Przeglądaj źródła

Updating vendors

Julio Montoya 11 lat temu
100 zmienionych plików z 3049 dodań i 895 usunięć
  1. 1 1
  2. 1 0
  3. 1 0
  4. 8 8
  5. 0 1
  6. 38 38
  7. 33 1
  8. 31 43
  9. 11 0
  10. 5 5
  11. 241 177
  12. 3 3
  13. 0 1
  14. 6 6
  15. 1 1
  16. 8 0
  17. 20 1
  18. 6 182
  19. 7 7
  20. 5 2
  21. 0 1
  22. 2 2
  23. 2 2
  24. 1 1
  25. 2 2
  26. 1 1
  27. 12 0
  28. 2 2
  29. 1 1
  30. 19 35
  31. 6 2
  32. 6 3
  33. 1 1
  34. 35 14
  35. 350 119
  36. 0 1
  37. 14 9
  38. 1 1
  39. 1 1
  40. 46 1
  41. 5 3
  42. 26 1
  43. 15 0
  44. 1 1
  45. 11 8
  46. 3 2
  47. 4 0
  48. 2 0
  49. 3 2
  50. 2 2
  51. 9 0
  52. 3 1
  53. 14 4
  54. 4 1
  55. 14 0
  56. 7 6
  57. 6 1
  58. 87 3
  59. 3 1
  60. 32 0
  61. 16 1
  62. 2 1
  63. 16 0
  64. 13 0
  65. 9 1
  66. 16 0
  67. 0 1
  68. 40 0
  69. 1 0
  70. 2 0
  71. 43 0
  72. 16 16
  73. 7 7
  74. 2 2
  75. 28 28
  76. 5 5
  77. 9 9
  78. 4 4
  79. 24 24
  80. 6 6
  81. 14 14
  82. 177 0
  83. 134 0
  84. 9 9
  85. 1 1
  86. 60 0
  87. 203 0
  88. 207 0
  89. 235 0
  90. 306 0
  91. 202 0
  92. 9 0
  93. 3 3
  94. 12 12
  95. 9 9
  96. 11 11
  97. 5 5
  98. 2 2
  99. 5 5
  100. 7 7

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 require_once __DIR__ . '/composer' . '/autoload_real.php';
-return ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd::getLoader();
+return ComposerAutoloaderInitbbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a::getLoader();

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 8 - 8

@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ class CommonCommand extends AbstractCommand
     private $migrationConfigurationFile;
-     * @param array $configuration
-     */
+    * @param array $configuration
+    */
     public function setConfigurationArray(array $configuration)
         $this->configuration = $configuration;
-     * @return array
-     */
+    * @return array
+    */
     public function getConfigurationArray()
         return $this->configuration;
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ class CommonCommand extends AbstractCommand
-     * @param array $databaseSettings
-     */
+    * @param array $databaseSettings
+    */
     public function setExtraDatabaseSettings(array $databaseSettings)
         $this->extraDatabaseSettings = $databaseSettings;
@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ class CommonCommand extends AbstractCommand
                 'parent' => '1.9.0'
             '1.9.x' => array(
-                'require_update' => false,
-                'parent' => '1.9.0'
+              'require_update' => false,
+              'parent' => '1.9.0'
             '1.10.0'  => array(
                 'require_update' => true,

+ 0 - 1

@@ -379,7 +379,6 @@ class InstallCommand extends CommonCommand
                     // Generating config files (auth, profile, etc)
-                    $this->writeHtaccess($path);
                     $output->writeln("<comment>Chamilo was successfully installed here: ".$this->getRootSys()." </comment>");
                     return 1;

+ 38 - 38

@@ -657,10 +657,12 @@ VALUES
 ('Institution',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ORGANISATIONNAME}','InstitutionTitle','InstitutionComment','platform',NULL, 1),
 ('InstitutionUrl',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ORGANISATIONURL}','InstitutionUrlTitle','InstitutionUrlComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('siteName',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{CAMPUSNAME}','SiteNameTitle','SiteNameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('emailAdministrator',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINEMAIL}','emailAdministratorTitle','emailAdministratorComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('administratorSurname',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINLASTNAME}','administratorSurnameTitle','administratorSurnameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('administratorName',NULL,'textfield','Platform','{ADMINFIRSTNAME}','administratorNameTitle','administratorNameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('show_administrator_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowAdministratorDataTitle','ShowAdministratorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
+('noreply_email_address', '', 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'NoReplyEmailAddress', 'NoReplyEmailAddressComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('emailAdministrator',NULL,'textfield','Admin','{ADMINEMAIL}','emailAdministratorTitle','emailAdministratorComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
+('administratorSurname',NULL,'textfield','Admin','{ADMINLASTNAME}','administratorSurnameTitle','administratorSurnameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
+('administratorName',NULL,'textfield','Admin','{ADMINFIRSTNAME}','administratorNameTitle','administratorNameComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
+('administratorTelephone',NULL,'textfield','Admin','(000) 001 02 03','administratorTelephoneTitle','administratorTelephoneComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
+('show_administrator_data',NULL,'radio','Admin','true','ShowAdministratorDataTitle','ShowAdministratorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('show_tutor_data',NULL,'radio','Session','true','ShowTutorDataTitle','ShowTutorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('show_teacher_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowTeacherDataTitle','ShowTeacherDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('homepage_view',NULL,'radio','Course','activity_big','HomepageViewTitle','HomepageViewComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
@@ -679,13 +681,13 @@ VALUES
 ('profile','password','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserPassword', 0),
 ('profile','language','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'Language', 0),
 ('default_document_quotum',NULL,'textfield','Course','100000000','DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle','DefaultDocumentQuotumComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('registration','officialcode','checkbox','User','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'OfficialCode', 0),
-('registration','email','checkbox','User','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Email', 0),
-('registration','language','checkbox','User','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Language', 0),
+('registration','officialcode','checkbox','Registration','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'OfficialCode', 0),
+('registration','email','checkbox','Registration','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Email', 0),
+('registration','language','checkbox','Registration','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Language', 0),
 ('default_group_quotum',NULL,'textfield','Course','5000000','DefaultGroupQuotumTitle','DefaultGroupQuotumComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_registration',NULL,'radio','Platform','{ALLOWSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationTitle','AllowRegistrationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_registration_as_teacher',NULL,'radio','Platform','{ALLOWTEACHERSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('allow_lostpassword',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','AllowLostPasswordTitle','AllowLostPasswordComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('allow_registration',NULL,'radio','Registration','{ALLOWSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationTitle','AllowRegistrationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('allow_registration_as_teacher',NULL,'radio','Registration','{ALLOWTEACHERSELFREGISTRATION}','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle','AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('allow_lostpassword',NULL,'radio','Registration','true','AllowLostPasswordTitle','AllowLostPasswordComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('allow_user_headings',NULL,'radio','Course','false','AllowUserHeadings','AllowUserHeadingsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('course_create_active_tools','course_description','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'CourseDescription', 0),
 ('course_create_active_tools','agenda','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Agenda', 0),
@@ -702,8 +704,8 @@ VALUES
 ('course_create_active_tools','online_conference','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'OnlineConference', 0),
 ('course_create_active_tools','student_publications','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'StudentPublications', 0),
 ('allow_personal_agenda',NULL,'radio','User','true','AllowPersonalAgendaTitle','AllowPersonalAgendaComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('display_coursecode_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('display_teacher_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle','DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('display_coursecode_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Course','false','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle','DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('display_teacher_in_courselist',NULL,'radio','Course','true','DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle','DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('permanently_remove_deleted_files',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle','PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('dropbox_allow_overwrite',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle','DropboxAllowOverwriteComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('dropbox_max_filesize',NULL,'textfield','Tools','100000000','DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle','DropboxMaxFilesizeComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
@@ -711,12 +713,11 @@ VALUES
 ('dropbox_allow_student_to_student',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle','DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('dropbox_allow_group',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','DropboxAllowGroupTitle','DropboxAllowGroupComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('dropbox_allow_mailing',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','DropboxAllowMailingTitle','DropboxAllowMailingComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('administratorTelephone',NULL,'textfield','Platform','(000) 001 02 03','administratorTelephoneTitle','administratorTelephoneComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('extended_profile',NULL,'radio','User','false','ExtendedProfileTitle','ExtendedProfileComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('student_view_enabled',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','StudentViewEnabledTitle','StudentViewEnabledComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('student_view_enabled',NULL,'radio','Course','true','StudentViewEnabledTitle','StudentViewEnabledComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('show_navigation_menu',NULL,'radio','Course','false','ShowNavigationMenuTitle','ShowNavigationMenuComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('enable_tool_introduction',NULL,'radio','course','false','EnableToolIntroductionTitle','EnableToolIntroductionComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
-('page_after_login', NULL, 'radio','Platform','user_portal.php', 'PageAfterLoginTitle','PageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('page_after_login', NULL, 'radio','Registration','user_portal.php', 'PageAfterLoginTitle','PageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('time_limit_whosonline', NULL, 'textfield','Platform','30', 'TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle','TimeLimitWhosonlineComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', NULL, 'radio','Course','course_title', 'BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle','BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('example_material_course_creation', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle','ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
@@ -762,7 +763,6 @@ VALUES
 ('show_tabs', 'my_profile', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyProfile', 1),
 ('default_forum_view', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'flat', 'DefaultForumViewTitle','DefaultForumViewComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('platform_charset',NULL,'textfield','Languages','UTF-8','PlatformCharsetTitle','PlatformCharsetComment','platform',NULL, 0),
-('noreply_email_address', '', 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'NoReplyEmailAddress', 'NoReplyEmailAddressComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('survey_email_sender_noreply', '', 'radio', 'Course', 'coach', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReply', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('openid_authentication',NULL,'radio','Security','false','OpenIdAuthentication','OpenIdAuthenticationComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('profile','openid','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'OpenIDURL', 0),
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ VALUES
 ('gradebook_score_display_colorsplit',NULL,'textfield','Gradebook','50','GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit','GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('gradebook_score_display_upperlimit','my_display_upperlimit','checkbox','Gradebook','false','GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit','GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment',NULL,'TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit', 0),
 ('gradebook_number_decimals', NULL, 'select', 'Gradebook', '0', 'GradebookNumberDecimals', 'GradebookNumberDecimalsComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('user_selected_theme',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','UserThemeSelection','UserThemeSelectionComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('user_selected_theme',NULL,'radio','User','false','UserThemeSelection','UserThemeSelectionComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('profile','theme','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserTheme', 0),
 ('allow_course_theme',NULL,'radio','Course','true','AllowCourseThemeTitle','AllowCourseThemeComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('display_mini_month_calendar',NULL,'radio','Tools', 'true', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
@@ -781,15 +781,15 @@ VALUES
 ('number_of_upcoming_events',NULL,'textfield','Tools','1','NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle','NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('show_closed_courses',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowClosedCoursesTitle','ShowClosedCoursesComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('service_visio', 'visio_use_rtmpt', 'radio',null,'false', 'VisioUseRtmptTitle','VisioUseRtmptComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'myteach', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registration', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'myteach', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
-('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','User','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
-('registration','phone','textfield','User','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Phone', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registration', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registration', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registration', 'myteach', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registration', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'myteach', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyTeach', 0),
+('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox','Registration','false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle','ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea', 0),
+('registration','phone','textfield','Registration','false','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Phone', 0),
 ('add_users_by_coach',NULL,'radio','Session','false','AddUsersByCoachTitle','AddUsersByCoachComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('extend_rights_for_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
 ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_survey',NULL,'radio','Security','true','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ VALUES
 ('show_session_data', NULL, 'radio', 'Session', 'false', 'ShowSessionDataTitle', 'ShowSessionDataComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('allow_use_sub_language', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'false', 'AllowUseSubLanguageTitle', 'AllowUseSubLanguageComment', NULL, NULL,0),
 ('show_glossary_in_documents', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'none', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment', NULL, NULL,1),
-('allow_terms_conditions', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsComment', NULL, NULL,0),
+('allow_terms_conditions', NULL, 'radio', 'Registration', 'false', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsComment', NULL, NULL,0),
 ('search_prefilter_prefix',NULL, NULL,'Search','','SearchPrefilterPrefix','SearchPrefilterPrefixComment',NULL,NULL,0),
@@ -905,14 +905,14 @@ VALUES
 ('cas_protocol', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', '', 'CasMainProtocolTitle', 'CasMainProtocolComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('cas_add_user_activate', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', 'false', 'CasUserAddActivateTitle', 'CasUserAddActivateComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('update_user_info_cas_with_ldap', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', 'true', 'UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapTitle', 'UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('student_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'StudentPageAfterLoginTitle', 'StudentPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('teacher_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginTitle', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('drh_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'DRHPageAfterLoginTitle', 'DRHPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('sessionadmin_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Session', '', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginTitle', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('student_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'StudentAutosubscribeTitle', 'StudentAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('teacher_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'TeacherAutosubscribeTitle', 'TeacherAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('drh_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'DRHAutosubscribeTitle', 'DRHAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('sessionadmin_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Session', '', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeTitle', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('student_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'StudentPageAfterLoginTitle', 'StudentPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('teacher_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginTitle', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('drh_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'DRHPageAfterLoginTitle', 'DRHPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('sessionadmin_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginTitle', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('student_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'StudentAutosubscribeTitle', 'StudentAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('teacher_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'TeacherAutosubscribeTitle', 'TeacherAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('drh_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'DRHAutosubscribeTitle', 'DRHAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('sessionadmin_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Registration', '', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeTitle', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('scorm_cumulative_session_time', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'ScormCumulativeSessionTimeTitle', 'ScormCumulativeSessionTimeComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('allow_hr_skills_management', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'true', 'AllowHRSkillsManagementTitle', 'AllowHRSkillsManagementComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('enable_help_link', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'EnableHelpLinkTitle', 'EnableHelpLinkComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ VALUES
 ('languagePriority2', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages','user_profil_lang', 'LanguagePriority2Title', 'LanguagePriority2Comment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('languagePriority3', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages','user_selected_lang', 'LanguagePriority3Title', 'LanguagePriority3Comment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('languagePriority4', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'platform_lang','LanguagePriority4Title', 'LanguagePriority4Comment', NULL, NULL, 0),
-('login_is_email', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'LoginIsEmailTitle', 'LoginIsEmailComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
+('login_is_email', NULL, 'radio', 'Registration', 'false', 'LoginIsEmailTitle', 'LoginIsEmailComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('courses_default_creation_visibility', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', '2', 'CoursesDefaultCreationVisibilityTitle', 'CoursesDefaultCreationVisibilityComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('allow_browser_sniffer', NULL, 'radio', 'Tuning', 'false', 'AllowBrowserSnifferTitle', 'AllowBrowserSnifferComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('enable_wami_record',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnableWamiRecordTitle','EnableWamiRecordComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ VALUES
 ('allow_session_admins_to_manage_all_sessions', NULL, 'radio', 'Session', 'false', 'AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsTitle', 'AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('allow_skills_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowSkillsToolTitle', 'AllowSkillsToolComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('allow_public_certificates', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'AllowPublicCertificatesTitle', 'AllowPublicCertificatesComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
-('platform_unsubscribe_allowed', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'PlatformUnsubscribeTitle', 'PlatformUnsubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
+('platform_unsubscribe_allowed', NULL, 'radio', 'Registration', 'false', 'PlatformUnsubscribeTitle', 'PlatformUnsubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('activate_email_template', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'ActivateEmailTemplateTitle', 'ActivateEmailTemplateComment', NULL, NULL, 0),
 ('enable_iframe_inclusion', NULL, 'radio', 'Editor', 'false', 'EnableIframeInclusionTitle', 'EnableIframeInclusionComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
 ('show_hot_courses', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowHotCoursesTitle', 'ShowHotCoursesComment', NULL, NULL, 1),
@@ -3644,4 +3644,4 @@ CREATE TABLE user_session_path (
 -- Do not move this
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
+UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';

