@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ $cidReset = true;
require ('../inc/global.inc.php');
$this_section = SECTION_MYAGENDA;
-require (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php');
// setting the name of the tool
$nameTools = get_lang('MyAgenda');
@@ -100,31 +101,6 @@ $DaysLong = array (get_lang("SundayLong"), get_lang("MondayLong"), get_lang("Tue
// Defining the months of the year to allow translation of the months
$MonthsLong = array (get_lang("JanuaryLong"), get_lang("FebruaryLong"), get_lang("MarchLong"), get_lang("AprilLong"), get_lang("MayLong"), get_lang("JuneLong"), get_lang("JulyLong"), get_lang("AugustLong"), get_lang("SeptemberLong"), get_lang("OctoberLong"), get_lang("NovemberLong"), get_lang("DecemberLong"));
-/* ==============================================================================
-============================================================================== */
-// You can delete this if you have manually added the new database and tables
-// this piece of code was added to avoid having to explain to non sys-admin
-// what has to be done in order to get this tool working
-if (get_setting("allow_personal_agenda") == "true")
- // I use a separate database for storing all the information of user driven tools
- // as the Personal Agenda tool has the potential to create a large database.
- // If you do not want a separate database for the personal agenda tool you can add the table to
- // the main dokeos database by changing $DATABASE_USER_TOOLS above to $_configuration['main_database']
- $result = api_sql_query($sql_create_database);
- $sql_create_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $tbl_personal_agenda (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `user` int(11),
- `title` text,
- `text` text,
- `date` datetime default NULL,
- `course` varchar(255),
- UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`))
- $result = api_sql_query($sql_create_table);
1. The default values
@@ -237,7 +213,7 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
$agendaitems = get_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year);
if (get_setting('allow_personal_agenda') == 'true')
- $agendaitems = get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
+ $agendaitems = get_personal_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
display_minimonthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $monthName);
echo "\n<ul id=\"agenda_select\">\n";
@@ -262,7 +238,7 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
$agendaitems = get_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year);
if (get_setting("allow_personal_agenda") == "true")
- $agendaitems = get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
+ $agendaitems = get_personal_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "month_view");
display_monthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $langDay_of_weekNames['long'], $monthName);
@@ -270,7 +246,7 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
$agendaitems = get_week_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year, $week);
if (get_setting("allow_personal_agenda") == "true")
- $agendaitems = get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "week_view");
+ $agendaitems = get_personal_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "week_view");
display_weekcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $langDay_of_weekNames['long'], $monthName);
@@ -278,7 +254,7 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
$agendaitems = get_day_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year, $day);
if (get_setting("allow_personal_agenda") == "true")
- $agendaitems = get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "day_view");
+ $agendaitems = get_personal_agenda_items($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $week, "day_view");
display_daycalendar($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $langDay_of_weekNames['long'], $monthName);
@@ -312,1045 +288,4 @@ if (isset ($_user['user_id']))
echo "</td></tr></table>";
Display :: display_footer();
- get_agendaitems($courses_db, $month, $year)
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function retrieves all the agenda items of all the course of the user
-function get_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year)
- global $_user;
- global $_configuration;
- $items = array ();
- // get agenda-items for every course
- foreach ($courses_dbs as $key => $array_course_info)
- {
- //databases of the courses
- $TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $array_course_info["db"]);
- $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY, $array_course_info["db"]);
- $group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($array_course_info["db"], $_user['user_id']);
- // if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items
- if ($array_course_info['status'] == '1')
- {
- //echo "course admin";
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- DISTINCT agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE agenda.id = item_property.ref ".$show_all_current."
- AND MONTH(agenda.start_date)='".$month."'
- AND YEAR(agenda.start_date)='".$year."'
- AND item_property.tool='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND item_property.visibility='1'
- GROUP BY agenda.id
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- // if the user is not an administrator of that course
- else
- {
- //echo "GEEN course admin";
- if (is_array($group_memberships))
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE `agenda`.`id` = `item_property`.`ref` ".$show_all_current."
- AND MONTH(`agenda`.`start_date`)='".$month."'
- AND YEAR(`agenda`.`start_date`)='".$year."'
- AND `item_property`.`tool`='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND ( `item_property`.`to_user_id`='".$_user['user_id']."' OR `item_property`.`to_group_id` IN (0, ".implode(", ", $group_memberships).") )
- AND `item_property`.`visibility`='1'
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- else
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE `agenda`.`id` = `item_property`.`ref` ".$show_all_current."
- AND MONTH(`agenda`.`start_date`)='".$month."'
- AND YEAR(`agenda`.`start_date`)='".$year."'
