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<title>Chamilo Changelog</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css" type="text/css" media="screen,projection" />
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<h1>Chamilo Changelog</h1>
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
<li>Learning Path: New LP exercises reports added for teachers and admins (Feature BT#1634)</li>
<li><span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span title="">New tool to create, edit and import vectorial images, and export to png images</span></span> (Feature # 2044)</li>
<li>The documents tool and the learn path tool can display vectorial images</li>
+ <li>An optional "Course (training) validation" feature has been implemented. When it is activated, teachers loose ability to create coursers. Teachers fill course requests instead. Then, after approval, the requested courses are created by the platform administrator. (Feature # 2099)</li>
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
<li>Added more quality at the icons</li>
<li>Fixed an encoding problem about database connection which is specific to Chinese language. The initial solution has been proposed by Oliver Corre (Bug #1802)</li>
<li>Attendance: Adding sticky header for the attendance sheet BT#</li>
- <li>Multiple URL feature: Fixed Course user list (BT#1547) </li>
+ <li>Multiple URL feature: Fixed Course user list (BT#1547) </li>
<li>Multiple URL feature: Fixed User List options when adding courses, users, sessions see BT#1470 </li>
<li>Multiple URL feature: System Announcements and Global agenda now are filtered by URL see BT#1441</li>
<li>Multiple URL feature: Added multiple URL support when adding user, courses, sessions to a Human Resources see BT#1470 </li>
@@ -51,8 +52,8 @@
<li>Exercises: Question order in results fixed #2073</li>
<li>Exercises: Fixing question list order #2075</li>
<li>Exercises: Allowing duplicate an exercise within a session BT#1647</li>
- <li>Documents: Fixing coach and students in a session permissions BT#1652</li>
- <li>Learning Path: Teachers can reset LP results see #2024</li>
+ <li>Documents: Fixing coach and students in a session permissions BT#1652</li>
+ <li>Learning Path: Teachers can reset LP results see #2024</li>
<li>Profile: Deleting production user's files fixed see #1682</li>
<li>Installation: Tracking will be always enabled #2066</li>
<li>Thickbox does not work well in the Social Tool #1995</li>
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
<li>Fixed bug deleting course teacher in admin edition #2109</li>
<li>Gradebook: Hiding print icon in Certificates BT#1650</li>
<li>Link Tool: IE icons replaced</li>
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@
<li>Quiz tool: Fixed problem with open questions when entering words with the "rn" characters see CT#1035 </li>
<li>Quiz tool + LP : Fixed bug when adding a exercise twice in the same LP with multiple attempts or not.</li>
<li>Quiz tool + LP + Multiple attempts : Pre requisites will work the first time a student pass the LP.
- If a student finished all steps correctly he will view all steps, prerequisites will not work here.</li>
+ If a student finished all steps correctly he will view all steps, prerequisites will not work here.</li>
<li>Learning Path (Courses): PHP sessions of a LP are destroyed when visiting the main course page.</li>
<li>Assignment tool: Work.php deletes all homeworks bugs fixed. Reported and fixed by carlosbrolotobar <a href="http://www.chamilo.org/node/143" target="_blank">http://www.chamilo.org/node/143</a></li>
<li>Core API: Support has been implemented for json_encode() function for PHP version < 5.2. The correspondent bug-report "Hide and show not working" and testing have been done by Hubert Borderiou <a href="http://support.chamilo.org/issues/761" target="_blank">http://support.chamilo.org/issues/761</a></li>
@@ -648,28 +649,28 @@ if you are willing to keep that change.</li>
<h3>New Features</h3>
- <li>Considerable security improvements - 2 major and 1 minor security patches have been applied since the latest stable version</li>
- <li>SCORM
+ <li>Considerable security improvements - 2 major and 1 minor security patches have been applied since the latest stable version</li>
+ <li>SCORM
export improvement (now generates SCORM 1.2 compliant packages and
transforms Dokeos quizzes into SCO items, using interactions as a bonus)</li>
- <li>Possibility to filter extension of submitted files all around Dokeos</li>
- <li>OpenID authentication support</li>
- <li>Possibility to import Word documents</li>
- <li>Possibility to import docx and pptx documents (new MS-Office format)</li>
- <li>Grades,
+ <li>Possibility to filter extension of submitted files all around Dokeos</li>
+ <li>OpenID authentication support</li>
+ <li>Possibility to import Word documents</li>
+ <li>Possibility to import docx and pptx documents (new MS-Office format)</li>
+ <li>Grades,
evaluations and success certificates available thanks to the
integration of the gradebook extension. Activating this module will
clash with a gradebook extension installation made previously</li>
- <li>Coloured icons added to courses list in administration panel to show access permissions</li>
- <li>Logout button now shows the username of the current user</li>
- <li>Student view re-activated and fully-functional</li>
- <li>Searching
+ <li>Coloured icons added to courses list in administration panel to show access permissions</li>
+ <li>Logout button now shows the username of the current user</li>
+ <li>Student view re-activated and fully-functional</li>
+ <li>Searching
the forum is now possible so you can use the forum as a knowledge base.