+ 33 - 1

@@ -221,5 +221,37 @@ INSERT INTO branch_transaction_status VALUES (1, 'To be executed'), (2, 'Execute
 UPDATE course_field SET field_type = 3 WHERE field_variable = 'special_course';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Admin' WHERE variable = 'emailAdministrator';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Admin' WHERE variable = 'administratorSurname';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Admin' WHERE variable = 'administratorName';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Admin' WHERE variable = 'show_administrator_data';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Admin' WHERE variable = 'administratorTelephone';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'allow_registration';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'allow_registration_as_teacher';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'allow_lostpassword';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'page_after_login';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'allow_terms_conditions';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'student_page_after_login';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'teacher_page_after_login';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'drh_page_after_login';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'student_autosubscribe';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'teacher_autosubscribe';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'drh_autosubscribe';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'platform_unsubscribe_allowed';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'teacher_page_after_login';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'registration';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'extendedprofile_registration';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'extendedprofile_registrationrequired';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Registration' WHERE variable = 'login_is_email';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Course' WHERE variable = 'display_coursecode_in_courselist';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Course' WHERE variable = 'display_teacher_in_courselist';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Course' WHERE variable = 'student_view_enabled';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Course' WHERE variable = 'course_validation';
+UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'User' WHERE variable = 'user_selected_theme';
 -- Do not move this
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
+UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';

+ 31 - 43

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ return array(
     'CourseSelectForm' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/CourseSelectForm.class.php',
     'CourseSession' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/CourseSession.class.php',
     'CoursesController' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/courses_controller.php',
-    'Cpdf' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/ezpdf/class.pdf.php',
+    'Cpdf' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/lib/class.pdf.php',
     'CreateChartRels' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/classes/',
     'CreateDocx' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/classes/',
     'CreateElement' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/classes/',
@@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ return array(
     'DashboardManager' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/dashboard.lib.php',
     'DataForm' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/fe/dataform.class.php',
     'Database' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/database.lib.php',
+    'DatePicker' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/DatePicker.php',
+    'DateRangePicker' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/DateRangePicker.php',
+    'DateTimePicker' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/DateTimePicker.php',
     'Diagnoser' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/diagnoser.lib.php',
     'Display' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/display.lib.php',
     'DisplayGradebook' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/fe/displaygradebook.php',
@@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ return array(
     'ForumThreadLink' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/be/forumthreadlink.class.php',
     'ForumTopic' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/ForumTopic.class.php',
     'Frame' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/frame.cls.php',
-    'FrameFiller' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrencode.php',
+    'FrameFiller' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
     'FrameList' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/frame.cls.php',
     'FrameListIterator' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/frame.cls.php',
     'FrameTreeIterator' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/frame.cls.php',
@@ -282,6 +285,7 @@ return array(
     'HTML_QuickForm_Rule_Url' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Rule/Url.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_Rule_Username' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Rule/Username.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_Rule_UsernameAvailable' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Rule/UsernameAvailable.php',
+    'HTML_QuickForm_Select_Ajax' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/select_ajax.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_Select_Language' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/select_language.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_Select_Theme' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/select_theme.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_advanced_settings' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/advanced_settings.php',
@@ -314,6 +318,7 @@ return array(
     'HTML_QuickForm_select' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/select.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_static' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/static.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_stylebutton' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/style_button.php',
+    'HTML_QuickForm_styleresetbutton' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/style_reset_button.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_stylesubmitbutton' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/formvalidator/Element/style_submit_button.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_submit' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/submit.php',
     'HTML_QuickForm_text' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/text.php',
@@ -336,16 +341,16 @@ return array(
     'ImagickWrapper' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/image.lib.php',
     'Import' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/import.lib.php',
     'Ims2Question' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
-    'ImsAnswerFillInBlanks' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_classes.php',
+    'ImsAnswerFillInBlanks' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
     'ImsAnswerFree' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
     'ImsAnswerHotspot' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
-    'ImsAnswerMatching' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_classes.php',
-    'ImsAnswerMultipleChoice' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_classes.php',
+    'ImsAnswerMatching' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
+    'ImsAnswerMultipleChoice' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_classes.php',
     'ImsAnswerTrueFalse' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_classes.php',
     'ImsAssessmentItem' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_export.php',
-    'ImsItem' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_export.php',
+    'ImsItem' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_export.php',
     'ImsQuestion' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_classes.php',
-    'ImsSection' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti/qti_export.php',
+    'ImsSection' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/export/qti2/qti2_export.php',
     'IndexableChunk' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/search/IndexableChunk.class.php',
     'Inline_Frame_Decorator' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/inline_frame_decorator.cls.php',
     'Inline_Frame_Reflower' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/inline_frame_reflower.cls.php',
@@ -426,7 +431,6 @@ return array(
     'LoggerRoot' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/lib/log4php/LoggerRoot.php',
     'Login' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/login.lib.php',
     'LoginRedirection' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/login_redirection.class.php',
-    'MagpieRSS' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/magpierss/',
     'Matching' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/matching.class.php',
     'MediaQuestion' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/media_question.class.php',
     'MessageManager' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/message.lib.php',
@@ -468,7 +472,6 @@ return array(
     'PGTStorageDB' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/cas/lib/CAS/PGTStorage/pgt-db.php',
     'PGTStorageFile' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/cas/lib/CAS/PGTStorage/pgt-file.php',
     'PHP_Evaluator' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/php_evaluator.cls.php',
-    'PageController' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/page.lib.php',
     'Page_Cache' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/page_cache.cls.php',
     'Page_Frame_Decorator' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/page_frame_decorator.cls.php',
     'Page_Frame_Reflower' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/page_frame_reflower.cls.php',
@@ -485,21 +488,21 @@ return array(
     'PortfolioShare' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/portfolio.class.php',
     'Positioner' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/positioner.cls.php',
     'Promotion' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/promotion.lib.php',
-    'QRbitstream' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
-    'QRcode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrencode.php',
-    'QRencode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrencode.php',
-    'QRimage' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrimage.php',
-    'QRinput' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrinput.php',
-    'QRinputItem' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrinput.php',
-    'QRmask' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
-    'QRrawcode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrencode.php',
-    'QRrs' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
-    'QRrsItem' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
-    'QRrsblock' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrencode.php',
-    'QRspec' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrspec.php',
-    'QRsplit' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
-    'QRtools' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrtools.php',
-    'QRvect' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRbitstream' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrbitstream.php',
+    'QRcode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/bindings/tcpdf/qrcode.php',
+    'QRencode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRimage' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRinput' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRinputItem' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRmask' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrmask.php',
+    'QRrawcode' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRrs' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrrscode.php',
+    'QRrsItem' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrrscode.php',
+    'QRrsblock' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRspec' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRsplit' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrsplit.php',
+    'QRtools' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'QRvect' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrvect.php',
     'Question' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/question.class.php',
     'QuickformElement' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Object.php',
     'QuickformFlexyElement' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ObjectFlexy.php',
@@ -508,7 +511,6 @@ return array(
     'Quiz' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/Quiz.class.php',
     'QuizQuestion' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/QuizQuestion.class.php',
     'QuizQuestionOption' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/QuizQuestionOption.class.php',
-    'RSSCache' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/magpierss/',
     'Renderer' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/renderer.cls.php',
     'Resource' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/Resource.class.php',
     'Result' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/be/result.class.php',
@@ -566,7 +568,6 @@ return array(
     'SkillRelSkill' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/skill.lib.php',
     'SkillRelUser' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/skill.lib.php',
     'SkillVisualizer' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/skill.visualizer.lib.php',
-    'Snoopy' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/magpierss/extlib/',
     'SocialManager' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/social.lib.php',
     'SortableTable' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/sortable_table.class.php',
     'SortableTableFromArray' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/sortable_table.class.php',
@@ -608,7 +609,6 @@ return array(
     'Table_Row_Group_Frame_Reflower' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/table_row_group_frame_reflower.cls.php',
     'Table_Row_Positioner' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/phpdocx/pdf/include/table_row_positioner.cls.php',
     'Temp' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/system/io/temp.class.php',
-    'Template' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/template.lib.php',
     'Testcategory' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/testcategory.class.php',
     'Text' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/text.lib.php',
     'Text_CAPTCHA' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/pear/Text/CAPTCHA.php',
@@ -659,7 +659,6 @@ return array(
     'UniqueAnswer' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/unique_answer.class.php',
     'UniqueAnswerImage' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/unique_answer_image.class.php',
     'UniqueAnswerNoOption' => $baseDir . '/main/exercice/unique_answer_no_option.class.php',
-    'Uri' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/uri.class.php',
     'UrlManager' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/urlmanager.lib.php',
     'UserDataGenerator' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/user_data_generator.class.php',
     'UserForm' => $baseDir . '/main/gradebook/lib/fe/userform.class.php',
@@ -679,7 +678,6 @@ return array(
     'Work' => $baseDir . '/main/coursecopy/classes/Work.class.php',
     'XMLSchema' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.xmlschema.php',
     'XapianIndexer' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/search/xapian/XapianIndexer.class.php',
-    'Zip' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/zip.class.php',
     'ZombieManager' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/zombie/zombie_manager.class.php',
     'ZombieReport' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/zombie/zombie_report.class.php',
     '_IndexableChunk' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/search/IndexableChunk.class.php',
@@ -700,7 +698,6 @@ return array(
     'aiccResource' => $baseDir . '/main/newscorm/aiccResource.class.php',
     'api_failure' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/api.lib.php',
     'bmp' => $vendorDir . '/mpdf/mpdf/classes/bmp.php',
-    'calendarComponent' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
     'ch_comment' => $baseDir . '/main/survey/survey.lib.php',
     'ch_dropdown' => $baseDir . '/main/survey/survey.lib.php',
     'ch_multiplechoice' => $baseDir . '/main/survey/survey.lib.php',
@@ -749,8 +746,8 @@ return array(
     'link_processor' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/search/tool_processors/link_processor.class.php',
     'mPDF' => $vendorDir . '/mpdf/mpdf/mpdf.php',
     'meter' => $vendorDir . '/mpdf/mpdf/classes/meter.php',
-    'nusoap_base' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.nusoap_base.php',
-    'nusoap_client' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/nusoap.php',
+    'nusoap_base' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/nusoap.php',
+    'nusoap_client' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soapclient.php',
     'nusoap_client_mime' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/nusoapmime.php',
     'nusoap_fault' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_fault.php',
     'nusoap_parser' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_parser.php',
@@ -772,7 +769,7 @@ return array(
     'php4DomProcessingInstruction' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/cas/lib/CAS/domxml-php4-to-php5.php',
     'php4DomXsltStylesheet' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/cas/lib/CAS/domxml-php4-to-php5.php',
     'phpCAS' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/cas/lib/CAS.php',
-    'qrstr' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php',
+    'qrstr' => $vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/phpqrcode/qrconst.php',
     'quiz_processor' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/search/tool_processors/quiz_processor.class.php',
     'scorm' => $baseDir . '/main/newscorm/scorm.class.php',
     'scormItem' => $baseDir . '/main/newscorm/scormItem.class.php',
@@ -784,25 +781,16 @@ return array(
     'soap_parser' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_parser.php',
     'soap_server' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_server.php',
     'soap_transport_http' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_transport_http.php',
-    'soapclient' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/nusoap.php',
+    'soapclient' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soapclient.php',
     'soapclientmime' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/nusoapmime.php',
     'soapval' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.soap_val.php',
     'sso' => $baseDir . '/main/auth/sso/sso.class.php',
     'survey_manager' => $baseDir . '/main/survey/survey.lib.php',
     'survey_question' => $baseDir . '/main/survey/survey.lib.php',
     'tocontents' => $vendorDir . '/mpdf/mpdf/classes/tocontents.php',
-    'valarm' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vcalendar' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vevent' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vfreebusy' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vjournal' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vtimezone' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
-    'vtodo' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php',
     'wmf' => $vendorDir . '/mpdf/mpdf/classes/wmf.php',
     'wsdl' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.wsdl.php',
     'wsdlcache' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/nusoap/class.wsdlcache.php',
     'xajax' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/xajax/',
     'xajaxResponse' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/xajax/',
-    'xhtdoc' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/xht.lib.php',
-    'xmddoc' => $baseDir . '/main/inc/lib/xmd.lib.php',