- AND `item_property`.`tool`='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND ( `item_property`.`to_user_id`='".$_user['user_id']."' OR `item_property`.`to_group_id`='0')
- AND `item_property`.`visibility`='1'
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- }
- $result = api_sql_query($sqlquery, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $agendaday = date("j",strtotime($item['start_date']));
- $time= date("H:i",strtotime($item['start_date']));
- $URL = api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."main/calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($array_course_info["code"])."&day=$agendaday&month=$month&year=$year#$agendaday"; // RH //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item
- $items[$agendaday][$item['start_time']] .= "<i>".$time."</i> <a href=\"$URL\" title=\"".$array_course_info["name"]."\">".$array_course_info["visual_code"]."</a> ".$item['title']."<br />";
- }
- }
- // sorting by hour for every day
- $agendaitems = array ();
- while (list ($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items))
- {
- sort($tmpitems);
- while (list ($key, $val) = each($tmpitems))
- {
- $agendaitems[$agendaday] .= $val;
- }
- }
- //print_r($agendaitems);
- return $agendaitems;
- display_monthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- ============================================================================*/
-// show the monthcalender of the given month
-function display_monthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- global $DaysShort,$course_path;
- //Handle leap year
- $numberofdays = array (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
- if (($year % 400 == 0) or ($year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 <> 0))
- $numberofdays[2] = 29;
- //Get the first day of the month
- $dayone = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
- //Start the week on monday
- $startdayofweek = $dayone['wday'] <> 0 ? ($dayone['wday'] - 1) : 6;
- $backwardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=month&month=". ($month == 1 ? 12 : $month -1)."&year=". ($month == 1 ? $year -1 : $year);
- $forewardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=month&month=". ($month == 12 ? 1 : $month +1)."&year=". ($month == 12 ? $year +1 : $year);
- echo "<table id=\"agenda_list\">\n", "<tr class=\"title\">\n", "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></td>\n", "<td width=\"80%\" colspan=\"5\">", $monthName, " ", $year, "</td>\n", "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></td>\n", "</tr>\n";
- echo "<tr>\n";
- for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++)
- {
- echo "<td class=\"weekdays\">", $DaysShort[$ii % 7], "</td>\n";
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- $curday = -1;
- $today = getdate();
- while ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month])
- {
- echo "<tr>\n";
- for ($ii = 0; $ii < 7; $ii ++)
- {
- if (($curday == -1) && ($ii == $startdayofweek))
- {
- $curday = 1;
- }
- if (($curday > 0) && ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month]))
- {
- $bgcolor = $ii < 5 ? $class = "class=\"days_week\"" : $class = "class=\"days_weekend\"";
- $dayheader = "<b>$curday</b>";
- if (($curday == $today[mday]) && ($year == $today[year]) && ($month == $today[mon]))
- {
- $dayheader = "$curday - ".get_lang("Today")."<br />";
- $class = "class=\"days_today\"";
- }
- echo "<td ".$class.">", "".$dayheader;
- if (!empty($agendaitems[$curday]))
- {
- echo "<span class=\"agendaitem\">".$agendaitems[$curday]."</span>";
- }
- echo "</td>\n";
- $curday ++;
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<td> </td>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- }
- echo "</table>\n";
- display_minimonthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $monthName)
- ============================================================================*/
-// show the mini calender of the given month
-function display_minimonthcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $monthName)
- global $DaysShort,$course_path;
- //Handle leap year
- $numberofdays = array (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
- if (($year % 400 == 0) or ($year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 <> 0))
- $numberofdays[2] = 29;
- //Get the first day of the month
- $dayone = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
- //Start the week on monday
- $startdayofweek = $dayone['wday'] <> 0 ? ($dayone['wday'] - 1) : 6;
- $backwardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&month=". ($month == 1 ? 12 : $month -1)."&year=". ($month == 1 ? $year -1 : $year);
- $forewardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&month=". ($month == 12 ? 1 : $month +1)."&year=". ($month == 12 ? $year +1 : $year);
- echo "<table id=\"smallcalendar\">\n", "<tr class=\"title\">\n", "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></td>\n", "<td width=\"80%\" colspan=\"5\">", $monthName, " ", $year, "</td>\n", "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></td>\n", "</tr>\n";
- echo "<tr>\n";
- for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++)
- {
- echo "<td class=\"weekdays\">", $DaysShort[$ii % 7], "</td>\n";
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- $curday = -1;
- $today = getdate();
- while ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month])
- {
- echo "<tr>\n";
- for ($ii = 0; $ii < 7; $ii ++)
- {
- if (($curday == -1) && ($ii == $startdayofweek))
- {
- $curday = 1;
- }
