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[svn r18614] imagemanager
-students can only access your folder (if the teacher keeps hidden)
-invisible directories are created and listed for the teacher (default)
-the files are visible and create listings for the teacher and student(default)

Juan Carlos Raña 16 years ago

+ 266 - 266

@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
- * Image Manager configuration file.
- * @author Wei Zhuo
- * @author Paul Moers <> - watermarking and replace code + several small enhancements <>
- * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2006/12/17 14:53:50 thierrybo Exp $
- * @package ImageManager
- */
- File system path to the directory you want to manage the images
- for multiple user systems, set it dynamically.
- NOTE: This directory requires write access by PHP. That is, 
-       PHP must be able to create files in this directory.
-	   Able to create directories is nice, but not necessary.
-#$IMConfig['base_dir'] = '/var/www/FCKeditor/images/';
- The URL to the above path, the web browser needs to be able to see it.
- It can be protected via .htaccess on apache or directory permissions on IIS,
- check you web server documentation for futher information on directory protection
- If this directory needs to be publicly accessiable, remove scripting capabilities
- for this directory (i.e. disable PHP, Perl, CGI). We only want to store assets
- in this directory and its subdirectories.
-$language_file = array('document');
-include ('../../../../../../inc/');
-// Initialization of the repositories.
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'fckeditor/repositories_config.php';
-// Choosing the repository to be used.
-if (api_is_in_course())
-	if (!api_is_in_group())
-	{
-		// 1. We are inside a course and not in a group.
-		if (api_is_allowed_to_edit())
-		{
-			// 1.1. Teacher
-			$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/';
-			$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/';
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// 1.2. Student
-			$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/shared_folder/';
-			$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/shared_folder/';
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// 2. Inside a course and inside a group.
-		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';
-		$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';
-	}
-	if (api_is_platform_admin() && $_SESSION['this_section'] == 'platform_admin')
-	{
-		// 3. Platform administration activities.
-		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = $_configuration['root_sys'].'home/default_platform_document/';
-		$IMConfig['base_url'] = $_configuration['root_web'].'home/default_platform_document/';
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// 4. The user is outside courses.
-		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = $_configuration['root_sys'].'main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';
-		$IMConfig['base_url'] = $_configuration['root_web'].'main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';
-	}
-$IMConfig['server_name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
- demo - when true, no saving is allowed
-$IMConfig['demo'] = false;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - If PHP on the web server is in safe mode, set this to true.
-         SAFE MODE restrictions: directory creation will not be possible,
-		 only the GD library can be used, other libraries require
-		 Safe Mode to be off.
-  FALSE - Set to false if PHP on the web server is not in safe mode.
-$IMConfig['safe_mode'] = false;
- Possible values: 'GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM'
- The image manipulation library to use, either GD or ImageMagick or NetPBM.
- If you have safe mode ON, or don't have the binaries to other packages, 
- your choice is 'GD' only. Other packages require Safe Mode to be off.
-define('IMAGE_CLASS', 'GD');
- After defining which library to use, if it is NetPBM or IM, you need to
- specify where the binary for the selected library are. And of course
- your server and PHP must be able to execute them (i.e. safe mode is OFF).
- GD does not require the following definition.
-define('IMAGE_TRANSFORM_LIB_PATH', '/usr/bin/');
-/* ==============  OPTIONAL SETTINGS ============== */
-  The prefix for thumbnail files, something like .thumb will do. The
-  thumbnails files will be named as "prefix_imagefile.ext", that is,
-  prefix + orginal filename.
-$IMConfig['thumbnail_prefix'] = '.';
-  Thumbnail can also be stored in a directory, this directory
-  will be created by PHP. If PHP is in safe mode, this parameter
-  is ignored, you can not create directories. 
-  If you do not want to store thumbnails in a directory, set this
-  to false or empty string '';
-$IMConfig['thumbnail_dir'] = '.thumbs';
-  Possible values: true, false
- TRUE -  Allow the user to create new sub-directories in the
-         $IMConfig['base_dir'].
- FALSE - No directory creation.
- NOTE: If $IMConfig['safe_mode'] = true, this parameter
-       is ignored, you can not create directories
-$IMConfig['allow_new_dir'] = true;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - Allow the user to upload files.
-  FALSE - No uploading allowed.
-$IMConfig['allow_upload'] = true;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - Allow the user to edit images.
-  FALSE - No editing allowed.
-$IMConfig['allow_edit'] = true;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - Allow the replacement of the image with a newly uploaded image in the editor dialog.
-  FALSE - No replacing allowed.
-$IMConfig['allow_replace'] = false;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - Allow the deletion of images
