@@ -1,176 +1,169 @@
- /**
- * the php script used to get the list of file or folders under a specific folder
- * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
- * @link www.phpletter.com
- * @since 22/May/2007
- *
- * Modify for Chamilo
- * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado
- * @since 31/December/2008
- */
+ * the php script used to get the list of file or folders under a specific folder
+ * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn)
+ * @link www.phpletter.com
+ * @since 22/May/2007
+ *
+ * Modify for Chamilo
+ * @author Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
+ * @since 31/December/2008
+ */
- include ('../../../../../../inc/global.inc.php'); // Integrating with Chamilo
+require_once '../../../../../../inc/global.inc.php'; // Integrating with Chamilo
- if(!isset($manager))
- {
- /**
- * this is part of script for processing file paste
- */
- //$_GET = $_POST;
- include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php");
- include_once(CLASS_PAGINATION);
- $pagination = new pagination(false);
- $search_folder = str_replace("'","",$_GET['search_folder']); //security fix for Chamilo by cfasanando
- if(!empty($_GET['search']))
- {
- include_once(CLASS_SEARCH);
- $search = new Search($search_folder);//security fix for Chamilo by cfasanando
- $search->addSearchKeyword('recursive', @$_GET['search_recursively']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('mtime_from', @$_GET['search_mtime_from']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('mtime_to', @$_GET['search_mtime_to']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('size_from', @$_GET['search_size_from']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('size_to', @$_GET['search_size_to']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('recursive', @$_GET['search_recursively']);
- $search->addSearchKeyword('name', @$_GET['search_name']);
- $search->doSearch();
- $fileList = $search->getFoundFiles();
- $folderInfo = $search->getRootFolderInfo();
- }else
- {
- include_once(CLASS_MANAGER);
- include_once(CLASS_SESSION_ACTION);
- $sessionAction = new SessionAction();
- include_once(DIR_AJAX_INC . "class.manager.php");
- $manager = new manager();
- $manager->setSessionAction($sessionAction);
+if(!isset($manager)) {
+ /**
+ * this is part of script for processing file paste
+ */
+ //$_GET = $_POST;
+ include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php");
+ include_once(CLASS_PAGINATION);
+ $pagination = new pagination(false);
+ $search_folder = str_replace("'","",$_GET['search_folder']); //security fix for Chamilo by cfasanando
+ if(!empty($_GET['search'])) {
+ include_once(CLASS_SEARCH);
+ $search = new Search($search_folder);//security fix for Chamilo by cfasanando
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('recursive', @$_GET['search_recursively']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('mtime_from', @$_GET['search_mtime_from']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('mtime_to', @$_GET['search_mtime_to']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('size_from', @$_GET['search_size_from']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('size_to', @$_GET['search_size_to']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('recursive', @$_GET['search_recursively']);
+ $search->addSearchKeyword('name', @$_GET['search_name']);
+ $search->doSearch();
+ $fileList = $search->getFoundFiles();
+ $folderInfo = $search->getRootFolderInfo();
- $fileList = $manager->getFileList();
- $folderInfo = $manager->getFolderInfo();
- }
- $pagination->setUrl(CONFIG_URL_FILEnIMAGE_MANAGER);
- include_once(CLASS_PAGINATION);
- $pagination = new pagination(false);
+ include_once(CLASS_MANAGER);
+ include_once(CLASS_SESSION_ACTION);
+ $sessionAction = new SessionAction();
+ include_once(DIR_AJAX_INC . "class.manager.php");
+ $manager = new manager();
+ $manager->setSessionAction($sessionAction);
+ $fileList = $manager->getFileList();
+ $folderInfo = $manager->getFolderInfo();
+ $pagination->setUrl(CONFIG_URL_FILEnIMAGE_MANAGER);
- $pagination->setTotal(sizeof($fileList));
- $pagination->setFirstText(PAGINATION_FIRST);
- $pagination->setPreviousText(PAGINATION_PREVIOUS);
- $pagination->setNextText(PAGINATION_NEXT);
- $pagination->setLastText(PAGINATION_LAST);
- $pagination->setLimit(!empty($_GET['limit'])?intval($_GET['limit']):CONFIG_DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT);
- echo $pagination->getPaginationHTML();
- ///////Chamilo fix for count hidden folders
- $count_hideItem =0;
+ include_once(CLASS_PAGINATION);
+ $pagination = new pagination(false);
- $deleted_by_Chamilo_file=' DELETED '; // ' DELETED ' not '_DELETED_' because in $file['name'] _ is replaced with blank see class.manager.php
- $deleted_by_Chamilo_folder='_DELETED_';
- $css_folder_Chamilo='css';
- $hotpotatoes_folder_Chamilo='HotPotatoes_files';
- $chat_files_Chamilo='chat_files';
- $certificates_Chamilo='certificates';
+ $pagination->setTotal(sizeof($fileList));
+ $pagination->setFirstText(PAGINATION_FIRST);
+ $pagination->setPreviousText(PAGINATION_PREVIOUS);
+ $pagination->setNextText(PAGINATION_NEXT);
+ $pagination->setLastText(PAGINATION_LAST);
+ $pagination->setLimit(!empty($_GET['limit'])?intval($_GET['limit']):CONFIG_DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT);
+ echo $pagination->getPaginationHTML();
+ ///////Chamilo fix for count hidden folders
+ $count_hideItem =0;
- //end previous fix for count hidden folders
+ $deleted_by_Chamilo_file=' DELETED '; // ' DELETED ' not '_DELETED_' because in $file['name'] _ is replaced with blank see class.manager.php