- if (($curday > 0) && ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month]))
- {
- $bgcolor = $ii < 5 ? $class = "class=\"days_week\"" : $class = "class=\"days_weekend\"";
- $dayheader = "$curday";
- if (($curday == $today[mday]) && ($year == $today[year]) && ($month == $today[mon]))
- {
- $dayheader = "$curday";
- $class = "class=\"days_today\"";
- }
- echo "\t<td ".$class.">";
- if ($agendaitems[$curday] <> "")
- {
- echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?action=view&view=day&day=".$curday."&month=".$month."&year=".$year."\">".$dayheader."</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- echo $dayheader;
- }
- // "a".$dayheader." <span class=\"agendaitem\">".$agendaitems[$curday]."</span>\n";
- echo "</td>\n";
- $curday ++;
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<td> </td>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- }
- echo "</table>\n";
- display_weekcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- ============================================================================*/
-function display_weekcalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- global $DaysShort,$course_path;
- global $MonthsLong;
- // timestamp of today
- $today = time();
- $day_of_the_week = date("w", $today);
- $thisday_of_the_week = date("w", $today);
- // the week number of the year
- $week_number = date("W", $today);
- $thisweek_number = $week_number;
- // if we moved to the next / previous week we have to recalculate the $today variable
- if ($_GET['week'])
- {
- $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
- $today = $today + (((int)$_GET['week']-1) * (7 * 24 * 60 * 60));
- $week_number = date("W", $today);
- }
- // calculating the start date of the week
- // the date of the monday of this week is the timestamp of today minus
- // number of days that have already passed this week * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
- $current_day = date("j", $today); // Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31) of today
- $day_of_the_week = date("w", $today); // Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) of today
- $timestamp_first_date_of_week = $today - (($day_of_the_week -1) * 24 * 60 * 60); // timestamp of the monday of this week
- $timestamp_last_date_of_week = $today + ((7 - $day_of_the_week) * 24 * 60 * 60); // timestamp of the sunday of this week
- $backwardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=week&week=". ($week_number -1);
- $forewardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=week&week=". ($week_number +1);
- echo "<table id=\"agenda_list\">\n";
- // The title row containing the the week information (week of the year (startdate of week - enddate of week)
- echo "<tr class=\"title\">\n";
- echo "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></td>\n";
- echo "<td colspan=\"5\">".get_lang("Week")." ".$week_number;
- echo " (".$DaysShort['1']." ".date("j", $timestamp_first_date_of_week)." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", $timestamp_first_date_of_week) - 1]." ".date("Y", $timestamp_first_date_of_week)." - ".$DaysShort['0']." ".date("j", $timestamp_last_date_of_week)." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", $timestamp_last_date_of_week) - 1]." ".date("Y", $timestamp_last_date_of_week).')';
- echo "</td>";
- echo "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></td>\n", "</tr>\n";
- // The second row containing the short names of the days of the week
- echo "<tr>\n";
- // this is the Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31) of the monday of this week
- $tmp_timestamp = $timestamp_first_date_of_week;
- for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii ++)
- {
- echo "\t<td class=\"weekdays\">";
- if ($ii == $thisday_of_the_week AND (!isset($_GET['week']) OR $_GET['week']==$thisweek_number))
- {
- echo "<font color=#CC3300>";
- }
- echo $DaysShort[$ii % 7]." ".date("j", $tmp_timestamp)." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", $tmp_timestamp) - 1];
- if ($ii == $thisday_of_the_week AND (!isset($_GET['week']) OR $_GET['week']==$thisweek_number))
- {
- echo "</font>";
- }
- echo "</td>\n";
- // we 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds to the $tmp_timestamp
- $array_tmp_timestamp[] = $tmp_timestamp;
- $tmp_timestamp = $tmp_timestamp + (24 * 60 * 60);
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- // the table cells containing all the entries for that day
- echo "<tr>\n";
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($array_tmp_timestamp as $key => $value)
- {
- if ($counter < 5)
- {
- $class = "class=\"days_week\"";
- }
- else
- {
- $class = "class=\"days_weekend\"";
- }
- if ($counter == $thisday_of_the_week -1 AND (!isset($_GET['week']) OR $_GET['week']==$thisweek_number))
- {
- $class = "class=\"days_today\"";
- }
- echo "\t<td ".$class.">";
- echo "<span class=\"agendaitem\">".$agendaitems[date("j", $value)]." </span> ";
- echo "</td>\n";
- $counter ++;
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- echo "</table>\n";
- display_daycalendar($agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- ============================================================================*/
-// show the mini calender of the given month
-function display_daycalendar($agendaitems, $day, $month, $year, $weekdaynames, $monthName)
- global $DaysShort, $DaysLong, $course_path;
- global $MonthsLong;
- global $query;
- // timestamp of today
- $today = mktime();
- $nextday = $today + (24 * 60 * 60);