-  FALSE - No deleting allowed
-$IMConfig['allow_delete'] = true;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  TRUE - Allow the user to enter a new filename for saving the edited image.
-  FALSE - Overwrite
-$IMConfig['allow_newFileName'] = false;
-  Possible values: true, false
-  Only applies when the the user can enter a new filename (The baove settig = 'allow_newFileName' true)
-  TRUE - Overwrite file of entered filename, if file already exist.
-  FALSE - Save to variant of entered filename, if file already exist.
-$IMConfig['allow_overwrite'] = false;
-  Specify the paths of the watermarks to use (relative to $IMConfig['base_dir']).
-  Specifying none will hide watermarking functionality.
-$IMConfig['watermarks'] = array	(
-													"imageManager.png",
-													"imageManager.jpg",
-													"devshed.png",
-													"natureWatermark.png"
-												);
-$IMConfig['watermarks'] = array	();
-	To limit the width and height for uploaded files, specify the maximum pixeldimensions.
-	Specify more widthxheight sets by copying both lines and increasing the number in the second brackets.
-	If only one set is specified, no select list will show and this set will be used by default.
-	Setting the single set its values to either zero or empty will allow any size.
-//$IMConfig['maxWidth'][0] = 333;
-//$IMConfig['maxHeight'][0] = 333;
-//$IMConfig['maxWidth'][1] = 100;
-//$IMConfig['maxHeight'][1] = 180;
-$IMConfig['maxWidth'][0] = 0;
-$IMConfig['maxHeight'][0] = 0;
-  Uploaded files will be accepted as images if they have file extensions from the list below.
- */
-$IMConfig['accepted_extensions'] = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'bmp', 'jpeg');
- Possible values: true, false
- TRUE - If set to true, uploaded files will be validated based on the 
-        function getImageSize, if we can get the image dimensions then 
-        I guess this should be a valid image. Otherwise the file will be rejected.
- FALSE - All uploaded files will be processed.
- NOTE: If uploading is not allowed, this parameter is ignored.
-$IMConfig['validate_images'] = true;
- The default thumbnail if the thumbnails can not be created, either
- due to error or bad image file.
-$IMConfig['default_thumbnail'] = 'img/default.gif';
-  Thumbnail dimensions.
-$IMConfig['thumbnail_width'] = 96;
-$IMConfig['thumbnail_height'] = 96;
-  Image Editor temporary filename prefix.
-$IMConfig['tmp_prefix'] = '.editor_';
+ * Image Manager configuration file.
+ * @author Wei Zhuo
+ * @author Paul Moers <> - watermarking and replace code + several small enhancements <>
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2006/12/17 14:53:50 thierrybo Exp $
+ * @package ImageManager
+ */
+ File system path to the directory you want to manage the images
+ for multiple user systems, set it dynamically.
+ NOTE: This directory requires write access by PHP. That is, 
+       PHP must be able to create files in this directory.
+	   Able to create directories is nice, but not necessary.
+#$IMConfig['base_dir'] = '/var/www/FCKeditor/images/';
+ The URL to the above path, the web browser needs to be able to see it.
+ It can be protected via .htaccess on apache or directory permissions on IIS,
+ check you web server documentation for futher information on directory protection
+ If this directory needs to be publicly accessiable, remove scripting capabilities
+ for this directory (i.e. disable PHP, Perl, CGI). We only want to store assets
+ in this directory and its subdirectories.
+$language_file = array('document');
+include ('../../../../../../inc/');
+// Initialization of the repositories.
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'fckeditor/repositories_config.php';
+// Choosing the repository to be used.
+if (api_is_in_course())
+	if (!api_is_in_group())
+	{
+		// 1. We are inside a course and not in a group.
+		if (api_is_allowed_to_edit())
+		{
+			// 1.1. Teacher
+			$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/';
+			$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/';
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// 1.2. Student
+			$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/shared_folder/'.api_get_user_id().'/';
+			$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document/shared_folder/'.api_get_user_id().'/';
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// 2. Inside a course and inside a group.
+		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';
+		$IMConfig['base_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/document'.$group_properties['directory'].'/';
+	}
+	if (api_is_platform_admin() && $_SESSION['this_section'] == 'platform_admin')
+	{
+		// 3. Platform administration activities.
+		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = $_configuration['root_sys'].'home/default_platform_document/';
+		$IMConfig['base_url'] = $_configuration['root_web'].'home/default_platform_document/';
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// 4. The user is outside courses.
+		$IMConfig['base_dir'] = $_configuration['root_sys'].'main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';
+		$IMConfig['base_url'] = $_configuration['root_web'].'main/upload/users/'.api_get_user_id().'/my_files/';
+	}
+$IMConfig['server_name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+ demo - when true, no saving is allowed
+$IMConfig['demo'] = false;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - If PHP on the web server is in safe mode, set this to true.
+         SAFE MODE restrictions: directory creation will not be possible,
+		 only the GD library can be used, other libraries require
+		 Safe Mode to be off.