+ 11 - 0

@@ -6,7 +6,14 @@ $vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
 $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
 return array(
+    'Zend\\Validator\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-validator'),
+    'Zend\\Uri\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-uri'),
     'Zend\\Stdlib\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-stdlib'),
+    'Zend\\ServiceManager\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-servicemanager'),
+    'Zend\\Loader\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-loader'),
+    'Zend\\Http\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-http'),
+    'Zend\\Feed\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-feed'),
+    'Zend\\Escaper\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-escaper'),
     'Zend\\Config\\' => array($vendorDir . '/zendframework/zend-config'),
     'Whoops' => array($vendorDir . '/filp/whoops/src'),
     'Unoconv' => array($vendorDir . '/php-unoconv/php-unoconv/src'),
@@ -52,10 +59,14 @@ return array(
     'Silex' => array($vendorDir . '/silex/silex/src'),
     'Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle' => array($vendorDir . '/sensio/framework-extra-bundle'),
     'Seld\\JsonLint' => array($vendorDir . '/seld/jsonlint/src'),
+    'Sabre\\VObject' => array($vendorDir . '/sabre/vobject/lib'),
     'Psr\\Log\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/log'),
     'Pimple' => array($vendorDir . '/pimple/pimple/lib'),
+    'Patchwork' => array($vendorDir . '/patchwork/utf8/class'),
     'Pagerfanta\\' => array($vendorDir . '/pagerfanta/pagerfanta/src'),
     'PHPExiftool' => array($vendorDir . '/phpexiftool/phpexiftool/lib'),
+    'Oziks' => array($vendorDir . '/jmontoyaa/xhprof-service-provider/src'),
+    'Normalizer' => array($vendorDir . '/patchwork/utf8/class'),
     'Neutron' => array($vendorDir . '/neutron/silex-filesystem-provider/src', $vendorDir . '/neutron/temporary-filesystem/src'),
     'MediaVorus' => array($vendorDir . '/mediavorus/mediavorus/src'),
     'MediaAlchemyst' => array($vendorDir . '/media-alchemyst/media-alchemyst/src'),

+ 5 - 5

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // autoload_real.php @generated by Composer
-class ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd
+class ComposerAutoloaderInitbbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a
     private static $loader;
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd
             return self::$loader;
-        spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
+        spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitbbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a', 'loadClassLoader'), true, true);
         self::$loader = $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
-        spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd', 'loadClassLoader'));
+        spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitbbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a', 'loadClassLoader'));
         $vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__);
         $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInitf4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd
         $includeFiles = require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php';
         foreach ($includeFiles as $file) {
-            composerRequiref4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd($file);
+            composerRequirebbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a($file);
         return $loader;
-function composerRequiref4df0055480c4a6738498545f1ec0cfd($file)
+function composerRequirebbdc7dea11a66b6e7562e6c0fd58031a($file)
     require $file;

Plik diff jest za duży
+ 241 - 177

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # whoops
 php errors for cool kids
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+ 0 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
         "php": ">=5.3.0"
     "require-dev": {
-        "php": ">=5.3.3",
         "mockery/mockery": "0.9.*"
     "autoload": {

+ 6 - 6

@@ -350,17 +350,17 @@ PrettyPageHandler::setPageTitle( string $title )
  #=> string
-// Returns a string path to the location where resources
-// used by this handler are stored - the template and CSS
+// Returns a list of string paths where resources
+// used by this handler are searched for - the template and CSS
 // files.
- #=> string
+ #=> array
-// Sets a string path to the location of resources for the
+// Adds a string path to the location of resources for the
 // handler. Useful if you want to roll your own template
 // file (pretty-template.php and pretty-page.css) while
 // still using the logic this handler provides
-PrettyPageHandler::setResourcesPath( string $resourcesPath )
+PrettyPageHandler::addResourcesPath( string $resourcesPath )
  #=> null
 // Sets an editor to use to open referenced files, either by

+ 1 - 1

@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class RunTest extends TestCase
-        $run->silenceErrorsInPaths('@^'.preg_quote(__FILE__).'$@', E_USER_NOTICE);
+        $run->silenceErrorsInPaths('@^'.preg_quote(__FILE__, '@').'$@', E_USER_NOTICE);
         trigger_error('Test', E_USER_NOTICE);

+ 8 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ php:
   - 5.3
   - 5.4
   - 5.5
+  - 5.6
+  - hhvm
   - curl --version
@@ -20,3 +22,9 @@ before_script:
   - ~/.nvm/ install v0.6.14
 script: vendor/bin/phpunit
+  allow_failures:
+    - php: 5.6
+    - php: hhvm
+  fast_finish: true

+ 20 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
-3.8.1 (2013-01-28)
+3.9.0 (2014-04-23)
+* `null`, `false`, and `"_guzzle_blank_"` all now serialize as an empty value
+  with no trailing "=". See dc1d824277.
+* No longer performing an MD5 check on the cacert each time the phar is used,
+  but rather copying the cacert to the temp directory.
+* `"0"` can now be added as a URL path
+* Deleting cookies that are set to empty
+* If-Modified-Since is no longer unnecessarily added to the CachePlugin
+* Cookie path matching now follows RFC 6265 s5.1.4
+* Updated service descriptions are now added to a service client's composite
+  factory.
+* MockPlugin now throws an exception if the queue is empty.
+* Properly parsing URLs that start with "http" but are not absolute
+* Added the ability to configure the curl_multi_select timeout setting
+* OAuth parameters are now sorted using lexicographical byte value ordering
+* Fixing invalid usage of an out of range PHP feature in the ErrorResponsePlugin
+3.8.1 (2014-01-28)
 * Bug: Always using GET requests when redirecting from a 303 response

+ 6 - 182

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 Guzzle, PHP HTTP client and webservice framework
-[![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Composer Downloads](]( [![Build Status](](
+[![Composer Downloads](](
+ [![Build Status](](
 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client and framework for building RESTful web service clients.
@@ -10,18 +11,7 @@ Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client and framework for building RESTful web service clien
 - Service description DSL allows you build awesome web service clients faster.
 - Symfony2 event-based plugin system allows you to completely modify the behavior of a request.
-Get answers with: [Documentation](, [Forums](!forum/guzzle), IRC ([#guzzlephp](irc:// @
-// Really simple using a static facade
-$response = Guzzle::get('');
-// More control using a client class
-$client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client('');
-$request = $client->get('/');
-$response = $request->send();
+Get answers with: [Documentation](, [Forums](!forum/guzzle), IRC ([#guzzlephp](irc:// @
 ### Installing via Composer
@@ -32,7 +22,7 @@ The recommended way to install Guzzle is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.o
 curl -sS | php
 # Add Guzzle as a dependency
-php composer.phar require guzzle/guzzle:~3.7
+php composer.phar require guzzle/guzzle:~3.9
 After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
@@ -41,172 +31,6 @@ After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
 require 'vendor/autoload.php';
-### Installing via phar
-As of the 3.7.4 release, each release of Guzzle includes a "guzzle.phar" file that includes all of the files needed to
-run Guzzle and all of Guzzle's dependencies. Simply download the phar and include it in your project.
-You can find a list of each release and the available downloads at
-- Supports GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, and any other custom HTTP method
-- Allows full access to request and response headers
-- Persistent connections are implicitly managed by Guzzle, resulting in huge performance benefits
-- [Send requests in parallel](
-- Cookie sessions can be maintained between requests using the
-  [CookiePlugin](
-- Allows custom [entity bodies](, including sending data from a PHP
-  stream and downloading data to a PHP stream
-- Responses can be cached and served from cache using the
-  [caching forward proxy plugin](
-- Failed requests can be retried using
-  [truncated exponential backoff]( with custom retry
-  policies
-- Entity bodies can be validated automatically using Content-MD5 headers and the
-  [MD5 hash validator plugin](
-- All data sent over the wire can be logged using the
-  [LogPlugin](
-- Subject/Observer signal slot system for unobtrusively
-  [modifying request behavior](
-- Supports all of the features of libcurl including authentication, compression, redirects, SSL, proxies, etc
-- Web service client framework for building future-proof interfaces to web services
-- Includes a [service description DSL]( for quickly
-  building webservice clients
-- Full support for [URI templates](
-- Advanced batching functionality to efficiently send requests or commands in parallel with customizable batch sizes
-  and transfer strategies
-HTTP basics
-use Guzzle\Http\Client;
-$client = new Client('{key}', [
-    'key' => '***'
-// Issue a path using a relative URL to the client's base URL
-// Sends to***/users
-$request = $client->get('users');
-$response = $request->send();
-// Relative URL that overwrites the path of the base URL
-$request = $client->get('/test/123.php?a=b');
-// Issue a head request on the base URL
-$response = $client->head()->send();
-// Delete user 123
-$response = $client->delete('users/123')->send();
-// Send a PUT request with custom headers
-$response = $client->put('upload/text', [
-    'X-Header' => 'My Header'
-], 'body of the request')->send();
-// Send a PUT request using the contents of a PHP stream as the body
-// Send using an absolute URL (overrides the base URL)
-$response = $client->put('', [
-    'X-Header' => 'My Header'
-], fopen('', 'r'));
-// Create a POST request with a file upload (notice the @ symbol):
-$request = $client->post('http://localhost:8983/solr/update', null, [
-    'custom_field' => 'my value',
-    'file' => '@/path/to/documents.xml'
-// Create a POST request and add the POST files manually
-$request = $client->post('http://localhost:8983/solr/update')
-    ->addPostFiles(['file' => '/path/to/documents.xml']);
-// Responses are objects
-echo $response->getStatusCode() . ' ' . $response->getReasonPhrase() . "\n";
-// Requests and responses can be cast to a string to show the raw HTTP message
-echo $request . "\n\n" . $response;
-// Create a request based on an HTTP message
-$request = RequestFactory::fromMessage(
-    "PUT / HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
-    "Host:\r\n" .
-    "Content-Type: text/plain" .
-    "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" .
-    "\r\n" .
-    "this is the body"
-Using the static client facade
-You can use Guzzle through a static client to make it even easier to send simple HTTP requests.
-// Use the static client directly:
-$response = Guzzle\Http\StaticClient::get('');
-// Or, mount the client to \Guzzle to make it easier to use
-$response = Guzzle::get('');
-// Custom options can be passed into requests created by the static client
-$response = Guzzle::post('', [
-    'headers' => ['X-Foo' => 'Bar'],
-    'body'    => ['Foo' => 'Bar'],
-    'query'   => ['Test' => 123],
-    'timeout' => 10,
-    'debug'   => true,
-    'save_to' => '/path/to/file.html'
-### Available request options:
-* headers: Associative array of headers
-* query: Associative array of query string values to add to the request
-* body: Body of a request, including an EntityBody, string, or array when sending POST requests. Setting a body for a
-  GET request will set where the response body is downloaded.
-* auth: Array of HTTP authentication parameters to use with the request. The array must contain the
-  username in index [0], the password in index [1], and can optionally contain the authentication type in index [2].
-  The authentication types are: "Basic", "Digest". The default auth type is "Basic".
-* cookies: Associative array of cookies
-* allow_redirects: Set to false to disable redirects
-* save_to: String, fopen resource, or EntityBody object used to store the body of the response
-* events: Associative array mapping event names to a closure or array of (priority, closure)
-* plugins: Array of plugins to add to the request
-* exceptions: Set to false to disable throwing exceptions on an HTTP level error (e.g. 404, 500, etc)
-* timeout: Float describing the timeout of the request in seconds
-* connect_timeout: Float describing the number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait
-  indefinitely.
-* verify: Set to true to enable SSL cert validation (the default), false to disable, or supply the path to a CA
-  bundle to enable verification using a custom certificate.
-* proxy: Specify an HTTP proxy (e.g. "http://username:password@")
-* debug: Set to true to display all data sent over the wire
-These options can also be used when creating requests using a standard client:
-$client = new Guzzle\Http\Client();
-// Create a request with a timeout of 10 seconds
-$request = $client->get('', [], ['timeout' => 10]);
-$response = $request->send();
-Unit testing
-Guzzle uses PHPUnit for unit testing. In order to run the unit tests, you'll first need
-to install the dependencies of the project using Composer: `php composer.phar install --dev`.
-You can then run the tests using `vendor/bin/phpunit`.
-If you are running the tests with xdebug enabled, you may encounter the following issue: 'Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!'. This can be resolved by adding 'xdebug.max_nesting_level = 200' to your php.ini file.
+# This is an older version
-The PECL extensions, uri_template and pecl_http will be required to ensure all the tests can run.
+This repository is for Guzzle 3.x. Guzzle 4.0, the new version of Guzzle has been released and is available at

+ 7 - 7

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     "require": {
         "php": ">=5.3.3",
         "ext-curl": "*",
-        "symfony/event-dispatcher": ">=2.1"
+        "symfony/event-dispatcher": "~2.1"
     "autoload": {
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
     "require-dev": {
-        "doctrine/cache": "*",
-        "symfony/class-loader": "*",
-        "monolog/monolog": "1.*",
-        "psr/log": "1.0.*",
-        "zendframework/zend-cache": "<2.3",
-        "zendframework/zend-log": "<2.3",
+        "doctrine/cache": "~1.3",
+        "symfony/class-loader": "~2.1",
+        "monolog/monolog": "~1.0",
+        "psr/log": "~1.0",
+        "zendframework/zend-cache": "2.*,<2.3",
+        "zendframework/zend-log": "2.*,<2.3",
         "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"

+ 5 - 2

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     <li><a href="{{ pathto('webservice-client/guzzle-service-descriptions') }}">Service descriptions</a> for quickly building clients.</li>
     <li>Powered by the Symfony2 EventDispatcher.</li>
     <li>Use all of the code or only <a href="">specific components</a>.</li>
-    <li><a href="{{ pathto('plugins/plugins-overview') }}">Plugins</a> for caching, logging, OAuth, mocks, and more</a>
+    <li><a href="{{ pathto('plugins/plugins-overview') }}">Plugins</a> for caching, logging, OAuth, mocks, and more</li>
     <li>Includes a custom node.js webserver to <a href="{{ pathto('testing/unit-testing') }}">test your clients</a>.</li>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     Guzzle is now part of Drupal 8 core and powers the official <a href="">AWS SDK for PHP</a>
-  <h2>Quick Twitter example</h2>
+  <h2>GitHub Example</h2>
   <pre class="prettyprint">&lt;?php
 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
@@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ echo $response->getBody();
 // >>> {"type":"User", ...
 echo $response->getHeader('Content-Length');
 // >>> 792
+    <h2>Twitter Example</h2>
+    <pre class="prettyprint">&lt;?php
 // Create a client to work with the Twitter API
 $client = new Client('{version}', array(
     'version' => '1.1'

