Twig_Compiler $compiler)
-    {
-        $compiler
-            ->addDebugInfo($this)
-            ->write("\$sandbox = \$this->env->getExtension('sandbox');\n")
-            ->write("if (!\$alreadySandboxed = \$sandbox->isSandboxed()) {\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write("\$sandbox->enableSandbox();\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n")
-            ->subcompile($this->getNode('body'))
-            ->write("if (!\$alreadySandboxed) {\n")
-            ->indent()
-            ->write("\$sandbox->disableSandbox();\n")
-            ->outdent()
-            ->write("}\n")
-        ;
-    }