+ $deleted_by_Chamilo_folder='_DELETED_';
+ $css_folder_Chamilo='css';
+ $hotpotatoes_folder_Chamilo='HotPotatoes_files';
+ $chat_files_Chamilo='chat_files';
+ $certificates_Chamilo='certificates';
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
- echo "parentFolder = {path:'" . getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path']). "'};\n";
- echo 'currentFolder ={';
- $count =1;
- foreach($folderInfo as $k=>$v)
- {
- echo ($count++ == 1?'':',') . "'" . $k . "':'" . ($k=='ctime'|| $k=='mtime'?date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v):$v) . "'";
+ //end previous fix for count hidden folders
- }
- echo "};\n";
- // moved below for Chamilo integration $fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());
- echo 'numRows = ' . sizeof($fileList) . ";\n";
- echo "files = {\n";
- $count = 1;
- foreach($fileList as $file)
+ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
+ echo "parentFolder = {path:'" . getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path']). "'};\n";
+ echo 'currentFolder ={';
+ $count =1;
+ foreach($folderInfo as $k=>$v)
+ {
+ echo ($count++ == 1?'':',') . "'" . $k . "':'" . ($k=='ctime'|| $k=='mtime'?date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v):$v) . "'";
+ }
+ echo "};\n";
+ // moved below for Chamilo integration $fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());
+ echo 'numRows = ' . sizeof($fileList) . ";\n";
+ echo "files = {\n";
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach($fileList as $file)
+ {
+ //show group's directory only if I'm member. Or if I'm a teacher. TODO: check groups not necessary because the student dont have access to main folder documents (only to document/group or document/shared_folder). Teachers can access to all groups ?
+ $group_folder='_groupdocs';
+ $hide_doc_group=false;
+ if(ereg($group_folder, $file['path']))
- //show group's directory only if I'm member. Or if I'm a teacher. TODO: check groups not necessary because the student dont have access to main folder documents (only to document/group or document/shared_folder). Teachers can access to all groups ?
- $group_folder='_groupdocs';
- $hide_doc_group=false;
- if(ereg($group_folder, $file['path']))
+ $hide_doc_group=true;
+ if($is_user_in_group ||( $to_group_id!=0 && api_is_allowed_to_edit()))
- $hide_doc_group=true;
- if($is_user_in_group ||( $to_group_id!=0 && api_is_allowed_to_edit()))
- {
- $hide_doc_group=false;
- }
+ $hide_doc_group=false;
- if((!ereg($deleted_by_Chamilo_file, $file['name']) || !ereg($deleted_by_Chamilo_folder, $file['path'])) || ereg($css_folder_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($hotpotatoes_folder_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($chat_files_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($certificates_Chamilo, $file['path']) || $hide_doc_group || $file['name'][0]=='.')//Chamilo fix for hidden items.
- {
+ }
- $count_hideItem=$count_hideItem+1;
- }
+ if((!ereg($deleted_by_Chamilo_file, $file['name']) || !ereg($deleted_by_Chamilo_folder, $file['path'])) || ereg($css_folder_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($hotpotatoes_folder_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($chat_files_Chamilo, $file['path']) || ereg($certificates_Chamilo, $file['path']) || $hide_doc_group || $file['name'][0]=='.')//Chamilo fix for hidden items.
+ {
- echo (($count > 1)?",":'').$count++ . ":{";
- $j = 1;
- foreach($file as $k=>$v)
- {
- if($k == 'ctime' || $k == 'mtime')
- {
- $v = @date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v);
- }
- if($k == 'size')
- {
- $v = transformFileSize($v);
- }
- echo (($j++ > 1)?",":'') . "'" . $k . "':'" . $v . "'";
- }
- echo (($j++ > 1)?",":'') . "'url':'" . getFileUrl($file['path']) . "'";
- echo "}\n";
+ $count_hideItem=$count_hideItem+1;
- $fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());//Chamilo fix for hidden files added +$count_hideItem
- echo "};</script>\n";
- if(!empty($_GET['view']))
- {
- switch($_GET['view'])
+ echo (($count > 1)?",":'').$count++ . ":{";
+ $j = 1;
+ foreach($file as $k=>$v)
- case 'detail':
- case 'thumbnail':
- case 'text':
- $view = $_GET['view'];
- break;
- default:
+ if($k == 'ctime' || $k == 'mtime')
+ {
+ $v = @date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v);
+ }
+ if($k == 'size')
+ {
+ $v = transformFileSize($v);
+ }
+ echo (($j++ > 1)?",":'') . "'" . $k . "':'" . $v . "'";
- }else
- {
- }
- switch($view)
+ echo (($j++ > 1)?",":'') . "'url':'" . getFileUrl($file['path']) . "'";
+ echo "}\n";
+ }
+ $fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());//Chamilo fix for hidden files added +$count_hideItem
+ echo "};</script>\n";
+ switch($_GET['view'])
- case 'text':
- //list file name only
- include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_text_listing.php');
- break;
+ case 'detail':
case 'thumbnail':
- //list file with thumbnail
- include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_thumbnail_listing.php');
+ case 'text':
+ $view = $_GET['view'];
- case 'detail':
- include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_details_listing.php');
+ case 'text':
+ //list file name only
+ include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_text_listing.php');
+ break;
+ case 'thumbnail':
+ //list file with thumbnail
+ include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_thumbnail_listing.php');
+ break;
+ case 'detail':
+ default:
+ include_once(DIR_AJAX_ROOT . '_ajax_get_details_listing.php');