+ 0 - 1

@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'Guzzledoc'
 sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/dowling/projects/guzzle_sphinx_theme')
 import guzzle_sphinx_theme
-pygments_style = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme.GuzzleStyle'
 html_translator_class = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme.HTMLTranslator'
 html_theme_path = guzzle_sphinx_theme.html_theme_path()
 html_theme = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ project.
     curl -sS | php
     # Add Guzzle as a dependency
-    php composer.phar require guzzle/guzzle:~3.7
+    php composer.phar require guzzle/guzzle:~3.9
 After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ You can install a specific version of Guzzle by providing a version number suffi
 .. code-block:: bash
-    pear install guzzle/guzzle-3.7.0
+    pear install guzzle/guzzle-3.9.0
 Contributing to Guzzle

+ 2 - 2

@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ cert
 The `cert` option lets you specify a PEM formatted SSL client certificate to use with servers that require one. If the
 certificate requires a password, provide an array with the password as the second item.
-This would typically be used in conjuction with the `ssl_key` option.
+This would typically be used in conjunction with the `ssl_key` option.
 .. code-block:: php
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ ssl_key
 The `ssl_key` option lets you specify a file containing your PEM formatted private key, optionally protected by a password.
 Note: your password is sensitive, keep the PHP script containing it safe.
-This would typically be used in conjuction with the `cert` option.
+This would typically be used in conjunction with the `cert` option.
 .. code-block:: php

+ 1 - 1

@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ Connection problems and cURL specific errors can also occur when transferring re
 encounters cURL specific errors while transferring a single request, a ``Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException`` is
 thrown with an informative error message and access to the cURL error message.
-A ``Guzzle\Common\Exception\MultiTransferException`` exception is thrown when a cURL specific error occurs while
+A ``Guzzle\Http\Exception\MultiTransferException`` exception is thrown when a cURL specific error occurs while
 transferring multiple requests in parallel. You can then iterate over all of the exceptions encountered during the

+ 2 - 2

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pulling out chunks of values from the inner iterator.
     use Guzzle\Iterator\ChunkedIterator;
     $inner = new ArrayIterator(range(0, 8));
-    $chunkedIterator = new ChunkedIterator($inner, 10);
+    $chunkedIterator = new ChunkedIterator($inner, 2);
     foreach ($chunkedIterator as $chunk) {
         echo implode(', ', $chunk) . "\n";
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ This iterator modifies the values of the inner iterator before yielding.
     use Guzzle\Iterator\MapIterator;
-    $innner = new ArrayIterator(range(0, 3));
+    $inner = new ArrayIterator(range(0, 3));
     $mapIterator = new MapIterator($inner, function ($value) {
         return $value * 10;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Here's a very simple example of implementing a custom responseClass object.
         public static function fromCommand(OperationCommand $command)
             $response = $command->getResponse();
-            $xml = $command->xml();
+            $xml = $response->xml();
             return new self((string) $xml->name);

+ 12 - 0

@@ -13,4 +13,16 @@ $classLoader->registerNamespaces(array(
+// Copy the cacert.pem file from the phar if it is not in the temp folder.
+$from = 'phar://guzzle.phar/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem';
+$certFile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/guzzle-cacert.pem';
+// Only copy when the file size is different
+if (!file_exists($certFile) || filesize($certFile) != filesize($from)) {
+    if (!copy($from, $certFile)) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("Could not copy {$from} to {$certFile}: "
+            . var_export(error_get_last(), true));
+    }

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
     <property name="git.currentbranch" value=""/>
     <target name="check-git-branch-status">
         <exec command="git status -s -b" outputProperty="git.currentbranch" />
+        <echo msg="${git.currentbranch}"/>
-            <equals arg1="${git.currentbranch}" arg2="## ${head}" trim="true"/>
+            <contains string="${git.currentbranch}" substring="${head}"/>
                 <echo>On branch ${head}</echo>
@@ -127,7 +128,6 @@
             <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/.subsplit">
                 <include name="src/**/*.php" />
                 <include name="src/**/*.pem" />
-                <include name="src/**/*.md5" />
                 <include name="vendor/symfony/class-loader/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php" />
                 <include name="vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/**/*.php" />
                 <include name="vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/*.php" />

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace Guzzle\Common;
 class Version
-    const VERSION = '3.8.1';
+    const VERSION = '3.9.0';
      * @var bool Set this value to true to enable warnings for deprecated functionality use. This should be on in your

+ 19 - 35

@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
     const CURL_OPTIONS = 'curl.options';
     const SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY = 'ssl.certificate_authority';
     const DISABLE_REDIRECTS = RedirectPlugin::DISABLE;
+    const DEFAULT_SELECT_TIMEOUT = 1.0;
+    const MAX_HANDLES = 3;
     /** @var Collection Default HTTP headers to set on each request */
     protected $defaultHeaders;
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
             } else {
                 list($uri, $templateVars) = $uri;
-            if (substr($uri, 0, 4) === 'http') {
+            if (strpos($uri, '://')) {
                 // Use absolute URLs as-is
                 $url = $this->expandTemplate($uri, $templateVars);
             } else {
@@ -306,7 +308,10 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
     public function getCurlMulti()
         if (!$this->curlMulti) {
-            $this->curlMulti = new CurlMultiProxy();
+            $this->curlMulti = new CurlMultiProxy(
+                self::MAX_HANDLES,
+                $this->getConfig('select_timeout') ?: self::DEFAULT_SELECT_TIMEOUT
+            );
         return $this->curlMulti;
@@ -333,31 +338,6 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
         return $this;
-    /**
-     * Copy the cacert.pem file from the phar if it is not in the temp folder and validate the MD5 checksum
-     *
-     * @param bool $md5Check Set to false to not perform the MD5 validation
-     *
-     * @return string Returns the path to the extracted cacert
-     * @throws RuntimeException if the file cannot be copied or there is a MD5 mismatch
-     */
-    public function preparePharCacert($md5Check = true)
-    {
-        $from = __DIR__ . '/Resources/cacert.pem';
-        $certFile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/guzzle-cacert.pem';
-        if (!file_exists($certFile) && !copy($from, $certFile)) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Could not copy {$from} to {$certFile}: " . var_export(error_get_last(), true));
-        } elseif ($md5Check) {
-            $actualMd5 = md5_file($certFile);
-            $expectedMd5 = trim(file_get_contents("{$from}.md5"));
-            if ($actualMd5 != $expectedMd5) {
-                throw new RuntimeException("{$certFile} MD5 mismatch: expected {$expectedMd5} but got {$actualMd5}");
-            }
-        }
-        return $certFile;
-    }
      * Expand a URI template while merging client config settings into the template variables
@@ -457,7 +437,9 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
     protected function initSsl()
-        if ('system' == ($authority = $this->config[self::SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY])) {
+        $authority = $this->config[self::SSL_CERT_AUTHORITY];
+        if ($authority === 'system') {
@@ -466,13 +448,7 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
         if ($authority === true && substr(__FILE__, 0, 7) == 'phar://') {
-            $authority = $this->preparePharCacert();
-            $that = $this;
-            $this->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.before_send', function ($event) use ($authority, $that) {
-                if ($authority == $event['request']->getCurlOptions()->get(CURLOPT_CAINFO)) {
-                    $that->preparePharCacert(false);
-                }
-            });
+            $authority = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/guzzle-cacert.pem';
@@ -503,4 +479,12 @@ class Client extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements ClientInterface
         return $this;
+    /**
+     * @deprecated
+     */
+    public function preparePharCacert($md5Check = true)
+    {
+        return sys_get_temp_dir() . '/guzzle-cacert.pem';
+    }

+ 6 - 2

@@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ class CurlMulti extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface
         CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR  => array('CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR', 'This can only be returned if libcurl bugs. Please report it to us!')
-    public function __construct()
+    /** @var float */
+    protected $selectTimeout;
+    public function __construct($selectTimeout = 1.0)
+        $this->selectTimeout = $selectTimeout;
         $this->multiHandle = curl_multi_init();
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         if ($this->multiHandle === false) {
@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ class CurlMulti extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface
                 // Perform a usleep if a select returns -1:
-            $selectTimeout = 1;
+            $selectTimeout = $this->selectTimeout;
         } while ($active);

+ 6 - 3

@@ -15,13 +15,16 @@ class CurlMultiProxy extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface
     protected $groups = array();
     protected $queued = array();
     protected $maxHandles;
+    protected $selectTimeout;
-     * @param int $maxHandles The maximum number of idle CurlMulti handles to allow to remain open
+     * @param int   $maxHandles The maximum number of idle CurlMulti handles to allow to remain open
+     * @param float $selectTimeout timeout for curl_multi_select
-    public function __construct($maxHandles = 3)
+    public function __construct($maxHandles = 3, $selectTimeout = 1.0)
         $this->maxHandles = $maxHandles;
+        $this->selectTimeout = $selectTimeout;
         // You can get some weird "Too many open files" errors when sending a large amount of requests in parallel.
         // These two statements autoload classes before a system runs out of file descriptors so that you can get back
         // valuable error messages if you run out.
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ class CurlMultiProxy extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface
         // All are claimed, so create one
-        $handle = new CurlMulti();
+        $handle = new CurlMulti($this->selectTimeout);
         $this->handles[] = $handle;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class Request extends AbstractMessage implements RequestInterface
         // Include the port in the Host header if it is not the default port for the scheme of the URL
         $scheme = $this->url->getScheme();
-        if (($scheme == 'http' && $port != 80) || ($scheme == 'https' && $port != 443)) {
+        if ($port && (($scheme == 'http' && $port != 80) || ($scheme == 'https' && $port != 443))) {
             $this->headers['host'] = $this->headerFactory->createHeader('Host', $this->url->getHost() . ':' . $port);
         } else {
             $this->headers['host'] = $this->headerFactory->createHeader('Host', $this->url->getHost());

+ 35 - 14

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 namespace Guzzle\Http;
 use Guzzle\Common\Collection;
+use Guzzle\Common\Exception\RuntimeException;
 use Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\DuplicateAggregator;
 use Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\QueryAggregatorInterface;
 use Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\PhpAggregator;
@@ -70,7 +71,8 @@ class QueryString extends Collection
                     $q[$key] = $value;
             } else {
-                $q->add($key, self::BLANK);
+                // Uses false by default to represent keys with no trailing "=" sign.
+                $q->add($key, false);
@@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ class QueryString extends Collection
      * Convert the query string parameters to a query string string
      * @return string
+     * @throws RuntimeException
     public function __toString()
@@ -93,21 +96,12 @@ class QueryString extends Collection
             return '';
-        $queryString = '';
+        $queryList = array();
         foreach ($this->prepareData($this->data) as $name => $value) {
-            foreach ((array) $value as $v) {
-                if ($queryString) {
-                    $queryString .= $this->fieldSeparator;
-                }
-                $queryString .= $name;
-                if ($v !== self::BLANK) {
-                    $queryString .= $this->valueSeparator . $v;
-                }
-            }
+            $queryList[] = $this->convertKvp($name, $value);
-        return $queryString;
+        return implode($this->fieldSeparator, $queryList);
@@ -264,7 +258,10 @@ class QueryString extends Collection
         $temp = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
-            if (is_array($value)) {
+            if ($value === false || $value === null) {
+                // False and null will not include the "=". Use an empty string to include the "=".
+                $temp[$this->encodeValue($key)] = $value;
+            } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                 $temp = array_merge($temp, $this->aggregator->aggregate($key, $value, $this));
             } else {
                 $temp[$this->encodeValue($key)] = $this->encodeValue($value);
@@ -273,4 +270,28 @@ class QueryString extends Collection
         return $temp;
+    /**
+     * Converts a key value pair that can contain strings, nulls, false, or arrays
+     * into a single string.
+     *
+     * @param string $name  Name of the field
+     * @param mixed  $value Value of the field
+     * @return string
+     */
+    private function convertKvp($name, $value)
+    {
+        if ($value === self::BLANK || $value === null || $value === false) {
+            return $name;
+        } elseif (!is_array($value)) {
+            return $name . $this->valueSeparator . $value;
+        }
+        $result = '';
+        foreach ($value as $v) {
+            $result .= $this->convertKvp($name, $v) . $this->fieldSeparator;
+        }
+        return rtrim($result, $this->fieldSeparator);
+    }

+ 350 - 119

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ## ca-bundle.crt -- Bundle of CA Root Certificates
-## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Sat Dec 29 20:03:40 2012
+## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Tue Jan 28 09:38:07 2014
 ## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities
 ## (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root certificates
 ## file (certdata.txt).  This file can be found in the mozilla source tree:
 ## It contains the certificates in PEM format and therefore
 ## can be directly used with curl / libcurl / php_curl, or with
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 ## Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile.
-# @(#) $RCSfile: certdata.txt,v $ $Revision: 1.87 $ $Date: 2012/12/29 16:32:45 $
 GTE CyberTrust Global Root
@@ -91,46 +90,6 @@ BIZCe/zuf6IWUrVnZ9NA2zsmWLIodz2uFHdh1voqZiegDfqnc1zqcPGUIWVEX/r87yloqaKHee95
-Digital Signature Trust Co. Global CA 1
-Digital Signature Trust Co. Global CA 3
 Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
@@ -344,11 +303,11 @@ n9cd2cNgQ4xYDiKWL2KjLB+6rQXvqzJ4h6BUcxm1XAX5Uj5tLUUL9wqT6u0G+bI= Premium 2048 Secure Server CA
@@ -356,14 +315,13 @@ MIIBCgKCAQEArU1LqRKGsuqjIAcVFmQqK0vRvwtKTY7tgHalZ7d4QMBzQshowNtTK91euHaYNZOL
 Baltimore CyberTrust Root
@@ -421,26 +379,6 @@ lSE/9dR+WB5Hh1Q+WKG1tfgq73HnvMP2sUlG4tega+VWeponmHxGYhTnyfxuAxJ5gDgdSIKN/Bf+
-Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 2
 AddTrust Low-Value Services Root
@@ -1405,29 +1343,6 @@ wUpgpZKpsaSgYMN4h7Mi8yrrW6ntBas3D7Hi05V2Y1Z0jFhyGzflZKG+TQyTmAyX9odtsz/ny4Cm
-Wells Fargo Root CA
 Swisscom Root CA 1
@@ -2803,29 +2718,6 @@ YIvDQVETI53O9zJrlAGomecsMx86OyXShkDOOyyGeMlhLxS67ttVb9+E7gUJTb0o2HLO02JQZR7r
-TC TrustCenter Universal CA III
 Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
@@ -3552,3 +3444,342 @@ uSlNDUmJEYcyW+ZLBMjkXOZ0c5RdFpgTlf7727FE5TpwrDdr5rMzcijJs1eg9gIWiAYLtqZLICjU
+TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 2007
+D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009
+D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009
+China Internet Network Information Center EV Certificates Root
+Swisscom Root CA 2
+Swisscom Root EV CA 2
+CA Disig Root R1
+CA Disig Root R2
+TWCA Global Root CA