- $previousday = $today - (24 * 60 * 60);
- // the week number of the year
- $week_number = date("W", $today);
- // if we moved to the next / previous day we have to recalculate the $today variable
- if ($_GET['day'])
- {
- $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
- $nextday = $today + (24 * 60 * 60);
- $previousday = $today - (24 * 60 * 60);
- $week_number = date("W", $today);
- }
- // calculating the start date of the week
- // the date of the monday of this week is the timestamp of today minus
- // number of days that have already passed this week * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
- $current_day = date("j", $today); // Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31) of today
- $day_of_the_week = date("w", $today); // Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) of today
- //$timestamp_first_date_of_week=$today-(($day_of_the_week-1)*24*60*60); // timestamp of the monday of this week
- //$timestamp_last_date_of_week=$today+((7-$day_of_the_week)*24*60*60); // timestamp of the sunday of this week
- // we are loading all the calendar items of all the courses for today
- echo "<table id=\"agenda_list\">\n";
- // the forward and backwards url
- $backwardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=day&day=".date("j", $previousday)."&month=".date("n", $previousday)."&year=".date("Y", $previousday);
- $forewardsURL = api_get_self()."?coursePath=".urlencode($course_path)."&courseCode=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['courseCode'])."&action=view&view=day&day=".date("j", $nextday)."&month=".date("n", $nextday)."&year=".date("Y", $nextday);
- // The title row containing the day
- echo "<tr class=\"title\">\n", "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $backwardsURL, "\">«</a></td>\n", "<td>";
- echo $DaysLong[$day_of_the_week]." ".date("j", $today)." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", $today) - 1]." ".date("Y", $today);
- echo "</td>";
- echo "<td width=\"10%\"><a href=\"", $forewardsURL, "\">»</a></td>\n";
- echo "</tr>\n";
- // the rows for each half an hour
- for ($i = 10; $i < 48; $i ++)
- {
- echo "<tr>\n";
- echo "\t";
- if ($i % 2 == 0)
- {
- $class = "class=\"alternativeBgLight\"";
- echo ("<td $class valign=\"top\" width=\"75\">". (($i) / 2)." ".get_lang("HourShort")." 00</td>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- $class = "";
- echo ("<td valign=\"top\" width=\"75\">". ((($i) / 2) - (1 / 2))." ".get_lang("HourShort")." 30</td>\n");
- }
- echo "\t<td $class valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">\n";
- if (is_array($agendaitems[$i]))
- {
- foreach ($agendaitems[$i] as $key => $value)
- {
- echo $value;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo $agendaitems[$i];
- }
- echo "\t</td>\n";
- echo "</tr>\n";
- }
- echo "</table>\n";
- get_day_agendaitems($query, $month, $year)
- ============================================================================*/
-// show the monthcalender of the given month
-function get_day_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year, $day)
- global $_user;
- global $_configuration;
- $items = array ();
- // get agenda-items for every course
- //$query=api_sql_query($sql_select_courses);
- foreach ($courses_dbs as $key => $array_course_info)
- {
- //databases of the courses
- $TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $array_course_info["db"]);
- $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY, $array_course_info["db"]);
- // getting all the groups of the user for the current course
- $group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($array_course_info["db"], $_user['user_id']);
- // if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items
- if ($array_course_info['status'] == '1')
- {
- //echo "course admin";
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- DISTINCT agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE `agenda`.`id` = `item_property`.`ref` ".$show_all_current."
- AND DAYOFMONTH(start_date)='".$day."' AND MONTH(start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(start_date)='".$year."'
- AND `item_property`.`tool`='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND `item_property`.`visibility`='1'
- GROUP BY agenda.id
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- // if the user is not an administrator of that course
- else
- {
- //echo "GEEN course admin";
- if (is_array($group_memberships))
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE `agenda`.`id` = `item_property`.`ref` ".$show_all_current."
- AND DAYOFMONTH(start_date)='".$day."' AND MONTH(start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(start_date)='".$year."'
- AND `item_property`.`tool`='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND ( `item_property`.`to_user_id`='".$_user['user_id']."' OR `item_property`.`to_group_id` IN (0, ".implode(", ", $group_memberships).") )
- AND `item_property`.`visibility`='1'
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- else
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- agenda.*, item_property.*
- FROM ".$TABLEAGENDA." agenda,
- ".$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY." item_property
- WHERE `agenda`.`id` = `item_property`.`ref` ".$show_all_current."
- AND DAYOFMONTH(start_date)='".$day."' AND MONTH(start_date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(start_date)='".$year."'
- AND `item_property`.`tool`='".TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT."'