+  FALSE - Set to false if PHP on the web server is not in safe mode.
+$IMConfig['safe_mode'] = false;
+ Possible values: 'GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM'
+ The image manipulation library to use, either GD or ImageMagick or NetPBM.
+ If you have safe mode ON, or don't have the binaries to other packages, 
+ your choice is 'GD' only. Other packages require Safe Mode to be off.
+define('IMAGE_CLASS', 'GD');
+ After defining which library to use, if it is NetPBM or IM, you need to
+ specify where the binary for the selected library are. And of course
+ your server and PHP must be able to execute them (i.e. safe mode is OFF).
+ GD does not require the following definition.
+define('IMAGE_TRANSFORM_LIB_PATH', '/usr/bin/');
+/* ==============  OPTIONAL SETTINGS ============== */
+  The prefix for thumbnail files, something like .thumb will do. The
+  thumbnails files will be named as "prefix_imagefile.ext", that is,
+  prefix + orginal filename.
+$IMConfig['thumbnail_prefix'] = '.';
+  Thumbnail can also be stored in a directory, this directory
+  will be created by PHP. If PHP is in safe mode, this parameter
+  is ignored, you can not create directories. 
+  If you do not want to store thumbnails in a directory, set this
+  to false or empty string '';
+$IMConfig['thumbnail_dir'] = '.thumbs';
+  Possible values: true, false
+ TRUE -  Allow the user to create new sub-directories in the
+         $IMConfig['base_dir'].
+ FALSE - No directory creation.
+ NOTE: If $IMConfig['safe_mode'] = true, this parameter
+       is ignored, you can not create directories
+$IMConfig['allow_new_dir'] = true;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - Allow the user to upload files.
+  FALSE - No uploading allowed.
+$IMConfig['allow_upload'] = true;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - Allow the user to edit images.
+  FALSE - No editing allowed.
+$IMConfig['allow_edit'] = true;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - Allow the replacement of the image with a newly uploaded image in the editor dialog.
+  FALSE - No replacing allowed.
+$IMConfig['allow_replace'] = false;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - Allow the deletion of images
+  FALSE - No deleting allowed
+$IMConfig['allow_delete'] = true;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  TRUE - Allow the user to enter a new filename for saving the edited image.
+  FALSE - Overwrite
+$IMConfig['allow_newFileName'] = false;
+  Possible values: true, false
+  Only applies when the the user can enter a new filename (The baove settig = 'allow_newFileName' true)
+  TRUE - Overwrite file of entered filename, if file already exist.
+  FALSE - Save to variant of entered filename, if file already exist.
+$IMConfig['allow_overwrite'] = false;
+  Specify the paths of the watermarks to use (relative to $IMConfig['base_dir']).
+  Specifying none will hide watermarking functionality.
+$IMConfig['watermarks'] = array	(
+													"imageManager.png",
+													"imageManager.jpg",
+													"devshed.png",
+													"natureWatermark.png"
+												);
+$IMConfig['watermarks'] = array	();
+	To limit the width and height for uploaded files, specify the maximum pixeldimensions.
+	Specify more widthxheight sets by copying both lines and increasing the number in the second brackets.
+	If only one set is specified, no select list will show and this set will be used by default.
+	Setting the single set its values to either zero or empty will allow any size.
+//$IMConfig['maxWidth'][0] = 333;
+//$IMConfig['maxHeight'][0] = 333;
+//$IMConfig['maxWidth'][1] = 100;
+//$IMConfig['maxHeight'][1] = 180;
+$IMConfig['maxWidth'][0] = 0;
+$IMConfig['maxHeight'][0] = 0;
+  Uploaded files will be accepted as images if they have file extensions from the list below.
+ */
+$IMConfig['accepted_extensions'] = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'bmp', 'jpeg');
+ Possible values: true, false
+ TRUE - If set to true, uploaded files will be validated based on the 
+        function getImageSize, if we can get the image dimensions then 
+        I guess this should be a valid image. Otherwise the file will be rejected.
+ FALSE - All uploaded files will be processed.
+ NOTE: If uploading is not allowed, this parameter is ignored.
+$IMConfig['validate_images'] = true;
+ The default thumbnail if the thumbnails can not be created, either
+ due to error or bad image file.
+$IMConfig['default_thumbnail'] = 'img/default.gif';
+  Thumbnail dimensions.
+$IMConfig['thumbnail_width'] = 96;
+$IMConfig['thumbnail_height'] = 96;
+  Image Editor temporary filename prefix.
+$IMConfig['tmp_prefix'] = '.editor_';

+ 2 - 2

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if (api_is_in_course()) {
 		@mkdir(api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'courses/'.$_course['path'].'/document/shared_folder/', 0777);
 		$doc_id = add_document($_course, '/shared_folder', 'folder', 0, 'shared_folder');
 		api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'FolderCreated', api_get_user_id());
-		api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'visible', api_get_user_id());
+		api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', api_get_user_id());
 	// Added by Ivan Tcholakov.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if (api_is_in_course()) {
 		$doc_id = add_document($_course, '/shared_folder/'.api_get_user_id(), 'folder', 0, $_user['firstName'].' '.$_user['lastName']);
 		api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'FolderCreated', api_get_user_id());
-		//api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', api_get_user_id());
+		api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', api_get_user_id());