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 14 - 9

@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ class Url
     public function setScheme($scheme)
+        if ($this->scheme == 'http' && $this->port == 80) {
+            $this->port = null;
+        } elseif ($this->scheme == 'https' && $this->port == 443) {
+            $this->port = null;
+        }
         $this->scheme = $scheme;
         return $this;
@@ -312,7 +318,7 @@ class Url
-     * Add a relative path to the currently set path
+     * Add a relative path to the currently set path.
      * @param string $relativePath Relative path to add
@@ -320,16 +326,15 @@ class Url
     public function addPath($relativePath)
-        if (!$relativePath || $relativePath == '/') {
-            return $this;
-        }
-        // Add a leading slash if needed
-        if ($relativePath[0] != '/') {
-            $relativePath = '/' . $relativePath;
+        if ($relativePath != '/' && is_string($relativePath) && strlen($relativePath) > 0) {
+            // Add a leading slash if needed
+            if ($relativePath[0] != '/') {
+                $relativePath = '/' . $relativePath;
+            }
+            $this->setPath(str_replace('//', '/', $this->path . $relativePath));
-        return $this->setPath(str_replace('//', '/', $this->getPath() . $relativePath));
+        return $this;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     "autoload": {
         "psr-0": { "Guzzle\\Iterator": "/" }
-    "target-dir": "Guzzle/Log",
+    "target-dir": "Guzzle/Iterator",
     "extra": {
         "branch-alias": {
             "dev-master": "3.7-dev"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ class MonologLogAdapter extends AbstractLogAdapter
     public function log($message, $priority = LOG_INFO, $extras = array())
-        $this->log->addRecord(self::$mapping[$priority], $message);
+        $this->log->addRecord(self::$mapping[$priority], $message, $extras);

+ 46 - 1

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class CookieParser implements CookieParserInterface
         $data = array_merge(array_fill_keys(array_keys(self::$cookieParts), null), array(
             'cookies'   => array(),
             'data'      => array(),
-            'path'      => $path ?: '/',
+            'path'      => null,
             'http_only' => false,
             'discard'   => false,
             'domain'    => $host
@@ -81,6 +81,51 @@ class CookieParser implements CookieParserInterface
             $data['expires'] = time() + (int) $data['max_age'];
+        // Check path attribute according RFC6265
+        // "If the attribute-value is empty or if the first character of the
+        // attribute-value is not %x2F ("/"):
+        //   Let cookie-path be the default-path.
+        // Otherwise:
+        //   Let cookie-path be the attribute-value."
+        if (!$data['path'] || substr($data['path'], 0, 1) !== '/') {
+            $data['path'] = $this->getDefaultPath($path);
+        }
         return $data;
+    /**
+     * Get default cookie path according to RFC 6265
+     * Paths and Path-Match
+     *
+     * @param string $path Request uri-path
+     *
+     * @return string
+     */
+    protected function getDefaultPath($path) {
+        // "The user agent MUST use an algorithm equivalent to the following algorithm
+        // to compute the default-path of a cookie:"
+        // "2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-path is not
+        // a %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining steps.
+        if (empty($path) || substr($path, 0, 1) !== '/') {
+            return '/';
+        }
+        // "3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F ("/") character, output
+        // %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining step."
+        if ($path === "/") {
+            return $path;
+        }
+        $rightSlashPos = strrpos($path, '/');
+        if ($rightSlashPos === 0) {
+            return "/";
+        }
+        // "4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up to,
+        // but not including, the right-most %x2F ("/")."
+        return substr($path, 0, $rightSlashPos);
+    }

+ 5 - 3

@@ -95,9 +95,11 @@ class DefaultRevalidation implements RevalidationInterface
     protected function createRevalidationRequest(RequestInterface $request, Response $response)
         $revalidate = clone $request;
-        $revalidate->removeHeader('Pragma')
-            ->removeHeader('Cache-Control')
-            ->setHeader('If-Modified-Since', $response->getLastModified() ?: $response->getDate());
+        $revalidate->removeHeader('Pragma')->removeHeader('Cache-Control');
+        if ($response->getLastModified()) {
+            $revalidate->setHeader('If-Modified-Since', $response->getLastModified());
+        }
         if ($response->getEtag()) {
             $revalidate->setHeader('If-None-Match', $response->getEtag());

+ 26 - 1

@@ -412,7 +412,32 @@ class Cookie implements ToArrayInterface
     public function matchesPath($path)
-        return !$this->getPath() || 0 === stripos($path, $this->getPath());
+        // RFC6265
+        // A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of
+        // the following conditions holds:
+        // o  The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
+        if ($path == $this->getPath()) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        $pos = stripos($path, $this->getPath());
+        if ($pos === 0) {
+            // o  The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last
+            // character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
+            if (substr($this->getPath(), -1, 1) === "/") {
+                return true;
+            }
+            // o  The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first
+            // character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie-
+            // path is a %x2F ("/") character.
+            if (substr($path, strlen($this->getPath()), 1) === "/") {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;

+ 15 - 0

@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class ArrayCookieJar implements CookieJarInterface, \Serializable
             if ($this->strictMode) {
                 throw new InvalidCookieException($result);
             } else {
+                $this->removeCookieIfEmpty($cookie);
                 return false;
@@ -219,4 +220,18 @@ class ArrayCookieJar implements CookieJarInterface, \Serializable
         return $cookies;
+    /**
+     * If a cookie already exists and the server asks to set it again with a null value, the
+     * cookie must be deleted.
+     *
+     * @param \Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie\Cookie $cookie
+     */
+    private function removeCookieIfEmpty(Cookie $cookie)
+    {
+        $cookieValue = $cookie->getValue();
+        if ($cookieValue === null || $cookieValue === '') {
+            $this->remove($cookie->getDomain(), $cookie->getPath(), $cookie->getName());
+        }
+    }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class ErrorResponsePlugin implements EventSubscriberInterface
                 $errorClassInterface = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\ErrorResponseExceptionInterface';
                 if (!class_exists($className)) {
                     throw new ErrorResponseException("{$className} does not exist");
-                } elseif (!is_subclass_of($className, $errorClassInterface)) {
+                } elseif (!(in_array($errorClassInterface, class_implements($className)))) {
                     throw new ErrorResponseException("{$className} must implement {$errorClassInterface}");
                 throw $className::fromCommand($command, $response);

+ 11 - 8

@@ -226,17 +226,20 @@ class MockPlugin extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements EventSubscriberInterfa
      * Called when a request is about to be sent
      * @param Event $event
+     * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When queue is empty
     public function onRequestBeforeSend(Event $event)
-        if ($this->queue) {
-            $request = $event['request'];
-            $this->received[] = $request;
-            // Detach the filter from the client so it's a one-time use
-            if ($this->temporary && count($this->queue) == 1 && $request->getClient()) {
-                $request->getClient()->getEventDispatcher()->removeSubscriber($this);
-            }
-            $this->dequeue($request);
+        if (!$this->queue) {
+            throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Mock queue is empty');
+        }
+        $request = $event['request'];
+        $this->received[] = $request;
+        // Detach the filter from the client so it's a one-time use
+        if ($this->temporary && count($this->queue) == 1 && $request->getClient()) {
+            $request->getClient()->getEventDispatcher()->removeSubscriber($this);
+        $this->dequeue($request);

+ 3 - 2

@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ class OauthPlugin implements EventSubscriberInterface
         $params = $this->prepareParameters($params);
         // Build signing string from combined params
-        $parameterString = new QueryString($params);
+        $parameterString = clone $request->getQuery();
+        $parameterString->replace($params);
         $url = Url::factory($request->getUrl())->setQuery('')->setFragment(null);
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ class OauthPlugin implements EventSubscriberInterface
         // Sort params
         $params = $params->toArray();
-        ksort($params);
+        uksort($params, 'strcmp');
         return $params;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ class Client extends HttpClient implements ClientInterface
         $this->serviceDescription = $service;
+        if ($this->getCommandFactory() && $this->getCommandFactory() instanceof CompositeFactory) {
+            $this->commandFactory->add(new Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory($service));
+        }
         // If a baseUrl was set on the description, then update the client
         if ($baseUrl = $service->getBaseUrl()) {

+ 2 - 0

@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ class XmlVisitor extends AbstractResponseVisitor
             $this->processObject($param, $value);
         } elseif ($type == 'array') {
             $this->processArray($param, $value);
+        } elseif ($type == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'array') {
+            $value = '';
         if ($value !== null) {

+ 3 - 2

@@ -157,8 +157,9 @@ class SchemaValidator implements ValidatorInterface
                         } else {
                             // if additionalProperties is set to false and there are additionalProperties in the values, then fail
-                            $keys = array_keys($value);
-                            $this->errors[] = sprintf('%s[%s] is not an allowed property', $path, reset($keys));
+                            foreach ($diff as $prop) {
+                                $this->errors[] = sprintf('%s[%s] is not an allowed property', $path, $prop);
+                            }

+ 2 - 2

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use Guzzle\Http\Message\Response;
 use Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
 use Guzzle\Tests\Http\Message\HeaderComparison;
 use Guzzle\Plugin\Mock\MockPlugin;
-use Guzzle\Service\Client;
+use Guzzle\Http\Client;
 use Guzzle\Service\Builder\ServiceBuilderInterface;
 use Guzzle\Service\Builder\ServiceBuilder;
 use Guzzle\Tests\Mock\MockObserver;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ abstract class GuzzleTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
      * Get a wildcard observer for an event dispatcher
-     * @param HasDispatcherInterface $hasEvent
+     * @param HasDispatcherInterface $hasDispatcher
      * @return MockObserver

+ 9 - 0

@@ -589,4 +589,13 @@ class ClientTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         $head = $client->head('', array(), array('query' => array('foo' => 'bar')));
         $this->assertEquals('bar', $head->getQuery()->get('foo'));
+    public function testCanSetRelativeUrlStartingWithHttp()
+    {
+        $client = new Client('');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            '',
+            $client->createRequest('GET', 'httpfoo')->getUrl()
+        );
+    }

+ 3 - 1

@@ -140,7 +140,9 @@ class CurlHandleTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             "couldn't connect to host",
             'timeout was reached',
             'connection time-out',
-            'connect() timed out!'
+            'connect() timed out!',
+            'failed connect to; connection refused',
+            'failed to connect to port 123: connection refused'
         $this->assertTrue(in_array(strtolower($h->getError()), $errors), $h->getError() . ' was not the error');

+ 14 - 4

@@ -12,13 +12,17 @@ use Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlMultiProxy;
 class CurlMultiProxyTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
+    const SELECT_TIMEOUT = 23.1;
+    const MAX_HANDLES = 2;
     /** @var \Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlMultiProxy */
     private $multi;
     protected function setUp()
-        $this->multi = new CurlMultiProxy();
+        $this->multi = new CurlMultiProxy(self::MAX_HANDLES, self::SELECT_TIMEOUT);
     public function tearDown()
@@ -28,8 +32,14 @@ class CurlMultiProxyTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
     public function testConstructorSetsMaxHandles()
-        $m = new CurlMultiProxy(2);
-        $this->assertEquals(2, $this->readAttribute($m, 'maxHandles'));
+        $m = new CurlMultiProxy(self::MAX_HANDLES, self::SELECT_TIMEOUT);
+        $this->assertEquals(self::MAX_HANDLES, $this->readAttribute($m, 'maxHandles'));
+    }
+    public function testConstructorSetsSelectTimeout()
+    {
+        $m = new CurlMultiProxy(self::MAX_HANDLES, self::SELECT_TIMEOUT);
+        $this->assertEquals(self::SELECT_TIMEOUT, $this->readAttribute($m, 'selectTimeout'));
     public function testAddingRequestsAddsToQueue()
@@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ class CurlMultiProxyTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
         $client = new Client($this->getServer()->getUrl());
-        $client->setCurlMulti(new CurlMultiProxy(2));
+        $client->setCurlMulti(new CurlMultiProxy(self::MAX_HANDLES, self::SELECT_TIMEOUT));
         $request = $client->get();
         $this->assertEquals(200, $request->getResponse()->getStatusCode());

+ 4 - 1

@@ -421,7 +421,10 @@ class HttpRequestFactoryTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
     public function testCanAddPlugins()
-        $mock = new MockPlugin(array(new Response(200)));
+        $mock = new MockPlugin(array(
+            new Response(200),
+            new Response(200)
+        ));
         $client = new Client();
         $request = $client->get('/', array(), array(

+ 14 - 0

@@ -622,4 +622,18 @@ class RequestTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         $request->setResponse(new Response(200, array(), 'foo'));
         $this->assertEquals('foo', (string) $en);
+    public function testCanChangePortThroughScheme()
+    {
+        $request = new Request('GET', '');
+        $request->setScheme('https');
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) $request->getUrl());
+        $this->assertEquals('', $request->getHost());
+        $request->setScheme('http');
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) $request->getUrl());
+        $this->assertEquals('', $request->getHost());
+        $request->setPort(null);
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) $request->getUrl());
+        $this->assertEquals('', $request->getHost());
+    }