- AND ( `item_property`.`to_user_id`='".$_user['user_id']."' OR `item_property`.`to_group_id`='0')
- AND `item_property`.`visibility`='1'
- ORDER BY start_date ".$sort;
- }
- }
- //$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM $agendadb WHERE DAYOFMONTH(day)='$day' AND month(day)='$month' AND year(day)='$year'";
- //echo "abc";
- //echo $sqlquery;
- $result = api_sql_query($sqlquery, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //echo mysql_num_rows($result);
- while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- // in the display_daycalendar function we use $i (ranging from 0 to 47) for each halfhour
- // we want to know for each agenda item for this day to wich halfhour it must be assigned
- list ($datepart, $timepart) = split(" ", $item['start_date']);
- list ($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $datepart);
- list ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = explode(":", $timepart);
- $halfhour = 2 * $hours;
- if ($minutes >= '30')
- {
- $halfhour = $halfhour +1;
- }
- //$URL = $_configuration['root_web'].$mycours["dir"]."/";
- $URL = $_configuration['root_web']."main/calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($array_course_info["code"])."&day=$day&month=$month&year=$year#$day"; // RH //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item
- $items[$halfhour][] .= "<i>".$hours.":".$minutes."</i> <a href=\"$URL\" title=\"".$array_course_info['name']."\">".$array_course_info['visual_code']."</a> ".$item['title']."<br />";
- }
- }
- // sorting by hour for every day
- /*$agendaitems = array();
- while (list($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items))
- {
- sort($tmpitems);
- while (list($key,$val) = each($tmpitems))
- {
- $agendaitems[$agendaday].=$val;
- }
- }*/
- $agendaitems = $items;
- //print_r($agendaitems);
- return $agendaitems;
- function get_week_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year,$day)
- ============================================================================*/
-function get_week_agendaitems($courses_dbs, $month, $year, $week = '')
- global $_user;
- global $_configuration;
- $items = array ();
- // The default value of the week
- if ($week == '')
- {
- $week_number = date("W", time());
- }
- else
- {
- $week_number = $week;
- }
- $start_end = calculate_start_end_of_week($week_number, $year);
- $start_filter = $start_end['start']['year']."-".$start_end['start']['month']."-".$start_end['start']['day'];
- $end_filter = $start_end['end']['year']."-".$start_end['end']['month']."-".$start_end['end']['day'];
- // get agenda-items for every course
- foreach ($courses_dbs as $key => $array_course_info)
- {
- //databases of the courses
- $TABLEAGENDA = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA, $array_course_info["db"]);
- $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY, $array_course_info["db"]);
- // getting all the groups of the user for the current course
- $group_memberships = GroupManager :: get_group_ids($array_course_info["db"], $_user['user_id']);
- // if the user is administrator of that course we show all the agenda items
- if ($array_course_info['status'] == '1')
- {
- //echo "course admin";
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- DISTINCT a.*, i.*
- WHERE a.id = i.ref
- AND a.start_date>='".$start_filter."' AND a.start_date<='".$end_filter."'
- AND i.visibility='1'
- GROUP BY a.id
- ORDER BY a.start_date";
- }
- // if the user is not an administrator of that course
- else
- {
- //echo "GEEN course admin";
- if (is_array($group_memberships))
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- a.*, i.*
- WHERE a.id = i.`ref`
- AND a.start_date>='".$start_filter."' AND a.start_date<='".$end_filter."'
- AND ( i.to_user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' OR i.to_group_id IN (0, ".implode(", ", $group_memberships).") )
- AND i.visibility='1'
- ORDER BY a.start_date";
- }
- else
- {
- $sqlquery = "SELECT
- a.*, i.*
- WHERE a.id = i.ref
- AND a.start_date>='".$start_filter."' AND a.start_date<='".$end_filter."'
- AND ( i.to_user_id='".$_user['user_id']."' OR i.to_group_id='0')
- AND i.visibility='1'
- ORDER BY a.start_date";
- }
- }
- //echo "<pre>".$sqlquery."</pre>";
- // $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM $agendadb WHERE (DAYOFMONTH(day)>='$start_day' AND DAYOFMONTH(day)<='$end_day')
- // AND (MONTH(day)>='$start_month' AND MONTH(day)<='$end_month')
- // AND (YEAR(day)>='$start_year' AND YEAR(day)<='$end_year')";
- $result = api_sql_query($sqlquery, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $agendaday = date("j",strtotime($item['start_date']));
- $time= date("H:i",strtotime($item['start_date']));
- $URL = $_configuration['root_web']."main/calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($array_course_info["code"])."&day=$agendaday&month=$month&year=$year#$agendaday"; // RH //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item
- $items[$agendaday][$item['start_time']] .= "<i>$time</i> <a href=\"$URL\" title=\"".$array_course_info["name"]."\">".$array_course_info["visual_code"]."</a> ".$item['title']."<br />";
- }
- }
- // sorting by hour for every day
- $agendaitems = array ();
- while (list ($agendaday, $tmpitems) = each($items))
- {
- sort($tmpitems);
- while (list ($key, $val) = each($tmpitems))
- {
- $agendaitems[$agendaday] .= $val;
- }
- }
- //print_r($agendaitems);
- return $agendaitems;
- show_new_item_form()
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function shows all the forms that are needed form adding /editing a new personal agenda item
-// when there is no $id passed in the function we are adding a new agenda item, if there is a $id
-// we are editing
-// attention: we have to check that the student is editing an item that belongs to him/her
-function show_new_item_form($id = "")
- global $year, $MonthsLong;
- global $tbl_personal_agenda;
- global $_user;
- // we construct the default time and date data (used if we are not editing a personal agenda item)
- $today = getdate();
- $day = $today['mday'];
- $month = $today['mon'];
- $year = $today['year'];
- $hours = $today['hours'];
- $minutes = $today['minutes'];
- // if an $id is passed to this function this means we are editing an item
- // we are loading the information here (we do this after everything else
- // to overwrite the default information)
- if ($id <> "")
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' AND id='".$id."'";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $aantal = mysql_num_rows($result);