The search results are highlighted throughout the forum and you can
search on multiple words also. </li>
<li>Group members are now displayed in a sortable table</li>
- <li>Possibility to export survey results in XLS format</li>
- <li>Documents, Works and Dropbox tools usability has been improved in many ways</li>
+ <li>Possibility to export survey results in XLS format</li>
+ <li>Documents, Works and Dropbox tools usability has been improved in many ways</li>
<li>In the agenda, you can display the X upcoming events (can be configured by the platform admin)</li>
<li>The course agenda now has a month view like the my agenda</li>
@@ -677,25 +678,25 @@ the user list of the platform administration you can now quickly see
for what courses the user is subscribed by hovering over the courses
<li>The platform system announcements can now be sent through email also</li>
- <li>User
+ <li>User
fields have been added globally, allowing you to add user data like
birthdate, mother tongue, city or whatever data you want to ask your
- <li>LDAP
- <ul>
- <li>The LDAP code has changed. If you had some customisations there, you might want to save them and re-apply them after the upgrade</li>
- <li>Functions renamed to respect coding conventions and use ldap_ namespace</li>
- <li>Most
+ <li>LDAP
+ <ul>
+ <li>The LDAP code has changed. If you had some customisations there, you might want to save them and re-apply them after the upgrade</li>
+ <li>Functions renamed to respect coding conventions and use ldap_ namespace</li>
+ <li>Most
parameters moved to the administration panel. You will need to
configure the administration panel with the settings that were
previously in ldap_var.inc.php</li>
- <li>Added non-anonymous mode (just add a login and a password in the configuration panel)</li>
- <li>Added search domain configuration through panel</li>
- <li>Added customizable field-check for student-teacher switch</li>
- <li>The installation guide has been updated to help you find your way through the new LDAP configuration panel</li>
- <li>You still need to activate LDAP by uncommenting two lines in configuration.php</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
+ <li>Added non-anonymous mode (just add a login and a password in the configuration panel)</li>
+ <li>Added search domain configuration through panel</li>
+ <li>Added customizable field-check for student-teacher switch</li>
+ <li>The installation guide has been updated to help you find your way through the new LDAP configuration panel</li>
+ <li>You still need to activate LDAP by uncommenting two lines in configuration.php</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
<li>New stylesheets can be added through the platform administration interface</li>
by email has been improved in the forum. You can now indicate that you
@@ -712,45 +713,45 @@ settings.</li>
<li>Group forum is also displayed in the group space</li>
<li>Surveys that are not based on invitation but open to all (or certain) members of the course are now available</li>
- <ul>
- <li>iCal import and export of course events, with a choice of public, private or confidential markers</li>
- <li>Repetitive
+ <ul>
+ <li>iCal import and export of course events, with a choice of public, private or confidential markers</li>
+ <li>Repetitive
course events can be created (and exported to iCal). Repetitions types
supported are: daily, weekly, monthly by date (e.g. the 5th of each
month) and yearly by date</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Document templates have been greatly improved to speed-up custom course content creation</li>
- <li>Audiorecorder
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Document templates have been greatly improved to speed-up custom course content creation</li>
+ <li>Audiorecorder
(depending on streaming server) now records sounds in the
document/audio directory, making them easily reusable by the course
- <li>Audiorecorder is not loaded by default (took too long) and you can load it with a simple click</li>
- <li>W3C - Compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional has been improved</li>
- <li>Tracking - A new page to display access details by user is available under the Reporting tab, in the user details in a course</li>
- <li>Removed header from learning path tool. It was taking too much space and was not flexible enough for CSS styling</li>
- <li>Improved speed of 1.6 to 1.8 migration by adding indexes</li>
+ <li>Audiorecorder is not loaded by default (took too long) and you can load it with a simple click</li>
+ <li>W3C - Compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional has been improved</li>
+ <li>Tracking - A new page to display access details by user is available under the Reporting tab, in the user details in a course</li>
+ <li>Removed header from learning path tool. It was taking too much space and was not flexible enough for CSS styling</li>
+ <li>Improved speed of 1.6 to 1.8 migration by adding indexes</li>
<br />
- <li>Prerequisites management in learning paths fixed (includes quizzes, hotpotatoes and SCORM)</li>
- <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the learning path tool (scoring, copy, re-ordering)</li>
- <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the session handling</li>
- <li>Fixes to the survey tool (date management, questions order in export)</li>
- <li>Fixes to the calendar tool (access by students)</li>
- <li>Fixes to the announcement tool (access by students)</li>
- <li>Fixes to the group tool (default group settings)</li>
- <li>Bugfix: complete export in survey tool displayed the question of all the surveys and not only those of the selected survey</li>
+ <li>Prerequisites management in learning paths fixed (includes quizzes, hotpotatoes and SCORM)</li>
+ <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the learning path tool (scoring, copy, re-ordering)</li>
+ <li>Various minor bugs fixed in the session handling</li>
+ <li>Fixes to the survey tool (date management, questions order in export)</li>
+ <li>Fixes to the calendar tool (access by students)</li>
+ <li>Fixes to the announcement tool (access by students)</li>
+ <li>Fixes to the group tool (default group settings)</li>
+ <li>Bugfix: complete export in survey tool displayed the question of all the surveys and not only those of the selected survey</li>
registering a new user resulted in the language field of the user being
empty which resulted in an english profile by default. This has now
been changed to the platform language. </li>
<li>Performance improvement in the user list of the platform administration </li>
- <li>Bugfix: group tutors were not migrated from 1.6 to 1.8</li>
- <li>SCORM export: fixes in export method</li>
- <li>Documentation is now fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant</li>
- <li>Fix FCKeditor Flash upload lack of usability and problems with IE</li>
+ <li>Bugfix: group tutors were not migrated from 1.6 to 1.8</li>
+ <li>SCORM export: fixes in export method</li>
+ <li>Documentation is now fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant</li>
+ <li>Fix FCKeditor Flash upload lack of usability and problems with IE</li>
<br />
<h3>Known issues</h3>
@@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ a simple videoconferencing interface.</p>
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