+ 7 - 6

@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ class QueryStringTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             'test4'  => null,
-        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test%202=this%20is%20a%20test%3F&test3%5B0%5D=v1&test3%5B1%5D=v2&test3%5B2%5D=v3&test4=', $this->q->__toString());
+        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test%202=this%20is%20a%20test%3F&test3%5B0%5D=v1&test3%5B1%5D=v2&test3%5B2%5D=v3&test4', $this->q->__toString());
-        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test 2=this is a test?&test3[0]=v1&test3[1]=v2&test3[2]=v3&test4=', $this->q->__toString());
+        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test 2=this is a test?&test3[0]=v1&test3[1]=v2&test3[2]=v3&test4', $this->q->__toString());
         // Use an alternative aggregator
         $this->q->setAggregator(new CommaAggregator());
-        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test 2=this is a test?&test3=v1,v2,v3&test4=', $this->q->__toString());
+        $this->assertEquals('test=value&test 2=this is a test?&test3=v1,v2,v3&test4', $this->q->__toString());
     public function testAllowsMultipleValuesPerKey()
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class QueryStringTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             // Ensure that query string values are percent decoded
             array('q%20a=a%20b', array('q a' => 'a b')),
             // Ensure null values can be added
-            array('q&a', array('q' => QueryString::BLANK, 'a' => QueryString::BLANK)),
+            array('q&a', array('q' => false, 'a' => false)),
@@ -207,9 +207,10 @@ class QueryStringTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             'foo' => 0,
             'baz' => '0',
             'bar' => null,
-            'boo' => false
+            'boo' => false,
+            'bam' => ''
-        $this->assertEquals('foo=0&baz=0&bar=&boo=', (string) $query);
+        $this->assertEquals('foo=0&baz=0&bar&boo&bam=', (string) $query);
     public function testFromStringDoesntStripTrailingEquals()

+ 6 - 1

@@ -127,11 +127,16 @@ class UrlTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         // Does nothing here
         $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath(false));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath(null));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath(array()));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath(new \stdClass()));
         $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath(''));
         $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('/'));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('foo'));
         $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('relative'));
         $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('/relative'));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('0'));
+        $this->assertEquals('', (string) Url::factory('')->addPath('0')->addPath('1'));

+ 87 - 3

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CookieParserProvider extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             // Tests getting the domain and path from a reference request
-                'foo=1; port="80,8081"; httponly', 'foo=1; port="80,8081";; HttpOnly;', 'foo=1; ;; path=/path/; port="80,8081"; HttpOnly;'),
+                'foo=1; port="80,8081"; httponly', 'foo=1; port="80,8081";; HttpOnly;', 'foo=1; ;; path=/path; port="80,8081"; HttpOnly;'),
                     'cookies' => array(
                         'foo' => 1
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class CookieParserProvider extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
                     'domain' => '',
                     'expires' => null,
                     'max_age' => null,
-                    'path' => '/path/',
+                    'path' => '/path',
                     'port' => array('80', '8081'),
                     'secure' => null,
                     'version' => null,
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ class CookieParserProvider extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
                         'justacookie' => 'foo'
                     'domain' => '',
-                    'path' => '',
                     'data' => array(),
                     'discard' => null,
                     'expires' => null,
@@ -249,6 +248,91 @@ class CookieParserProvider extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
                     'http_only' => false
+            // rfc6265#section-5.1.4
+            array(
+                'cookie=value',
+                array(
+                    'cookies' => array(
+                        'cookie' => 'value'
+                    ),
+                    'domain' => '',
+                    'data' => array(),
+                    'discard' => null,
+                    'expires' => null,
+                    'max_age' => null,
+                    'path' => '/some/path',
+                    'port' => null,
+                    'secure' => null,
+                    'version' => null,
+                    'comment' => null,
+                    'comment_url' => null,
+                    'http_only' => false
+                ),
+                ''
+            ),
+            array(
+                'empty=path',
+                array(
+                    'cookies' => array(
+                        'empty' => 'path'
+                    ),
+                    'domain' => '',
+                    'data' => array(),
+                    'discard' => null,
+                    'expires' => null,
+                    'max_age' => null,
+                    'path' => '/',
+                    'port' => null,
+                    'secure' => null,
+                    'version' => null,
+                    'comment' => null,
+                    'comment_url' => null,
+                    'http_only' => false
+                ),
+                ''
+            ),
+            array(
+                'baz=qux',
+                array(
+                    'cookies' => array(
+                        'baz' => 'qux'
+                    ),
+                    'domain' => '',
+                    'data' => array(),
+                    'discard' => null,
+                    'expires' => null,
+                    'max_age' => null,
+                    'path' => '/',
+                    'port' => null,
+                    'secure' => null,
+                    'version' => null,
+                    'comment' => null,
+                    'comment_url' => null,
+                    'http_only' => false
+                ),
+                ''
+            ),
+            array(
+                'test=noSlashPath; path=someString',
+                array(
+                    'cookies' => array(
+                        'test' => 'noSlashPath'
+                    ),
+                    'domain' => '',
+                    'data' => array(),
+                    'discard' => null,
+                    'expires' => null,
+                    'max_age' => null,
+                    'path' => '/real/path',
+                    'port' => null,
+                    'secure' => null,
+                    'version' => null,
+                    'comment' => null,
+                    'comment_url' => null,
+                    'http_only' => false
+                ),
+                ''
+            ),

+ 3 - 1

@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class DefaultRevalidationTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
                 'Last-Modified'  => $lm,
                 'Content-Length' => 2
             ), 'hi'),
+            new CurlException('Bleh'),
             new CurlException('Bleh')
         $client->addSubscriber(new CachePlugin());
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class DefaultRevalidationTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         $response = $client->get()->send();
         $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
         $this->assertEquals('hi', $response->getBody(true));
-        $this->assertEquals(2, count($mock->getReceivedRequests()));
+        $this->assertEquals(3, count($mock->getReceivedRequests()));
         $this->assertEquals(0, count($mock->getQueue()));
@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ class DefaultRevalidationTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
                 'Last-Modified' => $lm,
                 'Content-Length' => 2
             ), 'hi'),
+            new CurlException('Oh no!'),
             new CurlException('Oh no!')
         $cache = new CachePlugin();

+ 32 - 0

@@ -350,4 +350,36 @@ class ArrayCookieJarTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
             'domain' => 'bar'
+    public function testRemoveExistingCookieIfEmpty()
+    {
+        // Add a cookie that should not be affected
+        $a = new Cookie(array(
+            'name' => 'foo',
+            'value' => 'nope',
+            'domain' => '',
+            'path' => '/abc'
+        ));
+        $this->jar->add($a);
+        $data = array(
+            'name' => 'foo',
+            'value' => 'bar',
+            'domain' => '',
+            'path' => '/'
+        );
+        $b = new Cookie($data);
+        $this->assertTrue($this->jar->add($b));
+        $this->assertEquals(2, count($this->jar));
+        // Try to re-set the same cookie with no value: assert that cookie is not added
+        $data['value'] = null;
+        $this->assertFalse($this->jar->add(new Cookie($data)));
+        // assert that original cookie has been deleted
+        $cookies = $this->jar->all('');
+        $this->assertTrue(in_array($a, $cookies, true));
+        $this->assertFalse(in_array($b, $cookies, true));
+        $this->assertEquals(1, count($this->jar));
+    }

+ 16 - 1

@@ -164,9 +164,24 @@ class CookieTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
+        // o  The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
-        $this->assertTrue($cookie->matchesPath('/foo/bar'));
+        // o  The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first
+        // character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie-
+        // path is a %x2F ("/") character.
+        $this->assertTrue($cookie->matchesPath('/foo/bar'));
+        $this->assertFalse($cookie->matchesPath('/fooBar'));
+        // o  The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last
+        // character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
+        $cookie->setPath('/foo/');
+        $this->assertTrue($cookie->matchesPath('/foo/bar'));
+        $this->assertFalse($cookie->matchesPath('/fooBaz'));
+        $this->assertFalse($cookie->matchesPath('/foo'));
     public function cookieValidateProvider()

+ 2 - 1

@@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ class MockPluginTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
      * @depends testAddsResponseFilesToQueue
+     * @expectedException \OutOfBoundsException
-    public function testUpdateIgnoresWhenEmpty()
+    public function testUpdateThrowsExceptionWhenEmpty()
         $p = new MockPlugin();
         $p->onRequestBeforeSend(new Event());

+ 16 - 0

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 namespace Guzzle\Tests\Plugin\Oauth;
 use Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory;
+use Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\CommaAggregator;
 use Guzzle\Plugin\Oauth\OauthPlugin;
 use Guzzle\Common\Event;
@@ -149,6 +150,21 @@ class OauthPluginTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         $this->assertContains('a%255Bb%255D%255Bc%255D%3Dd%26a%255Bb%255D%255Be%255D%3Df%26c%3Dd%26e%3Df%26', $p->getStringToSign($request, self::TIMESTAMP, self::NONCE));
+    /**
+     * @depends testMultiDimensionalArray
+     */
+    public function testMultiDimensionalArrayWithNonDefaultQueryAggregator()
+    {
+        $p = new OauthPlugin($this->config);
+        $request = $this->getRequest();
+        $aggregator = new CommaAggregator();
+        $query = $request->getQuery()->setAggregator($aggregator)
+            ->set('g', array('h', 'i', 'j'))
+            ->set('k', array('l'))
+            ->set('m', array('n', 'o'));
+        $this->assertContains('a%3Db%26c%3Dd%26e%3Df%26g%3Dh%2Ci%2Cj%26k%3Dl%26m%3Dn%2Co', $p->getStringToSign($request, self::TIMESTAMP, self::NONCE));
+    }
      * @depends testCreatesStringToSignFromPostRequest

+ 13 - 0

@@ -304,4 +304,17 @@ class ClientTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
+    public function testGetCommandAfterTwoSetDescriptions()
+    {
+        $service1 = ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/../TestData/test_service.json');
+        $service2 = ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . '/../TestData/test_service_3.json');
+        $client = new Mock\MockClient();
+        $client->setDescription($service1);
+        $client->getCommand('foo_bar');
+        $client->setDescription($service2);
+        $client->getCommand('baz_qux');
+    }

+ 9 - 1

@@ -134,11 +134,19 @@ class CommandTest extends AbstractCommandTest
     public function testConvertsInvalidJsonResponsesToArray()
+        $json = '{ "key": "Hi!" }invalid';
+        // Some implementations of php-json extension are not strict enough
+        // and allow to parse invalid json ignoring invalid parts
+        // See
+        if (json_decode($json) && JSON_ERROR_NONE === json_last_error()) {
+            $this->markTestSkipped('php-pecl-json library regression issues');
+        }
         $client = $this->getClient();
         $this->setMockResponse($client, array(
             new \Guzzle\Http\Message\Response(200, array(
                 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
-                ), '{ "key": "Hi!" }invalid'
+                ), $json
         $command = new MockCommand();

+ 16 - 0

@@ -412,4 +412,20 @@ class XmlVisitorTest extends AbstractResponseVisitorTest
         $visitor->visit($this->command, $this->response, $param, $this->value);
         $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => array('bar' => 15)), $this->value);
+    public function testProperlyHandlesEmptyStringValues()
+    {
+        $visitor = new Visitor();
+        $param = new Parameter(array(
+            'name'                 => 'foo',
+            'type'                 => 'object',
+            'properties'           => array(
+                'bar' => array('type' => 'string')
+            ),
+        ));
+        $xml = '<wrapper><foo><bar /></foo></wrapper>';
+        $value = json_decode(json_encode(new \SimpleXMLElement($xml)), true);
+        $visitor->visit($this->command, $this->response, $param, $value);
+        $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => array('bar' => '')), $value);
+    }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class ResourceIteratorTest extends \Guzzle\Tests\GuzzleTestCase
         $d = array();
-        reset($ri);
         foreach ($ri as $data) {
             $d[] = $data;

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+    "includes": [ "test_service2.json" ],
+    "operations": {
+        "test": {
+            "uri": "/path"
+        },
+        "concrete": {
+            "extends": "abstract"
+        },
+        "baz_qux": {
+            "uri": "/testing",
+            "parameters": {
+                "other": {
+                    "location": "json",
+                    "location_key": "Other"
+                },
+                "test": {
+                    "type": "object",
+                    "location": "json",
+                    "properties": {
+                        "baz": {
+                            "type": "boolean",
+                            "default": true
+                        },
+                        "bar": {
+                            "type": "string",
+                            "filters": [
+                                {
+                                    "method": "strtolower",
+                                    "args": ["test", "@value"]
+                                },
+                                "strtoupper"
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
   * Add width parameter to Drawer::text (@salemgolemugoo).
   * Add NotSupportedException when a driver does not support an operation (@rouffj).
   * Add support for metadata.
+  * Fix #158: GD alpha detection + Color::isOpaque are broken.
 ### 0.5.0 (2013-07-10)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 [![project status](](
 [![Build Status](](
+Tweet about it using the [#php_imagine]( hashtag.
 Image manipulation library for PHP 5.3 inspired by Python's PIL and other image

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Exception\NotSupportedException | </title>
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+        <body id="class">
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+        <ul>
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+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../Imagine/Exception.html">Imagine\Exception</a>\NotSupportedException</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>    class
+    <strong>NotSupportedException</strong>        extends <a href="../../Imagine/Exception/RuntimeException.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Exception\RuntimeException">RuntimeException</abbr></a>        implements
+        <a href="../../Imagine/Exception/Exception.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Exception\Exception">Exception</abbr></a></p>
+            <div class="description">
+            <p>Should be used when a driver does not support an operation.</p>
+            <p>
+        </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 16 - 16