- if ($aantal <> 0)
- {
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
- $year = substr($row['date'], 0, 4);
- $month = substr($row['date'], 5, 2);
- $day = substr($row['date'], 8, 2);
- $hours = substr($row['date'], 11, 2);
- $minutes = substr($row['date'], 14, 2);
- $title = $row['title'];
- $text = $row['text'];
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"myagenda.php?action=add_personal_agenda_item&id=$id\" name=\"newedit_form\">\n";
- echo "<table width=\"100%\" id=\"newedit_form\">\n";
- echo "\t<tr class=\"title\">\n\t\t<td colspan=\"3\"><h4>";
- echo ($_GET['action'] == 'edit_personal_agenda_item') ? get_lang("ModifyPersonalCalendarItem") : get_lang("AddPersonalCalendarItem");
- echo "</h4></td>\n\t</tr>\n";
- echo "\t<tr class=\"subtitle\">\n\t\t<td>\n";
- echo "<!-- date: 1 -> 31 -->\n";
- echo "\t\t".get_lang("Date").": \n";
- // ********** The form containing the days (0->31) ********** \\
- echo "<select name=\"frm_day\">\n";
- // small loop for filling all the dates
- // 2do: the available dates should be those of the selected month => february is from 1 to 28 (or 29) and not to 31
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i ++)
- {
- // values have to have double digits
- if ($i <= 9)
- {
- $value = "0".$i;
- }
- else
- {
- $value = $i;
- }
- // the current day is indicated with [] around the date
- if ($value == $day)
- {
- echo "\t\t\t\t <option value=\"".$value."\" selected>".$i."</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "\t\t\t\t <option value=\"".$value."\">".$i."</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select>\n\n";
- // ********** The form containing the months (jan->dec) ********** \\
- echo "<!-- month: january -> december -->\n";
- echo "<select name=\"frm_month\">\n";
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++)
- {
- // values have to have double digits
- if ($i <= 9)
- {
- $value = "0".$i;
- }
- else
- {
- $value = $i;
- }
- // the current month is indicated with [] around the month name
- if ($value == $month)
- {
- echo "\t<option value=\"".$value."\" selected>".$MonthsLong[$i -1]."</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "\t<option value=\"".$value."\">".$MonthsLong[$i -1]."</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select>\n\n";
- // ********** The form containing the years ********** \\
- echo "<!-- year -->\n";
- echo "<select name=\"frm_year\">";
- echo "<option value=\"". ($year -1)."\">". ($year -1)."</option>\n";
- echo "<option value=\"".$year."\" selected>".$year."</option>\n";
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i ++)
- {
- $value = $year + $i;
- echo "\t<option value=\"".$value."\">".$value."</option>\n";
- }
- echo "</select>";
- echo "<a title=\"Kalender\" href=\"javascript:openCalendar('newedit_form', 'frm_')\"><img src=\"../img/calendar_select.gif\" border=\"0\" valign=\"absmiddle\"/></a>";
- echo "</td><td width=\"50%\">";
- // ********** The form containing the hours (00->23) ********** \\
- echo "<!-- time: hour -->\n";
- echo get_lang("Time").": \n";
- echo "<select name=\"frm_hour\">\n";
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 24; $i ++)
- {
- // values have to have double digits
- if ($i <= 9)
- {
- $value = "0".$i;
- }
- else
- {
- $value = $i;
- }
- // the current hour is indicated with [] around the hour
- if ($hours == $value)
- {
- echo "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".$value."\" selected> ".$value." </option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".$value."\"> ".$value." </option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select>";
- // ********** The form containing the minutes ********** \\
- echo "<select name=\"frm_minute\">";
- echo "<option value=\"".$minutes."\">".$minutes."</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"00\">00</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"05\">05</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"10\">10</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"15\">15</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"20\">20</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"25\">25</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"30\">30</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"35\">35</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"40\">40</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"45\">45</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"50\">50</option>";
- echo "<option value=\"55\">55</option>";
- echo "</select>";
- echo "</td></tr>";
- // ********** The title field ********** \\
- echo "<tr class=\"subtitle\"><td colspan=\"2\">";
- echo get_lang('Title').': <input type="text" name="frm_title" size="50" value="'.$title.'" />';
- echo "</td></tr>";
- // ********** The text field ********** \\
- echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
- //api_disp_html_area('frm_content', $text, '300px');
- echo'<textarea name="frm_content" style="width: 450px; height: 100px;">'.$text.'</textarea>';
- echo "</td></tr>";
- // ********** The Submit button********** \\
- echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
- echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="'.get_lang('Ok').'" />';
- echo "</td></tr>";
- echo "</table>\n</form>\n";
- store_personal_item($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $course, $title, $content, $id="")
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function shows all the forms that are needed form adding a new personal agenda item
-function store_personal_item($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $title, $content, $id = "")
- global $tbl_personal_agenda;
- global $_user;
- //constructing the date
- $date = $year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00";
- if ($id <> "")
- { // we are updating
- $sql = "UPDATE ".$tbl_personal_agenda." SET user='".$_user['user_id']."', title='".$title."', text='".$content."', date='".$date."' WHERE id='".$id."'";
- }
- else
- { // we are adding a new item
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $tbl_personal_agenda (user, title, text, date) VALUES ('".$_user['user_id']."','$title', '$content', '$date')";
- }
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- get_courses_of_user()
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function finds all the courses of the user and returns an array containing the
-// database name of the courses.