@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getFilters">
-        <div class="location">at line 98</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 95</div>
         <code>            public            array
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_apply">
-        <div class="location">at line 111</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 108</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>apply</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $image)</code>
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_copy">
-        <div class="location">at line 123</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 120</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_crop">
-        <div class="location">at line 131</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 128</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>crop</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size)</code>
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_flipHorizontally">
-        <div class="location">at line 139</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 136</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_flipVertically">
-        <div class="location">at line 147</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 144</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_strip">
-        <div class="location">at line 155</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 152</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_paste">
-        <div class="location">at line 163</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 160</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>paste</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $image, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start)</code>
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_applyMask">
-        <div class="location">at line 171</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 168</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>applyMask</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $mask)</code>
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_fill">
-        <div class="location">at line 179</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 176</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>fill</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Fill/FillInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Fill\FillInterface">FillInterface</abbr></a> $fill)</code>
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_resize">
-        <div class="location">at line 187</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 184</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>resize</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)</code>
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_rotate">
-        <div class="location">at line 195</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 192</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>rotate</strong>(integer $angle, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $background = null)</code>
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_save">
-        <div class="location">at line 203</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 200</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>save</strong>(string $path = null, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_show">
-        <div class="location">at line 211</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 208</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>show</strong>(string $format, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_thumbnail">
-        <div class="location">at line 219</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 216</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>thumbnail</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)</code>
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_add">
-        <div class="location">at line 232</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 229</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Filter/Transformation.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Filter\Transformation">Transformation</abbr></a>
     <strong>add</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Filter/FilterInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Filter\FilterInterface">FilterInterface</abbr></a> $filter, int $priority)</code>

+ 7 - 7

@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_chord">
-        <div class="location">at line 81</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 77</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>chord</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_ellipse">
-        <div class="location">at line 113</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 106</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>ellipse</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_line">
-        <div class="location">at line 144</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 135</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>line</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_pieSlice">
-        <div class="location">at line 170</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 158</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>pieSlice</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dot">
-        <div class="location">at line 202</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 187</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dot</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_polygon">
-        <div class="location">at line 226</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 208</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>polygon</strong>(array $coordinates, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ three coordinates</p>
                 <h3 id="method_text">
-        <div class="location">at line 265</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 245</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>text</strong>(string $string, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/AbstractFont.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\AbstractFont">AbstractFont</abbr></a> $font, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, integer $angle, integer $width = null)</code>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_sharpen">
-        <div class="location">at line 88</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 86</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_blur">
-        <div class="location">at line 103</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 101</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>blur</strong>(float|int $sigma = 1)</code>

+ 28 - 28

@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___construct">
-        <div class="location">at line 59</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 58</div>
         <code>            public            
     <strong>__construct</strong>(resource $resource, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a> $palette, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a> $metadata)</code>
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___destruct">
-        <div class="location">at line 69</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 68</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getGdResource">
-        <div class="location">at line 81</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 80</div>
         <code>            public            resource
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_copy">
-        <div class="location">at line 89</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 88</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_crop">
-        <div class="location">at line 106</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 103</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>crop</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size)</code>
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_paste">
-        <div class="location">at line 136</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 128</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>paste</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $image, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start)</code>
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_resize">
-        <div class="location">at line 170</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 155</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>resize</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)</code>
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_rotate">
-        <div class="location">at line 203</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 186</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>rotate</strong>(integer $angle, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $background = null)</code>
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_save">
-        <div class="location">at line 223</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 204</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>save</strong>(string $path = null, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_show">
-        <div class="location">at line 250</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 229</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>show</strong>(string $format, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_get">
-        <div class="location">at line 262</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 241</div>
         <code>            public            string
     <strong>get</strong>(string $format, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 273</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 252</div>
         <code>            public            string
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_flipHorizontally">
-        <div class="location">at line 281</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 260</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_flipVertically">
-        <div class="location">at line 305</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 283</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_strip">
-        <div class="location">at line 329</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 306</div>
         <code>final            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_draw">
-        <div class="location">at line 341</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 315</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_effects">
-        <div class="location">at line 349</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 323</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_getSize">
-        <div class="location">at line 357</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 331</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_applyMask">
-        <div class="location">at line 365</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 339</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>applyMask</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $mask)</code>
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_fill">
-        <div class="location">at line 406</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 371</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>fill</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Fill/FillInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Fill\FillInterface">FillInterface</abbr></a> $fill)</code>
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_mask">
-        <div class="location">at line 428</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 389</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_histogram">
-        <div class="location">at line 442</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 403</div>
         <code>            public            array
@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_getColorAt">
-        <div class="location">at line 459</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 420</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>getColorAt</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $point)</code>
@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_layers">
-        <div class="location">at line 482</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 435</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/LayersInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\LayersInterface">LayersInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_interlace">
-        <div class="location">at line 494</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 447</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>interlace</strong>(string $scheme)</code>
@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_palette">
-        <div class="location">at line 515</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 468</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_profile">
-        <div class="location">at line 523</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 476</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>profile</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a> $profile)</code>
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_usePalette">
-        <div class="location">at line 531</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 484</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>usePalette</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a> $palette)</code>

+ 5 - 5

@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_create">
-        <div class="location">at line 62</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 46</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>create</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color = null)</code>
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_open">
-        <div class="location">at line 105</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>open</strong>(string $path)</code>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_load">
-        <div class="location">at line 127</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 104</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>load</strong>(string $string)</code>
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_read">
-        <div class="location">at line 141</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 112</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>read</strong>(resource $resource)</code>
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_font">
-        <div class="location">at line 159</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 130</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/FontInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\FontInterface">FontInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>font</strong>(string $file, integer $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>

+ 9 - 9

@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
                         <h3 id="method___construct">
-        <div class="location">at line 36</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 37</div>
         <code>            public            
     <strong>__construct</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Gmagick\Gmagick">Gmagick</abbr> $gmagick)</code>
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_arc">
-        <div class="location">at line 44</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 45</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>arc</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_chord">
-        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 83</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>chord</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_ellipse">
-        <div class="location">at line 130</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 127</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>ellipse</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_line">
-        <div class="location">at line 173</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 168</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>line</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_pieSlice">
-        <div class="location">at line 206</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 199</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>pieSlice</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dot">
-        <div class="location">at line 240</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 233</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dot</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_polygon">
-        <div class="location">at line 269</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 259</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>polygon</strong>(array $coordinates, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ three coordinates</p>
                 <h3 id="method_text">
-        <div class="location">at line 312</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 297</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>text</strong>(string $string, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/AbstractFont.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\AbstractFont">AbstractFont</abbr></a> $font, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, integer $angle, integer $width = null)</code>

+ 4 - 4

@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_grayscale">
-        <div class="location">at line 67</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 66</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_colorize">
-        <div class="location">at line 81</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 80</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>colorize</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_sharpen">
-        <div class="location">at line 89</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 88</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_blur">
-        <div class="location">at line 97</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 96</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>blur</strong>(float|int $sigma = 1)</code>

+ 24 - 24

@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_flipHorizontally">
-        <div class="location">at line 129</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 118</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_flipVertically">
-        <div class="location">at line 145</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 132</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_strip">
-        <div class="location">at line 161</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 146</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_paste">
-        <div class="location">at line 178</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 161</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>paste</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $image, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start)</code>
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_resize">
-        <div class="location">at line 213</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 183</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>resize</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)</code>
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_rotate">
-        <div class="location">at line 257</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 220</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>rotate</strong>(integer $angle, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $background = null)</code>
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_save">
-        <div class="location">at line 344</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 305</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>save</strong>(string $path = null, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_show">
-        <div class="location">at line 370</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 327</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>show</strong>(string $format, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_get">
-        <div class="location">at line 381</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 338</div>
         <code>            public            string
     <strong>get</strong>(string $format, array $options = array())</code>
@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 429</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 382</div>
         <code>            public            string
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_draw">
-        <div class="location">at line 437</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 390</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_effects">
-        <div class="location">at line 445</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 398</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Effects/EffectsInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Effects\EffectsInterface">EffectsInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_getSize">
-        <div class="location">at line 453</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 406</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_applyMask">
-        <div class="location">at line 470</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 421</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>applyMask</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a> $mask)</code>
@@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_mask">
-        <div class="location">at line 509</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 447</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_fill">
-        <div class="location">at line 527</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 463</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>fill</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Fill/FillInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Fill\FillInterface">FillInterface</abbr></a> $fill)</code>
@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_histogram">
-        <div class="location">at line 559</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 493</div>
         <code>            public            array
@@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_getColorAt">
-        <div class="location">at line 582</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 511</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>getColorAt</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $point)</code>
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_pixelToColor">
-        <div class="location">at line 617</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 544</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>pixelToColor</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Gmagick\GmagickPixel">GmagickPixel</abbr> $pixel)</code>
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_layers">
-        <div class="location">at line 656</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 581</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/LayersInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\LayersInterface">LayersInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_interlace">
-        <div class="location">at line 664</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 589</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>interlace</strong>(string $scheme)</code>
@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_usePalette">
-        <div class="location">at line 685</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 610</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>usePalette</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a> $palette)</code>
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_palette">
-        <div class="location">at line 723</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 645</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ area of rotated image.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_profile">
-        <div class="location">at line 731</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 653</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>profile</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a> $profile)</code>

+ 6 - 6

@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___construct">
-        <div class="location">at line 33</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 34</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_open">
-        <div class="location">at line 43</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 44</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>open</strong>(string $path)</code>
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_create">
-        <div class="location">at line 68</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 67</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>create</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color = null)</code>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_load">
-        <div class="location">at line 117</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 111</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>load</strong>(string $string)</code>
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_read">
-        <div class="location">at line 134</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 119</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>read</strong>(resource $resource)</code>
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_font">
-        <div class="location">at line 152</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 137</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/FontInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\FontInterface">FontInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>font</strong>(string $file, integer $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>

+ 14 - 14

@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___construct">
-        <div class="location">at line 46</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 49</div>
         <code>            public            
     <strong>__construct</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Gmagick/Image.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Gmagick\Image">Image</abbr></a> $image, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a> $palette, <abbr title="Imagine\Gmagick\Gmagick">Gmagick</abbr> $resource)</code>
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_merge">
-        <div class="location">at line 56</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 59</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_coalesce">
-        <div class="location">at line 73</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 74</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_animate">
-        <div class="location">at line 81</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 82</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/LayersInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\LayersInterface">LayersInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>animate</strong>(string $format, integer $delay, integer $loops)</code>
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_current">
-        <div class="location">at line 116</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 117</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_key">
-        <div class="location">at line 148</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 146</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_next">
-        <div class="location">at line 156</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 154</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_rewind">
-        <div class="location">at line 164</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 162</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_valid">
-        <div class="location">at line 172</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 170</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_count">
-        <div class="location">at line 180</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 178</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_offsetExists">
-        <div class="location">at line 194</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 190</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_offsetGet">
-        <div class="location">at line 202</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 198</div>
         <code>            public            
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_offsetSet">
-        <div class="location">at line 210</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 206</div>
         <code>            public            
     <strong>offsetSet</strong>($offset, $image)</code>
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ the sequence.</p>
                 <h3 id="method_offsetUnset">
-        <div class="location">at line 266</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 257</div>
         <code>            public            

+ 177 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
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+        <title>Imagine\Image\AbstractImage | </title>
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+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../Imagine/Image.html">Imagine\Image</a>\AbstractImage</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>abstract     class
+    <strong>AbstractImage</strong>        implements
+        <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a></p>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_thumbnail">thumbnail</a>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)
+                    <p>Generates a thumbnail from a current image Returns it as a new image, doesn't modify the current image</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataInterface">MetadataInterface</abbr>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_metadata">metadata</a>()
+                    <p>Returns the Image's meta data</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method___clone">__clone</a>()
+                    <p>Assures the metadata instance will be cloned, too</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_thumbnail">
+        <div class="location">at line 27</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a>
+    <strong>thumbnail</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, string $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET, string $filter = ImageInterface::FILTER_UNDEFINED)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Generates a thumbnail from a current image Returns it as a new image, doesn't modify the current image</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>$size</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td>string</td>
+                <td>$mode</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td>string</td>
+                <td>$filter</td>
+                <td>The filter to use for resizing, one of ImageInterface::FILTER_*</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/ManipulatorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface">ManipulatorInterface</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="RuntimeException">RuntimeException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_metadata">
+        <div class="location">at line 103</div>
+        <code>            public            <abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataInterface">MetadataInterface</abbr>
+    <strong>metadata</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Returns the Image's meta data</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataInterface">MetadataInterface</abbr></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method___clone">
+        <div class="location">at line 111</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>__clone</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Assures the metadata instance will be cloned, too</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 134 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
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+        <title>Imagine\Image\AbstractImagine | </title>
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+            <li><a href="../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../Imagine/Image.html">Imagine\Image</a>\AbstractImagine</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>abstract     class
+    <strong>AbstractImagine</strong>        implements
+        <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImagineInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface">ImagineInterface</abbr></a></p>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImagineInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface">ImagineInterface</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_setMetadataReader">setMetadataReader</a>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a> $metadataReader)
+                    <p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_getMetadataReader">getMetadataReader</a>()
+                    <p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_setMetadataReader">
+        <div class="location">at line 27</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImagineInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface">ImagineInterface</abbr></a>
+    <strong>setMetadataReader</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a> $metadataReader)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>$metadataReader</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImagineInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface">ImagineInterface</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_getMetadataReader">
+        <div class="location">at line 37</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a>
+    <strong>getMetadataReader</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 9 - 9

@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getWidth">
-        <div class="location">at line 55</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 52</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getHeight">
-        <div class="location">at line 63</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 60</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_scale">
-        <div class="location">at line 71</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 68</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>scale</strong>(float $ratio)</code>
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_increase">
-        <div class="location">at line 79</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 76</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>increase</strong>(integer $size)</code>
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_contains">
-        <div class="location">at line 87</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
     <strong>contains</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $box, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start = null)</code>
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_square">
-        <div class="location">at line 99</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 94</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 107</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 102</div>
         <code>            public            string
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_widen">
-        <div class="location">at line 115</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 110</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>widen</strong>(integer $width)</code>
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_heighten">
-        <div class="location">at line 123</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 118</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>heighten</strong>(integer $height)</code>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_contains">
-        <div class="location">at line 55</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 52</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
     <strong>contains</strong>(integer $value)</code>