-function get_courses_of_user()
- global $TABLECOURS;
- global $_user;
- $sql_select_courses = "SELECT course.code k, course.visual_code vc,
- course.title i, course.tutor_name t, course.db_name db, course.directory dir, course_rel_user.status status
- $TABLECOURSUSER course_rel_user
- WHERE course.code = course_rel_user.course_code
- AND course_rel_user.user_id = '".$_user['user_id']."'";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql_select_courses);
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- // we only need the database name of the course
- $courses[] = array ("db" => $row['db'], "code" => $row['k'], "visual_code" => $row['vc'], "title" => $row['i'], "directory" => $row['dir'], "status" => $row['status']);
- }
- return $courses;
- get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $month, $year, $day, $week, $type);
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function retrieves all the personal agenda items and add them to the agenda items found by the other functions.
-function get_personal_agendaitems($agendaitems, $day = "", $month = "", $year = "", $week = "", $type)
- global $tbl_personal_agenda;
- global $_user;
- global $_configuration;
- // 1. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in MONTH view
- if ($type == "month_view" or $type == "") // we are in month view
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' and MONTH(date)='".$month."' AND YEAR(date) = '".$year."' ORDER BY date ASC";
- }
- // 2. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in WEEK view
- if ($type == "week_view") // we are in week view
- {
- $start_end_day_of_week = calculate_start_end_of_week($week, $year);
- $start_day = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['day'];
- $start_month = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['month'];
- $start_year = $start_end_day_of_week['start']['year'];
- $end_day = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['day'];
- $end_month = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['month'];
- $end_year = $start_end_day_of_week['end']['year'];
- // in sql statements you have to use year-month-day for date calculations
- $start_filter = $start_year."-".$start_month."-".$start_day." 00:00:00";
- $end_filter = $end_year."-".$end_month."-".$end_day." 23:59:59";
- $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."'
- AND date>='".$start_filter."' AND date<='".$end_filter."'";
- }
- // 3. creating the SQL statement for getting the personal agenda items in DAY view
- if ($type == "day_view") // we are in day view
- {
- // we could use mysql date() function but this is only available from 4.1 and higher
- $start_filter = $year."-".$month."-".$day." 00:00:00";
- $end_filter = $year."-".$month."-".$day." 23:59:59";
- $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' AND date>='".$start_filter."' AND date<='".$end_filter."'";
- }
- //echo "day:".$day."/";
- //echo "month:".$month."/";
- //echo "year:".$year."/";
- //echo "week:".$week."/";
- //echo $type."<p>";
- //echo "<pre>".$sql."</pre>";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- // we break the date field in the database into a date and a time part
- $agenda_db_date = explode(" ", $item[date]);
- $date = $agenda_db_date[0];
- $time = $agenda_db_date[1];
- // we divide the date part into a day, a month and a year
- $agendadate = explode("-", $date);
- $year = intval($agendadate[0]);
- $month = intval($agendadate[1]);
- $day = intval($agendadate[2]);
- // we divide the time part into hour, minutes, seconds
- $agendatime = explode(":", $time);
- $hour = $agendatime[0];
- $minute = $agendatime[1];
- $second = $agendatime[2];
- // if the student has specified a course we a add a link to that course
- if ($item['course'] <> "")
- {
- $url = $_configuration['root_web']."main/calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=".urlencode($item['course'])."&day=$day&month=$month&year=$year#$day"; // RH //Patrick Cool: to highlight the relevant agenda item
- $course_link = "<a href=\"$url\" title=\"".$item['course']."\">".$item['course']."</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- $course_link = "";
- }
- // Creating the array that will be returned. If we have week or month view we have an array with the date as the key
- // if we have a day_view we use a half hour as index => key 33 = 16h30
- if ($type !== "day_view") // This is the array construction for the WEEK or MONTH view
- {
- $agendaitems[$day] .= "<div><i>$hour:$minute</i> $course_link <a href=\"myagenda.php?action=view&view=personal&day=$day&month=$month&year=$year&id=".$item['id']."#".$item['id']."\" class=\"personal_agenda\">".$item['title']."</a></div>";
- }
- else // this is the array construction for the DAY view
- {
- $halfhour = 2 * $agendatime['0'];
- if ($agendatime['1'] >= '30')
- {
- $halfhour = $halfhour +1;
- }
- $agendaitems[$halfhour] .= "<div><i>$hour:$minute</i> $course_link <a href=\"myagenda.php?action=view&view=personal&day=$day&month=$month&year=$year&id=".$item['id']."#".$item['id']."\" class=\"personal_agenda\">".$item['title']."</a></div>";
- }
- }
- //print_r($agendaitems);
- return $agendaitems;
- show_personal_agenda()
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function retrieves all the personal agenda items of the user and shows
-// these items in one list (ordered by date and grouped by month (the month_bar)
-function show_personal_agenda()
- global $tbl_personal_agenda;
- global $MonthsLong, $charset;
- global $_user;
- // The SQL statement that retrieves all the personal agenda items of this user
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' ORDER BY date DESC";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- // variable initialisation