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
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+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata | </title>
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+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Namespace</div>
+    <h1>Imagine\Image\Metadata</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                        <table>
+                            <tr>
+                    <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></td>
+                    <td class="last">
+                </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                    <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/DefaultMetadataReader.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\DefaultMetadataReader">DefaultMetadataReader</abbr></a></td>
+                    <td class="last">Default metadata reader</td>
+                </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                    <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/ExifMetadataReader.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\ExifMetadataReader">ExifMetadataReader</abbr></a></td>
+                    <td class="last">Metadata driven by Exif information</td>
+                </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                    <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+                    <td class="last">An interface for Image Metadata</td>
+                </tr>
+                    </table>
+            <h2>Interfaces</h2>
+        <table>
+                            <tr>
+                    <td><a href="../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a></td>
+                    <td class="last">
+                </tr>
+                    </table>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
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+ 203 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
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+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader | </title>
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+            <li><a href="../../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata.html">Imagine\Image\Metadata</a>\AbstractMetadataReader</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>abstract     class
+    <strong>AbstractMetadataReader</strong>        implements
+        <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataReaderInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface">MetadataReaderInterface</abbr></a></p>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readFile">readFile</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readData">readData</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readStream">readStream</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_readFile">
+        <div class="location">at line 21</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readFile</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr></td>
+                <td>$file</td>
+                <td>The path to the file where to read metadata.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the file does not exist.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readData">
+        <div class="location">at line 37</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readData</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr></td>
+                <td>$data</td>
+                <td>The binary string to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readStream">
+        <div class="location">at line 45</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readStream</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr></td>
+                <td>$resource</td>
+                <td>The stream to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the resource is not valid.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 207 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata\DefaultMetadataReader | </title>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../stylesheet.css">
+                            </head>
+        <body id="class">
+            <div class="header">
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="../../../classes.html">Classes</a></li>
+                            <li><a href="../../../namespaces.html">Namespaces</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="../../../interfaces.html">Interfaces</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../traits.html">Traits</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata.html">Imagine\Image\Metadata</a>\DefaultMetadataReader</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>    class
+    <strong>DefaultMetadataReader</strong>        extends <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></p>
+            <div class="description">
+            <p>Default metadata reader</p>
+            <p>
+        </div>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readFile">readFile</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readFile"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readData">readData</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readData"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readStream">readStream</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readStream"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_readFile">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readFile"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 21</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readFile</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr></td>
+                <td>$file</td>
+                <td>The path to the file where to read metadata.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the file does not exist.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readData">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readData"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 37</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readData</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr></td>
+                <td>$data</td>
+                <td>The binary string to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readStream">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readStream"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 45</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readStream</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr></td>
+                <td>$resource</td>
+                <td>The stream to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the resource is not valid.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 235 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata\ExifMetadataReader | </title>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../stylesheet.css">
+                            </head>
+        <body id="class">
+            <div class="header">
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="../../../classes.html">Classes</a></li>
+                            <li><a href="../../../namespaces.html">Namespaces</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="../../../interfaces.html">Interfaces</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../traits.html">Traits</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata.html">Imagine\Image\Metadata</a>\ExifMetadataReader</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>    class
+    <strong>ExifMetadataReader</strong>        extends <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></p>
+            <div class="description">
+            <p>Metadata driven by Exif information</p>
+            <p>
+        </div>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readFile">readFile</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readFile"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readData">readData</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readData"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readStream">readStream</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td><small>from&nbsp;<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readStream"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a></small></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method___construct">__construct</a>()
+                    <p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_readFile">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readFile"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 21</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readFile</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr></td>
+                <td>$file</td>
+                <td>The path to the file where to read metadata.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the file does not exist.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readData">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readData"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 37</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readData</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr></td>
+                <td>$data</td>
+                <td>The binary string to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readStream">
+        <div class="location">in <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/AbstractMetadataReader.html#method_readStream"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\AbstractMetadataReader">AbstractMetadataReader</abbr></a> at line 45</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readStream</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr></td>
+                <td>$resource</td>
+                <td>The stream to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the resource is not valid.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method___construct">
+        <div class="location">at line 22</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>__construct</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 306 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag | </title>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../stylesheet.css">
+                            </head>
+        <body id="class">
+            <div class="header">
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="../../../classes.html">Classes</a></li>
+                            <li><a href="../../../namespaces.html">Namespaces</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="../../../interfaces.html">Interfaces</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../traits.html">Traits</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Class</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata.html">Imagine\Image\Metadata</a>\MetadataBag</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>    class
+    <strong>MetadataBag</strong>        implements
+        <a href=""><abbr title="ArrayAccess">ArrayAccess</abbr></a>, <a href=""><abbr title="IteratorAggregate">IteratorAggregate</abbr></a></p>
+            <div class="description">
+            <p>An interface for Image Metadata</p>
+            <p>
+        </div>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method___construct">__construct</a>(array $data = array())
+                    <p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_getIterator">getIterator</a>()
+                    <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_offsetExists">offsetExists</a>($offset)
+                    <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_offsetSet">offsetSet</a>($offset, $value)
+                    <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_offsetUnset">offsetUnset</a>($offset)
+                    <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_offsetGet">offsetGet</a>($offset)
+                    <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    array
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_toArray">toArray</a>()
+                    <p>Returns metadata as an array</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method___construct">
+        <div class="location">at line 22</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>__construct</strong>(array $data = array())</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td>array</td>
+                <td>$data</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_getIterator">
+        <div class="location">at line 30</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>getIterator</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_offsetExists">
+        <div class="location">at line 38</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>offsetExists</strong>($offset)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td></td>
+                <td>$offset</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_offsetSet">
+        <div class="location">at line 46</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>offsetSet</strong>($offset, $value)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td></td>
+                <td>$offset</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td></td>
+                <td>$value</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_offsetUnset">
+        <div class="location">at line 54</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>offsetUnset</strong>($offset)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td></td>
+                <td>$offset</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_offsetGet">
+        <div class="location">at line 62</div>
+        <code>            public            
+    <strong>offsetGet</strong>($offset)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>{@inheritdoc}</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td></td>
+                <td>$offset</td>
+                <td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_toArray">
+        <div class="location">at line 72</div>
+        <code>            public            array
+    <strong>toArray</strong>()</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Returns metadata as an array</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td>array</td>
+            <td>An associative array</td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataReaderInterface | </title>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../stylesheet.css">
+                            </head>
+        <body id="class">
+            <div class="header">
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="../../../classes.html">Classes</a></li>
+                            <li><a href="../../../namespaces.html">Namespaces</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="../../../interfaces.html">Interfaces</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../traits.html">Traits</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../../../doc-index.html">Index</a></li>
+        </ul>
+        <div id="title"></div>
+            <div class="type">Interface</div>
+    <h1><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata.html">Imagine\Image\Metadata</a>\MetadataReaderInterface</h1>
+    </div>
+        <div class="content">
+                <p>    interface
+    <strong>MetadataReaderInterface</strong></p>
+            <h2>Methods</h2>
+            <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readFile">readFile</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readData">readData</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                <td class="type">
+                    <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+                </td>
+                <td class="last">
+                    <a href="#method_readStream">readStream</a>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)
+                    <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+                </td>
+                <td></td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+        <h2>Details</h2>
+                        <h3 id="method_readFile">
+        <div class="location">at line 27</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readFile</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr> $file)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a file.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$file">$file</abbr></td>
+                <td>$file</td>
+                <td>The path to the file where to read metadata.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the file does not exist.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readData">
+        <div class="location">at line 36</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readData</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr> $data)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a binary string.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$data">$data</abbr></td>
+                <td>$data</td>
+                <td>The binary string to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+                <h3 id="method_readStream">
+        <div class="location">at line 47</div>
+        <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a>
+    <strong>readStream</strong>(<abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr> $resource)</code>
+    </h3>
+    <div class="details">
+        <p>Reads metadata from a stream.</p>
+        <p>
+        <div class="tags">
+                            <h4>Parameters</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\$resource">$resource</abbr></td>
+                <td>$resource</td>
+                <td>The stream to read.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                            <h4>Return Value</h4>
+                    <table>
+        <tr>
+            <td><a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Metadata/MetadataBag.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Metadata\MetadataBag">MetadataBag</abbr></a></td>
+            <td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+                            <h4>Exceptions</h4>
+                    <table>
+                    <tr>
+                <td><a href=""><abbr title="InvalidArgumentException">InvalidArgumentException</abbr></a></td>
+                <td>In case the resource is not valid.</td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+                    </div>
+    </div>
+            </div>
+            <div id="footer">
+        Generated by <a href="" target="_top">Sami, the API Documentation Generator</a>.
+    </div>
+    </body>

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
+        <meta name="robots" content="index, follow, all" />
+        <title>Imagine\Image\Metadata | </title>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../stylesheet.css">
+                            </head>
+        </html>

+ 3 - 3

@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_blend">
-        <div class="location">at line 85</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 83</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>blend</strong>(<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color1, <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color2, float $amount)</code>
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_useProfile">
-        <div class="location">at line 102</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 100</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>useProfile</strong>(<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a> $profile)</code>
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_profile">
-        <div class="location">at line 112</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 110</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a>

+ 12 - 12

@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getCyan">
-        <div class="location">at line 78</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 76</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getMagenta">
-        <div class="location">at line 88</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 86</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getYellow">
-        <div class="location">at line 98</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 96</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getKeyline">
-        <div class="location">at line 108</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 106</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getPalette">
-        <div class="location">at line 116</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 114</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getAlpha">
-        <div class="location">at line 124</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 122</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dissolve">
-        <div class="location">at line 132</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 130</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dissolve</strong>(integer $alpha)</code>
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_lighten">
-        <div class="location">at line 140</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 138</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>lighten</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_darken">
-        <div class="location">at line 155</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 153</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>darken</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_grayscale">
-        <div class="location">at line 170</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 168</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_isOpaque">
-        <div class="location">at line 186</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 184</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 196</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 194</div>
         <code>            public            string

+ 9 - 9

@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getGray">
-        <div class="location">at line 62</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 60</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getPalette">
-        <div class="location">at line 70</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 68</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getAlpha">
-        <div class="location">at line 78</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 76</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dissolve">
-        <div class="location">at line 86</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dissolve</strong>(integer $alpha)</code>
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_lighten">
-        <div class="location">at line 96</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 94</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>lighten</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_darken">
-        <div class="location">at line 108</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 102</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>darken</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_grayscale">
-        <div class="location">at line 120</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 110</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_isOpaque">
-        <div class="location">at line 128</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 118</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 138</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 128</div>
         <code>            public            string

+ 11 - 11

@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getRed">
-        <div class="location">at line 76</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 74</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getGreen">
-        <div class="location">at line 86</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getBlue">
-        <div class="location">at line 96</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 94</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getPalette">
-        <div class="location">at line 104</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 102</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getAlpha">
-        <div class="location">at line 112</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 110</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dissolve">
-        <div class="location">at line 120</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 118</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dissolve</strong>(integer $alpha)</code>
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_lighten">
-        <div class="location">at line 130</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 126</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>lighten</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_darken">
-        <div class="location">at line 144</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 140</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>darken</strong>(integer $shade)</code>
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_grayscale">
-        <div class="location">at line 158</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 154</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_isOpaque">
-        <div class="location">at line 168</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 164</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 178</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 174</div>
         <code>            public            string

+ 5 - 5

@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_supportsAlpha">
-        <div class="location">at line 63</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 61</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_useProfile">
-        <div class="location">at line 71</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 69</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/PaletteInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\PaletteInterface">PaletteInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>useProfile</strong>(<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a> $profile)</code>
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_profile">
-        <div class="location">at line 81</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 79</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/ProfileInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ProfileInterface">ProfileInterface</abbr></a>
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_color">
-        <div class="location">at line 95</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 91</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>color</strong>(string|array|integer $color, integer|null $alpha = null)</code>
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_blend">
-        <div class="location">at line 114</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 110</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>blend</strong>(<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color1, <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color2, float $amount)</code>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_color">
-        <div class="location">at line 97</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 95</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>color</strong>(string|array|integer $color, integer|null $alpha = null)</code>
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_blend">
-        <div class="location">at line 116</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 114</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>blend</strong>(<a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color1, <a href="../../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color2, float $amount)</code>

+ 5 - 5

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getX">
-        <div class="location">at line 54</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 52</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_getY">
-        <div class="location">at line 62</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 60</div>
         <code>            public            integer
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_in">
-        <div class="location">at line 70</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 68</div>
         <code>            public            Boolean
     <strong>in</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $box)</code>
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_move">
-        <div class="location">at line 78</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 76</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Image/ImageInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\ImageInterface">ImageInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>move</strong>(integer $amount)</code>
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method___toString">
-        <div class="location">at line 86</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 84</div>
         <code>            public            string

+ 7 - 7

@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_chord">
-        <div class="location">at line 79</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 77</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>chord</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_ellipse">
-        <div class="location">at line 139</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 129</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>ellipse</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_line">
-        <div class="location">at line 186</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 174</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>line</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $start, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_pieSlice">
-        <div class="location">at line 221</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 207</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>pieSlice</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $center, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/BoxInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\BoxInterface">BoxInterface</abbr></a> $size, integer $start, integer $end, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_dot">
-        <div class="location">at line 255</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 241</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>dot</strong>(<a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color)</code>
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
                 <h3 id="method_polygon">
-        <div class="location">at line 286</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 270</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>polygon</strong>(array $coordinates, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/Palette/Color/ColorInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\Palette\Color\ColorInterface">ColorInterface</abbr></a> $color, Boolean $fill = false, integer $thickness = 1)</code>
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ three coordinates</p>
                 <h3 id="method_text">
-        <div class="location">at line 336</div>
+        <div class="location">at line 311</div>
         <code>            public            <a href="../../Imagine/Draw/DrawerInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Draw\DrawerInterface">DrawerInterface</abbr></a>
     <strong>text</strong>(string $string, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/AbstractFont.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\AbstractFont">AbstractFont</abbr></a> $font, <a href="../../Imagine/Image/PointInterface.html"><abbr title="Imagine\Image\PointInterface">PointInterface</abbr></a> $position, integer $angle, integer $width = null)</code>

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