- $month_bar = "";
- // starting the table output
- echo "<table id=\"agenda_list\">\n";
- // setting the default day, month and year
- if (!$_GET['day'] AND !$_GET['month'] AND !$_GET['year'])
- {
- $today = getdate();
- $year = $today['year'];
- $month = $today['mon'];
- $day = $today['mday'];
- }
- if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
- {
- while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- display: the month bar
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- if ($month_bar != date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"])))
- {
- $month_bar = date("m", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]));
- echo "<tr><td class=\"title\" colspan=\"2\" class=\"month\" valign=\"top\">".$MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))."</td></tr>\n";
- }
- // highlight: if a date in the small calendar is clicked we highlight the relevant items
- $db_date = (int) date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])).date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]));
- if ($_GET["day"].$_GET["month"].$_GET["year"] <> $db_date)
- {
- $style = "data";
- $text_style = "text";
- }
- else
- {
- $style = "datanow";
- $text_style = "text";
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- display: date and time
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- echo "\t<tr>\n\t\t";
- echo "<td class=\"".$style."\">";
- // adding an internal anchor
- echo "<a name=\"".$myrow["id"]."\"></a>";
- echo date("d", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." ".$MonthsLong[date("n", strtotime($myrow["date"])) - 1]." ".date("Y", strtotime($myrow["date"]))." ";
- echo ucfirst(strftime(get_lang("timeNoSecFormat"), strtotime($myrow["date"])));
- echo "</td></tr>";
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- display: the title
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td class=\"".$style."\" colspan='2'>";
- echo $myrow['title'];
- echo "\n\t\t</td colspan='2'>\n\t</tr>\n";
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- display: the content
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- $content = $myrow['text'];
- $content = make_clickable($content);
- $content = text_filter($content);
- echo "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class=\"".$text_style."\" colspan='2'>";
- echo $content;
- echo "</td></tr>";
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- display: the edit / delete icons
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- echo "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td class=\"".$text_style."\" colspan='2'>";
- echo "<a href=\"myagenda.php?action=edit_personal_agenda_item&id=".$myrow['id']."\"><img src=\"../img/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Edit')."\" /></a>";
- echo "<a href=\"".api_get_self()."?action=delete&id=".$myrow['id']."\" onclick=\"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset))."')) return false;\"><img src=\"../img/delete.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".get_lang('Delete')."\" /></a>";
- echo "</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<tr><td colspan="2">'.get_lang('NoAgendaItems').'</td></tr>';
- }
- echo "</table>\n";
- delete_personal_agenda($id)
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function deletes a personal agenda item
-// There is an additional check to make sure that one cannot delete an item that
-// does not belong to him/her
-function delete_personal_agenda($id)
- global $tbl_personal_agenda;
- global $_user;
- if ($id <> '')
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' AND id='".$id."'";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $aantal = mysql_num_rows($result);
- if ($aantal <> 0)
- {
- $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$tbl_personal_agenda." WHERE user='".$_user['user_id']."' AND id='".$id."'";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- calculate_start_end_of_week($week_number, $year)
- ============================================================================*/
-// This function calculates the startdate of the week (monday)
-// and the enddate of the week (sunday)
-// and returns it as an array
-function calculate_start_end_of_week($week_number, $year)
- // determine the start and end date
- // step 1: we calculate a timestamp for a day in this week
- $random_day_in_week = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year) + ($week_number-1) * (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // we calculate a random day in this week
- // step 2: we which day this is (0=sunday, 1=monday, ...)
- $number_day_in_week = date('w', $random_day_in_week);
- // step 3: we calculate the timestamp of the monday of the week we are in
- $start_timestamp = $random_day_in_week - (($number_day_in_week -1) * 24 * 60 * 60);
- // step 4: we calculate the timestamp of the sunday of the week we are in
- $end_timestamp = $random_day_in_week + ((7 - $number_day_in_week +1) * 24 * 60 * 60) - 3600;
- // step 5: calculating the start_day, end_day, start_month, end_month, start_year, end_year
- $start_day = date('j', $start_timestamp);
- $start_month = date('n', $start_timestamp);
- $start_year = date('Y', $start_timestamp);
- $end_day = date('j', $end_timestamp);
- $end_month = date('n', $end_timestamp);
- $end_year = date('Y', $end_timestamp);
- $start_end_array['start']['day'] = $start_day;
- $start_end_array['start']['month'] = $start_month;
- $start_end_array['start']['year'] = $start_year;
- $start_end_array['end']['day'] = $end_day;
- $start_end_array['end']['month'] = $end_month;
- $start_end_array['end']['year'] = $end_year;
- return $start_end_array;